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Environmental Risk Assessment - Science topic
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Questions related to Environmental Risk Assessment
Please, Could any one suggest for me a journal with rapid publication in the field of environmental science, health and pollution, a journal indexed in Web of Science, Scopus, low IF, and without fees, to publish my research paper.
Thank you.
We are conducting research into how environmental risk assessment is carried out. If you have five minutes and work in a university research lab we'd love to hear your thoughts on environmental risk assessment in your work!
Dear Colleagues,
Let me invite you to publish the results of your scientific work in a special issue of the journal Sustainability (IF 2.576). The special issue is focused on Environmental Risk Assessment in Transport. A complete overview of the call for papers can be seen at:
In this Special Issue, the focus will be on the current green transport policy—specifically, sustainable transport aimed at environmental protection that creates social balance and economic sustainability. The content of this Special Issue can be divided according to the types of transport (air, sea, ship, rail, road) or according to other subdivisions into individual and public, and passenger and freight. Intermodal approaches that contribute significantly to reducing the impact of transport on the environment are especially welcome. A key area of current research is the application of SMART solutions throughout the logistics chain, as well as the challenges of intelligent transport systems, which have grown in importance in the last twenty years. We expect a minimum of 20 articles from different European countries in this Special Issue.
Zdenek Dvorak, Zoran Cekerevac, David Rehak
Guest Editors
In our country, a lot of water sources are found to be contaminated with arsenic (As). But, here, experts said that, using arsenic contaminated water is not harmful for us, we can use it in our daily needs except drinking.
My question is - using arsenic contaminated water for our daily needs, have any risk of bioaccumulation by surrounding biota? Does it have any associated human health risk?
Currently, I have a set of LCIA values reported in IMPACT 2002+ format. For sake of comparison, I would need this to be converted to ReCiPe 2016 format. Anybody have an idea whether this is feasible?, If so, how?
The valid contribution(s) will be greatly acknowledged and appreciated.
My paper requires me to collect data regarding usage of pharmaceutical products/uncommon drugs in three local hospitals. Research can only be done through emails, calls and generally virtual communication due to the COVID-19 lockdown that is still ongoing. These are the data I could obtain:
1. Top 10 most utilized pharmaceutical products/uncommon drugs (all forms- capsules, iv, etc) from each hospital (total= 30)
2. Usage/purchase of the mentioned drugs within 5 years (2015-2019)
3. Consumer of mentioned drugs (adult/children/elderly)
4. Other details of the listed drugs which can be searched online: chemical compound, density, concentration, forms, stability, etc
I have some problems on finding for the right risk-assessment equations that can be used with only the data above. I was thinking of risk quotient (RQ) formula but it requires the concentration of respective drug in surface waters/environment in the equation, and I'm afraid I'm not able to come down to the lab anytime soon to analyse environmental samples. I also included the exposure dose (D=[(CxIRxAFxEF)/BW] since the data may be obtainable , except for the consumer's body weight but I might approximate it into general weight (like, adults 61.5kg). However, calculating for 30 kinds of drugs may be a bit tedious, hence I'm not sure if the equation is suitable or not for my research aim, which is to develop approach to prioritize pharmaceutical products in natural environments.
Please suggest any formula/methods on conducting environmental risk-assesment with only details regarding the number of usage over the years. If there's anything unclear, ask away. I apologise for the lack of knowledge, but feedbacks are very much appreciated.
I'm trying to assess the Brazilian manufacturing and supply chain capabiltity in order to evaluate how ready it is for Concentrated Solar Power industry development. To do so, I need to assess the local (brazilian) manufacturing and supply chain capability.
Comparison of EIA Process in different country, any study could shared here.
For example, the PM 10 value is 20µg/m3 and the environmental limit is 25µg/m3. Can we compare directly?
Hi. I am doing environmental risk assessment of heavy metals in wastewater. I used three standard trophic levels (Daphnia magna, green algae and fish) to calculate EC50. I am not sure what will be the best value for uncertainty factor to calculate PNEC values. Can somebody explain?
environmental engineering ,environmental science, soil risk assessments,health risk assessment, chemistry
environmental risk assessment
quantitative risk assessment
microbial risk assessment
ecologial risk assessment
enviromental risk assessment of microorganisms
I was wondering if anyone can direct me to some good sources regarding US EPA requirements on groundwater risk assessment for inorganics. Specifically I'm looking at how regulators and the industry deal with the uncertainties and variabilities involved in assessing certain natural attenuation mechanisms such as precipitation and sorption. I'd also like to know by what process regulators assess the plausibility of proposed conceptual models.
Any links to standard industry practices and regulatory guidelines/requirements that include nitty-gritty and technical details would be greatly appreciated. (The links I found at the EPA site were just too broad and generic)
In the framework of environmental risk assessment for actives and plant protection products.
