Science topic
Environmental Health - Science topic
Environmental Health is the science of controlling or modifying those conditions, influences, or forces surrounding man which relate to promoting, establishing, and maintaining health.
Questions related to Environmental Health
Dear colleague,
We are glad to inform you that the "VIII SCIENTIFIC JOURNEY OF PRODER- I International Conference on Health and Sustainable Development of UFCA" will be held in Brazil with participation online on the 2nd to 4th of December of 2024.
This is a NO FEE of charge event, and it has an interdisciplinary approach. The general theme is: City and Society: Exploring the Intersection of Environment, Health, and Territory. This initiative seeks to foster interaction between the university and the community, promoting the dissemination of scientific work, awareness of projects carried out by the academic community, learning opportunities, knowledge exchange, lectures, workshops, short courses, and technical visits.
Deadline: November 6, 2024 (11:59PM)
Abstracts must be submitted through the link:
The works must address one of the following thematic areas:
Download the Template:,TEMPLATE%20RESUMOS,-TEMPLATE%20APRESENTA%C3%87%C3%83O%20ORAL
All oral presentations will be conducted remotely.
More info, see the attached edital file.
Join Us in Making Children's Health Accessible: A Call to Researchers and Experts
Should the industry that produces negative externalities with impacts on the environment and health pay specific taxes with revenue linked to the mitigation of these negative externalities?
Define the concept of sustainable agriculture in the Indian context, outlining principles and practices that promote long-term environmental health, economic viability, and social equity in farming systems.
Hello everyone, We are doing a research project on using sewage treatment plant sludge in soil remediation and cooperation with researchers in this field is welcome.
What is the appropriate academic department for the occupational health and safety program and what are the justifications for that?
Is establishing this program under the Department of Clinical Nutrition acceptable and appropriate, and how does this affect the career and professional and competition between those who graduated from the same program but under the Department Public Health or under the Department of Environmental Health?
I am actively seeking an opportunity to contribute a chapter entitled "Environmental Health Hazards Attributed to Deteriorated Indoor Air Quality Caused by Inferior Construction Practices" to an edited book focused on the critical subject of air quality. If you are involved in such a project and seeking contributions, please feel free to comment below with your email contact for further discussions. Your collaboration and insights would be greatly appreciated.
Dear Colleagues,
Despite the significant reduction in the average annual concentrations of major air pollutants in developed countries, the emerging growth of the world’s population and further reliance on fossil fuels for energy consumption confirm that further air quality improvements will remain a global challenge. The goal to convert to alternative energy sources and ultimately phase out fossil fuels to zero will not be realized soon, as evidenced by the current share of coal in gross energy consumption. Based on the results of a vast number of epidemiological studies, satellite-based observations, and extensive surface measurements, the WHO estimates that the world will face 7 million premature deaths per year, as a consequence of the long-term exposure to ambient and household air pollution. Thus, we believe that there is an urgent need for research to deal with non-linear and diverse spatio-temporal air pollutant data and processes, thus supporting advances in environmental science, which does not fit with the mission to guarantee global sustainability.
I kindly invite You to submit high-quality papers addressing air pollutant sources; atmospheric chemistry; distribution at local, regional, and global levels; adverse health effects; and mitigation strategies for this Special Issue, especially those combining a high academic standard coupled with innovative multidisciplinary research concepts.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 15 March 2024
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (ISSN 1660-4601) IF: 4.614
For all information, please click on a link:
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Stanišić
Guest Editor
I will be proposing a new course in our MS biomedical sciences program, likely in the areas of toxicology and/or environmental health. If anyone has used graduate-level introductory textbooks in these fields, please let me know which textbooks you have used, and whether you would recommend them.
I am based on path analysis (structural equation modeling). I want to investigate the impact of Sulfur dioxide emissions on mortality.
- When I construct this path (Mortality rate <--- Sulfur dioxide emissions) the coefficient is positive and significant.
- Next, when I add additional path (Sulfur dioxide emissions <--- GDP per capita) the coefficient of Sulfur dioxide emissions on mortality is still positive and significant and the coefficient of GDP per capita on Sulfur dioxide emissions is significantly negative.
