Questions related to Energy
How can artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How can artificial intelligence technology combined with Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and security of energy production?
The development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is a key element in the green transformation of the economy. On the other hand, the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is also an important issue in the context of diversifying energy sources and increasing the scale of the country's energy independence and enhancing energy security. Increasing the share of renewable and emission-free energy sources in the energy source mix is not only the realization of the key objectives of the green transformation of the economy and the achievement of the goals of sustainable economic development, but also a significant reduction in the cost of energy production and energy prices for end users in the coming years. How the structure of different energy sources should be designed is a product of many different determinants. In terms of the aforementioned various determinants of the impact and design of the structure of energy sources, including fossil fuel-based energy and renewable and zero-carbon energy, among others, stand out. : the level of possession by the country of certain energy resources, the energy policy adopted in the country taking into account to a greater or lesser extent the issue of the green transformation of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals, the terrain and other natural conditions conducive to the development of wind, hydro and solar power, the scale of geothermal water resources in the earth's crust, the financial feasibility of building large nuclear power plants, the technologies in use for the construction of residential and other buildings, and the most appropriate to the prevailing prosumer building formulas of small power plants that generate energy to power individual buildings, the technologies in place to enable the development of hydrogen power and other technologically innovative types of energy. Since the design of the most appropriate energy mix for a country requires the consideration of many different determinants in the process of research, planning, design and implementation of investment processes, so it is a good solution to involve in this process generative artificial intelligence technology, which has been trained in the process of deep learning on large data sets and Big Data information on various aspects of energy, including different types of energy, different energy technologies, different energy sources, etc., and the above-mentioned determinants of energy development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can artificial intelligence technology, combined with Big Data Analytics, help design and model the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and safety of energy production?
How can artificial intelligence technology help in designing and modeling the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

- Is it possible to create a special optimization algorithm to improve energy efficiency?
2. Is it possible to develop an algorithm to become a hybrid algorithm based on energy efficiency parameters?
Dear respected researchers
I am grateful to you for taking the time to read this question and I hope to see your suggestions and answers about this question.
My greetings and respect to you
Water is at the triple point, and the working fluid includes water, ice, and water vapor. The system volume remains unchanged, maintaining energy exchange with the large heat source while keeping the temperature constant. The equilibrium state has the following equation:
There are two equations, three unknown variables,, and an infinite number of equilibrium solutions in a system. The three-phase distribution of matter cannot be determined, and thermodynamics requires that the equilibrium state of a system be unique, which is inconsistent with physical facts. The thermodynamic direction advocated by the second law of thermodynamics will also be lost, such as volume expansion, which cannot determine whether it is the evaporation of liquid water or the transformation of ice into water vapor.
In your opinion, what are the key factors that could enable photovoltaic (PV) technology to take the lead as the primary source of electricity generation?
- Increased Research Funding: Should we focus on funding groundbreaking research to drive major technological advancements, making PV systems more reliable, efficient, and practical for large-scale adoption?
- Performance Analysis Across Climates: Or is there a greater need for more studies analyzing PV performance in diverse climatic conditions? Such studies could help optimize the technology’s operation, but they often seem to receive limited attention. This is evident from the relatively modest number of citations such research receives—a trend I’ve observed from my own experience: []
- Relevant articles:
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Do you think one approach outweighs the other, or are both equally important in shaping the future of PV technology? Let’s discuss and exchange ideas to explore the path forward for renewable energy!
This happened in the teaching practice of the second law of thermodynamics, where they taught students that Carnot efficiency is independent of the working fluid, and that there are physical concepts that can be separated from physical entities. The following is a specific analysis:
Thermal engine system: pistons, containers (geometric boundaries), heat sources (energy boundaries), etc. are all centered around the working fluid, and calculating thermal power conversion is studying the working fluid. The Carnot efficiency is independent of the working fluid, and is detached from physical entities, becoming a concept suspended in the air.
2. This one is wrong, the entire second law of thermodynamics is incorrect.
3. Entropy is the logical successor of Carnot's law and cannot be used to justify it here.
4. Carnot efficiency is reversible thermodynamics and irreversibility cannot be used to justify it here.
In light of my paper "Dark Matter is Just Gravity, Only Normal Matter is the Truth" (Indian Journal of Advanced Physics, October 2023), which demonstrated that dark matter is essentially gravity, a pertinent discussion arises about dark energy. Could dark energy, like normal energy, simply be a force we already understand, causing the universe's expansion and the movement of objects within it? This parallels the understanding of dark matter not as a mysterious entity but as a familiar force affecting planetary and galactic movements.
The question now is whether the research community on platforms like ResearchGate agrees with this perspective. Why do we tend to label unexplained phenomena as "dark" or mysterious, when perhaps they are simply manifestations of forces we encounter daily? By shedding light on these concepts, we might discover that what we perceive as "dark" is actually well within our grasp of understanding. Can we collectively agree that embracing the light of scientific inquiry could dispel the so-called darkness surrounding these cosmic forces?
会议征稿:第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)
Call for papers: IEEE 2024 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Energy Internet (SGEI 2024) will be held during December13-15, 2024 in Shenyang, China. SGEI 2024 is hosted by Shenyang University of Technology.
Conference website(English):
收录检索:IEEE Xplore,EI Compendex,Scopus
由沈阳工业大学主办的2024年第四届智能电网与能源互联网国际会议(SGEI 2024)将于2024年12月13日至15日在中国沈阳举行。会议主要围绕智能电网与能源互联网等研究领域展开讨论。旨在为智能电网与能源互联网等领域的专家学者及企业发展人提供一个分享研究成果、讨论存在的问题与挑战、探索前沿科技的国际性合作交流平台。本次会议将大力推广能源领域的创新技术和实际应用,旨在充分实现各类能源资源的互联、开放、共享和协同,塑造绿色、低碳、高效和低成本的智慧能源系统。大会诚邀国内外高校、科研机构专家、学者,企业界人士及其他相关人员参会交流。
分布式能源:可再生能源和存储,微电网和虚拟电厂,电力电子和电网接口,能源和配送管理系统,能源系统的监测,保护和控制,智能电网技术,能源转换和存储 ,传输系统技术,HVDC和FACTS,配电系统和变电站自动化,智能电网的信息和通信技术,监测和控制智能电网的电能质量,多领域应用的智能电网,电源质量、保护和电磁兼容性,电力工程发电技术,电动驱动器及其应用,大电网稳定控制,电力系统通信与控制,电网智能调度,能源互联网的建模、仿真与设计,人工智能技术,智能配用电与微电网,能源互联网的装备核心技术,直流电网,物联网,支撑能源互联网的信息物理系统及信息安全,全球能源互联网,能源效率,能源战略与能源互联网 ,新能源系统及控制等。
SGEI 2024投稿,都必须经过2-3位组委会专家审稿,经过严格的审稿之后,最终所有录用的论文将由IEEE(ISBN:979-8-3503-6831-4)出版,见刊后由出版社提交至IEEE Xplore, EI, Scopus检索。

With more energy generated from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels in the European Union for the first time ever at the end of July 2024, what are the chances that the European Union can achieve zero-carbon of its economy much earlier than 2050?
For the first time ever at the end of July 2024, more energy was generated in the European Union from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels. This fact may suggest that due to rapidly developing renewable energy sources, the European Union may achieve zero-carbon of its economy much sooner than 2050. However, the structure of energy sources, including renewable, zero-carbon and emission-based, fossil-fuel-burning energy sources, varies widely across the European Union. Also, the pace of development of individual renewable and emission-free energy sources, the scale of financial investment and the large-scale use and implementation of new green energy technologies and eco-innovation varies considerably across the European Union. On the one hand, in Norway, for example, almost all of the energy generated comes from renewable energy sources. On the other hand, in Poland, since the beginning of the systemic and economic transformation, since 1989, for more than 3 decades financial subsidies were provided from the state's public finance system mainly to the fossil fuel extraction sector and the energy sector based on the combustion of these fuels. As a result, today in Poland, almost 3/4 of the electricity and even more of the thermal energy is still generated from dirty combustion energy based mainly on burning hard coal and lignite. In addition, hard coal mining in Poland within the framework of deep, highly methane mines, especially deep seams for many years is no longer profitable and generates additional costs for the state's public finances. It should be added that 90 percent of coal burned in the European Union to heat homes, apartments, etc. is the share of Poland alone against the background of the aforementioned European Union. And, for example, in Germany, which has a much more developed renewable and emission-free energy sector, for many years housing cooperatives have been generating thermal energy to heat apartments, entire housing estates from renewable energy sources, such as using heat pumps powered by electricity generated from photovoltaic panels. So Poland has a lot of work to do in terms of green energy transition. Unfortunately, the plan to build the first nuclear power plant is once again being postponed by the next government in Poland to an undefined and distant future.
I described the key aspects of a closed-loop economy, including a green, sustainable economy, in my article:
In the following article, I included the results of the research I conducted on the connection of the issue of sustainable development, the genesis and meaning of the Sustainable Development Goals, the essence of sustainable development in the context of social, normative, economic, environmental, climate, as well as human rights aspects, etc. The research also addressed the issue of key determinants of human existential security as an element of the concept of sustainable development.
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the publications given above and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In view of the fact that for the first time in history at the end of July 2024 in the European Union more energy was generated from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels, what are the chances that the European Union can achieve zero-carbon of its economy much earlier than 2050?
What are the chances that the European Union can achieve zero-carbon of its economy much earlier than 2050?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

