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Employee Engagement - Science topic

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Questions related to Employee Engagement
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a critical factor in shaping brand image perception among various stakeholder groups. Research indicates that CSR initiatives can significantly enhance a company's reputation and brand image when implemented authentically and strategically. For instance, a study by Martínez et al. (2014) found a strong positive correlation between consumers' perception of CSR and both functional and affective aspects of brand image[1]. This suggests that companies engaging in genuine CSR efforts can effectively improve their overall brand perception among customers.
The impact of CSR extends beyond customers to other key stakeholder groups, including employees, shareholders, and broader community stakeholders. Employees, in particular, play a crucial role in this dynamic. When companies involve employees in CSR activities and communicate their efforts effectively, it can lead to increased job satisfaction, loyalty, and pride in the organization. This, in turn, can transform employees into brand ambassadors, further enhancing the company's image externally[1]. For shareholders, CSR initiatives can signal long-term value creation and risk mitigation, potentially improving their perception of the brand and its future prospects.
However, it is essential to note that the positive influence of CSR on brand image is contingent upon avoiding greenwashing or superficial green labeling. Authenticity and transparency in CSR efforts are crucial for building trust and credibility among all stakeholder groups. As Bianchi et al. (2019) highlight, a company's reputation and international presence play a significant role in shaping consumer perceptions and attitudes toward the brand[1]. Therefore, to maximize the positive impact of CSR on brand image, companies must ensure their initiatives are genuine, aligned with their core business values, and effectively communicated to all stakeholder groups. This approach can lead to a more robust and positive brand image across customers, employees, shareholders, and the broader community.
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Yes, it can, like it can for a range of primary and tertiary stakeholders. To a certain extent, it depends on how involving and consultative management are with their stakeholders as to the level of brand strengthening and authentic value it creates for the brand .
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
2 answers
For the JOB-RELATED FACTORS AFFECTING EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT IN IT SECTOR research, I need the research questionnaires done in the previous research to give the survey.
Dependent Variables
Growth and Development Opportunities
Job Characteristics
Independent variables
Employee Engagement
Can you help to get questionnaires for this?
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Thank You For your support
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
Please provide any insights you have regarding the ethical leadership influence the ethical behavior of employees within HRM practices.
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Ethical leadership plays a crucial role in shaping the ethical behavior of employees within HRM (Human Resource Management) practices in Bangladesh, as it does in any other context. Here's how ethical leadership influences ethical behavior within HRM practices, with a specific focus on Bangladesh:
  1. Setting the Tone: Ethical leaders in HRM practices in Bangladesh set the tone for ethical behavior within the organization. They establish a clear vision, mission, and values that emphasize ethical conduct. This creates a culture of integrity and shapes the ethical expectations for employees.
  2. Role Modeling: Ethical leaders serve as role models for employees by demonstrating ethical behavior in their actions, decisions, and interactions. In Bangladesh, ethical leaders within HRM practices exhibit honesty, transparency, fairness, and respect for others. Employees observe their leaders and are more likely to emulate their behavior.
  3. Establishing Ethical Standards: Ethical leaders within HRM practices in Bangladesh establish and communicate clear ethical standards and policies. They ensure that employees understand the importance of ethical behavior and the consequences of unethical actions. These standards guide HRM practices such as recruitment, selection, performance evaluation, and employee relations.
  4. Training and Development: Ethical leaders provide training and development opportunities to enhance employees' ethical awareness and competencies. In Bangladesh, ethical leadership within HRM practices may include conducting ethics workshops, seminars, and training programs that address specific ethical challenges and dilemmas.
  5. Encouraging Open Communication: Ethical leaders create an environment that encourages open communication and whistle-blowing. They promote a culture where employees feel comfortable reporting ethical concerns or violations without fear of retaliation. This enables HRM practices in Bangladesh to address ethical issues promptly and effectively.
  6. Rewarding Ethical Behavior: Ethical leaders within HRM practices in Bangladesh recognize and reward employees who demonstrate ethical behavior. By acknowledging and appreciating ethical conduct, leaders reinforce the importance of ethical behavior and motivate employees to adhere to ethical standards.
  7. Ethical Decision-Making: Ethical leaders guide HRM practices in Bangladesh by making fair and ethical decisions. They involve employees in decision-making processes whenever possible, consider diverse perspectives, and ensure that decisions align with ethical principles. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and encourages employees to make ethical choices in their HRM roles.
  8. Consequences for Unethical Behavior: Ethical leaders within HRM practices in Bangladesh establish consequences for unethical behavior and enforce them consistently. This sends a clear message that unethical actions will not be tolerated. Employees are more likely to comply with ethical standards when they witness the consequences of unethical behavior.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
I have a challenge and that is how to evaluate the developer onboarding process in agile teams and which criteria and KPIs must be used in this evaluation.
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- atendiendo a los resultados obtenidos y el clima que se ha desarrollado en el equipo en el proceso de trabajo.
- evaluando el nivel de asunción de la cultural organizacional y la implicación en las tareas.
- analizando la ayuda y colaboración con el resto del equipo.
Puede ser a través de la observación, preguntas frecuentes al resto del equipo y a propio colaborador, con escalas de valoración sobre satisfacción, cohesión grupal, trabajo en equipo, comunicación, relaciones interpersonales. Técnicas proyectivas en general.
saludos, espero que le sea útil
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
36 answers
please do suggest me what statistical tool can be used for this objective
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If I am getting your questions right, I believe SEM modelling is the route you should go for.
