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Fault Detection - Science topic
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Questions related to Fault Detection
How are researchers using artificial intelligence to make fuel cell systems more reliable and efficient, and what advantages does this approach offer to fuel cell technology in 2024?
Wavelet Transform, Discrete Wavelet Transform, Arc Fault Detection, DC MG
I need unlabeled dataset of industrial robot for fault detection and predictive maintenance by using unsupervised algorithm.
I am working on observer based active fault tolerant control( Fault detection and isolation (FDI) scheme) for handling sensor faults in a system. The system has also a dynamic disturbance component also which is difficult to have a proper observer design to design the FDI of the FTC scheme. I would like to know the effective methods to handle such situations with observer based FTC schemes. How to handle the issues of disturbance modelling and threshold selection in such schemes? Also what could be the limitations for such schemes?
I am trying to work on fault deetection in WSNs and i couldn't find a proper reference regarding it.
i want to know the information about in different aspect currently i need an idea how to come up with a CNN code for this model.
I want to detect faults in WSN working using ns2 TCL code.
I have mannasim framework installed on my PC, is there anyone who has already worked on this concept and can help me out so that I should be able to calculate faults in WSN in an energy efficient manner.
Dear all,
I have been doing research on the leak detection of pipelines for some time. I did the simulations with simcenter software. But unfortunately, I tried to detect the location of the leak using Kalman filter in different ways, but it is not possible. Is it possible to guide me? Is it possible to send me the MATLAB code so that I can try on my own water pipelines and simulations?
I have calculated the gear meshing frequency of planetary gearbox to be 786 Hz. However, when a FFT is performed on the data acquired for the same planetary gearbox I could see peak around 645 Hz and not at 786 Hz.
The calculated mesh frequency was done based on the speed and number of teeth. But the signals acquired during operation was under loaded condition.
Does external load change the natural frequency and meshing frequency of gear?
Is there any reference to calculate the theoretical gear mesh frequency in relationship with load.
Attached FFT plot.
Thanks in advance for sharing you knowledge.
Hello! Kindly guide from where I can get datasets for Induction Motor Rotor Bar fault detection? Specifically does any one have access to data from LAII Laboratory of University of Poitiers (France)? It is not accessible through the link given in the paper: Mario E. and Ali C. (2005). BROKEN BAR DETECTION IN INDUCTION MOTORS - Using non intrusive torque estimation techniques. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics - Robotics and Automation, pages 144-149, DOI: 10.5220/0001156901440149
Copyright SciTePress
Suppose a smart meter is connected to the mainline of the network. Would it be wise to say that the data captured through this meter can be used for fault location in the sub-lateral branches of the line in the same network?
Attached is the figure. The SM is connected to the mainline from where lateral branches go to loads and other sources etc. Suppose, at t = 4 ; fault 3 occurs while the rest of the sections are healthy, what could be the possible approach to locate fault 3 if we have only one meter connected at main bus (line).
(Serious and active members are required.)
My research fields are Renewable energy, PV systems, wind energy systems, multilevel-inverters, observers and state estimation, induction motor fault detection, and diagnosis.
- Write and publish research papers together
- Split the publication cost (APC) together if necessary.
I am an undergraduate electrical engineering student researching on the application of motor current signature analysis for fault detection in three-phase induction motors. I plan to use LabView simulation tool. However I do not have a physical motor that I can use to create faults to it. Now My question is does LabView simulation tool provides an option for creating faults such as stator fault, rotor fault and bearing fault on the virtual motor? Your answers will be highly appreciated
I need your suggestions/ideas on M.Tech dissertation topics in DataScience in NMS/EMS preferably in Telecommunication domain. Thanks in advance.
Bearings are one of the critical components in rotary machines such as motors, wind turbines, helicopters, automobiles, and gearboxes. Most of these machine failures are caused by bearing faults. Thus, being able to detect bearing faults and predict remaining useful life (RUL) can help to provide advance failure warnings, plan the maintenance schedule, and avoid catastrophic failures. What are the most common technologies for bearing fault detection and RUL prediction?
I am trying to generate all possible Associative Fault Mutants for a predicate.
For example: A predicate p= (a*b)*(c*d)
where * represents a logical operator viz., || or &&.
The possible mutants are
m1= a*(b*c)*d
m2= ((a*b)*c)d
m3= a*(b*(c*d))
and so on...