2025 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (ICSGGE 2025)
February 28th – March 2nd, 2025
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Technically Co-sponsored by IEEE & IEEE New South Wales Section
Organizer: School of Information Systems and Technology Management, UNSW
Co-organizers: Hainan Institute of Zhejiang University, Sanya Global Energy Research Institute, AEIC Academic Exchange Information Center
Media Supporter: <Energy Conversion and Economics>
Official Website:
The University of New South Wales is honored to host the 4th International Conference on Smart Grid and Green Energy (ICSGGE 2025). Set against the backdrop of vibrant Sydney, Australia, this prestigious conference invites researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholars from around the world to converge for an enriching exchange of insights from February 28th to March 2nd, 2025.
Objective: ICSGGE 2025 aims to serve as a distinguished platform for the presentation and discussion of innovative research in the domains of Smart Grid and Green Energy. We are dedicated to fostering a collaborative environment that promotes the exchange of experiences, pioneering ideas, and practical solutions to challenges faced in the evolution of sustainable energy systems.
Call for Contributions: We invite the submission of original research papers, case studies, and reviews that address various aspects of Smart Grid and Green Energy, including but not limited to:
Advanced smart grid systems, technologies, and methodologies
Renewable energy integration and energy storage solutions
Energy efficiency and demand-side management
Power system management, control, and stability
Sustainable and intelligent energy policies
Cybersecurity and privacy in smart grid technologies
Data analytics and machine learning applications in energy systems
Emerging trends in green energy and smart infrastructure
Submission Guidelines: Authors are invited to submit manuscripts electronically in accordance with the guidelines outlined on the conference website. All submissions will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the highest standards of quality and relevance.
Publication: Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library and will be indexed by EI COMPENDEX and SCOPUS, providing significant visibility and outreach to the broader academic and professional communities.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: January 24, 2025
Notification of Acceptance: Februry 1, 2025
Camera-Ready Submission: Februry 21, 2025
Join us at ICSGGE 2025 to share your knowledge, explore groundbreaking advances, and contribute to the transformative discussions shaping the future of Smart Grid and Green Energy.
For more details, please visit the conference website:
We eagerly anticipate your contributions and look forward to welcoming you to an academically stimulating and enlightening conference in Sydney!

Newton says an object has inertia and wants to remain unchanged.
Does how long the object remains unchanged matter? Say a molecule stays unchanged 1 second vs 2 seconds. Is there any difference between these two situations?
Please keep thinking before reading my hypothesis.
It does matter a lot and the energy the molecule carries is proportional to how long it can stay unchanged, i.e., space and time both contain energy.
This argument is from the entropy. Particularly the free expansion experiment. For a gas expanding to vacuum space, molecules run into the empty space, and the entropy of the system increases. This increase is proportional to the time how long the molecules stay free to expand before hitting a wall. The time is correlated to the entropy growth of the system. Thus entropy is really a stored energy in the free space which have to be created before the expansion.
Thus, in conclusion, a molecule that remains unchanged in kinetics carries entropy over time when traveling in space. Molecules have both space energy (kinetics, potentials, and mass) and time energy (entropy).
Should there be a cosmological constant Λ term in the GR field equations? Is the Λ term symmetric with Gμν?
"According to Einstein's theory of General Relativity, gravity should lead to a slowing of the cosmic expansion. Yet, in 1998, two teams of astronomers studying distant supernovae made the remarkable discovery that the expansion of the universe is speeding up. To explain cosmic acceleration, cosmologists are faced with two possibilities: either 70% of the universe exists in an exotic form, now called dark energy, that exhibits a gravitational force opposite to the attractive gravity of ordinary matter, or General Relativity must be replaced by a new theory of gravity on cosmic scales."[1] In order to match the phenomenon of cosmic expansion, the general theory of relativity introduced the cosmological constant term and various speculations on its cause have been made [2]. However, these studies have rarely addressed the possible solutions in the structural aspects of the universe [3].
If there is only gravitational force, it looks like there is a deficiency. We believe that if there is a gravitational force, there is a corresponding repulsive force. But who should cause it and under what circumstances? It is important to know that in electromagnetic interactions, both positive and negative forces are formed by charges, and our goal is to unify the electromagnetic and gravitational forces. Would dark energy be a repulsive force symmetrical to gravity? Where does their symmetry come into play? If the result is to be symmetrical, the cause must first have symmetry. According to the assumptions of modern physics, the dark energy that causes the expansion of the universe is background and not symmetrical with the energy in GR. Regular energies are floating above the dark energy background, so they cannot have symmetry. In Einstein's gravitational field equation, Gµν + Λgµν = G*Tµν, the energy Tµν leads to an unmeasurable intrinsic Space-Time Curvature Gµν [4] while Λgµν is assumed to be a measurable extrinsic Space-Time Expansion due to the universal energy [5]. Specific and background, intrinsic and extrinsic, curvature and expansion do not have any symmetrical meaning. It would then not be appropriate to arrange them in a GR field equation.
Philosophically speaking, there should be no difference with ‘existence’ at this time and the other time, this place and the other place, i.e., when space and time are considered as background *, ‘existence’ does not depend on space-time coordinates. Therefore, the equations of the universe should not require boundary and initial conditions. Physics, by analysing observational data, has proposed the ‘Big Bang Theory’ and the ‘Accelerated Expansion Theory’ of the Universe, both of which are inconsistent with this. Therefore, the hypothesis of dark energy based on this foundation is questionable.
Our Questions:
Does the existence of ‘energy’ necessitate the existence of ‘dark energy’ or ‘anti-energy’? The hypothesis of the existence of dark energy is based only on the observation of the expansion of the universe. Is it the only explanation for the expansion of the universe? [6]
The function of energy is to drive interactions, and energy is presented in discrete forms, which can be manifested in a variety of forms, including gravity. Is the function of dark energy only to cause negative gravity? Is there only one form of dark energy?
Conservation of energy is an important physical principle, is dark energy conserved?
If gravity and negative gravity cancel each other out, why can't energy and dark energy cancel each other out directly?
* We believe that existence itself has a space-time parameter, but not a coordinate parameter.
[1] Dark Energy Survey, Collaboration.
[2] Peebles, P. J. E., & Ratra, B. (2003). The cosmological constant and dark energy. Reviews of Modern Physics, 75(2), 559.
[3] Fan, C. (2023). Convergent and Disperse Cyclic Multiverse Model (CDCMM).
[4] Doubts about General Relativity (7) - Is Space-Time Bend a Motion?;
Doubts about General Relativity (5) - Should there be "negative gravity" in General Relativity?,
[5] Doubts about General Relativity (3) - Are Space-Time Curvature and Expansion Two Different Geometrical Mechanical Properties?
[6] Is there a reasonable alternative to the theory of the expanding universe?
Dear researchers,
Very recently, I have downloaded the last version of IGMPlot, version 3.08.
I found some new descriptors included in this very nice, complete, and versatile version.
One of newly proposed descriptors is "qg" which makes 2-D plots colored based a given scale ranging from 1 (blue color) to 4 (red color). Please let me know the exact and straightforward meaning of these numbers and colors. Indeed, what is the practical usage of "qg" index? or, what is its interpretation when a given inter- or intra-fragment interactions is analyzed? I cannot understand what concept should be taken into account when a 2-D plot of delta_g_inter versus sign (lambda2*Rho) is colored from blue to red (from number 1 to 4). What practical information one can obtain depending on the color type of a given picke.
For instance, a taller picke (a larger delta_g value) means a stronger interaction but what statement should be provided for a smaller (blue) or greater (red) value of "qg"?
In advance, too many thanks for any help.
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources in order for the national energy system to be safe and emission-free, i.e. in line with the green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security?
The structure of the energy mix of various energy sources is determined by a number of factors. On the one hand, these are historical factors, technological, geographic, natural, economic conditions, etc. On the other hand, these are the determinants arising from a certain adopted energy policy, including taking into account the implementation of the goals of sustainable development, the principles of green transformation of the energy sector, social climate and environmental responsibility, and taking care of prospective future energy security. Taking into account the aforementioned determinants, there is a non-uniform structure of the energy mix of various energy sources in different countries. Taking into account the mentioned energy policy issues, the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources should be constructed in such a way that the national energy system, on the one hand, is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security, and, on the other hand, should also be in line with the green transformation of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals. In Poland in recent years, in terms of renewable energy sources, photovoltaic was the most significant in the structure of the share of installed capacity. Wind power came second, hydroelectric power was third, followed by biomass and biogas power plants. Unfortunately, still more than 70 percent of electricity and even more thermal energy is generated in Poland in conventional thermal power plants powered by coal or lignite. Successively from year to year, as part of the progressive green transformation of the energy industry, the share of various types of renewable energy sources in the energy mix of energy sources is steadily increasing.
I described the key issues of the green transformation of the economy, including the green transformation of the energy sector, in my article below:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is characterized by independence from various factors and a high level of energy security?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is secure and emission-free, i.e., in line with the green transformation of the economy and the realization of sustainable development goals?
What should be the structure of the energy mix of various energy sources so that the national energy system is safe and emission-free?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

How to write the fuel and product exergy balances in the cascade heat exchanger in the cascade refrigeration system?

