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Ethernet - Science topic

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Questions related to Ethernet
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Hello everyone,
I am new to LabVIEW, right now we need to control the movement of an ethernet-based stage drive. We got the sample code from a collaborator but their instrument is USB-based, so we changed it a little bit to make LabVIEW understand the ethernet input, however, it does not work. Could you please have a look at the code and point out what we are missing? We already make the NI MAX recognize the input of the device, as follows. What do we need more? Thank you so much.
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Also, you need to see your device and its driver recognized in NI-MAX, and from what you posted it doesn't seem to be the case
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
7 answers
can someone help me on this?
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Sure, let's talk about networking right at your desktop! It's actually quite interesting.
Runts, Late Collisions, CRC Errors: These are common network issues. Runts are packets that are smaller than the minimum allowed size. Late collisions happen when devices try to send data at the same time but collide. CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) errors occur when data gets corrupted during transmission.
Desktop NICs (Network Interface Cards): Most desktop NICs can detect these errors. They're pretty smart! They often have built-in mechanisms to identify such issues and usually provide some form of error reporting.
Building a Program: Creating a program to monitor these errors is definitely possible. You’d typically use network monitoring tools or software that can interface with your NIC. The program would access the NIC's statistics and error counters to report these issues.
How to Do It: You'd need to dive into network programming. Using APIs or libraries that allow access to low-level network device information is key. Languages like C or Python, along with libraries suitable for network programming, would be your tools of choice.
In short, yes, you can totally create a program to monitor runts, late collisions, CRC errors, and the like, right from your desktop. It’s a neat way to keep an eye on your network health!
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
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Provide references if possible.
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IP header damage, or corruption, can happen due to various reasons, not just limited to physical layer issues. Let's break it down:
Physical Layer Issues: Sure, things like signal degradation, interference, or hardware malfunctions at the physical layer can corrupt packets, including their IP headers.
Transmission Errors: During data transmission over networks, especially in wireless or long-distance communications, data can get corrupted due to noise, signal loss, or even due to issues like packet collision.
Faulty Networking Hardware or Software: Sometimes, routers, switches, or even bugs in networking software can cause packet corruption.
Buffer Overflows: If a network device is overwhelmed with too much data, it might result in buffer overflows, leading to corruption.
As for identifying damaged IP headers, here's how it's typically done:
Checksums: IP headers include a checksum field. When a packet arrives, the receiving device recalculates the checksum and compares it with the one in the header. If they don't match, it indicates corruption.
Error-detecting Code: Some network protocols have built-in error detection mechanisms. For instance, Ethernet frames have a frame check sequence (FCS) to detect errors.
Network Tools and Diagnostics: Tools like Wireshark can help analyze network traffic and identify corrupted packets.
Anomalies in Network Performance: Sometimes, signs like increased packet loss rates or unusual network slowdowns can indicate issues with packet corruption.
For references, you might want to check out networking textbooks or authoritative resources like Cisco's networking guides, or academic papers on network reliability and data integrity. They can provide you with more in-depth information and case studies.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I have some troubles with the connection of Anritsu MS9740A with LabView via VISA.
I have read the Anritsu datasheet, and they comment that is possible to connect the Anritsu through GPIB and Ethernet but through command communication, they don't tell anything about LabView communication.
I have attached a ZIP with the VI Tree that allow the communication with the OSA, but, firstly when I connect via USB the Anritsu with my PC, I could not observe the instrument in the I/O VISA session. So, I don't know if I need install an additional driver or firmware that allows me the correct communication with the device.
Can you have some advice that can help me with this inconvenient?
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Does it show up in NI-MAX under Devices and Interfaces?
Can you export it to LabVIEW v21? The option is in File->Save as previous version...
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
4 answers
For example, if an incoming trigger event is read by an IO module that is connected over ethernet, and that trigger only lasts for 50 milliseconds, can a Windows embedded device execute a small command set, and send it out to an IO module over ethernet reliably? Or is Windows IOT faster? Or is it purely based on clock speed of the industrial computer?
