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Fiction - Science topic
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Questions related to Fiction
Many times such classic playwrights as Shakespeare have served as a frame for a new play based on one of his plays. These new works may vary slightly or drastically from the original. We also have films that are new versions of classic theater.
Can we compile some examples here?
Why are these plays written?
Can we find examples of plays being told from a different character's point-of-view than in the source play?
What new conditions do they represent?
Even the original play may have been a new version of an older text, so do we have examples of that?
The field of memoirs and semi-autobiography sits at the intersection of literature and personal history, where writers blend storytelling with lived experience. In memoirs, authors typically reflect on specific moments, themes, or phases of their lives, rather than attempting to cover everything chronologically. This genre is inherently selective, often focusing on personal growth, unique experiences, or lessons learned, which lend the work an intimate and reflective tone. Semi-autobiographical works, on the other hand, tend to blur the line between fact and fiction, with authors shaping their own experiences into narratives that might include fictionalized elements or composite characters for literary effect.
Especially in the literary studies where it is linked to narrative. We find it defficult to distinguish between them
novels and stories where martians and suchlike speak a language of their own (no "Star trek" staff!)
I have a paper that I am editing - post peer review - and I am having some difficulty accessing material to strengthen the literature review component.
What is dark matter? And how was the structure of the world formed?
Dark matter is still a subject of ongoing debate. It has been considered in the theoretical description of compact objects such as neutron stars with cores of very dense matter. Various candidates for dark matter have been proposed in the scientific literature. Among them, the sexaquark has been identified as a potential boson particle that can form in the neutron star material based on its mass properties. We investigate the viability of the sexquark as a candidate for dark matter, especially under certain density conditions. Addressing the challenges associated with the formation of a boson particle in a highly dense medium without compromising the stability of the neutron star. A direct linear mass change for the sexaquark in the hadronic equation of state. It was observed that including the sexaquark as a dark matter candidate in the hadronic matter equation of state, although it has a repulsive interaction with the baryonic matter, softens the equation of state. We assume that the interaction strength of dark matter with baryonic matter increases linearly with the baryon density. We observe that the increase in the effective mass of the Sexaquark as a result of the increase in its vacuum mass causes the equation of state to become stiffer compared to the constant mass state. We determine lower and upper mass limits for this bosonic dark matter based on observational limits for neutron stars in the DD2Y-T model, when a quark-matter phase-to-phase transition is used. Dark matter, neutron star, equation of state, relativistic mean field, phase transition, sexquark.
- 487.26 KBکوارک.pdf
Stam Nicolis added a reply
The particle content of dark matter is, for the moment, unknown.
Sexaquarks, as the name indicates, are composite particles made of six quarks-quarks are among the constituents of ``ordinary'' matter. The reason they don't have anything to do with dark matter is that dark matter is made of other kinds of particles. If it were made of known particles, quarks or leptons, it would have had known interactions with ordinary matter, beyond just gravitational interaction (which is how its presence has been established). It doesn't, however, have strong or electromagnetic interactions with ordinary matter (whether it has, only, weak interactions is, still, a matter of study), so it doesn't carry color or electric charge.
How the ``structure of the world was formed'' is known, after the era in which gravity decoupled from the other interactions, in general terms, though many details are, still, not clear. Cf. for instance:
- 10.1 MBZavala_SM_LCDM.pdfنجوم.pdf
Alessandro Rizzo added a reply
1 day ago
Dark matter is a substance that makes up about 27% of the universe. We can't see or detect it directly, but we know it's there because of its gravitational effects on visible matter. Scientists think that dark matter played a crucial role in forming galaxies and large-scale structures in the cosmos. It acts like an invisible scaffold, helping to clump regular matter together. Well We're still not sure what dark matter is made of. Some ideas include exotic particles like WIMPs or the sexaquark you mentioned. Researchers are trying to detect dark matter particles in labs and looking for indirect signs of it in space.As for how the world's structure formed, dark matter was undoubtely the key. After the Big Bang, it helped gravity pull matter together to form the first stars and galaxies. Over time, this process built up the complex web of galaxy clusters and filaments we see today. So Dark matter remains one of the biggest puzzles in physics. We're working on understanding it better, but for now, its true nature is still a mystery.