- However, when I add the third path (Mortality rate <--- GDP per capita). The coefficients of GDP on mortality and Sulfur dioxide emissions are both significantly negative. However, now the coefficient of Sulfur dioxide emissions on mortality is insignificant now.
Why this coefficient is insignificant now?
My idea is but not limited to Soil, Toxicology, Human or environmental health
I'd like to give my students attending the environmental health and food safety practical activities the opportunity to get familiar with a simple method of measuring pesticide residues in foodstuff. Preferably, the price should not exceed 2000 US Dollars. High accuracy would be desirable but not an absolute requirement.
1. In risk assessment studies pertaining to pandemic epidemiology, what are the major considerations?
2. COVID-19 has been featured in all fora where major scientific approaches have been adopted. As a high-level risk, its assessment should be holistic, superb, discreet and interdisciplinary. Apart from the risk of transmission to higher populations, health care systems, sustainable human livelihoods, water and ecological issues, are there other factors with links of references?
3. Do you think the expected time set aside for different countries in Europe, America, Asia and Africa is enough to contain the risk?
4. What model of mitigation can afford to painstakingly handle this risk in the environment?
You are free to attend any number of your choice friends.
Human biomonitoring (HBM) is a tool of health-related environmental monitoring with which populations are examined for their exposure to pollutants from the environment. The results are also intended to provide information as to whether (further) pollutant reduction measures are needed and on the effects of existing measures. HBM plays an essential role in environmental health and the assessment of pollution levels in the population, population groups or individuals. HBM makes it possible to determine levels of contamination in individuals and, where applicable, some of the biological effects triggered by it. It is thus subdivided into human biological monitoring of exposure and biological effect monitoring.
Based on your opinion, what do you think about the importance of using HBM in human health related studies?
Nanoproduction is impossible without serious legal support and regulation in the field of nanotechnology: protection of human life and health, environmental safety, medical conditions and indicators, etc.
Environmental Management extents to sustainability issues in value and supply chains. and so, environmental impacts arising from organisations and their concomitant impacts remains a worry since organisations produce more impacts than individual emissions. To help in discussing sustainability initiatives, integration and their impacts, it is pertinent to understand the extent of incorporation in different countries including the system that have been adopted. To help in this discussion, the guide are as follows:
1. how knowledgeable are you on sustainability incorporation in value chains?
2. how far have your country's organisation fared with such implementation?
3. what are the reasons/ benefits for sustainability in supply chains?
4. Are there challenges in embedding sustainability in supply chains?
Researchers of great repute I call upon you all to address the issues as much as you can. Thanks a lot.
I am working on improving the use of digital innovations at scale globally. Most of the innovations I work with provide relevant knowledge on improving the performance of projects, programs, and organizations working on social impact sectors such as agriculture, health, environment, education, etc. However, the number of decisions influenced by the knowledge is much lower than the developers' expectations and sponsors of the innovations.
I am looking for empirical studies or reviews providing evidence and insights on the factors that influence the success of knowledge in influencing decisions in social impact sectors. Could you advise publications on this?
Many thanks for considering my request.
The socio-economic, health environmental injustice directly impacted by the COVID-19 which is directly provoked by neoliberal policies. The systematic neo-liberal greediness promoted corporate business over local people's capability (destroyed local food systems, the local business) based on intensive export-oriented agriculture production, global supply chains and market-led food provision, and corporate greediness.
Worldwide, Unplanned Industrial Growth is highly responsible for the deterioration of environmental health. With industrial activities, like, burning coal ,burning fossil fuels, unsustainable uses of various chemical solvents, improper disposal of solid, liquid and highly toxic wastes, are threatening environment badly. This Unsustainable practices are contaminating several natural resources , such as, air, water, and soil all over the world. We became familiar with these term,"Global warming climate change, wildlife extinction, biodiversity loss, sea-level rise etc." after the industrial evolution mainly. Development and proper management in industrial sector is keenly needed worldwide to ensure sustainability.
There is a massive application of spray surface disinfectants due to COVID-19. Do you think it worth the environmental health risk, be it useful bacteria deaths or biodiversity threat?