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The time spent by preparing the data and calling the OS kernel is comparably short. To estimate this, you can look at the normal network operation. A typical gigabit network is able to transfer data with a speed larger than 50 MB/s. If this is done by sending 10-KB large data packets, the computer has to send or receive more than 5000 packets per second. This implies that the transmission of each packet does not take more than 200 microseconds. If you observe the CPU load during such data transfer you will not see any large number, i.e. the CPU spends obviously much less time than 100 microseconds with transferring one package. A couple of years ago, we made experiments with transferring data over the parallel port, when I remember properly, the tests turned out that a kernel call occurs on a time scale of 5 microseconds. There will be a similar time scale also for the network data transfer. In any case, the time spent in the software is low compared to the duration of the data transfer via the network and does not disturb the measurement of the ping time substantially.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I have a LAN A and LAN B, different subnets. A device "Da" in LAN A wants to send data to another device "Db" in LAN B. There is physical connection (Cat6) between L2 switches of LAN A and LAN B. However there is no router in this architecture. Can the device "Da" ping or send data to device "Db" in this architecture ? Would be thankful for an answer or guidance ... The LAN I am talking about is the Ethernet IP LAN, IPv4 network.
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First when we talk about VLAN hoping, you must know that it s related to L2 (switch) ... router or Layer 3 switch will be used just in normal communication scenario (that is not related to hopping). Your first task is to "convince" L2 switch that you are device capable to create trunk (sending BPDU) based on DTP protocol (I am familiar with cisco equipment) and to establish trunk. Trunk means that through trunk link switch will send data from every VLAN to you :). So Da should create trafic to Db in a way to perform tagging with VLAN ID where Db belongs. This frame will be send through trunk. Frame will arive to second switch he will read VLAN ID and pass frame to all ports that are associated with that VLAN and on all ports marked as trunk. Dd will send response, it will arive to switch. Switch will set VLAN ID (tag) to frame and forward to all ports that are associate with that VLAN and to all response will arrive to your Db, but still there is problem if you want to communicate with Db ... why ... because Da willl detect that destination is in another subnet (same sa Db) and will set gateway MAC as destination MAC address, so Db will never process this request... there is option to send broadcast ... but this include additional modification.... so it easy to monitor traffic , but harder to communicate in common way... hope that this helped :)
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
I want to calculate required bandwidth and bitrate of Ethernet for the application in Automobile.
I have different devices connected to switches and transmit signals at every 100ms. So what could be the required bandwidth and bitrate for the Applikation.
lets say, the total size is around 3000bytes.
The whole system is full duplex.
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It sounds to me like you need to define your environment and you required bit rate, and then you can compute the needed bandwidth.
Shannon's equation is the starting point. It does not care what modulation you use.
Channel capacity (b/s) = Bandwidth (Hz) * logbase2(1 + S/N)
where that term S/N is the signal to noise ratio in watts/watts (not in dB).
Shannon's equation gives you the optimal channel capacity. For practical results, you probably want to degrade your S/N by 3 dB or so, and that will give you a good idea of bandwidth requirements.
So, you should know the required channel capacity c and you should know the expected SNR, sn, in dB, since that's the normal way it's measured.
What I'm calling snw is the SNR given in watts/watts, as required by Shannon's equation. Start with a predicted value of SNR in dB, reduce it by 3 dB, and then here's the bandwidth b required, where that log is logbase 10:
snw = 10 ^ (sn / 10)
b = c / (1.4427 * Log(1 + snw))
All I did was solve Shannon's equation for bandwidth, converting the SNR given in dB to a ratio of watts. Then you can determine what modulation to use.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Lets say I have 2 switches and 2-2 devices connected to each switch. Each device sends data to other devices in a cylic manner for example Device1 sends data at 100msec, device 2 at 200ms. So i want to calculate the required bandwidth for each device and switch if the data size sent is approx 2000bytes. So now in my simulation I have given bandwidth values of 10Mbps, but after certain period lets say after 1 minute of simulation.. switch buffer starts filling up and messages are getting droped. So in my conclusion i think bandwith is the problem because messages are not sent or accepted with required bitrates. So I want to calculate bandwith of each device and switch.
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Insightful inputs from Virendra Shekhawat
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
If you can provide references if possible, that will be a great help.
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David Lide Yeah but what are the protocols used to read those data. For an example FLPs are used to do auto negotiation. Like wise how are the other things are read or managed by the NIC?
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I’m looking for a solution for 2 way audio connectivity between a remote site with wireless headphones and a PC. In the remote site there is only possible to get power from a POE (Power Over Ethernet). The PC contains our own backend software and application.
Is there a solution based on Wi-Fi headphones?