Structural equation modelling should answer all questions. The steps are
1. Exploratory factor analysis
2. Confrimatory factor analysis
3. Pathway analysis.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Can anyone please share an employee productivity (perceived) scale that can be used? I am kinda having a hard time looking for a structured questionnaire for my study about POS and employee engagement and one factor for EE is the level of perceived productivity.
Thank you in advance!
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(PDF) Measuring employees' perception in small and medium-sized enterprises: A self-assessment scale. Available from:'_perception_in_small_and_medium-sized_enterprises_A_self-assessment_scale [accessed Jan 03 2022].
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
24 answers
" An Integrated Model for Internal CSR Implementation in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions to increase Employee Engagement, Employee Loyalty and Organizational Performance.
Kindly provide comment.
Thank you
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It could easily be:
"A Model for Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility in Malaysian Private Higher Education Institutions"
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
As part of my dissertation I need to find an employee engagement survey that is valid and reliable. I have checked PsychTests and have not found anything that I can actually access. Is there another database you all would recommend or a specific source where I can get a great survey?
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Please review my publications with Sachin Suknunan and Mohamed Saheed Bayat and thesis on employee engagement to possibly help you with your project. Wishing you the best!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
23 answers
I am currently writing my dissertation on the experiences of healthcare professionals (HCPs) employee engagement and work-family experience during the COVID-19 pandemic through using a qualitative approach. I know there is the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, is there another way I can measure engagement through qualitative methods?
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Measuring engagement using a scale may give wrong notion as if you are going to employ the quantitative approach. Since, it is qualitative, the data that you have already got, I mean qualitative data, you can categorize based on some themes and sub-themes linking to you objectives/research questions. You need to have persuasive writing by strengthening you analysis with the words (quotation) from research participants. You can follow book of Creswell.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Inviting Co authors on Broad Area with the theme on Employee Engagement with differently abled people
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Send me email id. My email ld is
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
6 answers
Dear Sir and Madam, I would like to inform you that I am a researcher at Tallinn University of Technology and my subject relates job turnover in Business Organization. Could you please inform me how I can get this scale or questionnaire of job-turnover and turnover retention?
Thank you in advance.
Souliphone LUANGLATH
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For the Intention to leave study, these could be considered as appropriate questionnaire/scale.
Propensity to leave index (Rizzo 1970); or Intention to leave scale (Colrelli 1984); or Mobley intention scale (Mobley 1978).
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
15 answers
Could you please share good research papers and pieces of expert advice about the impact of work-life balance (WLB) on employee performance in organizations? Your kind and constructive support will be highly commendable.
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Dear Arhan Sthapit;
Thanks for sharing this interesting topic.
An opportunity to exchange information and expand our knowledge.
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
Please answer keeping in mind the future job market i.e. after the lockdown is over. Add your age, education level, and employment status as well please.
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Dear Mati Ullah,
Living with the COVID-19 pandemic for more than a year has changed the way we think of jobs. Freedom and personal control seem to be far more important, capturing attention that may have previously gone to money, rewards, or titles. I have found that since COVID-19 became a regular part of our lives, recruiters: care less about employment gaps, care more about cover letters and care more about interview thank-you notes.
job seekers may be taking themselves out of the running even before or right after the virtual interview because they’re ignoring the key factors to which recruiters are suddenly paying attention.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
20 answers
Trust is often the key value which can help organizations to convert its planning to real performance through proper and strategic execution. Lack of trust with leaders or employees can reduce or slow down performance. Is trust a performance multiplier?
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Trust is the basis of collaborative relationships, especially in the context of collaboration within an organization. Trust is analyzed as a positive attitude towards the assumed future actions of another person. By trusting, we assume that someone's behaviour will be beneficial for us.
Bulińska-Stangrecka, Helena; Bagieńska, Anna. 2018. "Investigating the Links of Interpersonal Trust in Telecommunications Companies" Sustainability 10, no. 7: 2555.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
I want to measure, or explore the influence of organizational transparency on employee's job satisfaction, taking on mind, that I am seeking to measure overall job satisfaction, form the angle of transparency of the top management or leaders (openness, sharing information, participation, autonomy, no secrecy, disclosure...etc), some hints of transparency. Thank you...
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
7 answers
The best monitoring and assessment tools of pedagogy and approaches to curriculum is evaluation that must seek to understand how a teacher has grown to adapt the necessities of teaching online. The COVID-19 situation introduced pedagogical changes in a three dimension vividly from Learners, Teachers, School Administrators paradigms. While there are multiple approaches and tools to monitor students, what is the best possible way to also monitor and assess Teacher's Online Engagement and participation during these times?
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Okoro U. Raymond Following..
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
13 answers
A few days before the start of the new school year, would you like to take a few more weeks of vacation? In some companies, this is possible thanks to unlimited vacations. Based on individual responsibility, this system allows employees to take as many days off as they wish during the year. The only constraints are to achieve their objectives and not to burden other team members with their absence, who reserve the right to refuse the leave requested by a colleague. This will limit excesses. Result: in fact, employees entitled to unlimited vacations take only slightly more vacation than the average. What's the difference? More flexibility, and therefore less stress, especially when it comes to dealing with the small unexpected events of daily life.
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Nabil Khatib Not really. You can't generalize UN-lmited vacation. There should be some LIMIT in all unLIMITed things whether its vacation or anything else.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
7 answers
If yes, please provide a link of such study.
Thanks !!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
13 answers
I would like to look at this in the context of mentoring outcomes for mentors.
