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Extracellular Recordings - Science method
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Questions related to Extracellular Recordings
There are single platinum-iridium microelectrodes lying around in the lab with 125/150µm tip diameters and I'd like to use one or two of them to measure hippocampal/brainstem LFPs. All the protocols I've found either use tetrodes or multi-electrode arrays. I understand that single electrodes are not ideal, but what specific protocol could I use?
I try to set my system for LFP recordings
right now I just try to reduce the noise to a reasonable amplitude.
I use somnosuite for the isoflurane, and stereotact for the headfix with heated bed and sensor for body temperature
I use the A-M 1800 and Heka 18
Right now I try to minimize the noise as much as possible, and for that I improvised a Faraday cage, until I will make a real one (I have half a cage and I close everything with aluminum foil)
I managed to get the noise to -15-15mV but obviously it's to much for LFP recording
thing is we have no idea how a raw signal looks like, what to expect and what should the noise be
right now I just stick the electrode and the ground in saline, for noise reduction purposes.
If anyone has a raw LFP (extracellular recording) signal and noise that they can share, so I will have a clue where I stand, it will help me a lot
To be specific I work with mice and I want to record from the ventral pallidum
Thank you all in advance!
Sorry for the odd question, but I've recently had 2 students in the lab (consecutively, not at the same time) finding completely opposite results... one found a massive reduction in I-O relationship in hippocampal SC-CA1 synapses of a new mouse line when doing whole cell recordings. However, after he left, a new student did extracellular recordings for LTP experiments and also did I-O curves to find the stimulation intensity; he found a significant increase! I'm at a loss trying to explain this, can anyone chip in?
I’ve been having numerous issues with achieving stable baselines recording from the TA-CA1 synapse from juvenile (P12-P24) rat hippocampus slices. In addition, when applying drugs such as antagonists/inhibitors which should not show any effect on baseline, I have been seeing gradual increases in synaptic transmission that differ from what other students have previously shown in my lab.
I cull my rats by cervical dislocation and slice in ice cold sucrose aCSF and allow the slices to rest for 1 h at RT in regular aCSF. I then stimulate and record from the TA-CA1 and my first slice usually takes 2-3 hours to stabilise. I oxygenate my aCSF for at least 40 minutes prior to putting a slice on the rig and I use a platinum harp to hold it down in the bath. My rig uses a gravity feed system and the flow rate is 2.5 mL/min. My recording electrode is filled with aCSF and I bleach the silver wire every few days.
When the slice eventually stabilises for 20 min, I add my drug which has been oxygenating for at least 10 min. I can often see strange increases caused by the drugs that have not previously been seen. I thought it might be down to changes in oxygenation but I’ve been keeping all of my solutions in similar sized cylinders and have increased my oxygen so that everything is saturated.
Can anyone advise me how I can improve this and shed some light onto why I am seeing such instability and increases when switching drug?
Any help would be much appreciated, as I feel as though I’ve exhausted all ideas at this point.
Thank you!
I'm trying to perform extracellular recordings in visual cortical slices during kainate/carbachol bath application to track induction of oscillation and/or spiking activity, but despite zeroing out the signal, the voltage recording incessantly wanders about, tarnishing the quality of my data.
I'm using pipettes pulled from borosilicate glass (1-2 MOhms), incubating in a submerged slice chamber with constant perfusion of aCSF, amplifying my signal 100x with an Axopatch 700B amplifier combined with further amplification by a DAM50 amplifier from WPI, bandpass filtering between 0.1 Hz and 10kHz and digitizing with an Axon Digidata 1440A digitizer.
Waving my hand in front of the DAM50 causes similar voltage deflections, but the random wandering persists despite wrapping the DAM50 in tin foil and repositioning it away from the rig. The voltage changes also show up on the signal that is not amplified further by the DAM50.
I'm currently trying to adapt this rig that I historically have only used for whole-cell experiments for these extracellular recordings, and this is an issue I've never experienced with the whole-cell prep.
If anyone has seen noise like this before, I'm open to any and all suggestions!
Hi all
I use psychopy 3 to show mice a visual stimulus on an LCD screen while preforming acute extracellular recordings in vivo.
I understand that one should use a spherical wrap to the stimulus in order to ensure that the apparent size, speed, and spatial frequency are constant across the monitor as seen from the mouse’s perspective.
