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Entrepreneurial Economics - Science topic

Entrepreneurial Economics is the study of the entrepreneur and entrepreneurship within the economy. The accumulation of factors of production per se does not explain economic development. They are necessary inputs in production, but they are not sufficient for economic growth.
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Publications related to Entrepreneurial Economics (175)
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Hoy día, los diferentes avances tecnológicos en el uso adecuado del hipertexto en portadas digitales que se vienen presentando en todas las disciplinas del conocimiento humano, son cada vez más notorio. Por lo que, en el caso de los periódicos digitales o ciberperiodismo, se observa por internet, en países como España, América Latina y Panamá, exis...
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Research on the covid-19 pandemic, conducted to date, has clearly shown its negative impact on entrepreneurs. However, there are few relevant studies on the resilience of these entrepreneurs. Even economic stimulus packages developed by governments ignore collective intelligence, which is seen as an appropriate posture and path that can lead to the...
Conference Paper
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ملخص: نهدف من خلال هذه المداخلة إلى تبيان آلية الانتقال من المؤسسات المقاولاتية التقليدية إلى المؤسسات المقاولاتية الريادية وذلك من خلال ثلاث محاور؛ حيث تم التطرق في المحور الأول إلى المؤسسات الاقتصادية التقليدية من خلال ذكر مفهومها والتطور التاريخي الذي مرت به بداية من مرحلة الإنتاج الأسري وصولا إلى مرحلة الشركات متعددة الجنسيات، ومن ثم قمنا بالت...
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A saúde mental no ambiente de trabalho é um tema que vem ganhando crescente atenção e importância no cenário corporativo global. As empresas, independentemente de seu tamanho ou setor, estão reconhecendo que o bem-estar psicológico de seus colaboradores não é apenas uma questão de responsabilidade social, mas um fator crítico para o sucesso econômi...
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"Welcome to Entrepreneurial Mountain Economy" explora la transformación de las regiones montañosas en centros de innovación, espíritu empresarial y sostenibilidad. Contemplando el paisaje de 2050, este libro sirve de guía a través de la evolución de las economías de montaña, destacando las iniciativas ecológicas, las soluciones innovadoras y los es...
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RESUMEN El emprendimiento es la capacidad que algunas personas tienen para asumir riesgos y saber que esa parte de la vida es importante porque modificará su status o nivel socioeconómico. Las razones por las que cambian la dedicación del tiempo en el emprendimiento será el resultado del éxito o fracaso en ese intento. Muchas pueden ser las explica...
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The article aims to find out and analyze the strategies of caregivers of Al Falah Islamic Boarding School, Pacet, Mojokerto, in developing entrepreneurial economic independence education for entrepreneurs. This article uses a qualitative approach with the type of case study research. Data was collected using observation, interviews and documentatio...
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Este estudo realiza uma análise sistemática sobre a interação entre a capacidade absortiva e os sistemas de controle de gestão na indústria de serviços e serviços hoteleiros, destacando tanto os benefícios quanto os desafios dessa relação. O estudo justifica-se pela análise dos benefícios e desafios das temáticas da indústria de serviços e serviços...
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A valoração da Propriedade Intelectual (PI) vem ganhando destaque como uma prática essencial na gestão dos ativos intangíveis, tanto no setor empresarial quanto no público, pois consiste em estimar o valor que pode ser gerado a curto e longo prazo. Nesse contexto, o objetivo do presente artigo foi realizar um estudo bibliométrico sobre a valoração...
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This essay explores the elements that lead to the financial success of entrepreneurs. In particular, it conducted an empirical investigation into the possibility that factors such as age, religious beliefs, risk-taking, marketing strategies, timely and adequate planning, employees’ commitment, accessibility to working capital, reduced bureaucratic...
Technical Report
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This publication is an External Study report prepared for the Joint Research Centre (JRC), service. It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policymaking process. This report supports the diagnostic phase for the formulation of the STI for SDGs roadmap of Mauritius. It focuses on the mapping of the entrepreneurial inno...