- 3 Recommendations
Javad Fardaei added a reply
3 days ago
Dear Abbas these two articles might answer your questions.
Article The Mythos of Gravity Or (Newtonian and Einsteinian Gravity is a Myth)
… Read more
Abbas Kashani added a reply
Dear Javad Fardai
From the United States of America
Thank you very much for your kindness, I was very impressed with your articles. Thank you Abbas
… Read more
Alessandro Rizzo added a reply
Dark matter is a substance that makes up about 27% of the universe. We can't see or detect it directly, but we know it's there because of its gravitational effects on visible matter. Scientists think that dark matter played a crucial role in forming galaxies and large-scale structures in the cosmos. It acts like an invisible scaffold, helping to clump regular matter together. Well We're still not sure what dark matter is made of. Some ideas include exotic particles like WIMPs or the sexaquark you mentioned. Researchers are trying to detect dark matter particles in labs and looking for indirect signs of it in space.As for how the world's structure formed, dark matter was undoubtely the key. After the Big Bang, it helped gravity pull matter together to form the first stars and galaxies. Over time, this process built up the complex web of galaxy clusters and filaments we see today. So Dark matter remains one of the biggest puzzles in physics. We're working on understanding it better, but for now, its true nature is still a mystery.
Gurcharn Singh Sandhu added a reply
1 day ago
It is fundamentally wrong to assume the existence of fictitious Dark Matter for explaining the pattern of circular velocities of stellar objects in galactic spiral arms.
Let a stellar object of mass m, with circular velocity Vc and radial velocity Vr, be located within a spiral arm at a radial distance R from the galactic centre. Let Mr be the total baryonic mass within a sphere of radius R. Assuming approximate validity of the shell theorem for the galactic disc region and also assuming that the stellar object under consideration is moving solely under the influence of central force field of the galaxy, radial acceleration dVr/dt of the object will be given by,
dVr/dt = -GMr/R2 + Vc2/R
While justifying the necessity of dark matter, the radial acceleration dVr/dt is assumed to be zero and all trajectories of stellar objects are implicitly assumed to be circular, which is wrong. The circular or tangential velocities of stellar bodies are not directly produced by the radial acceleration field of the galaxy but depend on the initial angular momentum of the accreting matter with respect to the gravitating body. Conservation of angular momentum will ensure increase in circular velocity of stellar bodies as their distance from central gravitating body keeps decreasing. Let L be the angular momentum of the stellar object of mass m while entering the outer fringes of the galaxy which will remain constant through out its motion within the central gravitational field. The circular velocity Vc of this object, at any distance from the center of the gravitating mass Mr, will be given by Vc = L/(m.R) and this does not depend upon mass Mr. That is, the increase in circular velocity Vc with decreasing R does not depend on the strength of central gravitation field or magnitude of Mr, but is solely governed by the conservation of angular momentum. Hence it is fundamentally wrong to assume the existence of fictitious Dark Matter for explaining the pattern of circular velocities of stellar objects in spiral arms.
There are other reasons for explaining the flatness of rotation curve but definitely not the assumption of higher mass Mr or Dark Matter. In reality stellar objects in spiral arms do not move solely under the influence of central gravitation field of the galaxy, their motion is also influenced by the local gravitation fields within the spiral arms. There are localized gravitating bodies existing within the spiral arms, which produce their own gravitation field in addition to the gravitational field of the central gravitating body.
Article Ionic Gravitation and Ionized Solid Iron Stellar Bodies
Stam Nicolis added a reply
8 hours ago
Asking the same question multiple times doesn't make much sense. It suffices to ask it once. Dark matter doesn't have anything to do with neutron stars, it has to do with the rotation curves of galaxies.
Sexaquarks aren't singled out among hadrons for having repulsive interactions with baryonic matter, that statement is wrong. Nor does their contribution ``soften the equation of state'' of baryonic matter.
Dark matter, once more, has been found to interact with ordinary mattr, baryonic or not, only gravitationally and it's not known whether it interacts with it through the weak interaction.
The mass limit of dark matter as a function of the energy budget of the Universe is known; its particle content isn't, yet, known.
- 1 Recommendation
Abdul Malek added a reply
3 hours ago
"Dark Matter" is a crude fiction arising in spite of the scientific fact that Newton's theory of (one-sided) universal gravitational attraction is patently false, because it does not take into account the reality of the (gravitation opposing) centrifugal force and vis viva of Leibniz.
