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Farming Systems - Science topic
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Questions related to Farming Systems
While keeping in mind the following Two Reasons:
1. Let 8 Billion + population get food at an affordable price which is possible when we grow agricultural products in abundance.
2. Quality Infrastructure ( QI ) has been established across the globe to create a mechanism for independent third party assessment of products, services and processes. It plays a pivotal role at the national level in propagating, adoption and adherence to quality standards in all important spheres of activities including education, healthcare, environment protection, governance, social sectors, infrastructure sector and such other areas of organized activities that have significant bearing in improving the quality of life and wellbeing of the mankind.
Describe the step-by-step process of preparing enriched compost in an organic farming system, highlighting the specific materials used and their contributions to soil health.
Differentiate between traditional and modern farming systems in India, considering factors such as crop selection, irrigation methods, and use of agrochemicals, and analyze the implications for sustainability and environmental conservation.
- Distinguish the effects of globalization on traditional agricultural practices.
- Discuss how global trade, technological advancements, and cultural exchanges have influenced farming systems globally.
It can be in the form of a product, design, prototype, project, initiative, farming system, IT application, software, or infrastructure, amongst others.
Compare the impacts of conventional and organic farming systems on soil organic matter content and quality, and analyze their implications for future food production ?
In your opinion, can vertical farming become the agriculture of the future in sustainable, green, smart, food self-sufficient cities?
In your opinion, in the context of the ongoing process of global warming, is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
With a rapidly growing global population, concerns and questions about the ability to feed the ever-increasing number of people living on planet Earth have been around for many years, but still remain. With a growing population, the scale of civilisation's processing of environmental matter, the scale of industrialisation, the consumption of renewable and increasingly also non-renewable raw materials, the increasing scale of waste generation, environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, etc., the possibilities of feeding the world's population in the future will diminish rather than increase. In addition, the negative effects of the development of civilisation, including above all the accelerating process of global warming, may develop at an even faster rate. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently shift the development of civilisation towards sustainability, to significantly increase the scale of implementation of sustainable development goals, to carry out a green transformation of the economy, including a green transformation of agriculture, and to create new forms of sustainable organic farming, which will be more resistant to negative biotic and abiotic external factors, including, above all, limited resources of agricultural land and the successively increasing negative impact of the progressing process of global warming, including increasingly frequent periods of drought, soil barrenness, plagues of pests and various diseases affecting agricultural crops, etc., which will have a negative impact on the development of civilisation.
Therefore, combining the seemingly contradictory goals of increasing the production of food for people with a reduction in the agricultural areas on which agriculture is practised according to the traditional production formula, stopping deforestation turned into aforestation, increasing the production of crops for human rather than livestock consumption, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the scale of pro-environmental agriculture, etc., it is precisely the development of vertical farming that can help in this process of green transformation of agriculture.
Vertical farming, also referred to by such terms as vertical farming, vertical farms, consists of growing crops in a vertical formula, in which individual plants are placed one above the other on multi-level platforms. This results in a more efficient use of space, practically multiplying the cultivation area. In addition, vertical cultivation can be established and cultivated anywhere, even in the centre of a large city. Vertical cultivation can be established both in specially designed halls and by adapting existing buildings. Crops such as lettuce, strawberries, herbs and mushrooms, for example, are grown in vertical racks, towers with troughs or purpose-built systems with continuous irrigation and additional artificial lighting.
In view of the above, vertical farming is becoming an excellent alternative to traditional agriculture. The vertical positioning of plants allows a very good use of space, as a result of which significant yields can be obtained from a small area. Vertical farming uses up to 10 times less water compared to traditional agriculture. In addition, vertical farming does not use pesticides and other chemical plant protection products, as the plants are grown in closed, air-conditioned rooms with artificial lighting.
These can even be created in multi-storey buildings in cities or in halls located on the outskirts of cities. This also saves on transport and increases the food self-sufficiency of cities. The problem of droughts occurring more and more frequently in areas of fields cultivated under traditional agriculture does not apply to vertical farming. Therefore, vertical agriculture can be an excellent complement and can also partially replace traditional agriculture in the context of the progressive process of global warming. Therefore, in the context of a progressive global warming process, vertical farming can be an excellent complement to traditionally practised sustainable organic farming. In addition, vertical farming, due to the absence of pesticides and other chemical plant protection products, can also be carried out according to the basic principles that apply to organic farming.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, can vertical farming become the agriculture of the future in sustainable, green, smart, food self-sufficient cities?
