Science topic

Fiber Optic Technology - Science topic

The technology of transmitting light over long distances through strands of glass or other transparent material.
Questions related to Fiber Optic Technology
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
Dear community members,
I need to study the fluorescence of certain analytes in an aqueous solution. Currently, I am investigating fluorescence in a physiological solution. To conduct this study, I am using an Avantes spectrophotometer.
My goal is to obtain calibration curves for specific analytes in water at different concentrations.
The experimental setup consists of a peristaltic pump drawing the aqueous solution from a beaker containing the analyte. The solution flows through a plastic tubing. A small section of the plastic tubing consists of a circular plastic cuvette housed inside a light-shielded box. Inside this box, there are two LEDs and the entrance of the optical fiber that captures the light from the LEDs and the fluorescence of the solution excited by the LED light. Once crossed the box containing the LEDs, the liquid through the plastic tube returns to the beaker where the solution is recirculated for the experiment.
As mentioned, there is an optical fiber that captures the light from the LEDs and the fluorescence of the analytes dissolved in the water. The captured light travels through the fiber and goes into the box where the conversion of the light signal to an electrical signal takes place, along with all subsequent electronic processing. The spectrophotometer is connected via Ethernet to a Raspberry Pi, and I see the software interface on the screen to manage the spectrophotometer parameters. We have two LEDs: LED 1 emits light at 445 nm, and LED 2 emits light at 340 nm. One analyte absorbs at 445 nm and emits fluorescence between 500 and 600 nm, with a peak at 523 nm. Another analyte absorbs at 340 nm and emits fluorescence between 400 nm and 600 nm with a peak at 461 nm.
Now that I have explained the operation, let me describe the optical problem I am encountering.
In short, I observe a problem of "drift" in the light intensity detected by the light-to-electric signal converter. Let me explain it better. The LEDs (unless proven otherwise) always absorb the same amount of current (the voltage across the resistor is always the same over time, and they operate in the linear region), so they always emit the same light intensity. I observe that depending on how I bend the optical fiber and how it is touched and moved, the optical fiber affects the detected light signal, accentuating or attenuating a constant increase in detected light. If the optical fiber remains bent with very pronounced curves, I observe the drift phenomenon, i.e., a weak but constant linear increase over time in the light intensity of the LEDs or the fluorescence of the analytes, as shown in the plot attached. Let me explain it better. If the fluorescence peak of an analyte at 523 nm is, for example, 250 counts at a certain concentration, if no additional concentration of the analyte is added, and the circulating solution is always the same, then the fluorescence of the analyte at that constant concentration should remain constant. Instead, I observe a linear, weak but persistent increase in the fluorescence of the analytes at all emission wavelengths. So, if at time t, I observe fluorescence at 523 nm equal to 250 counts, after, for example, t + Dt, now the entire spectrum has grown, and, for example, the peak is at 1000 counts. Obviously, this "drift" in light intensity is not due to the LEDs because I believe their light intensity remains constant over time since the current they receive remains the same. At most, the LED intensity should decrease over time. It is not due to the auto-fluorescence of the analyte from ambient light because this phenomenon is observed even when the room is completely dark. There are no chemical reactions or degradation of the analytes (I would observe a decrease in fluorescence, not an increase because the degradation products of these substances do not absorb at 445 or 340 nm). Also, this positive drift phenomenon is observed even with plain water or air. It is not due to problems with the light-to-electric signal conversion electronics or due to bugs present in the source code.
I attribute it to the optical fiber, which, if it is straight, this problem is attenuated, but if it is very bent, this effect of increasing the detected light manifests. Attached, you will also find photo and plot files showing the abnormal trend over time of the fluorescence of the analytes or the light captured by the LEDs. I do not believe this anomalous trend depends on the light source.
I'm using a FT600EMT - 0.39 NA, Ø600 µm Core Multimode Optical Fiber
In your opinion, what could this uncommon phenomenon in the optical fiber be due to? And how could it be resolved?
I would appreciate any suggestions. Thank you for your patience and the time you've taken to read my question.
Best regards,
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the fakt, that the electronic board does not overheat does not mean that there is no temperature dependence with respect to the LEDs.
The temperature dependence may be due to 2 effects
a) change of intensity and intensity distribution as Nikolay Pavlov meant,
b) change of light coupling into the fiber port due to temperature dependent relative mechanical movement of fiber and fiber inputport due to thermal expansion...
So in consequence: fixing the fibers and waiting for thermal equilibrium.
I admit, that waiting for that equilibrium is a boring job. Once before I were participating in an x-ray experiment, the X-ray source of which achieved a stable intensity output at about 1,5 hours after swithing on...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
10 answers
By converting AC to DC then to light signals,then is it possible to transmit the light signals through optic fibre cables?  
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The Tesla principle can be used. In stead of wireless power transmission, that power which is converted in to electromagnetic field, can be oriented in to the Modulator (transform in to electric field in the modulator), than transmitted through the optical cable to the destination and demodulated and transformed in to adequate used power.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
13 answers
I want to proceed the experiment using optical fiber. However, there is a problem. In one of the processes, the temperature reaches almost 600 degrees(Celsius). I know that the glass transition temperature of the soda lime glass is around 600 degrees.
In addition, the commercial glass optical fiber is consisting of 3 parts, core(pure silica) cladding(doped silica),and buffer layer(polyimide). The company says that this fiber can endure even at 400 degrees because of the polyimide, which is heat-resisting polymer. But, I think that it can endure up to 600 degrees if there is no polymer. Is it true? I will use the fiber as just a substrate, so I don't need any other layer except the core.
After I etch the polymer, what is the limit temperature for the glass optical fiber? 
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the commercial glass optical fiber is comsist of core and cladding, core is doped with GeO2, cladding is pure solica. the pure silica can be used under 1600C but the dopant can't. If you want to monitor the temperature base on the optical fiber, I suggest you use FBG sensor. After writing FBG on the commercial optical fiber and then you can regenerate the FBG, then the FBG sensor can be used under 1000C. There is another option is to use the PCF which is made from pure silica.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I'm studying the optical limiting effect in organic material due to reverse saturation absorption. As we know, in reverse saturation absorption, the transmission coefficient decreases as the intensity increases, or the absorption coefficient increases as the intensity increases, resulting in power loss. So, when we increase the laser power to a threshold P0, there are two competing processes: the increase in input power and the power loss due to reverse saturation absorption. If these two processes are in equilibrium, the optical limit curve is horizontal (as in the attached pictures.) However, if the amount of lost power is greater than the increase in input power, the curve must go down at P0. Why in the paper on optical limiting don’t we  see such cases?
Thank you and hoping for your insightful response.      
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The absorption coefficient of a material showing RSA will increase when the input optical fluence is increased. However, the processes underlying RSA (mostly excited state absorption in organic molecules) do not result in the absorption of more light than what is fed into it. Therefore, the scenario you envisage will not happen.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
I've recently heard about this new material called Quantum Stealth which is supposed to be a 'Invisibility cloak' . Apparently the material bends light waves around a target which allows complete invisibility. Is all this true?
