Science topics: EducationEducational Theory
Science topic
Educational Theory - Science topic
Educational theory can refer to either speculative educational thought in general or to a theory of education as something that guides, explains, or describes educational practice.
Questions related to Educational Theory
Which Education theory can I use for the Theoretical frame work of the above ICT related Topic
What is inclusive education and what can be improved to ensure that schools are inclusive
This is a work in progress attempt to crystallise the 3 main ontologies, schools, mindsets and underlying theology, metaphysics if you will, among the "3 Wise Men" (Goodman - UK, Reimann - German, and Jacobson - US) from CoCo. Each of CoCo's founding fathers' learning technologies reflect their nationalities, and by extension, their national universities' concerns and agendas for the learner.
By tracing the underlying "self" of their respective technological formulations, one could delineate their contrasting (sometimes overlapping, ontologies, schools) mindsets and govern-mentalities embedded in their respective learning technologies.
In Goodman's works, there's a preoccupation with space and architecture, notably the need to recolonise monotonous routine driven places. There's a strong streak of Marxist geography found in the works of David Harvey that focuses on redistributing justice and power via spatial arrangements such as design driven planning and regeneration. Through the spatial (re-)arrangement of the learning environment, (To be continued!).
I am looking for a piece of research regarding the situation, when the cognitive load, and fatigue, increases due to the wrong way of presenting information - duplicating it (e.g. reading aloud the text on the PowerPoint presentation) instead of using dual-coding method.
Hello researchers,
I am conducting a factor analysis (FA). In this FA there are some items on student performance or achievement in relation to different subjects and skills. Each student has been assessed by their main teacher in relation to their skill level in Danish, math, natural sciences, music, reading etc. on a scale from 1 - 5 (from poor to great).
The reliability is high and there is a high degree of correlation between the items. However, when it comes to naming this factor, I am in doubt. I have named this factor 'academic achievement' initially but would it be more precise to call it 'academic performance' or something else?
Do you know any formal definition of academic achievement or academic performance in education research? What is the difference between the two?
I actually need some idea (a project) to cover a vast area of educational theories and curriculum.
Yes, there is subject-matter content that is helpful, but is the "study of" leadership more significant than than "doing and learning leadership"? Just asking. In a world dominated by globalized ideas is the field of educational leadership open to more practical approaches?
Good afternoon.
I am studying on the nexuses between general theory (or theories) of Education and particular theory (or theories) in Mathematics Education. Please, could you point out if it is appropriate to consider them in this way? Could you recommend me papers or books about my topic?
Thank you for your answer. Regards from Perú.
Educational Data Mining and Learning Analytics are still in its infancy related to MOOCs, and concerning Language MOOCs, I only found two references after a systematic review. Do you have experience with LMOOcs and LA?
Thank you in advance.
I am a researcher and lecturer from Sweden involved with questions relating to Foucault studeies, education, pedagogy and Teacher education.
Several sets of pedagogical ideas and theories have emerged during the last years, one of them, connectivism. What, among them, could be considered an emerging pedagogy, not only because it is an emerging one, but because of its consistency and/or completeness?
Do you prefer to use specific method of teaching or to use eclectic one like a mix of many methods ?
I am now writing a thesis on comparing the use of TPACK and SAMR, yet I still get confused whether they are the same that they are MODEL or FRAMEWORK. can somebody help me explain how TPACK and SAMR take a role in teaching (especially teaching language). Thank you
Hi everyone, I am currently researching Cognitive Diversity (and, specifically, its implications for employee/team performance in the workplace) and I'm struggling to compile as many sources as I'd like. Does anyone have recommendations for papers or studies on the topic (seminal or recent), or even know of scales for measuring cognitive diversity in a group? Thank you!
I am PhD student in the field of educational technology at ATU in Iran and i am interested in doing my dissertation in LA as a promising emerging field.
Evidences showed that there is a lack of research in terms of pedagogical and epistemological consideration in LA.
Most of the existing pedagogical frameworks for LA are implicit. They have no clear and actionable guidelines.
I need to make a connection between SDGs and Environmental Education and my area of interest in primary curriculum. How can i develop both types of framework for my research?
