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Estimation Theory - Science topic
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Questions related to Estimation Theory
I am working on a research point that employs estimation techniques.
I am trying to apply an algorithm in my work to estimate system poles. I wrote an m-file and tried to apply this technique on a simple transfer function to estimate its roots .any suggestions about estimation techniques ?
In a seminal paper titled "Posterior Cramer Rao bounds for discrete-time non-linear filtering" (Link:, Tichavsky et al. have developed a recursive way to calculate the Cramer Rao bounds for non-linear filtering problems. However, in the paper, the state xk at time 'k' is a non-linear function of the previous state xk-1only and not on other previous states. Are there any similar works on CR bounds for filtering problems where the current state depends on all the previous states up to the given time instants i.e. xk is a function of x1, x2, and so on up to xk-1?
I have a real stable system. However, when I try to reconstruct the state-space matrices of my system by using the subspace identification, it resulted in an unstable A matrix where its eigenvalues are located outside the unit circle.
I know that there are some ways to forced the A matrix to be stable. But it tends to give us a biased result since the stability is forced, not naturally identify as a stable system.
In general term, Bayesian estimation provides better results than MLE . Is there any situation, Where Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) methods gives better results than Bayesian Estimation Methods?
Dear All,
I have obtained the individual level PISA data.
Existing works used the individual level's math score, reading score and science score for estimations.
However, I do not know how to calucuate these scores. In the code of PISA, to take a case of math, there are 5 plausible values such as PV1MATH, PV2MATH, PV3MATH, PV4MATH, PV5MATH. Do researchers calculate mean score of them for individual math scores?
However, country level mean score of mathematics is not the same as its mean score culculated based on scores as above.
In case you are having an heavy tailedness with residual distributions or you suspect Endogenity apply GMM.
What is the best method for approximating a Gaussian mixture as a single Gaussian in the sense of accuracy? Also it can be used in onlinevapplications.
Good morning everyone,
In robotics, the estimation of the inverse dynamics model (tau = Y(q,qd,qdd)*theta) is based on finding the inertial (dynamical) parameters 'theta'. As the model is linear in the parameters, mostly regression techniques are used to find an estimation. To collect useful data for the identification algorithm, excitation trajectories for the robot are optimized using a cost function that depends on the regressor matrix 'Y'. My question is the following, is there a way to find the excitation trajectory without using the regressor matrix? Put in other words, is there a measure of excitation that does not involve the regressor?
Thanks for your help!
As per (Grewal and Andrews, 2008): "The Kalman filter optimizes the use of all measurements made at or before the time that the estimated state vector is valid. Smoothing can do a better job than the Kalman filter by using additional measurements made after the time of the estimated state vector."
Does it mean that smoothing can further improve the performance of Kalman Filters in the long run? Something like tuning it up by correcting the previous predicted values?
How to test the reliability and validity of DELPHI Technique? What are the various drawbacks of DELPHI technique?
So far I found mainly simulations (see Efron's paper on Tweedies formula, but I wonder to what extent general results have been obtained.
Consider the following two models:
x(k) = Fx(k-1)+v(k)
y(k) = Hx(k)+w(k),
x(k+1) = Fx(k)+v(k)
y(k) = Hx(k)+w(k).
How it works if the system is partially observable
please explain with example if possible .
Suppose there are two nonlinear and non stationary time series what are the best and state of the art phase synchronization measures.
There is 2 models in my research, 1) T=17 and N=3, 2) T=17 and N=17
Is it possibale analyticaly to predict when the Kalman filter covariance will reach it's steady state? Meaning to predict the time performance of KF estimation for general linear system.
please support me with some documents
I have not found any strong suggestion for either use experts or respondents while reporting findings from a delphi-study. I understand the concept of experts as related to the history of delphi-methods outgoing from the oracle of Delphi, on the other hand respondents as a concept is rather common i qualitative studies. What do you think about this?
As far as I know, the filter algorithm can be separated into two parts: prediction and update. How to optimally estimate the state relies on balancing the weight of prediction and update. On the other word, do we trust predicted state or the observations more? It is more important for the dynamic system with unknown model or measurements errors. Could any body can give some advice on what kinds of filters (Adaptive or Robust filters) are more practical for system with unknown model or measurements errors? Is H2/H infinity filter the only choice? Thank you very much!!