IEEE 2024 6th International Conference on Energy, Power and Grid (ICEPG 2024) will be held on September 27-29, 2024 in Guangzhou,China.
Conference Website:
---Call For Papers---
The topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:
1. Energy and Power
· Energy Saving Technology
· Energy Storage Technology
· Thermoelectric Engineering
· Renewable Energy Technologies and Systems
· Wind power generation
2. Grid System
· Electromagnetics and Photonics
· Integrated Optics and Electro-Optical Devices
· Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits and Antennas
· Analog and digital circuits
· Battery management systems
All accepted papers will be published by IEEE and will be submitted to IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Scopus for indexing. ( ISBN: 979-8-3503-7779-8)
---Important Dates---
Full Paper Submission Date: September 9, 2024
Registration Deadline: September 18, 2024
Final Paper Submission Date: September 20, 2024
Conference Dates: September 27-29, 2024
--- Paper Submission---
Please send the full paper(word+pdf) to Submission System:

The energy operator ih∂/∂t and the momentum operator ihΔ or ih∂/∂x play a crucial role in the derivation of the Schrödinger equation, the Klein-Gordon equation, the Dirac equation, and other physics arguments.
The energy and momentum operators are not differential operators in the general sense; they do play a role in the derivation of the equations for the definition of energy and momentum.
However, we do not find any reasonable arguments or justifications for the use of such operators, and even their meaning can only be speculated from their names. It is used without explanation in textbooks.
The clues we found are:
1) In the literature [ Brown, L. M., A. Pais and B. Poppard (1995). Twentieth Centure Physics (I), Science Press.], "In March 1926, Schrödinger noticed that replacing the classical Hamiltonian function with a quantum mechanical operator, i.e., replacing the momentum p by a partial differentiation of h/2πi with position coordinates q and acting on the wave function, one also obtains the wave equation."
2) Gordon considered that the energy and momentum operators are the same in relativity and in non-relativism and therefore used in his relativistic wave equation (Gordon 1926).
(3) Dirac also used the energy and momentum operators in the relativistic equations with electron spins (Dirac 1928). Dirac called it the "Schrödinger representation", a self-adjoint differential operator or Hermitian operator (Dick 2012). (D).
Our questions are:
Why can this be used? Why is it possible to represent energy by time differential for wave functions and momentum by spatial differential for wave functions? Has this been historically argued or not?
Keywords: quantum mechanics, quantum field theory, quantum mechanical operators, energy operators, momentum operators, Schrödinger equation, Dirac equation.
Why is it that still in some countries the development of dirty combustion energy is supported instead of developing clean, emission-free renewable energy and the process of green transformation of the economy is little implemented and is slowed down?
Why are issues of climate protection, biosphere protection, biodiversity of natural ecosystems still ignored in some countries and the development of dirty combustion energy based mainly on the generation of energy from the combustion of coal, lignite, oil mazut, fuel oil, wood, etc., is supported instead of developing clean, emission-free renewable energy based on wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, hydrogen or possibly nuclear energy? Why are pro-climate, pro-environmental policies still being ignored in some parts of the world, sustainable development goals are not being followed, the future of the climate, the biosphere, the planet's biodiversity and the next generations of people are being ignored? Why is a short-sighted robbery unsustainable economy still being used instead of a green, sustainable closed-loop economy? Why do politicians continue to ignore the needs of citizens, voters and fail to implement real pro-social economic policies?
Only about 13.5 percent of renewable energy in 2023 was generated from windmills in Poland. This is the largest share of all types of renewable energy sources in Poland. If the government of the so-called “united right”, i.e. the government composed mainly of right-wing PIS political options, which was functioning in Poland in 2015-2023, had not blocked the development of onshore energy in Poland in 2016, this share could now be several times higher, energy prices much lower, the security and energy independence of the Polish energy sector would have stood at a much higher level. But the PIS government, which was acting at the time, preferred to support the development of dirty coal power. Paradoxically, since 2016, the production of electricity from wind or solar was already perceptibly cheaper compared to the production of energy generated by burning fossil fuels, including, for example, coal and lignite. And in the following years this trend steadily deepened. In this way, the PIS government acted not only anti-economically but also anti-climatically, anti-environmentally and anti-socially. Besides, this kind of energy policy contradicts the European Union's climate and environmental policy, the EU's New Green Deal. Unfortunately, not much has changed on this issue since 2023. The new political option, which won the parliamentary elections on 15.10.2023 in large part thanks to the slogans applied during the election campaign of significantly increasing the scale of implementation of the processes of green transformation of the economy, including the protection of nature, climate and biodiversity of natural ecosystems, changing the robbery pseudo-management of forests to sustainable pro-environmental forest management, increasing the scale of afforestation, reducing the robbery felling of trees and old-growth forests, increasing the areas of strict protection of natural biodiverse ecosystems, etc. unfortunately, still does not implement the election promises made to citizens, voters. The development of renewable energy sources will probably accelerate in the coming years in connection with the relatively highest compared to renewable energy and rising prices of energy produced from burning coal, and in connection with the fact that additional financial subsidies from the European Union within the framework of the National Reconstruction Plan are finally appearing in Poland, which are mainly intended according to the guidelines of the European Union for the continuation of green energy transformation processes implemented in accordance with the EU Green Deal. Thanks to this, the process of green energy transformation which is one of the key segments of the process of green transformation of the economy is being implemented at all although on a relatively small scale, but at some pace.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why do some countries still ignore the issues of protection of the climate, biosphere, biodiversity of natural ecosystems and support the development of dirty combustion energy based mainly on the generation of energy from the combustion of coal, lignite, oil mazut, fuel oil, wood, etc. instead of developing clean, emission-free renewable energy based on energy from wind, solar, tidal, geothermal, hydroelectric, hydrogen or possibly nuclear? Why are pro-climate, pro-environmental policies still being ignored in some parts of the world, sustainable development goals are not being followed, the future of the climate, the biosphere, the planet's biodiversity and the next generations of people are being ignored? Why is a short-sighted robbery unsustainable economy still being used instead of a green, sustainable closed-loop economy? Why do politicians continue to ignore the needs of citizens, voters and fail to implement real pro-social economic policies?
Why is it that still in some countries the development of dirty combustion energy is promoted instead of developing clean, emission-free renewable energy, and the process of green transformation of the economy is hardly implemented and is slowed down?
Why is it that still in some countries the process of green transformation of the energy industry is little implemented and is slowed down?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

What is the impact of high energy prices on industrial production costs and, consequently, also on the competitiveness of domestic industrial production vis-à-vis analogous industries operating in other countries?
In recent years, energy prices in Poland have been rising rapidly, which has been mainly due to the dominance of dirty combustion energy in the energy mix of energy sources, low expenditures on the modernization of the infrastructure of energy transmission networks and the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, and the still ongoing practice of allocating large financial subsidies from the state's public finance system to maintain economically unviable deep coal mines and combustion energy installations. When energy prices are high, one of the negative consequences of this is higher costs for industrial production and for offering services. Thus, by high energy prices, industries in a certain country become less competitive with industries in other countries. For example, high energy prices in Poland, which are caused by the archaic structure of energy sources mainly based on dirty combustion energy, cause a decrease in the competitiveness of Polish industry in relation to the industry of the US and China, where green, pro-climate and pro-environmental investments in energy and other sectors of the economy are being developed on a large scale. In this economic race for the smooth implementation of the green transformation of energy and other sectors of the economy, those countries that will be the first and on the largest scale to implement the process of green transformation of the economy will win, then thanks to this the price of energy in these countries will quickly fall, industries will become more competitive in terms of production and cost, and in these countries industry will develop to the greatest extent and these countries will win economically in the 21st century. If the process of green transformation of energy and other sectors of the economy is not significantly accelerated in the next few years, the industry in Poland will become even more uncompetitive with the industry of China, the US and other countries in the future. The result will be a slowdown in the country's economic development and, in the next few years, perhaps a serious economic, financial and debt crisis in the state's public finance system. However, if the economic policy in Poland is appropriately modified and the issue of green energy transformation is seriously considered in it, then in the perspective of the next few years there should be a significant decline in energy prices, industrial production costs will fall and domestic industrial production will become more competitive, which will be an important element of effective economic development.
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
Key aspects of the green transformation of the economy as an important segment of building a green, sustainable economy are described in my article:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the publications given above, as well as to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What is the impact of high energy prices on industrial production costs and, consequently, also on the competitiveness of domestic industrial production vis-à-vis analogous industries operating in other countries?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

The expression "Je t'aime, moi non plus: I love you, neither do I", popularized by the song by Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin in 1969, refers to tumultuous and contradictory relationships that can be strong, intense, see passionate, but, at the same time, imbued with uncertainties, doubts, and ambiguities that underlie real difficulties likely to make the relations complex unstable or even unhealthy. So "Je t'aime moi non plus" can somehow be applied to describe the Europe-Africa relations steeped in a common history that is not always brilliant and, in another register, to Europe-USA-ASIA relations where the Ego, the Culture, and the Will to Power sometimes lead to conflicting competitive situations.
It is therefore a very open subject on which I would like us to rub our points of view, ideas, and visions in order to promote serene and useful exchanges.
Map: Distribution Of Global GDP By Region. Source:

