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Emotional Communication - Science topic
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Questions related to Emotional Communication
I am interested in using the FEEL-KJ but cannot find an English translation. Does anyone know if it has been translated?
Cracco, E., Van Durme, K., & Braet, C. (2015). Validation of the FEEL-KJ: An Instrument to Measure Emotion Regulation Strategies in Children and Adolescents. PloS one, 10(9), e0137080.
Is AI emotional intelligence already being developed?
Is artificial emotional intelligence already being created that can simulate human emotions and/or artificial consciousness generated by the ever-improving generative artificial intelligence technology taught human skills based on a deep learning process carried out using artificial neural networks?
At present, all the dominant and most recognizable brands of technology companies and those developing online information services either already offer their intelligent chatbots online or are working on such solutions and will soon make them available online. Based on advanced generative language models, technologies for intelligent chatbots that are taught specific "human skills" through the use of deep learning and artificial neural networks are constantly being improved. Leading technology companies are also competing to build advanced systems of general artificial intelligence, which will soon far surpass the capabilities of human intelligence, far surpass the processing capabilities that take place in the human central nervous system, in human neurons, the human brain. Some scientific institutes conducting research in the development of robotics, including androids equipped with generative artificial intelligence are striving to build autonomous, intelligent androids, which people will be able to cooperate with humans in various situations, will be able to be employed in companies and enterprises instead of humans, with which it will be possible to have discussions similar to those that humans have among themselves, and which will provide assistance to humans, will perform tasks ordered by humans, will perform difficult work for humans. In the laboratories of such scientific institutes developing this kind of intelligent robotics technology, research work is also being carried out to create artificial emotional intelligence and artificial consciousness. In order for the artificial emotional intelligence and artificial consciousness built in the future not to turn out to be just a dummy and/or simulation of human emotional intelligence and human consciousness it is first necessary to fully understand what human emotional intelligence and human consciousness are and how they work.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Is an artificial emotional intelligence already being created that can simulate human emotions and/or artificial consciousness generated by the ever-improving generative artificial intelligence technology taught human skills based on a deep learning process carried out using artificial neural networks?
Is an artificial emotional intelligence that can simulate human emotions and/or artificial consciousness already being created?
Is AI emotional intelligence already being created?
And what is your opinion about it?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz

May I ask for some examples/articles on the use of Nudge Theory in improving mental health and well being of health workers or employees
I want to analyze the changes/revision EFL students make in their revised draft. My students are sophomores. In one of their writing courses, they are required to write short essays, of about 250-ish words, including cause and effect, problem and solution, and argumentative. Thanks.
Recently I in process of prepare a text in according per-service elementary school's teacher conception of quadrilaterals and their classification.I need to make some explanation what is difference between notion of mathematics object and concept of mathematics concept.
Can anyone recommend an emotional gestures database, which is freely available to download? I am interested in full body gestures database, not just upper part of the body.
Dear Researchers,
I'm looking for neuroscience article on different type of emotion and how they influence our daily routines behaviours. I'm looking for type of emotion, feeling/affect and causes
Any sugegstion would be much appreciated
How many languages are written in Arabic characters ?
like persian, urdu, kurdish, sindhi, pashto, ...
How is driver emotions measures? What are the emotion parameters consider in project?
My group is working on research on emotional labor and we need EL scales to start our research. Thanks in advance for any reply.
Howard Gardner’s 1983 book Frames of Mind, which introduced the concept of “multiple intelligences,” relatively autonomous faculties including the linguistic, logical-mathematical, and musical. He didn't include the emotional intelligence as one of them although of its importance, why?
I’m planning to investigate the difficulties and challenges the translators face in translating figures of speech from English into Arabic. I would like some advice about the difference between a theoretical and analytical approach.
The project will focus on the Arabic translations of figures of speech in English contemporary self –development books. It will draw to attention the difficulties facing the Arabic translators in translating figures of speech and the strategies they employ to overcome these difficulties.
Or another question, can we find the parameters for increasing intelligence in person of society?
I worked on political Identity development and social participarticipation of Young adults with my Ph.D student. We interest to be part of the project.
Prof. Dr. Nermin Çelen
Psychology Department
Maltepe University
I'm just wondering what you think causes dyslexia. I'm looking forward to reading the findings from this research. All the best, Antonio
Iam doing my Thesis on Pattern Recognition ,If anyone have done research on pattern recognition or continuous integration ,kindly give me suggestions on this topic
I was curious how drug usage can be monitored through social media and the philosophy behind the idea.
I need to compare the emotions of text and video in data previously validated by observers, and that already has a corpus of related emotions.
