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Estimation Theory - Science topic

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Questions related to Estimation Theory
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
5 answers
I am working on a research point that employs estimation techniques. I am trying to apply an algorithm in my work to estimate system poles. I wrote an m-file and tried to apply this technique on a simple transfer function to estimate its roots .any suggestions about estimation techniques ?
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There are many estimation techniques that can be used to estimate system poles. Here are a few popular ones:
  1. Least Squares Method: This method involves fitting a model to the data in a way that minimizes the sum of the squares of the errors. This can be used to estimate system parameters such as poles and zeros.
  2. Maximum Likelihood Method: This method involves finding the parameter values that maximize the likelihood of the observed data. This can be used to estimate system parameters such as poles and zeros. (See reference [1-3])
  3. Prony's Method: This method involves fitting an exponential function to the data using the method of least squares. The method can be used to estimate system poles and can be useful when the system poles are well-separated.
  4. Eigenvector Method: This method involves calculating the eigenvectors of the system and using them to estimate the system poles. This can be useful when the system is large and complex.
  5. System Identification Method: This method involves using a set of input and output data to estimate the system parameters. The method can be used to estimate system poles as well as other parameters such as gains and time delays.
To apply an algorithm to estimate system poles, you can start with a simple transfer function and apply the algorithm to estimate the poles. You can then compare the estimated poles with the known poles of the transfer function to evaluate the accuracy of the algorithm. It may also be useful to test the algorithm on more complex systems to see how well it performs.
[1] Bazzi, Ahmad, Dirk TM Slock, and Lisa Meilhac. "Efficient maximum likelihood joint estimation of angles and times of arrival of multiple paths." 2015 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps). IEEE, 2015.
[2] Bazzi, Ahmad, Dirk TM Slock, and Lisa Meilhac. "On a mutual coupling agnostic maximum likelihood angle of arrival estimator by alternating projection." 2016 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP). IEEE, 2016.
[3] Bazzi, Ahmad, Dirk TM Slock, and Lisa Meilhac. "On Maximum Likelihood Angle of Arrival Estimation Using Orthogonal Projections." 2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). IEEE, 2018.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
2 answers
In a seminal paper titled "Posterior Cramer Rao bounds for discrete-time non-linear filtering" (Link:, Tichavsky et al. have developed a recursive way to calculate the Cramer Rao bounds for non-linear filtering problems. However, in the paper, the state xk at time 'k' is a non-linear function of the previous state xk-1only and not on other previous states. Are there any similar works on CR bounds for filtering problems where the current state depends on all the previous states up to the given time instants i.e. xk is a function of x1, x2, and so on up to xk-1?
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
2 answers
I have a real stable system. However, when I try to reconstruct the state-space matrices of my system by using the subspace identification, it resulted in an unstable A matrix where its eigenvalues are located outside the unit circle.
I know that there are some ways to forced the A matrix to be stable. But it tends to give us a biased result since the stability is forced, not naturally identify as a stable system.
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During the modeling process, it may be important to consider the relations of (input and output variables) , the governing differential modeling principles (including simplifications and linearity assumptions, steady-state conditions…), and after the model is obtained, see the properties of the eigenvalues of the system martrix (sign of roots, complex roots, if roots are bounded or not…), and or the poles of the transfer function T may be seen.
Given some system with matrix A find the characteristics polynomial of A.
Apply the “ Routh-Hurwitz” stability criterion on the polynomial.
(1) Negative eigenvalues lead to stable system
(2) Positive eigenvalues lead to unstable ones.
(3) Complex eigenvalues (may) tell us oscillatory conditions….
There may be other cases of considerations...
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
13 answers
In general term, Bayesian estimation provides better results than MLE . Is there any situation, Where Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) methods gives better results than Bayesian Estimation Methods?