However, I'm not sure how to imply a python code to my stimulus that preform this kind of wrapping.
I'd really appreciate if someone could explain how to do that or direct me to a paper that explains this with python
Does anyone have experience with extracellular recordings of hippocampal fEPSCs using the tissue recording system from Kerr Scientific ( I checked their system at SfN in San Diego and I liked very much the system for its compact size and robustness, but I am not confident about their amplifier, if it is as good as another amplifier from Warner or A-M system. I am currently performing extracellular LTP recordings in CA1 hippocampus using an Axon multiclamp and I want to build a dedicated set-up for extracellular recordings, so does any one recommend their system?
Normally the LFP signal has a larger amplitude as the action potentials of the single or multi unit activity.
I'm trying to design a circuit to record these signals from the mouse brain. But I have not been able to find reliable information about the frequency of these two types of signals.
I'm new to this field.
I want to design a circuit that can record mice brain's signals.
The signal to be recorded includes the local field potential and the action potential of rat brain nerve cells.
Hello all,
I'm attempting to do in-vitro mouse hippocampal LTP recordings on an LFP rig. I am new to electrophysiology (so please forgive my ignorance), and I was hired onto a project to figure out how to make this rig work. I am getting intermittent 50 hz noise of about 2mV in amplitude (I'm in current clamp) throughout the day. When I first start an experiment, I get zero noise. I'm able to complete a two-hour process of recording. I run into trouble with my next recording attempt. I'm still trying to figure out the perfect spots to place the recording and stimulating electrodes (I can't see the Schaffer collaterals very well with the lighting situation I have, but that is a whole other story), so it takes me a little bit to place them. Once I have them placed, I do a test pulse to see if I get the correct waveform. I do this a couple times, and then the amplifier becomes overloaded, prohibiting me from getting a waveform at all. I turn off all the equipment and then turn it back on, and then I get the cyclical 50 hz noise and the Humbug red light blinks like crazy. If I switch to voltage clamp, the noise appears reduced in amplitude, 5 pA, and the red blinking light on the Humbug reduces its frequency substantially. If I turn everything off and walk away for about an hour, the noise goes away when I start a new run...only to return when I try a second run of my experiment.
I have tried plugging into different outlets. I have tried disconnecting different components to see where the noise is emanating from without results. I have separated my DAC/humbug/amplifier onto one outlet and my peristaltic pump/computer elements onto another outlet on a different wall so that they shouldn't interfere with one another. My AgCl grounding pellet is new and the wire intact and well-sautered, my silver recording electrode is freshly bleached, and I have been able to reduce the amplitude of my 50 Hz noise from 4 mV to 2 mV by grounding the DAC, Humbug, and amplifier to my air table. My air table is grounded to a copper plate on the wall, but the wire is thin and not of the best quality. I work in a very noisy lab and I'm using extension cords to plug into different walls, as I cannot plug into my adjacent wall because there is someone doing in-vivo electrophysiology right next to me on some days (I know, my environment completely sucks for e-phys!). Can anyone suggest any solutions , or ideas for further troubleshooting? Or explain what the heck is going on? Any insight would be much appreciated, as I am not receiving any help from others in the lab!
While I do extracellular recording I am used to putting Vaseline to prevent the probe but I heard that I can put oil. Which kink of oil can I put around probe to prevent it?>
Hi all,
I am starting a new projet in which I'd like to specifically modulate GABAergic transmission on acute hippocampal slices preparation by optogenetic stimulations.
I have no experience in such assays and I'd be greatful if some of you could give me some advices, specially regarding to the Equipment required.
I already have a functional extracellular recording set-up. From what I Believe - just talking about material Equipment no mice/slice themselves - I could " just" direct a laser to the slice recordings chamber and record "as usual".
In the litterature, I've found that Diode-pumped solid-state lasers (DPSS) are more suitable as light source, Can anyone confim?
Does anyone knows if combining the laser source with an optical fiber we can submerge the light source into aCSF for higher spatial accuracy ?
Any laser or other Equipment supplier recommandations are warmed welcomed...
By advance, thank you !