Free spacetime contains no energy-momentum*, so when objects m are travelling at constant velocity in it, they do not exchange energy-momentum. Non-free spacetime contains energy-momentum. The Einstein field equation of general relativity,
Rµν - (1/2)gµνR = G*Tµν,
expresses the relationship between the energy-momentum (mass) and the structure of spacetime ( metric) at a point (region) in spacetime**. Usually we think that "Gravity couples universally to all forms of energy" [1]. Then, we need to ask three basic questions:
1) What is the best way to express the energy-momentum of the gravitational field? or how are the "long-standing problems about energy-momentum localisation in GR" [2][3][4] addressed? The energy-momentum of the gravitational field is the energy-momentum of the spacetime field, which must be localizable. The energy-momentum of the spacetime field must involve only the spacetime parameter xi(i=0,1,2,3), because the independent spacetime field has no other parameter (or it has some other hidden parameter that does not play an explicit role). But it cannot be expressed directly in terms of spatio-temporal coordinates (t,x,y,z) because they must be background independent, nor can it be expressed in terms of time lengths T and space lengths L because we have no way of determining the measurement boundaries. So what are the remaining covariates? The rates of measure change, curvature, and deflection, etc.. which are the most appropriate? Even if we consider space-time as a "medium", what are the properties of the medium? Density, elasticity? What density? What elasticity?
2) By what means are gravitational fields and other forms of energy-momentum exchanged with each other? Obviously it must be through a common covariate, and then the only option available is the spacetime covariate. Does this qualify that all other forms of energy-momentum must contain spacetime covariates? Includes energy-momentum of dark matter (no dark energy involved). And more critically, the form of these spacetime Attributes and the form in which the spacetime energy-momentum is expressed should be the same, i.e., if the energy-momentum of spacetime is expressed in terms of a change of metric, the other forms of energy-momentum must be related to a change in the spacetime metric; and if it is expressed in terms of a curvature, the other forms must be related to a change in the curvature.
3) Is the energy-momentum of the gravitational field conserved[5]? If the energy-momentum of the gravitational field is not conserved, what will become of the gravitation dominated evolution of galaxies?
* We need to distinguish between the concepts of space-time and vacuum.“Are Vacuum and Space Two Separate Things?”,;
** The concept of a strict "point" interaction does not really exist in physics.
[1] Kiefer, C. (2006). Quantum gravity: general introduction and recent developments. Annalen der Physik, 518(1-2), 129-148.
[2] Einstein Ann. d. Phys. 49, 769 (1916).
[3] Hestenes, D. (2021). Energy-Momentum Complex in General Relativity and Gauge Theory. Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 31(3), 51.
[4] Møller, C. (1958). On the localization of the energy of a physical system in the general theory of relativity. Annals of Physics, 4(4), 347-371.
[5] Szabados, L. B. (2009). Quasi-local energy-momentum and angular momentum in general relativity. Living Reviews in Relativity, 12(1), 1-163.
Is it moral, socially and environmentally ethical for large dominant power companies generating energy mainly from burning coal and lignite to turn off other RES-based energy sources, is it consistent with climate policy and is it consistent with human rights?
In a situation of rising energy prices and the need to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, is it moral, social and environmental to shut down the large dominant power companies that generate energy mainly from burning coal and lignite other sources of energy, including mainly the cheapest and emission-free generation of electricity, shutting down power plants based on photovoltaic panels, not accepting periodic increases in energy production generated from the sun and wind, so as not to reduce energy production from dirty, high-emission energy based on burning coal is moral, socially and environmentally ethical, is in line with climate policy and is in line with human rights?
I ask because such an irrational situation exists in the country where I operate. In my opinion, in a situation of rising energy prices and the need to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, the shutdown of power plants based on photovoltaic panels by the large dominant power companies that produce energy mainly from the combustion of coal and lignite other sources of energy, including mainly the cheapest and emission-free production of electricity, not adopting a periodic increase in energy production generated from the sun and wind, so as not to reduce energy production from dirty, high-emission coal-burning power plants is not moral, socially and environmentally ethical, not in line with sound climate policy and not in line with human rights. The key problem with climate, environmental and energy policy is that it is not conducted fairly. Instead, it is conducted haphazardly, shortsightedly, unstrategically and is politicized in the negative sense of the word. Despite the fact that most of the mining sector, coal and lignite mines, companies in the energy sector and the country's largest fuel and energy company, which holds more than 90 percent of the domestic market share in the sale of motor fuels, are state-owned companies and could carry out in an efficient, comprehensive and strategic manner the process of green energy transition, they unfortunately do not do so. There are many indications that climate, environmental and energy policies are being conducted haphazardly and short-sightedly. The full synergy and correlation that should occur between these policies is missing. Unfortunately, economic aspects are also not key, as they are mixed with political aspects, in which the economic calculus is not treated as a principled factor, and this is in addition to the high level of indebtedness of the state's public finance system and the growing level of the budget deficit in the central state budget. The government has pledged to implement the green transformation of the economy in accordance with the European Union's Green Deal plan. The country receives subsidies from the European Union for the implementation of this plan, including subsidies from the National Reconstruction Plan, which should be allocated mainly to efficiently carried out green investments to carry out the green transformation of the energy industry and achieve the goal of building a sustainable, emission-free energy industry in the shortest possible time. However, this is not happening. Onshore wind power development is still administratively and normatively largely restricted. On sunny, cloudless days and when the wind is blowing, additional energy is generated from already installed photovoltaic panels and wind farms, which is not collected from prosumers by large power companies due to unsuitable transmission networks. Besides, the dominant power companies in the market do not collect clean energy from the mentioned RES sources in order not to reduce the production of energy generated by the conventional method of burning coal and lignite. In addition, the dominant energy companies are lobbying in the political sphere to restrict the development of RES and are causing restrictions on the process of issuing permits for citizens to make further connections to the power grid of prosumer wind turbines and/or photovoltaic installations built by citizens. In addition, there is another extension of the start of construction and implementation of the project to build the first nuclear power plant in a country where the energy industry still relies 3/4 on conventional energy production, i.e. on the basis of burning fossils, much of which is imported, there are situations of energy shortages and eggs to buy from abroad, and the quality of air due to the dominance of combustion energy in the heating season is among the worst in Europe. On the basis of my research, I conclude that this activity is immoral, socially and environmentally unethical, does not comply with climate policy and is not compatible with human rights. Confirmation of the aforementioned thesis is provided by the results of the research I described in my publications given below.
In the following article, I have included the results of the research conducted on the connection of the issue of sustainable development, the genesis and meaning of the Sustainable Development Goals, the essence of sustainable development in the context of social, normative, economic, environmental, climate, and human rights aspects, etc. The research also addressed the issue of key determinants of human existential security as an element of the concept of sustainable development.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In a situation of rising energy prices and the need to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy, does the shutdown of other sources of energy by the large dominant power companies that produce energy mainly from the combustion of coal and lignite, including mainly the cheapest and emission-free production of electricity, shutting down power plants based on photovoltaic panels, not accepting periodic increases in energy production generated from the sun and wind, so as not to reduce energy production from dirty, high-emission power generation based on burning coal is moral, socially and environmentally ethical, is in line with climate policy and is it compatible with human rights?
Is it moral, socially and environmentally ethical for large dominant power companies that generate energy mainly from burning coal and lignite to shut down other RES-based energy sources, is it consistent with climate policy and is it consistent with human rights?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with Big Data and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to support the development of nuclear technology?
On the one hand, the development of modern and safe nuclear power technology is needed especially in the situation of creating an important source of electricity as an intermediate step in the green transformation of the energy sector, which consists of shifting power generation based mainly on emission-intensive fossil fuel combustion to clean power generation based on emission-free, fully renewable energy sources. The application of new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including but not limited to machine learning, deep learning, generative artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics, multi-criteria simulation models, Internet of Things, Blockchain, digital twins, cloud computing, autonomous robots, etc., enables the generation of new innovative solutions, improvement of applications and safety systems of energy technologies, including nuclear energy technologies. Besides, thanks to the application of the above-mentioned technologies, there are new opportunities for optimization both in the design and implementation of investment projects for the construction of new power plants and optimization in the processes of managing energy production from various energy sources within the applied mix of energy sources, taking into account the changing conditions of energy consumption, forecasting changes in energy demand in the future, changes in the economic environment, climatic conditions and other factors modeling changes in energy production from various energy sources, including those that depend on specific atmospheric and climatic conditions such as wind and solar power.
However, on the other hand, the application of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including primarily generative artificial intelligence in improving technology development processes, supporting research processes, supporting management processes, etc. concerning nuclear technology, including nuclear technology applied in fields other than energy, i.e., e.g., medicine, geology, construction analytics, etc., and in the military field, may generate various kinds of very serious risks.
A cinematic vision of the kind of risks that can result from the application of artificial intelligence technology in the military sphere, including in terms of supporting the management processes of military systems taking into account ballistic missiles equipped with nuclear payloads, i.e. carried by transcontinental missiles and/or launched from submarines and strategic bombers was presented many years ago in films of the drama, thriller and at the same time science fiction genre, such as the 1983 film titled “War Games”, directed by John Badham, and the continuation of this theme in a similar film titled “War Games: The Code of Death”. “War Games: Code of Death” from 2008, directed by Stuart Gillard.
In view of the above, for at least 4 decades now, there have been considerations about the serious risks arising from the application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of computerized weapons management systems, in the field of military defense of the country, including with regard to nuclear weapons.
In view of the above, in view of the fact that the application of Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including, first of all, generative artificial intelligence in the military field can generate various kinds of very serious risks so it is still topical to consider the validity and scope of optimal, safe application of AI technologies in this field.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
I described the key issues concerning the problem of green transformation of the economy in the following article:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in conjunction with Big Data and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies to support the development of nuclear technology?
Is it safe to apply generative artificial intelligence technology in the development of nuclear technology?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

