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Family Law - Science topic

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Questions related to Family Law
  • asked a question related to Family Law
3 answers
I aim to raise awareness of the different types of abuse and violence involved in coercive control, as identified in the PhD work on coercive control by Dr Torna Pitman: namely, verbal, conversational, financial, emotional, psychological, sexual and physical. Also the psychologogical effects of complex trauma, and the reinforcement of the abuse by police, lawyers and Family Law Courts in the Justice system.
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The film Basic Instinct
  • asked a question related to Family Law
7 answers
I am researching posrt-divorce or -separation dispute resolution mechanisms.
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كنت اتمنى الإجابة
  • asked a question related to Family Law
3 answers
I have been experimenting with NVivo to develop a Qual anal application that will support Family Law Cases. My aim is to fill the terrible gap b/w people who get Legal Aid, and people who do not, but find themselves unable to pay for continuous legal advice and become self-represented (either solely, or intermittently). Managing your own (especially, long term) case can be difficult if the property settlement includes business and trust entities. This implies the need to track and know a range of interested parties, (people; trusts; PLC companies; govt agencies, etc); and also can include: perhaps biased behaviours in court (incl by judges); dishonesty in disclosure; and various personality disorders (esp Narcissistic PD). These things all need to be tracked in order to make strategic decisions about case management and approach. Self-represented people often have the problem of having a succession of solicitors over time (for short periods), when they do have cash; who then leave; later replacements then need updating ('reading in'). Disadvantageous outcomes for such individuals are common, as are LT social and health harms.
I observe the legal fraternity has not been speedy in adopting IT much beyond basic electronic document management; resistance to using /participating in 'AI' type software is considerable, because the analog way of record keeping and legal process dominates thinking.
I am working on a Mac platform. I operate in Australia and the UK.
If anyone can recommend Nvivo (or Atlas:ti), or any other software, that would be helpful; if anyone knows of an implementation/user group in family law (or any law!) please be in contact.
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I am very interested in this topic and in the process of conducting a research study on it .. I am looking for obstacles and legislative and technical solutions to them. Your question brought to my attention a very important point. Thank you
  • asked a question related to Family Law
4 answers
“Family law is probably the area of South African private law which has expanded and
changed most rapidly in the past nine years. Many of these changes have come about as
a result of the enactment of a Bill of Rights in both the interim and the final Constitution.
1 On the one hand, this is not surprising, since family law contains many legal rules
which are overtly discriminatory on the bases of sex, gender, culture, religion and sexual
orientation. On the other hand, legal rules in this area represent a codification of moral
and social norms in the quotidian and 'private' lives of many people, which are often
resistant to scrutiny and change.”
Elsje Bonthuys, The South African Bill of Rights and the Development of Family
Law, 119 S. African L.J. 748 (2002).
In light with the above statement, write an essay in which you critically analyse
the development of South African Family Law post 1994. In doing so, you are
expected to demonstrate the influence of the Constitution, the role played by both
the legislation and common law in advancing the development of family law. You
are further expected to cite relevant case law (in particular case law that
developed family law) in your assignment. Lastly, scholars have played a
prominent role in identifying challenges in the family law system and
constructively criticizing legislation and relevant case laws, therefore scholarly
opinions in your assignment are also imperative and you expected to
demonstrate such.
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  • asked a question related to Family Law
5 answers
Although role of a GAL varies across states, there must be universal traits/characteristics that make some GALs more impactful/efficacious than others. Thoughts? Also if you know of any empirical articles concerning GALs that would be a great addition to the discussion.
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In my opinion, this person for example ad litem should be aware of legal issues first, and should not be alien to economic matters and consider the interests of the person who represents him or her and, above all, to be known for justice, that is, to fulfill his or her promise.good luck
  • asked a question related to Family Law
3 answers
Antinatalism is a philosophical position that assigns a negative value to birth, standing in opposition to natalism. there are interesting correlations between Antinatalism/natalism feminism/masculinism and Islamophobia. what studies have been done to clarify these functions of multigenerational mass psychology? in what country's are the negative effects of antinatlaist  most strongly felt? in what ways have natalist views been suppressed? what information can be found in big data to reveal the connection between Antinatalism feminism and Islamophobia?
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 dear respected researchers, 
Reproductive freedom is often confused with the right to engage in the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy. other issues related to this include the right to use of Contraceptive methods such as Hormonal methods,  Barrier methods,  IUDs, contraceptive implants, and abstinence. the right not to engage in Reproduction is an important function of a health society. 
"The superior power of population cannot be checked without producing misery or vice." Thomas Robert Malthus. 
Antinatalism, or anti-natalism, is a philosophical stance that assigns a negative value to birth.
the practice of Islam assigns a positive value to birth.
"And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay. Then We placed him as a sperm-drop in a firm lodging. Then We made the sperm-drop into a clinging clot, and We made the clot into a lump [of flesh], and We made [from] the lump, bones, and We covered the bones with flesh; then We developed him into another creation. So blessed is Allah, the best of creators." SAHIH INTERNATIONAL translation Qur'an
it is not beneficial to force a woman to engage in reproduction, nor would it be appropriate to bar a man from seeking to engage in reproduction.
  • asked a question related to Family Law
11 answers
Family court judges typically possess little useful information about child development.  What research is being done to correct this?  Are there examples of where such teaching has worked.
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My experience of what could amount to "teaching" would include:
(1) In some jurisdictions, Judges attend continuing education seminars ( not sure if voluntary or required).  I have never observed any, but if they are anything like the continuing legal education seminars for attorneys, they cover a variety of topics, which may include lectures from experts on child development.  
(2) The Judge may be guided in a particular case by expert evidence that the litigants are relying on in a custody hearing, to prove child's state of mind, effect of parentin style, special cirumstances, etc. - it is usually something heavier than a probation report or home visit/interview report.  This sort of expert evidence would be backed by some theory of child development, and should be comprehensive (perhaps complex) ending  with the opinion of psychologist (or other expert), who should also be available for questioning by the Judge to clarify, explain, etc.     .
Whether these qualify as effective teaching may be another matter.
At the end of the day the Judge should choose the outcome that provides the best interest of the child ( welfare principle)
  • asked a question related to Family Law
5 answers
I am writing a paper for my adult relations module and need guidance. The traditional definition of family has always referred to man woman and children but there are now several definitions which include same-sex relationships. My paper aims to examine the social, cultural, economic effects of these extended definitions specifically concerning succession rights, property rights, pension rights and other issues of our modern society
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Thanks to all for your advice and contributions
  • asked a question related to Family Law
4 answers
I am working on a seminar paper and need to look at a white paper.
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Is your focus legal, social, psychological, or...?