In your opinion, in the context of the ongoing process of global warming, is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
Is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Hoping to hear your opinions, to know your personal opinion, to have an honest approach to discussing scientific issues and not ChatGPT-generated ready-made answers, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Explain the role of millets in enhancing soil fertility and sustainable agriculture within integrated farming systems.
Describe the concept of agro-diversification in the context of millet-based integrated farming systems.
Discuss the constraints and challenges faced in implementing millet-based integrated farming systems for food and nutritional security.
Discuss the importance of crop diversification within millet-based integrated farming systems and its effect on pest and disease management.
Illustrate the components and practices involved in a typical millet-based integrated farming system.
We collected soil samples and groundwater samples in representative farms under varying:
1. Fertilization systems
2. Cropping systems
3. Farming systems
4. Soil textural classes
Could you please advise on the type of statistical methods to analyse our data?
How can maize be integrated with other crops and livestock in sustainable and diversified farming systems?
Optimization is a statistical technique and done by using linear programming. it is being used in farming systems.
What ethical considerations should be taken into account when using animals for agriculture, such as in livestock farming?
How can the pro-environmental transformation of agriculture be accelerated?
Agriculture is likely to change significantly in the future. Key determinants of agricultural change include factors such as climate change, including the progressive process of global warming. On the one hand, the main negative effects of the progressive global warming process include increasingly frequent and severe periods of heat and drought. In addition, by the end of this 21st century, all glaciers will have melted, water levels in the seas and oceans will have risen, and areas of arable land will have declined. On the other hand, in order to slow down the progressive process of global warming, it is necessary to urgently reduce the level of greenhouse gas emissions, including CO2 and methane. Climate change will cause a reduction in the scale of agricultural crop production. In order to feed the population, it will therefore be necessary to change dietary habits by switching agricultural crops to the production of plant-based agricultural crops to produce food primarily for humans rather than livestock. At present, globally, three quarters of arable land is used for the production of arable crops, from which fodder is produced to feed reared livestock. In addition to this, due to increasing global warming processes, it will be necessary to develop new crop varieties that are resistant to various biotic (viral, bacterial, fungal diseases, pests, etc.) and abiotic (droughts, heat, floods and other effects of climate change) negative environmental factors. In addition to this, the importance of achieving sustainability goals in agriculture will increase in the future. The generation of energy used in agriculture from renewable and emission-free energy sources will increase in importance. Consequently, environmentally neutral, emission-free, sustainable organic farming based mainly on crop production using new crop varieties that are resistant to progressive climate change and its effects will be developed in the future.
In view of the above, the following questions are becoming increasingly topical:
How should sustainable organic farming be developed?
How should sustainable, pro-environmental organic farming be developed?
How should environmentally neutral, emission-free, sustainable organic farming be developed?
What kind of agriculture should be developed to save humanity from a food crisis?
What type of agriculture should be developed to be environmentally neutral, meet sustainability goals, be resilient to climate change and provide food for people?
Is a combination of pro-environmental, sustainable organic agriculture and the development of new climate-resilient crop varieties the best solution?
How can the pro-environmental transformation of agriculture be accelerated?
What do you think about this?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Equines as domestic herbivores and pack and riding animals face a serious challenge due to the expansion of rural road and motorized transport. What has to be done to keep their legacy in the smallholder farming systems?
Please share some literature about SDMs applicability in IFS research and development.
Is integrated farming system approach is sufficient for doubling farmers income?
Which agricultural strategies were sustainable, both environmentally and economically, over the long term, and why?
Dear all RG professionals:
1) In agronomy, we have learned that to keep the balance between food supplies with the pace of the ever-increasing world population, we have to use modern-day agricultural technologies in agriculture including the so popular artificial intelligence (AI in agriculture), like what has been done during the Green Revolution era.
Artificial Intelligence in Agriculture: Using Modern Day AI to Solve Traditional Farming Problems
2) But in crop –climate modeling and sustainable agriculture, we have learned that traditional (local) farming systems are the best solutions as adaptation strategies to cope/adapt to the threats posed by climate change.
Many thanks to respected RG professionals for your valuable and informative explanations.
