Science topics: Real Estate EconomicsFeasibility Studies
Science topic
Feasibility Studies - Science topic
Studies to determine the advantages or disadvantages, practicability, or capability of accomplishing a projected plan, study, or project.
Questions related to Feasibility Studies
Feasibility study, single centre with 3 wards. I am planning to recruit 15 nurses from the 3 wards for a three- arm parallel group design. 2 arms are intervention and one is control.
How do I assign it please?
Can I assign each ward one directly to each arm?
Or is it better to use a quasi-experimental design
In some of the Phd dissertations, I see randomized controlled mixed methods study is conducted applying only feasibility phase with 3-5 participants as a pilot trial. Then the main study is started. Is this method ok? I think they should conduct a pilot trial first which includes feasibility and represents main study including randomized controlled trial design. For example 30 intervention and 30 control groups. How a new developed health education program could be designed best ? Which of the quidelines should be followed ?
Thank you so much for your response in advance!
I am looking for an example (PDF) of feasibility study on pike-factory construction (pike Esox lucius spawning grounds restoration).
I have recently uploaded a research paper (Feasibility study of replacing currently used freons with Ammonium Chloride and Barium Hydroxide.
( on research gate and shared on facebook. Many of my well-wishers wish to study the paper but they were unable to find the article. What is this issue
Dear friends,
I have an experience of conducting feasibility (cost-benefit) study of different crop production practices using plot level treatments. In this case, the methodology is simply recording the costs and returns of each treatment (plot) and compare their profitability. However, now I planned to undertake a feasibility study on different crop production practices (technologies) using face to face interview with producer farmers. But, I fear that the data will face some realiablity issue due to farmers' recalling problem.
So that, in order to releave such problem and to increase the scientific acceptability of the study, 1. What type of methodologies should I follow?!
2. Again, can you please share or recommend me some documents like questionnaires, methods and studies used some where else?!
Thank you in advance!!
I had recently some doubts about the proposal of a comparative study, comparing botulinum toxin type A and a non pharmacological treatment like dry needling. DN has shown to be effective to decrease spasticity in stroke patients but it has never compared against the gold standard. Could be a comparative (feasibility) study be considered to be until proof of concept stage? Because by definition this should be only for a novel treatment. I also had the doubts of which kind of measurements/outcomes it should include to be a fesibility study
In our Country Sudan, and of course many countries, there are many gas turbine engines became out of service and not applicable to aero applications due to airworthiness law requitement. But those engines are still working probably and I think it can be used for industrial application like electricity generation. I need to do feasibility study then if its feasible to use ex-service gas turbine engines I will go further step to conduct research on required modifications.
Is product market research the same as production market research?
I am looking the solubility of H2S in water at 1 atm and 313.15 K (4O c) to conduct feasibility study on water scrubber for biogas treatment.
There are general programs that can be harnessed to calculate some of the criteria for evaluating projects economically. But are there any recent programs that have direct relevance to the economic feasibility of projects?
I want to compare two theorems and see which one has the largest feasibility domain. like the attached picture.
for example, I have the following matrices:
A1=[-0.5 5; a -1];
A2=[-0.5 5; a+b -1];
they are a function of 'a' and 'b'
I want to plot according to 'a' and 'b' the points where an LMI is feasible
for example the following LMI
then I want to plot the points where another LMI is feasible, for example:
I have seen similar maps in many articles where the authors demonstrated that an LMI is better than another because it is applicable for more couples (a,b)

I am conducting a systematic review about a newly developed psychological intervention for children, but all studies available are of exploratory/feasibility nature and I am not sure how to evaluate/analyse their results.
I am wondering if anyone is aware of guidelines or articles regarding the decision process of going from a pilot/feasibility stage to full RCT?
I am sure this is a relevant question in many departments, deciding if the results from exploratory studies justify going further with expensive RCTs.
I have been looking in to Cochrane Library etc. to see how they evaluate evidence, but what I can find is mostly regarding making clinical guidelines based on evidence availible (RCTs and other sources of evidence).
