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European Politics - Science topic
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Questions related to European Politics
The expression "Je t'aime, moi non plus: I love you, neither do I", popularized by the song by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin in 1969, refers to tumultuous and contradictory relationships that can be strong, intense, see passionate, but, at the same time, imbued with uncertainties, doubts, and ambiguities that underlie real difficulties likely to make the relations complex unstable or even unhealthy. So "Je t'aime moi non plus" can somehow be applied to describe the Europe-Africa relations steeped in a common history that is not always brilliant and, in another register, to Europe-USA-ASIA relations where the Ego, the Culture, and the Will to Power sometimes lead to conflicting competitive situations.
It is therefore a very open subject on which I would like us to rub our points of view, ideas, and visions in order to promote serene and useful exchanges.
Map: Distribution Of Global GDP By Region. Source:
Dear friends!
I hope you are doing well. I recently wrote an article dealing with democracy in Russia. What do you think? Will there be democracy in Russia, what factors are in play? Article can be found here below:
Best wishes Henrik
Under green market thinking there is no room for the concept of green pollution, but in the world of green market distortions like the world of dwarf green markets such a concept is possible as you can come up with alternative academic facts or alternative academic definitions or alternative academic principles.
As current event in the European Union shows that is the new wave that the business usual model is apparently going through by defining its way out without a golden end goal like clean markets….
And this raises the question, Does the distortions created by the 2012 green market paradigm shift avoidance move allows room for advancing the concept of GREEN POLLUTION? I think yes, what do you think?
If you would like to provide your own views on the question, then please. If your answer is Yes, please explain why you think so. If your answer is No, please explain why you think so.
Dear friends.
I have been been involved in journalism for the majority of my adult life, both as a talk radio host, but later also despite my aversion as a child as someone who writes articles, mainly in the sphere of politics and business for different outlets. During my radio days it was almost a natural law that if you covered a political event you had a guest from academia. This is something that has changed.
Today political commentators who are non academics and also not very neutral ( CNN, Fox etc) has taken over the role of the political scientist as the expert in the field.
Academia had a natural place in society for centuries but as of lately political and societal forces has undermined the legitimacy and the authority of academia and science it self as an institution. Former president Donald Trump is often seen as the first "Post truth president", a truth with modification perhaps. In the political arena, far right parties has challenged the very role of science in society and replaced it with spinn. Facts and counter-facts are words many of us have gotten used to as well as alternative facts, reminding us of the scientific streams that claims that there is no objective truth.
Why do you think this is? what are the implications and how can academia make it self relevant again? ( If it is not). Perhaps academia is losing its position as an institution?
Best Wishes Henrik
* Not only right wing parties has a problem with the truth, the same illness has been present also to the left of center.
In todays world we see an increasing level of aversion towards science and scientists in general. Polititians often create narratives that goes against the consensus of the reaearch community, and science and scientists are often seen as the enemy of the people. The current state of American politics is a prime example of this. Why do you think this is, is there any future for science in the public discourse or is science becomming less and less relevant in the eyes of the general public? If so, what can or even should be done about it?
Best wishes Henrik
Can a politician purchase products or give money from a government office to the public with his/his politic party's name ?
For example:
1. Giving away free food during a crisis with a politician name on the food
2. Making a low budget housing program officially called after the politician
Are there any democratic countries that prohibit these kind of behavior ?
Herewith I would like to enquire in the opportunities for collaboration in a research project focusing on reversing democratic backsliding in CEE/Hungary.
As a PhD candidate (Corvinus University of Budapest, exp final defense September 2020), but now based in the Netherlands, my research area is the role of Eurscepticism on EU policy in the Netherlands and Hungary. My research interests such lie also in politics and policy in the EU, the Netherlands, but especially Hungary. The political developments in Hungary and Poland call for more research projects in the field.
My number one ambition would be to team up with researchers to look at politics and policy in Central Eastern Europe. One of the issues I would be particularly interested in is the broader question how democratic decline/backsliding could be reversed. I do not have the financial means to conduct such research independently.
Any suggestions welcome!
In times of coronavirus-crisis and fear, democracy is suffering. How can we protect our democracies and our right to rebellion in such times? Albert Camus, author of philosophical essays, political texts and novels such as The Plague can be a very inspiring thinker with regard to these questions. Berghahn Journals offer free access to all journals and articles, including my article "Democracy Needs Rebellion. A Democratic Theory inspired by Albert Camus". Would be great to discuss the above mentioned questions with you:
A lot was said of the promise of France's president when he came to office in 2017, but what medium to long term impact will he have on French policymaking and the makeup of the French economy and society?
I propose a discussion limited to political philosophy.