A (suggested) new quantitative form of the gravitational potential taking into account of the role of the opposing forces, in the dynamics of the celestial formations, eliminate the need for fictitious Dark/black cosmic monster of Fairy Tale cosmology of official "science"!
KEPLER -NEWTON -LEIBNIZ -HEGEL Portentous and Conflicting Legacies in Theoretical Physics, Cosmology and in Ruling
Moreover, the narrative of the "Big Bang" created universe, where the galaxies are supposedly formed by universal condensation of matter is false! On the contrary, new matter created by existing galaxies are ejected and/or dissipated, which then give rise to the formation of new galaxies in an infinite, eternal and ever-changing universe. Ambartsumian, Arp and the Breeding Galaxies:
We have lots of expectations about how relationships are ‘supposed’ to look. Many times, this fairy-tale model doesn’t mimic our lives or our realities. (Logan Levkoff)
Dear Performing Arts "Creatives,"
We are starting a lab for all of us to share some ideas. I just uploaded an example of a satirical play--our first Planet Zoom Players work--to show our work.
I hope you will consider joining our lab here at RG/ We at PZP grew out of The Hard-Science Science Fiction Zoom Group.
We have our meetings' guest speakers at the Club channel at YouTube.
Planet Zoom Players (outside Research Gate on YouTube platform) hosts a separate playlist at the Hard-Sci SF Zoom channel.
Find that Planet Zoom Players playlist here.
1) "Rock The Nuclear Clock," futurist satire of our embarrassing addiction to nuclear war and how to solve this non-violently with a quiz show.
2) "The Crystal Egg", adapted by Gloria McMillan from the short story by H. G. Wells.
3) "The Terror out of Space", adapted by the 1940s pulp story by Leigh Brackett. This is in-progress. NOT YET PUBLISHED at YouTube--only the trailer.
We welcome your participation at our Performing Arts lab.
I have concluded it is because there is no alternative - comprehensive and authoratative sex education is non-existent! Apart from my websites etc. of course! Please take a look!
Chadwick’s Hotdogs
“Hi ya doin scuutch”, I began, “You know my goddam name. My fucking name is Chadwick now get the fuck over it.” If you’re reading this then you probably don’t know who I am. Occasionally people call me quirky. The women call me so kinky that they sometimes want something besides a hotdog from me. “Why the fuck did you raise your hand then lower it to mock me. Are you done dashing piece of shit.” Then the streaky bloke opened his fat mouth, “I was the fucking substitute teacher and you were only 13. Cannot you feel my pain.” Talk about excuses. If I had a cent for every excuse this bloke and dipshit has made then I’d probably not have to be Hot Dog Man. I know what you’re fucking thinking. Originally I was going to be hyena man but, I resembled a werewolf too much and people don’t want to think of the bad guys from the Lion King. Tell you the fuck what. “See your ass later, you putz. You fucking McFuckWork . You’ve gotta be the biggest cocksucker I ever met in education and you aren’t even in the higher kind. Billionaires are shitty as it is. Rising to the top brings the worst out in everyone.”
Ch. 1: One Sonoma Bech Down, God Knows how many to go.
“Room. Room. You bastards listen to me”, I exclaimed like the mighty roaring lion I was and still the fuck am, “You may call me a smut peddler but, how the fuck else am I gonna live. How the fuck else am I gonna live.” “You sure have one fuck of an imagination”, Some prostitute dressed up as bun came up to me, “You’ll need to sail way before this siren will sing your way into a New Yorker’s trap.” “Look toots”, I responded levelly, “Ain’t no fucking way that I’m going cow tow to some real bitch like you. You are a real bitch if you begin a fucking sentence complimenting my imagination then end with my ass in a trap. That is a mother fucking backhanded compliment if I ever knew one.” I slapped the bitch in the face then like the silly bastard I am the fuck away. I started crying to because she was some bitch. A real sexy one that I could probably bulldoze.