Following topics: climate change, AI in Agriculture, farming systems, soil science, agro ecosystems, etc. so we can work on a paper together and get it published
Improve sustainable agriculture
Smart farming system
Digital Agriculturee
Always there is a yield gap take places between conventional and organic farming systems. Past literatures indicated that the main cause of appearing yield gap is due to the transformation of inputs especially limitation of nutrients (Nitrogen). However, yield is mostly higher in conventional farming than organic farming. But the eco-system services are higher in organic farming when compared to conventional farming. So, it is important to achieve both better yield and ecosystem services for sustainable agriculture production. How this could be possible in a sustainable way?
Allied fiber crops viz., sunnhemp, ramie, mesta, sisal, flax etc. are sources of various raw materials for making so many products. Although, interest of farmers and cultivation area for these crops is decreasing. So, let's discuss about present status, future thrust, current issues and probable solutions to increase production of various allied fiber crops. Expert researchers and interested peoples are requested to reply your valuable comments. Thank you!
In his paper, Giller (2013) discusses the term "farming systems" and supports that "even the wealth of literature on farming systems research fails to give a clear definition". He concludes that "At the end of this analysis I have still failed to find a good definition of farming systems. I’m still searching!".
Well, I am also still searching for a widely accepted and good definition of a farming system.
How would you define a farming system?
Giller, K.E. 2013. Can We Define the Term ‘Farming Systems’? A Question of Scale. Outlook on Agriculture, 42, 149–153.
Here is a compilation of Soil Water Storage Capacities.
The data are from multiple sources, and often there are variations depending on the source.
Are the data in line with your data, or needs to be corrected?
As the land availability for conventional farming is decreasing, what percentage of worldwide farming is being done through soilless route (including hydroponics, aeroponics, aquaponics)?
Any literature highlighting the same will be helpful please.
How will agriculture look in the future? It seems that precision agriculture is gaining importance very quickly, especially in large-scale production. For example, the use of satellite images, remote sensing, drones, automated tractors, etc. is that the dominant trend in agriculture? Should we include these topics in the professional education? I would like to know your opinion or experience, thank you.
Initially the GMO crops were developed to help farmers prevent crop loss through more resistance to insect damage, tolerance to herbicides and resistance to plant viruses. But, there are many cases of negative effects, and high risks. From your perspective and experience what would be those risks of using GMOs in the agriculture.
how can I synchronize planting rate with tractor's forward speed mechanically or electromechanically without using ground wheel?
Please provide your opinion on vertical farming. Is it the future of agriculture? If yes, where is it most promising (areas, countries cities etc.)?
What certification options exist, which would be the most appropriate to certify small productions of poor families, do you have any experience. What is your opinion about certification companies, are they really an option for small scale producers?.
For who speak French, please help us in dissemination of this survey,..
Criterion for intregated farming system.
I am not economist but agronomist and want to know a scientific measurement for the following aspect -
Hydroponic vegetable production will ensure year-round supply of vegetables in the market since in this farming system, 3 to 4 times crop harvest can be done. What might be the scientific measurement to prove this benefit of hydroponic farming?
The model FarmDESIGN has been developped by the Farming Systems Ecology Group in Wageningen University and Research (WUR) to analyse farm performances, to model optimisation scenarios and identify trade-offs and synergies at farm-system level (Groot, Oomen, and Rossing 2012) . It is an integral bio-economic model, that is the model considers all farm components and their interactions within the farm, with the objective of providing an assesment of farm performance through various bio-economic indicators.
I beleive my skills could be a valuable asset for your project. Please contact me for further information.
I look forward to hearing from you,
Best regards,
Antoine Brosseau
We are hiring a postdoc in vertical and urban farming to join the International Center for Biosaline Agriculture. please recommend a potential candidate if you know someone working in the same area. below the position link:
Job Summary:
Conduct research on urban and vertical farming on fruits and vegetables production systems. The Postdoc will develop vertical farming systems, test different crops using hydroponic systems and innovative technologies like lightning, and evaluate their efficiency and their technical and economic feasibility.
The researcher will conduct literature review related to vertical and urban farming, determine the best available technologies and methods that can be applied in urban areas under different agro-climatic zones. Determine low-cost technologies on farm level and potential expansion in commercial farms.
Imagine that there is 1ha area of semi wild farming system of a seasonal fruit crop.
The harvest season is twice a year.
The semi wild farming means lack of cultivation activities and practices done in this area.