Hello all,
I have been working to set up a new extracellular recording (LFP)-type rig in the lab. The person who trained me on measuring LTP in in-vitro mouse hippocampal slices used a patch-clamp type rig to record. With this type of setup, magnification is excellent and the strong backlighting beautifully showcases the Schaffer collaterals, making electrode placement and subsequent recordings pretty easy. The slicing technique he used (and I am now using) is as follows: extract brain, cut off olfactory bulbs/frontal lobes and cerebellum, separate hemispheres, flip each hemisphere over to rest on its medial surface, turn so that the ventral surface is facing me and then make slightly angled cuts (towards me) on the dorsal surface of the brain (removing just enough cortex to make a flat surface to mount). Essentially this results in semi-transverse (?) slices. I mount both hemispheres next to one another on the cutting surface of a vibratome, dorsal side down, cutting 350 micron slices.
Now, on to my rig. I have figured out a method for backlighting with an LED strip that works OK (could be brighter, for sure, but cannot find one better), and the stereomicroscope provides less than optimal magnification. It's difficult to visualize the Schaffer collaterals with the precision that one could achieve using a patch-clamp rig. The variability is frustrating. Am I fighting a losing battle here? Is there a better way to be doing this on my type of rig? Better slicing plane, lighting, etc? I've read about people using coronal as well as sagittal slices. Any input would be much appreciated!
Has anybody used copper wires with a diameter of 0.01 mm for doing tetrode recordings (P155 copper wires from elektrisola)? We usually use copper wires from the same company but with a diameter of 0.015 mm. I am just afraid that 0.01 mm might be too fragile to handle for tetrode recordings.
Hello everyone, I'm currently performing loose patch recordings and I'm trying to analyze my data in terms of firing frequency, instantaneous firing rate and other parameters that can be compared after the application of certain drugs. Because of the technique, the spikes in the recordings come usually from only one neuron but sometimes I have more than one (no more than 3).
I wanted if anyone knows some "out of the box" module (preferrably for python, but matlab can also work) that I can start working with and eventually modify if I need it.
PS: my files are in .abf format
How could I do extracellular recording from a specific area of rat somatosensory cortex, where the neurons code for a specific body part, for example hind limb toe in behaving animals. I could just use single electrode or arrays up to 16 electrodes. How could I find the right area to record?
I've been purchasing the same fixed electrode arrays for years now, and while they are decent quality, they are simply too expensive for what I'm getting (and take 4-6mo to arrive once ordered, which is completely unacceptable IMO). So I'm weighing my options, and although I'm open to making my own, this certainly has its drawbacks. So, does anyone have any recommendations of companies (or groups of people who will take my money!) who manufacture electrode arrays for in vivo ephys (single unit)? I'm flexible as far as fixed vs drive, electrode vs tetrode. Essentially I need something that can record 16 or 32 channels in vivo. I know of the big companies already, looking for names I may not be aware of already.
I am recording field potentials from brain slices of rats, and I want to ensure that I am recording from the largest area around the electrode to capture the responses of the most neurons as possible? What range do I need to look for when pulling glass electrodes (higher vs lower resistances) and what settings can I tweak for the high and low pass filters?
Thanks, this forum is so helpful!
Hi, I am recently trying to do single unit extracellular recordings on mice visual cortex, and I notice that the cortex is "jumping" with the blood flow. I worry that this may prevent me from getting stable signals from a single cell. Is it possible to somehow fixate the cortex? Thanks in advance.
In my LTD experiments, I set the baseline to 60-70% of maximal response. However when I perform the baseline stimulation, the response don't usually reach the previous slope determined as 60-70% of maximal response. So, must I change my stimulation voltage or I must consider my maximal response could have changed in the same way than my 60-70% response?
Thanking any answer.
Plotting the I/O as fEPSP vs FV gives an interesting result, I have some ideas but would be curious how the more experienced would interpret this
Dear Researchers,
I am working on hippocampal slice electrophysiology using micro electrode arrays (MEAs').
Although there were evoked signals (at 2-3 V stimulation) without any doubt in slice viability, we could not find any spike potentiating effects upon carbachol addition in concentration range from 200 nano M to 50 micro M. Also there was no dose dependent spike activity.
Moreover upon addition, the noise levels are going to be high with carbachol.
We are using ACSF as mentioned in MEA application note from MultiChannel Systems, Germany.