If anyone knows anything about this process, guidelines for going from exploratory to RCTs, I would be immensely grateful since I feel a bit stuck on this question (how to analyse the results from feasibility/exploratory intervention studies, what criteria can be used for deciding to go ahead or not with RCTs etc..)
I am doing a systematic review of a psychological intervention in child populations, and the currently published studies are all feasibility studies of varying sizes and designs, made for children with different psychological problems and diagnoses.
It seems that the majority of these studies use reliable change index in their statistical analysis (although they do use them a bit differently). I am thinking that it could be good to compare how many patients achieved reliable/clinically significant change across these studies...
I have tried to find studies that have done this without much luck, does anyone know if such comparisons would be a good idea, or if anyone has done this before? (or how this could be done better in other ways?).
The heterogeneity of designs etc of the studies I have found make proper meta-analysis impossible, but I am trying to find a good way to present their findings, and I am not sure how this could be done properly (I have not found many/any reviews of feasibility studies).
Any advice or references to studies would be greatly appreciated.
For an Integer Linear Programming problem (ILP), an irreducible infeasible set (IIS) is an infeasible subset of constraints, variable bounds, and integer restrictions that becomes feasible if any single constraint, variable bound, or integer restriction is removed. It is possible to have more than one IIS in an infeasible ILP.
Is it possible to identify all possible Irreducible Infeasible Sets (IIS) for an infeasible Integer Linear Programming problem (ILP)?
Ideally, I aim to find the MIN IIS COVER, which is the smallest cardinality subset of constraints to remove such that at least one constraint is removed from every IIS.
Thanks for your time and consideration.
Dear Fellow Researchers,
My work is mostly concerned with feasibility studies and scientific forecasts for future development of Humankind. My work is absolutely scientific and in no way "science-fictional".
My Masters Thesis published in 2000 was titled "Accelerator Driven Nuclear Energy Systems":
I have shown that subcritical fission reactors driven by accelerator neutron source can produce much more energy then their accelerator consumes. These reactors would use widely available nuclear fuels like 232Th and 238U. Unfortunately, by 2000 nuclear fission energy was already in decline. In a more recent work on history of energy production I argue that nuclear energy was a lost opportunity for Humankind:
In my recent work, I present feasibility studies relating to Energy Revolution driven by solar and wind power:
I present a case that photovoltaic power would not only replace fossil fuels for energy generation, but would also enable Humankind to increase overall energy production by a factor of at least 100. As global energy production increases, global industrial production and income per capita will increase as well. Hopefully, Humankind will enter global post-scarcity economy. This process should take many decades similar to Industrial Revolution.
In a recent work I describe some of logistics of energy generation and distribution with primarily photovoltaic energy generation and hydrogen economy:
In another work I present a case for harvesting wind power from Jet Stream:
Would anyone be interested in joint work on aforementioned subjects?
Best Regards,
Mikhail Shubov
Hello Everyone,
Could anyone suggest the best place to publish feasibility studies and popular science articles? In Air Buoyancy Engines I demonstrate feasibility of updraft towers or air balloon engines generating energy with 12% efficiency from a 33 C heat source. The main credit for balloon engines belongs to Dr. Ion Edmonds. In Feasibility of Extremely Heavy Lift Hot Air Balloons and Airships I demonstrate feasibility of airships using hot air as lifting gas. For insulated high mass airships, thermal power requirement is proportional to the cubic root of mass. In Harvesting Jet Stream Wind Power by Turbines on Moored Airships I demonstrate that high altitude wind power can be economically harvested by the aforementioned hot air airships.
Thank You
What is the difference between pilot study/ phase? preliminary study/ feasibility study?
What they call the type of piloting that aims to test the instrument (e.g. survey, interview)? and what is the name of the type of piloting that is considered a smaller version of the main (PhD) thesis?
In the confirmation viva what type of piloting new PGRs usually use in their first year?
My major is Applied Linguistics.
What is your opinion on how much patients I need for a early feasibility study (ESF) to access in human device functionality of a prototype?