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This study offers an examination of grassroots innovation actors and their integration within larger economic ecosystems. Through a comparative analysis in Oaxaca, Mexico; La Plata, Argentina; and Araucanía, Chile, this research sheds light on the vital role that grassroots innovation plays in broader economic ecosystems. Using Complex Network Anal...
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Berlin has gradually become more diverse as the number of migrants living in the city increases. Although the presence of Asians in the city's food scene has been apparent since the 2000s, there has been limited research analyzing them as active actors who contribute to spatial transformation at the local level. This chapter aims to explore how two...
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This study aims to determine the pattern of MSME empowerment through entrepreneurial economic education as an effort to strengthen the economic resilience of family households in Pinrang Regency. This research uses data collection techniques in the form of observation, interview and documentation methods. MSME actors in Watang Sawitto District, Pin...
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In the current era, information technology is developing rapidly over time. So many fields integrate with information technology, especially the economic field. Advances in information technology have made competition in the economic sector increasingly stringent. Trading that used to be done using conventional methods can now be done digitally usi...
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em>Creating economic well-being considers entrepreneurship as a basic factor. Improving entrepreneurship improves economic well-being/wealth at all levels of aggregation: individual, family, social community, state, and world civilization. Improving entrepreneurship means applying knowledge and understanding its causal factors. It is essentially a...
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En Ecuador las pequeñas y medianas empresas representan el 99% de la economía empresarial, por lo cual se presenta la importancia de este sector económico, por lo cual se analiza la gestión contable enfocada en los costos de las empresas productoras del país. La gestión de costos es una herramienta para la toma de decisiones, esto debido a que de e...
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The strategic issue faced by the Sumbersekar Village government located in the Dau sub-district, Malang Regency in 2020 is the lack of community welfare development, despite the availability of superior human resources so which caused the stunting among rural communities. One of those lacks was community economic infrastructure development. The pur...
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Diseño de un sistema de costos para una empresa agroindustrial en la región San Martín Resumen El objetivo general de la presente investigación es diseñar un sistema de costos por procesos para la empresa Agroindustrias Salvatierra S.A.C. La metodología empleada fue un diseño no experimental, con enfoque cualitativo de tipo propositivo. Los proceso...
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Purpose: The study focuses on the influence of marketing strategies in encouraging the marketing of entrepreneurial ventures using TPO services. The study uses the mixed method including case study and empirical study. This study involves the understanding of the influence of TPO services on the performance of entrepreneurial firms. Methodology: Th...
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Purpose: The study focuses on the influence of marketing strategies in encouraging the marketing of entrepreneurial ventures using TPO services. The study uses the mixed method including case study and empirical study. This study involves the understanding of the influence of TPO services on the performance of entrepreneurial firms. Methodology: Th...
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U.S. Commuting Zones (CZs) are an aggregation of county-level data that researchers commonly use to create less arbitrary spatial entities and to reduce spatial autocorrelation. However, by further aggregating data, researchers lose point data and the associated detail. Thus, the choice between using counties or CZs often remains subjective with in...
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The benefits of using complex network analysis (CNA) to study complex systems, such as an economy, have become increasingly evident in recent years. However, the lack of a single comparative index that encompasses the overall wellness of a structure can hinder the simultaneous analysis of multiple ecosystems. A formula to evaluate the structure of...
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Cuando un país presenta déficit en su economía, se ve en la necesidad de recurrir al financiamiento de otras fuentes. La emisión de bonos es una fuente de financiamiento para recaudar dinero con el que se pretende precautelar el bienestar económico de la población, por tanto, la emisión de bonos no es una alternativa sino una necesidad. El objetivo...
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Este estudo analisa as publicações dos últimos cinco anos (2015-2019) sobre a base de dados ODS na Web of Science (WOS) a fim de identificar o estado da arte do tema e tópicos emergentes que podem ser os direcionadores estratégicos da produção e aplicação da ciência nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento. Nossa abordagem foi qualitativa e quantitativ...