Please share your experience in this regard or with any other cholinergic agonists you are working for spike potentiating effects.
Also, please let us know how long one can perfuse the slices with cholinergic agonists and how high dose one can test.
Thanking you,
Best Regards,
Dr. Grandhi V Ramalingayya
Dear Fellows,
I just finished setting up a new whole cell recording rig in a new room. Currently I am testing the system. With proper groundings for devices, the recording reveals a noise around 120 Hz, using a model cell, as shown in the attached figure. Similar noise exists in recordings in hippocampal neurons.
Just wondering if any of you saw such noise before. Any suggestion will be highly appreciated.
Stimulation of apical dendrites (stratum radiatum) in CA1 region in hippocampal slices using MEA device induces a negative extracellular response due to Ca2+ and Na+ inward flow by activated-NMDAR and AMPAR at the synapsis. It also induces extracellular positive response in soma and basal dendrites due to passive return current.
I would like to know the ionic basis of this passive return current. Could It be due to Ca2+ waves and activation of BK and SK channels at the soma?
I'm currently performing extracellular recordings from cortical slices in different conditions. I'm interested in assessing the effect of some drugs on burst firing activity and on the preferred oscillation frequency range in each condition.
I would appreciate some tips regarding the analysis of these features using Matlab or other softwares available.
Thank you in advance,
Alba Bellot Saez
We are interested in studying K+ dynamics in cortical slices and to do so we will perform extracellular recordings with K+ sensitive electrodes. However, we have got some problems in buildind these electrodes, since the K+ ionophore I (cocktail A) does not stick to the tip after adding KCl (100mM) as back filling solution in one of the barrels.
I have read that some groups first silanize the barrel and then tip-fill with K+ ionophore and KCL. What is the protocol for silanizing K+-sensitive electrodes?
Thank you,
Alba Bellot Saez
I am using MEA device to perform extracellular recordings in cortical primary neurons. My cultures show synchronized bursting activity, however as a negative control for some of my experiments I need to decrease that activity.
Does someone know which kind of compounds can I use to decrease the synchronized bursting activity in a culture?
Thanks for the help!
If not, is possible to build handmade something similar to a MEA?
Anyone of you know about this model and how doesthe stimulus connector work? I was wondering if you always need an external isolator to work and to control the stimulus connector, or you can just connect the stimulus connector to the CED data adquisition? Thank you!
Either single or multi-unit...
What problems, other than recording artifacts, can I expect?
what is the principle behind it?
I am trying to obtain both field extracellular and whole cell patch clamp recording of CA1 pyramidal neurons during the epileptiform activity induced by increased K concentration of the extracellular medium. I have not got field extracellular recording of epileptiform activity yet, while epileptiform activity of pyramidal cell by whole cell patch clamp technique is recorded easily. The micropipettes using for field recording have a tip resistance values of 1–3 MΩ and filled with aCSF. The recording temperature is 320C.
I use a multiclamp 700B amplifier, a digidata 1440 and pClamp 10 as software. For obtaining field recording, the gain is set at 500X and the bessel is set at 200 Hz.
I would like to perform some extracellular recordings on MEAs from primary cortical neurons, where I block Ca+ channels by using CdCl, NiCl, and CoCl.
My doubts are about proper concentrations and how toxic are these compounds.
Moreover, how long I could leave the compounds in the bath without compromising the cell?
Thanks for any help.
I have checked the suction too. Its fine. I have also grounded the major areas, still it doesn't help.
I'm assessing LTP by stimulating the CA3 schaffer collaterals and recording for CA1 and I'm wondering what is an acceptable amount of variability in the peak and slope between each sweep from a single slice. As of now my slope varies by as little as 0.15 mV/ms to as large as 0.4 mV/ms (calculated by subtracting the smallest from the largest slope value during baseline). Are there any standard criteria to determine an acceptable amount of variability in a slice?
Thanks for any and all help!
So I've adoped a project examing LTP (stimulating Schaffer collaterals and recording in stratum radiatum of CA1) and am able to get apparent LTP following high frequency stimulation (four trains of 100 Hz at 20 s intervals) however the shape of my fEPSPs look odd following the tetanus. Attached is a picture of the fEPSP before and after tetanus. It looks like my stimulus artifact is merged with the fEPSP, for lack of a better way to describe it, and I'm not sure if this is normal or if I'm doing something wrong. Under these circumstances, how should I measure the peak and slope relative to the stimulus artifact and baseline which is not clearly distinguishable in the fEPSPs post tetanus?
