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Family Studies - Science topic
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Questions related to Family Studies
Hi there!
One of my research areas is to promote physical activity behaviors in parents of children with disabilities. I have been conducting several projects regarding this topic.
However, I wonder if parents of children with disabilities can become a target population in the adapted physical activity area. I know that adapted physical activity is a multidisciplinary study, but parents of children with disabilities may be on the side of the family study?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! :)
It seemed like there weren't very good ways to consolidate regression coefficients well until about 2013. I notice that there have been several developments in this area since then: Concealed correlations, effect size pooling, use of beta coefficients? What are your recommendations and experiences with this?
What has led to success; what could be done better, etc.
This course has a comparative focus, although it is not the only or maybe even most compelling thing about it. So we will be taking a comparative look at US and Caribbean black families in regard to the following:
-The 'origins' debate: Africa or slavery? Classical US and Caribbean studies
-Slavery and 'the' enslaved African/black family in the Americas
-Examining key issues in black family studies: myth of black matriarchy and the 'missing/absent father;' the 'dysfunctional black family' etc
-The black family and state (colonial/racial) policies: population, segregation, welfare etc
-Case studies of black families: rural/peasant, urban working class, professional/suburban middle-class, queer/LGBTQ etc etc
There are many fields that study divorce and stepfamilies. However, our work is disparate and often does not overlap. For this discussion, please list your field (and your geographic area for clarification), the journals that have published your work (or have published the work of others in your field), and your dream interdisciplinary collaboration.
Here is my list for an example:
Field: Communication Studies (United States)- specializing in Family Communication
Journals: Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, Communication Research Reports, Qualitative Research Reports, Behavioral Sciences
Dream Collaboration: Psych, Soc, Family Studies, History (history of the family - Stephanie Coontz style).
Overall, I hope this discussion opens our minds to the fields, methods, and researchers examining the subject that we are all passionate about. Let's change the world!
Silver, Starr E., et al. "A comparison of children with serious emotional disturbance served in residential and school settings." Journal of Child and Family Studies 1.1 (1992): 43-59.
Hello. I'm a doctoral student in the field of child development and family studies.
I have a question about LCGA solution.
I'm in the process writing a doctoral dissertation using Growth Mixture Modiling using LCGA.
The main purpose of my study is to examine maternal puerperal depression trajectories and classify groups according to their depression change tendency.
There are three time point information about maternal depression(at pregnancy, 1-year after the birth, and 2-year after the birth).
I could classified two groups according to the type of maternal depression tajctories, 'depression deepening group' and 'depression relieving group', using LCGA. Two group solution showed the best fitness of AIC, BIC, Entropy, and ALMR.
The problem is that my commitee members suggested that I should exclude 8 cases that could be classified in 3 class solution by LCGA. Their (8 cases) depression trajectory was low level maintenance tendency.
What do you think? Should I exclude 8 cases when I identify the differences between the two groups- depression deepening group and depressiojn relieving group?
I would appreciate your suggestions.
Thank you.
For believers, it could be generalised that diviners are first and foremost diagnosticians who reveal (directly or indirectly) causes for ailments being is mental, physiological and emotional. The diviners communicate with a holistic aspect of the society/individual and all cosmic energies are involved – positive, negative. The diviners also offer ways of obviating obstacles and afflictions from either the spiritual world or the physical world. I am looking for ways in which symbolic interactionism could useful in making sense of the spiritual dimension of our lives.
family moral support may play very critical in determination of success and failures. Uptil now , i have found only two articles on this variable in which it has been measured as dichotomous variable.(1) when it is experienced and (0) when it is not..
From Mehrabian and Epstein’s (1972) A measure of emotional empathy, there's the 9-point scoring sytem, wherein Yes answers are counted as +4, while No is -4.
Of course when the statement is anti-empathy, the scoring gets reversed [Yes=-4, No=+4]. I'm planning to adapt this way, with the addition of Maybe which is scored as 0.
I was just wondering if such measure is good for Correlation and Regression Analysis.
Thanks in advance.
I am preparing a research proposal on the effect of family involve on school and student performance.
Dear colleagues
I have made some conflicts with my supervisor and he told that this program is assigned for only family study whereas I have no family history and only patients genotypes is it possible use this program to estimate haplotypes for unrelated individuals??
please answer me as soon as possible
I am writing a research essay around the topic of single, heterosexual males using surrogates to have children. I'm interested in hearing what psychologists and experts on the topic of surrogacy have to say regarding the normality of this.
Dear all,
Has anyone interesse in the concept of family leadership? It does not mean family companies and leadership therein but it means leadership within families (father, mother and children and may be more as grandpa)
I am looking forward eagerly to see your response !!
Have a good day..
I am looking for studies showing differences (or lack of them) in personality (e.g. NEO-FFI, self-control, emotionality etc.) and temperamental traits between adult partners (also parents and partners without children) living in various types of families (nucelar, single-parent, cohabitation, adoptive, foster families).
I am interested if there are some differences between them in this rather constitutive traits and what implications for thinking about various types of family it could bring to us.
Thank you for your suggestions of studies and oppinions about this topic.
We are in the process of developing a course on patient and family education for the nurses. The idea is for nurses to understand the impact education has on patient outcomes, compliance, and readmission etc. Any ideas on how to structure the program?
Thank you.
Are any specific terminologies added to the field of early childhood education, child development and family theories.
Is it because there are not so many theories in sociology? Resource theory, an old sociological theory, used to be cited instead of economic theories
The literature shows that there is diversity in associations between the father's role and achievements of development of the children, however, are these associations always positive?
My colleagues and I work on developing computational and visual approaches to understand spatial, temporal and demographic patterns in family networks. Please send me a message if you are interested in using our methodology or if you have common research interests for potential collaboration. I attached our recent publication and below is my website where you can find more information.