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Environmental Governance - Science topic
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Questions related to Environmental Governance
Kindly discuss on the issue of economic models and variable apply for determinants environmental governance on environmental quality(CO2), and economic growth (rGDP)
August 25th, 2023
Those methodologies, we have to assume that are not the better ones, are being used to claim humans are 'making progresses' with regards the 2030 SDGs agenda.
As the ongoing human-sparked climate crisis and the huge Earth's ecology breakdowns seem unstoppable, scientists must ask what are the methodologies that are being used by other scientists to support those claims.
A generalized optimism keep asking time we (humans) do not have to fulfill those goals.
The 21st century science will be all about try to avoid a major planetary disruption sparked by just the biology-based dominant species.
We need metrics to avoid groundless discourses. That task will imply to create a system of systems regarding Earth observation in all scales.
It is relevant to say that the problem is not suitable for a technological perspective only... The problems we are facing are behavioral in nature.
Hernan L. Villagran
August 28th, 2023.
The institutional control and governance concerning the human-boosted pressure on the outer space environment is deteriorating very fast. Amid a speeding-up and overlapping climate and Earth's ecology breakdowns it is being hard to understand and to find a rational explanation to the deployment of the 'New Space Economy' while humans are discarding any collective effort in focusing all the space-related agencies and capabilities to give priority to Earth observation and damage control (as much as possible) on the Earth's Life Support Systems (ELSSs).
The attached letter is a public position paper that was sent to the acting Head of UNOOSA (United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs) last year.
As the entire world adopted the 'weak' definition of Sustainable Development (SD) humans can not get surprised to realize the entire 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda is being compromised.
The huge lack of rationality in the outer space domain is a signal that tells us the same situation is taking place in all of the remaining 'global commons' and the associated institutional architecture (treaties).
Could the space affairs researchers here in ResearchGate provide me with your inputs and papers that logically and analytically challenge that risky trend in the space domain...?
Somebody interested in writing a research paper with measurable policy-implications...?
Somebody intersted in developing a funded research proposal regardless the country where that proposal would be submitted for funding...?
Hernan L. Villagran
Remark_1: science is not only about publishing papers dealing with problems that are acceptable (well seeing) by the "normal" academic canon or, on the other hand, with problems that are, relatively speaking, much easier to solve or, at least, it is not highly complicated to try to "solve".
Remark_2: scientists from the developing world, regardless the discipline, might start thinking farther on what does the "hard" Sustainable Development (SD) version mean for their countries, and how bad is to replicate (to support) discourses that comes from communities (whether interested stakeholders, nations, international organizations, think-tanks...) that want to keep the high rates of economic growth regardless any physical, ecological, and climate-based constraints. Much to my regret, there is a concerning amount of advocates to such an approach (outer-space mining) in Latin America as a whole... We need to rethink what development is all about and what will be the fate of the Latin American nations under such sustained trend of a lack of governance of the outer space domain.
- Is it really necessary to go far beyond Earth atmosphere to carry out very risky outer-space mining activities...?
- Why specific sectors are pushing for investing in the outer space mining when it is highly visible and measurable (at naked eye) the amount of thrash that it is piling up and surrounding all cities in the world...?
- What about the amount of metal, plastic and other "strategic" material (including wood/timber) that should be recycled at great scale in all continents and regions in the planet...?
- What education policies should transfer the current effort aimed at funding already useless careers and titles to empower the next generation of skilled workers, technicians, and experts in recycling al at levels of the society....? What impede that transformations in the labor force worldwide...?
- To the fans and advocates of the circular economy scheme: (1) have you already thought about the huge amount of energy that would be required for such a large-scale recycling (The thermodynamics laws always will matter despite economics could claim)...? (2) Shouldn't be a maximum number of human population that make circular economy feasible...? (Human population trends) are not in the equations of the hard SD version). (3) Do we (humans) have time for a step-by-step circular economy development (more action and less "floppy" business papers)...?
As I have pointed out in all my questions, the 2030 SDGs agenda is already compromised and no major advancement is being achieved regarding the speeding up overlapping and non-linear climate and Earth's ecology breakdowns, therefore, why humanity should embark in another wishful-thinking reckless economic push within the "New Space Economy"...?
As we keep trying to keep humans outside the equations..., all what be published regarding sustainability (science), governance, and the so-called cutting-edge research on Climate Policies and Action will be just a futile act of absolute incompleteness and despair.
Thus, I call scholars from all the disciplines to carry out their major effort in adding the humans into their equations (schemes, models) and start writing as we are the root of the current problems , but also the solutions to those human-sparked messes... A major shift must be empowered in the way science is made... Science has being under crisis for twenty years or so... We all know by 2000 the problem will be greater and will advance faster than our potential response as a species... All has been an unprecedented large-scale denial...
Willing to interact to write more realistic (with policy implications) papers and for teaming (network-building) in searching for implementing sound "cutting-edge" research proposals whenever funds will be available.
Hernan L. Villagran
I am interested in learning about new approaches to deliberative environmental governance in all parts of the world. By "approach" I mean a format, model, or design that is intentionally made and applied. For my purposes, they need to be focused on fostering deliberation.