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The objective of the article is to understand the development of Turkish entrepreneurial activity over the last 15 years. he research design employed in this article is a quantitative one, mainly by utilizing the data available from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor and Eurostat to map the structure and the development of Turkish entrepreneurial acti...
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div> O artigo analisa, de um ponto de vista teórico e prático, as peculiaridades de uma realidade social que, no Brasil, se expressa sob a forma de uma economia dos setores populares, e as implicações dessa abordagem para a proposição de políticas de inserção social pelo trabalho, para além das ações voltadas para a integração via emprego regular a...
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Se ofrece una propuesta para la enseñanza de las ciencias sociales ambientales en las universidades de Latinoamérica. El texto se basa en la conferencia que se presentó en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) en marzo del 2017 y su posterior modificación, publicada en el Observatorio del Desarrollo de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacate...
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Labor force is utterly significant factor through which a product or service is created in any country. Consequently, the quality of the labor force is directly proportional to the entrepreneurial economic development, service standards and steady, dynamic growth as a whole. Proficient workforce has an ability to solve problems and efficiently adap...
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Today, the corporate sector is not only the domain of the male. There has been a remarkable growth in the number of women established and maintained a business in Bangladesh. The nature of these businesses embraces manufacturing, trading and service sectors. This study tried to identify the instigating factors, entrepreneurial success status, women...
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The article is devoted to the problematic issues of the development of a new complex interdisciplinary economic and legal institute in the theory of law and in civil legislation. The author comes to the conclusion that in the conditions of digital law and the digital economy, a unified economic and legal theory of regulating civil (commercial, entr...
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Work is integral to human existence, and a veritable means for both individual and societal development. Over time, human prosperity and societal advancement have been credited to application of both physical and mental abilities into resourceful ventures that resulted in wealth and prosperity. When this approach to wealth generation is negated and...
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Problem statement: Considering the importance and necessity of developing Handicrafts as a cultural-economic component, studying all aspects affecting it and determining a solution in this regard is necessary. Higher education in this field is attracting students at the undergraduate level since 1983 and has followed a fixed curriculum with the sam...
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El objetivo de esta investigación es: Determinar la informalidad de empresas colaborativas en base a sus factores de desarrollo económico en la ciudad de Trujillo – La Libertad. La metodología de la investigación es descriptiva y con un enfoque global, ya que se recolectó, describió, analizó y vinculó datos en un mismo estudio. Donde de una consult...
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Today, the corporate sector is not only the domain of the male. There has been a remarkable growth in the number of women established and maintained a business in Bangladesh. The nature of these businesses embraces manufacturing, trading and service sectors. This study tried to identify the instigating factors, entrepreneurial success status, women...
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The concept of sustainable development requires entrepreneurs to increase awareness and responsibility for business and society. In this regard, the question of the entrepreneurial attitudes in the economic sphere is of scientific interest. The study (N=413) reveals the specifics of economic attitudes of the entrepreneurs compared to employees. Bus...
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The article presents the modern legal framework for the restoration and development of the land reclamation industry in the Russian Federation; specifics of the implementation of the State Program for the Development of Agriculture and the regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food, considering the implementation of the...
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Os métodos de previsão de cenários futuros possuem grande importância tanto do ponto de vista das empresas quanto das economias nacionais e/ou internacionais. Aplicações de previsão desenvolvidas por métodos contemporâneos, têm ganhou uma grande força, especialmente na economia empresarial contemporânea. A presente pesquisa documental teve como obj...
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Following the economic destabilization that resulted from the implementation of structural adjustment programmes, many young Cameroonians decided to leave their country to find ways to make a living abroad. These migrants often arrived in host countries with expectations of settling in and getting by, with scant knowledge of and little regard for t...
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O presente artigo investiga a formação de uma nova paisagem cultural que emerge com o declínio da economia cafeeira e a ascensão da cana-de-açúcar no nordeste do estado de São Paulo, refletindo sobre as relações entre a paisagem cultural pernambucana e paulista. A pesquisa tem como foco e objeto de estudo o Engenho Central, inaugurado em 1906 na re...