In previous studies, on Port-au-Prince groundwater pollution by contaminants from waste disposal sites and industrial wastewater, the presence of heavy metals (chrome, nickel and lead) has been identified in the water from this environmental media. Concentrations of lead [40 µg/L], Nickel [250 µg/L] and Chromium [470 µg/L] greater than the respective threshold value of these metals in drinking water. Important chemical risks, particularly for children, relating to Pb(II), Cr(III), Cr(VI) and Ni(II) contained in the groundwater have been assessed.
However, the human health risk assessment has been conducted, considering each chemical separately. In order to evaluate the cumulative risk of heavy metals for human health in drinking water, I would appreciate to receive some information on the health impact from exposure to chemical mixtures.
This is to understand the evolving trends and challenges in supply chain management due to effects of digitisation and problems faced to understand the challenges to benchmarking of standards and flow of processes to streamline flow of demand and supply.To bring about the behaviour change in all stake holders .constant adherence to environment health and safety policies.Continous output by companies in times of pandemic (social distancing)
As the research field is really competitive, so what are the skills recommended for a Ph.D. student to learn while doing a Ph.D.? For example, I am doing a Ph.D. in environmental health epidemiology. What sort of skills should I learn during my Ph.D. so I don't have to struggle for a job after completion of a Ph.D.?
I am looking for studentship Job in a Ph.D. program in Public health, Environmental Health, Toxicology, or in Risk Assessment and behaviors of carcinogenic POPs chemicals. hashtag#toxicology hashtag#pops hashtag#environmentalhealth hashtag#riskassessment hashtag#publichealt hashtag#chemicals hashtag#program hashtag#publichealth
Перемены климата были всегда. Планета Земля никогда не имела стабильного климата. Она не может иметь его по определению. Однако, современная наука выросла на основании допущения, что климат стабильный. Это значит, что в значимом для людей интервале (100 -200-300 лет) он «вполне стабильный». Мы сравниваем сотни миллионов лет и 100 – 300 лет. Допущение оказалось неверным. Есть массив теоретических и методологических вопросов по исследованию последствий перемен климата для здоровья людей. Полагаю, что эксперты просто не готовы к этой проблематике. Она требует нового осмысления происходящего в природе. Готов внести посильный вклад в выяснение вопроса. Будет очень приятно выслушать мнение коллег и разобраться с тем какие подходы наиболее продуктивны к исследованию связки перемен климата и медицинской экологии.
Ключевые слова: климат, здоровье, теплокровные, экология человека, медицинская география, ГИС, методология.
I am looking for recent articles about two aspects on meat consumption:
-The environmental impact of meat consumption
-The health benefits/ disadvantages of meat consumption + health recommendations
I want to approach both aspects internationally. What are the differences in environmental impact of meat around the world? How do the recommendations differ between different health organizations? Has meat the same importance for health around the world?
The presence, prevalence, occurrence frequency and parasitization frequency of different parasites of fishes vary depending on water quality status. Possibly water temperature, dissolved oxygen, BOD, COD influence the which, where, how much parasites prevail and parasitize fish host. Further fish impacted by water quality. Degraded physicochemical regime adversely affect fish health and fish subject to multiple stressors are much more vulnerable to parasitic infestation. Insightful discussions are welcome to unveil the interactionbetween/among degraded water quality factors and parasites as well as between/among multiple stressor induced ill health related biological, haematological, immunological, biochemical parameters. Also share your views about biochemical/stress markers can be counted as indicative to those interactions
I am looking forward to do analysis of environmental samples for the purposes of identifying and quantifying individual compounds that will show up in the chromatogram but I have no access to standard internal standards for calibration. Therefore I need a guide no how to achieve this keeping in mind that samples will be analysed through GC MS system.
Dr.Mohammed Osman Ali
Head Dept. of environmental health
If anyone have idea about fully funded conference or with less registration fee.. kindly help me out .. basically m looking outside India.
The activities of the Multinationals has so far led to environmental pollution and degradation. The present state of environment in Nigeria is therefore nothing to write home about. Efforts have been made in calling their attention to the sense of responsibility they suppose to have towards the environment and wellbeing of the people? Are they actually responsive? In what ways? What are the evidences? What could have actually made them less conscious of environmental health in the first place? What are the factors that necessitated this pollution by the Multinationals?