Actually, the reason we can see objects is because light reflects from them or because light is modified in some way travelling through them. Water, for example, is transparent but we can see it because it both reflects some light and refracts light through it from objects immersed. If we want to hide an object then, ideally, what you do is take light from one side of the object and bend it around it.
Can we do this? Well, in theory, yes. One way is to have a series of cameras on one side of an object and light sources, like an HD TV on the other. You basically take a photograph of what lies behind one surface and project that onto the opposite surface. This is very hard to do for multiple surfaces because you need each of them to have lots of cameras and lots of light emitters and the sheer amount of data is astronomical.
What you might be able to do instead is develop materials that can guide light around the object. Instead of photographing and re-emitting light, you use the original light and just bounce it in a clever way to get it to emerge on the opposite side of the object. This is definitely possible, we can do it already with fibre optics, but the problem is complexity and cost.
Theoretically, I have attached a recent paper explain how it can be.
Actually, I found many websites speaking about it like;
Let us discuss this interesting issue.
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It seems genuine .. However, the CEO is reluctant to provide proof or demonstrate the properties of the material.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
11 answers
Does someone know how we can calculate absorption coefficient in optical fiber at different wavelengths (such as 1117 nm).
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Asavela Sigonya In general, the saturable absorption coefficient in erbium-doped fibres depends on:
  • The absorption cross-section at the wavelength of interest, σ(λ)
  • The erbium-ion concentration and the radial distribution of ions within the core and cladding ρ(r)
  • The mode field distribution of the fibre mode ψ(r, λ)
Absorption coefficient α = ∫∫ ψ2(r,φ) ρ(r,φ) σ r dr dφ / ∫∫ ψ2(r,φ) r dr dφ
where the integrals are with respect to area over the the fibre cross-section, here expressed in cylindrical coordinates (r,φ).
If the Er doping is confined to a cylindrical cross-section, concentric with the core, and doping concentration ρ0 is constant within this region then:
α(λ) = ρ0 σ(λ) Γ(λ)
If the uniformly doped region also coincides with the core of a step-index fibre, then the overlap integral, Γ(λ), is simply the fraction of power within the core. It depends only on the normalised frequency (V-number) of the fibre via the wavelength.
More generally you need to know both dopant profile and mode field distributions.
The erbium cross-section varies with both wavelength and with the composition of the host glass. Alumina-doped silica fibres have a different absorption spectrum to germania-doped fibres. Desurvire (1994) cites peak values for absorption cross-section near 1530 nm of 4.7∙10-25 m2 for Ge-Al doped silica and 8∙10-25 m2 for germania-silica fibres.
Given the overlap integral, average concentration: ρ0 = α(λ) / σ(λ) Γ(λ)
Conversion from number density to ppm-wt is straightforward, given appropriate attention to whether you require ppm-wt Er3+, or ppm-wt Er2O3.
There is a useful discussion in Giles & Desurvire, "Modeling erbium-doped fiber amplifiers", J. Lightwave Tech., vol 9, no 2, p 271, Feb 1991.
More details in "Erbium-doped fiber amplifiers", Emmanuel Desurvire, Wiley, 1994.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
9 answers
What is the procedure to simulate fiber optic SPR in matlab?
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Line of codes for simulating SPR (Kretschmann configuration). The dielectric layer I used if of gold.
X1 and Y1 are the experimental data
l=6330*(10)^(-10); %wavelength of laser used
np=(1.517); % RI of glass prism
e1=-13+0.39i; %dielectric constant of gold layer (fitting parameter)
e2=1.00; % dielectric constant of air
d1=420*(10)^(-10); % gold layer thickness
for a=11.392*(pi/180):0.1*(pi/180):80.264*(pi/180);
if max<rf
for a=11.392*(pi/180):0.1*(pi/180):80.264*(pi/180);
x1=[45 45.10987 45.21973 45.3296 45.43946 45.54932 45.65918 45.76903 45.87889 45.98873 46.09858 46.20841 46.31824 46.42807 46.53789 46.6477 46.7575 46.8673 46.97708 47.08686 47.19662 47.30638 47.41612 47.52586 47.63558 47.74529 47.85498 47.96466 48.07433 48.18398 48.29362 48.40324 48.51285 48.62243 48.732 48.84156 48.95109 49.06061 49.1701 49.27958 49.38903 49.49847 49.60788 49.71727 49.82663 49.93598 50.0453 50.15459 50.26386 50.37311 50.48233 50.59152 50.70069 50.80982 50.91893 51.02801 51.13707 51.24609 51.35508 51.46404 51.57297 51.68186]
y1=[0.9375 0.9675 0.9075 0.7775 0.7025 0.77 0.9475 0.8175 0.9725 0.9975 1 0.99 0.93 0.8 0.7625 0.795 0.8875 0.915 0.785 0.595 0.4853 0.4175 0.425 0.4375 0.465 0.4675 0.4825 0.5475 0.655 0.675 0.5675 0.465 0.395 0.3675 0.3625 0.3625 0.355 0.3425 0.3275 0.325 0.3325 0.3475 0.3425 0.3275 0.3125 0.3 0.295 0.2975 0.3 0.3 0.295 0.3025 0.3225 0.3425 0.3375 0.3125 0.3 0.305 0.3075 0.3075 0.305 0.29];
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
SInce you use a multimode fiber, I am guess yoy are using a partially coherent light source (LED or Helogen).
I am particularly interested in what is the lioght source and how much power could you couple in the multimode fiber.
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@Abdelhalim Zekry - Henrique is correct in pointing out that superluminescent diode (SLD) sources are widely used in OCT and other applications where relatively high power and wide bandwidth are delivered via a single mode fibre.
It is important to distinguish between low temporal coherence (required for high spatial resolution in OCT) and high spatial coherence, necessary to couple efficiently into a single transverse mode optical fibre.
An SLD can have a similar structure to a single transverse mode semiconductor laser, but the facets are treated to minimise cavity reflections responsible for the narrow line width of a laser source.  The edge emitting LED on page 8 of the presentation you linked is an example.of this type of structure.
Output powers from a few mW to tens of mW and bandwidths of 10-100 nm are commercially available from various suppliers.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
9 answers
I'm looking for publications related to the study of micro and macro bending losses in optical fibers as a function of their constructional parameters.
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The topic is very interesting, useful for the development of communications technology.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
22 answers
I am trying to couple NIR light from a high power LED to a multimode optical fiber. Ideally only a few (five) modes would be coupled but I am concerned about how it affects time coherence if compared to original time coherence (from LED). 
The LED is 850nm/30nm and 1W power. 
I am aware of power loss but I expect a few mW in the fiber output.
