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Energy Modeling - Science topic
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Questions related to Energy Modeling
In a recently exchanged correspondence, my use of the PVGIS software to collect data for subsequent analysis was questioned, with the view taken that this may not represent the most professional approach. In light of the fact that the software in question provides all the requisite data for calculating electricity production from photovoltaics and that other scientific studies have previously used it, I am interested to learn your views on this matter.
Dear connections, I’m currently searching for a PhD/Research position in the field of “Energy Transition”, with a strong interest in Energy Systems Analysis & Modeling as well as Clean Energy Technologies (EV,..).
My research track is in the field of energy market analysis & forecast using AI. In my M.Sc. thesis at The American University in Cairo, I managed to build an energy planning model using different ANN topologies, that will help in securing the balance between the energy supply and demand in the United Kingdom for different end-use sectors; domestic, industrial, transport, and services sectors. I also carried out a long-term forecasting for the UK's final energy consumption up to the year 2035, and analyzed the results comparing to the outlook of the UK’s governmental department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Being a Future Energy Leader at the World Energy Council and an energy transition advocate, I understand the importance of humanising energy and contributing to the global dialogue on energy and sustainability issues.
On the other hand, I have 11 years of professional experience in the oil and gas, refining, and petrochemical industries at Enppi, one of the leading engineering and EPC main contractors in the Middle East and Africa.
I am definitely open to expanding my career path in other "Energy Transition" fields of research, and open for relocation, if the PhD requires so.
Please let me know if there are any potential openings. Thank you.
Gerard Reid (2020) stated about Energy: "The choices and approaches... are governed by the following paradoxes...: 1. The Utility Paradox; 2. The Market Efficiency Paradox; 3. Jevons Paradox; 4. The NIMBY Paradox 5. The Renewable Energy Paradox 6. The Philosophy Paradox. On the other hand, Adam Szymański (2020) showed that the Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) definition is incorrect as it leads to an Economic Paradox. This discussion is intended to launch a scientific debate on these essential energy issues and related technical, socioeconomic, and environmental implications.
Gerard Reid (2020) The Six Energy Paradoxes that slow the sector’s progress. Available on:
Szymański, A. (2020). Levelized cost of energy definition–An economic paradox. The Electricity Journal, 33(7). To be requested on:
Hello, I am currently working on a project involving TRNSYS simulations for energy modeling in buildings. I've encountered a challenge with defining thermal zones in areas with complex geometries, particularly corridors and irregularly shaped rooms. These areas are proving difficult to model accurately due to their unique shapes and varying thermal characteristics.
Could anyone share insights or methodologies for effectively defining thermal zones in such complex building areas? Are there best practices or simplification techniques that maintain a balance between accuracy and practicality in the simulation? I am especially interested in any case studies, research, or personal experiences that could guide me in this aspect of building energy modeling.
Thank you in advance for your assistance and insights!
My goal is to select the MPR with maximum residual energy by changing the willingness parameter according to the residual energy of nodes,
How can I change the Willingness parameter in OLSR using NS2?
Should I modify the cc file or just in tcl file to include the energy model, and then I use it to compute the willingness?
Artificial Intelligence is currently playing a key role in the transformation of the energy model. It allows us to do something that we are not capable of doing: to handle large amounts of data, which must also be processed in a logical and reasonable way. And in the field of energy in particular.
For district, city or urban scale building energy modeling, we normally only have the building footprint (polygon boundary), their average height, and the number of stories. which method do you use to create the 3D geometry and zoning for different building types based on those data? Or which method do you think is the best for urban building energy modeling? Or do you use any other methods?
1. Use prototype building (typically rectangular) with same floor area, orientation and aspect ratio?
2. Create one zone per floor?
3. Separate the internal zones with the perimeter zones (e.g., 15 ft/ 5 m width for the perimeter zones)?
I'm studying about this issue and would like to modelling it in Econometrics moreover modelling it with various Energy Modeling.
For a certain storage device, if round-trip efficiency equals 80%, what are charge efficiency and discharge efficiency?