Ch 2: Doing the fucking predictable
“They say the more accurate I can predict my day from beginning to end, the closer I am to the grave like a fat Tony. Fat Tony recently died of diabetes.” “Sorry for your goddam loss, Chadwick”, began my sidekick, “Catch Up is my fucking name and I rub myself all over you until we fight crime to the fullest and beat criminals down to the dullest.” For Christ’s sake, I fucking love Catch Up but I wouldn’t stick a wiener in him no matter how light my loafers got, or so I figured, “Look Catch Up, you’ve got some way of putting things. And by putting I mean wording. Don’t make a statement about you rubbing up against me.” Catch Up looked at the ground.
Here I am primarily concerned with the construction of an alien other using the example of the horror film.
The terms Fictional Language, Fictitious Language, Artificial Language, or Constructed Language in fiction has been used interchangeably in papers that I have read. Are there differences in these terms, and which is preferable?
We’ve got this generation of boys growing up thinking that, you know, women practically faint at the sight of an erection, that women orgasm through penetration, that threesomes are normal. (Tracey Cox)
My work includes highlighting that sexologists have ignored the research findings relating to sexual response. Kinsey concluded that men are much more sexually responsive than women. Hite concluded that women have sex for emotional (rather than erotic) reasons. Instead of promoting the research findings, sexologists today continue to imply that women should orgasm as portrayed in erotic fiction. Yet I have found that women today have little understanding of how sexual response works.
We classify the literature in old or antient and modern literature, my question is that on which ground we do so. what the standard and gauge for that.
I am looking for examples of twenty-first-century films, TV series, comics, and video games exploring the interplay between fiction and reality with an emphasis on worldbuilding and what loosely can be referred to as conspiracy theories. Any titles (including titles of relevant secondary sources) would be greatly appreciated!
Only few authors have written about trending issues affecting 21st century youth. Magical realism purportedly has a definition accepted by most scholars. However, I have been unable to find any theories of magical realism relatable to the 21st century's application.
I would appreciate it very much if anyone can.
Science involves challenging the status quo and being willing to ask difficult questions. Scientists need to be curious but also unbiased (not intent on proving any preconceived preferred result but open to accepting any conclusion that is supported by the evidence). There is no research that suggests that women are capable of the orgasms described in erotic fiction. Yet not even female sexologists are willing to discuss the issues that surround our understanding of women’s responsiveness.
Surely they should be able to differentiate between erotic fiction and reality? So why do their theories and advice on orgasm suggest that real woman should respond exactly as the female porn stars do?
My answer: Yes because risks distinguish reality from fiction.
Working on a paper in which i analyze the language of pain in fiction from India and Dominican Republic.
I have concluded it is because there is no alternative - comprehensive and authoratative sex education is non-existent!
Author as actual persona, not disguised under fictional name, who interacts with characters he has created.
I provide a series of questions that challenge the sexual ignorance in the population that is so accurately reflected in the theories suggested by sexologists. I am sure that scientists will welcome the opportunity to acknowledge the total lack of evidence from the real world (as opposed to erotic fiction) for female responsiveness. The contradictions and anomalies in the popular beliefs about female sexuality (typically with zero evidence from the female population) need to be addressed.
Do you believe that we as technical writers and researchers may have the transferrable skills it takes to make a career/hobby with novels? Please encourage one another.
Magic Realism is a vast area of research on which a lot of work has been done. Nevertheless most of the works predominantly revolve around fiction. But there has been a reference that there are a few poets who use Magic Realism in their poems too. So I need a few references for citation to assert that there have been a few poets who have worked on Magic Realism
Cartoon Cosmological Physics: South Park takes place in another universe so it can be absurd.
Differential Equations:
(F)' = A
F: Fiction
A: Absurdity
The show's absurdity is a derivative of being fictional.
What are your thoughts?
Science involves challenging the status quo and being willing to ask difficult questions. Scientists need to be curious but also unbiased (not intent on proving any preconceived preferred result but open to accepting any conclusion that is supported by the evidence). There is no research that suggests that women are capable of the orgasms described in erotic fiction. Yet not even female sexologists are willing to discuss the issues that surround our understanding of women’s responsiveness.
The only thing I know is some grammar mistakes like 'ain't' or the wrong grammatical order, which is normal in Mark Twain's fictions, using as a way to highlight the educational status of African Americans.
With the time goes by, I am thinking that maybe the author of Caroline, or Change uses it as a stereotype to express the particularity of the ethnic group. If it does work, there is must be some 'good' Characteristic to convey the African culture. Therefore, I wish people who have watched it before can give me some inspirations, thanks a lot!!!