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I think that your answer may vary depending on what you consider as better results. In your case, I will assume that you are referring to better results in terms of smaller bias and mean square error. As stated above, if you have poor knowledge and assume a prior that is very far from the true value, the MLE may return better results. In terms of Bias, if you work hard you can remove the Bias of the MLE using formal rules and you will get better results in terms of Bias and MSE. But if you would like to look at as point estimation, the MLE can be seen as the MAP when you assume a uniform distribution.
On the other hand, the question is much more profound in terms of treating your parameter as a random variable and including uncertainty in your inference. This kind of approach may assist you during the construction of the model, especially if you have a complex structure, for instance, hierarchical models (with many levels) are handled much easier under the Bayesian approach.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
13 answers
Dear All,
I have obtained the individual level PISA data.
Existing works used the individual level's math score, reading score and science score for estimations.
However, I do not know how to calucuate these scores. In the code of PISA, to take a case of math, there are 5 plausible values  such as PV1MATH,  PV2MATH,  PV3MATH,  PV4MATH,  PV5MATH. Do researchers calculate mean score of them for individual math scores? 
  However, country level mean score of mathematics is not the same as its mean score culculated based on scores as above.
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Hi, you can use the R library called Intsvy or BIFIsurvey. Also it's possible to work with IDB analyzer.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
1 answer
In case you are having an heavy tailedness with residual distributions or you suspect Endogenity apply GMM.
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Please, explain the problem in details
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
4 answers
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
5 answers
Good morning everyone,
In robotics, the estimation of the inverse dynamics model (tau = Y(q,qd,qdd)*theta) is based on finding the inertial (dynamical) parameters 'theta'. As the model is linear in the parameters, mostly regression techniques are used to find an estimation. To collect useful data for the identification algorithm, excitation trajectories for the robot are optimized using a cost function that depends on the regressor matrix 'Y'. My question is the following, is there a way to find the excitation trajectory without using the regressor matrix? Put in other words, is there a measure of excitation that does not involve the regressor?
Thanks for your help!
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I would say that any method of measuring the excitation which does not involve the regressor matrix (at least indirectly) is but a pale imitation of one that does. The symmetric (noise-weighted) matrix [RTWR]-1 should map to the co-variance of your parameter estimates if you were to re-run the estimation with new data, and this is precisely what identification trajectory design seeks to control: bad trajectories are those which allow parameters of the model to have a low signal to noise ratio.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
6 answers
As per (Grewal and Andrews, 2008): "The Kalman filter optimizes the use of all measurements made at or before the time that the estimated state vector is valid. Smoothing can do a better job than the Kalman filter by using additional measurements made after the time of the estimated state vector."
Does it mean that smoothing can further improve the performance of Kalman Filters in the long run? Something like tuning it up by correcting the previous predicted values?
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For an attempt at an intuitive idea, for simplicity assume you have a sinusoidal signal with some noise. Kalman Filter is a filter and like any filter, even a simple first order pole, will clean some of the noise, yet with some time delay, so its output will remain behind the desired signal.
Now, if you have the entire record and you go in the opposite direction, from the end to the start, you again clean some noise, yet the new "delay" is actually a time advance and so, it actually puts the output ahead of the actual signal in time.
Combining the two output signals, besides getting even better cleaning, also eliminates the delay and so, tells you what the real signal did at the real time. 
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
8 answers
How to test the reliability and validity of DELPHI Technique? What are the various drawbacks of DELPHI technique?
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There seems to be a confusion here. The Delphi technique should not be used to develop ideas. It might be used to evaluate them. Also, there is no requirement that the Delphi technique be used with experts from a given field. Actually, a diverse group is recommended.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
So far I found mainly simulations (see Efron's paper on Tweedies formula, but I wonder to what extent general results have been obtained.
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You are welcome. I would be interested to know in due course what you discover.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
Consider the following two models:
x(k) = Fx(k-1)+v(k)
y(k) = Hx(k)+w(k),
x(k+1) = Fx(k)+v(k)
y(k) = Hx(k)+w(k).