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I have not studied the Imai & Ohtsuka paper in detail, but it seems to address the reduction of spatial coherence in a fibre excited by a narrow line laser source with high spatial coherence.  Figures 1-3 (page 333-4) show the complex coherence falling after excitation by a laser source with linewidth less than 1 GHz for mode group delay differences of 1 ns.
Compare this with your launch from a surface-emitting LED - which is unlikely to be spatially coherent to begin with, and has a line width of 12 THz.  With a group delay dispersion of 10 ps/m, you will be well to the right of the diagrams after propagating through less than 1 m of 0.1 NA fibre.  This is the region where the effects of mode coupling addressed in the paper can be ignored.
They do not address temporal coherence directly - temporal coherence is inversely proportional to their linewidth δω which is an input parameter for their model.
Their analysis shows that if you launch into few moded fibre from a spatially coherent source, the spatial coherence will be degraded during propagation.
Conversely, if the LP01 and LP11 modes are largely uncorrelated at launch - as expected for excitation by a large area surface-emitting LED - they will remain uncorrelated after transmission through the fibre.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
I need to couple the light emerging a VCSEL into a single mode fibre. I searched the internet, and I couldn't find any out-of-box commercial product to buy.
Are there any particular tool like a receptacle I could use to achieve a high coupling efficiency?
PS: I tried the traditional way, i.e., focusing the VCSEL beam into a single mode fibre using an objective lens. However, the setup sensitivity to vibrations and other impacts makes it impractical.
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Dear Mojtoba,
10 years ago I worked on the fibre coupling from a monomode VCSEL (850nm) to a single-mode fibre (4.5 µm). There was a company in UK : Afonics which was selling the fibre pigtailing for lasers and they did some pigtailing for us (we provided them the VCSELs). But the company doesn't exist anymore to the best of my knowledge.. On the other hand, we also worked on fibre lensing using graded-index multimode fibres and it worked quite well, and we had achieved better results than Afonics. The idea here is to lens the tip of a fibre such way : Single-mode - coreless fibre - Graded index fibre. The lengths are to be calculated in order to match the input and output numerical apertures (from VCSEL to single-mode fibre..). But you will need to align and approach the lensed fibre very close to the laser chip in order to have the minimum beam diameter and hence increase as much as possible the coupling efficiency. It sounds maybe a bit difficult, but it's not really..
I attach you three files here : One of our recent publication which makes use of lensed fibres for a rotating fibre coupling system (look at chapter 2), another one which is a good reference for the lensing using graded index fibres, and finally a third one which is a graph that shows the results we've obtained with this technique for making the VCSEL coupling to a single-mode fibre.
Do not hesitate to ask if you want more details.. And i hope that it will help a bit.. :)
Good luck !
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
What is the best way of calculating or measuring the fraction of power from a seed leaser that is coupled into a semiconductor optical amplifier by a series of free space optics? Any help or references to relevant papers is much appreciated. Thanks.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
why bending losses major losses in photonic crystal fiber????
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In short once can say that the PCF relies on symmetry. And this is severely broken by bends. As a consequence the (photonic) band-gap structure changes.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
If you  have a  B. Sc. student and if you like to do research in laser practices with fibers (laser application) it will be my pressure to work supervision together ?
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currently, I am working with nanosecond pulse laser for material processing. Including the synthesis of Fluorescent nanoparticles for bioimaging (in a medical application). It is one of the emerging fields.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
7 answers
We are looking for large core diameter graded-index silica MMF. Core diameter must be higher than standard 62.5 µm and cladding remaining at standard value of 125 µm. So far, we have found two providers : DrakaElite TM (100/125) and Leoni (85/125). The lengths we need is just a few meters.. Unfortunately Draka sells only 2.2 km minimum and is too expensive for our project. Furthermore they have a strict policy to not send samples.. Leoni they don't have it on stock..
So, is there anybody who use these fibers and could sell us a short piece ? Or maybe anyone knows alternative suppliers for that kind of fiber ?
Looking forward to your feedback.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
What are the expressions for the TM02 mode of an step index optical fiber for Z, r and ϕ components?
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  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
18 answers
I merely fused two ports of the coupler together.
The coupling ratio is 99:1 and the port configuration is as below.
Besides, all the fibers are single mode fibers, no polarization-maintaining property. The whole optical system is placed into a vibration and thermo-isolator.
What can the reason be causing these non-periodic resonant dips?
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The optical path difference of 1-3 and 1-4-2-3 may be the key.  Eliminating the resonator can also be possible with the path length difference longer than the coherence length.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
Hi, I am using double-clad LMA-YDF fiber which has Cladding Absorption 4.80 dB/m near 976 nm. How I can predict the optimum fiber length of the amplifier while my seed signal is 100 mW and pump diode  is 9 W at 976 nm? Please suggest some reference.
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In this case (large input signal) I would use simply the 13 dB rule of thumb (it optimize the power conversion efficiency). Hence the fiber should be around 2.7 m long. Special coiling method would be beneficial too, e.g., figure-eight or kidney shape coil, see more details here:
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
7 answers
At first glance, it seems unnecessary to clearly define the the strong mode coupling and weak mode coupling in few mode fiber? However,  the concepts of strong mode coupling in different publishing works seems have different meaning. In [], the author define the strong mode coupling by using the mode coupling coefficient. The larger of the mode coupling coefficient means the stronger of mode coupling. This definition is intuitionistic and has been widely used for analysis the linearly mode coupling for two mode situation. However, for 3mode or more number of modes, one of mode coupling coefficient is obviously not enough to define the strong mode coupling. In [], the authors define the strong mode coupling according to the length of the so-called correlation length. However, is the correlation length parameter enough for defining the strong mode coupling?
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Hi Kerrianne Harrington:
Thanks for your answer! several references define the strong mode coupling according to the so-called correlation length, such as 
[1]K.-P. Ho and J. M. Kahn, "Statistics of Group Delays in Multimode Fiber with Strong Mode Coupling", J. of Lightwave Technol., vol. 29, no. 21, pp. 3119-3128, November 1, 2011.
[2]S. �. Arik, D. Askarov and J. M. Kahn, "Effect of Mode Coupling on Signal Processing Complexity in Mode-Division Multiplexing", J. of Lightwave Technol. vol. 31, no. 13, pp. 423-431, February 1, 2013.