When engaging experts in the field of human trafficking we have to undertake an analysis of their CV and try to determine their areas of expertise based on their experiences, education and training. However we are searching for a competency dictionary in which experts can self-evaluate to determine their level of expertise in the field and their specific domain of expertise. This is in support of our effort to design an on-line repository of experts in support of research in the field of human trafficking.
I built a survey in English and I have translated it to Arabic. How can I find the correlation between the English version and the Arabic version?
I looked on Youtube, but I could not find an answer, so please share any helpful guideline you know.
Thank you so much.
Research on the recognition of facial expression of emotions often seems to rely on pictures on which actors show different acted facial emotions (e. g. they are not genuinely surprised or angry, etc.) I was wondering wether results would be different with the use of real "authentic" facial emotions. Does anyone have one or two papers on the subject to suggest?
I am working on the semantic development of bilingual children. I have collected data using Word Association Task, Picture story writing, parental and teachers' rating and Oral Proficiency Interviews, getting help from the articles of Dr Sheng, Dr Pena and Dr Bedore. Need to know what other techniques or activities can be administered to collect data from English and Urdu Bilinguals. Regards,
Cultural mediation and art creation
I want to know if it is possible to make an app that does that.
I am working on my PhD's project. I need to consider emotions of learner, such as confusion and frustration. Is there any free software available for this purpose?
However, it is too costly to afford.
Can anyone help me?
I am planning a research about environmental education, and I would like to make children draw mind maps and analyse their perception of space, favourite areas, and hope to be able to withdraw some conclusions from these drawing. However if another project already exist it could be useful to see its methodology.
The use of simile as a means of clarification and simplification in scientific texts faces many difficulties while translating into Arabic language. I am looking for books or any reference about this idea.
Thanks in Advance
Deep learning and Generative Models : Trends?
Anything in this area will be usful : survy, recent article, etc
I'm working on my thesis about detection of emotions in Tweeter, using supervised learning algorithms. I need a training corpus. The emotions I'm dealing are the basic set Plutchik and Ekman. I need a corpus based on some of this corpus. Can anybody help me to find it? I will apreciate it.
I'm studying mother-infant emotional communication in domestic violence and IPV. I'm interested in traumatic effect of IPV on maternal parenting and emotional dialogues between battered womens and their children. Some researches about this issue are well accepted.
Hi all,
I am trying to help a friend here. I know that Electrodermal Activity is correlated with arousal and arousal can be measured by a Galvanic Skin Response Sensor.
How can we measure valence though?
From what I have read so far it seems that EMG sensors are mostly suggested for measuring emotional valence. I would like to avoid EMG sensors as they can be very obtrusive if they are placed on the participant's face.
So what other biosensor can be used in order to measure valence? ECG sensors measuring Heart Rate? It would be nice if you could suggest a paper or an article that clarifies that.
Thank you very much in advance.
I am interested in inducing happiness, sadness, anger and possibly other emotions. Can someone please recommend a valid, but short, protocol?
Many thanks in advance.
Dear all,
I'm in search of questionnaire to adopt for my study on the use of whatsapp in teaching. I am at the initial stage and reviewing several studies to design my own research study. I appreciate your suggestions from all aspects, especially in the selection of research design.
My research participants are my students (20 students) of final year linguistics. I'm using whatsapp for teaching them only one subject and wants to see its role in enhancing the learning of my students. I want to conduct a quantitative study.
Your suggestions are appreciable.
We have studied the impact of shape, color, and most recently, game characters' expressions on learners' emotion and, as a result, on their learning outcomes. What other design elements have been found to induce positive (or negative) emotions?
Lesosn study is a Japanese approach to teachers' professional development.
I want to assess sensitivity to subtle emotional expressions, and I'm interested in using "morphed" faces (e.g. 10% increments of a given emotion between neutral and full emotion). Do anyone know about any such datasets that are openly available?
Thank you!
I have analysed a number of online articles and have their emotion analysis scores along with their sentiment (pos/neg/neutral) and the sentiment value. The fields are: Anger, Disgust, Fear, Sadness and Joy. What I would like to know if it is possible to somehow combine the values of the fields to represent them as one value. I also have comments related to those articles and have their sentiment and emotion scores as well in similar fields.
This would permit me to find a threshold so that I can use it to grade the article and the comments according to that single value. For example, an article might be: Anger=0.100637, Disgust=0.327951, Fear=0.243857, Joy=0.043951 and Sadness=0.364933.
Clearly in this example, the sadness value is the highest followed by disgust, but would it be right to ignore the lower score fields and classify that article as "sadness" related when "disgust" is that close? Would the "sadness" value be representative of that article? And what if another has 0.148988, 0.14043, 0.070271, 0.609123 and 0.103031? Equal parts "anger" and "disgust" but with 60% "Joy"?