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Background: Entrepreneurship education has demonstrated positive impacts in low-resource contexts. However, there is limited evidence of such programs evaluated among Native American (NA) youth in a rural reservation. Methods: A 2:1 randomized controlled trial evaluated the impact of the Arrowhead Business Group (ABG) entrepreneurship education pro...
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This article outlines relevant economic patterns in a world with artificial intelligence (AI). Five specific economic patterns influenced by AI are discussed: (1) following in the footsteps of ‘homo economicus’ a new type of agent, ‘machina economica’, enters the stage of the global economy. (2) The pattern of division of labor and specialization i...
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The main goal of this chapter is to originally analyze one of the irreversible factors of the international competitiveness of the companies that are related to the entrepreneurial economic intelligence. The originality of this research lies on the assimilation of the actions related to the identification and exploitation of opportunities and thus,...
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Resumo Este artigo discute o caráter contemporâneo da economia popular e solidária (EPS) no Brasil. O argumento principal é que as condições para um fortalecimento da EPS frente à economia do setor público e à economia empresarial são mais favoráveis na atualidade, em função de três movimentos que reúnem os países centrais e periféricos em torno do...
Conference Paper
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The system of dual education is regulated by Act No. 61/2015 Coll. about vocational education and training, the aim of which is to facilitate the smooth transition of students from education system to the labor market and to increase the applicability of secondary school graduates on the labor market. This act enables the preparation of students in...
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análisis de la competitividad de mexico y su impacto global investigacion de analisis y diagnostico sobre la competitividad de mexico y su comparacion global en el ranking análisis de la competitividad de mexico y su impacto global Este texto del curso es parte del contenido de aprendizaje del curso de competitividad internacional Además del texto...
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Community Service aims to determine the ability of students in the Implementation of Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Based on Entrepreneurship of Dumbo Catfish Cultivation with Bioflok and Feed Media made by Palm Kernel Oil (BIS). P2M activities are conducted at Pekanbaru Purnama Middle School through Extracurricular learning...
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El artículo analiza retrospectivamente la llamada “sociedad del conocimiento” para abordar luego experiencias más recientes en la integración del “triángulo del conocimiento” auspiciado por el Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología (EIT). El texto supone una contribución novedosa para el diseño de políticas de nueva generación en materia de i...
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En los últimos años, se ha asociado e incorporado de manera acertada el conocimiento a la competitividad y a la economía empresarial, lo que ha exigido que se preste especial atención a los cambios en el entorno y al tratamiento y análisis que se le debe dar a la información para la toma de decisiones estratégicas al interior de las organizaciones....
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An ageing population means a growing number of healthy older people with human capital, financial resources, and time available to contribute to economic activities. However, the economic potential of older people remains mostly underused, which leads to the question, how to make best use of the underused. One way would be fostering senior entrepre...
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O agronegócio é um grande movimentador de riquezas e sua contínua evolução leva à complexidade no gerenciamento de suas questões financeiras. Nesse sentido, o enfoque da Economia Empresarial, por meio da gestão de custos, é ferramenta-chave no sucesso da produção, na permanência no mercado e na tomada de decisões. Porém, a falta de interesse, a não...
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Entrepreneurship is associated with economic factors. These economic factors will help to attain some sustainable development goals. Entrepreneurs can play vital role for attain some goals of SDGs by 2030. Research question of the study whether economics possess a positive attitude towards entrepreneurship in Bangladesh? The study will use both pri...
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A presente pesquisa visou analisar quais competências são consideradas importantes no perfil de um bom professor de Contabilidade na ótica discente. Para tanto, a amostra contou com 80 estudantes do curso de Ciências Contábeis e 100 do curso de Economia Empresarial e Controladoria da Faculdade de Administração, Economia e Contabilidade de Ribeirão...
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The conventional neoclassic approach of the entrepreneurial economic development perceives innovation to a large extent restrictively and unproductively. In a parallel motion, the conventional Keynesian perspective proves to be as well insufficient to study the innovation dynamics evolutionary and dialectically. On the contrary, toward a theoretica...