God has been an issue of debate since the time immemorial - being a matter of belief, faith or fiction on the one hand and being a hard material reality, on the other. People conceived God as a monotheistic (belief that there is only one god), pantheistic (universe or cosmos is god), and panentheistic (the belief that the divine intersects every part of the universe, space and time) entity. Then there are atheist, who completely rule out the existence of any such supernatural entity. The side by side exists the agnostic who is skeptical about God’s existence and is not sure about its absolute reality. Then there is Henotheistic view (that worship the primary god that doesn’t rule out the existence of other gods).
Although most of them regard God as the most powerful, supernatural entity that represents the abstraction or conceptualisation of the esoteric, occult, secret, hidden and the mystical. For the Sanatan Tradition Vedas and the Gita are the words of God and so is true of Christianity and Islam.
However, these are all beliefs or myths about the words or existence of god as there is no scientific explanation behind these conceptions. An ardent believer would call the atheist insane since he or she is God driven psychologically and culturally while the atheist would call theist opium sick and irrational, as did Karl Marx.
In Sanatan tradition Sage Charvaka rules out the existence of soul and God. The Yoga tradition speaks about raising the level of consciousness through yogic mudras and meditation and attain ‘Kaivalya’, emancipation, that doesn’t conceive God. Sankhya tradition calls the life on earth as a consequence of the consciousness and matter driven force and doesn’t speak of God (Purusha and Prakrti). Lord Budha kept silent about God’s existence when asked by his disciples and talked of ‘Nirvana’ though Ashtanga Marg (Eightfold Path). There is difference in explanations about the terms Moksha, Nirvana, Kaivalya and emancipation. The notion of ‘Dooms Day’ is yet another version of belief systems.
The width of thinking and conception (including theistic and atheistic views) of God is so vast in the Sanatan Tradition, generally referred to as Hinduism that even today the adherents and sects are many, worshiping according to different belief systems against the Semitic notion of God popular in the west. However. People adhering to different belief systems conceive their existence and dignity (a psychological variant of social recognition, Thymos) through these very systems and leave no stone unturned in repudiating the other systems (maglothymia) and this is why those who believe suffer more than those who don’t believe at all.
Faith and myths are not scientific and that's why they are so called. The cultural and historical evolutions of beliefs and the conception of God turns out to be a question of metaphysical world, unproved yet believed. The tribals have their own gods, the heads, the humans, the atolls, dunes, trees or monsters and so do have all the primitive animist societies. Most of the tribal world was forcibly religionized or tuned religious by different religious missionaries only in last few centuries, or they were leading a free non-colonised and non-religious free lives. The primitive people had their tribal heads as Gods with varied and queer notions about their divinity. They are unaware of the notions of God of the east and the west.
Science can prove the existence of matter and its ultimate nature, the energy. The Energy theories have secret dimensions on which research is on. There are several files related with paranormal activities unanswered and closed. God has been disproved by the Giant Collider experiments that revealed the energy to be ultimate source of matter. It's up to man to call that source god, evil or nature. Taoism calls Chi the life force, or energy or fire, that animates the universe. Similarly the idea of consciousness of the Sanatan tradition and Buddhism juxtapose to this very dimension. So one can opt for the options that suits one’s mental faculties, and of course, the social surrounding, for it is where one has to survive, and it is where the journey of right to life and freedom begins. Hope to have good feedback on this question.
Why do all producers of ideas (fiction writers, doctoral students, journalists...) feel that it becomes easier to generate more ideas shortly after they submit their writing tasks? Is it psychological in the sense that their worry about meeting the deadline is responsible for inhibiting their inspiration? This remark comes from my personal experience as a doctoral candidate who feels that the burden gets lighter after submitting my work.
Share your thoughts!
What do we expect of a sex researcher or sexologist? Surely they should be able to differentiate between erotic fiction and reality?
Sam Altman, chief executive officer and co-founder of OpenAI, swears in during a Senate Judiciary Subcommittee hearing in Washington, DC, US, on Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Congress is debating the potential and pitfalls of artificial intelligence as products like ChatGPT raise questions about the future of creative industries and the ability to tell fact from fiction. Photographer: Eric Lee/Bloomberg via Getty Images
This question seeks to determine how art connects with society. Comments and forwarded studies, art exhibits, plays, music, literature, all have roles to play in this. Please add your thoughts.
