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Family History - Science topic
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Questions related to Family History
A healthy female, working in radiation field with a healthy,live issue reported to have tsh levels of 6.1
no other symptoms except occassional weight gain, hair fall and insomnia. No family history.
what researches indicate she should be put on thyroxin replacement therapy? The patient is also trying to conceive.
any researches to back up this?
Are you a Parent in the UK?
Please take part in my survey about how parenting changes across the generations! Should take 10 mins and will help me complete my masters degree.
I only need 18 more respondents for a medium effect size power analysis and would appreciate any help. If you are also completing research, I would be happy to take part if I am eligible. Please email me or comment below.
Self-Efficacy, Learned Helplessness and Parental Psychological Control: A Transgenerational Perspective
Dear all,
I am currently recruiting participants to take part in my thesis project. I am investigating the relationship between self-efficacy, learned helplessness and parental psychological control from a transgenerational perspective.
The study has received ethical approval from Northumbria University (45055).
We are looking for participants who meet the following criteria:
• A resident in the United Kingdom (UK)
• Grew up in a two-parent household
• Currently have school-aged children
• Parent those children with a stable long-term partner who lives in the same household
The study will involve answering a set of demographic questions, questions about the parenting style received from your own parents, the parenting style you use with your own children, and questions measuring your levels of both self-efficacy and learned helplessness.
If you have any further questions regarding the study, please contact me at
To find out more information about the study and to take part, please go to:
Family history is an important risk factor for breast cancer incidence, but the parameters conventionally used to categorize it are based solely on numbers and/or ages of breast cancer cases in the family and take no account of the size and age-structure of the woman’s family. What are your views?
I'm trying to study the relationship between a family history of depression and brain's intrinsic functional connectivity in individuals at high risk for depression (by virtue of having a first-degree relative with a lifetime history of depression). Unfortunately, owing to the inherent difficulty associated with using the gold standard way of examining families' diagnostic status (i.e., using SCID), I've been forced to obtain the required information by means of self-reports -using the participants as informants. I'm well aware that this imposes a serious limitation on my ability to interpret my findings. However, I need to know if there has ever been an effort to see how well the ideas of the general population regarding psychiatric diagnoses (particularly, a major depressive disorder diagnosis) are in line with diagnoses confirmed by a psychiatrist. In other words, have there been studies comparing the results of general population self-reports about mental disorders (either their own or that of their family members) with actual psychiatric diagnoses?
I would really appreciate your response.
50 years old man who visited Internal medicine clinic doing well without any complain or any other disease. He said to the doctor that he is screening his blood sugar at home (finger prick device)He had family history of DM2 so he was anxious about his situation. All the readings during the day are normal except that at early morning which was around 107 mg/dl in average for the last 30 days. Knowing that he sleep at 11pm and glucocheck done at 9 am.
*Should I consider this reading Abnormal and treat him as a pre-diabetic person ?
*Note: This Q is only to improve my knowledge about DM
in addition, I'd like to study the interventions of several variable factors with the chromosomal aberrations in breast cancer such as age, breastfeeding, family history, and smoking effects.
Acquired aplastic anemia is of known itiology like drugs, toxins and radiation therapy but is there any relationship found like positive family history may also result in AAA ?
I'm in the process of deciding on my final topic for my dissertation for the MLitt in local and family history..... just wondered if you're doing the same!
Researching American composer's early career and life - looking for early family history. Know his grandparents settled in Saunders County, Nebraska, June, 1869. Looking for name of ship on which they sailed (immigrated) to America.
Is it possible a patient with profound family history, positive HLA B27, significant symptoms of pain in the sacroiliac region, hips, feet and hands to have Ankylosing Spondylitis? After 3 MRI scans there are small changes yet nothing significant enough to prescribe TNF treatment. Is an MRI the only firm way of diagnosis of AS, that in turn leads to TNF treatment in the uk?
I would like like to add here... there is positive diagnosis of osteoarthritis in hands and feet. The 3 MRI scans span over 4 years. However each scan has been during a 'good period' of pain and movement restriction. Drug treatments made available thus far has been NSAIDs with no alleviation from traditional anti inflammatory drugs other than Arcoxia. This worked well to control pain and inflammation but the side effects meant that the course of treatment could not continue.
Asymtpmatic patient on cervical MRI and later added Head MRI due to transient left arm pain. No family history and no background diseases known. No weight loss. Any Idea?

Since FOP can usually be acquired through new mutations of the ACVR1 gene (meaning people with no family history of the disease can get it), what do you think are the factors that cause the gene mutation in cases like this?
A 33 years primigravida with a family history of two first degree relatives with epithelial ovarian cancer, BRCA status not known, wants me to perform BSO during elective Caesarean section
Two sisters 15 Yrs & 16 Yrs with medical and family history. They are exposed to severe acute distress because of gunshot near their home, after which they started to be Diabetic on insulin therapy. One of sisters died because she developed DKA with shortage of therapy.
What is the pathogenisis?
Hans Jansz, the father of Adriaen Koerbagh, was born in Bergen op Zoom around 1594. Only the name of his mother, Anna van Coevorden, is known, but no more information about his family background can be found. It is possible that his ancestors originally lived at Korbach (Germany). All additional information is welcome.
I am looking for a questionnaire to measure family psychiatric history among young adult informants. I have come across a number of procedures for acquiring this information via structured interviews, but nothing questionnaire-based. Any recommendations? I am primarily interested in family history of psychosis and mood disorders.
What are the defining characteristics or factors which make up a family's well-being?
I am conducting archival research on the issues that parents have communicated about with their children in letters they mailed to their children. I am interested in things that gratified parents and things that upset them. I want to examine how these issues changed or remained the same over time. I am particularly interested in locating good archives for such letters in the NY, NJ, PA area. I have found good material at the New York Historical Society and at historical societies in Princeton and Morristown NJ. I would appreciate any information about letter archives that have already been digitized and are available online (if there are such resources). Thanks.
Part of the Ricardo family was expelled from Spain in 1492. It is not a Jewish name, but they were Jews. I need suggestions about the origin of the surname.