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En los últimos años se ha asociado e incorporado, de manera acertada, el conocimiento a la competitividad y a la economía empresarial, lo que ha exigido que se preste especial atención a los cambios en el entorno, y al tratamiento y análisis que se le debe dar a la información, para la toma de decisiones estratégicas al interior de las organizacion...
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En el presente ensayo, se abordan las herramientas económicas que se pueden utilizar para la toma de decisiones empresariales. La economía es la ciencia que estudia cómo se administran los escasos recursos, esta ciencia puede ser aplicada para el análisis macroeconómico y microeconómico, esto último relacionado a la dinámica económica de los agente...
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Este capítulo ofrece una revisión sistemática del campo de la internacionalización en forma de un análisis bibliométrico sobre las publicaciones adquiridas a través de la base de datos bibliográfica Web of Science. El conjunto de datos finales contiene 4374 registros publicados entre los años 1964 y 2017, se evalúa estadísticamente el desarrollo de...
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Los factores que influyen en el desempeño de los estudiantes universitarios agrupados en tres categorías: personales, sociales e institucionales, constituyen el objeto de estudio de varias investigaciones, ya que el conocimiento del aspecto académico y socioeconómico de los estudiantes, en los actuales momentos juega un papel importante en las inst...
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El lulo en Colombia se cultiva en regiones de economía campesina tradicional en un 74% y el 26% en regiones de economía empresarial, la mano de obra utilizada es 32% de tipo familiar, 24% contratada y en la modalidad de familiar-contratada 44%. Los cultivos se ubican en zonas de ladera entre los 1.200 hasta los 2.800 msnm, siendo una alternativa po...
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Este livro “Estudos de Gestão e Empreendedorismo” inclui uma parte substancial dos estudos, previamente objeto de dupla revisão anónima, apresentados no XIX Seminário Luso-Espanhol (SLE) de Economia Empresarial que se realizou na Universidade do Algarve/Escola Superior de Gestão, Hotelaria e Turismo em 2017, promovido pelo Círculo Ibérico de Econom...
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El programa de Economía Empresarial, tras veinte años de búsqueda, trabajo, investigación y experiencia, llega hoy a ubicar su propio objeto de estudio: el empresariado que como una fusión conceptual entre economía yempresa resulta diferente a los conceptos fundamentales de aquéllas y emprende la teorización necesaria para crear una nueva profesión...
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La historia de la tributación en Colombia (2010-2015), presentó cambios relevantes que desde los índices de crecimiento económico y la competitividad, representaron un reto frente a las decisiones que deben tomar los empresarios para cumplir con sus obligaciones fiscales y contribuir al desarrollo empresarial del país. En general, los cambios en la...
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Does small business add the same value as entrepreneurial venture to an economy? Entrepreneurial ventures are resilient to economic duress, while providing higher quality and quantity of jobs, products and services. A needed entrepreneurial economic omnipresence pervasively stimulates socio-economic mindset in opportunity, rather than resource purs...
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La educación emprendedora en la enseñanza escolar en España. Este libro ofrece una revisión del concepto de emprendimiento, que tiene su origen en las ciencias económicas, para explicar cómo ha pasado a aplicarse en los sistemas educativos. Se estudia la evolución que ha experimentado la idea de emprender y cómo el significado de " emprendedor " se...
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Objetiva-se neste artigo compreender a relação dialética entre o uso de artefatos digitais como mediadores para o desenvolvimento da leitura crítica nos alunos obtidos pelos professores participantes do LIFE (Projeto Laboratório Interdisciplinar de Formação de Educadores). A pesquisa contou com a participação de professores da Educação Básica do Es...
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Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar as características das publicações sobre Knowledge management (Gestão do conhecimento) e Innovation management (Gestão da inovação) na base de dados Web of Science, no período de 1945 a 2015. O trabalho descritivo e quantitativo, de natureza bibliométrica, busca levantar as características da produção acadêmic...