How to develop investments in renewable energy sources, so that clean, emission-free, energy from RES does not go to waste, and so that the funds invested in the development of energy based on RES generate as much efficiently used energy as possible?
In April 2024, the European Union reached a historically record level of 33.8 percent share of clean energy. Wind and solar power dominated this share in terms of RES energy generated. There is still a high level of variation across countries in the European Union in the share of clean energy based on renewable and zero-emission energy sources.
In Norway, for example, the share of clean energy from RES is as high as 98 percent on average, while in Poland it is only 27.1 percent. In April 2024, only about one-third of the energy generated in the European Union came from dirty energy based on combustion power, where energy was generated from burning fossil fuels, mainly coal, lignite and gas.
In April 2024, Poland, too, saw a historically record amount of energy generated from RES at 30 percent of the total energy mix. Solar and wind power dominated this 30 percent of renewable and carbon-free energy sources. From wind it was half of this 30 percent. However, due to insufficient investments made over the last few decades of time in the development of transmission grids, much of this energy generated from wind and solar, i.e. from the cheapest sources of energy and at the same time clean, emission-free energy, was not accepted by power companies from prosumers and simply went to waste. Since there are large losses of produced and unused energy from RES sources, it means that the investments made earlier in the development of emission-free and renewable energy sources are also partially wasted. In Poland, the large power companies dominating the energy sector, which still generate energy mainly through combustion power from burning coal and lignite, invest too little in the development of transmission networks and storage facilities for the energy generated. However, thanks to the financial subsidies unblocked by the European Union, also granted to Poland as part of the National Economic Recovery Plan after the pandemic economic crisis of 2020, it will be possible to accelerate the processes of green energy transformation. A large part of the European Union countries have already benefited from these subsidies for 2 years.
I have described the key issues concerning the problems of green transformation of the economy in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the above-mentioned publications, as well as to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to develop investments in renewable energy sources, so that clean, emission-free, RES energy does not go to waste, and so that the funds invested in the development of RES-based energy generates as much efficiently used energy as possible?
How to develop investments in renewable energy sources so that clean, emission-free, RES energy does not go to waste?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

How can new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the existing specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector?
How can new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the domestic energy sector and optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc.?
In recent days (end of May 2024) in the country where I operate, weather aura conditions have been favorable for the production of clean energy generated mainly through renewable and emission-free energy sources. Accordingly, it was reported that a record amount of clean, emission-free energy was generated in Poland on 27.5.2024 from renewable and emission-free energy sources, including mainly photovoltaics and wind. It's just a pity that much of this energy has gone to waste, as the dominant companies in the energy market have for many years ignored the need to invest in the development of transmission grids and storage facilities for energy from new photovoltaic and windmill installations put up on rooftops by prosumer citizens. Paradoxically, however, the share of renewable and zero-emission energy in the overall energy mix in Poland is still relatively low, amounting to only about 1/4 of the energy source mix, as a result of years of subsidizing from the state's public finance system the development of dirty combustion energy based on the generation of energy from the combustion of fossil fuels while blocking and restricting the development of RES. Paradoxically, when the development of onshore wind energy was blocked in Poland in 2016, it was already clear from a number of analyses and studies conducted in various research centers operating in different parts of the world that since the middle of the 2nd decade of the 21st century, clearly the cheapest energy is wind and solar energy, and the most expensive energy production is dirty combustion energy based on burning coal and lignite. Since the middle of the 2nd decade of the 21st century, the aforementioned gap between steadily, year by year cheap photovoltaic technology and other energy eco-technologies, cheap RES energy production and more expensive energy produced from burning fossil fuels has been growing steadily. This issue is particularly important because there may be further energy crises in the future, such as those that occurred in the 1970s and in 2022. The demand for electricity production will also grow in the future. Paradoxically, the ongoing process of global warming will also contribute to an increase in energy demand in the future. The various types of projects, processes and activities that are being launched to reduce the scale of the negative effects of the progressive global warming process, such as the production and use of refrigeration equipment, equipment for obtaining clean water in the situation of increasingly frequent periods of drought, desalination of seawater, in addition to the development of electromobility, etc., will consume large amounts of additional energy, which is already starting to run out at times. In the context of these aggravating problems, there is a growing importance of systems and instruments to help and/or facilitate the management of energy production and use, taking into account the optimization of production from specific, different types of energy sources, under conditions of changing weather and climatic conditions and the existing structure of different energy sources, including renewable and non-renewable, sustainable and combustion, emission-free and emission-free energy, etc., within a specific, occurring mix of energy sources in the country. The various different energy sources are significantly different in terms of various determinants, which include varying levels of variability in energy production caused by objective external factors, e.g. changes in weather conditions, significant variation in the necessary financial outlays that are incurred in the investment processes for the construction of a particular type of power plant or electric and/or thermal power plant, variation in the period of implementation of investment projects for the construction of power plants generating energy within the framework of renewable or non-renewable energy sources, local and national natural and geological conditions conditioning the possibility of building a particular type of power plant, variation in the economic and technological development of the country, equipment of the financial system with financial capital that can be applied to support the development of investments in the energy sector, etc. In view of the above, new ICT and Industry 4.0/5.0 information technologies, including but not limited to generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics technologies, may prove helpful in optimizing energy production under different types of energy sources and optimizing the investment processes carried out within the power sector. The research shows that new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics can help optimize the production and use of energy generated from various energy sources within the existing specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector, as well as optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy-generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc. The key issue, therefore, will be how the integrated information systems built from modules equipped with the aforementioned new technologies will be designed and built so that the processes of optimizing the level of energy production from certain different sources operating within the national energy source mix; optimizing energy transmission, consumption and storage; and optimizing the investment processes in which various investment projects for the construction of power plants and energy-generating power plants within different types of energy sources are implemented simultaneously.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
I described the key issues concerning the problem of green transformation of the economy in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the issues described in the above-mentioned publications and to scientific cooperation in these issues.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can the new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from various energy sources within the framework of the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector, as well as optimize investment processes for the construction of specific types of power plants, energy-generating power plants, investments in the development of transmission networks, energy storage, etc.?
How can the new technologies of artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics help optimize the production and use of energy generated from different energy sources within the framework of the occurring specific structure of the mix of energy sources in the national energy sector?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Why does the political lobbying by large fossil fuel burning energy companies to maintain the status quo continue to limit or block the possibility of rapid development of green, clean, prosumer energy, where energy is generated from renewable and emission-free energy sources on the basis of small power plants based on photovoltaic technology, windmills, etc. built by citizens or companies striving for energy independence?
Unfortunately, this is still the case in many countries, that the political lobbying by large fossil fuel burning energy companies to maintain the status quo continues to limit or block the possibility of rapid development of green, clean, prosumer energy, where energy is generated from renewable and emission-free energy sources on the basis of small power plants based on photovoltaic technology, windmills, etc. built by citizens or companies striving for energy independence. Prosumers of electricity, i.e. citizens and companies that, for example, install photovoltaic panels on their homes, property buildings, company office buildings, on the one hand, are a kind of small energy producers and consumers. Typically, large energy companies, through political lobbying, have established an obligation to connect prosumer mini-generators that produce energy from specific renewable and/or zero-emission energy sources to transmission grids operated by large, dominant energy companies, often with monopolistic practices. The obvious point is that excess energy produced by prosumers, once discharged into transmission grids managed by large power companies, can be used by other energy consumers. However, when large power companies are treated as second-class entities in the financial settlement of the energy produced by prosumers and discharged into publicly available transmission networks, when in the aforementioned settlement they do not receive the financial equivalent of the energy produced at the same rates that are applied to them when they buy energy from large power companies, it may be in the interest of prosumers who are treated unfairly in this way to become independent of these large, dominant power companies. In addition, the problem is exacerbated by the frequent situations in which large, dominant companies in the energy sector, energy corporations are very slow to implement, or do not implement at all, green energy transition processes and continue to generate energy from burning fossil fuels. Thus, in spite of the constantly cheap photovoltaic and other renewable energy technologies, in spite of the much cheaper production of energy from RES against conventional combustion energy, the processes of green energy transformation are still progressing too slowly, greenhouse gas emissions are still high and the process of global warming is still progressing rapidly. The solution to the above problem would be the introduction of legal regulations that would allow energy prosumers to function in a kind of closed circuit independently of the influence of large energy corporations with possible simultaneous connection to electricity transmission networks managed by the aforementioned large energy corporations that dominate the energy sector. The aforementioned connection to the transmission networks of prosumer RES installations would provide the possibility of draining the periodically generated surplus energy, so that there would be an opportunity to transfer this energy to other energy consumers who do not have their own RES installations and/or who, for specific reasons, have a periodic energy deficit. Besides, this type of solution could significantly generate a decrease in energy prices on the one hand and increase the level of national energy independence and energy security on the other. In a situation where a significant proportion of energy prosumers, i.e., citizens and companies operating in various energy sectors and industries, would have their own energy sources operating under different types of renewable and zero-emission energy sources, a large diversity in the mix of different energy sources would also, on the one hand, be an important factor in energy security. On the other hand, thanks to this solution, the process of green transformation could, in real terms, significantly accelerate.
For example, in Poland in recent years, green energy based on photovoltaics is mainly developed by citizens, prosumers, individual customers, who are at the mercy of large, dominant energy companies managing transmission networks. The travesty of this solution is that these large energy companies have lobbied for the introduction of regulations according to which prosumer photovoltaic installations and other mini RES power plants must be connected to the aforementioned power transmission grids, while these grids are mostly built many years ago on the basis of already outdated technologies and are unable to accept surplus energy from prosumers when the sun suddenly sets and the wind blows a little stronger than usual. Recently, there have also been situations in which the authorities set up for this purpose have slowed down the processes of issuing approvals for new connections to the transmission grid of successively created by prosumers photovoltaic and/or other mini RES power plants. The paradox of the situation that has arisen is also that many entrepreneurs in various industries and sectors of the economy are interested in becoming energy prosumers in order to build photovoltaic and/or wind energy-based power plants near their company or enterprise, but the problems mentioned above are the reason why still few entrepreneurs choose to do so. Another paradox is that financial subsidies are available, including grants from the National Recovery Plan for the development of prosumer RES power plants, but the aforementioned problems are a key factor inhibiting the possibility of accelerating the realization of the green energy transition, in which prosumer RES-based power plants could account for a large share. From surveys conducted among entrepreneurs running their companies and/or businesses in various sectors and industries of the economy, that they would be willing to become prosumers of energy generated from their own RES power plants, and would thus be eager to change their business by greening it, by increasing the scale of application of sustainable development goals, by adding the idea of green business to the company's mission, as it is known that the pro-climate, pro-environmental, pro-environmental awareness of citizens, i.e. customers of their product and/or service offerings, is constantly growing.
I am conducting research on this issue. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
I invite you to familiarize yourself with the problems described in the publications given above and to scientific cooperation in this field.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why does the political lobbying by large fossil fuel burning energy companies to maintain the status quo continue to limit or block the possibility of rapid development of green, clean, prosumer energy, where energy is generated from renewable and emission-free energy sources on the basis of small power plants based on photovoltaic technology, windmills, etc. built by citizens or companies striving for energy independence?
Why can't the development of green prosumer energy based on RES operate in a closed loop bypassing large energy companies?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