Can the Academic Community help understand social turmoil in France and propose a rational answer? Or help understand one aspect of the French crisis of the “Gilets jaunes”? Is French president Emmanuel Macron, while presented as educated and intelligent, in fact a simple, even “second class » intellectual at the wrong place ?
He was an average student, never involved in any academic achievements, with no university career, no publications and no evidence of any particular intellectual, cultural or scientific achievements. In history, number of statesmen were similar to Mr. Macron in this respect. Except from one: Many advanced sound arguments, demonstrated common sense and even when not successful, majority of them demonstrated practical wisdom (phrenesis). Here bellow is one short list of the numerous problems of Mr. Macron:
1. Affaire Benalla
2. Stop complaining
3. "Cross the street" to find work
4. Stubborn Gauls
Speaking in Denmark on a diplomatic visit in August, Macron quipped that "the Lutheran people" had embraced "the transformations" of recent years, in contrast to "the Gaul refractory to change."
5. "Crazy dough"
"Look, we are putting crazy dough into minimum social benefits, and people are still poor. They don't get out of it. The people are born poor and remain poor,"
6. 'Slackers'
"I am of an absolute determination, and I will cede nothing, not to the slackers, not to the cynics, and not to the extremes," Macron proclaimed at the French School of Athens.
"They are certain ones who, instead of creating havoc, would do better by going to see if they cannot get jobs," he told a local official in November after being greeted by protesters at the opening of a college for construction workers.
7. People who are "nothing"
“A train station, it's a place where one encounters people who are succeeding and people who are nothing," Macron declared. "Because it's a place where one passes, because it's a place we share."
Then, I would add:
8. Declare “French culture does not exist”.
9. His “futuristic” economical measures systematically impoverish the most disadvantaged.
10. His English is just supportable with heavy accent. (French intellectuals often speak much better English).
11. His funeral speeches seem to be his better side.
12. His so called “program” contained the principles, and just a few concrete measures – and this is now contested.
13. Exclamations like “Come, get me”, or the allusions to homosexual connections with Benala… are bizarre.
14. The present Gilets jaunes crisis is mainly caused by Macrons personality.
The French president — a Parisian-educated Énarque and ex-Rothschild banker — is often accused of being out of touch with voters and even his attempts to bridge the gap fall flat.
Yet, is president Macron a simple, not particularly educated, not sufficiently knowledgeable, but ambitious and confused, average man who arrived at a wrong place?
I would appreciate an academic, serious, rational discussion, if possible detached from the problems and language that may inflame political sentiments.
Dear all,
the EU is currently in its greatest crisis: Brexit, Euro-crisis, migration-crisis, populism and rising nationalism...
The EU has grown to 28 EU-member states and many are blaming a brussels dictatorship, many southern member states are having rather bad economic data and a high unemployment...
What are the benefits of the EU? Will it survive? Will nationalists and populists win and will there be new tensions in Europe? Will the EU break up? The EU must undergo some reforms? Which, how and why? Let us discuss with our history, knowledge and wisdom in a common EU forum on necessary reforms, options and outcomes. All views are welcome - but let us try to exchange our views in friendly arguments and not accusations...
Keyworts: Europe, European Union, EU, European History, European Politics, European Economics, European Reform, European Future.
Brexit constitutes the first instance of EU enlargement in reverse. As such, it affects the architecture of European
integration in different ways: the EU loses part of its critical mass, the balance of power tilts towards continental
impulses, and the UK engages in a political experiment to chart an independent course (of which the relative
success will influence public perceptions of EU integration being voluntary or not).
Any ideas about how to go about this for a research paper i.e. methodology, research design...?
Recent adjustments in some of the trade relations, such as the decisions of the United Kingdom to leave the European Union and the United States to renegotiate and re-evaluate their main trade agreements in force have caused concern about the possible escalation of barriers and disputes. commercial. The imposition of tariffs and trade barriers as well as disputes over certain products could be intensified if other countries respond with reprisals.
Do you think that an increasingly restrictive environment in terms of international trade could reduce the growth prospects in the medium term, due to the interdependence that exists between trade, investment and productivity growth?
Donald Trump, Silvio Berlusconi, Marine Le Pen, Hugo Chávez—populists are on the rise across the globe we are told. But what exactly is populism? Should everyone who criticizes Wall Street or Washington be called a populist? What precisely is the difference between right-wing and left-wing populism? Does populism bring government closer to the people or is it a threat to democracy?
I have done some research work related Kosovo SME in International Trade, so if you are interested to doing a research with transition countries and specially emerging countries like Kosovo I would be glad to cooperate with you.