The activities of the Multinationals has so far led to environmental pollution and degradation. The present state of environment in Nigeria is therefore nothing to write home about. Efforts have been made in calling their attention to the sense of responsibility they suppose to have towards the environment and wellbeing of the people? Are they actually responsive? In what ways? What are the evidences? What could have actually made them less conscious of environmental health in the first place? What are the factors that necessitated this pollution by the Multinationals?
Hi ! Dear all !
Put in place mine exploitation or exploration has impact on environmental security (human being, croads or vegetation, animals etc). Environmental exposition by naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORMs) because of this activity must be the great worry. Is there any right norm or right technological process that can safe health in the environment where explotation of mine has put in place. Thanks for your answer !
I was alerted to this project because a paper I co-authored had cited previous work by the lead author of this paper. Our paper was also about community water issues in Ghana.
Since leaving the environmental health group where I worked on that paper, I have been pursuing a PhD and working with a colleague on methods to improve the way qualitative data are used. Because of your interested in sustaining this intervention, I think your work might benefit significantly from these methods.
The methods would allow you to test whether your interview data can support the claim that a sustainable water committee can reasonably be assumed to exist (claims sustainability is potentially-endogenous), or if they always require outside inputs (means sustainability is exogenous). Of course, there is a continuum, but the methods do a good job. You do this by using some concepts from endogenous theory-building.
A first step to remediating soil pollution is for us to aware of it, mapping the sources and understanding the possible paths of pollution and the dynamic in the ecosystem. In order to make the mapping of soil pollution, it would be necessary to check the contamination levels. However many countries in the developing world do not count with all the instrumentation and techniques. It is clear to me that pH, redox potential, electrical conductivity, macro and micro components, hydrology conditions, type of soil, OM %, etc would allow knowing the conditions in which the pollutants would be metabolized and ultimately present toxicity.
My question is limited to your own experience and your own country. What seems to be the most important soil pollutants for which to be a concern (namely POPs, harmful metal/metaloid chemical species, microorganisms, etc), which techniques and instrumentation would be recommended?
Reporting content that is normalized or not? bio available content? etc. What are your ideas in this respect?
For instance, would GC-MS be capable to identify and quantify POPs of your concern? which software do you use on your own facilities to model this pollutant?. What about ICP or AA for metal/metaloid conc? Do you use some kits for this instead?. Do you use a soil Standard Reference Material?.
correlates of health, environmental hazard and toxins.
Dear Investigator,
The comet assay has been in existence for many years, but the general protocol largely remains unchanged, despite it requiring numerous, time-consuming steps. We in the Oxidative Stress Group, at Florida International University, are very interested in learning about comet assay users’ experiences, and their thoughts on the protocol. Below is a link to a short questionnaire that we would be grateful if you would complete. All replies are entirely anonymous, but you will have the opportunity be entered into a prize draw for an Amazon voucher.
(you might need to cut and paste into browser.)
Feel free to distribute to other colleagues who may be interested.
Please feel free to contact any of us if you have any questions, or want to confirm the veracity of this email and questionnaire.
Thank you very much in advance,
Professor and Head of Department.
Oxidative Stress Group, Dept. Environmental & Occupational Health,
Florida International University, Miami, FL 33199.
Does any one have a tangible evidence showing the differences between organic foods and the conventional counterparts in terms of consumer health and environmental sustainability? Please share your thoughts and also resources. Can we really feed the world with organic farming?
Cases abound where there has been win-win or win-lose or even lose-lose outcomes for conservation interventions meant to improve socio- and/or economic conditions. Sadly, even win-win cases tend to reverse over time (e.g. when donor funding disappears). Does anyone know of a case where an intervention has brought about 'net positive' outcomes for social, economic, and environmental health, and which have persisted long-term (>5-10 years)?
A number of studies have found that observation of / interaction with natural environments (e.g. parks, gardens, wilderness environments) have a positive impact on both subjects' subjective sense of well-being and actual biological/physiological health.
Question: Have any studies been conducted to determine the degree to which the perception of the health of the environment has an impact on perceived or actual well-being of subjects? E.g. to what degree would the impact on well-being of viewing scenes of or being immersed in a forest after a forest fire differ from viewing/immersion in visuals of the forest before the fire? (Other examples: healthy coral reef vs. unhealthy coral reef; room of thriving plants vs. room of plants that obviously need water, etc.)