But, when the conditions contains 'Not' operator then what will the possible mutants?
for this predicate p= !(!(!a*b)*c)d, how to generate the possible associative fault mutants?
Any lead will be very helpful.
I am using a SVM (supervised) classifier for internal leakage fault detection and classification of a hydraulic actuator, i am considering 3 stages of fault namely low,medium and high levels of internal leakage the method is as follows
1. first a known level of fault is artificially induced into the system
2. system parameters and signals are obtained
3. the SVM classifier is trained using the obtained results and known fault labels
but since the actuator is in a hydraulic excavator the number of data points the can be obtained is constrained (for example i obtained 40 data of each fault class totaling 120 observations)
Is the use of 120 data points to train the classifier justifiable?
I understand that MSCA detects fault characteristic frequencies and evaluate it through subtracting the magnitude of main frequency with the magnitude of fault characteristic frequencies in dB scale. And the lower the difference the more serious the fault.
But I want to know that is there any severity index to consider how the level of fault is, such that the category of low, medium, and high can be made?
I am trying to implement a fault detection method that is discussed by Ryoya et al in this paper "" and integrate it with a solid-state circuit breaker design I have developed to control a DC microgrid distribution system.
Then I started having a question that may sound a little bit naive. The paper I mentioned earlier uses current differential deviation i.e. change of current over time (di/dt) to identify faults. The question is, how do I differentiate between simple current deviation due to load changes or fluctuations and a fault driven change in current?
Is the difference going to be obvious because the rate of change due to a fault would be dramatically different in magnitude? and if so, how many folds should I expect the difference to be?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Sir ,
When there is a fault on the lower H-BRIDGE diagonal switches the waveforms of output voltage is similar . How did the neural network model classify the fault in this case ?
Hi, everybody,
My GC-MSMS instrument (Agilent 7000) shows the following error at 20-40 minutes after beginning run:
"QQQ Fault Detected: 3.12 Collision Cell RF Driver Cannot Maintain the Request RF Peak Voltage"
then no data are saved. Before appearing this error, data are saved without problem.
The instrument is tuned well and every other things are seems to be OK.
I need to measure the CCT from rotor angle graph >> is it possible ? HOW?
it will be highly appreciated, if you advice any method to calculate the CCT
This Special Issue will focus on control, modeling, various machine learning techniques, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control for systems. Papers specifically addressing the theoretical, experimental, practical, and technological aspects of modeling, control, fault diagnosis, and fault-tolerant control of various systems and extending concepts and methodologies from classical techniques to hybrid methods will be highly suitable for this Special Issue.
Potential themes include, but are not limited to:
Modeling and identification
Adaptive and hybrid control
Adaptive and hybrid observers
Reinforcement learning for control
Data-driven control
Fault diagnosis
Fault-tolerant control of systems based on various control and learning techniques
Prof. Dr. Jong-Myon Kim
Prof. Dr. Hyeung-Sik Choi
Dr. Farzin Piltan
For ∆-Y power transformer Y-∆ CT connection is used. The Low voltage side is connected is connected with Current transformers that are star connected . Why this cross connection is done and how it prevents from operating on external faults and zero sequence current.
Can methods used to diagnose faults in control systems be used to detect cyber attacks in control systems?
I am using a 39 bus electric grid system (IEEE-39 bus benchmark). I have gathered data for its normal system operation for the bus voltages and the corresponding line currents. I also have acquired data for the 10 synchronous generators which supply power to the the loads.
I want to perform faults analysis, and use AI techniques to identify the type of the fault and location of the bus to which the fault is introduced.
What will be the inputs to the ANN and how this analysis will be performed, your feedback and guidance will be much appreciated. Thank you
Hi there,
I want to use the libsvm toolbox to calculate the distance d(x) between a sample and the SVDD hyperplane in the feature space. Please, anyone know how to do this? I want to obtain a plot similar to this one here.
Thanks in advance
Poring over the literature of Fault Diagnosis, I found out several conventional approaches, including Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Fisher discriminant analysis (FDA), Partial Least Squares(PLS), and Canonical variate analysis (CVA). Having said that, I am not assured of lastest or improved categories.
Dear expert,
I am working on machine learning clustering algorithms for IoT sensor data fault detection and correction by considering non-spherical and unbalanced data in incremental way. Can you please suggest the best algorithm in this regard or best research article for sensor data fault detection and prevention.