Third party access concerns users of energy infrastructure. It is established under european guidelines in order to enhance competition and energy security in Europe.
Last general election result in Britain was not as expected by the PM May: How will it impact Brexit negotiations? Will Brexit be reversed or another election called???
Sometimes coming by clear coherent literature on this subject is rather difficult as many articles are more concerned with explaining the causation of the Eurozone crisis rather than the policies being instituted at this current moment and the effects of them.
The Question is about the Nature of the Rules that will be applied during the period of change of political and legal systems. Which of the Rules will be applied during the so-called Transitional period ... Thank you for your contributions to answer the question.
can nationalist movements come about against neo-liberalism? and what are these attitudes of neo-liberal policies and state, that drive these resistance? there any case study or examples you can helo with?
Local political involvement including participation in voting, running for office?
Has anyone written about reasons for the buildings forming the background of John Martin's well-known Pandaemonium (1841) [sometimes Pandemonium]?
They look suspiciously like a composition of a view from St James's Park towards Pall Mall, with Elizabeth Tower (formerly/AKA St Stephen's Tower) of the Palace of Westminster (Houses of Parliament) in the background.
[Edited same day]
Aside from the visual similarities mentioned above, details of Martin's later life (e.g. section titled Later Life in Wikipedia article linked below) suggest that he became concerned with the redevelopment of the Thames Embankment, and might therefore have had the area and its buildings in mind. But this project ultimately failed, as indicated below, in part from a lack of government support .
Is the painting, in fact, at least partly a political statement?
Looking at how the views of British liberal changed over time in the nineteenth century
Dear Colleagues, in the light of the efforts some EU countries share in receiving asylum demands and the discussions and propositions in EU institutions, how do you see the solution for the reform of asylum legislation in the EU?
A hypothesis with narrative attributions:
We have a catholic-identity-conservative (or reconstructing) government in Poland. An identity-reconstructing government in Hungary. And differently strong post-liberal or (back to) pre-liberal parties and ideologies/movements in many European societies.
Is there (rather) a similar pattern of events and contextual identity and conflict constructions like in former European times? Or is it rather that we, in a maybe Derrida-sense, make (up) these/such analogies - but maybe based on rational validity/empirical signs. Or based on our structural urgence to create (narratives of) sense/meaning.
In the above sense:
Is the European Union somehow similar to/reminding of the Congressional Europe after 1815? Trying to keep national states/national state movements from nationalising their politics.
Or is it (also/rather) somehow like the Inter-World-War period when there was a lack of meaning and meta-narratives in a post-monarchical and post-classical-bourgeois world? So that this lack/"vacuum" is filled with new meta-narratives, like then Sovyet socialism, different forms of fascism, etc. Do we experience such a lack/vacuum, and the different ideologies trying to fill it, in the current situation of Europe too?
Is there a pattern or are there similarities? Or is it somehow similar but also qualitatively different? Or is it qualitatively and/or structurally completely different?
Dear colleagues,
I have already analyzed a development of crisis management of the European Union with an evaluation of performance and (relative) impact, but I am searching for more references dealing with a resilience crisis management.
Thank You for a help!
Dear all,
I am wondering about European citizens' perception on English language and their awareness level since most European politicians use English as a Lingua Franca to speak with other speakers, whose mother tongue is another one. So far I have read much about many European politicians speaking "bad English" and the way online newspapers portrayed their level of inaccuracy in English - I refer to Matteo Renzi, Ana Botella, Guido Westerwelle etc.. So my questions are: "Can "good English" be an effective evaluation criterion for voting politicians during national elections in Europe? Can "good English" represent a parameter for assessing politicians' credibility and representability for one country? Would European citizens vote for one candidate according to his level of proficiency in English? Could you please provide me some examples or research on it? Thank you in advance for your replies!
What are the differences between the High Representative of the Union for foreign affairs and security policy and the former would-be minister of foreign affaires of the EU as envisaged by the Constitutional Treaty? Thank you
Six Sigma and Lean are two major improvement tools used by the U.S. corporations. Their effectiveness is a different issue, and none wants to discuss it. What are normal measures of quality in EU, and what are typical tools used for quality improvement?
I am impressed that EU has recognized innovation as critical factor for sustaining quality of life in future. To my knowledge, each country is required to have a policy, infrastructure and investment in innovation. Then, the innovation scorecards were developed. Has anything changed in EU due to this innovation initiative?
Especially the most interesting are answers on following questions:
- how do you understand terms "air transport" and "aviation" - what is part of what? What is their relations?
- what resources, mechanisms and instruments can be distinguished in the process of creating and implementing vision of the development of air transport policy?
- who are the decision-makers (politicians, others?) and stakeholders of aviation policy and innovation policy and what they are influence on aviation?