Presumably the sense of well-being would be less after viewing/experiencing an unhealthy natural scene or environment, which begs a key question: Why?
Would subjects feel more negatively valenced emotions (sadness, fear, disgust)? More stress / anxiety? Less connectedness to nature (which has been found to correlate positively with well-being)? Does a diminished sense of well-being have anything to do with a bayesian predection of higher energetic cost (e.g. risk of infection, decreased availability of resources) resulting from interaction with an unhealthy environment? Some combination of all of the above?
If you know of any studies exploring this, please share citations/links. Thoughts and ideas on the above questions would also be appreciated.
Dear colleagues,
It is clear that Iraq currently faces enormous health challenges. No
other country has experienced such a worsening in health status during the last two decades.
As it has become known, there is CO2 emission from electrical generator, having adverse effects on environment and health of the citizens.
Do you think there is an effect of waste materials remnants resulting from the electrical generator on concrete, Does it have an chemical effects on concrete in any way?
I also would like to express my sincere appreciation to all you.
I’m planning to conduct a needs assessment on the training and career development the needs of researchers in the Irish health service. I would like to find a validated tool if possible. I have come across needs assessment tools for assessing the training needs of nurse practitioners.
However, I have not been able to source a needs assessment survey addressing questions relevant to ascertain the training/skills and career needs of researchers working in Healthcare i.e, acute, primary care, public health, environmental health and health and well-being. I would appreciate any information, research articles and specifically any available questionnaire survey tools you have available.
Many thanks Mary C. Morrissey
Hi, I am a final year Event Management student in the process of writing my dissertation.
I need the following questions answered (as elaborate as possible please). You will remain anonymous and I will really appreciate your participation.
Research Questions:
- How would you describe the difference in characteristics between vegan food festivals and standard food festivals?
- Why do you think there has been a sudden increase in vegan food festivals?
- What are the benefits of vegan food festivals from an organiser's perspective?
- What are the benefits of vegan food festivals from a visitor's perspective? (social, environmental, health, animal rights)
- What are the challenges of organising vegan food festivals and attracting visitors?
- Would you describe vegan food festivals as authentic and why?
- More supermarkets are releasing their own vegan ranges, how do you think this will affect the demand for vegan food festivals?
- What do you think will happen in the future for vegan food festivals?
- How will this affect the veganism movement in future?
It seems that the paradigm of the Social Determinants of Health is no longer enough to explain health - the dynamics of the disease. Is it time to propose new and better models of explanation?
Methods available for the extraction of trace elements from the fine fraction of wastes (or even soil) are limited and the main criterion is the extraction efficiency of each metal but what are the other factors that must be considered. For me reducing the environmental and health risks are important but what you think?
Dear Prof. Westenhöfer, my contribution will be on assessment and mentoring of environmental health hazards. During our luctures at the HAW I worked in class on various projects which assess environmental hazards that can affect children’s health at playgrounds around Hamburg in Germany. The results of our reseach was then presented in the class in explanatory ways.
I would like to use those skills to contribute to your project.
Thank you for your reply.
Hubert Fudjumdjum
Bsc. MPH.
Dear my colleagues
We all know that the pollution is located in the stations electrical is a high - pollution causing damage in the environment, health and human and animal and there are many of the turbines are are used oil black or diesel especially stations is water does Nano-technology solve these problems, and thanks to all my colleagues.
Dr. Malik N. Hawas
I need to know how can do cumulative risk assessment for VOC emission effect in Environment and health.
Many Thanks
What are the differences between effect and impact in the environmental and health sciences context?
Exergy represents the biogeochemical energy of an ecosystem and is significantly related to degree of organization of an ecosystem. Emergy, on the other hand is the total quantum of solar energy directly or indirectly required for generating a product or a service. They represent two complementary aspects of the ecosystem: the present state (organization) and the past work required to reach the present state. The ratio between exergy to emergy indicates the efficiency of an ecosystem and the sustenance of the ecosystem goods and services.
Dear colleagues,
I am looking for sociological researches about mosquitoes in Italia, raising both environmental and health issue. Thank in advance for your advices.