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Please refer the article for the employee engagement instrument.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
27 answers
What are main sectors may be affected by COVID-19?
By other words, technology is one biggest filed will change the world in next years. Moreover it will affect on the shape of many jobs like Google, its employees will work from home all of them by the end of 2020 and expect the Facebook do as well. So what is your perspective?
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In Sri Lanka mainly apparel industry and travel and tourism industry. This pandemic situation affect other industries to a certain level as well.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
6 answers
Hi there,
I am researching employee benefit programs in an international context. Employee benefits in the sense of my research are either statutory or company-specific payments, discounts or perks offered by a company to all or part of their employees. I am especially interested to learn about the following countries:
Furthermore, if you are aware of research addressing the preferences of employees in the countries listed above, I am also interested to know.
Many thanks in advance - I very much appreciate your help.
Kind regards, Ilka
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As i know, NHRD is professional body in India in HR functionality.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
I'm gathering research to hopefully use as part of my dissertation
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The following article is recommended for reading. I believe it will be of benefit to you.
- Min Jung Kim, Jin-Sik Park and Hong Kun Chin (2015) An Influence of the Digital Native Characteristics to Acceptance of Digital Signage Engagement and Media Attitude, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 8 (23), pp. 1-6.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
I am researching on this subtopic of employment mobility as part of the overall employee experience which is main my dissertation topic.
From a policy analysis perspective, what needs to be done so this will benefits all the member countries of ASEAN?
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It is important for ASEAN to develop employment mobility among its member countries because of the cheap skilled workers are available in ASEAN and especially in Asian nations. So, that it enhance the employment opportunities for the skilled workers and those who are actually employable and potential to work hard and contributes towards the economic growth of the nation and as well as development and growth of each individual worker.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
2 answers
How budgets affect motivation negatively and positively and what strategies managers have to improve motivation.
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Managers may possibly adjust employee behaviours through motivation.
Please refer to the following article:
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
I have developed a Consultants, Experts and Trainers Model for increasing productivity of the organization? Do you think that the organization requires this alternate employment cum lean service model?
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Lean concept is a useful concept in improving efficiency and efficacy of any system in any organisation
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
9 answers
I want to do my thesis about managing emotions in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. However, I find it very difficult to come to a specific research question. I want to focus on how to manage the emotions of employees during the post-integration phase of cross-border M&As. Although, it is still very vague and broad. Therefore, I want to narrow my RQ to something specific. For this moment, I focused on positive and negative emotions and how to manage/ change the negative emotions into positive emotions (narrowing down the negative emotions). However, I am quite desperate and not sure where to focus on and what is a good RQ/ what to write about. Can somebody help me?
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It feels like you trying to deal with the symptom of poor leadership rather than the cause of a badly executed merger or acquisition. I would have thought a more pertinent and useful question would be how do leaders carry out M&A while minimising the emotional fallout that creates reduced sustainable effectiveness and productivity. After all we all know that a big majority of mergers and acquisitions are a failure in strategic and financial terms, and there is growing evidence that one of the main causes is they don't get the relationships and blending of culture right. A final point, although x-border M&As are more complicated because of the extra level of national culture, they are fundamentally the same as all M&A in that dealing with the culture is a very important part that is often ignored. Success requires Transpersonal Leaders - see
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
1 answer
For my project, I made my participants 'select all that may apply' by asking them how they received informal recognition.
Ex: Received a thank you from manager
Received email from manager
Received handshake
and more...
I separated each response by itself and each response is its own variable on SPSS.
Ex: 1 = Received a thank you from manager
0 = other
I want to see which informal recognition received by my participants yield a greater employee engagement.
Main question: Which statistical analysis in SPSS should I use to find this? I've been struggling to figuring it out and hopefully you guys can steer me to the right direction.
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Hello Hector,
If the dependent variable (employee engagement) is a metric variable (interval or ratio strength), then multiple linear regression would be a good starting point for determining which (if any) of the informal recognition types help explain differences in perceived engagement.
If the engagement variable is categorical, logistic regression would be preferred.
Good luck with your work!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
7 answers
My research is the following:
The Impact Recognition has on Employee Engagement and Turnover Intention among Teleworkers
*Type of recognition being used in study is informal
Research question:
Does recognition impact employee engagement and TO intention for teleworkers?
Hyp 1: There will be a significant relationship between recognition and employee engagement.
Hyp 2: There will be a significant relationship between recognition and turnover intention.
If you can lead me to the right direction that would be great. Thank you guys!
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Log-linear analysis is used for cases where all your variables are categorical. However, usually engagement and turnover intentions are continuous not categorical variables.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
13 answers
A little over a decade ago, Vineet Nayar CEO of HCLT, developed the model “Employee First Customers Second” or EFCS, for his firm and in so doing built a highly successful business around that paradigm and scored major accolades for re-inventing the 21st Century Business Management Model leading to a book of the same name.
How is the model in practice one decade later ?
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To quote CK Prahlad from his foreword to the book (Employees First Customers Second), this book is a narrative of organizational transformation and a practical guide for managers who wish to achieve similar results, as well as a story of the personal transformation of a CEO.
What struck me as significant about the book were the following aspects:
It is about the journey of an organization very Indian in its origins and culture
and about the experiences of an Indian CEO in bringing about change within
this psyche – this means it is a journey we can all relate very well to and draw
a lot of practical lessons from.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
6 answers
Is cynicism an efficient way of persisting a corporate culture? Or does cynicism maintain a company's power by subjecting oneself to the system? What about cultural aspects?