I am familiar with these deliberative approaches:
- citizen juries
- citizen advisory committees
- citizen assemblies
- mini-publics
- deliberative opinion polls
- decision theatres
- serious games (there are a variety, but they use simulation to stimulate dialogue)
- regulatory negotiation (not public, but limited to stakeholders)
- citizen initiatives (which is a very broad term for a variety of things, these may not meet the criteria for "approaches')
Two questions:
1. Can anyone think of another approach that is unique in some way?
2. These are very European-American centric. Are there others from other parts of the world? Names of scholars and publications would be welcome!
Thomas Webler
Senior Fellow, Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies, Potsdam, Germany
Senior Researcher, Social and Environmental Research Institute, Massachusetts USA
My thesis title is- Enhancing Social Ecological Resilience of the fishing communities through Co-management- Hilsa fishery as a case study of Bangladesh.One of my aim is to find out the power relations or dynamics by using the political ecology as a framework to analyze power relations of different stakeholders.I am looking for articles or empirical research that analyzed power relation by using the Political ecology framework.Thanks for your help.
Experience shows that polluting companies faced with strong environmental regulations will, when the economics dictate, move their base of operations to another country with lower (thus cheaper) standards. Can we do anything to stop this?
I am particularly interested in conceptual literature and pieces of research that aim at advancing the human geographic debate on (local) climate governance. Thank you very much!
I am doing a small research to review the water related open source tools / software (e.g FREEWAT).
if you have used/developed/ heard of similar tools,please share it with me ?
Thanks in advance
Dear all,
I am researching and mapping signals of uncertainty in policy networks to try and understand how uncertainty travels through networks of experts and what are the implications for environmental governance. Suggestions, or what to join a discussion on this topic? Thank you.
Best wishes,
Lucas Somavilla
Dear all, I need to read some key texts on environmental governance and sustainable development. Does anybody have any suggestions on VERY KEY literature on the topic? I have very little time to prepare so I need something that nails down the core of the debate and issues. Thanks in advance
Dear Colleagues,
I would appreciate any examples of environmental governance research (i.e. social science research) findings that (more or less directly) informed environmental policy-making.
Great many thanks in advance, and greetings from Lüneburg,
Jens Newig
Unitary, federal and other kinds of goverment forms may influence the participation of local communities in the process of designing, implementing, and enforcing rules.
So, if federal goverments acknowledge better the particular features of the resources, is in these contries the resource management more eficient than in unitary states?
I need some literature about multi-level governance theory and if any, with link to bioenergy and forest management governance. If any of you can be of help, thank you very much in advance.
Greetings. I am working on an book chapter that looks at OIC state contributions to global climate change initiatives. I was wondering if anyone could point me to a couple useful articles that explain the difficulties faced when actually enforcing and imposing penalties for non-compliance with the 1997 Kyoto protocol. Thanks
I want to determine the significance of the governance policy in irrigation water sector on different aspects such as improve yields, water distribution, conflict resolution. I have collected information from more than 50 published papers. However do not know whether meta analysis be conducted as there is no control observation? Can any one guide me to solve this issue?
I would like to know if there are free databases where we can get input/output data for waste management, according to their treatment system (incineration, pyrolysis, landfill, etc....) so that these data can be processed and analysed in order to systematize this info and make it more perceptible to general public. This would be a simple way of informing populations and reaching new communities to this problematic.
Thank you all in advance!
I am looking for the types or kinds of relations we can find when we talk about governance in general, and particulary in the case of a multi scale governance?
I am working on integrated coastal zone management, where I am highly interested about the differents kinds of relations that could exists between the different governemental and non governemental organizations.
Please if any one can help, it could be great!
Thanks !
I am working on bioenergy development and triple bottom line sustainability. I have had a focus on the processes of bioenergy development (for instance, how and what drives investments, what and how drives the use of and production of specific biomass, the increase or decrease of CO2 emissions, biodiversity etc., how all this links to social acceptance or opposition) and how these processes interlink. I am now at the stage to investigate how these processes could be governed to foster triple bottom line sustainability and I am adopting a governance approach. I have read several papers on local governance, climate change governance, polycentric and multi-level
I am now at the stage to investigate how these processes could be governed to foster triple bottom line sustainability and I am adopting a governance approach. I have read several papers on local governance, climate change governance, polycentric and multi-level governance, natural resources governance, etc. But I am missing something, probably something more general that can describe governance from a more theoretical point of view.
If you have any suggestion, I'd be glad to check it out.
Thank you very much
I'm looking for organisations with specific responsibility for managing environmental water (obtaining it, 'owning' it, using it instream or in wetlands); I've reviewed organisations in the western states of USA, in Australia, Canada and Mexico. Are there others out there?
As public agencies mostly want to partner with local people or other community actors for joint projects or collaborative activities, what practical steps conveners or agencies need to win local people trust? what will make them buy into this idea of partnership? I found the article below more useful, any other suggestions?
Rising to the challenge: A framework for optimising value in collaborative natural resource governance. Forest Policy and Economics, 67, 20-29.
