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Film History - Science topic

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Questions related to Film History
  • asked a question related to Film History
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Who knows?
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Creating a successful film or television show is a monumental task that begins long before the cameras start rolling. A well-executed script breakdown can mean the difference between a production that runs smoothly and one that’s plagued by costly oversights and last-minute scrambles. In essence, a script breakdown is a blueprint for the shoot, detailing every element needed, from cast and props to locations and special effects.
  • asked a question related to Film History
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As an art enthusiast, I find it somewhat discouraging that scholarly articles in such fields as philosophy, literature, film and history of art, despite the prestige and the significance usually associated with them, are scarcely received by the general public. I believe, as scholars in any field, scientific or artistic, we should find more effective platforms, other than periodic academic journals, to give vent to our insights. I wish to know if anyone has had the same feeling or concern in his/her field of study and, if so, what strategies one can use to overcome the barriers to presenting scholarly work as tuned to the general taste.
Thank you everyone.
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An additional problem is one of language. In order to engage a more general public, you have to be understood. And much of accademia tends to tie itself up in knots by using very field specif words, expressions or phrase. Worse, at times they will use words with a different meaning from that which is understood byt the general readr, thus creating confusions.
finally, it becomes necessary to find how cutting edge research blends into the genral cultural landscape. Using a blog or, more generic platforms and venues is very useful if it forces researchers outwards.
  • asked a question related to Film History
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For a research project I plan to conduct I want to analyse certain elements of the depiction of war in contemporary film, and I would like to have a look at existing research to see what methodologies are being used. First big research project, help would be greatly appreciated! 
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  • asked a question related to Film History
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I am trying to talk about reasons for popularity of crime movies in France during World War 1 and want to link it to war fears.
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Dear Prof. Epstein,
I would suggest to have a look at the work of Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau and Annette Becker, who have explored the French society and multiple aspects such as religion, war enthusiasm, etc... A few of their books have been translated in English.
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Film History
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While many films prior to the 1970s raised the issue of pervasive police corruption (The Big Heat, Touch of Evil…), I tend to think that Serpico was the first film that dealt with cops denouncing police corruption. Is there any film prior to Serpico that would talk about the exact same thing?
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Addendum: If I remember well, in The Godfather (1972), most cops are corrupted.
  • asked a question related to Film History
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I'm interested particularly in how masculinity operates differently within French Poetic Realism and films noir. That includes an interest in his two American films, Moontide (1942) and The Imposter (aka, Strange Confession)(1944).
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Dear Rebecca,
Of course, It's more like  a document itself, but what not having a look on Jean Renoir's writings about Jean Gabin? You can find them in "Ma vie et les films", Paris, Flammarion 2005. More particularly, in the following chapeters : "Le réalisme dans la 'Grande IIlusion'", "L'acteur et la vérité". The way a great filmmaker saw (used and co-created) Gabin style (and masculinity).
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Film History
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I'm specifically interested in how the French differ from other countries, especially in contrast to the US, in their sensibility about the war. 
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Maybe you should check "Le cinéma et la Shoah" edited by Jean-Michel Frodon.
  • asked a question related to Film History
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Work: The effects of alterations to the original Godzilla (Gojira) on interpretations of the Japanese 'Other' to the film's American audiences.
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You can find interesting elements in Shuichi Kato. Mainly in the books:
Form, Style, Tradition: Reflections on Japanese Art and Society, Berkeley, University of California Press (1971)
Six Lives / Six Deaths: Portraits from Modern Japan by Robert Jay Lifton, Shuichi Kato, and Michael R. Reich, Yale University Press, New Haven (1979)
  • asked a question related to Film History
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I been researching the democratic transition of Chile. My focus is on the cinematographic representation of everyday life and politics (State) during the democratic transition of Chile. I read the most important theories in the relation cinema and history, such as Pierre Sorlin, Robert Rosenstone, Roman Gubern, Marc Ferró, Gilles Deleuze, Christian Metz y José María Caparrós.
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The constitution in Chile is heavily influenced by ideas of Hayek. There is a paper, unfortunately in German: Der Gesellschaftsvertrag einer Diktatur: Ideen- und Realgeschichte der chilenischen „Verfassung der Freiheit“, by Karin Fischer, See:;jsessionid=1622CB5E6F3FF58632E57A11B64E03DB
Here is the literature cited in this paper,
Sincerely Walter Ötsch
Baird, Charles W. (1989): James Buchanan and the Austrians: The Common Ground. In: Cato Journal 9 (1), Spring/Summer 1989, 201-230.
Barros, Robert (2003): Dictatorship and the Rule of Law: Rules and Military Power in Pinochet`s Chile. In: José María Maravall/Adam Przeworkski (eds.): Democracy and the Rule of Law. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 188-219.
Bauer, Carl J. (1998): Derecho y economía en la Constitución de 1980. In: Perspectivas 2 (1), 23-47.
Buchanan, James (1982): Democracia limitada o ilimitada. In: Estudios Públicos 6, 37-51.
Centro de Estudios Públicos (CEP), Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), Libertad y Desarrollo, Proyectamérica (2011): Frente a la mayoría: leyes supramayoritarias y Tribunal Constitucional en Chile. Santiago: Programa de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD).
CEP (1982): Conferencia Mont Pelerin. Estudios Públicos 6, segundo trimestre. Santiago: Centro de Estudios Públicos.
Corvalán Márquez, Luis (2001): Del anticapitalismo al neoliberalismo en Chile. Santiago: Editorial Sudamericana.
Cristi, Renato (1998): La Génesis de la Constitución de 1980: Una Lectura de las Actas de la Honorable Junta de Gobierno. In: Revista Ciencia Política, XIX, 208-228.