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Entrepreneurs hold the keys to rapid technological development by offering the means to creating employment opportunities even in remote rural areas. Small entrepreneurs do not only provide livelihood for themselves, but they also create employment thereby easing up socioeconomic tensions in an atmosphere where so many are deprived. This article in...
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Este artículo se ocupa del estudio de la industria textil en el municipio de Samacá (Boyacá Colombia), entendido como proceso productivo del desarrollo socioeconómico de la región2 durante el periodo comprendido entre 1884 y 1936. Se fundamenta entonces, en los aportes teóricos y conceptuales de las diferentes escuelas económicas, que contribuyen a...
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Abstract: Information has become the key resource of modern entrepreneurship. Every aspect of daily life and human labor depends on information. In contrast to the material and energy, using and distributing information does not reduce its value. If we have some knowledge, we can share it with others, and at the same time not losing it, and the kno...
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En marco de la celebración de los diez años de creación de la UPEC, la Facultad de Comercio Internacional, Integración, Administración y Economía Empresarial realizó un seminario para inaugurar el Observatorio Socioeconómico de Frontera, desarrollado el 30 de marzo de 2016, en Tulcán, Ecuador. En el evento se presentaron avances y resultados de inv...
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La calidad de la educación que se imparte en la facultad de comercio internacional, integración, administración y economía empresarial a través de la carrera de Administración de Empresas y Marketing se constituye hoy en una función de relevante impacto social y político a nivel Nacional, Provincial y Regional.Pero no se trata de la calidad en el s...
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Antioquia has always been an industrial centre, with a favourable climate, plenty of natural resources and a particular culture for entrepreneurship. This paper is aiming to analyse this particular propensity for entrepreneurship. The research is based on the concepts of entrepreneurial economic performance and regional characteristics between the...
Conference Paper
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Effective growth is a picture of an organization in achieving wealth by creating economies of scale and market power, where the key to achieving wealth creation is how an organization can focus on the process of innovation in every segment of its business. The innovation process can occur when organizations have individuals who are able to find and...
Conference Paper
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A bstract “El tiempo de jugar se ha terminado” (Thurik, 2007)9. En pocas palabras Thurik propone el paso de una economía dirigida (empleos seguros y buenos, economías de escala, estabilidad, homogeneidad, continuidad, etc.) a una economía emprendedora, basada en conceptos tales como flexibilidad, novedad, originalidad, creatividad, diversidad, etc....
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN La medición de la competitividad ha resultado un componente valioso para evaluar el progreso y éxito de una economía empresarial y/o territorial, por lo tanto, el manejo y aplicación de los términos competitividad, ventaja competitiva, calidad en el servicio, entre otros, es relevante para todo destino turístico como es el caso de Puerto Pe...
Conference Paper
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RESUMEN La medición de la competitividad ha resultado un componente valioso para evaluar el progreso y éxito de una economía empresarial y/o territorial, por lo tanto, el manejo y aplicación de los términos competitividad, ventaja competitiva, calidad en el servicio, entre otros, es relevante para todo destino turístico, como es el caso de Puerto P...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of the researchis to assess low and medium tech Greek SMEs' innovation behavior within the critical context of the global crisis and especially under the context of the severe Greek economic downturn.Our analysis draws on a survey of 65 independent SMEs, operating in traditional economic sectors. The enterprises were addressed to respon...
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The key phenomenon around which the paper is constructed, given its core interest in the transition from a fossil fuels energy regime to a zero emissions and/or renewable energy regime (sometimes also ‘post-hydrocarbons’ regime), is the notion and explanation of ‘transition regions’. These are sub-national territories, usually with some degree of d...
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Innovative entrepreneurship has been a subject of significant discursive research. Much of this research, however, is quite disparate and tends to scrutinize narrow aspects of entrepreneurial firms. This paper conducts a broad literature review to derive the overall conclusions in the study of entrepreneurial research. These areas include the psych...