- no inputs
- lack of maintenance
- no record on age of plants (when the plants were planted)
- planted randomly , imagine that the plant is dioecious plant, so : no clear ratio between male and female, grow and planted in patches of plants inside the area/ not in clear distance between plants, grow together with other plants/crops for example trees and shrubs.
How can I develop a method / what kind of method should i use to measure/estimate the productivity of the plant in the area?
How agriculture may re engineer itself with an expansion of synthetic biology in farming systems? Is it going to pose the same potential risks induced by GMOs? Why there is not much discussion as there was when the first transgenic crop seeds were developed (e.g.: Bt corn, HR soybean, HR cotton, HR canola)?
Laying hens are raised in different environments. How can we assess their welfare according to the farming system and feed ?
With increasing interest in sustainable farming approaches (organic, agroecology, permaculture, diversified farming systems, etc. etc.) the question arises how these approaches influence farmers quality of work and workload. And with governments promoting both sustainable farming as well as the empowerment of rural economies, I wonder if there are case studies showing such synergies.
Are you aware of any case studies (anywhere globally) that investigate how the adoption of sustainable farming practices influenced labor demand, workload, labor quality, or rural employment?
If you know any critical case studies or have conducted one yourself, I would be glad to learn about it in order to complement my literature review (part of my PhD ).
Thank you very much.
As a researcher of Cropping System or Farming System, I want to be a member of such an organization while I do not know about this organization. So if anybody knows then please tell me the link and how can I be a member of this organization? Thanks in advance.
Which are the main agroforestry strategies for carbon sequestration? Are the crops yield and the farmers income affected by these strategies?
Global warming + Green agriculture + Sustainable development = Sustainable organic farming as a solution to the diet of the population in the future
The ecological farming itself can be difficult to feed fast-growing population. The solution may be to redevelop food production and change the eating habits of people, because 3/4 of the arable land area is used only for the production of agricultural produce, which is the food for livestock, i.e. for the needs of meat production.
In addition, within the framework of organic farming, it should be allowed to replace chemical plant protection products with organic fertilizer and to create more resistant to viral, bacterial and fungal diseases of crops using genetically modified technology of genetic modification.
Another issue is the development of energy based on renewable energy sources producing electricity and thermal energy for the needs of agricultural production. It is necessary to develop ecological innovations, including the improvement of the process of waste segregation automation and, for example, the production of small household power plants based on renewable energy sources. Developed ecological innovations should also improve water management, including the development of small, household sewage treatment plants and modern composters. It is also indispensable to continue the process of automation, digitization and robotization of production processes used in farms.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
Global warming + Green agriculture + Sustainable development = Sustainable organic farming as a solution to the diet of the population in the future
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Research topic: “Altitudinal variation in orthoptera species richness and diversity in rice based farming system of western Nepal”
I've reviewed that various statistical methods such as non-parametric estimators for species richness (bootstrap, ICE, chao1, chao2, ACE, jackknife1, jackknife2, michaelis menten mean), abundance distribution model, alpha and beta divesity indices are used in different species diversity researches. What could be the suitable ones considering my research title?
In integrated farming system (IFS), water applied for one component is also utilized in another component. So how we can compute the WUE and Water productivity of any IFS?
is there any standard methodology for assessment of multiple ecosystem service provided by the farming system/agro-ecosystem?
Collaboration with multidisciplinary researchers for PRIMA 2019 call: Section 1 Farming Systems 2019 ? on with multidisciplinary researchers for PRIMA 2019 call
Farming systems
Topic 1.2.2 Sustainability and competitiveness of Mediterranean greenhouse and intensive Horticulture
IA Innovation action
EUR 6.4 million
Stage 1 Pre-proposals - 28th February, 2019 (17:00h CET)
Stage 2 Full proposals - 16th July, 2019 (17:00h CET)
Climate change is evolving as one of the leading environmental problems facing modern world. A serious threat is to the crop sector which is vulnerable to change in temperature and rainfall. Extremes in climate variations are increasing and threaten the security of our livelihoods and assets. Long term changes result in both creating opportunities and threats to crops and farming systems and timing of sowing and genotype selection affecting farm production. Therefore it is important to learn to live with these changes, make use of the opportunities and deal with the threats to prevent losses. This study documented different researcher’s results regarding sowing dates and genotype selection. The results indicated that both sowing dates and genotype has a key role in final crop productivity. The study suggested that sowing dates and genotype selection are to be adjusted according to changing climate to minimize losses.