For my MSc thesis, I am conducting an examination of the potential environmental and health risks or impacts of hydraulic fracturing.
Using the recent U.S. experience as an analogue, I have examined potential risks to human health and the environment, and am analyzing the regulatory frameworks currently in place (in both the U.S. and UK) to manage these risks.
The goal of this project is to identify gaps in the current UK regulatory framework for shale gas extraction, and to propose a series of policy recommendations with the aim of enhancing environmental and public health protection.
I want to compare transition of diseases and risk factors in India and the West. I can find innumberable literature about the west but hardly any on India
My understanding is that we use percentiles as we do not want only to check if a short term standard was exceeded once, but that it is sistematically exceeded, meaning that the upper end of the distribution of concentrations is exceeding the standard. I hope people can comment on that and, if possible, suggest a a good paper, government document or book section that explain the rationale.
Health conditions of a person can be affected due to the,
1. Geographical backgrounds: Living environment, Geological composition, Elevations, Climate conditions..etc.
2. Attitudes (Behaviour): Food consumption patterns, Types/combination of food, Cooking culture, cleanliness, discipline…etc.
3. Genetically
4. Others : Modern technologies, poverty…etc
Please update me with any available information, based on your experiences / research findings, which are specific to the schooling children.
Fly have carved up, special place in ecology, and sometimes their no.varies with specific biotic and abiotic change in the how can a fly be pinned as an EHI and possible ways to measure it ??
A report from the California Autism Twins Study shows a significantly greater concordance of autism among dizygotic twins than previously reported. The authors conclude, "A large proportion of the variance in liability can be explained by shared environmental factors (55%; 95% CI, 9%-81% for autism and 58%; 95% CI, 30%-80% for ASD) in addition to moderate genetic heritability (37%; 95% CI, 8%-84% for autism and 38%; 95% CI, 14%-67% for ASD)."
Soil and plant health is interrelated with animal/human health. Whatever pollutants and contaminants added incidentally to soil may affect the plant -animal/human system.Advanced machinery and equipment and improved plant varieties are used,commercial fertilizers,pesticides,animal manures etc are added to soil every season/year.These practices over time may affect the soil health and also may affect the water quality in wells and near by water bodies.The soil biodiversity of the area may also get affected.Then how to regulate the entry of pollutants or modify the current practices to safeguard the soil environment and health?What good practices we should follow?
Uranium in drinking water becomes part of the entire ecological system of the Malwa belt of Punjab.
The debate about the source of the apparent Uranium contamination continues. Some authors speculate that industries like coal-fired power plants (CFPPs), fertilizer factories, chemical factories, cement factories etc. have an impact. Others speculate that Uranium could have originated from the nearby Tosham ring complex called Tosham hills in Bhiwani, Haryana state of India, where granite rocks are even present on the surface.
Being a prominent agriculture based state; the Malwa belt of Punjab is also facing an unprecedented crisis of environmental health linked to indiscriminate, excessive, and unsafe use of fertilizers and pesticides. The region has been described as India’s “Cancer Capital” due to abnormally high number of cancer prevalent in the cases, which have increased 3-fold in the last 10 years.
High Uranium in drinking water in Malwa belt of Punjab has been a much-debated issue from last one decade, yet no concrete steps to find out the source of Uranium remain has been taken.
The Scientists must take concrete steps to solve this serious problem.
I want to correlate the influence of seasonality in air pollution with hospital admissions for pulmonary diseases. However I find that though air pollutants are minimum in concentration during monsoon, hospital admissions for pulmonary diseases are maximum.
What can be the reason and how can I relate it to my data.
Literature, ideas and help are very welcome.
Sea level rise is one of the widely acknowledged consequences of global climate change. Sea-level rise has predictable impacts on human welfare and the environment and the oceans will continue to rise for some time, regardless of the climate change mitigation measures that the countries of the world decide to take. Coasts are sensitive to sea level rise, changes in the frequency and intensity of storms, increases in precipitation, and warmer ocean temperatures.
I'm using a lagrangian dispersion model to study the contribuition of urban traffic to concentrations of NOX. We need to compare model results with measurements, but of course the model does not include chemistry and cannot simulate the photochemical NOX.On the other hand we both have a regional scale model that can treat the full chemistry and we have access to several monitoring station data.