Nepal is taken a good example of bio-engineering for erosion control and slope stability. Species like Alnus nepalensis (tree), Cymbopogon citratos (herb), Eulaliopsis binata (herb), Thysanolaena maxiama (perennial grass) are few widely used plants. Are there any research on performance of commonly used species including aforementioned ones taking consideration of their efficiency in decreasing pore water pressure and also increasing soil strength of the instable slopes?
I need to know this term Centile in CTD.
From 1st and 5th centile how can we get screening point values?
for toxic metals (for ingestion in soil and food)?
In the Who 2006 , we have only the value for drinking water but not for soil and food , especially, leaf vegetables.,
I have reposted this question given the larger Researchgate membership in hopes of finding an answer. Originally posted in March 2013.
A lot of studies lately are calling the exposures/concentrations/doses they test as "environmentally relevant" yet the actual test doses seem considerably higher than any human exposures could possibly be, in some cases. Are there any references or books that define criteria for concluding a dose level as being "environmentally relevant"?
Dear colleagues,
I am conducting a research project in the field of environmental psychology.
In this respect I am searching for a construct, which captures one's dispositional willingness to bear or accept environmental resp. ecologocal risks, i.e. one's risk-propensity regarding risks for the environment (as opposed to risk perception, which is one's perception of risk).
Research suggests that a person's risk propensity is domain-specific (for instance finance, social, ethics, etc.) and although there are some validated scales that measure one's risk-taking tendency for multiple domains - for instance the DOSPERT Scale - I did not find any scale that specifically measures risk-taking tendency or attitude in an environmental context.
I have considered taking the ETHICS-Subscale of the DOSPERT Scale, however, not a single item on the subscale comes even close to the field of enviromental or ecological risks. So, I think, this attempt would not be very promising.
I am thankful for any cues, how to solve this problem.
Thanks so much for your insights.
Kind regards,
C. Neumann
How can I use these quotients in arsenic exposure assessment through drinking water?
There has been significant development in Transport Sector in recent time, e.g., development of autonomous vehicles. What is role of Chemical and Environmental Engineering in these sector?
Thermal treatments, like incineration, are consolidated methods to treat waste to recover thermal and electrical energy. Flue gas treatment technologies, if well operated, can permit to control pollution.
Public opinion and politicians sometimes claim that incineration plants or similar sites create serious problems to people's health, without citing scientific basis.
I would like to know if there are recent studies, from all over the world, about this topic, that can describe what happened when the site was monitored and exposure risk was calculated, or references to full scale studies (national level). I add a very interesting article which treated a specific case in Italy.
I am exploring technology that can result in a low cost, onsite assessment of aquatic invertebrate behavior (movement) as an endpoint for ecological risk assessment. If statistical analysis can confirm a difference between movements of individual aquatic invertebrates upstream, in, and below stream of point discharge, could this be of use for phase 1 or other studies of risk assessment? Thanks, Lou
Could you please help me with finding references regarding combination of probabilistic risk assessment studies with air pollution modelling?
For instance, probabilistic safety assessment conducted for ammonia pipeline combined with the results of dispersion modelling can be used to assess annual costs of losses caused by accident. I met such works regarding groundwater pollution (, however not so much regarding air pollution, or maybe I am wrong?
Thank you in advance.
More specifically, the desired assessment should target the use of these compounds as flocculants and coagulants to limit erosion (i.e. export of suspended solids) from construction sites/activities nearby water bodies.
In our research project INDYCO (Integrated Dynamic Decision Support System Component for Disaster Management Systems) we are coupling situation/risk assessment and workflows of workforces. As a common ground we are searching for natural hazard ontologies/taxonomies that are also integrating corresponding control and mitigation measures. If you have any hints, please let me know.
I am in a dilemma to consider these as variables which involve uncertainty.
I am trying to find out methods for forest fire risk assessment. Could you please help me to find methods that have been applied to access forest fire risk.
I am often involved in issues of sediment contaminated with PCBs and PCDD/Fs that can be combined in a number of ways to generate a Toxic Equivalency (TEQ). Now I realize that toxicologists really only guarantee the usefulness of the TEQ concept when it is determined in an organism that a human or another animal might consume. Nonetheless, I know that practically people find it helpful to look at the TEQ for PCBs-PCDD/Fs in many kinds of abiotic media (e.g., wastewater, suspended solids, sludge, bed sediment, soils, and urban runoff).
My question has to do with standards that people use and/or find preferable for PCDD/Fs, PCBs, and TEQ in bed sediment in surface water. Does someone like the TEQ concept in bed sediment, and if so do you have a level that you like to at least use as a reference? Does someone prefer mass or molar concentrations of PCDD/Fs or PCBs? Do people even like to have standard, or do you find it preferable to look at everything on site-specific basis? In the US, there are not really any bed sediment standards for most of these pollutants that are legally enforced, but it would still be helpful to have a way to characterize the general level of contamination and risk without doing a full-blown food web risk analysis every time. Any suggestions?