I need several plugins to analyze light ,energy and CFD in sketchup software. Which plugins do you recommend?
Dear all,
What are the best techquines/procedures to integrate life cycle inventories (LCI) and life cycle impact assessments (LCIA) into energy system optimisation models (ESOM) (energy-focused IAM) to determine the potential impacts of industrial and urban decarbonisation scenarios and policies.
The emission factors used in energy models (e.g. LEAP) are mostly related to direct energy use (e.g. fuel combustion), and industrial process emissions are not always considered, which may lead to underestimated impacts.
Meanwhile, although life cycle assessment (LCA) provides relevant information about the total life cycle impacts of industrial processes, LCA methods not always consider future technology improvements and changes in economic and energy structures as they are usually focused on background data.
I would appreciate if you could send me some suggestions (links, papers, projetcs, comments) about best practices to integrate LCIAs into prospective energy models.
Thank you in advance for your attention!
All the best,
Joan Manuel F. Mendoza
I am trying to model an air conditioning split unit in openstudio . I found PTHP and PTAC but I can not find the suitable component for a split unit.
Is there a built-in component? If not what is the alternative?
I need to build a virtual AC model from which i can generate the necessary outputs, such as total power consumption with respect to time and so on
The 4/3 laws imply that a SN1A’s luminosity distance is 4/3 of its redshift distance.
From a naive point of view, this could be consistent with Big Bang cosmology but also with a steady state cosmology.
If the 4/3 laws were valid, and if they were consistent with both cosmologies, what would that imply?
If the 4/3 laws do not distinguish between the two cosmologies, is that a logical flaw in the 4/3 laws or is it a logical flaw with one or both of the two cosmologies?
For the 4/3 laws, I refer to my projects on the 4/3 laws, and to a recent article Dark energy modeled by scaling
Preprint Dark energy modeled by scaling
I'm working on the implementation of wireless sensor networks using omnet++ and castalia simulators
I see that all sensors have the same properties in NetSim i.e., mobility, MAC layer and PHY parameters such as transmit power, energy model, etc. Is it possible to set different parameters for different (groups of) sensors for multiple subsystems? Thanks.
In the process of energy model development i need the O&M cost of different transformers according to voltage levels (i.e. EHV, HV, MV, LV). If any one have some idea or know some documents regarding this please share with me.
Thank you for your help soon.
I am trying to use the gmx energy model to make free energy calculations upon binding of a ligand to a receptor. To do this I am invoking the energy module and adding the -odh flag:
gmx energy -f md_0_1.edr -s md_0_1.tpr -odh
This returns an error saying:
Fatal error:
No dH data in md_0_1.edr
I have looked into this and can see it is possible to include dH data using the -dhdl flag in gmx mdrun. I have tried including this flag during the production MD stage like so:
gmx mdrun -deffnm md_0_1 -dhdl
However I still get the same fatal error.
Does anyone know how to store dH data into the .edr file?
In the last years, I have been observing a growing trend of publications on long-term city/urban energy planning based on energy scenario assessment and making use of simulation and/or optimisation modelling tools such as LEAP, MARKAL/TIMES, or even ad hoc created energy models to evaluate different visions of the sectors and specific technology penetrations. In Europe, for instance, results from the FP7-INSMART project seem very interesting (
Opinions? Ideas? Approaches?
I am interested in the literature that addresses negative temperature lift during vapor compression. Can someone also recommend literature regarding air conditioning of interior rooms within large buildings that require year-round cooling? We are trying to address the negative temperature lift in our VCC model (which uses ice as PCM integrated with HVAC system), and this scenario seems to be a relevant case which I can take as an example.
I want to estimate the energy cost and electrical demand through a WWTP simulation. Is there a manual/tutorial to help me?
Dear community,
Currently, I'm working on energy modeling of the foundry sector in Pakistan and I'm facing difficulty in calculating the total energy consumption of the sector while having specific energy consumption data of only a few organizations from the said sector. The problem is, the foundry sector is further divided into different subsectors and different kinds of technologies are being used in each subsector and there is a large variation in energy use from organization to organization.