What suggested communication software to use (WebRTC?)
Any other ideas?
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  • asked a question related to Ethernet
1 answer
For my simulation i would like to intergrate the direct proces parameters of a power analyzer. Normally with my N4L device our other modbus sensors that is no problem. But now i would like to read values from three Schneider PM5320 modbus (Ethernet) power analyzers. This devices has a permanent device ID off 255. Is there a special way to use the modbus device for this adress. Matlab uses a range from 1-247 .
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  • asked a question related to Ethernet
9 answers
Greetings everyone , I've managed to fully control LED light by simple brain waves . I used emotive epoc x as EEG sensor and I used emotive BCI OSC as data stream to Arduino uno . There was a simple trick that I didn't knew about it ( different types of Arduino my affect this process ) . Having Arduino uno with WiFi shield for example is different from Arduino MCU which already has a WiFi plugged in , you may get error with codes unless you put a replacement code for example ; In Arduino uno it accept the code byte but in MCU it doesn't . I am not a code expert but lots of things like happens .
The connection I did was with Ethernet , it worked perfectly and I did mess around with brain waves to see which one was more accurate than another and it turns out that Facial Expression is easy to control and has a more efficiency than mental command BUT with more data training and a little change of algorithm mental command can be more Useful , Will do more research and work on this one too .
In the end I am trying to use WiFi connection but it seems that Arduino cannot run both WiFi and data stream , maybe am missing something Or maybe emotive BCI OSC only run on ethernet , am still looking for these answers ......
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Please let me know if this works.
In my opinion, if you cannot send UDP or receive with the basic UDP example for the ESP8266 then the problem is not with Emotiv. Therefore, you need to check if this is network or device problem.
Sure, I will be around here to see this works for you.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
1 answer
Hello, I recently start learning to program plc's and now i find myself trying to link the CX-Simulator with a software called Factory I/O wich is a simulator of a line of production, the problem is the factory I/O software it's design to connect fisicly with a PLC, no need of anything else, but i don't have a physic PLC in home there's anyone with experience in this kind of issue?
I want to know if it's a way to connect the two softwares in modbus.
like simulating an ethernet connection maybe?
Thanks for the Help.
Cordial Regards.
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Good morning
I recommend Factory IO and there is possibility to work on Factory IO without physical PLC, you just need to have in Tia Portal option Simulations PLCSIM and then you can link everything together with library from Factory IO
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
1 answer
I'm looking for articles and publications related to intrusion detection in automotive ethernet..most of the papers are concerned with CAN technology
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Hi Natasha,
I have the same problem. The only solution I have found till now is to use Ethernet datasets and modify them (delete some attacks that are not relevant with the Automotive case). I am not sure if this way of thinking is correct.
Have you find anything? It would help me a lot.
Thank you very much in advance
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
4 answers
I'm curious to know if I can calculate the number of packets dropped when ethernet cable is configured as unidirectional and by pinging it from other end if we can calculate the delay, and packet loss
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There are a number of methods to avoid detection, one being configuring the ... Keywords: receive-only, cables, sniffing, network taps, uni-directional cables..
Refer this link:
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
1 answer
I'm working on machine learning applied to ethernet in-vehicle networks, the problem is that most of the simulators and datasets generated are related to CAN networks.
If anyone knows a simulator able to generate ethernet packets for cars , please tell me.
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Most vehicles use CANbus topology for its reliability and convenience. many manufacturers have their own implementation of the protocol. it is easy to generate a packet once you fully got the message ID specifications for the application.
the Controller Area Network code generator has not yet been "released" as far as I know. but there is a possibility of collecting your own vehicles data using a small circuit based on Arduino or off the shelf product along with software such the Elm327.
good luck
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
My lab is troubleshooting a Thermo DSQ MS. It seems that the computer cannot connect to the DSQ MS. The software (Xcalibur) keeps popping out "Cannot open the ethernet connection."
We have make sure that the connection on DSQ MS is functional (the signal light is green). We have also make sure that the ethernet cable and the ethernet on the computer works.
In addition, we reset the DSQ MS but this did not help too much.
Anyone has any troubleshooting suggestions?
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Hi Wan,
some years ago we had a similar problem with a waters mass spectrometer.
The connection problems were caused by the settings for the internal network card. Windows had activated power management to save energy. Disable the checkbox here. As a result there were no more connection problems. This is what you have to come to first ;-).