maybe in the afterlife I've failed at... Uniqueness may be the arche...
Everyone is special:
Given we have knowledge of only 5% of the Universe, can this and the 95% remainder of the Universe including Dark Energy and Dark Matter be understood with a single paradigm shift.
Recently I asked a question related to QCD and in response reliability of QCD itself was challenged by many researchers.
It left me with the question, what exactly is fundamental in physics. Can we rely entirely on the two equations given by Einstien? If not then what can we say as fundamental in physics?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be referred to as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
Advanced analytical systems, including complex forecasting models that enable multi-criteria, highly sophisticated, big data and information processing-based forecasts of the development of multi-faceted climatic, natural, social, economic and other processes are increasingly based on new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including Big Data Analytics and machine learning, deep learning and generative artificial intelligence. The use of generative artificial intelligence technologies enables the application of complex data processing algorithms according to precisely defined assumptions and human-defined factors. The use of computerized, integrated business intelligence information systems allows real-time analysis on the basis of continuously updated data provided and the generation of reports, reports, expert opinions in accordance with the defined formulas for such studies. The use of digital twin technology allows computers to build simulations of complex, multi-faceted, prognosticated processes in accordance with defined scenarios of the potential possibility of these processes occurring in the future. In this regard, it is also important to determine the probability of occurrence in the future of several different defined and characterized scenarios of developments, specific processes, phenomena, etc. In this regard, Business Intelligence analytics should also make it possible to precisely determine the level of probability of the occurrence of a certain phenomenon, the operation of a process, the appearance of described effects, including those classified as opportunities and threats to the future development of the situation. Besides, Business Intelligence analytics should enable precise quantitative estimation of the scale of influence of positive and negative effects of the operation of certain processes, as well as factors acting on these processes and determinants conditioning the realization of certain scenarios of situation development. Cloud computing makes it possible, on the one hand, to update the database with new data and information from various institutions, think tanks, research institutes, companies and enterprises operating within a selected sector or industry of the economy, and, on the other hand, to enable simultaneous use of a database updated in this way by many beneficiaries, many business entities and/or, for example, also by many Internet users in a situation where the said database would be made available on the Internet. In a situation where Internet of Things technology is applied, it would be possible to access the said database from the level of various types of devices equipped with Internet access. The application of Blockchain technology makes it possible to increase the scale of cybersecurity of the transfer of data sent to the database and Big Data information as part of the updating of the collected data and as part of the use of the analytical system thus built by external entities. The use of machine learning and/or deep learning technologies in conjunction with artificial neural networks makes it possible to train an AI-based system to perform multi-criteria analysis, build multi-criteria simulation models, etc. in the way a human would. In order for such complex analytical systems that process large amounts of data and information to work efficiently it is a good solution to use state-of-the-art super quantum computers characterized by high computing power to process huge amounts of data in a short time. A center for multi-criteria analysis of large data sets built in this way can occupy quite a large floor space equipped with many servers. Due to the necessary cooling and ventilation system and security considerations, this kind of server room can be built underground. while due to the large amounts of electricity absorbed by this kind of big data analytics center, it is a good solution to build a power plant nearby to supply power to the said data center. If this kind of data analytics center is to be described as sustainable, in line with the trends of sustainable development and green transformation of the economy, so the power plant powering the data analytics center should generate electricity from renewable energy sources, e.g. from photovoltaic panels, windmills and/or other renewable and emission-free energy sources of such a situation, i.e., when a data analytics center that processes multi-criteria Big Data and Big Data Analytics information is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then it can be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. Besides, when the Big Data Analytics analytics center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources then the AI technology used can also be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc. On the other hand, the Big Data Analytics center can be used to conduct multi-criteria analysis and build multi-faceted simulations of complex climatic, natural, economic, social processes, etc. with the aim of, for example. to develop scenarios of future development of processes observed up to now, to create simulations of continuation in the future of diagnosed historical trends, to develop different variants of scenarios of situation development according to the occurrence of certain determinants, to determine the probability of occurrence of said determinants, to estimate the scale of influence of external factors, the scale of potential materialization of certain categories of risk, the possibility of the occurrence of certain opportunities and threats, estimation of the level of probability of materialization of the various variants of scenarios, in which the potential continuation of the diagnosed trends was characterized for the processes under study, including the processes of sustainable development, green transformation of the economy, implementation of sustainable development goals, etc. Accordingly, the data analytical center built in this way can, on the one hand, be described as sustainable, since it is powered by renewable and emission-free energy sources. In addition to this, the data analytical center can also be helpful in building simulations of complex multi-criteria processes, including the continuation of certain trends of determinants influencing the said processes and the factors co-creating them, which concern the potential development of sustainable processes, e.g. economic, i.e. concerning sustainable economic development. Therefore, the data analytical center built in this way can be helpful, for example, in developing a complex, multifactor simulation of the progressive global warming process in subsequent years, the occurrence in the future of the negative effects of the deepening scale of climate change, the negative impact of these processes on the economy, but also to forecast and develop simulations of the future process of carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess to a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-loop economy. So, the sustainable data analytical center built in this way will be able to be defined as sustainable due to the supply of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, but will also be helpful in developing simulations of future processes of green transformation of the economy carried out according to certain assumptions, defined determinants, estimated probability of occurrence of certain impact factors and conditions, etc. orz estimating costs, gains and losses, opportunities and threats, identifying risk factors, particular categories of risks and estimating the feasibility of the defined scenarios of the green transformation of the economy planned to be implemented. In this way, a sustainable data analytical center can also be of great help in the smooth and rapid implementation of the green transformation of the economy.
Kluczowe kwestie dotyczące problematyki zielonej transformacji gospodarki opisałem w poniższym artykule:
Zastosowania technologii Big Data w analizie sentymentu, analityce biznesowej i zarządzaniu ryzykiem opisałem w artykule mego współautorstwa:
I have described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
If a Big Data Analytics data center is equipped with advanced generative artificial intelligence technology and is powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources, can it be described as sustainable, pro-climate, pro-environment, green, etc.?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies and powered by renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How to build a sustainable data center based on Big Data Analytics, AI, BI and other Industry 4.0/5.0 and RES technologies?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