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So the only interesting equation is the one describing the state dynamics, i.e. x(k+1) =...
There the difference is the index of the input, i.e. v(k) or v(k+1). Starting from a continuous time model and discretizing it with a first-order hold element, v(k) seems a good choice, but you're free in that.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
2 answers
How it works if the system is partially observable
please explain with example if possible .
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Thanks Mr. Hugh... I have understood... :)
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
1 answer
Suppose there are two nonlinear and non stationary time series what are the best and state of the art phase synchronization measures.
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You can use an order parameter that measures the ratio between the time variance of the mean series and the mean of the time variances of the series. For time series Si(t), i=1,...,N
R = Vart ( Meani( Si ) / Meant ( Vart( Si) )
Meani(Si) is the mean over all time series
The order parameter R is between 0 and 1. If the times series are phased-synchronised, then Meani(Si) is close to any Si and the ratio R is close to 1. If the time series are out-of-phase, Meani(Si) is more or less constant and the numerator is small compared to the denominator: R is small.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
13 answers
There is 2 models in my research, 1) T=17 and N=3, 2) T=17 and N=17
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I don't remember the literature or the GMM method clearly but to use GMM T needs to be at least 3. You can also use GMM when you have a long T and small N but this may cause problems due to presence of many instrumental variables. But if T is very large for example 20, 30 or more and N is smaller I think you can or it may be better to use panel time series techniques. 
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
6 answers
Is it possibale analyticaly to predict when the Kalman filter covariance will reach it's steady state? Meaning to predict the time performance of KF estimation for general linear system.
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I have contacted someone and found  final result as " the convergence rate depends on the specific system under consideration (convergence assumes system is observable)"
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
4 answers
Applied econometrics
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The data are panel in nature. All cross-section units have the same number of observations for the same years (1990, 1995, 2000, 2004, 2009, 2011). Now, the gap for the first three observations is 5, but for the rest the gaps are 4, 5 and 2 respectively. Is it possible to apply GMM when data are observed in this fashion?
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
please support me with some documents
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Nonlinear systems by Khalil is very good in Lyapunov theory!
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
7 answers
I have not found any strong suggestion for either use experts or respondents while reporting findings from a delphi-study. I understand the concept of experts as related to the history of delphi-methods outgoing from the oracle of Delphi, on the other hand respondents as a concept is rather common i qualitative studies. What do you think about this? 
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I agree with Norma, in Delphi design, researcher should seek Experts opinion; otherwise if regular respondents are selected in the methods {either random or non-random} it turns to be a traditional sample.
The argument behind Delphi technique is to gather opinions/perspectives of experts from a wide geographical regions on a phenomenon with vaguness. Thus, you need the experts to share their ideas.
best luck
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
9 answers
As far as I know, the filter algorithm can be separated into two parts: prediction and update. How to optimally estimate the state relies on balancing the weight of prediction and update. On the other word, do we trust predicted state or the observations more? It is more important for the dynamic system with unknown model or measurements errors. Could any body can give some advice on what kinds of filters (Adaptive or Robust filters) are more practical for system with unknown model or measurements errors? Is H2/H infinity filter the only choice? Thank you very much!!
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Hello. I think it depends on what you mean by unknown. Even the simplest estimators/filters make implicit assumptions about the errors in the system and measurement models, with most techniques requiring independent (white) noise. If you are after robust estimators, then the H-infinity class may be a good choice. I understand that this filter may not always be realisable depending on its tuning. Another class of estimator that does not make many assumptions about the data is set theoretic. In this case, you only need to bound the noise.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
5 answers
See above
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Hello. Your question seems to relate to error bounds for state estimation, in which case I think the answer is yes. Various bounds have been calculated, of which one of the more recent is the posterior Cramer Rao lower bound. This applies to nonlinear state space systems with white noise inputs. The main reference that I know of for the PCRLB is:
Tichavsky, P.,  Muravchik, C.H. and Nehorai, A., "Posterior Cramer-Rao bounds for discrete-time nonlinear filtering", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol 46, no 5, pp. 1386 - 1396, 1998.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
19 answers
I know that the title of question covers a wide area. Currently I am trying to apply Kalman Filter to estimate some parameters of a highly nonlinear system. I took a look at the papers and articles, but I could not see any obvious advances.
