Science topics: GeoscienceEuropa
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Europa - Science topic
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Questions related to Europa
Imagine the WCED 1987 would have set only one sustainable development goal, closing the renewable energy technology gap to make renewable energy a permanent substitute of non-renewable energy as soon as possible and address pollution production head on by transitioning out of dirty economies.
Imagine 2012 RIO +20 would have made only one goal to support the implementation of green markets, to set up a system around implementation, financing, and monitoring of the closing of the renewable energy technology gap in each country as soon as possible to address pollution reduction head on by making pollution reduction a profit-making opportunity.
Imagine the 2015 Paris agreement had only one goal implemented in a socially friendly manner, to close the renewable energy technology gap as soon as possible to lead the dirty economy behind and stop providing benefits to those making money from dirty development.
Instead, attention has been placed on managing the consequences of pollution production markets which keeps renewable energy as a permanent complement and send dirty markets under permanent dirty market failure.
And this raises the question, should making renewable energy a permanent substitute be a clear and practical SDG goal?
What do you think?
I am looking for a natural (potential?) vegetation map of Europe that I could use in a GIS framework. I found
Udo B. et al. 2004 Karte der natürlichen Vegetation Europas. Map of the Natural Vegetation of Europe. Maßstab / Scale 1 : 2 500 000
Is there he digital GIS version of it? Is it available on the Internet? Or is there something similar I could use. I would like to use it as a background to illustrate my species distribution maps, showing the main vegetation types in different regions.
Do the processes of unifying market, financial, economic, etc. structures on an international scale increase the economic, financial, energy, etc. security of the countries participating in this process?
Does the unification of market structures, an increase in standardization and homogenization of the functioning of economic and financial systems on an international scale, the removal of barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors, the introduction of a common currency cause the acceleration of economic development, an increase in the level of economic and financial stability of the region composed of countries that thus increasingly cooperate with each other economically and not only economically?
An example of the unification of market structures, an increase in standardization and homogenization of the functioning of economic and financial systems on an international scale, the removal of barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors, the introduction of a common currency is the European Union with its area of the common currency, the Euro. European integration includes international cooperation, unifying market structures, removing barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors. A higher level of international economic and financial integration is the adoption of a common currency, e.g. the Euro currency. Poland, just after the system and economic transformation in 1989, because already in the early 1990s, adopted a plan to adjust the economy, financial systems, banking, legal regulations, institutional and organizational issues, etc. to the standards of the European Union, in order to join the EU structures . The central bank in Poland, ie the National Bank of Poland, adopted a strategic plan to combat the then hyperinflation, stabilize the economy and prepare and adjust the financial system, including the banking system, to European Union standards at the very beginning of the 1990s. This process was carried out efficiently and effectively. Poland joined the EU in May 2004. Thus, the aforementioned period of adjustments to the economy, financial systems, banking, legal regulations, institutional and organizational issues, etc., lasted over a decade. The unification of market structures, an increase in the standardization and homogenization of the functioning of economic and financial systems on an international scale, the removal of barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors leads to the reduction of the costs of the implementation of these processes and thus the formation of pro-development impulses that automatically activate economic processes on unified, homogenized markets . As a consequence, economic growth can significantly accelerate and stimulate economic development in the entire region of shared market structures operating in countries that increasingly cooperate with each other. The above-mentioned Unification of market structures, the functioning of economic and financial systems on an international scale, the removal of barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors are also key factors accelerating the processes of economic globalization, globalization of financial systems, etc. Unfortunately, the governments of some, few countries in Europe act as if they did not appreciate these values. For example, unfortunately, this is how the current PIS government of the country in which I operate has operated for 7 years. The plan for Poland to adopt the common currency, the Euro, was adopted at the end of the 1990s. This plan could be implemented a few years after Poland joined the European Union. Unfortunately, the global financial crisis of 2007-2009 caused problems which resulted in the postponement of this plan. However, when the financial markets stabilized after 2009, there could be a return to the implementation of the above-mentioned plan of introducing the Polish economy to the area of the common currency, Euro. However, the political options that took over the reign of power in Poland changed. The current government, which implements a populist economic policy consisting in increasing the scale of centralized state intervention, and finances new socio-economic programs mainly by increasing the public debt and printing the domestic currency PLN. Precisely because the largest socio-economic programs, including anti-crisis shields, which were used during the SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) coronavirus pandemic in the form of public financial aid consisting in providing non-repayable subsidies to companies and enterprises, were also based on the reprint of the national currency PLN. The result of the use of additional printing of domestic money during a pandemic on a historically record-high scale was the increase in inflation, which started almost from the beginning of 2021. As the printing of the domestic currency PLN and additional issues of treasury bonds, increasing the public debt are the key instruments for the current government to implement government economic programs, the current government does not want to implement the plan of introducing the Polish economy to the euro area, adopted over two decades ago. As a result, the risk of debt and financial liquidity in the public finance system of the state increases, and inflation continues to rise. Recently, the Central Statistical Office published data showing that in August 2022 inflation increased again and reached a record level of 16.1 percent. Producer inflation is still much higher than consumer inflation, which, combined with the growing interest rates on bank loans, contributes to the deepening economic slowdown, the symptoms of which appeared already in mid-2022. The above-mentioned negative processes, in line with macroeconomic forecasts, will cause a serious downturn in the economy in Poland in the following quarters and in 2023. Core inflation is estimated at around 10 percent. Core inflation is estimated by subtracting food, fuel and energy, i.e. the key factors of international influence, including the impact of the war in Ukraine, from total consumer inflation. As the core inflation generated by internal factors in Poland is much higher than in the European Union, the domestic economic policy, national public policy, public finance management by the government, domestic monetary policy of the politicized central bank, etc. politicized, centrally controlled, interventionist and monetarist, national socio-economic policy in Poland increasingly distances Poland from the plan of adopting the common currency and increases the risk of liquidity and debt of the public finance system of the state. Therefore, in the event of the emergence of another global economic and / or financial crisis in the future, the Polish economy may find itself in a more serious crisis compared to previous crises. Besides, continuing these considerations in order to answer the question: Do the processes of unifying market and financial structures, etc. on an international scale increase the economic and financial security of the countries participating in this process? - further threats that affect the economies and civilization of many countries, such as the currently developing energy crisis and the constantly growing long-term risk of a future climate crisis, can also be taken into account. Transnational economic integration in the European Union also applies to environmental and climate policy, which, unfortunately, also do not belong to the priorities of the current government in Poland. The process of pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the Polish economy, including the energy sector, has been slowed down for 7 years in Poland. The result is still a significant advantage of dirty combustion energy in the generation of electricity and heat in Poland. Energy production in Poland based on the combustion of mainly hard coal and other fossil fuels is still 3/4 of the total energy sector. It is also a result of ignoring the guidelines of the environmental and climate policy of the European Union in Poland for many years. Therefore, the level of energy security in the context of the current energy crisis has been significantly lowered by this type of national energy policy. I examined the issues of the above-mentioned standardization of market structures, the functioning of economic and financial systems on an international scale, the removal of barriers to the cross-border flow of goods and production factors, I examined these issues on the example of the adaptation of the banking system, including commercial banks, to European banking. I have included the results of my research on this issue in articles that were published on my profile of this Research Gate portal. Researchers and scientists studying analogous processes of adjusting market structures, financial systems, banking, etc., are invited to scientific cooperation.