Modern physics because afterlife prediction is new. More specifically, exact and concrete quantum mechanics.
The afterlife is so unpredictable, empiricism is more accurate than rationalism.
How to fill the growing gap in energy production in a situation where combustion energy dominates, RES are little developed and nuclear energy is still not developed?
With what to fill the growing gap of lack of energy production in a situation where expensive energy sources based on combustion of fossil fuels still prevail, the price of energy produced from RES is steadily falling and the chaotic and short-sighted energy policy does not take into account the construction of nuclear power plants or plans to build the first nuclear power plants only in 2 decades time?
Due to economic development, including the development of energy-intensive industries and services, the demand for electricity is gradually increasing.
In addition, the development of electromobility is becoming an important factor in the growth of electricity demand. With the developing economy becoming a knowledge-based economy, an information economy, an economy in which the scale of implementation of new ICT, Industry 4.0/5.0, including the development of data centers using Big Data Analytics, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, Blockchain, etc. is growing rapidly, then in addition, the demand for energy is also growing rapidly. Another factor that is already increasing and will continue to increase the demand for electricity in the future is the process of ongoing global warming resulting in increased use of cooling equipment. On the other hand, the pace of energy development, including, first and foremost, energy that meets the guidelines of climate policy based on renewable and emission-free energy sources is not sufficient.
As a result, the energy deficit gap is growing every year, and will unfortunately continue to grow in the coming years unless appropriate reforms are undertaken and the green transformation processes of the energy sector are accelerated. In addition, the importance of this issue is particularly high in countries where types of energy sources such as nuclear power are underdeveloped or not developed at all is particularly important. Nuclear power is the type of energy sources that can act as an intermediate stage in the process of green transformation of the economy involving the replacement of conventional energy sources based on the combustion of fossil fuels with fully emission-free, climate and environmentally clean energy sources. In addition, countries where, for geographical, natural and geological reasons, it may be difficult to develop certain types of renewable energy such as limited opportunities for the construction of hydroelectric power plants due to the small scale of diversity in terms of terrain, few rivers and certain geological reasons, have a difficult situation in the implementation of the process of green transformation of the economy. A significant further factor not conducive to reducing the scale of the growing energy deficit gap may be the unreliable, short-sighted, haphazard, non-strategic energy, climate and environmental policies, in which there are even situations of limiting and/or blocking the development of certain types of renewable and carbon-free energy sources. An example is the blocking of the development of onshore wind energy in Poland in 2016 through the introduction of Law 10h, resulting in a strong increase in coal imports and a significant slowdown in the green energy transition. The result is that Poland's energy production is still significantly dominated by conventional power generation based on the combustion of fossil fuels, mainly coal and lignite, which accounts for more than 70 percent of Poland's total energy production. Paradoxically, even this relatively small share of RES power generation can, under favorable natural and climatic conditions, provide more than the usual amount of energy, much of which is wasted because it is not accepted by the dominant power industry, including government-controlled energy companies functioning as state-owned companies. The argument that is given by these large power companies to this anachronistic, irrational situation is the years-long lack of investment in the development of electricity transmission networks. Paradoxically, over the past 3 decades of time, most of the funds coming from the state's public finance system have been allocated to subsidizing unprofitable coal and lignite mines and maintaining the power plants where the aforementioned coal is burned.
The reason that in the past the development of renewable and emission-free sources of energy has been limited and even blocked is that nowadays there are more and more absurd situations of sorts, where during sunny and windy weather from prosumers, photovoltaic panels and household wind turbines installed by citizens on the roof of their homes, there is an above-average increase in electricity production, but all the energy generated is not used by energy companies due to the lack of adequately developed infrastructure of transmission networks and the lack of established energy storage facilities, batteries, a significant part of the energy generated from RES goes to waste, and in other months it happens to buy energy from other countries, when there is a periodic shortage of energy due to the growing demand for energy. The paradox and economic irrationality of this situation also lies in the fact that energy prices are steadily rising, and the cheapest sources of energy generated from wind and solar power are too slowly being developed.
As a result, energy policy, and also climate and environmental policy, in the country where I operate is being conducted chaotically, strategically and short-sightedly. The guidelines of the European Union's Green Deal are largely ignored, and this is despite the available financial subsidies from the European Union, which should be allocated to the green transformation of the energy sector. In addition, subsidies for combustion power generation based mainly on coal and lignite continue to dominate, which translates into high energy prices, poor air quality and the postponement of the implementation of the plan to build a sustainable, green, zero-emission closed-loop economy, an essential element of which is to build a zero-emission power industry based on RES.
In addition, there is almost no research, analysis and implementation work on new innovative energy technologies such as those based on hydrogen power technology, cold fusion technology, etc.
I am conducting research in this area. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
The key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 are described in my co-authored article below:
I invite you to study the problems described in the above-mentioned publications and scientific cooperation in this issue.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
What to fill the growing gap of lack of electricity production in a situation where expensive energy sources based on burning fossil fuels still prevail, the price of energy generated from RES is steadily falling and the chaotic and short-sighted energy policy does not include the construction of nuclear power plants or plans to build the first nuclear power plants only in 2 decades of time?
With what to fill the growing gap in energy production in a situation where combustion power dominates, RES are little developed and nuclear power is still not developed?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text, I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

I have seen that some lecturers claim the leakage flux of a transformer will automatically become zero in case it has an ideal iron core. I want to say NO!
This is correct for a system with a core and a single winding: referring to the magnetic equivalent circuit, there can not be any leakage flux as the leakage reluctance is in parallel with a zero reluctance, i. e. the core reluctance.
But is case we have two windings, a close look at the magnetic equivalent circuit reveals that the zero core reluctance condition just leads to the balance of the two ampere-turns, that is the current ratio for an ideal transformer will be obtained. Nevertheless, there can still be leakage fluxes in both the primary and the secondary, although the core has been assumed completely ideal.
Am I correct?
Please see the details in the attached file.
The Maxwell demon utilizes temperature fluctuations to achieve a perpetual motion machine, independent of information theory.
Please refer to the attached diagram and the following text for details.
1,The Maxwell demon measures the instantaneous temperature fluctuations of a and b on both sides of the switch.
2,When Ta>Tb, the switch is turned on. Heat is transferred from a to b
When Ta<Tb, the switch is turned off. a&b Insulation.
3,Finally, the temperature difference in the container: TA<TB
4,The Maxwell demon is unrelated to information theory and satisfies Newton's laws and energy conservation.
5,Fluctuations themselves violate the second law of thermodynamics. Maxwell's demon utilizes the defect of the second law of thermodynamics.
To date the presence of Dark Energy, has remained a mystery. This is solved on the basis of fundamental unit of energy, Planck's constant, from which space-time itself, the forces of nature including gravity, and all particle physics can be derived. This is achieved on the on the basis of the speed of light and classical geometry. In the first instance new research points to a definitive answer to the presence of space time and the value of Hubble's constant. Here we invite open access research and discussion to probe the mysteries and very nature of Dark Energy, and the origins of all the aspects of Nature including the laws of thermodynamics.
Can socially run citizen-led independent local energy cooperatives running small renewable energy power plants in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal etc. significantly increase energy security?
Monopolistically operating large energy companies, including mainly government-controlled state-owned companies, apply pricing policies that are not conducive to the development of renewable energy sources in the form of small household power plants set up by citizens, who would thus become prosumers of electricity. This point is also confirmed by the pricing policy applied by these large energy companies, which are government-controlled SOEs in the context of the 2022 energy crisis. In addition, it has happened over the past few years that in areas where such power plants have been set up as part of solar or wind power, they have produced so much electricity in situations of high sunshine or strong winds that the technologically outdated and underinvested transmission power grids have not been able to absorb this electricity produced by prosumer citizens. This is a kind of paradoxical and almost surreal situation in a country facing a serious energy crisis in 2022 due to the still existing archaic energy model based 3/4 on the production of electricity and even more on thermal energy from burning coal and lignite. It is therefore necessary to develop independent, local cooperatives running small renewable energy power plants, i.e. independent of large energy companies, including government-controlled state-owned companies with monopolistic pricing policies, limiting the development of renewable energy sources by citizens and increasingly portraying themselves in the media in advertising and umbrella campaigns as green, generating energy mainly from renewable energy sources which is at variance with the facts, so is an example of greenwashing. In view of the above, the development of local cooperatives operating small renewable energy power plants can significantly reduce the scale of monopolistic participation of large energy companies in the entire energy sector and thus can significantly increase the energy security of citizens and the security of the national energy sector.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can socially run independent local energy cooperatives by citizens running small renewable energy power plants in wind, solar, hydro, geothermal etc. significantly increase energy security?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz

I have defined matter and energy as follows (elsewhere), but is it possible to define them independent of each other?
Meanings of ‘Matter’ and ‘Energy’ Contrasted: By ‘matter’ I mean whatever exists as the venue of finite activities of existents and itself finitely active in all parts. Matter is whatever is interconvertible with existent energy.
Existent ‘energy’ is conceived as those propagative wavicles which, in a given world of existents, function as the fastest existent media of communication of someeffects between any two or more chunks of matter or of energy (i.e., of motions / changes).
Existent matter and existent energy are inter-convertible, and hence both should finally be amenable to a common definition: whatever exists with, in all parts, finite activity and stability.
Raphael Neelamkavil, Ph.D., Dr. phil.
1. Pre-scientific Law of Causality: A Short Introduction
Anything can exist only non-vacuously and absolutely in Extension (having parts) and simultaneously and inseparably also in Change (existents and their parts impacting some other extended existents). Anything without these two mutually integral characteristics cannot exist. Physical entities are in finite change in themselves and in every part. In that state of finite change, they are also finitely stable in themselves. This alone is their identity as Extension-Change-wise processes. The entities within cosmos are such.
Hence, back to the cosmos. Even the allegedly “non-causal” quantum-mechanical constituent processes are mathematically and statistically circumscribed measuremental concepts from the results of empirical activity of experiments and thought on Extended-Changing existents and ipso facto the realities behind these statistical measurements are in Extension-Change if these processes are physically existent. Without such existence, statistics has no foundation at all.
If not in Change, how can something physical exist in Extension alone? And if not in Extension, how can something exist in Change alone? Hence, Extension-Change are the two fundamental and exhaustively complete implications of To Be, and hence may be termed the ontological Categories of all existence.
Finally, Extension-Change-wise existence is what we understand as Causality. That is, if anything exists, it is in Causation. This is the principle of Universal Causality...!
Space is the measured shape of Extension; time is that of Change. Therefore, space and time are epistemic categories. How then can statistical causality be causality at all?
In short, everything existent is causal: hence Universal Causality as the highest pre-scientific Law, second only to Existence / To Be.
Absolute vacuum is not an existent. The 3500+ years old gods are either vacua, or parts of this cosmos. And if the Absolute Divine should exist, the only remaining rational possibility is that it must have ubiquitously infinite Extension and infinite Change. Infinite Extension is not stability without Change. Infinite Extension must be just the infinitely intense state of affairs – infinite activity and the infinite stability proper to infinite activity.
If the Divine exists, it must be in infinite stability in its state of infinite Change. But is it possible to have rational arguments in favour of its existence? The whole history of humanity has not yet produced one with enough truth probability. Can cosmology now accomplish this task? We do not yet know.
2. Gravitational Coalescence Paradox
Even if there is no common big bang within a fully finite-content universe, there will be expansions and contractions locally. Moreover, the universe will have outer limits. At the outer limits some gravitational and non-gravitational energies must be lost, because there is no force at the outskirts to block these from escaping. Additionally, if the universe has a finite but fixed speed limit of energy propagation, then what is lost at the outskirts can never be brought back by propagations that issue later. If there is a general expansion, then there will be contraction too. Naturally, there are consecutive expansions and contractions, however limited they are. These cannot go on infinitely, since the finite-content universe loses energy (convertible in terms of mass) at the outskirts.
A fully cyclic and geometrically fully spherical oscillating universe existing as the sole finite universe can never be defended. Within a finite (of course, very long) time, it will exteriorize its matter-energy and be entirely rarefied over a finite number of oscillations. This raises the question of the causal horizon of the first big bang of a finitely cyclic universe and/or the very beginning of this universe. If other such separate universes exist, the final residues of the first will form part of one or many of them, because the distance between them is always finite, and all of them have some gravitation.
Now there are the following two possible lines of solution for the first big bang of a finite-content universe: (1) the matter of our universe has come from other universes or (2) it was created in some way from a Source that is not a form of matter-energy with finite activity and finite stability (which finite activity and stability is the case only of the cosmos).
If the matter-energy of a finite oscillating universe is from other universes, there remains only the case of existence of an infinite number of them. All of them eventually will exteriorize their matter-energy into becoming parts of other universes in finite durations. Such universes exist at finite distances. Gravitation from one such universe will affect similar neighbour universes in finite time. So, they should coalesce gravitationally with each other and with others over the course of time. Gravitation has a finite propagation velocity, not infinite. If gravitation can vary in velocity, each such local gravitational coalescence will have a highest limit, whatever, of gravitational velocity at each phase of expansion from a common central black hole.
Moreover, at any time with respect to one finite-content universe, there are only a finite number of universes in mutual gravitational attraction, since an infinitely spatiotemporal universe can never form a fully gravitationally related infinite-content conglomeration. If it could, there would again appear the contradiction of infinite mass, density etc. and infinite velocity, which is the same as the absolutely miraculous action-at-an-infinite-distance. We do not need it.
The mass-and-volume differences among coalescences do not matter. Due to the tendency of matter as groups of island universes to form ever wider gravitational conglomerations or coalescences, the formation of an eventual common center for each such wider coalescence is a must. There is no time when a coalescence of such universes existed or exists without gradually forming a common gravitational center. This conclusion is absolutely inevitable if all existing universes and parts thereof are gravitational.
No such coalescence, however wide, can bring back the gravitons it has radiated to the peripheries from the common gravitational center at a time before or during or after its big bang or big crunch – and even if there is no big bang and big crunch. This process can only continue forwards forming ever wider coalescences; and never backwards in a de-coalescence or de-coherence of gravitational coalescences, because gravitational propagation is an outward, not inward, process of some sort of energy propagations.
If the cosmological scalar Λ-addition is a dark energy qualified solely by its alleged ability to repel, no amount of dark energy should possess the capacity to attach itself to any other dark energy quantum. Ipso facto, it never exists in any real universe. If it includes also gravitational radiation, it is impossible to understand why there should be these ad hoc quanta of repulsion if, naturally, the limits of density that each conglomeration of matter-energy possesses by reason of its mass, volume etc. can produce repulsion between parts of the conglomeration after the conglomeration has attained critical density.
As is evident, it is irrational to posit the existence of repulsons – as quanta / wavicles of repulsion to keep dark energy on par with gravitation. Hence, I discuss gravitational coalescences to theoretically circumvent any irresolvable problem that the concept of dark energy can offer.
It is common knowledge that gravitational propagation is an outward, not inward, process of energy propagation from any gravitating material body. This should take place also from within a universe to other universes. Hence, there should be coalescences of universes at some time or other due to gravitational attraction.
At no time relative to the coalescing universes of universes can an infinite coalescence be actualized via gravitational influence from a central black hole common to all the infinite number of universes, although infinite such gravitationally coalesced universes, groups of universes, etc. exist in an infinite-content multiverse.
Hence, no gravitational coalescence, however big, is a gravitational member of an infinite number of gravitational coalescences. This fact and the fact of loss of energy at the fringes of universes flow logically from the foregoing discussions. I shall now define in the following paragraph the paradox of matter-energy creation implied above.
The Gravitational Coalescence Paradox (GCP): At any time in an infinite multiverse, there will be an infinite number of gravitationally ever broadening coalescences, none of which can be traced back to other such coalescences for their origin. Each maximal gravitational coalescence at any timerelative to the local set of coalescences is irreducibly finite and hence has a finite past in the absence of any past contact with any other outer universes.
Each of the infinite number of coalescences is thus cosmogenetically isolated from other such coalescences, because, at any time, there exist an infinite number of coalescences which are cosmogenetically isolated and cannot be traced for any causal inheritance from an infinite number of them. All the universes from which a certain universe has had causal inheritance is already included within its broadest possible gravitational coalescence.
3. Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology
The above Paradox facilitates the question to be posed of the origin of each such gravitational coalescence in the finite past of each such, since at any given time none of the designated infinite coalescences has had past gravitational or any other causal contacts with any other cosmic entity. I term the foregoing discussion the backbone of Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology (GCC).
(1) Gravitational Coalescence Paradox and Cosmogenetic Causality in Quantum Astrophysical Cosmology, 647 pp., Berlin, 2018.
(2) Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology, 386 pp., Frankfurt, 2015.
(3) Causal Ubiquity in Quantum Physics: A Superluminal and Local-Causal Physical Ontology, 361 pp., Frankfurt, 2014.
(4) Essential Cosmology and Philosophy for All: Gravitational Coalescence Cosmology, 92 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 2nd Edition.
(5) Essenzielle Kosmologie und Philosophie für alle: Gravitational-Koaleszenz-Kosmologie, 104 pp., KDP Amazon, 2022, 1st Edition.
how can i calculate the surface energy for surfaces such as these (111), (110) and (100) with the data from material studio castep ?
Dear connections, I’m currently searching for a PhD/Research position in the field of “Energy Transition”, with a strong interest in Energy Systems Analysis & Modeling as well as Clean Energy Technologies (EV,..).
My research track is in the field of energy market analysis & forecast using AI. In my M.Sc. thesis at The American University in Cairo, I managed to build an energy planning model using different ANN topologies, that will help in securing the balance between the energy supply and demand in the United Kingdom for different end-use sectors; domestic, industrial, transport, and services sectors. I also carried out a long-term forecasting for the UK's final energy consumption up to the year 2035, and analyzed the results comparing to the outlook of the UK’s governmental department of Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).
Being a Future Energy Leader at the World Energy Council and an energy transition advocate, I understand the importance of humanising energy and contributing to the global dialogue on energy and sustainability issues.
On the other hand, I have 11 years of professional experience in the oil and gas, refining, and petrochemical industries at Enppi, one of the leading engineering and EPC main contractors in the Middle East and Africa.
I am definitely open to expanding my career path in other "Energy Transition" fields of research, and open for relocation, if the PhD requires so.
Please let me know if there are any potential openings. Thank you.
I am new to Desmond simulations and I want to know how can I find the estimated time left for a simulation to be completed? my 2nd query is how to perform B-Factor analysis after performing simulation on Desmond? Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Gerard Reid (2020) stated about Energy: "The choices and approaches... are governed by the following paradoxes...: 1. The Utility Paradox; 2. The Market Efficiency Paradox; 3. Jevons Paradox; 4. The NIMBY Paradox 5. The Renewable Energy Paradox 6. The Philosophy Paradox. On the other hand, Adam Szymański (2020) showed that the Levelized Cost Of Energy (LCOE) definition is incorrect as it leads to an Economic Paradox. This discussion is intended to launch a scientific debate on these essential energy issues and related technical, socioeconomic, and environmental implications.
Gerard Reid (2020) The Six Energy Paradoxes that slow the sector’s progress. Available on:
Szymański, A. (2020). Levelized cost of energy definition–An economic paradox. The Electricity Journal, 33(7). To be requested on:
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of innovative renewable and zero-carbon energy sources, i.e. hydrogen power, hydrogen fusion power, spent nuclear fuel power, ...?
In view of the above, with the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources there are many technological and environmental constraints on certain categories of spent materials used in this type of energy. On the one hand, it is necessary for power companies to make investments in electricity transmission and storage networks. On the other hand, economical technologies for the production of low-cost energy storage and recycling, disposal of used batteries and photovoltaic panels, including the recovery of rare metals as part of the aforementioned disposal process, are still to be developed. In addition, the problem of overheating of batteries in electric vehicles and the occurrence of situations of spontaneous combustion of these devices and dangerous, difficult to extinguish fires of the said vehicles are still not fully resolved. If the solution to such problems is mainly a matter of necessary improvements in technology or the creation of new, innovative technology, then arguably generative artificial intelligence technology should come to the rescue in this regard.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
Important aspects of the implementation of the green transformation of the economy, including the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources I included in my article below:
I invite you to discuss this important topic for the future of the planet's biosphere and climate.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of innovative renewable and carbon-free energy sources, i.e. hydrogen power, hydrogen fusion power, spent nuclear fuel power, ...?
How can artificial intelligence technology help in the development and deployment of renewable and emission-free energy sources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

In classical mechanics, kinetic energy is KE = ½mv², where m is mass and v is velocity. So mass multiplied by the square of the speed is an energy. The concept of energy plays a fundamental role in understanding the behaviour of objects in motion. One of the key forms of energy is kinetic energy, which is intimately linked to an object's mass and velocity. Additionally, in the realm of relativity, Einstein's famous equation E = mc² introduces a profound understanding of energy in terms of mass and the speed of light. This discussion aims to delve into the classical expression for kinetic energy KE = ½mv² and its connection to relativistic energy (mc²).