 In this model, they separate the FMF or MMF as multi-sections according to the correlation length, the more number of sections means the stronger of mode coupling! but what is the correlation length? In the reference
[3] Y.Xiao, R.J.Essiambre, M.Desgroseilliers, A.M.Tulino, R.Ryf, S.Mumtaz, G.P.Agrawal, “Theory of intermodal four-wave mixing with random linear mode coupling in few-mode fibers.,” Opti.Express, 22(26) 32039-32059. (2014).
 the correlation length is defined as the length that all of the mode coupling coefficient can keep as constants. If the correlation length defined in [1][2] is same as [3], I think only one of correlation length parameter is not enough to define strong mode coupling. Several references about two-mode transmission define the strong mode coupling according to the mode coupling coefficient, such as 
[4]D.Rafique, S. Sygletos and A.D.Ellis,"Impact of power allocation strategies in long-haul few-mode fiber transmission systems" opti.Express 21(9) 10801-10809
the larger of mode coupling coefficient means the stronger of mode coupling. However, for more number of modes, one parameter seems not enough to describe the strong mode coupling
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
Greetings friends, I've been working on a prototype for our physics laboratory in my school in order that our undergraduate students understand the phenomena of resonant modes in a box. Before adding all the electronic stuff to achieve the goal I decided to make the experiment by myself. I'm using an osciloscope to make the observations and also calculate the modes list using the theoretical equation. the problem is that experimentally I cant see the most part of the modes (I have just identified at least 4 that correspond, and the first peak of high amplitude frequency doesn't even correspond to the first mode). Since this is a prototype I want to ask you If some of you are using some kind of techniques in order to see the bigger quantities of modes, Or an opinion about how should I do My prototype or maybe an test circuit, Any information will be useful. Thanks In advance.
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It is necessary to increase the Q factor.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
My laser beam is TEM00 mode and has horizontal polarization, and the PM
fiber is panada configuration. I use a collimator with fixed focal length connected to the fiber, this system is also mounted on a rotation mount , so the fiber slow axis can be rotated to match the laser polarization. And a beam walk method with 2 mirrors is taken to get the largest coupling efficiecy. However, the output power often fluctuates. Is there any other methods to handle PM fiber? 
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Dear Penglong Ren,
Since you are using collimator, In fact using collimator has advantages  such as robust assembly,  reduced risk of damage to the fiber and reduced return loss.
I have read this article, and I found it has good details regarding your problem  
Since I don't know what your application, I suggest reading about the FiberLock if you are working on modulation.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
In PL measurement, we get PL intensity vs. wavelength. One generally present PL intensity data in Arbitrary unit. I need to convert that data Number of photons vs. wavelength.
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Two methods that you may want to try depending on your experimental design and use of the data.
1. You need to characterize your detector that is giving arbitrary units with respect to a detector that gives absolute power. For example, you could use a low range thermopile detector, and then swap that out for your arb. units detector (knock down power with ND filters of known values if necessary). Then you can use the spectral response of both detectors to get a ratio between the two sets of detectors at a few wavelengths (then interpolate). Note that if the arb. unit detector is not linear in its response then a correction must be made. Ocean optics has a good little tutorial on how to do this for their CCD detectors in their spectrometers.
2. If its just something like quantum yield that you need, then you will need to get the entire output around the full sample. Also, you will need the number of photons from PL relative to the number of photons absorbed. Use an integrating sphere as they are specifically designed for this application.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
I'm working on an experiment with a microstructured optical fiber (MOF) which was fabricated in our laboratory and has a very high NA. What is an appropriate way to couple light emitted from the output end of MOF into a normal single mode fiber (SMF) ?
< SMF >
NA : 0.13
Core diameter : 9.0 um
< MOF >
Core : Tellurite glass (n = 2.0 @ 1.55 um)
Cladding : Air
Core diameter : 5.0 um
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As Sebastian and Peter suggest, a 2-lens coupling scheme is one option. You should aim to match the mode field diameters of the two fibres.
With 5 micron core diameter and numerical aperture 1.7, your tellurite fibre may support multiple modes, but I would expect the mode field diameter of the fundamental mode to be approximately 5 microns. 
MFD for standard single mode fibre is around 10.4 microns, so lens coupling with a magnification between 2x and 2.5x should be suitable.
Pairs of aspheric lenses can be used.  Choose focal lengths in the ratio of the magnification required (shorter focal length next to the MOF), with the least curved glass surface towards the fibre
As Boguslaw suggests, there may be a significant Fresnel reflection loss at the tellurite glass / air interface.  Index matching fluid will reduce this, but may also increase spherical aberration with lenses designed for use in air.  There is also a risk that index matching liquid will wick into the interstices of your microstructured fibre, so care is needed - and perhaps some experimentation. 
If interface loss is a problem, an index matching gel may be more appropriate - perhaps in combination with a gradient index lens in place of the aspheric, to eliminate the air gap between fibre and lens.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
21 answers
I am trying to get decent power out of a fiber I am coupling to my laser (dynamic range: 100mW) but am having a hard time.  The fiber is 400um multimode, 0.39 NA and is connected to an SMA adapter threaded to a mount whose angle you can adjust.  The fiber post is mounted on a translational stage.  I do not have any convex lenses between the fiber and lens at the moment because my spot size is already very, very small.  But the power that comes out of my fiber when the laser is set to ~60mW is around 1uW... Any tips?
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You may check if you can use a diverging lens in front of the laser output. That is a lens with convex-concave surfaces. The concave side should face the laser output. 
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
Hi everyone,
I am a student from Coventry University and i am conducting an experiment on tensile and flexural tests for fibre optic embedded in carbon composite material specifically in twill weave bi – directional woven fabric and biaxial  ±45° fibre orientation with different fibre optic coatings (polyimide and acrylate), i would like to seek opinion on few aspects:
1. Will the mechanical behavior of composites result differently in tensile / flexural with different fibre orientation and fibre coatings?
2. Will the embedment of fibre optic change / give different failure mechanism to the composites under tensile and flexural?
Your opinion and advice is much appreciated! 
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Standard telecom fiber has a two-layer plastic coating: a softer, inner- and harder outer coating. The goal is to isolate the glass from both impact- (outer) and bending damage (inner).
Unless you strip the plastic and bond the glass directly to your composite, why would you expect the fiber failure mechanism to change?
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
PMD in a fiber cable increases with time due to weather in the cable. As it increases, the cable becomes less usable until a time it crosses the PMD tolerance of the equipment installed to use the cable hence the cable deteriorates at some rate.  Is the Arrhenius model the best to apply while determining this? are there other models? 
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To reinforce what Vincent has said, are you certain you are observing degradation of the cable, and not simply the small random changes in local birefringence and polarisation mode coupling expected in any cable?
How are you measuring the PMD?  If the DGD is sufficiently high to cause problems, you need to know whether there is a systematic change in the mean, rather than fluctuations in the instantaneous DGD.  One approach is to measure DGD as a function of wavelength and over as broad a spectral range as possible, and repeat this at regular intervals for an extended period.
Regarding an Arrhenius model, you need a very thorough understanding of the degradation mechanism to provide theoretical values for the activation energy and rate constant.  Alternatively you need systematic measurements of the rate of change of DGD and the change of mean PMD as a function of temperature.  For such an intrinsically random process, this would require a very large number of individual DGD measurements.  It may be simpler to find a supplier with a more suitable cable design.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
I am doing long term measurements of fiber bragg gratings with an Anritsu MS9740A. The device is calibrated (optical alignment with DFB laser, wavelength calibration with internal light source). The room temperature is stable at 20±0.5°C. This room temperature fluctuation causes fluctuations/ drifts in the detected peak wavelength of ±30 pm. The peak is detected with a algorithm using a quadratic fit over the 300nm. and is highly accurate. Slides 1-4 show the results of a temperature controlled DFB laser (S3FC1550 from thorlabs) and a temperature controlled FBG.