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Наличие цинизма у сотрудников по отношению к корпоративной культуре свидетельствует о том, что они не разделяют ценности этой компании, слабо мотированы или не полностью реализовывают свои способности или просто не компетенты в профессиональной деятельности!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
6 answers
I am a student and doing a study on Performance Management Activities and Employee Engagement
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  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
Hi everyone , I’m currently doing some research on the impacts of gamification on organisations in terms of employee engagement and innovation . More specifically , how implementing game mechanics to existing processes can lead to innovation . I’d like to hear your thoughts . Is gamification useful ? Do you think it can drive ideation ? If so ,to what extent ? Does it have its downsides ?
I’d really appreciate some responses , Thank you.
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Using Gamification to Drive Innovation in a Global Company
Some global organizations have large scale innovation initiatives; their aim is to involve employees in grass-roots innovation activities, driving them to identify questions that require innovation, identify possible solutions and try them, iterating as needed.
We’ve written in the past about gamification for innovation, but I wanted to show how these high-level concepts can be broken down into a real use case at a large enterprise.
The core idea behind corporate innovation initiatives is that innovation can be driven from below and not by management edict. These programs begin by establishing an innovation “body” – a loosely coupled group of innovators spread throughout the organization – and embedding it in the organization. The core challenge is to build a culture of sustainable innovation, with people at its core. How do you launch and foster an entrepreneurial mindset in large organizations?
Here are some ideas:
One of the core requirements of innovation programs is training. Yes, this may sound odd – don’t great ideas just drop out of the blue? But in reality, the goal of these programs is to drive innovation by providing learning materials – to get people exposed to ideas, challenges and to socialize them by organizing events. eLearning gamification can be great this, and combined with many gamification elements that track performance. You can read more here.
Social proof
Everything that is innovation-centric or that is about contributing to a community as a whole is driven by social proof and karma.  That’s how we humans are built.
That’s why any innovation project has to have a healthy dose of social proof and karma points. You want to show off your good deeds, your innovation peers in another country/division also want to show them off.
This is where good old badges (as well as kudos, one of our favorite game mechanics, and a social feed) come into play:
  • Internal bragging
  • Many badges per type of contribution /activity/ geography / role etc
  • Show mastery
  • Communicate expertise to others
  • Social proof
  • Can be communicated externally to demonstrate achievement outside the innovation group
Instead of tracking performance, tracking karma
Yes, karma points are lovely.
  • Use karma to reward for contributions to others (like “karma” in Reddit)
  • Drive collaboration by attaching karma points
  • Using karma points for “Kudos”
  • Encourage working with champions through karma mechanisms
Karma can also be used as game “levels”. Here’s a way to think about it:
  • Create ”levels” to show progress as an innovation champion
  • Levels can also be adjusted by contribution /activity/ role/ geography etc
Competition too
Although we typically discourage outright competition, some competition between innovation champions in a large corporation can be nice sometimes. Use it like this:
  • Leaderboard of contribution across several innovation areas/ competition
  • Visibility across network/geographies
  • Track core innovation group KPIs to communicate and show activity to managers/ rest of
  • The ability to segment by function/geography for different rewards, measurements, etc
Don’t forget knowledge contribution
We believe that knowledge creation is great for gamification. Here’s a case study
In the innovation story, here’s how to use it:
  • Sharing and knowledge creation as core KPI
  • Badges
  • Levels
  • Gamification communication features for innovation “story” dissemination across divisions and geographies
  • Gamification of DTT learning activities
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
I am studying influence of Organizational Culture on Employee Engagement where Job Crafting is mediating between culture and engagement. While using SEM, the model is recursive. This relationship is evident in the theory.
If this relationship is reversed where Engagement influences Culture, then the SEM shows non-recursive model.
Shall I continue with the recursive model? In the literature the reverse relationship hardly exist but need to test this as one of the doctoral committee member (statistician) has a different view on my research framework.
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In a basic research study, It is absolutely appropriate (and mandatory i will say) to follow what prevailing theory and logic supports, because most often a basic deductive researcher try to find theory generalization rather than sampling generalization of a particular population of interest. Moreover, in my view point, data received through survey responses comprise only of numbers and any statistical tool is just a mean to apply certain types of analysis; only theoretical logic (theory and relevant literature) provide directions and connections of our proposed study variables to, of course, test the deductive logic on a particular sample from a specific population.
Some references might be helpful in understanding the same. Tq
Memon, M. A., Ting, H., Ramayah, T., Chuah, F., & Cheah, J.-H. (2017). A Review of the Methodological Misconceptions and Guidelines Related to the Application of Structural Equation Modeling: A Malaysian Scenario. Journal of Applied Structural Equation Modeling.
Seddon, P. B., & Scheepers, R. (2012). Towards the improved treatment of generalization of knowledge claims in IS research: drawing general conclusions from samples. European Journal of Information Systems.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
Dear All,
 How to oparetionalized Green Employee Engagement? There are some articles of GEE. but not clearly mention what are the dimensions of the variable.
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Job engagement and organization engagement
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
13 answers
I'm preparing a research proposal in the topic of Employee Engagement within Organizations. What would drive it/achieve it and sustain it. Would very much appreciate your help on the right method and measures to use.
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Witemeyer et al., (2013) state that consulting firms such as Hay Group, Valtera Corporation, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Silk Road and Gallup Organization developed instruments to measure employee engagement.   Witemeyer et al.,(2013) state that the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) is a popular scholarly instruments to measure employee engagement.