While Retrofitting Stone Masonry Buildings, the local failure mechanism also plays a governing role like the Global Failures. Whilst Splint and Bandages can be placed for In plane and Out of Plane failures control, it also becomes necessary to control the local failure of the walls. Hence, as Jacketing is to be performed in remaining areas to control it, which is later covered with plasters/micro concreting, the original aesthetics of building is found to be lost. What optimum methods (that are also economically feasible) can be used in such case to preserve the vernacular architectures.
I'm planning to conduct a Pilot Feasibility Study of a digital health intervention for individuals with low back pain. However, I wonder how I have to calculate the sample size, as feasibility will be the primary outcome.
Any help will be really appreciated!
We are a group of students relatively new in the research world. We are currently working on our research assessing the anti-carcinogenic effects of active compounds present in Colocasia esculenta parts in mitigating prostate cancer carcinogenesis. This study aims to utilize the whole Colocasia esculenta plant, extracting and isolating the active compounds present in its roots, leaves, and stem, and assess and compare their anti-carcinogenic effectivity against prostate cancer. Thus, we want to ask experts, preferably taro experts but can be also general experts about chemoprevention and oncology, out there several questions below regarding research design and concerns.
- What statistical methodologies are used to utilize and measure the efficacy of the taro's anti-carcinogenic activity?
- We've encountered several studies that use crude TE in evaluating the taro's effects against cancer cell lines. And we're currently applying this to our research. We want to ask if wild taro extract can serve as a doable surrogate for the poi extract. Moreover, we also want to know if the taro (raw or cooked) condition could produce a mixed result concerning taro's inhibitory effect against carcinogenesis?
- Our study involves testing crude TE taken from various parts of the plant on prostate cancer cell lines. When testing out the carcinogenic and migration assays of obtained prostate cancer cell lines, generally, how much isolated Colocasia esculenta phytochemical extract is needed for experimentation to assure maximum data accuracy?
- Do you see the potential of taro's leaves and stem from having anti-carcinogenic properties aside from the corm? Are active compounds of the corm of C.esculenta might be more less-efficient in mitigating carcinogenesis than of the leaves and stem?
- Can the inhibitory effect of Colocasia esculenta (taro) extract against carcinogenesis be more pronounced in vitro than in vivo? Or in the other way?
- On the matter of sample toxicity, what should we worry about when obtaining Colocasia esculenta phytochemical extracts?
- The processes we found viable for active compound extraction are maceration and decoction. Would you recommend these too, or are there other more efficient techniques?
- Are there any dangers that we should expect/watch out for from acquired taro extracts? If so, what are these?
- We've encountered several studies that use crude TE with more-or-less similar results as yours. And we're currently applying this to our research. We want to ask if wild taro extract can serve as a doable surrogate for the poi extract. Moreover, we also want to know if the taro (raw or cooked) condition could produce a mixed result concerning taro's inhibitory effect against carcinogenesis?
- Our study directly involves testing taro extract into human PCa cancer cell lines. In your article, you used a rat colon cancer cell line first. Thus, is it appropriate to start experimenting first on human cancer cell lines rather than on rat cancer cell lines beforehand?
- Are there any additional measures we need to take to attain the most accurate outcomes possible? Anything we need to take note of or remember?
- Overall, does this research seem feasible enough to be accomplished by us students who are only in high school?
We are willing to hold a video consultation session if possible to address such concerns. Your help is very much appreciated.
Currently, solar installment at domestic level is at peak without any feasibility study. I used HOMER for an optimal plant size for green energy generation at community level. Please guide me about the optimality and reliability of this tool before making a policy to implement.
Does anyone know a journal that publishes protocols of pilot studies (except from 'bmc - pilot and feasibility studies')? Thank you!
We are conducting a pre-feasibility/feasibility study of CCUS for an industrial cluster in eastern Norway. Some of the sources have relative high concentrations of NOx and SO2.