The major challenge we have been facing today is the degradation of soils (health), depletion of biodiversity and mis- / over- use of chemical pesticides (with increasing toxicity) as well as climate change. In this context sustainable (biologically) intensive farming system seems the only better option now. The question many agriculturists put is whether it is a feasible option?
Mostly farmers in Pakistan take seed after 2-3 forage cuts. When will we leave crop for seed yield?
Climate change is over shadowing the life of the poor and continue to do so in the future as well. Sustainable agriculture is at risk specially when the farmers are poor and the technology of crop production is at its infancy. Under such circumstances, I think that breeding approaches should address local dynamism in light of existing problems, conditions and farming system at grass root level.
I would like to improve my knowledge on agriculture and sustainability.
Thanet farm in UK is the good example of self sufficiency in terms of crop production
I am running an experiment for a fertilizer recipe (for a vertical farming system with artificial lighting) in which I used two different chemicals to reduce the ph. At the first experiment I used nitric acid and at the second phosphoric acid. I noticed that plants treated with phosphoric acid had two times greater nitrate concentration at their tissues than the others treated with nitric acid.
Temperature, humidity, EC, light were the same.
Is this reasonable?
Thank you.
Suppose I have 1 ha land and want to have food crops, fodder, trees, farm pond, poultry, etc. Then how should I allocate land to these components? Is there any scientific methodology? Please share reference if any.
Traditional, indigenous, small-scale agriculture is often considered as a viable example of sustainable farming, yet how can these farms demonstrate the idea of making agriculture restorative and sustainable by relying often on old farming practices that are considered inadequate by the conventional model of food production?
Many of rural agriculture gardens are managed by the elderly. If the elderly struggle to fetch water or the distance to water is too far, how does this impact the type of crop, size of garden or production practices ?
Hello sir,
I am Majharul Hoque. I am an engineering student, studying in USA. lately, vertical farming has caught my attention a lot. I want to know do you have a working model of hydroponic farming? is there any chance of combining it with indoor fish farming as well as using honeybee for the purpose of pollination and honey extracting in the vertical farming system. vertical farming technology is getting very advanced day by day and a big city like New York has one of the biggest company of vertical farming. It's really incredible. is there any funding or government loan in Bangladesh for starting a vertical farming company?
Our team is working on a pan-European grassland layer, created with remote sensing and based on High Resolution Layers especially from Sentinel 1+2, with the ESA and the European Environmental Agencies. For an update, higher accuracy and reliability we need more information about the agricultural manegement systems and the mentioned time slots. I would be very pleased if you could give me a hint where to find reliable data about that.
I am reviewing the evidence base for organic vs non organic farming systems and would value any recent papers and review articles.
I know the question is quite daunting; but I am thinking along the lines of possible development of "alternative sources of food" that can be produced from the abundant sources in nature, or "a stare-case" type of farming system which is limitless. Such technology could ensure sustainable food security for billions. Maslow, A.H. (1943). "A theory of human motivation". Psychological Review. 50 (4): 370–96. doi:10.1037/h0054346 – via
Since TuGC is said to be more robust than Specific Growth Rate (SGR) in specific farm settings or farming conditions, since TuGC takes into account temperature and uses a power function. Could TuGC be read in such as to say, "growth of fish per day was 0.43 units according to x temperature degree analyzed?
Im working on a idea and need some information about it.
I would like to know how much water get consumped in a vertical per sqm, even in the dependency of aquaponic, aeroponics, hydroponics and in conventional farming.
The problem is, I find for the water consumption mostly only the virtual water consumption, but I need safe values like, how water get consumped per kg of tomatoes etc.
Im looking for your scientific help
Thank you
How to calculate the optimal(moderate) size of farm land in the hilly area where the household owns small and fragment plots?Thanks
I am researching into the role of Faidherbia albida in agroforestry systems in semi-arid Ghana. I intend to administer questionnaires to agriculture households in selected communities. How do I determine the number of households to administer the questionnaires to?
Is there any sowing and harvest inter cropping Implements.(for example Implement cultivated Sorghum and soybean in same time as well as Implement use to harvest them. )
A book written in a comprehensive way deals with, agronomic field practices, seed quality, irrigation modeling, soil and fertilizers management, weeds control, and food security ?
Major crops in interest are wheat, sweet corn, irish potato, and food legumes.