My question is:
1- Can we calculate the total energy consumption for the whole sector by taking avg. value of specific energy consumption from 2 or 3 plants and then multiplying it with total production capacity?
2- Is there any way to find energy intensity values for different processes in a metal casting plant with this data?
3- Is there any way to calculate fuel wise energy intensity values in a metal casting plant by only having total energy consumption and total production capacity values and further breakdown of % energy use by each source and by each process stream?
Hi, I am writing my thesis for a big organisation and am focussing on one location where they manufacture supplies. My assignment is ''How can X create a better energy performance of their buildings and their indoor processes in order to consolidate X sustainable commitment?''
I was thinking of using the Building Energy Modeling, but I do not need 3D models, only the outcome and graphs of how well it performs. However, I just stumbled upon the Building Performance Simulation.
What is the difference and what is best to use?
I am running the prototype building energy models for medium size office buildings in energyplus. In the parametric study, I am testing the change in energy consumption with respect to an increase in cooling setpoint (72 to 77F) while keeping the heating setpoint constant 68F.
For an increase in cooling setpoint, I see the drop in cooling energy which is expected, however, most of the HVAC savings are coming from a drop in terminal electric heating energy. For example, for San Francisco, the increase in cooling setpoint from 72F to 77F is resulting in 68% drop in reheat coil energy. Am I missing something?
I want to calibrate my building energy simulation from eQuest using the measured utility bills data (electricity and gas). I have three years of bills data (2016-2018), which bill data should I use to calibrate the model? How do I justify my choice? Is there any research paper recommendation to support the justification?
I want to model a chemical reaction in Fluent. However, reaction being too complicated, there is no single activation energy model available. The DAEM approach is used to estimate the products from reactants. DAEM assumes that the evolution of a given product involves an infinite number of independent chemical reactions and their activation energies has generally Gaussian Distribution.
I want to use this model with Fluent.
Exploring the context of urban form and energy integration shall help as an efficient measures beyond the building scale in improving the energy performance of buildings in urban areas.. Many energy models and techniques have been developed for this purpose in recent years. However, these models usually adopt the perspective of the building designer: they tend to consider buildings as self-defined entities, neglecting the importance of phenomena that occur at the urban scale. Urban geometry affects urban microclimate.. As noted by Givoni‘‘The outdoor temperature, wind speed and solar radiation to which an individual building is exposed is not the regional ‘synoptic’ climate, but the local microclimate as modified by the ‘structure’ of the city, mainly of the neighbourhood where the building is located’’. These changes in the urban environment result in modified energy consumption. Also, air pollution and noise are dependent on urban form, thus affecting the potential for natural ventilation via a behavioural mechanism. Despite the evident relationship between urban geometry and energy consumption, this link is generally neglected, possibly because of the complexity of the environmental processes involved. Most software for building simulation tends to concentrate on building performance ie, at the level of architectural and systems design, while neglecting urban environment.
I am currently working on Gas Turbine Blade Cooling design where inside a turbine blade a cooling channel is incorporated. The cooling channel is made of a single
pipe system which is recirculated inside the turbine blade. Both inlet and outlet of the cooling channel is present at the base of the blade profile.
The blade is of dimension around 120mm span and 160mm tall.
Material- blade: N155
coolant: air
Simulation is being done in ansys fluent 18.2
General solver type set at pressure based, velocity formulation absolute and time steady.
For the initial run viscosity model taken as laminar and energy model ON.
Boundary condition imposed
inlet air of gas turbine section: Temp- 1100K Velocity- 265m/s Pressure-101325Pa(Gauge Pressure- 0)
coolant inlet: Temp-500K Velocity- 30m/s Pressure-101325Pa(Gauge Pressure- 0)
With the initiation of calculation only, divergence is occuring in the AMG solver.
Any suggestion or help would be highly appriciated.