While we know the possibilities and challenges amine technology gives we are considering the possibilities of combined flue gas treatment and CCUS with technologies like chilled ammonia or hot potassium.
Vendors of both technologies claim that they are robust against acid gases, and other impurities, in the flue gas, and that they can be utilized to reduce NOx (mostly NO2) and SO2. This seems also to be somewhat supported in research reports, but very superficially described.
We are wondering if it would be technological possible, and cost-efficient, to build an integrated system. Both to avoid new investments in improved FGD systems and to improve the air quality as a result of an CCUS investment.
I have > 20 years experience from Waste to Energy and have been working on CCUS since 2014.
Our web site are:
Need feasibility study report for a Quarantine Center of 500 beds or somewhat similar capacity(land, type of construction, water supply and sanitation and other allied facilities). Assuming that the project is to be executed on fast-track basis.
Zimbabwe is a developing country which has been importing sodium cyanide from other countries which are used in the gold mining industry, it has been proposed to carry out a feasibility study on the local manufacture of sodium cyanide. your contributions towards this project are necessary for its success
I am currently working on a project of finding the feasible and viable plastic bag alternatives that could be implemented sustainably in Fiji. Because of the harmful effects that plastic pollution has played on the environment and the ecosystem, this project has been brought about to outline and highlight viable alternatives to single-use plastic bags for Fiji.
I have a couple studies that were classed as pilot RCTs that I'm not sure if they are suitable to be critiqued using the Risk of Bias tool (Cochrane) for a systematic review. My concern is the size of the trials, although they do have a good method.. for example:
I've done some readying into the Cochrane Risk of Bias exclusion & defining terms but the document does not mention low powered RCTs (specifically the pilot or feasibility RCTs) - link:
I'd appreciate your valued expertise on this matter. Many thanks!
Is assessing effectiveness a sub-dimension of feasibility or these are separate entities altogether? what aspects must be considered while doing a feasibility study for a new intervention?
For definition purposes, pilot studies are usually considered as the trial or miniature version of your main study; but in case of a feasibility a pilot study required? and also how the sample size calculation differs in both?
You are contractor of a construction project.
There is a problem. Problem is late approval of feasibility reports, work permits, drawings and materials by owner of the project.
1) How do you plan to prevent occurrence of this problem?
If your preventive actions are not successful, how do you control the consequences of this delay?
2) or What will be your mitigation measures as contractor to makeup gone time and cost ?
3) What would be if you are in owner position?
I am running a simple within-group feasibility study (3 time points), linear mixed model with time as a fixed effects, and subjects a random effect (but not covariate). I have found information on how to calculate effect sizes between time points (e.g. time 1 and time 2; time 1 and time 3, etc), but, as my groups are unbalanced, I am unsure how to calculate an effect size for all three time points.
Any help as to how to do this would be appreciated!
I'm working on a feasibility study for implementing an IPCC (In pit crushing and conveying) in an open pit mine. I need some references in this regard. can you suggest me some?
Consort transparent reporting issue
Question answered! Thanks to all experts who replied!
Dear experts,
I am currently writing my final thesis, a feasibility study in the agricultural industry. I must choose to either use an inductive or deductive approach during this project, however, I am in doubt which approach to choose, as, in my opinion, I use aspects of both.
In my literature review, I use general theories (Abell; Laddering; ...) mainly to set up an interview guide. My primary research mainly consists of semi-structured interviews with farmers, using the interview guide. I will code these data to come to my conclusions and recommendations. The way I see it, this research is as qualitative as a feasibility study can get.
As said, I am in doubt about the approach I should use / am using. I recognize a number of deductive elements in the literature review (using an abstract theory to set up specific interview questions), but the field research is an inductive process. Your view on this would be highly appreciated!
Yours faithfully,
Aito G. Atzema
Department: ICT.
Phase: Research Proposal
I am planning to do a feasibility study for storing Electronic Health Records (EHRs) on a permission-ed (consortium) blockchain.
I would like to prove or disprove that blockchain technologies could be used to address challenges that traditional client-server EHR systems are facing for example data breaches, privacy compromises, health record tampering, interoperability, audibility, and fraud.