I know that the title of question covers a wide area. Currently I am trying to apply Kalman Filter to estimate some parameters of a highly nonlinear system. I took a look at the papers and articles, but I could not see any obvious advances.
If anyone can recommend me a book or a recent review article which includes and explains the state of art estimation methods, I will be glad.
Thanks in advance.
Let X distributed as Laplace distribution with (a,b) where a , b are the location and scale parameter respectively. If we want to estimate the scale parameter (b) we can assume that one of:
1. The location parameter is a constant and known
2. The location parameter is unknown so, we can use median as an estimator of the location (median is the Maximum-likelihood estimator for location of Laplace distribution) then, derive the scale estimator for laplace distribution.
Do you have another approach or suggestion please.?
Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
Is there any study that mentions that the model is feasible with such low values in social science or do I disregard that linear relationship? (data that consisted of outliers were removed and sample size 250)
Recently, I read a paper which pointed out the equivalence between recurisive robot dynamics methods and filtering and smoothing techniques from state estimation theory. It is said that the computing complex of this algorithm is O( N ),N is the number of joints.
Does anybody adopt this idea to achieve recurisive robot dynamics model?
Now I want to solve a navigation problem using both MHE and EKF. I found that MHE has a better performance than EKF for highly nonlinear system. Can anyone tell me the reason? What is the relationship between these for estimation method? Are they identical to each other under certain assumptions?
I know, that a definitive integral of certain matrix valued function of one variable is a non singular matrix. How can I prove, that there exists a step h for which forward Euler quadrature of this integral is also non singular?
I am researching the trust model in WSNs and doing the emulation for the model.I can't find some matlab codes about the reputation-based framework for sensor networks(RFSN).It uses a Bayesian formulation and a beta contribution.Could you help me?
Actually I am working on multichannel eeg data obtained from scalp electrode of meditating and non meditating subjects. We want to quantify the changes that occur in ones brain signals when one meditates.
I have preprocessed the signals by bandpass filtering, normalization and artifact removal by wavelet thresholding. After that i have i have segmented the data set of each channel( we have 64 channels per subject and 64000 samples from each channel, the sampling frequency being 256 Hz). I have considered 1 second(ie. 256 samples) segments with 50 percent overlapping So in total we have 499 segments per channel per subject.
Then I decomposed each of the segments using wavelet decomposition and calculated the statistics such as mean, variance, kurtosis and skewness from each band per segment per channel per subject. But I am unable to form a feature vector that I can input into a classifier. Please help.
I have a problem to solve gamma equation as my estimator in my journal. In that journal i read that equation can solve using method of moment. But i can't solve that equation. Please help me to solve that equation. Thanks for your helping
Hello everybody,
I am trying to simulate the Entry, Descent and Landing phase of the Mars Science Laboratory. However, I can hardly find credible information about the state of the MSL at entry point. Could anybody tell me the atmospheric entry conditions of the Mars Science Laboratory please?
Many thanks!
There is always a lower bound for an unbiased estimator called Cramer-Rao Lower Bound which is tight in the case of Gaussian random vectors. Does any one know any upper bound for minimum variance unbiased estimator?
What modifications are made to f and h to get fa and ha - the augmented process and measurement functions?
In my model, I experience a multicollinearity problem in least squares estimation. Therefore, I decided to use the ridge regression method. I examined the variance inflation factors (VIFs).
In the beginning, some of the VIFs for the variables were above 10 and the R-Squared statistic was 61.24. The value of the ridge parameter in my model is 0.1. Now, VIFs are around 2 for all the variables in my model. Finally, the R-Squared statistic indicates that my model as fitted explains 57.59% of the variability. I believe that for my model this R-Squared statistic is too low.
The MHE attempts to approximate the full information situation with a window and a cost function. But why at all do we need full information? Why does not Markov property come into the picture in just the previous states containing the full information?
How can I perform stability analysis on my estimated parameters?
How can I be sure that my parameters of the kinetic model are true and there isn't another set of parameters possible for my data?
What is the basic difference between a nonlinear kalman filter operation and a nonlinear dynamic data reconciliation algorithm? Is it only the ability to handle constraints, or is there some fundamental difference between the two?