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
In the flying car infrastructure development following are some of the high level major challenges:
  • Network
  • Connectivity
  • Interoperability
  • Security
Is 5G and Ethernet sufficient enough to connect, communicate & helpful to enable cyber security for 500 million vehicles in a model smart city infrastructure?
Expecting experts POV.
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It all starts with clocks of the network. We need very stable and precise clocks, and we need low latency protocols.
One ITU-T FG NET2030 group is reviewing issues, challenges and opportunities for networks in 2030. Questions include IP or not IP, low latency, and many more aspects
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
  • TSN
  • Ethernet
  • Integration
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Switches
  • To compute the adequate traffic scheduling
  • For the network?
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What are the attributes we can consider to enable AI in in-vehicle communication?
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
1 answer
In general as well as specific to automotive and avionics domain, for the efficient and secured system use case:
  1. Motion control precision plays a vital role in getting a precise and repeatable system to avoid e.g. collision on the road, and critical scenarios in avionics system in the air.
  2. Speed at nanometer level resolution can help in identifying the objects correctly that guides function enabler through a process to activate the right function.
In a complex embedded system, controlling latency and jittering has become very much relevant to address above use case scenarios 1 and 2.
There is huge ongoing industrial bubbles and adaptation also is going on with Ethernet along with Flexray, CAN and LIN.
But keeping multiple network protocols and increasing number of ECUs in mind, Ethernet as it is doesn't look sufficient to consider in system design to address the above mentioned use cases 1 & 2 in long term.
In connected and autonomous vehicle context, one of the solution is TSN to control near to convincing level of latency, at the same time many researcher bubbling about 5G for connected and smart vehicles as well.
Here the question: is TSN +5G can address the above 2 use cases?
Experts logical PoVs are expected.
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"2. Speed at nanometer level resolution" : nanometer cannot be a correct unit for speed, but only for length, distance, or position. Speed is measured e.g. in m/s .
Assuming you mean "position" : there are currently no devices that claim to establish position of a vehicle at the nanometer, and no use case where this would be useful in the automotive or avionics domain.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
There are some points:
–Smart city, self driving cars, where 5G can be the solution.
–5G profile is business model for high speed connectivity.E.g. my car requires connection, needs to connect to cloud, connection to cloud through 5g, audio-video, also for routing traffic etc.
–To control the data, 5G can be more helpful.
I need some more POV.
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Really Informative, but how TSN will help in addressing security part of industrial communication solutions as you mentioned.
In IVN, TSN over Ethernet is useful for synchronization and real time transmission. But in my opinion, cyber security is still an unmeasured chapter in many security scenarios which is debatable. Not just TSN, even 5G will face the same concern.
Whats your PoV on cyber security and TSN.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Today it is possible to provide your customer with remote technical training,
including hands-on time with your product.
That’s is what we do with our products!
Industrial devices such as programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and servos rely on an Ethernet or universal serial bus (USB) connection for troubleshooting,
configuration, and programming.
Today it is possible to get stand-alone units that operate independently over a 4G wireless connection to the Internet, making operation very simple for the happinest of your IT department.
This same technology can be leveraged to make remote hands-on training possible
for any Ethernet or USB device.
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Cristian Randieri :Skype Business
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
Nowadays ECUs are increasing day by day in vehicles due to autonomy and various smart features. Multiple ECUs in a car can communicate through a single central gateway. But time synchronisation, efficient communication with required data transfer speed & and the huge cyber threats arised as major challenges.
E.g. We have flexray protocol to establish communication with multiple ECUs, even time synchronisation is good but data speed is not as expected. We have Ethernet protocol here data transfer rate is good but time synchronisation is the issue. And in all these scenarios cyber security is major challenge for Industry 4.0. What is the existing proven model or solution or something can be proposed which can solve all three aspects doesnt matter whether a mix architecture or specific platform architecture or something else
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Jai, check out how streaming protocols manage jitter. The short answer is, they send a timestamp with each data packet, they buffer a few of these data packets in each receiver, and then they decode the packets at the required time intervals. Jitter becomes a non-issue, because your strict inter-packet timing is now managed only at the receive end.
As to latency, again, if the network is fast enough, latency won't be an issue. More likely, it is the buffering requirement which creates some extra latency.