If you are developing a new instrument to measure the construct of employee engagement please refer the article titled “Towards a Conceptualization and an Operationalization of the Construct of Employee Engagement” to get an idea. 
Witemeyer, H., Ellen, P. and Straub, D., 2013, September. Validating a Practice-Informed Definition of Employee Engagement. In Third Annual International Conference on Engaged Management Scholarship, Atlanta, Georgia.
Iddagoda, A., Opatha, H. H. D. N. P., & Gunawardana, K. D. (2016). Towards a Conceptualization and an Operationalization of the Construct of Employee Engagement. International Business Research, 9(2).
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
I am looking for research about gamification models in organizations. I am focusing on exploring the relationship between motivation and employee engagement to conduct a meta-analysis. I wanted to see if higher levels of employee motivation in gamification methods leads to an improved level of employee engagement. 
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thank you, I appreciate the help it's been a difficult topic to find information on since it's still relevantly new
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
26 answers
Please read my paper.
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Dear Uky,
You are welcome. Please go to my RG, and some material might be interesting to you.
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Employee Engagement Integrated customer focus
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Here the leader can play a huge role. Seijts and Crim (2006), two researchers of organizational behaviour offer interesting insights through what they termed as “10 Cs for employee engagement”. Essentially, they deal with what corporate leaders should do in order to strengthen employee engagement. Please refer their article for more details.
Seijts, G.H. and Crim, D., 2006. What engages employees the most or, the ten C’s of employee engagement. Ivey Business Journal, 70(4), pp.1-5.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
My curiosity stems from my personal journey as a nurse in transition.
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Clarification: after the first year of study/project, what kind of adjustments were made to the original goals as they relate to engagement and motivation of nurses being mentored into leadership.
It occurs to me that quite possibly every nurse who seeks to be a manager may not possess the skills to be effective in a manager role, but may fit into a dynamic succession plan, none the less.
How does this project address the gap between eagerness and readiness?
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
9 answers
I am looking for the literature related to employees sensitivity training and its perceived outcome. 
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Sensitivity training is concerned with the tutoring of employees to be affectionate and considerate of the variances between them, their other employees, employer, and clients. It deals with the accommodation of the variance in behavioral traits, norms, beliefs, cultures and so forth of others while exhibiting great respect for such dynamics in groups.
The training hones the team working and group working capabilities of employees resulting in maximum production outcomes. It brings sanity in the professional relationship between the employer and his/her employees. Moreover, it ensures excellent customer relationship which is the bait for winning the sales and continual support of clients to the products and services offered by a company or institution.
Dickson Adom
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
1 answer
Do users like to feel that they can customise beyond an out of the box experience? 
Do they like to feel in control and rewarded or are they confused by the complexity of settings menus? 
My hunch is that the more loyal a user is to an app, they more they'd appreciate being able to customise it. 
Curious as to whether anyone has some research on this. 
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  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
This is the research question that i have choose to do. I just want journals, books to refer regarding the above topic. 
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I believe one of the most-referred article in the field of personality characteristics and job satisfaction is:
- TA Judge, D Heller, MK Mount (2002) Five-factor model of personality and job satisfaction: a meta-analysis, Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 530-541.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
8 answers
It is now a common norm to search a researcher's profile on google scholars in order to access his ratings. I know of good researcher's in my field that do not have any google profile.
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I agree with Professor Sushil "In my view, Google Scholar algorithms are not able to capture the full details of citations. If the author's name is not properly taken up in the metadata of the source, it may fail to recognise the author. My personal experience is very poor in this regard. " 
I have the same problem - concerning my name - and citations...
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
37 answers
Much attention is now being paid to knowledge management within organizations as a critical factor in its success. What is your understanding of knowledge management?
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The core strength of the organization must be coupled to the desired goal. Organizational knowledge predominantly resides in human resource. It is essential to assimilate, create, store and transfer knowledge, in order to leverage the same for organizational growth and development. The comprehensive process of creating a knowledge-intensive organization is knowledge management.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
Becoming the smart worker in an organization
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It requires a good knowledge of the basics. Checking skills and qualifications with tests, examinations, audits, and certification programs. It all leads to improvements of the employee's effectiveness.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Organizations implement salary scales and there are employees who fall over the maximum scale in a praticular grade. Though the employee has performance is commendable the person is not eligible for an increment. Each year it continues. The employees are demotivated, the organization finds it difficult to change the scale due to funding restrictions in the INGO sector specifically. 
Most of the time these employees are the long standing employees, the ones who have seen through rough times when the organization was established.  Increasing productivity while keeping them engaged is a must. The employees who go over the salary scale are named 'red circle'.  Red Circle employees are not motivated and also the rest of the other staff are not motivated either, thinking that very soon they also may fall into the same category.
My research is how to engage employees who are in the red circle?
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Yes. Most new developments relate to intrinsic factors, but when it comes to reality employees are disheartened, discouraged by the extrinsic factors. The Maslows theory applies when an employee might not get a salary increase even if they are excellent performers. That disengages them and I think it is a bit hard for the organization to make them aware of the intrinsic factors. Intrinsic factors Maura suggests above add value and very valuable. But a bit hard for the organization to get these affected employees to focus on these factors. They believe that organization is trying to sway the inability to increase their salary to some thing they may not value at that time.  
For each employee the intrinsic value also differs. This is a big challenge !
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
6 answers
Other than recruiting what are the emerging areas of HR management where social media can be used?
What is the future of social media usage in HR practices in future?