I am performing turbulent analysis on a turbine cascade with thermal energy model, turbulence modelling set for RNG k-epsilon. I want to know to plot non - dimensional graphs.
I am trying to run a CFD analysis of a vortex tube in Fluent 19.1.
I set inlets as 40psi, both cold and hot outlets as pressure far-field, and using RSM methods for viscosity model. I applied ideal gas law for the energy model as well, also setting walls as no slip conditions. My residuals are set for E-6. Due to limits for the academic Fluent version, the mesh has around 400,000 nodes with finer settings at inlets and outlets.
The problem is that my calculations are not converging. Any ideas of how to fix the issue?
If more information is needed please let me know.
Pedro Neto.
I am working on a project, and try to calibrate an energy model using the IPMVP option 4 calibrated simulation. I was wondering if I can find any case online following the option 4 ? I've searched several case studies which are published, but I am trying to find some actual project report, or more detailed documents.
I am not familiar with this area so I don't know if there is any existing resource.
The NS2 supports energy models, but it's development is stopped since 2010.
can anybody suggest simulation tool to work with energy algorithms in WSN/MANET?
We have transfer functions for other generation sources like non-reheat steam turbine (1/1+st). I am looking for same kind of transfer function for Renewable sources.
Especially, I'm interesting in predicting consumption under alternative scenarios using the energy consumption models. Energy models help in understanding the evolution of consumption patterns, and predicting future energy trend.
Could you recommend a paper or project that the aim was to create an easy-to-use software decision-support tool, providing recommendation for energy consumption in buildings.
Dear Researchers,
I want to build a statistical model(predictive) for explaining Heating degree days (HDDs), so I just was wondering if you could help me out finding the appropriate factors/variables which are responsible/causing HDDs. However, I have few evident factors but that are able to explain only around 34% of HDD, I'm targeting that it would be better if i/model could explain around 70% of the variation in HDDs.
Your thoughts please ?
Best Regards,
In this article ( it is proposed a model of dark energy invoking holography where Boltzmann brains do not dominate in that universe, so the Boltzmann paradox disappears.But what does it mean with "avoiding Boltzmann brain domination"? Does it mean that although Boltzmann brains would exist in these models there would be more "natural/biological" brains than Boltzmann brains?And what is the exact function of holography in this model? Could it be done in non holography models?
I am calibrating a building energy model developed by EnergyPlus using GenOpt, and I want to use an RMSD calculated by measured and simulated values as objective function. Using the RMSD as objective function is quite easy with trnsys, but not with EnergyPlus, since I don't have it in the simulation outputs. How can I do it? An idea was to calculate the RMSD by Matlab, but then I don't know how to call it in the cfg file.
Do you have any idea?
Thanks a lot,
Luca Zaniboni
For large scale (1000+) building energy models using EnergyPlus, what is the best way to calibrate the models based on annual or monthly electricity and natural gas data?
I have a 3d structure comprised of multiple layers. An inner-middle layer exerts a heat flux of 650 W/m^2.
The whole "box" is in an enclosure of air with an inlet velocity.
I want to see how the box is cooled.
My steps:
Geometry: Created a cavity in the enclosure exact to the dimensions of the "box".
Mesh: Inserted inflation layers to the cavity.
*Steady state
*Energy: On
*Model: SST
*Bodies been assigned to solid/fluid
*Created interfaces between geometries that are in touch.
*Insert 650 heat flux at the interface side of the middle layer.
*All other walls from interfaces are either COUPLED or have checked the "via system COUPLING" option.
*Applied Monitors: Facet Average of Static or Wall Temperatures.
My residuals are fine. However, the energy readings quickly skyrocket from e-15 to e+01 and then just fluctuate forever. At the same instant my temperatures skyrocket from 300K to 5000K !
What do I do ? Should I change HEAT FLUX -->HEAT GENERATION ?
For the interfaced walls, should I check "convention" instead of "via system coupling" ? Should I insert heat transfer coefficient ? How do you get that number ?