So, you have to see what actually matters. For example, when voice over IP started, people were worried about the same things. How do we manage jitter and latency, without that strictly synchronous, traditional telephone infrastructure? Well, measurements showed that in a telephone conversation, latency could cause problems, but only beyond a certain value. I don't remember exactly what that value is right now, but it was something on the order of 150 msec. Anything beyond that becomes noticeable. Which meant that it is usually possible to buffer a few short voice packets at the receiver, each one time stamped, and then feed them to the decoder at the receive end, on schedule.
Of course, the digital network between source and sink has to be very fast, so the voice packets can be delivered quickly. But with this kind of design, you don't need the much more complicated cell interleaving schemes, such as those used when sending ATM over SONET/STM. In short, figure out ways where you do not need the extremely low jitter in the network itself.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
In my office, I am getting WiFi Connection in my Laptop. In my office I also have one more desktop PC which do not have internet connection. I have both cross cable and straight cable. Can I connect my Laptop to that PC through that ethernet cable and share the internet connection of mine with that PC through that cable. It means that desktop PC will get internet connection through sharing of my Laptop connection. Do ethernet connection needs to have Cross Cable or Straight Cable.
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Yes, you can or you can use Bluetooth device to connect your PC with Wifi.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
We have a few computer (i7-6700) with gtx 1070. Our goal is to create a cluster that can utilize the gpu for calculations, particularly VASP (material science software).
From what I have researched:
1. I would be using ROCKS cluster v6.2. v7 is available but it is still new and I'm a bit afraid of possible bugs.
2. I would be using either MVAPICH2 or OPENMPI for a cuda(gpu) -aware MPI to utilize the gpu. Currently I am not that much familiar with the ports to be used by the MVAPICH, but I do know that we only have a ethernet cable (no infiniband or whatever). I might be mistaken with this. Also I'm not that aware on which version of the MPI to choose.
3. I would need a gpu-aware job manager. From some forum I have seen them recommending the use of SLURM.
If you have any experience on a similar build please do tell if you have comments. Your experiences would be deeply appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
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  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
Hey there I'm experiencing a similar problem hope someone can help:
Suddendly the Uninet controller stopped connect to the system leading to continuously Uninet error 2000 coming out (Uninet controller is restarted). We had the same problem on and off in he past but we could solve it just running a manual run for a few second: after that all he components get connections to the system with the typical beeping and messages on the display.
This method unfortunately doesn't work anymore for some reason but if run a manual run only the UV detector makes the connection. After I stop the run message 2000 start appearing continuosly again with single errors 2012 related to faulty connection with any single component: error 2012 no response Pump, 0: error 2012 no response valve,1: error 2012 no response frac, 0.
I already tried to change the ethernet cable from the uninet controller to the pump module and I tried to bypass the mixer in the connection but I had the same result
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Solved changing he ethernet cable for Uninet2 connection (from pump module to mixer).
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
I am trying to measure bandwidth at -3 dB with different circuit with impedance (differential pair Ethernet ) 100 ohm , 150 ohm (KNX System), 600 ohm (telephone) using VNA . I have VNA with 50 ohms and 75 ohms options only .
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
The case is
i want to use laptop to setup my raspberry pi without using hdmi screen, separate keyboard and mouse.
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nano /etc/network/interfaces
iface eth0 inet static address netmask gateway
after you should connect with your raspberry with ssh
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
Hello everyone;
I am using STM32F0 and want to get adc value and transmit it to computer by ENC28J60 Ethernet Module. I am writing codes using Keil software.
however there are some libraries in net i was not successful to send the data. Have anyone had any experience using this Module?
How have you derived?
What software have you used to receive data on your PC?
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If the packets "seem inappropriate", the connection between MCU and ENC seems to be operational.
Now you usually have to establish a logical link to some router/switch or alike and select on some "transport leyer".
My recommendation would be to have a look at examples in the Arduino ecosystem (start at ): these things are open source with reasonable documentation. Plus there is a multitude of tutorials available - starting from the roots.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
Hello, i am working on the I-V curve tracer for 3 different PV modules and i am using the ethernet chassis CDAQ-9184 with submodule NI 9205 to acquire the signals from 3 voltage sensors and 3 current sensors on pcbs. I am using LabVIEW for the coding and i wanted to know how can i acquire the signals simultaneously from one hardware and plot the I-V curves on the same graph. Is it possible to do so?
Thank you.