I hope the background is sufficient.
Primary Objective :
Devise an architecture/framework/model for the use of blockchain technology to decentralize and secure the sharing of electronic health records.
I am having trouble to understand the diffidence between an architecture, framework, and model.
Then in your option which term would be more suitable to use for my study.
Thank you in advance.
I would like to know how should I determine the price of the possible monazite sand? I do have an ICP-Mass test result which indicates elements present (attachment). For a feasibility study I need to determine the price for the raw sand but I do not know any guidelines or references to do so.
Suggestions are more than welcome.
I would like to determine the statistical tool advised by High School Research Advisers for Science Investigatory Projects...
Research as follows...
1. Feasibility studies on product outputs..
2. Comparative studies of two or three variables
3. Mixed research
Hope you can help me guys!
In the RE-FUEL POWER projects, we are considering a number of conventional power cycles, such as supercritical reheated steam cycle, and advanced power cycles, such as supercritical CO2, ethane, helium or HAT cycles. Based on your experience, what other cycles can compete with these in terms of techno-economic performance?
#powercycle #thermodynamic #economic #feasibility #cleanenergy #refuelpower
I want to do a feasibility study for the production of hydrogen by solar photovoltaic and I want to know:
- how to determine the number of cells
The current of the electrolyser from a field PV.
- electrolyser current from PV (EX: 10 kW of PV equal to how much current electrolyser).
Please, can you help me how can i procede to realize this feasibility study?
Thank you.
Best regards.
can anyone tell me what is the difference between hotstar master mix and normal master mix?
I am dealing with FFPE DNA and facing problem ; bands are not coming consistent
should I design my primers in such a way as amplicon size is less than 250bp?
what protocol should I follow for doing PCR as my downstream application is sanger sequencing...
thank you
How has the factors affected the following phases of PPP framework; PPP Enabling Environment; PPP Project Preparation Process; Bankable Feasibility Study; and Risk Identification and Allocation.
What is appropriate to get a sample size for a feasibility study?
The researcher knows that they will able to recruit from 3 clinics and they want to test how many patients will be willing to fill out the survey. They are thinking that if 80% do that would be an acceptable amount.
Is this enough information to calculate the necessary sample size from each clinic?
Is this enough to show that a survey is "feasible"?
in another words,how can i prepare a feasibility study illustrate the input and the output of cellulase production process by submerged fermentation in pilot scale or semi industrial scale using fermenter capacity 50-100 litre?
How can I prepare a strategic planning for a project?
Considering the economic feasibility..
For example, the feasibility of establishing an Islamic bank in the United States, in the UK or any other Muslim minority country in the world.
i'm gonna have a feasibility study of "automotive technology parks".
i need some reports/information about automotive new tech in recent years around the world, reports about the installations need for such parks and some samples of these kind of parks.
I wonder what kind of echo stress contributes most to the diagnosis of myocardial viability, and if the addition of the strain can add value to the method.
Three terms used interminably in business need to know the scientific difference ,,
I have found a few papers which refer to it as such and many which refer to it as a method of analysing data (which it is). I'm currently doing a feasibility study and writing a qualitative research proposal and struggling to identify the methodology. I read recently that framework analysis borrows principles from different epistemological traditions and that it's ontological position adheres most closely to subtle realism.
Are there any good articles on this? I am planning to do study on the feasibility of using a decision aid on SCI pt.
Renewable energy technologies are the solution for the reduction of greenhouse gases generated by the power sector. However, we have to take into account the complete life cycle of these technologies (How much energy is needed to produce them, to transport them, to install them, to maintain them, and to dispose of them). Taking into account all these factors, and the relatively high initial cost, can renewable energy still compete with fossil-fuel sources? Even if we internalize the environmental costs of the latter?
I have been trying to find any difference between feasibility and flexibility when discussed in real time scheduling. Do both of them mean the scheduler can scheduley can set tasks? Can somebody explain?