I'm looking for some general refrences about manual investment and capital cost accounting in this model.
Hi everyone.
I want to know is exist a metric o mechanism to measure the correlation between RAM consumption and energy consumption in Wireless Sensors Networks?.
I would like to explore diffusion models like those presented by Bass (1969) and Mansfield (1961), founded on epidemic approaches.
For Germany and other European countries, delivers market data for balancing markets. For my current research i am looking for data for balancing market or anillary service market in California.
I would like to understand if there has been any research done on:
1. Determining the leading causes of occupational injuries and near misses?
2. The impact energy models have in reducing injuries
without providing dampers , if one wants to use purely structural elements in tall building for seismic zone, & if architectural design is such that transfer plate is needed, how is the performance of such building ?
I am searching any good Energy Modelling Software to be used for calculating and modelling energy consumption in a building with two different scenarios.
For my research paper I am looking at the benefits of energy modelling in future construction, I am trying to find key comparisons of energy modelling using BIM as compared to more traditional methods
I am using CASES/ExternE external costs of power generation and adapting it for Pakistan using scaling factor, due to non-availability of data regarding Pakistan. Can you suggest any other methods to adapt data from one region to another?
Being different to NS2 which support energy model, i want to know if NS3 support it or if anyone worked with NS3 and Energy?
I am studying on interaction of wave and pile break water , but I cannot calculate the wave energy by modeling in ansys aqwa.
recently I am trying to simulate one type of CFS. The geometry structure and energy model of such system could not be built with software such as TRNSYS, Equest or Designbuilder. someone suggested that maybe a lighting model for evaluating the illumination distribution of geometry structure can work. which one program is available for lighting or illumination simulation?
I am not an expert in TRNSYS, but I have to work with this software. I am using a model for thermal storage systems prepared by a former colleague. I do not have to simulate the building because I have already the hourly energy consumption over the year in form of a excel file, but I am not able to integrate this file or data in TRNSYS. Could you help me?
Thank you very much.
I have used in-built energy model of NS-2 to compute residual energy of nodes. How to represent energy model of NS-2 mathematically?
what factors/parameters should I consider while implementing an energy model of cognitive radio sensor networks (CRSN) in NS-2?
I am taking the regular power usage specifications (receive, sleep, transmit, processing) of Mica2 node from its data sheet, but what will be the power consumption for Cognitive Radio functions, such as channel sensing and
Thank you for reading and replying,
Best Regards
I have come across one of your articles having energy analysis of various protocols. In my final stage of the research work on “Trust-based approach against packet dropping attacks for AODV-based MANETS”, I have started to perform energy analysis of the proposed routing protocol. I am using energy model of NS-2.34 during simulations. Kindly provide your guidance on the following issues:
1. I have used promiscuous mode (with tap method) in the protocol for monitoring neighbors’ behavior. Most of the research papers describe that promiscuous mode uses a good amount of energy. However, when I tested AODV protocol, I got exactly the same average energy consumption with and without promiscuous mode. How can it be possible? Whether we need to modify the energy model in NS-2 to include energy consumed by promiscuous mode?
2. How to measure energy consumed by HELLO packets as we have enabled HELLO beacons for our approach?
3. The simulation results in most of the papers show that for a routing protocol, if mobility (speed) of nodes increases, energy consumption also increases. But, in my results I found no increase in energy consumption at higher speeds (4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 meters/sec).
Please suggest clear sky models/techniques/formulas which can be employed using a dataset containing the following given meteorological measurements to identify clear sky days in a year.
- Daily Global Solar Radiation (GHI) : Avg,Max,Min
- Daily Extraterrestrial Solar Radiation : Avg
- Daily Air Temperature : Avg, Max, Min
- Daily Relative Humidity : Avg, Max, Min
- Daily Sunshine Duration : Avg, Max
- Daily Wind Speed : Avg, Max, Min
I intend to implement the suggested equations/formulas/models in matlab.