I'm currently studying the method described in Saravanan A., et al, "A Method for Estimating Urban Background Concentrations in Support of Hybrid Air Pollution Modeling for Environmental Health Studies", Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014. but I can't seem to find a practical example of the method application.
Can someone suggest an alternative method with a reference in which we can see it actually applied to some cases?
I'm trying to use tiger beetles as indicators of Environmental health. But I feel the soil and climatic parameters along is not sufficient to support the topic. I would be grateful if you could provide some ideas.
Thank you
Climatic-Temp,solar rd,humidity
kindly provide me this scale
Its the reference of article
Kristensen, T.S., Hannerz, H., Hogh, A., & Borg, V. (2005). The Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire: a tool for the assessment and improvement of the psychosocial work environment, Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health 31, 438–449. PMid:16425585
Thank you
I'm working on the cumulative risks assessment of these metals in drinking water in my country.
All ethoxylated materials are said to contain trace amounts of EO and 1, 4 Dioxane. If my product contains well bellow .1% of ethylene oxide, does this need to be mentioned in the SDS in order to be compliant with California Prop 65?
According to The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment ( regarding Prop 65 and ethylene oxide.
Prior to June 1, 2016, employers may use the following legend in lieu of that specified in paragraph (j)(2)(i)(A) of this section:
The employer shall ensure that labels are affixed to all containers of EtO [ethylene oxide] whose contents are capable of causing employee exposure at or above the action level or whose contents may reasonably be foreseen to cause employee exposure above the excursion limit, and that the labels remain affixed when the containers of EtO leave the workplace. For the purposes of this paragraph (j)(2)(ii), reaction vessels, storage tanks, and pipes or piping systems are not considered to be containers.”
"Action level" means a concentration of airborne EtO of 0.5 ppm calculated as an eight (8)-hour time-weighted average (
So here's my math:
.5/1,000,000= 0.0000005
0.0000005 x 100=0.00005%
I can't find a clear answer, or if there's a new regulation concerning EO. Many of our products would only contain trace amounts, if any at all since EO is extremely volatile and they were not required to be reported before, but the UN's Global Harmonizing System or California may have changed the rules.
What would be the routes of exposure to fisherman?
Recently, has been stated by environmental health authorities that in Colombia there is not present Aspergillus, which to me, given the nature of this fungal species, is not real, but also reports have been published about infections in humans and animals, as well isolation in environmental samples. Then, I would like to read from expert opinions, which are the best studies published on that in Colombia, if available and known. Thanks.
it seems that predictive and counterfactual approaches are two main approaches which can be used for health impact assessment of air pollution. what are the differences between two approaches?
There are too many studies have been done so far. The vast majority of these are based on the scenarios. Really need to wait long time that to see the effects of climate change. But we can also predict in shorter by assessing changing of natural ecosystem composition and health. So, is there any strong physical evidence (scientifical study) related this topic?
Are there poisonous leachates, and how they are treated?
Is there a policy in the European Union, the United States, or other parts of the world that focuses on pollution from cemeteries?
Is there a methodology applied in any part of the world to protect groundwater from this kind of infection?
What is the rate of decay of corpses?
(Questions asked from an engineering point of view.
There were very good explanations in the book "Air Pollution and Health" of Holgate but it seems a little outdated (1999). Any suggestion of current sources that explain the process? For instance, the ISA documents, staff documents and such. Also, information for European Union would be great.
Literature is all about legislation and policy?
It is generally known that leather industries (technically tanneries) plays an important role in the economy of many developing nations like India. However, it is the major polluters worldwide. There is a growing concern about the environmental pollution caused by leather industry wastewater, especially due to the wastewater pollutants like organic pollutants, toxic heavy metals like chromium and azo dyes are of the major concern. Therefore, it is required to know the toxic effects of leather industry wastewater in environment.
For example Cr(VI) being accumulated in the hyperaccumulators. I want to extract it in the elemental form.
The EU and others prescribe quantitative recycling standards, e.g. xy % of the mass of end of life vehicles must be recycled. Such standards do not take into account environmental and health issues, e.g. they do not consider hazardous substances that