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Event Management - Science topic

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Questions related to Event Management
  • asked a question related to Event Management
3 answers
Hello to all my fellow Biologists.
I have resorted to posting this question as my last desperate attempt to find a place for myself in the world of biotechnology.
I am a first class student with relatively good grades (GPA 3.77/4.00) in BSc. of Biotechnology (Hons), excellent extra-curriculars and competitions under my belt, 6 months of work as a Field/Research Assistant and 4 years of previous work experience in events management. I have experience in the microbiology, molecular biology, antivirals, nutraceuticals and cell culture disciplines. I have also taken a great liking to scientific communication and create visual content to make biology simpler for the Layman, both bother and in my own time.
Despite all this, I haven't had a single postgraduate application succeed for the last 2 years. And though I do understand there is high competition for available spots, I also wonder what I may be lacking despite some telling me I have an "impressive CV" and can do a direct PhD.
It is unfortunate however that my family is not doing financially well, therefore I can only afford opportunities with a scholarship or that are work/salary-based. Perhaps this narrows available opportunities but regardless, studentship scholarships have very evidently not opted for me, simply because "there were too many applicants this time around". Perhaps lacking funds is not enough of a criteria? (Hint of sarcasm).
Additionally, I was born and raised in the UAE (I do not get citizenship), therefore I am also looking for a potential country to eventually settle down in while doing the work I love.
I would greatly appreciate if anyone would know of opportunities I may be able to apply for like fully funded PhDs, or skilled/summer programs and workshops/internships, or even Research or Lab assistant positions you or someone you know may be looking for, because unfortunately, I'm 2 rejections away from being completely out of options.
I would greatly appreciate any input you may have or can share with me! I have also added my CV for your reference.
I don't want my impression of the field I love to be tainted with nothing but rejections, and to settle for a job outside our field simply because I had no other choice.
I look forward to hearing from you all.
Zahraa Ozeer
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My Dear you apply for Canada visa and jobs along with resume.i can say that you can get there higher education with scholarship as you are scholar.
Very happy for your valuable open letter.i do not know in your united Arab Emirates citizenship.
Ok proceed.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
2 answers
We want to detect Zero Day attacks for SIEM (Security information and event management system) correlation Engine. We need Raw data, Signature and patterns against attack (All types of attacks - Networks, end point, insider and outsider attacks)
Actually would want to analyze behaviors of the attacks in SIEM solution through Machine Learning and Deep Learning Algorithms.
Thanks in Advance.
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  • asked a question related to Event Management
16 answers
A recent paper by Yeung and Thomas (2021) on journals in event management opens up an interesting debate on the role of journals as academic fora. They demonstrate that event management publishing is dominated by a handful of influential journals, which are in turn dominated by a few, predominantly English-speaking institutions and academics. How can we ensure that these journals help to stimulate debate rather that limiting it? How can we open up the debate to new and critical voices, particularly from other language areas and backgrounds? See some initial thoughts in my commentary on Yeung and Thomas, and let's open up the debate.
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Unfotunately, jounals are commercial ventures. Until academic researchers take control of dissemination and how quality is judged, I fear these distortions will remain. Events is no different from other fields in that respect. Colleagues like Greg help enormously by the work he does with networks like ATLAS but the challenge remains.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
3 answers
i want to know the management challenges that impact the growth of the event management industry globally. if possible please include their impacts and solutions.
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Αlso having to appeal to people of different cultures and attracting all age and social groups is definitely a challenge. This gradual development can be achieved through various programs
  • asked a question related to Event Management
4 answers
I would like to ask you please, if there is someone specialized in Event, Hospitality and Tourism Management that I want to ask about some specific questions.
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Hi, I am studying events management in my final year. But along the years, I have worked in events management in wedding planning and executing, Hospitality Management (for events) in a museum in London. Let me know if this is suitable for your research
  • asked a question related to Event Management
27 answers
I am introducing a new theory of strategic management that goes beyond traditional strategic planning based on extrapolating the future and employing these events in managing current events faced by organizations, Under the name (future-based management).
Does building the new theory need sources?
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Dear Dr. Salam Jassim Hmood , Dear all,
New theory must be based on scientific or historical or religious foundations or theories and thus that new need sources.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
3 answers
Dear all,
I am currently working on my MA dissertation in Event Management, analysing the impact of technology on music festivals' attendees' experience.