Dear friend,
These days, I'm trying to finish my Ph.D. in electrical engineering (control engineering). I'm specialized in Extended-Kalman fitter application, fault detection, neural network, digital transportation, digital twins and machine learning respectively. It is necessary to say that, my thesis about Industry 4.0 at pipeline performance management (software). I'm enthusiastic to join a team for my postdoc. And I struggle to study at the edge of science topics for my postdoc.
Would you help me please to join in the on the team for my postdoc, study abroad or a way to join in this kind of program?
Suppose we are given a baseline population (B) and an anomalous population (A), consisting of entities described by a set of numerical and categorical features (X). Let T denote a statistic computed over a population (count of entities, percentage of entities having a specific property, etc). Based on a distance metric D between T(B) and T(A), population A is labelled as anomalous.
How can one identify the subgroups of entities within A that lead to the observed difference between T(A) and T(B) ( e.g. entities with X1 in {w11,w12,w13} and X2 > w22 ). Equivalently, what are the subgroups from A that once removed, leads to no statistically significant difference between T(A) and T(B).
Reviewed literature:
Applying the Chi2 test of homogeneity on each feature coupled with the Cramer's V score could lead to a ranking of these features; however this approach provides a unidimensional segmentation of the population and doesn't account for combinations of features.
B can represents the patients admitted into a given hospital during a given month and A represent the patients admitted into the same hospital a month later, with X representing the demographic features of a patient (age, gender, income, ethnicity, etc). Let T denote the total number of patients admitted with flu into a hospital.
Given that T(A) is statistically larger than T(B), how to localize the subgroup of patients (in terms of their demographic features) that lead to the observed difference?
Dear friend
I want to design software for measuring the valuable information (pressure and flow) of the pipeline to detect faults like corrosion and leakage.
I'm working on the algorithm that used for extended kalman filter for pipeline leak detection systems.
I follow the low-priced method to design this kind of hardware for pipeline fault detection. Could you tell me some approaches to designing? Which instrument need for fabrication which doesn’t need expensive devices?
Thank you for your consideration
Hello Guys,
I am going to start my phd, i am looking for research topic in software engineering. i am looking for software clone , software error detection and software fault detection type of topics. if any body having latest and updated idea then kindly share me.
Raghuraj Singh.
How does the electrical industry detect faults (LG, LLG etc) in the transmission grid?
- Using voltage sag for fault detection & location?
- Using overcurrent magnitudes for fault detection & location?
- The analysis is performed using voltage/current AC waveforms or RMS (DC equivalent) waveforms?
- Which equipment/s are used do we employ relays for this? Is there a relay which detects voltage sags?
Will be highly obliged if someone can answer the above queries. Thank you
Can someone please specify a good tutorial, paper or presentation specifying the application of wavelet analysis for the identification of LG faults in the transmission lines using Matlab or any other software.
How is performance and purpose of wavelet analysis for fault type (LG, LLG, LLG etc) & location detection different than performing same analysis using RMS value for fa
How is the performance and purpose of wavelet analysis for fault type (LG,LLG,LLLG etc) and location detection different than performing the same analysis using the RMS values for fault & location detection.
E.g if we have the RMS value of the Phase votlages at the nodes, then in the scenario of a fault on three phases (i.e. LLLG fault) the voltage at those 3 phases will be 0 or close to 0, showing the faulty phase and it will remain 0 till the fault is removed.
How the electrical industry, detects such transients faults?
I have downloaded some radar images, so I would like to generate faults zones from thoses images. How do I start ?
I'm studying how to create a switchgear that will allow simultaneous parallel operation of a utility and a generator supplying a common load. Additionally, the generator will be used for electrical consumption peak reduction purposes. The generator bus bars carry 1600A, the utility bus bars carry 3000A. They both, and the load share a neutral bus.
1) Should the current transformer (CT) on this neutral bus be 3000:5 (matching utility CTs) or 2000:5 (matching generator CTs)?
2) The system is solidly grounded and connected to the secondary of a Wye - Wye transformer on the utility side. In case of a ground fault. Would there be any significant current flowing on the neutral bus bar? The utility short circuit contribution is 28.8 kA, the generator short circuit contribution is 10.2 kA.
hello, Dears. I am a M.S.c student in babol noshrvani univercity ( ) interested in fault detection. I'm looking for the database of Induction motors thermal image. can you help me?