If anyone can recommend me a book or a recent review article which includes and explains the state of art estimation methods, I will be glad.
Thanks in advance.
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You are right: there has been no great advance since the first predictor/corrector estimators (the Kalman filter and the Luenberger observer) were proposed. All other general recursive methods share the same structure but differ in the correction gain computation technique. Among them are the extended Kalman filter, iterated Kalman filter, unscented ("sigma-point") Kalman filter, cubature Kalman filter, particle filter, H-infinity filter, etc. None of them guarantees convergence for all nonlinear systems.
It is even possible to imagine a system (with a multimodal state vector distribution), for which the notion of a single "state estimate" is meaningless. For such systems, there exist more general methods based on the Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equation, but they are much more complex.
My personal experience is that it is often better to investigate the system in depth and to invent an ad hoc estimator which is very simple (though not general) and has a clear physical meaning.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
9 answers
Let X distributed as Laplace distribution with (a,b) where a , b are the location and scale parameter respectively. If we want to estimate the scale parameter (b) we can assume that one of:
1. The location parameter is a constant and known
2. The location parameter is unknown so, we can use median as an estimator of the location (median is the Maximum-likelihood estimator for location of Laplace distribution) then, derive the scale estimator for laplace distribution.
Do you have another approach or suggestion please.?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
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Dear Huda
The maximum likelihood estimatior of the scale, is the average of the absolute deviation from the random variables and the median of the sample (the maximum likelihood estimatior of the location parameter). See
I hope this help.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
12 answers
Is there any study that mentions that the model is feasible with such low values in social science or do I disregard that linear relationship? (data that consisted of outliers were removed and sample size 250)
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When analyzing individual (not aggregated) data such low values are not unusual - you have to decide is it practically useful and have the assumptions behind the analysis been met. Individuals are typically very heterogonous in their attitudes, actions and behaviours.
I am reminded of a famous clinical  trial of the effect of taking aspirin on heart attack - the odds ratio was so dramatic that the trial was stopped and placebo group advised to take aspirin. And yet the odds ratio of a heart attack for placebo compared to taking aspirin was, a rather a lowly 1.83 and the R2   was a puny 0.0011; yet this was sufficient for action.
Your arguments are strengthened if you testing a relationship and have not gone on a fishing expedition and you have tried to take account of theoretically relevant confounders. Epidemiology has gone to some extent from 'what are the causes of this outcome?' to 'does this potential cause have an effect?.
I would also  add if you are modeling binary(0 and 1) outcomes it is exceedingly difficult to achieve high R2 values as the predicted probability values are not very likely to be exactly 1 and 0!
Finally we have to accept that there are outcomes where chance does genuinely part a large part so we now have evidence that luck plays a bigger part in some cancers than genes and lifestyle; see
So for me it is theory, focused question and the size of the slope term and careful evaluation of the model rather than just R2.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
8 answers
Recently, I read a paper which pointed out the equivalence between recurisive robot dynamics methods and filtering and smoothing techniques from state estimation theory. It is said that the computing complex of this algorithm is O( N ),N is the number of joints. 
Does anybody adopt this idea to achieve recurisive robot dynamics model?
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Zhang this paper was published seventeen year ago. To my understanding author is trying to use filtering and smoothing technique to reduce noise which is produced by Recursive Newton Method. In Newton Method you can find some computational stability issues due to constraints and your calculation may deviate. But Author also mention that he is not considering computational efficiency. So numerical stability is not the issue then. In short, I suggest you to take a look on recent development on this topic. You can do this by either searching for articles or also try to track publications of Rodriguez, G.   