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hi Soma
i am sending link of the research paper herewith you that has been written by Davison, H. K., Maraist, C., & Bing, M. N. (2011). called as "  Friend or foe? The promise and pitfalls of using social networking sites for HR decisions" .[ Journal of Business and Psychology, 26(2), 153-159.] I think it will be more useful for your needs
Dr. Kumara
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
I'm confuse, can somebody help me, any suggestion for org performance mgt approaches?
and what are the models for employees performance?
any expert opinion regarding BOL?
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Balanced Scorecard is a strategic planning and management system that is used  to align business activities to the vision of the organization, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals.
EFQM and Malcom Baldrige are excellence models to approach to internal and external assessment and apply the concept of RADAR tools so as to produce value-adding performance analysis.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
I am searching for a survey that assesses clinical nurses use of unit/institutional quality metrics on nursing practice/engagement. For example - nurses understanding of "your unit's quality metrics", "use of quality data to inform your nursing practice"?
There seems to be very little research on clinical nurses' use of quality data.   
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Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
1 answer
If you are an academic in a UK university you are eligible to take part in this research.
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Hello Izzy - what a great area to investigate. 
I have found Celia's work on this topic really valuable.
If you can send me a link, I can share with a few colleagues here.
Kind regards, Tony.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
12 answers
I would like to investigate the employees' perception on management style/ managerial style of small business owner-manager.
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Dear Dendy,
Please look at the book (the link is provided). This is an old book, but it is valid today as well.
Igor Gurkov
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
8 answers
I am doing a project on Employee Relationship Management Practices in Service organizations. Kindly suggest some dimensions and scale for measuring the construct.
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Could you tell me your email to send you the instrument?
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
1 answer
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You cant find questionnaires for both variables at the same place, you have to find the papers related to both variables and can adopt the already used questionnaire.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
24 answers
Dear ones
I want some publications, articles, books about this question.
I'm working on knowledge management in organizations and want some topics about incentives, motivate methods, cultural subjects and etc about how to motivate the staff (managers and employees) on the way of implementing knowledge management. It may also refers to Human Resources in knowledge management.
Best Regards
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Today employees are viewed as organizational assets and not liabilities. It is for the organizational management to build up trust and mutual confidence through transparency, communication and ethical behavior, in order to motivate employees for knowledge management. Employees must realize that management values their contribution, which will eventually lead to improvement of organizational performance as well as fulfill the employee expectation. Management's display of equal, if not more, concern for Human Capital as compared to that of Financial Capital, will trigger the use of creative potential of employees through organizational knowledge management system. 
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
1 answer
Where can I find the 19-items questionnaire for employee engagement from fisher, i want to know about the history, validity and reliability? 
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Questionnaires designed  I do not know I recommend you design them using
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
16 answers
Need more info on how you will measure the variables identified
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Organisational trust can be measured by cognitive and behavioral dimensions of trust. The cognitive dimension consists of the belief in the partner’s reliability or credibility and is similar to two dimensions of trust. On the other The behavioral dimension of trust is also concerned with the act of make someone trust you. Therefore, three factors are effective on a person’s trust to a partner trustworthy including ability, integrity, and benevolence. ( see The relationship between organizational trust and organizational justice components and their role in job involvement in education) paper 
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
We are a group that is interested in studying whether or not a link exists between employees' professional development opportunities, and their self-reported job satisfaction. We are looking for a starting point. Any empirical article recommendations are appreciated.
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You might also want to take a look at:
Kooij, D. T., Jansen, P. G., Dikkers, J. S., & De Lange, A. H. (2010). The influence of age on the associations between HR practices and both affective commitment and job satisfaction: A meta‐analysis. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 31(8), 1111-1136.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
3 answers
Considering the concept of CSI as "Corporate Social Innovation is a strategy that combines a unique set of corporate assets (innovation capacities, marketing skills, managerial acumen, employee engagement, scale, etc.) in collaboration with the assets of other sectors to co-create breakthrough solutions to complex economic, social, and environmental issues that impact the sustainability of both business and society."(KISER, 2014) Some foundations develop social initiatives. Can we consider foundations as a corporate that fits the CSI concept?
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I also agree that foundations don't belong to the concept of "corporate" when discussing about CSI. Despite this they may reasonably considered within the set of actors enabling the emergence of CSI, that means within the Network for Social Innovation.
I'm trying to picture the dynamics of these kinds of networks... it isn't easy, since they change over the time (according to the life cycles of SI) and they usually involved different actors depending on the industry, as well as on the "nature" of social aim pursued by the firm 
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
I am writing my thesis on the relationship between leadership and employee engagement in the legal services industry. In particular I would like to study whether there is a significant relationship between employee engagement and the outcome discretionary effort. I am having troubles finding a reliable measurement of this construct. 
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
Do you have sample of employee satisfaction survey (other than minnesota job satisfaction scale) ?
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You might want to look for a book by Fields (2002) entitled 'Taking the measure of work: A guide to validated scales for organizational research and diagnosis'. It has about 21 job satisfaction survey which you could apply to your study.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
11 answers
In my current study on employee engagement, I have r-square of 0.702 whereby, i have examined all the eight notable predictors of it. Will it be considered appropriate to have such high r-square in social sciences?