I contacted Anritsu Australia with that issue and they say the equipment is not made for long term measurements and the fluctuation are in spec.
I then compared my MS9740A to another unit of the same model from another group. Both calibrated before measurements. Slide5 shows the results recorded over the last day. The loan OSA has a significantly smaller drift then my OSA. The drift of the loaner is about 10-15pm and similar to the temperature drift, whereas the drift of my OSA is 40 pm and inverse to the temperature drift.
So the questions I have are:
Have you experienced similar stability problems with Anritsu optical spectrum analysers or Anritsu equipment in general? Is that fluctuation normal and acceptable? Is the difference in drift/fluctuation (comparing two identical OSA) normal and acceptable?
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Hi Vincent,
thank you for the answer.
I did some more measurements over the weekend comparing both MS9740A. Recoding started after 2h of warm up and alignment of optical axis and calibration. I achieved an accuracy of less then 10 pm comparing both OSA right after the calibration. Slide1 shows the recorded peak wavelength of the DFB laser. (My OSA is refered to as RRI OSA). I also plotted the recorded peak wavelength vs the temperature.This gives you an idea of how big the difference between the two unit is.
Concerning the specification. I conntacted Anritsu with the probleme. They replied saying their wavelength stability is ±5pm per minute. THis would make any (unreferenced) measurement of the peakwavelength impossible. I just cant belive that such an expensive equipment doesnt have a better stability.
I thought of using a better temperature controll. Unfortunately, Anritsu does not give me any information of how good the temperature controll would need to be. (±0.1°C is probably what i would need to aim for looking at slide2)
At the moment I do use my DFB meter to reference my measurements to. Again, I am just suprised that the MS9740A  doesnt have a better stability.
I do have a look at Viavi and the euqipment you suggest.
Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
The ultimate capacity of single-mode-fiber (SMF) has been shown to be limited by fiber nonlinearities. Space-Division-Multiplexing (SDM) is one of the promising approaches to further increase the capacity of fiber-based transmission system. Several techniques have been proposed on SDM in optical fibers. It would be very nice if someone shares some information about the potential applications of SDM in optical communication. Thanks in advance.
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You may find an overview of multi-core fibers here
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
1 answer
I'm looking for an optically decoupled joystick for an EEG study ... that is, fibre-optic, properly calibrated ... need not be MRI-compatible.
Most scientific joysticks are either electrically wired/tethered, or MRI-compatible (e.g. expensive).
Any suggestion is welcome...
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Dear Roland,
Please see here some references in subject :
-Non-invasive control interfaces for intention detection in active ...
-fMRI Products Open House - Psychology Software Tools
-Fibre-Optic Response Pad System - Baycrest
 Best regards
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
Using spdc as the source of pairs of photons each photon is coupled to a fiber coupler 50/50 at 810 nm. Are the vibrations of the optical table important to improve visibility? What are other factors that may afect, besides temperature?
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Because indistinguishability of photons in HOM interference is responsible for dip amplitude, the linewidth emission  of single photon source  should  be as small as possible that is reached  only  at frequency stabilization. And BS should be tuned in the way to provide the amplitude beam splitting with the highest precision of relation 50/50.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
13 answers
I have a single-mode optical fibre that allows the 488 nm line to go through it. I know that in the past, the same optical fibre has been used for using other lines.
I have now several blue lines and I need to use the optical fibre to couple it with the scan head of our microscope. If for instance, the optical fibre was able to transport the 488 and 457.9 lines, individually, what would happen if I try to couple both lines at the same time?
By the way, I am only interested in the 488 line but I would be very grateful if any expert on optical fibres could clarify me this doubt.
Many thanks for your help!
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If the two wavelengths are close, there may be chromatic dispersion. This effect depends also on the fiber length and the data rate (if you are using the fiber to transfer high data rate as in communication systems)
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
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You could also try to decrease the total gain of the amplifier, which should decrease the ASE. If you can control the gain of the amplifier then change it and you can find a specific gain value for which the ASE is minimum and the output is maximum for a particular seed (input) signal (wavelength, power, repetition rate, pulse width, etc).
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
Hello Everyone,
  I want to understand the fiber optic cabling process. There are several cables employing optical fiber such as- armoured cables, unarmoured cables for duct appln., drop cable , multi-tube micro cable etc. Could you please suggest me a book which explains the cabling process ?
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
17 answers
I am overlapping multiple focused beams (different wavelengths) at the focal plane of the fiber coupling lens. What would be the expected coupling efficiency in this case? Is the there a factor of 1/n in insertion loss, where n is the number of beams?
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It doesn't appear that anybody here had done the exercise of mode coupling calculations and accompanying experiments.  Mr. Dave Kahn's answer is the closest answer except that the multiple beams' field distributions have to match the field distributions of the multiple modes of the fiber exactly to have lossless coupling.  This is never perfect either in theory if you do full vectorial mode overlap calculations; of course in practice it is never lossless not just because of mode overlap mismatch - but also due toimperfect reflection losses.  Depending on how many modes are supported in the fiber and how many beams you are coupling and how well you are coupling, high efficiency is sometimes achievable - but never lossless.  If the fiber is single-mode, multiple beams will not be as efficient as a single beam almost perfectly matching its vectorial field distribution with that of the single mode of the fiber along with minimizing reflection loss.  One can dig out my research papers from the long past to see how this is done.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
Yb doped fiber laser of 1kW
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I'm not a direct specialist in FibLas manufacturing but permanently work with beams and diagnostics. Raman scattering is the second reason especially in high-power pulsed lasers. If we investigate the pulse shape/spectrum we found that the tail of the pulse (or the second spike though it is not too high, typically percents fron Yb emission) is caused with RS.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
9 answers
H1E1 mode has wavelength greater than cut off wavelength in single mode fiber . if wavelength is greater than  cut off wavelength then energy will be lost in wave guide fiber is also a cylindrical wave guide . please explain
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Optical waveguides in which the difference between core refractive index and cladding refractive index is much less than unity (so that n_core is approximately equal to n_clad) are referred to as weaky guiding.  In this regime, propagation is described with acceptable accuracy by the scalar wave equation. Solutions to the scalar wave equation are insensitive to the polarisation state of the optical fields.
The weakly guiding limit is similar to the paraxial approximation in ray optics, where the components of the electric and magnetic field vectors parallel to the fibre axis (E_z, H_z) are both small.