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
Now I want to solve a navigation problem using both MHE and EKF. I found that MHE has a better performance than EKF for highly nonlinear system. Can anyone tell me the reason? What is the relationship between these for estimation method? Are they identical to each other under certain assumptions?
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Hello!, you may find very useful information in the book of Jazwinski "Stochastic Processes and Filtering Theory". In the very fundamentals, both the Kalman Filter and the MHE are equivalent if the system under consideration is linear and there are no constraints. However, both approaches start to diverge once constraints are considered. In the same way, you may find some similarities between the EKF and the MHE, but again, once constraints are considered differences will come out. EKF is very useful when nonlinearities are not that strong. If this is the case, the UKF appears to be a better choice. MHE is an interesting filtering approach but, as Sajith mentioned above the solution of non-convex nonlinear optimization problems related to the MHE formulation is to be considered.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
3 Equations Model, Time series data.
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it will be good if robust the error in your model.
but the more important, model have to pass a bond test , sargan test and wald test.
if you uses GMM two step is better to robust standard error
while, with one step no need
use Stata will help you to robust standard error
if your model harm after robust but the model pass all previous tests no need for robust.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
I know, that a definitive integral of certain matrix valued function of one variable is a non singular matrix. How can I prove, that there exists a step h for which forward Euler quadrature of this integral is also non singular? 
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The set of all regular n times n matrices is open in the set of all n times n matrices (even more the set of invertible linear bounded operators in a Banach space X is open in the space of all linear bounded operators in X). So, if you have an approximating sequence Tn  of matrices that converge to an invertible matrix, then for some N one has that all Tn with n > N are invertible. Since the quadrature formula you use leads to convergent sequence of approximations, the job is done. 
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
2 answers
I am researching the trust model in WSNs and doing the emulation for the model.I can't find some matlab codes about the reputation-based framework for sensor networks(RFSN).It uses  a Bayesian formulation and a beta contribution.Could you help me?
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Excuse me,sir.Could you say clearly?I don't understand.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
11 answers
Actually I am working on multichannel eeg data obtained from scalp electrode of meditating and non meditating subjects. We want to quantify the changes that occur in ones brain signals when one meditates.
I have preprocessed the signals by bandpass filtering, normalization and artifact removal by wavelet thresholding. After that i have i have segmented the data set of each channel( we have 64 channels per subject and 64000 samples from each channel, the sampling frequency being 256 Hz). I have considered 1 second(ie. 256 samples) segments with 50 percent overlapping So in total we have 499 segments per channel per subject.
Then I decomposed each of the segments using wavelet decomposition and calculated the statistics such as mean, variance, kurtosis and skewness from each band per segment per channel per subject. But I am unable to form a feature vector that I can input into a classifier. Please help.
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Our experience suggests that cross-power spectral density measures (which are the Fourier transform of the cross-correlations between the signals received from two distinct electrodes) are much more indicative of brain state than just power spectral density measure derived from a single electrode.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
I have a problem to solve gamma equation as my estimator in my journal. In that journal i read that equation can solve using method of moment. But i can't solve that equation. Please help me to solve that equation. Thanks for your helping
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Thank you Ramoni Adeogun
I need to solve that equation analytically, may you help me the detail of solution? because I have tried but  I can not proof that equation like in that journal.
Thank you for your attention.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
9 answers
Hello everybody,
I am trying to simulate the Entry, Descent and Landing phase of the Mars Science Laboratory. However, I can hardly find credible information about the state of the MSL at entry point. Could anybody tell me the atmospheric entry conditions of the Mars Science Laboratory please?
Many thanks!
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I have recently viewed a paper titled
Mars Science Laboratory Launch-Arrival Space Study:
A Pork Chop Plot Analysis by
Alicia Dwyer Cianciolo , richard Powell, and Mary Kae Lockwood
Hope this would be useful
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
12 answers
There is always a lower bound for an unbiased estimator called Cramer-Rao Lower Bound which is tight in the case of Gaussian random vectors. Does any one know any upper bound for minimum variance unbiased estimator?