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First I must admit that I am not an expert in Statistics though I have some proficiency. Your eight variables which are independent variables have a joint or combined impact on the variability of your dependent variable that is employee engagement by 70 percent. In other words the total explanatory power of the regression model is 70.2%. The eight predictors were not able to account for about 30 percent of the variation in employee engagement. Other variables not considered for your study should be the variables, which will account for the unexplained variance in the construct employee engagement.  There can be many variables (independent) which will contribute to behaviour of the dependent variable-employee engagement. The eight variables you have chosen are more likely major predictors and they can be appropriately manipulated (assuming that there are no moderators) to enhance employee engagement. If the regression model has major powerful antecedents the r-square will get high. I think your model is a good model if not very good explaining the major dynamics of employee engagement. . A model can have an unmanageable number of factors making a complex research framework. This is not appropriate according to the principle of Parsimony (simplicity in explaining the phenomena or problems that occur, and in the application of solutions to problems) (Sekaran,1992). I think your model is in line with Parsimony. Also if a stepwise regression is performed, it is possible to find out to what extent each independent variable contributes to R square. Sometimes some of the independent variables do not become significant predictors (have no power to influence the dependent variable separately or individually although they can influence jointly).
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
9 answers
For my data collection i need a validated instrument of "Employees participation during organizational change". the items should not be more than 10.  I shall be very thankful.
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you can refer to following article ,it can be a help to you
  • Measuring Empowerment - The Perception of Empowerment Instrument (PEI)
by WK Roller - ‎1998
  • Organizational Change Questionnaire–Climate of Change, Processes, and Readiness: Development of a New Instrument
Article in The Journal of Psychology Interdisciplinary and Applied 143(6):559-99 · December 2009
DOI: 10.1080/00223980903218216 · Source: PubMed
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
14 answers
Hi everyone. 
To give you a bit of background, I am nearing the application process to apply for my Masters degree in Business Management.  Most of my work experience is in Business Management (self employed) and I have a undergrad degree in Human Resource Management and currently completing my Honours (postgraduate) degree in Business Management in South Africa.  
For my Masters application in September I need to write a short literature review , research problem and intended contribution of the study.  My problem however is the topic. I have so many interests and just cannot decide in what direction I want to lead my research in. Another challenge is that I live in a very rural area and I have a concern that I might not have access to a sample.  My studies and qualifications have been done through correspondence and I have very little guidance as to the application process and actually feasibility of my ideas.
After reviewing the research focus areas I decided to list the areas I am most interested in;
-Strategy as Practice -
·         Micro-level praxis focusing on aggregate actors within an organisational context
·         Investigate how aggregate actors construct themselves, their identities and their positions within the strategy-making process.
·         Emergence in strategy making
·         The relationship between cognition, emotion and strategy behaviour – the link between cognition, emotion and behaviour in strategy.
·         The importance of temporal and spatial understanding in strategizing.
-Material matters-
Examine the role of materiality in strategy-making (non-human actions, such as documents, technologies and displays). The role and impact of new media in strategy-making such as social media (software), smartphones (hardware) and Big Data. How technological elements or particular media uses become co-constitutive of strategy practices.
-Strategic human resource management-
·         Macro-level
A critical analysis of strategic human resource management models.
-International Human Resource Management-
·         Meso-Level
Expatriate adjustment and the psychological contract in international careers.
The effectiveness of expatriate coping strategies:  The moderating role of cultural distance, position level and time on the international assignment.
·         Macro-Level
The dimensions of expatriate acculturation:  A review.
New forms of international work:  An international survey study
·         Micro-level
Charismatic leadership: A phenomenal and structural approach.
The making of leaders: A review of the research in leadership development and education.
-Organisational citizenship behaviour-
The relationship between organisational citizenship behaviour and leadership
-Organisational justice-
Fairness of HR practices such as selection, performance management, compensation, training.
-Employee and Organisational Well-being-
Employee and organisational well-being (Individuals/Groups/ Organisational and industry contexts)
Explore the well-being of employees in the workplace
-Employee and organisational health and wellness-
Maladjustments i.e. burnout / stress/ anxiety / frustration
Investigate the possible reasons why an employee is unable to cope in the work environment
Investigate possible interventions which can be used in organisations to help employees to cope in their work environment
-The future role of the ODL academic-
·         Individuals
Exploring how to become an effective on-line lecturer/senior lecturer/associate professor/ professor
·         Across organisational and industry context
Explore possible strategies for talent management of ODL academics
Critically reflect on National and International trends involving ODL academics
Investigate the relationship between emotional intelligence and employability.
Investigate the relationship between an individual’s psychological career resources and their employability.
Investigate the relationship between self-esteem and employability.
-Skills Development-
The evolution of the South African Occupational Learning System
Focus Area: Teaching Business Ethics
It would be highly appreciated if anyone can advise me as to what is a good option in my situation and what topic you would find most interesting. Very much open to your opinions and ideas.
Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
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Bad news for me. the research focus areas for 2017 changed and now i am left with very very limited options. 
But i will take the advice and start cracking on with a topic and develop something from it.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
7 answers
I'm writing my bachelor thesis about the topic "Swarm organization - challenges and opportunities for personnel development" and I am looking for interesting literature and scientific articles to work with.
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On Networked Organizations, available at, may be of interest. That article compares and contrasts hierarchy, market, and network forms of organization but makes the important point that they are not mutually exclusive: in the 21st century, the need for resilience, intelligence, speed, and flexibility demands that each organizational form should find requisite expression in individual organizations. Among others, the article offers stylized features of these three forms of organization; it also isolates essential design principles that should serve would-be networked organizations (most of which have to do with human resources management).
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
my current research is on engagement of front-line workforce in retail in Nepalese context on identifying the antecedents of employee engagement. the reports i have found in mostly based in Western context namely by Gallup. 