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if you have only 1 analog inputs in CDAQ-9184, you can use a multiplexing system with swich or relays (each time you connect an I or V variable with the NIDAQ input) and store the results in a file and you process it and display it by Labview.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Hi everybody, 
I'm starting an s-eeg study and I need to send triggers from psychopy to a bnc cable. 
I've read that using a Labjack U3 may be a good choice (!topic/psychopy-users/bZSrbmAYFuo). However, I can't understand from the web how can I connect the device with the bnc cable. Do I have to use an ethernet cable with a breakout board (es. ) ?? 
Thank you very much in advance. 
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Dear Zhiguo,
thank you for your help.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
13 answers
Please can anybady help me.
I'm working on connecting the USRP N210 to my laptop.
When I connect my USRP N210 radio to the NIC on my host computer directly with an Ethernet Cable status is Network cale unplugged (Realtek PCle FE Family Controller). I do not understand from which reason it happens.
USRP Radio hava a default IP address od Also, sebnet mask is set to default ( When I check windows - radio connection by ping command with IP address of the radio everithing is OK. But when I chech Subnet Values on Host and Radio connection Is not good.
Please help, what I'm doing wrong?
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during operation it is necessary to pay attention on Matlab version and accordingly to that have the corresponding OS. 
With regards, 
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
It has some advantages compared to HSR.
Maybe included in future standard Ethernet bridges...
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The difference between .1CB and PRP is, that you can combine redundant paths with non redundant paths - with standard TSN bridge components. PRP requires a fully redundant network, the connection of single attached nodes is very difficult. The focus of .1CB are bridges, that duplicates streams and eliminates duplicates and works with TSN streams that are handled by end nodes with one network interface.
Agreed, the basic concept is the same but moved to bridges instead of end nodes. This helps in a heterogeneous environment but may not have significant improvements in dedicated systems.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
MODBUS is a communication protocol which is used to serial communication with Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). Currently, i'm working with the CVM-NRG-96 power analyzer. This power analyzer communicates with PC by using MODBUS communication protocol. I'm using RS485 to connect the analyzer to PC. 
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Dear Kasun,
for solving your problem i suggest to you to see links and attached files in topics.
Modbus Technical Resources
ASComm .NET PLC driver for Allen-Bradley, Siemens, Modbus, GE
Advances in Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
The design and implementation of Modbus/TCP communication on ...
Sun Tracking and Solar Renewable Energy Harvesting: Solar Energy ...
Automatic Solar Tracking Sun Tracking Satellite Tracking rastreador ...
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I have learned OPNET for 3 months, but the feeling is not very deep. What I need to do is to model the high-speed train' passenger service business and control business based on Ethernet. Passenger service business is generated by the Application definition .Control business datas are generated by matlab, and OPNET to read it.How would I do? Thanks very much!
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 But I don't know about omnet++,and I have no time to learn it.Could you tell me is there any other means in OPNET?Thanks
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
7 answers
Respected Sir,
 sir in OPNET MODELER 14.5 i have made a PSTN model in a campus network of 10 KM . I have taken two PSTN softswitches and is connected by PSTN trunkOC12. further traffic region is defined.
Also its application profile,QOS profile and its traffic profile is defined.and when
config DES statistics is run with 10 minutes duration and with kernel type preferences  error has come which was attached in given file.
sir please tell how we define this value in case of different types of network model,please explain in detail as i think due to this value the simuation is not running.
sir please give reply and explain me its basics of defining preferences for different types of models in OPNET 14.5
Preferences means from Edit--> Preferences option comes from there Discrete Event Simulation option comes there some value has to insert so as to simulate the model which we make. How to define that value for different models like for VOIP for ethernet or for PSTN. please explain it in detail.
The error which is coming is attached with this mail.
thanking you
Ritesh Sadiwala
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you have to take education version of opnet modeler and then to load it as otherwise only its license version is available
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Is there any device to carry OLT output through Ethernet .It is required to carry the output of OLT through Ethernet airinterface Point to Point device to a distance end & covert it back as ONT output so that by using splitters with less length of OFC more customers can be covered.The reason for doing so is , the existinf OFC cables through FTTH service is damaged by Road works.
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See these links:
But if the problem is having to bypass a physically broken PON cable, why isn't it easier to simply splice in a temporary fiber, to bridge the break? Rather than going through two conversions?