In view of the above, I address the following research question to the Honorable Community of Researchers and Scientists:
Do the processes of unifying market, financial, economic, etc. structures on an international scale increase the economic, financial, energy, etc. security of the countries participating in this process?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

I am trying to find high detail information about the land cover/land use maps openly distributed by governamental agencies in all Eurasian countries. I am also interested in crop type maps and forest type maps, as well as marine ecosystem maps. I already know about initiatives like Open Street Map, but this is not always complete. There are also many dataset available from Copernicus, but this is not always enough (and it doesn't cover all countries). Basically, I think that I could find most European scale datasets when English search is possible. But my problem is mainly for countries of different languages, where the search by a non native speaker is more difficult despite computer translation. So with everyones collaboration, maybe we could list the ressources available in your own countries (or the fact that the data is not openly available is also interesting, so that I stop looking). Information on how to download the data (in the language of the site) would be a generous addition to providing the url.
Many thanks
I am a bachelor's degree student in chemistry and I am doing my best to study for a master's degree in another country.If you have also received scholarships in other countries or know someone who has experience, please share this experience with me and others.
Please guide me in a few cases
First: For an undergraduate student in chemistry, other than his or her grade point average, grade in class and english skills, what else is important in his or her resume? Collaborating on a project, working in a lab?
Case 2: Which of the developed countries is easier for a chemistry student to get a scholarship?
Case 3: If you have any advice that helps me and others make a decision, or have any scholarship experience from another country you would like to mention, i be so grateful if you mention it.
Which of the following majors is more suitable for studying at international universities for the master's degree in chemistry? Please apply the following items in your final answer: 1- Average income after graduation in the United States or Europe and 2- Ease of admission to international universities 3- Number of jobs available after graduation 4- working in the field of medicine and pharmacology etc.
- Medicinal chemistry
- Organic chemistry
- Pharmacology
- Nano Chemistry
- Analytical chemistry
Il discorso può essere fatto decorrere dalla fondazione del razzismo come pseudoscienza e dal colonialismo degli ultimi secoli, con rilevanti interessi anche all'Italia. Il Nazionalismo e il razzismo hanno aspetti intereuropei, aspetti tra Europa e altri continenti, con il caso limite dell'antisemitismo non riducibile né agli uni agli altri. Comunque, parliamone.
Comunque complimenti, sempre temi di grande valore.
Dear colleagues,
I need information about the first wife of Franz Brentano (1838-1917), i.e. Ida Lieben (1852-1884, Austria, Vienna).
Can you help me please?

I am looking for a list of the indicators which are currently being considered for the reporting of the CAP 2014-2020. Can anyone propose a reference?
I plan to conduct a research on Tardigrada survival in simulated Europa (moon) conditions. The question is:
If results will end up being significant - wouldn't it indirectly support the hypothesis of life existence possibility on Europa (in sum with results and analysis from Voyager & Galileo missions (R. Greenberg et al.)?
What are the dominant controlling mechanisms on the surface geomorphology of icy satellites within our solar system? I am curious about the dominant large scale controls, for instance, the importance of orbital resonance, tidal, and gravitational constraints, as well as the dominant small scale controls such as temperature fluctuations, rafting, fracturing, and denudation. Can the surface topography, structures, and geomorphology seen on Europa and Enceladus be applied to a theoretical model of landscape and surface evolution of exoplanetary and exosatellite systems that we have yet to encounter?
Opinion of AG Mengozzi in the preliminary ruling on the interpretation of regulation 883/2004 and Article 45 TFEU has been issued today.
The facts of the case talk about the situation of the frontier workers who no longer enjoy a special treatment. They have been assimilated with the notion of resident and they are entitled to receive unemployment benefits from the state of residence even if they have never worked there. On the other hand they have the possibility (see the Miethe Case 1/85) to apply as a candidate for employment in both member states, the chances to get an employment being at least theoretical better than before. Would you consider that the jurisprudence of the Court (see also Case Caves Krier Frères Sàrl v Directeur de l’Administration de l’emploi, C-379/11 ) reflects a progress towards better social integration in the EU?