Gloria McMillan
Sample anti realist perspectives
**Fields are just cognitive constructions that provide countrrfactuals to reason observe behavior of charged particles
** When there is no motion, forces do not exist or semi anti-realistically, the concept has no sensei. e. Equilibrium system of bodyhanging from spring on surface of earth) gravity, spring force)
** un observable postulated entities like charges and spacetime are fiction
I am looking for public domain translations into English of the classic Bengali crime stories of Priyanath Mukhopadhyay (1855—1947). I think he wrote in the Calcutta Review, and that something there might be in English?
Darogar Daptar were pioneering Bengali crime stories written around the start of twentieth century or late nineteenth century inspired by Arthur Conan Doyle. The author was a police inspector himself, so there might even be a little Vidocq element involved.
Can I test whether or not a correlation (between ES and PSM, below) is spurious directly?
I thought I might ask people to evaluate fictional others but the existence of a fictional correlation does not prove that a self-evaluatory correlation is fictional. Does anyone have any better suggestions?
I have a student who wants to investigate the connection between positive psychology and public service, with a view to showing that they are correlated, and suggesting that positive psychology may be causal in promoting better public service. I am aware that correlation does not prove cause but more fundamentally, it seems to me that, as in the case of much research in the positive psychology field, even the correlation may be spurious due to self-evaluation style.
After all Martin Seligman's positive psychology scale, the Explanatory Style (ES) scale is just that - a measure of how people explain things. If it turns out to be the case that positive psychology as measured by the ES should correlate with e.g. Perry (1996)'s Public Service Motivation (PSM) scale, as I think is very likely, then it would only seem to prove to me that people that explain themselves positively explain their public service motivations positively as well.
The reality may possibly be quite the reverse.
I thought first of all like to attempt to obtain objective data on service, by obtaining evaluation by others, or by having subjects respond to some sort of test (e.g. asking for and obtaining help) but I am not sure whether the former will be available, or whether the latter will be a good indicator of service in the real world.
Another possibility would be to compare not individuals but groups. E.g. The correlates of self esteem at an individual level are very positive, but may be far less so at a national level. This data may be hard to obtain.
Seligman, M. E. P. (1995). Learned optimism. New York, Knopf.
Perry (1996)
I wonder how Circular Economy would be from the perspective of ordinary consumers, whether we could have circular consumers, or should this idea be anecdotic. Because Circular Economy seems pretty much perfect for humans. What do you think?
Postmodernism is a wide area of explanation and deals with so many fields, such as literature, architecture, fashion,sociology, culture, art, and so on. Postmodernism is scrutinized as an appendage of modernism. It is an indicative effectof modernism in all fields, especially art and literature. These connotations are visible in fiction. In the postmodern age,fictions are filled with postmodern perspectives.
(PDF) Research Trends in Postmodernism: A Bibliometirc Analysis. Available from: [accessed Mar 22 2022].
Is it wrong or at least negative to IMPLICITLY include prose ( Short Fiction ) in your critical article ? in the sense to include a short fiction that is related to the evaluated topic bu include it implicitly and that prose is somewhat subjective, not objective ?
I have started reading Snow Crash and Daemon. Please suggest to me some other books which are intriguing and related to Meta-verse.
For example, if we want to analyze the feminist style of writing in modern or post-modern fiction
#post-modern fiction#corpus#feminist analysis
Can you give some examples to illustrate your opinions?
Tell us how you perceive AI and its adoption.
AI- Future is here! Blurring the lines of reality and fiction.
A good 2 minute read on basics to help one start on their “pursuit of AI”
Looking forward to the series @SandeepPandey
Link to article:
Link to post:
Link to our paper on ROI computation for AI investments:
#AI #Artificialintelligence #transformation #datascience #RPA #ML #Deeplearning #machinelearning#future #enthusiasts
I am looking for texts on Reference(ing) and/or Referential Processes in Discourse, construction of referents. Works that explore these topics in oral narratives (fiction or real). Thanks.
science fiction, fantacy, animation series and movies are watched by children and a specific group of adults. does it signify any relationship with the personality type/ personality of the adult watching it?