Also, I'm not sure whether the devices shown can behave as a PON head end, which is what you would actually need for the second conversion you're asking to do. PONs are asymmetric, like passively switched cable TV systems when broadband is provided through the coax. I'd think about that temporary bypass cable as a first option.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
13 answers
im working about a project about media converter. we have any signal like serial (RS232,RS485) video analog, ethernet wireless, ... . these signals convert to fiber optic by media converter and sending. Receiver can get these signals in denotation. now i want to know in detail how this device denote these signals?
Thanks in advance
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thank you Dear U.Dreher :-)
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
Please provide a circuit {using easily available discrete components} so that computer's LAN [ethernet] port's bit stream can be interfaced to be converted to drive an LED. In a nutshell, a circuit on breadboard acting as Ethernet to 2 wire/TTL converter. Please attach authentic references also, if possible.
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I have to ask what is the purpose for the conversion and use of an LED?  Also, there are many different flavours and speeds of Ethernet.  A 10BASE-T connection would require sa diffrerent solution from a 1 Gbps Ethetrnet connection.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
sir i have created a simple ethernet server and client model and define its attribues
but when i run DES configure statistics always compilation error comes sir please tell how to understand that errors and resolve it so that the required results are generated.
please guide me in this direction
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Hello Peter Sir,
Thanks for replying and guiding me . Sir u r right i am a beginner in using the OPNET TOOL and really doesnt know the meaning of the terms used in OPNET. thats why if you see my previous questions u will find i have asked of suggesting a book for learning OPNET TOOL . 
Anyways, sir regarding the ethernet based client server model.  I am using OPNET MODELER 14.5 for my research work.sir i am learning to make models in OPNET 14.5 from tutorials available on internet. so from seeing there i have made a small office model in which i have made a multiple switch ethernet based network consisting of server and 10 workstations  as nodes and defined there attributes .  sir u please tell uptill now is it ok.
after that i have joined them using 10BaseT ethernet Links and assign an application config. and Profile the model  for inserting traffic to the network and define its attributes also. Then after assigning all parameters to the server,wkstations and to links i verified the links ,it was verified OK.  After that I go to the individual  statistics of the OPNET TOOL  and select ethernet load in bits/sec and from there giving time to compile the model and give results as 20 minute and executed it and after executing it the above error [Errors given in file (C:\Users\ritesh\op_admin\tmp\cc_err_2220] comes. 
Meaning of this error i am asking. Now please tell me the mistakes i have done in making the model. I accept that i have done wrong but i am not getting it where the mistakes have done and since i am just a beginner please guide me how to make networks and models in OPNET 14.5. I am doing my Research work in VOIP technology and basically want to do my analysis on VOIP only using this OPNET TOOL. i want to design networks and want to do analysis of its Key parameters like delay,Mean opinion score,echo,throughput,etc.
Second thing sir,regarding copying a model means when we have made a model or network or scenario,etc in OPNET TOOL and save it. Now if we want to see the model in word document then how can I copy and paste that model or scenario or project in word document. This thing is needed because after doing analysis i have to write research papers and there in Figures I have to paste the model that I have made and research papers are written in .doc format or in .docx format.Thats why i have written i need to know the function in OPNET MODELER TOOL 14.5 of how to copying the model or project and paste it in .doc format.
sir it is very silly thing but i am a begineer so such small things i have to learn. I hope this time i am able to clarify my problem in detail.
Peter sir please reply my queries
Thanking you,
Ritesh sadiwala
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I'd like to collect information about Ethernet over DWDM technique. How it is working and is there any specific informations and rules about it?
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Just ITU as answed before ... G.872. OTN , IEEE do not ...
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
5 answers
Dear all,
I have a question (or actually a discussion) about networking, which we use to apply in a multi-channels experiment. 
I am working on SpaceWire technology for a network with 62 detection channels. However, I also wonder: why people have to think about SpaceWire networking? Why not just use the traditional TCP/IP networking? 
Some times, I think maybe SpaceWire is developed by FPGA technology, so it is more easy to change the function of the SpaceWire hardware just by programming. But is it true? If it's true, how about TCP/IP network? Can we make a TCP/IP network based on FPGA technology?
Thanks for spending your time on this discussion. This discussion is really helpful to a dummy as me.
Sincerely yours.