Cristi, Renato (1999): Jaime Guzmán, capitalismo y moralidad. In: Revista de derecho (Valdivia) 10 (1), diciembre 1999, 87-102.
Cristi, Renato (2000): Pensamiento Político de Jaime Guzmán. Autoridad y Libertad. Santiago: LOM.
Ebenstein, Alan (2001): Friedrich Hayek. A biography. New York: Palgrave.
Fischer, Karin (2009): The Influence of Neoliberals in Chile before, during, and after Pinochet. In: Mirowski, Phil/Plehwe, Dieter (eds.): The Road from Mont Pèlerin. The Making of the Neoliberal Thought Collective. Cambridge/London: Harvard University Press, 305-346.
Fischer, Karin (2011): Eine Klasse für sich. Besitz, Herrschaft und ungleiche Entwicklung in Chile 1830 – 2010. Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Fontaine Aldunate, Arturo (1988): Los economistas y el Presidente Pinochet. Santiago: Zig-Zag.
Fontaine Talavera, Arturo (1991): El miedo y otros escritos: El pensamiento de Jaime Guzmán E. Estudios Públicos 42. Santiago: CEP, 251-570. Online unter  (12.4.2012).
Fontaine, Juan Andrés (1993): Transición económica y política en Chile: 1970-1990. In: Estudios Públicos 50 (otoño 1993), 229-279.
Gamble, Andrew (1979): The free economy and the strong state: the rise of the social market economy. In: The Socialist Register 16, 1-25. Online unter (10.3.2012).
González-Rossetti, Alejandra/Chuaqui, Tomas/Espinosa, Consuelo: Enhancing the political feasibility of health reform. The Chile case. Boston: Harvard School of Public Health 2000 (= LACHSR Serie 40).
Guzmán, Jaime (1976): Habla el abogado Jaime Guzmán: Actas constitucionales darán vida a una nueva democracia en Chile. Por Hernán González Valdebenito. In: La Tercera de la Hora, 13. September 1976, 4-5.
Guzmán, Jaime (1979a): Editorial. In: Revista Realidad 1 (3), agosto 1979.
Guzmán, Jaime (1979b): Editorial. In: Revista Realidad 1 (5), octubre 1979.
Guzmán, Jaime (1980): La Definición Constitucional. In: Revista Realidad 2 (3), agosto 1980, 17-39. Online unter (12.4.2012).
Guzmán, Jaime (1981): Una entrevista que me impresionó. La Segunda, 15 de mayo.
Hayek, Friedrich August (1981a): Recht, Gesetz und Freiheit, Band 3: Die Verfassung einer Gesellschaft freier Menschen. Eine neue Darstellung der liberalen Prinzipien der Gerechtigkeit und der politischen Ökonomie. Landsberg am Lech: Moderne Industrie.
Hayek, Friedrich von (1981b): Lider y Maestro del Liberalismo. Interview mit Friedrich August von Hayek von Renée Sallas, El Mercurio, 12. April 1981, D8–D9.
Hayek, Friedrich von (1981c): Friedrich von Hayek: De la Servidumbre a la Libertad. Interview mit Friedrich August von Hayek von Lucia Santa Cruz, El Mercurio, 19. April 1981, D1–D2.
Hayek, Friedrich von (1981d): La Fuerza de la Libertad. Interview mit Friedrich August von Jaime Guzmán. In: Revista Realidad 2 (24), Mayo 1981.
Hayek, Friedrich (1982): El Ideal Democrático y la Contención del Poder. In: Estudios Públicos 6, 12-20.
Hayek, Friedrich August (1991): Die Verfassung der Freiheit. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
Hayek, Friedrich August (2007): Der Weg zur Knechtschaft. München: Olzog.
Junta de Gobierno (1973): Bando No. 5. Santiago, 11 de septiembre 1973. Online unter (12.4.2012).
Junta de Gobierno  (1974): Declaración de principios del gobierno de Chile, Santiago, Marzo 11 de 1974. Online unter (12.4.2012).
Peireira, Anthony W. (2005): Political (in)justice. Authoritarianism and the rule of law in Brazil, Chile, and Argentina. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Pinochet, Augusto (1977): Discurso en Cerro Chacarillas con ocasión del día de la Juventud el 9 de julio de 1977. Online unter Archivo Chile, Centro de Estudios Miguel Enríquez (5.4.2012).
Schneiderman, David (2008): Constitutionalizing Economic Globalization. Investment Rules and Democracy`s Promise. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Valdivia Ortiz de Zárate, Verónica (2008): Nacionales y gremialistas. El “parto” de la nueva derecha política chilena, 1964 - 1973. Santiago: LOM.
Vergara, Pilar (1985): Auge y caida del neoliberalismo en Chile. Santiago: FLACSO.
Walpen, Bernhard (2004): Die offenen Freinde und ihre Gesellschaft. Eine hegemonietheoretische Studie zur Mont Pèlerin Gesellschaft. Hamburg: VSA.
Walpen, Bernhard/Plehwe, Dieter (2001): „Wahrheitsgetreue Berichte über Chile“. Die Mont Pèlerin Society und die Diktatur Pinochet. In: 1999. Zeitschrift für Sozialgeschichte des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts 2, 2001, 42-70.
  • asked a question related to Film History
9 answers
I'm looking for materials for a course on documentary and non-fiction film studies. I am open to any and all suggestions.
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Hello, I have lectured at the University of Lugano (Switzerland) a MA course in the semiotic analysis of digital videos. Here is the link to my hand outs (ppt). Maybe they are useful for you ?? Best regards