Also, are there any good resources which discuss more of the technical aspects of recording field potentials for LTP?
EDIT: My reply from below posted here for more visibility:
I tested another slice and actually found that while I get this spike contamination with the 3 h recording protocol, I do not observe it with the baseline protocol, even after tetanus, so I'm thinking this isn't a consequence of the tetanus but rather the protocols I'm using for the 20 minute baseline and the 3 h recording were not set up the same way. As I understand it, the only difference between the baseline protocol and the 3 h recording protocol should be the number of sweeps and everything else should be exactly the same, correct?
Thanks for any and all help!
I'm having trouble with baseline stability in field recording in CA1. I've tried different things but nothing really seems to work.
My mice are >p30. I anaesthetized with isoflurane and quickly remove the brain into ice-cold ACSF and proceeds to slicing in ice-cold ACSF. Here I've tried using a standard ACSF when cutting, but I've also tried to use a sucrose-low-calcium-high-magnesium ACSF, which didn't seem to help much.
After slicing I initially let the slices rest at RT, but have now switched to having the slices rest at 30 degrees Celsius for 1 h and resting for another hour at RT before placing slices in recording chamber. In the chamber the slices rest for at least 30 min before I start recording.
The ACSF going into the chamber is heated to 30 degrees and the flow rate is 2 ml/min. My recording electrode is filled with 2M NaCl, but I've also tried filling it with ACSF, which didn't seem so help either.
I keep the slices stabilized in the chamber with a ‘horse shoe’-mesh on top of the slice.
But as I mentioned, only a max 1 out of 4 slices stabilize, which is a bit frustrating. I'm hoping some of you might offer me some advice on how I can improve on my setup?
In electrophysiology we often characterize a neuron by its spike rate output in response to a current input. This is often called the F-I curve, as frequency response (F) to different injected current (I). But is it possible to replace the injected current with light and thus determine the F-I curve using variable levels of light -and thus being able to determine the FI-curve using extracellular recordings alone? Thanks!
Can somebody give me some recommendations for literature, or a current published reviews or dissertations or something else on this topic? Especially the differeces between plane and threedimensional electrodes (MEAs) for neuronal/extracellular recording or monitoring the activity of cultured cells. Thank you very much!
I want to do patch clamping on beating single ESC-derived cardiomyocytes. I found out that the spontaneous beating stopped upon put the coverslip into the extracellular recording solution. So I could not record any action potential. Is it possible to apply current clamp to these cell without beating? Can you help me to find a current clamp protocol?
I need help with some aspects the extracellular recordings. I use mouse hippocampal slices (350microm) and mainly my experiments consist of stimulating CA3 shaffer collaterals and record from dentrides of CA1 pyramidal neuron. I have a problem when I try to induce LTP in particular when i try to stabilize the signal for ten minutes for the baseline, sometimes the field potential continues to increase. I try to reduce the stimulation but in some slices there is no way to obtain a stable baseline, (increases or decreases in other cases). Do you think that the problem could be the stimulator? Or do you have some other suggestion? Thank you very much
I am currently using a high K+ model (8.5 mM K+ with 1mM CaCl2 and 1.3mM MgSO4) for inducing seizures in acute rat hippocampal slices (4-8wks old). Recently, we see a lot of spreading depression's (SDs) in our slices which makes it almost impossible to study any drug effects. Most of our slices start to show SDs within a few "ictal-like bursts" and then occur regularly after every ictal burst or once every 2-3 bursts. We also find the incidence of SDs to increase whenever the recorded potential (field) is of higher amplitude, usually stable until they exceed ~4-5mV.
The slices are maintained at 34-35 C in an interface chamber (flowing) with a flow rate of 1.5ml/min and bubbled at a high rate. Potentials are recorded with a ~1mOhm glass electrode filled with high K+ acsf.
Reducing temperature to 34 C and increasing flow rates doesn't seem to help much. Is there any other way to reduce SDs?
The difference between a battery and a cell is that cells can recharge themselves, but the battery can't do that- only by external source. What is this mechanism and how are cells able to perform this process?