- how decision-makers (politicians) think about aviation policy, the process of its formulation? What demands report? Do they see the need to take into account the elements of innovation policy?
- what kind of barriers prevent the develppment of national strategy for aviation?
- what else is also important, but i didn't noticed, mentioned?
I will be grateful for all answers, links or proposals of literature too - it will by helpful for my PhD thesis.
I'm interested in changes in an interest group system over time (interest groups system as a unit of research).
What Institution possess the most important competences issuing the most binding legislation for Member States? Is this a criterion to state its power? Or are there other competencies to address?
When it comes to the EU, there are various theoretical paradigms, including federalism, (neo)functionalism, (neo)institutionalism, intergovernmentalism.
Which theoretical model best describes the organization and functioning of the EU?
What are policies and measures taken by the EU to engage the peoples (general publics, interest groups, NGOs, political parties, social communities, etc), not the governments, of the Central and Eastern European Countries in their transition and accession periods? Any important literature and sources? Thanks a lot!
If anyone knows of domestic surveys asking the general public questions about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (any aspect) in countries other than US, Sweden, UK and Germany, I would appreciate if you would share the links or other identification. Language does not matter.
Due to the wave of immigration to Europe that has become more pronounced in recent times, what solutions do you propose for the reception of emigration to Europe ?
Your answer will be greatly appreciated.
I´m planning to investigate the prelegislative phase on ordinary legislative procedure and I would like to know some practical data about the action of european lobby within the EU Institutiones, specially, the EU Commission.
Attempting to explore a how influential Jacobinism was outside of France, mainly as a new political framework.
I'm looking for a Europe-wide surveys that are similar to what we see in the Latinobarometer, Afrobarometer. In other words, questions on economic perceptions, vote intention and partisan id. The Eurobarometer is largely a EU-wide survey that lacks any national component. The EES is largely a survey on second-order EP elections that dont measure voting in first order elections. The CSES lacks proper questions on economic perception. They include a retrospective sociotropic question and a "improvement of standard of living question." I'm look for a cross-national survey in Europe that asks such questions as
1. If Presidential elections or (parliamentary election) were held this sunday for whom would you vote for?
2. In the last election, did you vote for the opposition or the incumbent?
3. In the last 12 months, how has your household economic situation changed?
4. In the last 12 months, how has the country's economic situation changed?
5. In the next 12 month, do you expect your household's economic situation to get...? (better, worse, etc)
6. In the next 12 months, do you expect the country's economic situation to get?
I have searched everywhere for literature on Podemos and I have found it extremely hard to come about in English since they are a relatively new party only founded in 2014.
What are the roles of parliaments within the new context of European integration?
After Rawls British political theory is not in its best mode. Although we have got theorists like John Gray, Michael Oakeshott and Roger Scruton, surely, one should take into account other authors and oeuvres as well.. How would you sketch a meta-narrative of contemporary British political philosophy?
I have been studying post-Communist public administration reforms especially the Romanian case and South-Eastern Europe since 2006 and witnessed the growth of the interest and literature in this field. I am especially interested in expalining the huge transformations within South-Eastern European public administrations through a historical institutionalism approach within the European integration process. Could you indicate the most influential study in the area?
Is it possible to be performed legal lustration in countries emerging from former communist & repressive regimes and what are the best practices for implementing this process? Possible suggestions in the literature / case studies?
Considering Russia's attitude in UNSC, the annexation of Crimea, opening free market zone with Belarus and Kazakhstan, and seeking marketplace in Asia due to sanctions of Europe, this all shows that the struggle to isolate Russia is not going to work as it is intended. Besides that, Russia has strong economic ties with Germany and France, and if sanctions would grow more strict then it might possibly lead to increase of natural gas and oil prices in Europe. Eventually, Europe will suffer as a result of sanctions. Under these "prisoners dilemma" sanctions possibly might not grow more strict. In this case, Russia will get what it wants.
Neither the commission, nor the parliament (or Eurostat) are providing this information in a comprehensive way.
For the elections of 2004 onwards post-election reports exist (
So I would rather need information for the elections before 2004. Thank your for your support!
This question is vital for each european citizen. I was one of the two million of signatories of the European Citizens’ Initiative, “One of Us”, which was vetoed by the European Commission illegitimately and anti-democratically.
For my current research, I am looking for empirical material and theoretical analyses concerning the development and the membership of Youth political organizations working at a transnational or international level. Any bibliographical reference or any contact with scholars working on this issue would help me a lot!
I think that need huge efforts
I know this is an incredibly complex and multifaceted issue. At this moment I am looking for ideas on how to approach this question.