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I've developed network drivers for some of our SpaceWire products in the past.  The STAR-Dundee Brick and Router/Router Mk2 can be used on TCP/IP networks under Linux.  Very good for multiplayer gaming over SpaceWire :-)  There's no standard for transporting TCP/IP over SpaceWire, though, or for address resolution (SpaceWire to/from IP address), so our implementation probably won't work with other implementations.
Note that in the above case SpaceWire and Ethernet are being used in the same way.  The TCP/IP protocols are network and transport protocols running over these two physical layers.  SpaceWire provides a number of features which means it's not necessary to use additional protocols on top of SpaceWire, but that doesn't mean they can't still be used.
TCP/IP is very heavyweight for use onboard a spacecraft.  Networks on spacecraft tend to be reasonably small, using only one or two bus types, and encounter very few errors.  TCP/IP is designed to transport data between multiple networks, of different types, and with the possibility for packets to be lost, delivered out of sequence, or delivered with errors.  The minimum header size of a TCP/IP packet is 40 bytes, which is quite an overhead if you're sending small amounts of data, for example.
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
4 answers
I have been working on the Etherswitch in INET. How can we make an etherhost request only after an etherhost reply to its previous request. First request will be directly to an etherhost. I was able to make one of the etherhost to be controller and make him send requests and not all but this controller is sending requests randomly and not it gets a reply from other etherhost. Does anyone has any idea what can be done in this case ?
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Thank you for the information. Definitely, we cant change the Ethernet standard. I am planning to change it at application level. To be precise in the Client and the servers of the Etherhosts.   
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
How can I can import modules of INET into my own network? For example I would like to use INET. Linklayer. Ethernet. How can I use it in my network?
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You can create your poject and in the propierties of the project, select the option "project references" and mark the box of inet.
Inet must be generated like "shared library" by default inet is built like shared library
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I have used Wireshark to capture packet transfer during a video conference over an Ethernet network, I expected to see some RTP or RTSP protocol. However, none was apparent on my captured data. 
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Thank you for your response Arjav and Jan Marten. I think, I am working on the application layer. And I don't think that the data stream was encrypted.
I have used Networkminer as well, & it gives me detailed description of my captured data, in terms of images and other data format, but when it comes to video, they are shown as frames only! 
I have went back to Wireshark, used the export object option, looked into my http detail, but still no video is detected. What else should I do?!
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
3 answers
I am using INET framework for an ethernet switch example. Is it possible to delete or remove a node while running a simulation? lets say for example a host. Thank you in advance for help.
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Yes sure.
You can "delete" the node object --> on the programming language level
And you can also "remove" a node from your virtual simulation area by hiding the node, exhausting the virtual energy ressources, set a flag for disabling the node, etc. --> on the logical level / simulation level.
Both levels are sufficient for scenarios with a dynamic amount of nodes.
Kind regards,
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
7 answers
I was encountering issues related Matlab (related to Visual Studio) and for this reason I have decided to switch to E-Prime in order to present the experimental stimuli.
But I do not know how to write in the E-Prime code a inline in order to send triggers to the Wireless Sync that could later appear in the Polybench Software in the EEG signal. 
Moreover I'm using E-Prime to control also a RED 500 SMI eye tracker through an ethernet cable. 
For this reason I would like that E-Prime could send simultaneoulsy to both devices the triggers.
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Hi here are some informations from datasheet.
If you bought it through BIOPAC inc., check up below.
At least BIOPAC OEM version of mobita can receive TTL trigger through custom-designed EEG cap assembly.
If you need wireless TTL trigger, it seems quite tricky. One possible solution is using light sensor. (check out stimtracker from Cedrus and sync mechanism of fast-camera system from Biopac and you can get some ideas.)
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
6 answers
TCP Segment Delay
Ethernet delay
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I am not actually sure that the assertion of a performance "penalty" in IPv6 is entirely justified, at least not as presented in the above: in some non-trivial cases, an "IPv6 performance bonus" has indeed been observed.
Eric Vyncke and Marcel Eneguehard have tried to make some 
  • asked a question related to Ethernet
2 answers
I want to interface the MATLAB code via USB/ ethernet port to stream out 500Mbps , then DSP  board should divide in parallel streams so that spectral efficiency[ More OFDM symbols bits per Hertz can be packed]  can be enhanced .finally DSP  burn and outcome  waveforms  should be capable to drive ICs
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Hi Prashant,
try TMS320F28335. It works with PSIM and Matlab