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The upper bound is infinite. Take any unbiased estimator. Now add to it the result of a single independent drawing from the N(0, sigma^2) distribution. The estimator is still unbiased, the variance is increased by sigma^2. Now let sigma become arbitrarily large.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
3 answers
What modifications are made to f and h to get fa and ha - the augmented process and measurement functions?
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I apologize, my original answer is incorrect - I have edited it.
fa is from R(n+q) to R(n) - that is, it takes in explicit values for the noise variables and produces the state at the next time step considering those noise values. It does *not*, as I originally stated, produce values of the noise variables at the new time t+1. This is made clearer by "The unscented Kalman Filter" by Wan and van der Merwe, in the book "Kalman filtering and neural networks". Equation 7.40 table 7.3.1 is what I was missing.
I also made it clearer that the noise parameters include the process and the measurement noise, as shown, for example, in eq. 7.38 of that same reference.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
6 answers
In my model, I experience a multicollinearity problem in least squares estimation. Therefore, I decided to use the ridge regression method. I examined the variance inflation factors (VIFs).
In the beginning, some of the VIFs for the variables were above 10 and the R-Squared statistic was 61.24. The value of the ridge parameter in my model is 0.1. Now, VIFs are around 2 for all the variables in my model. Finally, the R-Squared statistic indicates that my model as fitted explains 57.59% of the variability. I believe that for my model this R-Squared statistic is too low.
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There are many regularisation approaches that you can use, Ridge regression is not the only one. You could, for example consider the Lasso (, Partial Least Squares regression ( or Continuum regression ( Then there are many other approaches including kernel learning methods like Support vector machines regression.
Which is best? it all depends what you want to do. In general no one method is uniformly best. Some methods, like the lasso are designed to produce sparse models (not many predictors)_, that is they include a degree of variable selection. Other models like Partial least squares regression or continuum regression integrate over many variables. Which is more appropriate in you context? Do you want to identify a small number of predictors for future study or simply get the best calibration you can?
In high dimensional work the processes you go through to keep the results honest (i.e. cross validation, hold out independent validation sets, avoiding pre filtering - or filtering within the cross validation loop only) are very very much more important than which model you use. The higher the ratio of the number of potential predictors to the number of observations the more chance you have of finding spurious relationships. Above all you need to be rigorous with your validation.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
2 answers
The MHE attempts to approximate the full information situation with a window and a cost function. But why at all do we need full information? Why does not Markov property come into the picture in just the previous states containing the full information?
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What I mean by information from time zero is that in the full information problem, the evolution of states from t=0 till t=T is estimated. My question is that why do we need to calculate from t=0 every time.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
4 answers
How can I perform stability analysis on my estimated parameters?
How can I be sure that my parameters of the kinetic model are true and there isn't another set of parameters possible for my data?
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Dear Marzieh, your questions are too general. Do you mean in state space? If so, then: 1) The finite norm of the system state transition matrix quarantees stability. 2) To be sure that the estimated parameters are true, you need the system model. In state space, the estimation error covariance matrix consists of all the necessary statistical information about the difference between the model and the estimated parameters. If you are not talking about the state-space form, then you must be more certain.
  • asked a question related to Estimation Theory
1 answer
What is the basic difference between a nonlinear kalman filter operation and a nonlinear dynamic data reconciliation algorithm? Is it only the ability to handle constraints, or is there some fundamental difference between the two?
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The data reconciliation and Kalman filtering algorithms both solve the optimization problem by minimizing the MSE. Therefore, under the conditions claimed by Kalman, they are convertible. However, the conceptual steps are different. In applications, you may find hybrid structures with prefiltering and then reconciliation, visa versa, or even suggestions to use the reconciliation algorithm as an alternative to Kalman. But note that the Kalman filter is an elegant and widely recognized engineering solution. And that commonly generates a problem for other approaches to compete.