Black Emancipatory Action Research includes at its core participatory and action research methodology which imperatively rely on community participation and community empowerment at all stages of research. Moreover theoretical grounding in Black Studies and Critical Race Theory facilitates adoption of the Afrocentric perspective to knowledge creation and interpretation.
I am just beginning research for my EDD at So. CT State University. I am interested in investigating a first year program at a mid sized private college in relation to Astin's Theory of Involvement and determining if there are relationships between the course, student retention, and graduation rates. In addition to looking at archival data for between-group comparisons, I am most interested in conducting a survey of current students to see if the course is promoting developmental competencies that coincide with Astin's 5 elements of involvement. Do you have any recommendations for articles or researchers I should review? Additionally, do you have any recommendations for some survey instruments that might be beneficial to examine as well? Ideally, I will find an existing survey that might work for what I am interested in pursuing.
Many thanks for your time and consideration
Is there so who has slides of EM Theory & Antennas slides of KU Leuven university or study material for antennas?
I am looking for slides and material from a dutch university (Belgium/Netherlands)?
Teacher oriented inquiry is a mechanism many schools in NZ are using to help teachers get better at what they do. Leaders in schools often work with teachers to support this inquiry work. I am interested in investigating how leaders can work with teachers to create conditions that support rigorous inquiry.
I am looking for a theoretical framework to guide analysis of case studies of inclusive classroom practice, with a focus on the teacher.
Criteria to judge effective practice would be helpful.
Any ideas?
I will be very thankful to recieve any article, books or researchers names to continue my research. Thanks a lot!
If learning theories are broadly (behaviourism, constructivism and cognitivism ) what are the teaching theories?
Please I have been searching for 'Teaching theories' only found one literature by Dennis Fox (1999) are there others?
I want to fundament a work about this theme.
the title and goal text need revision (correction) to make sense.
I am invited to deliver a session titled Relevance of Experiential Learning for Higher Education of 21st Century,as part of the Faculty Development Program at an Engg College, in India.
I plan to create experience on the "difference" between, conventional & experiential mode. I will engage the participants in the Blindfold game from the book[chapter #4] and create a comparison with learning gained from reading a 5 page research paper on Key Success Factors for Project Management.
Related to metacognition, some authors make a distinction between growth and learning, where growth is developing the capacity to learn and perform, which inclusive and beyond metacognition. I'm looking for good papers on fostering growth and performance capacity, dispositions, and supports for their development.
For example, this paper resonates well with how I'd like to explore the subject. Jain C. R., Apple, D. K. & Ellis Jr., W. (2015) “What is Self-Growth?” International Journal of Process Education (June 2015, Volume 7 Issue 1), pp. 41-52. Retrieved 3/7/2017 from
I know the book titled "Positive Neuropsychology Evidence-Based Perspectives on Promoting Cognitive Health", but from Cuba I can not access it. Is there a journal or article where I can read more about it?
Thank you!
He has interesting insights which may lead to a paradigm shift in his booklet "Education and Theory: Strangers in paradigms". Highly recommended!
Hi there. I'm looking at different teaching methods-direct instruction and inquiry on well-being and creativity. There seem to be a plethora of different definitions for both, I need to find a working definition in order to write lessons/ give guidance to teachers that will be involved.
Hope you can help.
Best wishes
I need this tool to apply in my dissertation.
We are seeking a expert who could serve as a thought-partner for a grant-funded project involving people living with dementia who serve as mentors for medical and other health professions students. These dyads (or in some cases pairs of mentors working with pairs of students) establish their relationships of trust and mutual respect through arts-based experiences. One of the primary goals of the program is to enhance the students' level of empathy as they move forward through their professional schooling and beyond.
Hello. Good day!
I wanted to ask you what is the minimum basis for the course and what things will be taught. I was a student of physical engineering at the University of Santiago de Chile, USACH. I am currently doing my masters degree at the University of Chile in cyber-physical systems on wind energy. If you have useful information about what they will discuss the topics you tell me and I will let you know.
I want to be familiar with elementary teachers in other countries to exchange views with them to do.
Focused on Secondary English Curriculum, looking at the new F-10 curriculum in Victoria, any links to curriculum theory would be appreciated, interested in reflection on underlying educational philosophical platforms, interested in frameworks for analysing curriculum content and open question at this point that I'm looking to refine
The research is concerned with how the human experience is acknowledged in architectural design courses, and to what level?