Most silca-based optical fibres meet this criterion.  Uncertainty in the exact core refractive index profile will often be more important than errors arising from using the scalar wave equation, rather than a full vector solution to Maxwell's equations.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
13 answers
im working about a project about media converter. we have any signal like serial (RS232,RS485) video analog, ethernet wireless, ... . these signals convert to fiber optic by media converter and sending. Receiver can get these signals in denotation. now i want to know in detail how this device denote these signals?
Thanks in advance
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thank you Dear U.Dreher :-)
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
hello dear
I am working on Glass simulator ..i have some problems:
1-NIC player ..LSP player .. Queue player ..optical player.. Don’t work . so I can’t see result’s . also I could not get a graph by GMPLS Plotter
2-some examples in GLASS don’t work “like( diffserv_over_mpls_te), (fault_restoration_mpls_net)”
3-I want to write an algorithm but I couldn’t get the source of your algorithms “like best fit, shortestPathDistance, k_algorithm” , how can I get some help to write an algorithm..
Thank you all
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Dear Irfan, check your email, thanks
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
In an OFDM-based optical network, how will spectrum overlapping between connections (which are served at their requested transmission rate) affect the Routing, Modulation Level, and Spectrum Allocation (RMLSA) problem?
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Thanks a lot Kalpana.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
Can we explain the light guiding principle inside a single mode fiber by ray theory approach like a multimode fiber and how?
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Unfortunately a ray description of propagating light offers little of constructive value in understanding Single Mode fibres, as the small core diameter, and the low differential refractive index between the core and cladding, create a diffraction limited scenario. For example the energy spreads out significantly beyond the core into the cladding. (The optical spot size is larger than the core size). In no sense is the light reflected at the discrete interface between core and cladding. So the propagation velocity is intermediate between what one might expect from the core and cladding refractive indeces respectively.
However the general idea of lossless total internal reflection does provide a "handwaving" explanation of why the loss in optical fibres is so low.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
Hi all,
I'm modelling the light distribution on tissue surface. My light source would be an LED which its light is collimated via a lens and collimated light is transferred into the tissue using a fiber optic. Now I need to know what is the intensity of light at the tip of the probe (i.e. light exiting the probe and entering the tissue).
Assuming that I know characteristics of the LED how can I obtain light intensity (probably per unit area) hitting the tissue?
Any ideas or suggested reading are greatly appreciated.
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This is actually a little complicated and will depend on the type of optical fiber and LED used. There is a big difference light from a laser diode into a fiber and getting light from an LED into fiber. Basically the LED acts as an extended source and can't be efficiently focused into the small area of the fiber. The LED is well collimated optically is much more like a point source and can be focused to a very small spot.  "Etendue" is the technical term. If you look at some optical simulation  websites like Z-Max or optalix or other optical modeling software sites you will find a bunch of ray-tracing diagrams. that may be helpful. In for a large multimode fiber, you need to match the numerical aperture of the lens with the N.A. of the fiber. Even then you may have pretty low efficiency.  
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
In distributed fiber optic sensors to generate a stimulated Brillouin scattering we insert a signal at the other end of the fiber. This signal is commonly continuous. I want to know the reason about being continuous and not pulsed. What about the common OTDR why it is pulsed in that systems?
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As Vincent said, for a full scan of the sensing fiber, the probe should be a CW. To be complete: however, it may happen that one only wants to scan the end of the fiber or a section: in this case, it is interesting to pulse the probe wave, so that the depletion occuring on the pump pulse is limited, thus increasing the Brillouin SNR.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
It is needed for the optical fiber sensor.
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To Vincent Lecoeuche
After truying your suggestion I'll come back to you...okay.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
7 answers
As we know,the group velocity dispersion of a fiber mode can be obtained by derivating the propagation constant twice.But if the  the imaginary part of the propagation constant has influence on the dispersion? tahnk you very much.
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Dispersion relation contains both imaginary and real part. Real part is responsible for free propagation while imaginary part is responsible for attenuations/absorption. This is applicable for time and space both.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
1 answer
The resonance wavelengths of both LPFG and FBG are determined by the phase matching condition, i.e.,
What leads to the quite different full widths at half maximum (FWHM) of their transmission spectra?
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For any volume grating, the resonance spectral width is inversely proportional to the number of grating planes.  This comes from the Fourier analysis of the coupling between the incoming wave and the reflected wave.  Therefore, for a given grating length a FBG (period near 0.5 microns) will have a resonance width that is 100 to 1000 times smaller than a LPG (periods between 50 and 500 microns). Another factor is that in the LPG the coupling is co-directional while in the FBG it is contra-directional but the Fourier analysis is the dominant factor.  I think that you could get a LPG with very narrow resonances but it would have to be 1 meter long!
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
What difference zener diode and avalanche diode?
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A Zener diode uses an effect related to field ionization involving a tunneling of the charge carriers. Therefore temperature "helps" this process and Zener diodes up to roughly 4 V exhibit a negative tempco. Above 7 V the avalanche effect predominates, there the charge carriers are subject to scattering with the phonons resulting in a positive tempco. Diodes around 5 V exhibit nearly zero tempco, but have a suboptimal impedance. Therefore, at least in former times, diodes around 7 V with positive tempco but low impedance have been combined with a standard PN diode with negative tempco to form a component well suited to produce a reference voltage. Whereas diodes > 5 V are called in old Europe sometimes Z-diodes, in English the expression Zener diode is used, too, against  Prof. Zener's wishes.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
I want to know what's single mode fiber optic transceiver, differences between single mode and multi mode fiber? I want to get clear concepts about the two.
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The optical fiber consists of 3 basic parts – the core, cladding and buffer or coating. It functions as a "light guide", guiding the light launched at one end of the cable through to the other end. The core is the central part of the fiber where the light travels.
Singlemode fiber has a core diameter of nominally 9 μm that allows only the fundamental mode to propagate at the wavelength of interest. The V-number of the fiber must be less than 2.405.
Multimode fiber has either a 50 μm or 62.5 μm core diameter that allows the propagation of light via many guides electromagnetic (EM) waves called guided modes along the fiber. Typically it has a core diameter that is much larger than the wavelength of light which leads to a V-number greater then 2.405 and hence to many guided modes.
The Normalized frequency parameter of a fiber, also called the V-number, is given by:
V = 2π · NA · a/λ = 2π · a/λ · sqrt (ncore2nclad2 )
a is the fiber core radius,
ncore is the index of refraction of the core (ncore > nclad),
nclad is the index of refraction of the cladding
Mode of an optical fiber is a distinct transverse (to the waveguide axis) electric field pattern that can propagate and hence be guided along the waveguide.
Fundamental mode is the lowest order mode that can exist in a dielectric guide and it is the traveling electric field pattern that has no nodes in the transverse direction to the waveguide axis (nodes are locations where the electric field is zero).
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
1 answer
I want to know that what would be the fastest fiber optic network card for a pc ? and does those things offer the actual speed mentioned? any one who uses a fiber optic network card please help me. something similar to this.