Hello everyone,
I want to simulate SKF bearing 6308 in ANSYS Workbench explicit dynamic. I created the model as below, but for simplifying the model, I used 3 balls for the bearing.
The inner race of the bearing has a local fault. As it clear on the outline, I used frictional contact (coef=0.005), an angular velocity of 1000 RPM for the inner ring, fixed support of the outer surface of the outer ring, and end time 0.018 (for one complete revolution). I did not consider any radial load. After solving the problem, I realized that only the inner ring rotates and the cage and balls slip a little (3-5 mm). For this problem, I changed the frictional coef from 0.005 to 0.1 and even no separation. But, still, I did not see any rotation in balls. They just slip a bit with the inner ring. One more time, I assigned clearance between balls, races, and the cage. Again, it did not work (clearance 0.01 mm).
It was weird why balls do not follow the rotation of the inner ring. As a result, I created a simple model similar to bearing the cross section with a ball between them. As shown in the picture below.
By moving the upper part to the right, again the ball remains constant without any rotation. It just has a bit displacement (slipping).
I really appreciate if anyone can help me step by step to solve this problem.
Thank you.
I have an MSc student doing a dissertation project on process fault detection and control. The student is really keen to find an application from the Oil and Gas industry. I wonder if anyone has found or is aware of a challenge or benchmark problem that might be useful?
Modeling partially observable systems can be useful in many applications. There are multiple techniques and tools to model DES (Discrete Event Systems) and partially observable systems using Stochastic Timed Petri Nets. It would be good if we model the system using STPN for fault detection. Thus, my question is "Do you have any idea how to model partially observable systems using Stochastic Timed Petri Nets for fault detection?"
As per the definition of logic obfuscation, obfuscated circuit stays in obfuscated mode upon global reset (i.e. initial state) and generates incorrect output; upon receiving correct initialization sequence it enters into functional mode and generates intended outputs.
This is fine with respect to the design that does not connected with any further critical systems. If at all, the obfuscated logic needs to be connected to further safety critical systems, won't incorrect value generated in obfuscated mode affects the critical systems??
In such case, how to apply logic obfuscation??
Thanks in advance.
I'm doing research on fault detection ,classification and identifying ,I have found out fault detection using wavelet analysis need a guide about other methods.
I have a deep groove ball bearing (NSK make). I wish to introduce artificial faults in the outer race and inner race such that I can study their signal characteristics. I am facing two situations:
- EDM is not available at our workshop. Kindly suggest other methods which can be applied (or is generally applied) to create the faults (spall, holes etc.).
- Another issue I am facing is regarding the dismantling of the bearing. The bearing has steel riveted cage, so once I dismantle the bearing, the cage gets destroyed and the bearing cannot be reassembled for my analysis. What is the standard procedure adopted by researchers in such situations?
I am looking for existing litterature on the effect of fault inception angle during fault in three phase long distance lines.
Fault inception angle is the angle of the Voltage phasor of the line right before short circuit (with ground).
Thank you
I'd like to use proximal support vector machine with Gaussian kernel for fault detection, but I don't know how I can estimate centers!
Can anyone help me?
Thanks for considering this
I ntend to work on fault detection of robotic systems with kalman filter implementaion how difficult will it be for me to complete the task?
Pls suggest which method is suitable for fault clearing in short time...
How different order derivative signals (original signal) can be used in fault detection and location, pls? Can anyone recommend some papers?
I am interested to start work in smart grid security issue such as fault detection, identification utilizing machine learning concept.
From where I can data set for the analysis in this issue?
Also want to know what are the possible area of research in smart grid integrated with
machine learning
Dear all;
I wrote some codes for fault detection in wind turbine with SVM classifiction. I use matlab 2014b.
I totally have 24002*6 data in a normal class and a fault class. I performed PCA to this data I reduced features to one ,then I used 9601 data in a normal class and in addition 9601 data in a fault class for training , 2400 data in a normal class in addition 2400 data in a fault class for test in SVM classification.
My problem is that when I perform PCA for dimensionality reduction my codes don't run and it takes more than 10 minutes!
Can anyone helps me to solve this problem?
Your help is appreciated
I'm trying to evaluate the types of faults that can be simulated and potentially recreated in real flight, that a quadcopter could experience besides the researched/documented partial/complete loss of rotor(s). I would like to apply some of these effects to the neural network-based fault detection and diagnosis framework I'm currently developing.