I would like to study students' thinking processes in solving mathematical problems. I will choose one or two students only. I will give a mathematical problem to solve. During the problem solving period, I will ask the student(s) to think aloud, and after that, I will conduct interview sessions to identify their thinking processes.
What would you suggest to make this a better qualitative study?
Thanks in advance.
I'm interested in investigating the use of strengths - professional or personal - as a means of enhancing teacher wellbeing.
In Bavaria, there is a mostly implicite but nevertheless rather clear-cut stereotype of the Hauptschule-kid (lower education) as different from the Realschule-student (intermediate) and from the Gymnasiast (higher). This image is transmitted by the students themselves, their parents, their teachers and - recently - by official curriculum commissions (LehrplanPLUS), although there seems to be no evidence whatsoever that there are corresponding categories of giftedness. Where can I find research about school (social) structure and cultural stereotyping?
To analyze the fluency of a learner written production, I used total number of words per t-unit (W/T) and total number of words per clause (W/C). Is there any other effective way to do so?
I myself analyzed complexity using total number of clauses per total number of t-units (C/T) and total number of dependent clauses per total number of clauses (DC/C). In addition, the accuracy was analyzed using total number of errors per t-units (E/T) and total number of clause per t-unit (C/T). So, if anyone understands a better way to analyze them, I am eager to hear!
Is anyone familiar with research on online course development collaboration between instructional designers and faculty developers/Subject Matter Experts? I'm looking to lit review what is known about the course development in that setting.
In my country, traditionally, it's been mainly teachers who are responsible for the advance of education in schools, high schools and universities. Now that the trend towards autonomous learning has been reached there are many problems that have shown up. Lack of well-prepared teachers, and lack of skills from students to be self-efficient. I would like to have an idea of the balance of the responsibilities of teaching and learner's aptitudes and attitudes to learn.
_ Bibliography
_ Names and adresses of researchers
I am doing a research on teaching social skills for studies with disabilities, and I have been advised and recommended to used Bourdieu's theories as a theoretical framework.
I have been reading some of his paper and others on Habitus, Capitals, Field, Doxa, and Reflexivity. However, I could not see a clear implication of his theories on disabilities studies except that he mentioned social inequality and social injustice. The only connection that I was able to make is that people with disabilities have not been supported to fulfill their needs. Reflexivity might be also helpful in terms of taking participants' perspective as part of the research.
It still unclear whether there is a method that he is proposed rather than the ethnographic research. Does anyone see any connection? Also, how can his work be implemented as a theoretical framework in a disability research?
I think I still have not get the right picture of Bourdieu's theories; and therefore, Your ideas and clarification would be helpful and useful and it would be very appreciated.
- discussion of different approaches to specific kind of engagement.
- discussion of engagment within advocacy of education
Dear colleagues,
I wonder if any one has experience in developing models for vocational education due to the changes in context, e.g: social conditions, migration in economy, etc.,. What constraints to apply the new model successfully and the findings.
Thanks for your concern!
I want to see how variation theory of learning can be applied in some critical aspects in Business subjects(topics) or research method course. Any one who know related resources?
Was "Alternate reality teaching" term introduced by Ethan Mollick or by somebody else?
What is conceptual framework in vocational technical education?
Dear Colleagues, I am preparing a paper about the long term Socio-political effects due to political interventions in our Public Education System. I wish to find out if there are any similar researches from other countries especially western based democracies. (as so to enable better comparison) This could be based on intervention in curriculum, text books, funding, teacher training and posting.
The VOICE of European Teachers (VOICES) network will give schools, teachers, students, teacher trainers, researchers and representatives of other institution in the field of education the possibility to stay in contact, work together, start new projects and share best practice. Collaboration during projects and reflection on our activities are the keys in the learning processes within the network.
You know the importance and benefits of using BYOD methodology (Bring Your Own Device) in universities and educational institutions, but there are several risks facing this methodology may make universities reluctant to apply
Please help us to provide me with the experience of universities applied BYOD methodology, and the policies adopted to employ this methodology?
with alot of thanks
dr / Mohamed. A. Ahmed
I have read a lot about diversity and its effect on effective teaching practice and student achievement, but I would like to see some actual experiments.