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For the PC card  a good model works at 1320nm Low Pro, PCI combo card 10/100Mbps RJ-45 & 100Mbps ST MM.Low Pro, PCI combo card 10/100Mbps RJ-45 & 100Mbps ST MM. ITEM: AFP2200L can be found at:
For the optical cable : 62.5/125 micron cable for fast ethernet, fibre channel, ATM and gigabit ethernet applications where protection from toxic and corrosive gases is critical
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
I build a Er-Yb codoped fiber laser with two FBG as the cavity mirror and output coupler. The laser output should be continous-wave running in the time domain. But the output is running with random pulse. I want to know how to eliminate this self-pulsing and why there is self-pulsing?
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Dear Yao, I see two reasons for self pulsing in your system:
1/if output power is high enough, self pulsing in Er-Yb lasers could arise at 1 um from  single (not connected with Er) Yb ions in your fiber. In this case additional cavity or signal at 1.03-1.06 um could be added to control this Yb emission and avoid pulsations. See [] for example/
2/ If fiber length is much higher than required to absorb all pump, part of your fiber remain unpumped and absorbs signal. At the same time this part of fiber can work as saturable absorber as it could be bleached by high power signal. As a result your laser could operate in Q-switch regime and you could have pulses instead of cw. 
Also in FBGs-based fiber lasers there are normally no self-pulsation due to spatial hole burning and longitudinal mode competition 
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
On the basis of literature available on multi-core fiber systems, most of the researchers have fabricated couplers or other devices related to multi-core fiber system architecture. But I am unable to find the way to simulate multi-core fiber systems. Please provide some suggestions.
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Dear Luv Sampat
I have changed my research area, I am presently working in non-linear optics.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
I noticed green glowing from Er-doped fiber after it has been pumped by 975 nm. This Er-doped fiber used as an active gain medium in ring fiber laser. I need a clear explanation for that.
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Er presents two photon absorption by the upconversion process as follows: first photon pumps Er ions from ground state to 4 I 11/2. Some ions on this excited state absorb another photon to populate 4 F 7/2 that non-radiatively decay to 4 S 3/2. Transitions from here to the ground state produce photons at 546 nm (green!). How strong is the green emission depends on the type of material. Hoping this is useful. Regards.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
9 answers
I want to measure the output power of fiber laser. The output port of fiber coupler was connected to OSA (AQ6370C YOKOGAWA).  The attached file shows the output spectrum. While the power meter reading was about 3 mW. Which reading considered as the real one??
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Hi everybody,
Short answer: 3 mW is the real one and corresponds to the area under the curve of the spectrum taken by the OSA. Meaning, the power (3 mW) is the sum of all the spectral components: That is why each component appears with a value in the order of micro-Watts. Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
Dear all
I am working on FBG. I connected a simple system includes only FBG and circulator with OSA. Each time I measure the peak of the obtained signal, I obtaine different reading for the peak wavelength. the resolution of osa is 0.01nm. Can anyone explain why this is happens? and its explaination physically please.
Thank you for attention
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Dear Mohammed,
There can be many explanations to the fact. But first of all can you acquire the spectrum and have a look at it? If the spectrum is not stable for example has interference modulation on it then the peak wavelength will be clearly unstable. This effect can be produced if you have cleaved the fibre too near to the FBG (5 cm or less). We call it here Etalon effect. Another source of noise which you can consider is birefringence. Each fibre shows a little birefringence and this means that your spectrum is in reality two spectra very close each other. For various reasons if the stress in the fibre is changed during measurement the peak wavelength moves and the effect can be as great as 20 pm. Third possibility are temperature fluctuations grater than 0.1 Celsius durning the measurement due to insufficient thermal isolation and/or stabilisation. Hope this will help.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
Explain and give suitable explanation. 
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Dear Shikha
Obtaining new coherent light sources involving different
frequencies with the potential for tunability is of great importance.
Relatively few lasers prove to be practical and commercially
viable and they typically generate a single or at best
a few optical frequencies. Frequency conversion by a nonlinear
optical (NLO) crystal is an effective way of producing coherent
light at frequencies where lasers perform poorly or are unavailable.
For example, when two incoming frequencies ω1 and ω2
are introduced in an NLO medium, they interact to produce
four distinct frequencies: 2ω1 and 2ω2 by second harmonic
generation (SHG), together with (ω1 ( ω2) by sum and
difference frequency generation (SFG and DFG). Demand for
widely tunable, coherent IR laser sources is emerging. 
To be maximally useful, NLO materials should possess phase
matchability, high second-order nonlinearity, wide optical
transparency, and thermal stability.  A crucial challenge facing many inorganic NLO
crystals is the difficulty of fabricating fibers and films, yet some
applications require fibers or thin films.
Thanks to their IR
transparency and high index of refraction (2.2-3.5), chalcogenide
glasses are promising contenders for low-loss infrared
optical fibers or planar waveguides. Glasses, however, ordinarily
lack a second-order optical nonlinearity such as SHG and DFG,
because of the presence of inversion symmetry at the macro-scopic level. There have been numerous efforts to induce SHG
in glasses via poling using thermal, optical, and electron
beam irradiation; however, the procedures are complex and/
or expensive, and the resulting SHG is too small for practical
applications and often nonpermanent. This fact largely restricts
the application of glassy silica fiber, the backbone of modern
telecommunication systems, to passive devices.
Recently,  studies on the crystal-glass phase-change
materials K2P2Se6 and K1-xRbxSb5S8 
(chalcogenite glasses) revealed that their
glassy phases still largely preserve the basic building blocks
that define the crystal structure; in contrast to a common glass
like silica, only the long-range crystallographic order is lost.
For the noncentrosymmetric compounds in this class, e.g.,
K2P2Se6  and also Cs5P5Se12 it was observed significant
innate SHG response from the as-prepared bulk glassy powders,
plausibly by virtue of the noncentrosymmetric fragments
partially intact in the glassy form of the phase-change materials.
Finally, it has been reported t that the one-dimensional selenophosphate
compounds APSe6 (A ) K, Rb),which crystallize in the
noncentrosymmetric polar space group Pca21, form highly
efficient, mechanically flexible nonlinear optical glass fibers
without the need of poling. The observed SHG response of
the glass fiber was significantly enhanced simply by
annealing at 260 °C, which converts it to a crystalline fiber.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
8 answers
I'm trying to simulate the pulse propagation in HC-PCF using the professor Govind Agrawal's NLSE solver software [attached]. I think this software can't fulfill all the HC-PCF parameters requirements. Thats why I'm not getting the desired output even i'm using the same parameter values from the papers (attached).
Can anyone please help me in this regard ?
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It is possible by boundary elements method. 
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
For a given optical fiber profile, I can simulate effective index (neff) or a given mode as function of wavelength λ. Using numerical differentiation, I can then estimate group index (ng) or group velocity (vg). However, if I calculate ng for the vector modes of a given group (for instance TE0,1, TM0,1, and HE2,1), and if I do the same for the corresponding LP modes (e.g. LP1,1), the value for ng I obtain for the LP mode is not the the average of ng of constituting vector modes. In some cases, I even can obtain a value for LP mode that is lower than each constituting vector modes. Is it normal?