Hi I am currently doing a geography dissertation studying the representation of future space in climate fiction films thinking about ideas of capitalist hegemony and power inequalities in reference to gender and race. In terms of methodology im confused about the difference between textual and visual analysis (texts, at least in geography referring to pretty much everything), are they the same or is one better at analysing different aspects. Further in terms of actually carrying out the analysis how should my results be presented as due to it being on films i can't include parts of the film itself.
I am looking for fiction (excluding fantasy and science fiction) drawing on preferably "Norse" or "Celtic" mythological sources other than the works by George Mackay Brown.
Thank you!
Is it possible to study the truth box within the narrative level in fiction?
I want to clear the postcolonial approach to read the literature. In my above-mentioned research, what are the basic (hypothetical) questions that should be addressed in research?
The interconnected inquiries help me to approach literary Iraqi identity poetics as an integral part of a parallel discourse that is working to unsettle the dominant official 2003 poetry of “Iraqiness” as well as the sectarian essentializations of post-2003 Iraqi society.
What does the text reveal about the problematics of post-colonial identity, including the relationship between personal and cultural identity and such issues as double consciousness and hybridity?
Freud makes the philosophical argument that we cannot represent our own death because in trying to do so, we are always still left as spectators (Razinsky 2013, p. 16).
I'm looking for sources and theories to assist with developing:
How might this claim be destabilised when performers in TV shows 'act out' their own deaths? It is the viewer as spectator not the performer.
The actor Luke Perry passed away in the actual world and so they had to hold a funeral for Fred Andrews, the fictional character he played in Riverdale - what is the significance of this duality?
Fore instance, the hero is from a working class and another character, in the same novel, is a middle class. I want to study how each character can project his/her class membership.
Historical novels or novels whose subject matter is about historical events like emigration or forced emigration. Tend to blend historical truth and fiction in their narrative, in this case the historic event serves as a background to, in some cases fictitious characters. This intersection I would like to know what is it i called or rather what might it be called?
In trying to set out the perameters of "social class" in the introduction of a text I am editing upon "social class' and "literature" for Routledge, I fell into a Lewis Carroll rabbit hole of wondrous conflicted definitions and claims about the fabulous Snarkish creature--class!
A granfalloon, in the fictional religion of Bokononism (created by Kurt
Vonnegut in his 1963 novel Cat's Cradle), is defined as a "false karass."
That is, it is a group of people who affect a shared identity or purpose,
but whose mutual association is meaningless.
(“Granfalloon,” Wikipedia)
Vonnegut’s definition of a “granfalloon,” seems to fit the problematic semiotic state of the term “class,” as well. Northwestern University Sociologist Gary Fine suggested to me that what Wikipedia offered about “class” was as comprehensive as any other overview of this highly contentious, voluminous, multifaceted concept. Published definitions of social class, reveal a plethora of conflicting and overlapping traits and attributes that may suggest to some that class” is, in fact, a granfalloon. Yet the same may be said of all sociology’s categories to some degree. Granfalloon or not, we feel and experience very real class struggles that create pain in macro-level, full-scale armed conflicts. Micro-level class struggles go on daily, more or less peacefully, if annoyingly."
Would anybody like to shed more light, darkness, and chaos theory on this highly confusing topic? I am all ears and really need some expert opinion.
Thanks and looking forward to comments.
I need to know a clear definition of free will and determinism.
And the influence of Thomas Hardy on D. H. Lawrence writings, especially his fiction
im doing problem in QAP and i add one more matrix in that and i want to add one more fiction in the objective fuction using the 3rd matrix which is the minimum value in the matrix. but i didnt know how to write the function on finding the minimum value in the 3rd matrix
This is my first project on Research Gate! Any helpful tips this community of researchers can offer me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
This title might not be very clear, let me elaborate :
Let's say, you're a computer scientist on your browser. You innocently browse the web, looking for a new book about procrastination (or anything else). Suddenly, a click lead you to the homepage of EvilCorpWorld, a (fictional) company incarnating the opposite of your ethical views.
EvilCorpWorld isn't a "common evildoer", they blatantly make the world a worst place. According to your ethical views, they could be enslaving children, selling weapons to warlords, practicing tax fraud at country scale, they support network promoting racism and sexism...