There is evidence to suggest that exclusive community management of natural resources may have some challenges whilst exclusive state management is problematic. The optimum is a collaboration between communities and state in managing natural resources. In most cases, communities appear to be skeptical of state agencies. How best could this whole collaboration process get kick-started? Can there be a framework to help a practitioners or state agencies who want to engage resource communities for such a collaboration?
in the paper below,
"Rising to the challenge: A framework for optimising value in collaborative natural resource governance." Forest Policy and Economics 67 (2016): 20-29
authors attempt to discuss a framework that wil facilitate the collaboration process through an ABC framework. Is the framework elaborate? are there other alternative approaches to maximise gains in CNRM?
Dear all, I'm wondering if anyone of you once adopted the (new) governance approach in studying non-Western countries, especially East Asian countries. I want to know how you deal with the elements/factors/characteristics that may not be consistent with the 'western' background of the theory. And how do you justify the adoption of this approach, when you are challenged that this approach is not applicable to 'non-western' countries?
Looking forward to your answers!
In Tarija, Bolivia I have found a paradox, a WWTP project which has funding and technical support from NL and Argentina has been stalled for already 10 years, it is being said that is due to social resistance (rural communities). But according to empirical data gathered, it seems that the underlying causes are political interests...
Depending on national institutional framework and planning tradition, can 'footprints' be better implemented:
- directly in the urban and regional planning schemes (policies, plans, programs), or
- in Sustainability Assessments used to measure the sustainability of the aforementioned planing schemes?
Could you provide some evidence referring to relevant case studies or publications?
I also need names of books, journal articles and any other scholarly articles showing current trends in environmental governance at any scale, region etc.
Kindly inform me of leading scholars and authors in this area too.
I am trying to study the impact of Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting on the Financial Performance of organization (Indian Context).
Community, Government, and Policies have failed to manage natural resources. What can be an alternative to these?
I search for literature which deals with state power with respect to environmental issues. How to measure power in this area (dependence, vulnerability, capabilities)? Does anyone have a recommendation? Thank you!
Can I say that a program which is created within the body of a policy (or, more precisely, within the law that institutes this policy) is an instrument of it? Salamon (2000) differentiates a program from an instrument but are there cases in which it is possible to do that? Or is the difference between them (program and instruments) very clearcut? Any readings dealing with this question?
SALAMON, L.M. The New Governance and the Tools of Public Action: An Introduction. Fordham Urban Law Journal. Volume 28, Issue 5, 2000 Article 4.p. 1611 – 1674.
Is there any water governance index at the country level, basin level, utility level, or project level?
Water governance depends not only on specific institutions but also on governance context. Key elements of good governance include transparency, accountability, participatory approaches, gender equity and access to information. Civil society and the private and public sectors must interact to ensure development in reforming and implementing water governance systems that allocate water
The basic element of good water Governance
Participation: All citizens, both men and women, should have a voice—directly or through intermediate organizations— representing their interests in policy- and decision- making. Broad participation hinges on national and local governments following an inclusive approach.
• Transparency: Information should flow freely within a society; processes and decisions should be transparent and open for public scrutiny. Right to access this information should be clearly stated.
• Equity: All groups in society, both men and women, should have equal opportunities to improve their wellbeing.
• Accountability: Governments, the private sector and civil society organizations should be accountable to the public or the interests they are representing.
• Coherence: Because of the increasing complexity of water issues, policies and actions must be coherent, consistent and easily understood.
• Responsiveness: Institutions and processes should serve all stakeholders and respond properly to preferences, changes in demand or other new circumstances.
• Integration: Water governance should enhance and promote integrated and holistic approaches.
• Ethics: Water governance must be based on the ethical principles of the society where it functions—for example, by respecting traditional water rights.
Ia there any Index, or a list of questions to measure each item of basic principle of good governence.. eg. transparency, is there a list of questions to measure transparenct? ? and should the answers from stakeholders perspective ? or decsion markers?, or water officals, or reserachers.
Some authors define Institutions as a system of rights, rules, decision-making procedures, and programmes that give rise to social practices, assign roles to nodes of governance and guide interactions among the actors of the relevant nodes (Young, 2005). In their most generic form institutions provide regularities, reduce uncertainties, and shape the interactions of nodes of governance by creating an enabling or controlling environment needed to facilitate legitimate and effective governance (Kooiman et al., 2005; Chuenpagdee and Song, 2012).
I would like to know how this question is being addressed in other countries.
The over-exploitation of fisheries resources, the largely unchecked expansion of deep sea trawling, now rank among the most serious, most urgent threats to global ecosystem balance and food security.
My limited experience with negotiations of fisheries agreements has been mostly frustrating (understatement). Fishing efforts and hi-tech tools have not been curtailed, quite the contrary, despite the solid arguments of fishery scientists to strengthen fishing quota and to restrict further, in both time and space, fishing access.
Does this match your experience in your part of the globe? Do you have success stories to the contrary? Do you see a reasonable, sustainable way out of the current mess (beyond large-scale aquaculture and its limits) ?