In other words, if I launch a pulse of a LP1,1 mode in a fiber, and that I measure the time of flight in a long enough fiber, should I see three distinct peaks for each of the constituting vector modes, or should I see only one peak, as if the LP pulse was only one mode? 
Does the simulated ng value I get for LP modes means anything?
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This is a very detailed and pertinent question. You are right about the fact that the values of ng for LP modes and vector modes can be considerably different, especially near their cutoff. However, it is often a  good enough approximation when one is in the "weakly guiding" regime. To answer your question about observing those peaks for a long-enough piece of fiber, in theory you should be able to. However, you will have to plan the measurement to be able to resolve the differences, and this can be tricky as what you will likely see is a broadened peak due in part to the distribution of dispersion along the fiber length as it is not strictly constant for a real fiber. Distributed coupling can also broaden the peak. 
Reading on S2 (s-squared, see Nicholson, 2008 and later publications) might be a good starting point to see the the different effects and help plan your measurement to be able to resolve what you are trying to see.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
7 answers
I need to know the minimum length of this fiber to get signal gain
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Hi Khali:
I have used EDF  as  a active medium for amplifier which length is about 0.35 m, and the relatively gain is obwerved when the pump is adding.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
I want to simulate the GI POF channel considering the major parameters such as the mode attenuation, modal and intermodal dispersion, and mode coupling. In addition, please advise the proper method, WKB or SSFM, that can be used to solve this equation ?.Thanks.
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Thanks Raymond..
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
5 answers
Attenuation is basically a signal loss which is happened due to bending of fiber cables and absorption. If it is possible then how? Help me with mathematical equations.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
Does anyone know the reason for poor sensitivity and commercial unavailability of Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro (RFOG)?
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I suppose the answer is that Resonant Fiber Optic Gyro (RFOG) just does not work well enough, despite many tricks attempted to do so.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
2 answers
I am simulating a hexagonal photonic crystal fiber in mode-solution and need to use anisotropic PML. but there is no such an option. can any one guide me?
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PMLs in cylindrical coordinates work well.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
3 answers
I am attempting to obtain the fluorescence emission spectra from nanocrystals that I have prepared.  The spectrophotometric equipment utilizes a fiber optic cable (1 meter long) to collect the emitted light and bring it to the spectrophotometer.  This fiber optic cable is of the UV-VIS variety, however, there is a substantial increase in attenuation due to the fiber at wavelengths less than 400 nm (see attached graph from the manufacturer). 
My primary interest is in emissions in the 250-400 nm range.  Is there a way to correct the spectral data to account for the increased attenuation from the fiber at < 400 nm?    
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The attenuation is due to Rayleigh scattering that strongly increases at shorter wavelengths Lambda-4. The correction can be done by considering the attenuation factor based on Rayleigh scattering over the whole UV range.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
I want to measure the azimuth angle of a elliptically polarized light. Could you give me some suggestions?
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You can simply do it with single linear polarizer. The azimuth angle will corresponding to the polarizer angle yielding the miximum transmission of light passing throug it. 
you can alo measure in this way the eliplicity by looking at the modulation of the intensity upon the polarizer rotation.
You can also find the more general approaches 
But for some simple test one polarizer can be just enough.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
6 answers
I need to simulate the refractive index of GeO2 doped silica as function of wavelength, to be able to predict optical fiber properties such as group index, chromatic dispersion, and dispersion slope. Currently, I'm aware of two different models: one using a linear interpolation of the Sellmeier equation (Fleming1984), and one using Claussius-Mossotti interpolation (Sunak1989). Is it the best currently available model, or is there any more recent advances in that field?
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I recommend to read the article "To the use of Sellmeier formula" written by Volkmar Brückner in 2011. One can download it from absolutely free. This article contents  Sellmeier empirical constants not only for GeO2 but for P2O5 and B2O5 dopants too.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
I have simulated a solid core photonic crystal fiber with a pitch of 'P'. Is it necessary to define a PML for it? then, how should set its parameters in Comsol?
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It depends on the resolution of your model and the physics: for the case of the optical regime, a thickness of 5 times the biggest wavelength shall make it.
I suggest you make a convergence test: first create a model with a determined PML thickness, run the model and save the imaginary part of the effective index of the fundamental mode. Increase the thickness and run it again. Keep iterating after you see that the imaginary part of the effective index do not changes considerably.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
7 answers
I'm using a fiber optic bundle as a 2d displacement sensor to measure a small displacement. The bundle contains 40 000 micro fibers and those fibers are glued inside the bundle but not fused. That leads to a multiple dead zone between fibers. In order to improve the active surface of the bundle, we want to fuse the optical fibers at high temperature ( industrial process) but I want to know before performing this operation how can I estimate the impact of coupling between optical fibers when they are fused at high temperature , knowing that we use a borocylicate fibers with a 50 µm core diameter and a clading of 5µm only.  
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Using a Optical Backscatter Reflectometer (OBR) 
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
8 answers
How can I get a good fiber end facet? I'm now use a 3SAE LCC-II fiber cleaver to cleave photonic crystal fiber, however it does not work very well, every time I cleave the fiber, I aways see some little damage on the fiber end facet(Some mists and hackles), which have already affected my experiment! So I want to know is there anyone who also use the same cleaver?And if you have a other good method to get a good fiber end facet such as grinding,you could also tell me how to do it, thank you very much!
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Did you try  to finish it off with  a thin sandpaper (glass paper) ?..  you must keep the fiber surface vertically  to the sand paper  when you rub it 
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
4 answers
If I pull the optical fiber from both ends, the fiber will get stretched. Its diameter is going to shrink, so how would it affect the refractive index of the core of optical fiber and birefringence?
So far I'm not able to find any text or article regarding this situation. If anyone could please guide me, I'd be really thankful.
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Some useful links from Leonid.  I have made note of the Barlow and Payne paper for future reference.
Tensile strain in a fibre will reduce the refractive index in core and cladding, but the increase in physical length dominates, so that optical path length increases when the fibre is stretched. The amount depends on the  P11 and P12 strain-optic tensor coefficients and the Poisson's ratio of the glass.  See slide 15 of the presentation linked below.
In a cylindrically symmetric fibre there is no induced birefringence due to pure tensile strain. Birefringence will be induced if the fibre is wound on a mandrel, or if the fibre is gripped asymmetrically to apply the strain.
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
10 answers
In optical networks, generally TDM or WDM or Hybrid WDM-TDM is used for multiplexing
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I aggre with Bennecer.. means there is a trade off between cost end energy efficiency with WDM
  • asked a question related to Fiber Optic Technology
24 answers
Hi all.
I need to couple a maximum light power from a big fiber in small. But i dont know how i can link them without loss more energy.
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