Thanks in advance.
Does someone have any experience of using PSVM for fault detection?
Thank you for the information
I am a first year doctoral student working towards drafting my research proposal. My area of concentration is condition monitoring and fault diagnosis of drive-train (wind turbine) components. Comments and suggestions are welcome on how to approach in selecting "relevant" problems to be tackled.
I am in a dilemma on how to first pinpoint on the components (gearbox, bearing, motor, generator, shaft etc.) from among so many and then choose a research problem to solve. What will be the best way to approach?
Literature suggest every component has their own set of problems and scope for work but what are some of the important aspects to keep in mind before selecting one of them. For starters, should the approach be to select an already established method of solution to the problem and try to improve it?
Dear all;
1: I used SVM to fault detection, now I want to figure out effect of fault in 10 seconds time slot of 60 seconds such that I have a window of data with 10 seconds length like 0-10 seconds,0.005s-10.005 s, 0.01s -10.01s ...60s. and I want to use SVM for each 10 s window of data.
I have some data in excel file which is divided to two parts; upper section is normal data and lower section is fault data and I have 6 features. Entirely I have 24002 data. I wrote a piece of code but I'm not sure if it is correct or not and I want to know how can I correct it? 2:I would like to know how can I divide my data to train and test in for loop for each window?
clc;clear;close all;
T=2001; %length of data in 10s (Window Size)
K=(0.5*length(X))-T+1 % Number of repetitions
for i=1:K
%% Data Normalaization
I'll appreciate your help.
I plan to use qualitative reasoning
I used SVM for fault detection two times; At first, I didn’t use PCA, but for the second time I used PCA for dimensionality reduction.
Unfortunately, I didn’t get good results for TP and TN. I don’t have any errors in MATLAB. I tuned C and rbf_sigma with trial and error, for SVM C=10, rbf_sigma=4 and for PCA+SVM C=20 ,rbf_sigma=0.21.
Is it possible to improve SVM evaluation? Or
Have I done something wrong in MATLAB?
Thanks for your consideration
Any one knows this cca technique to diagnosis the faults in data driven fashion thanks.
I am currently working on a project that requires fault detection of engines based on the available data.
The available information are parameters that were recorded during annunciation of the previous faults, historical data on the engines of that model and obviously the engine itself, and some rules that were defined in the control logic to trigger the faults.
Unfortunately, the triggering logic provides many false positives despite rigorous QA before deployment. Therefore, using an ML or AI algorithm or any other approach that could be helpful in this area, I would like to update the triggering logic that would minimize the false positives and improves accuracy and precision of detection while does not affect performance (speed) significantly.
Any help in this area is appreciated.
Dear all,
With access to high-speed time-synchronized data provided by phasor measurement units (PMUs), real-time state estimation becomes possible for power system monitoring, protection
and control. While most of PMU-based research work focuses on real-time state estimation or filtering including static and dynamic states in power systems, my questions are:
1. How can these processed PMU data be used for detection and identification of abnormal system state?
2. How can this knowledge (real-time state, detection and identification of abnormal system state) be used to improve resilience of power systems? (such as loading shedding, isolation schemes and generation tripping under cascading failures)
Thanks very much and appreciate your reply.
I would like to develop a FPGA based time domain reflectometer for fault analysing and locating of copper cable (cat3e).
The question is how should I start on it?
What the points that I should consider?
All suggestion s are welcomed.
Thank you.
I am searching for some statistical incident data where HIF is reported. I have a report of Dr. Don B. Russell, but it is too old (1989). Is there any recent survey available?
In the case of software fault detection, how can we model such faults ? It is required to analyse the performance of fault detection system. Is there any general model for software faults?
Dear researcher, I would like to have some references and practical information about boiler tube data collection for normal and ab-normal boiler tube conditions, such as; type of sensors, methods and....
Is it possible to guide me?
The dominant components in the stator current of a typical induction motor are deterministic (i.e., predictable) and the substantial amount of the information they present is not related to bearing faults. In this sense, these deterministic components as “noise” to bearing fault detection problems may create the possibility of missed and false alarms. Which regression and machine learning methods can be used for modeling deterministic components of induction motor current signal?
Is the battery current reference generated is sufficient to alleviate the dc link overvoltage occurrence ? Kindly refer to the Image file attached