I would like to analyse data collected via a 25 questions survey (5 points Likert scale). My objective is to analyse 8 hypothesis. These hypothesis are classified in 4 different groups (2 hypothesis per group), each related to a different facet. I try to determine if a relationship exists between a group and a facet.
First group:
H1: Sound equipment has a positive influence on Music experience*
H2: Large HD screen has a positive influence on Music experience
*one of my 4 facets
However, I am not sure of the right method to follow in order to analyse my data and hypothesis. Which kind of analysis would you go for?
Thank you
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This depends on several factors including your sample size, number and type of variables, and others. If you're analysing a small number of variables with a large sample size, correlational analysis may be helpful. If you're analysing a large number of variables/concepts with large sample size, CB-SEM (AMOS) would be ok. If large number of concepts with a small sample size, PLS-SEM (Smart-PLS) is efficient. Hope your find this helpful.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
6 answers
Dear all,
I am currently working on my MA dissertation in Event Management, analysing the impact of Technology on UK music festivals' attendees' experience.
I would like to analyse data collected via a 25 questions survey (5 points likert scale - strongly agree/strongly disagree). My main objective is to test 8 hypothesis. My hypothesis are classified in 4 different groups (2 per group), each of these groups being related to a different facet. I aim at finding a positive relationship between the different groups/facets.
H1: Sound equipment has a positive influence on Music experience*
H2: Large screen has a positive influence on Music experience
H3: Social Media has a positive influence on Social experience**
H4: 4G has a positive influence on Social experience... and so on
*1st facet
**2nd facet
However I am not sure of the right method to follow... Which kind of data analysis test would you go for?
Thank you
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Hi Cyrielle,
Did you use just one question for each hyphotesis ?
If so, doesn't make sense to use EFA.
Let me use an example from Marketing area to ilustrate the whole picture.
Let's assume I want to know if Customer Satisfaction affects Customer Loyalty to a brand or a product.
So my hypothesis is that Customer Satisfaction affects positive and significantly Customer Loyalty.
Both variables are latent variables as both of them can't be measured directly.
To measure them I use two scales, one for each latent variable.
These escales use Likert range similar to the one you mentioned for your research (usually the format is: 1) Strongly disagree 2) Disagree 3) Neither agree or disagree 4) Agree 5) Strongly agree, but what you propose is not wrong).
Each scale has to have at least three statements
(Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2009); for instance, for Customer Loyalty you could use: 1) I prefer to use the products of this company , 2) I think this company has the best offers in the present , 3) I prefer to buy this brand instead of other brands.
After that you should check at least internal consistency of each scale (Cronbach Alfa), but this is the minimum since in reality you should check also factorial validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity of each scales, which can be done when you make a CFA.
Assuming that the scales for both latent variables are OK, them you should calculate scores for Customer Satisfation and Customer Loyalty and them submit these data to regression analysis, checking if the hypothesis can be confirmed.
Despite EFA + regression analysis can be used, depending upon the magazine you want to submit it may not accept and ask you to perform CFA + SEM (I already have this bad experience with the magazine refusing my paper because ot methodology I used).
So, use one Likert-type question to test the hypothesis sounds a little weird, at least consideting what I have seeing in the literature.
Attached are some articles to ilustrate my example of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty (as I'm more familiar with this kind of research I decided to use it to show you the whole process).
Sorry if I were so basic in my discussion, but I'd rather to present the whole picture to permit you to confront my example with your situation.
I hope this can help you.
Anything else, feel free to call me back.
Bibliography for my discussion (the book has an English version):
Hair, J. F., Anderson, R., Tatham, R., & Black, W. (2009). Análise Multivariada de Dados (6th ed.). Porto Alegre: Bookman.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
1 answer
Hi, I am a final year Event Management student in the process of writing my dissertation.
I need the following questions answered (as elaborate as possible please). You will remain anonymous and I will really appreciate your participation.
Research Questions:
  • How would you describe the difference in characteristics between vegan food festivals and standard food festivals?
  • Why do you think there has been a sudden increase in vegan food festivals?
  • What are the benefits of vegan food festivals from an organiser's perspective?