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Dear Sabina,
The attached is a research paper which may be useful for you to conceptualize and operationalize the construct of employee engagement.
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
8 answers
The paper that examines the impactc of employee loyalty satisfaction factors which are e.g. empowerment and participation, working conditions, reward and recognition e.g.
I am particularly interested in articles after 2012.
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These paper and report may help
job satisfaction index 2015 - The Happiness Research Institut
 Linking Employee Satisfaction to Business Results
Paula S. Topolosky - 2014 - ‎Business & Economic
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
11 answers
It's a common catchphrase that "employees are our most important asset". But in real life many have encountered a striking paradox, where people as whole are really important while each individual is close to expendable. Is this so in your experience? Can you provide examples, arguments or links to a research regarding this? If so, what are the reasons for this kind of paradox?
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Yes it is true that human resources are the most important resource out of all the resources available for the manager to achieve organizational goals. The overwhelming significance of HR is due to its unique characteristics, which are:
1.      It is animate, active and living.
2.      It has the ability to think, feel and react.
3.      Its value appreciates with the passage of time (because of experience, training etc.).
4.      It has the ability to influence on determining its cost (pay).
5.      It has the ability to organize (as unions, teams etc.). 
6.      Its behaviour is complex and may be unpredictable.
7.      It has the ability of creativity and innovation, which cannot be found in any other resources.
8.      It makes decisions in respect of all other resources.
However, individually all employees are not the same. They get differed in terms of personality, competence, performance etc. Of course employees who are competent, motivated, committed and involved are always indispensable for the organization. Higher performers are always attempted to be retained by the organization.  Employees who are not valuable, not rare, not difficult to imitate, and not difficult to substitute are not treated as unique or the most important. 
Two features of a job are job essentiality and job exclusivity. While essentiality refers to how important or critical the job is to the overall success of the organization and exclusivity refers to how difficult it is to replace the person (Schuler and Youngblood, 1986,). These two features of a job determine the degree of power the job holder has in the organization. The employees who perform jobs which have low job essentiality and low job exclusivity are not considered as the most valuable or more valuable. 
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
11 answers
I am writing a master's thesis on the impact of employee engagement on business performance.  I will conduct both quantitative and qualitative studies. Qualitative research will include interviews / focus groups on the local sites of a global company. I'm especially interested in the impact of employee engagement on a number of absences and accidents at work?
Any good ideas or references?
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The following linked articles may be useful for you.
Best wishes!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
68 answers
It has been observed that managers have a general aversion to reading research-based management books, which if read, could have made them understand more comprehensively the causality of the malaise in their department or organization. They many times make mistakes in understanding the dynamics of the complex problems they face in their organization. For example, this often happens in managing group conflict and employee relations issues. Whose duty is it, you think, to make them read the management research-based books and use that knowledge in correctly understanding the problems? How can this be ensured that they make use of the existing research for which so much money is being spent globally?
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Dear Debi! You raised a question that expresses the relationship between the experts in the field of theory and practice, science and commerce. Scientist spends his whole life in search of truth. Management activities are aimed at making a profit in the implementation of relations "buying and selling". If the manager is constantly starts to read a lengthy statement of scientific hypotheses, the manager of "die of boredom" or lose his job. On the other hand, it is the implementation of breakthrough hypotheses scientists in practice there are great opportunities for profit in business. Therefore, in the commercial area should be a group of professionals who have to study carefully the possibility of commercial discoveries scientists. On the other hand, in research institutions must be unique specialists, which should reflect the commercial component of the discoveries scientists.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
13 answers
I am conducting a diary/ESM study using work engagement as one of my dependent variables. The current scale I am using is from the Rich, Lepine, and Crawford paper and it is much too long. If anyone knows of a shorter version (validated, reliable, and preferably in a top tier management or psychology journal), that would be much appreciated.
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Try Wilmar Schaufeli's Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. It has a long and short verision in several languages:
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Dear Scholars, is there any valid and tested instrument to measure “work or employee motivation”. There are many indeed, but I’m looking for an authentic instruments. If that's for public sector organizations that would great, however, for private sector is fine too. Could anyone please guide.  
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Dear David, thank you so much for your kind advice and sharing a very useful link of TED talk on motivation.
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
7 answers
Just curious as to whether anyone knows of a concept/theory/framework regarding organisational success as coming 'from the inside-out'? Meaning that what happens within an organisation in terms of employees/employee engagement, leadership, processes and technology can translate into external "real-word" business success.
Thanks in advance
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Thanks everyone!
  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
4 answers
Business Excellence Frameworks have been adopted / adapted by several jurisdictions around the world.  The most easily recognized of these BEF's are the Baldrige BEF of the USA and the EFQM BEF of Europe.  These frameworks encourage firms to strive of quality and excellence in their business operations with attention paid to leadership, strategy, people, processes, services, products, partnerships and outcomes. Does empirical evidence exist demonstrating the relationship between BEF's and positive outcomes in people results, business results and societal results ?
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  • asked a question related to Employee Engagement
5 answers
Hello, my name is Adam and I am currently working on the primary research for my dissertation. The literature reviewed suggests that authors stay in dissagreement wheter it is a number or the scale of the organisational changes that has the bigggest impact on employees' motivation. I would be grateful for any answer that might increase my knowledge in that area. Thank you. 
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A tricky question Adam. In my research I´m studying consequences of lean implementation in health care. In specific the importance of social capital for employee engagement in improvement work, redesign of care processes. I have found that social capital is a predictive factor for employee engagement in Clinical