My first thought was to have some sort of mean but that would not be accurate at all as the difference in the different scores will certainly be lost.
Can someone please help me a little with this problem? Can all five values somehow be represented as one? Thank you.
Or in any other academic domain?
The topic of my study is Emotional communication. Categorical measures of emotional somatic and facial expression will be assessed with the STAI serving as the outcome variable in the AVONA.
If an audible thought is our interpretation of vibrations within our body, and a photonic thought are interpretation of light that is generated within our body. Then emotions would be the interpretations of chemical synthesis within our bodies?
I would like to discuss the concepts of five human senses, ROS, sensory spectrum, demographic factors and recreation experience preferences
Has anyone been doing researches about Emotion Markup Language (EML or EmotionML)?
And the integration of EmotionML with AIML (Artificial Intelligence Markup Language)?
I looking for some papers and new approaches related.
I knew DAP (Naglieri, 1991) and Koppitz. I can't find scoring system.
I want to understand which factors, inherent to the editor, may be involved during the creative process of film/audiovisual content edition - so the editor can pass on the right emotions to the viewer.
Generally expression synthesis algorithms impose one of the six universal expressions on a given expression-neutral face image. I wish to impose a combination of these basic expressions on a given face image. Can anyone please help me in this regard?
Thanks for your help in advance.
-Swapna Agarwal
researching the emotional connection that dancers have with their body, to be able to interpret and convey an idea, concept, story. Any comments, remarks or reading material about the subject is welcome
I am currently doing a Master degree in dance education, I am more interested in the expressive part of dance, I feel strongly that dance-technique is only a means to the greater goal, to be an artist is to express ourselves through our medium, technique is to help us better express this. It is my research to develop the artistry, as a writer, a painter or a sculptur need technique, (having a vast vocabulary, being able to draw nice lines, being able to hold clay in a certain shape) they are only great artists because of their ideas, many might be great in technique, but without their imagination, expressivity, personal ideas, their would be ART.
Doctors have to handle a lot of emotions in their practice. Not only in their practice but also during their medical course they need to handle a lot of emotional aspects. Are medical schools introducing emotional intelligence in their curriculum? Does anyone know of any school that has introduced emotional intelligence training in the medical school curriculum?
We are looking for an emotional body database (such as from Atkinson, deGelder etc) but that includes all 6 basic emotions of happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise & disgust. Ideally realistic, full-light stimuli, but point-light might be an option. Can anyone help? Thank you
In my dissertation on emotional processing, I would like to cross reference my measurements on emotional communication with a measure of EI and/or personality.
My measurement of emotional communication will be taken with the FACS and an ordinal measurement of the concept of status, as it is understood in the field of the performing arts.
Dear All,
We are now also researching on recognizing one of Indonesian Gesture Language. An example image can be seen in the following link:
Currently, we want to extract a kind of "visual phoneme", i.e., the smallest gesture building blocks which form the language. The language has different representation for stem words, prefixes, and suffixes, that are if joined together will give a complete sentence.
What is the best way to extract these "visual phonemes"?
The goal of my study is to prove behavioral differences between therapists in CBT with ADHD patients, that might influence the effectiveness of the treatment.
The focus of this analysis might be on empathy of the therapist, using certain techniques (e.g. frequency of paraphrasing), showing interest and commitment, body posture and gestures (certain movements), the way in which the therapist structures the session, etc.
I'm currently trying to shape a project to focus on emotional intelligence in multicultural education. My plan is to approach this in these following directions: policies regarding international students and faculty members, how mentors train their TAs or Postdocs about intercultural teaching assignments, multicultural classroom discourse, and feedback to multicultural class members. Could you give any information about these directions? Could you suggest any methodology?
Most universities have international programs that provide orientation and consultation services to international students and scholars. I would have to find those policies that deal with emotional issues from the administrators. Do you know how to get those?
I was an English Writing instructor and writing tutor in US for 11 years, assistant professor of English in Seoul, Korea, and Khabarovsk, Russian. I need to collect more samples of feedback [speaking or writing] to multicultural class members.
Most researchers are good at survey or primary research design. But I'm new. How can I get any potential information from multicultural students, instructors, and administrators? Thank you.
Hanzhou Pang
We are going to realize an intervention program to foster social competence in preschool children (3-4 years old). The program is focused on four dimensions, namely "rules", "emotions", "communication" and "cooperation". We need an instrument to assess these dimensions to be administered to parents and teachers. Any suggestion? Thanks in advance
The recent Facebook controversy about emotional contagion highlights an important area of research.
We all know what depression is and how it can affect the person. What I want to know is how we can see depression so that we are able to tackle it early on before it becomes worse. So the question is, what are some of the behavioural clues that would indicate that the person is depressed?