On the homepage of EvilCorpWorld, you inadvertently notice a big security flaw. Something like "click here for rootshell (Admin only!)". For the sake of simplicity, let's say it's an actual flaw, not a honeypot or anything else.
Now you have three possibility :
- to tell : email EvilCorpWorld to warn them about the huge flaw.
- to poke : like with a stick, poke the flaw, trying to see how far you can get. Poking does not mix with wrongdoing on purpose or for benefit. It's more a playful activity.
- to delegate : unsure of what to do, asking someone more versed in infosec what they think
What would be the most ethical-wise thing to do (maybe something other than three options)?
PA involves a child being influenced by a parent to reject or resist contact with the other parent for no good reason.
If fact what connection, correlation and contribution does it make to negative social issues such as historical trauma, family/whanau violence. What is the relevance of (PA) to social work?
Private troubles – Public issues, do they intersect in relation to PA?
An interesting article by Geraci (2007) works with an early twentieth century theological claim that human reactions to the (perceived) presence of the divine is hallmarked by a conjunction of fear and allure. Geraci (2007) argues that SF literature by Philip K Dick, William Gibson and others (I would add Cordwainer Smith to the list) has positioned human reactions to advanced technology as reflecting a similar species of fear and allure in order to explore various themes.
Is anyone familiar with more recent publications on this or a related investigation of SF and religion?
I need to find the sentiment of
- A paragraph of a fiction book.
- Of the entire story book.
Have you any idea regarding the best sentiment analysis tool that we can use that is freely available (like SentiStrength)?
I am working on a piece of fiction with the Caspian Sea at the core as an ambiguous symbol. Have you come across any book (fiction or non-fiction) or a scientific paper that comes with some rare information? Any help will be appreciated, but no link to a book-seller's site please! :)
Many literary texts make some use of glossopoesis, or invention of languages. A few examples include Tolkien’s stories, Ursula LeGuin’s oeuvre, Thomas More’s Utopia, and so on. Most of them do not go much further than a conceptual level. So, how important it usually is to examine such “languages”?
Stephen King's name is synonymous with horror stories. Many consider King to be the most successful writer of modern horror fiction today. My question to you all are:
* How did you feel before watch horror movie?
* How did you feel when finishing the movie?
* Is there any positive or negative benefits we will get by watching horror movie?
Why are there still pseudo-scientific conspiracy theories that undermine obviously confirmed facts and scientific knowledge in the present era of publicly available large amounts of scientific knowledge?
Why in the present age of computerization, the digitization of knowledge resources and the huge scientific knowledge available on the Internet are still created pseudoscientific conspiracy theories, sometimes absurd claims of the type that the Earth is flat, that evolution is a fiction, that some people are aliens from outside the Earth etc.? For what reason and for what purpose are these types of irrational pseudoscience theories created?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes

I am almost finished with a first draft of a work of historical fiction set during the reign of Mary Tudor as the rumours of burnings are just reaching Bristol. I am now turning my thoughts toward either finding a publisher or a literary agent. Any advice, recommendations or guidance in this endeavour would be greatly appreciated.
How might one theorise Jouissance in relation to post-network television and televisual fiction?
I wondered if anyone would like to discuss ideas around The Lacanian Real and its relationship with Deleuze's Becoming?
In essence, the trajectory of my doctoral thesis is headed in the direction of the Lacanian Real with respects to the following:
If the Lacanian Real is impossible then is it possible/how is it possible to represent the Real on television?
In others words: How can that which is un-representable be represented?
A counter to Lacan as an obvious choice is Deleuze and he does not believe in the real-possible distinction as then it would reduce things to the ontologically lesser category of the impossible. He changes things to the virtual and the actual and says the virtual is just as Real as the Real world but it is not corporeal in an actual, physical, tangible sense. Thus, I am seeking to discuss:
1. The radical differences between Deleuze and Lacan (Deleuzian Becoming)
2. My supervisor has pointed me to the works of Tim Dean and Katerina Kolozova's Beyond Sexuality and the Cut of the Real. The concept of fiction also plays a big part in my intervention, so aside from all the stuff Zizek writes does anyone have any other suggestions for readings?
Finally, does anyone know where Deleuze states he has a problem with the real-possible distinction?
Many thanks and Best wishes,
Nick Jensen