Dear researchers, many researchers in the energy fields fulfill their lack of renewable energy resources data from databases (NREL and NASA, SWERA etc.). But these data sometimes deviate (show more error when compared) from locally actual measured data? Do you think these data is worth for published research and/or actual implementation?
How can one get the load demand data for importing the same in a HOMER software for renewable energy modeling?
Can we use random data or we have to monitor it for a year or else do we have to get it from any of the authorities?
Developing Countries working on Energy Model focus on Renewable Energy Source and Energy Efficiency for the energy consumption. The Energy model are regional and more depends on the availability of resources and technology. In view of technology needs and available renewable, which is best model for Developing Country?
Hello all,
I'm working on the delamination problem using cohesive zone model with ABAQUS. I use the cohesive element with "Traction-separation-based modeling" in ABAQUS.
I would like to extract the SERR from the results. However I don't how to consider it? I tried to use the dissipated energy which is the difference between the work of external force and the elastic strain energy in the model. However I don't know how to consider the elastic strain energy in the cohesive elements. What should I calculate the strain energy density in UMAT and how do I consider the volume of the cohesive elements?
If any one can give any advice, I will be very grateful!
Best Regards,
It is an encouraging trend that building energy modeling has been more used at various phases of the building life cycle to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy use. However, is the detailed energy simulation always the best choice? Maybe not. Especially when there is very limited information about the building, or there are lots of measured data available for the building. In these cases other methods or tools might be better choices.
I need the software to prepare models for grid integration of small and large scale renewable energy systems, as well as other energy models
1. does carrier frequency affect the power consumption of VCO (voltage control osilliator), is there any existing function or power model in the literatures?
2. does the change of carrier frequency affect the power consumption of frequency synthesizer, the existing model can be found in the paper "a system level energy model and dnergy-quality evaluation for integrated transceiver front-ends" but its not suitable for wireless body area network.
I'm trying to figure out the energy cost of parr-smolt transformation and the subsequent introduction of smolts into the sea. If there is an increase in specific energy demand, how is it compared to the parr demand? Is it a transient change or a permanent one? Is there any (dynamic) energy model that explicitly incorporates this process?
TIMES(The integrated MARKAL EFOM System) from ETSAP (IEA)
CEC represent California Energy Commission. Can this data base be used as a standard for comparison?
Interacting dark energy models are discussed by considering small positive interaction between dark energy and dark matter which are in the form of two different fluids. The equation of states for dark energy is pde=wde . (rho)de [rho-density] and pm= wm.(rho)m . Since cosmological constant represents dark energy, but some of the models explain them without cosmological constant. The question is: what is the role of time varying cosmological constant in the interacting dark energy models?
TIMES is a modelling generator developed by ETSAP under the auspices if the International Energy Agency?
For energy modellers, first idea is using externalities (extra costs in the objective function) but what's the point for the LCA modellers? Evolutive environmental profiles?
This is part of graph cut algorithm, in which energy is modeled using class labeling and pairwise coherence. I used Gaussian mixture model and max-flow graph cut, this is an iterative process and usually takes about a few second on an image of 500x500 pixels. I would like this to be very fast. Any help will be appreciated.
If the protein structure available is not full and only catalytic site residues with co-crystallized ligand with highest resolution (1-2 A0) is available. I want to know how the energy minimization should be carried out, - does it require ligand to be removed from the protein or should we keep the ligand during EM? In some manuscripts I found EM is done with ligand (only HOH and other nonstandard residues removed) and in manuscripts EM is done with bare protein (only std. residues). I assume that without ligand if EM is done, we should able to get the native form of protein. But if this EM protein is used for docking or MD, ligand may not dock in the proper site. I want to carry out rigid docking with vina and MD with gromacs.
In order to integrate an energy system naturally heat exchangers play major role. I would like to know what elements at minimum should be taken into consideration for more precise modeling purpose?
Does anybody know how does the system based on PEMFC’s perform during load changes? I want to implement the system of fuel cells to operate in a passive house.
Many studies show significant discrepancies between simulated and measured energy use in buildings.