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El análisis estratégico de la internacionalización de las empresas implica conocer y analizar los objetivos empresariales y la identificación de las variables relevantes que pueden influir sobre la formulación y ejecución de alianzas, con miras a la penetración de los mercados nacionales y mundiales. Así, las empresas han utilizado consuetudinariam...
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Is there a term we use as much as “entrepreneurial ecosystem” without defining it, let alone measuring it? (Besides “entrepreneurial mindset”, of course.) However, just as it is absolutely critical to nurture a more entrepreneurial mindset, communities really need to nurture a more entrepreneurial local economy. That means an entrepreneurial ecosys...
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Tourism in South Africa has emerged as a popular poverty reduction strategy. Nevertheless, benefit of the sector to previously disadvantaged communities remains highly contested. In efforts to increase equitable economic impacts of tourism, the Eastern Cape local government introduced a Local Economic Development (LED) women township tourism home-s...
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The key phenomenon around which the paper is constructed, given its core interest in the transition from a fossil fuels energy regime to a zero emissions and/or renewable energy regime (sometimes also ‘post-hydrocarbons’ regime; Smith, 2008), is the notion and explanation of ‘transition regions’. These are sub-national territories, usually with som...
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This paper explores, investigates and identifies the business incubators (BI) that are used worldwide for the development of entrepreneurial companies. Business incubation is a public and/or private, entrepreneurial, economic and social development process designed to nurture business ideas and start-up companies, and through a comprehensive busine...
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L'objet de ce papier est de montrer comment une population d'individus parfaitement homogènes ex ante peut se di¤érencier ex post en entrepre- neurs et salariés. Cette di¤érenciation est la conséquence d'un accès sélec- tif aux moyens de paiement. Elle s'eectue en deux étapes. Tout d'abord, le choix ex ante pour tous les individus est entre l'autar...
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About half of China’s overseas acquisition attempts have not been completed; the chance of success is much lower than worldwide. This study provides an overview of China’s overseas acquisition, and investigates the reasons behind the low likelihood that an acquisition deal is completed. By using a sample that consists of 1,324 overseas acquisition...
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Número 126Septiembre - Diciembre 2009ISSN 0041 8633 REFORMA DEL ESTADO Y REFORMA CONSTITUCIONAL* STATE REFORM AND CONSTITUTIONAL REFORM Enrique RABELL GARCÍA** El estudio muestra los alcances y consecuencias de impulsar una reforma profunda del Estado en México. El análisis comparativo, histórico, político y jurídico demuestra que una reforma integ...
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Pocos campos de la Economía cuentan con mejores bases teóricas que la Organización Industrial. Y David Audretsch ha contribuido en gran medida a mejorar el campo de la OI con sus modelos de emprendeduría y, también, con la inspiración y el estímulo que ha infundido a otros académicos. En el artículo publicado en este número monográfico, Audretsch p...
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Sustainable Silicon Valley (SSV) is a collaborative partnership comprised of representatives from the public, private, and non-for-profit sectors that is designed to promote a healthy environment, a vibrant economy and a socially equitable community. SSV is based in the San Francisco Bay Area at the heart of one of the most affluent, innovative, an...
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Resumen Primera parte de un análisis crítico y comparativo sobre los modelos de gestión de la calidad educativa. Ésta se inicia con un acercamiento a las relaciones existentes entre los procesos de evaluación institucional, aseguramiento de la calidad y acreditación, a manera de contextualizar la temática central. Posteriormente se revisa el desarr...
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La formulación específica de la política industrial debe obedecer a los fallos de mercado que aparecen en cada momento. En la fase actual de globalización, alto crecimiento económico y elevado ritmo de desarrollo tecnológico, las economías deben generar empresas exploradoras de nuevas oportunidades, innovadoras, intensivas en conocimiento, con capa...
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The primary objective of this study was to evaluate the suitability of individuals as potential entrepreneurs in the entrepreneurial economic environment. The scientifically validated Functional Intelligence Assessment Tool (FIAT) was applied to nineteen individuals (learners) during their training (New Venture Creation Learnership or NVC Learnersh...