  • What are the benefits of vegan food festivals from a visitor's perspective? (social, environmental, health, animal rights)
  • What are the challenges of organising vegan food festivals and attracting visitors?
  • Would you describe vegan food festivals as authentic and why?
  • More supermarkets are releasing their own vegan ranges, how do you think this will affect the demand for vegan food festivals?
  • What do you think will happen in the future for vegan food festivals?
  • How will this affect the veganism movement in future?
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You may check out my profile on RG to see if my work on "Food Tourism in Local Economic Development and National Branding... " would be of help.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
12 answers
It has been suggested that the hosting of sport tourism events can socially impact the quality of life of the residents living within the host community .
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I'd also like to share this paper of Taks (2013). She has developed the position that local (smaller) sport events might create more social impact than mega (larger) sport events. Mega events might be more interesting for developing economic impact and local events for social impact. Interesting position for policy makers, but I think more research on this topic is needed.
  • asked a question related to Event Management
3 answers
This question is basically in regard to events in a region where the traditional norms of having a uniform association of event managers is absent. Also, the case of  a specific body of knowledge is also lacking and practitioners are not academically qualified in the field. Yet, events are happening, and the number of event organisers are also growing.
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Thank you Mr. Shiang-Loong & Mr. Harshvardhan. I shall go through these papers and get back to you soon, with more queries and doubts!
  • asked a question related to Event Management
4 answers
The research (my Master's thesis) looks to identify major drivers for acceptance of the wearable technlogy (most probably simple wristbands) among attendees of large-scale events. I want to analyze what do technology vendors, event organizers and users/attendees themselves think about it, which functions would they need in such a wearable and what qualities are the most important for them.
I already look into the Diffusion of Innovation theory, and I was also advised to study user experience design. I would appreciate any recommendations directing to particular fields of research, authors or papers.
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There is a lot of work in this area, although much of it is in the form of disparate design case studies rather than focused research programs. Two examples of design cases are: 
Veerasawmy, Rune, and Ole Sejer Iversen. "Bannerbattle: introducing crowd experience to interaction design." Proceedings of the 7th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: Making Sense Through Design. ACM, 2012.
Or.. Particularly..
Woźniak, Paweł, et al. "RUFUS: Remote Supporter Feedback for Long-Distance Runners." Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. ACM, 2015.
Good luck with your thesis!
  • asked a question related to Event Management
6 answers
Next year will be held in portugal a orienteering event with approximately 2000 participants. In order to measure the impact over the local economy of a rural county we need to chose a methodology that give us consistent results.
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Hi Luis,
I think most of the time the approach for quantifying the impacts is based on analyzing direct expenditures that are made by visitors and tourists and indirect benefits that are accumulated from returns on investments in infrastructure like roads and so on.
I remember that I have seen this article some time ago and hope it will help:
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Event Management
19 answers
I'm organizing an international conference and while I'll contract a conference bureau to do much of the conference handling, I need a good platform to organize the scientific program, creating mailing lists, doing preliminary budget calculations etc.
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Hope this link would help you in organizing your conference smoothly...
  • asked a question related to Event Management
6 answers
Many institutions will only fund conference attendance (travel, fees & accommodation) if you can show it is worthwhile you attending. Oral presentation is normally a given (good PR for you and the institution). Presenting a poster is viewed as a chance to present a topic overview & network with like-minded people (though the actual exposure is questionable). Running a workshop gets you involved with people in your field & stimulates debate. You can also bill funding to a linked project budget.
Guest lectures and oral papers however are limited & draw fierce competition, so your chances of acceptance are reduced. So, my question is where does your funding normally come from & how do you justify your cause ?
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I definitely agree that there is a developmental benefit to be derived from attending conferences, be it a small or big conference, local or international.
However, administratively, when you have scarce resources to be allocated to many applicants, you would need to prioritise.
That's why in most institutions, there are separate pools of money set aside for funding postgraduate students to attend conference and staff/researchers. For postgraduate students, I would say its the developmental aspect that is more important as they go out to meet people whose work they have read and to gain a feel of being part of a community of scholars.
As for staff and reserachers, it's natural to expect higher priority to be accorded to those who present (whether paper, oral or poster) or having a major role as convenor, chair, panel discussant etc. In today's climate of fund tightening, it has become more difficult to expect approval for attendance just for the sake of attending.