Science topic
Enuresis - Science topic
Involuntary discharge of URINE after expected age of completed development of urinary control. This can happen during the daytime (DIURNAL ENURESIS) while one is awake or during sleep (NOCTURNAL ENURESIS). Enuresis can be in children or in adults (as persistent primary enuresis and secondary adult-onset enuresis).
Questions related to Enuresis
Searching for articles pertaining to any alternative treatments or complementary therapies for monosymptomatic enuresis. specific powered analyses or even postulates
It ' a common observation that childs can resume their enuretic behaviour in situation of psychological stress. What could be the psychological mechanisms underling this behaviour ?
What is the mechanism of action of Clomipramine "Anafranil" used for the treatment of nocturnal enuresis?
6.5 year old girl
Severe OAB, urge and urinary incontinence
No associated bowel problems
Daytime wetting intermittently
Takes 5mg solfenacin succinate daily
Nightime enuresis sometimes 3 times per night
There are are limited numbers of studies whether the urodynamics are superior to history alone or not for over active bladder. The diagnosis of OAB is mostly achieved by the history. I wonder your experiences about this topic in the light of literature.
The mechanism of action of TCM is not fully understood. Research has been done regarding endogenous opioids as the principal biological mediators of the therapeutic actions of acupuncture and recently on transauricular vagus nerve stimulation. Are there neurophysiological effects of acupuncture for primary nocturnal enuresis?