Supportive Teacher Talk: the Importance of the F-move
Yesterday I was discussing this with a friend.
I have notticed that the advances of the translation of neurodidactics theory and principles into classroom practice are still difficult to find and share in the literature, and this may be due to the lack of a recognised field for tagging and writing about these teaching experiences.
It could include teaching practice and methods based in the pinciples extracted in neuroeducation from the recent knowledge of the brain coming from neuroscience and cognitive psychology, and also research in secondary and university education (maybe also primary?) disseminating the results of applying these principles to teaching and eventual improvement in learning of students.
What is your opinion on that? Do you think it could be useful?
Thank you for your feedback.
I want to research about adult attachment and reflexive function. The best way for it is with the RF scale and the AAI. But both intruments need training and I wonder if exist institutes for this in Colombia or Latin America or where?
Please any article or reading to help me in my research.
I am researching for the effectiveness of observation using IPad for reception children.
looking for the methodology and ethic
Thanks in advance
Fatima Mitchell
Canterbury Christ church university in Uk
I am in the beginning stages of my dissertation. I am stuck on the theories or the causes from the lack of minority parent input during the IEP process? Am I on the right track when I look into Deficit Theory?
Agency theory seems to have been incorporated into the education reformation in New Zealand schools from several years ago and to some degree in the UK. I am experiencing challenges determining its use in other countries, particularly in Canada where I am.
In my review of the literature, I've found that most structural learning research involves concept or category learning. Is structure necessarily categorical?
The idea of a ‘model school’ is quite common in Ethiopia, and I’m interested if this kind of model is used elsewhere in the world. For example, model schools, model classrooms, model teachers, model students. I’m interested in the function these models serve, and the processes of identification, as well as the political and micropolitical uses of models.
The embedded post from Faculty Focus points out that students may be tempted to cheat in instances where responses to a question can be easily 'Googled'. It is suggested that open-book tests, including challenging application questions that relate directly to the course material, may help overcome this problem.
Some even believe that students should be allowed to 'Google' information during examinations, for instance, because they have to demonstrate digital literacy (an opinion expressed in the post from The Guardian).
Which of these approaches (if any) are acceptable? What would serve as guidelines for good practice if either of these approaches are incorporated in teaching and learning? Would a particular approach be acceptable in different fields or at various levels of study?
I'm looking to set up an Academic Resource Centre in a UK secondary school and would like to find out as much as possible about others that have been set up as possible.
Research by Carol Dweck suggests that fixed mindset individuals react negatively to feedback. With this in mind, if a mentor has a fixed mindset, would this affect their ability to deliver feedback that is active and constructive? Would they be more likely to respond with what Martin Seligman calls active and destructive; passive and destructive?
I am interested to know the modern reflective practices for B.Ed. practice teaching.
Dear Madam/Sir,
I have am having some trouble regarding the measurement of such indication for the successful implementation of character education, mainly among adolescent in the level of secondary school; is there a standard form of its measurement?
It is highly appreciated for your cooperation to answer that question.
In 2005, Mael et al. (see reference below) published a systematic review on the single-sex vs. coeducational schooling topic. They found a little advantage for single-sex schools. However, in 2014, Pahlke et al. contradicted their results through a meta-analysis. Also, Signorella et al. published a study specifically describing the weaknesses of the Mael et al. publication. Does someone know if the 2005 authors had answered any of them?
- Mael, F., Alonso, A., Gibson, D., Rogers, K., & Smith, M. (2005). Single-sex versus coeducational schooling: A systematic review. (No. 2005–01). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, Policy and Program Studies Service.
- Pahlke, E., Hyde, J. S., & Allison, C. M. (2014). The Effects of Single-Sex Compared With Coeducational Schooling on Students’ Performance and Attitudes: A Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin. doi: 10.1037/a0035740
- Signorella, M., Hayes, A., & Li, Y. (2013). A Meta-Analytic Critique of Mael et al.’s (2005) Review of Single-Sex Schooling. Sex Roles, 69(7-8), 423-441. doi: 10.1007/s11199-013-0288-x
For instance, if you have a particular strategy developed for addressing an education research issue, would you refer to it as a "model" or a "strategy"?
The MOOC phenomena is not exclusively an issue of Massive Online Open Course, on the conversely, it has become a scenario of new ways of getting learning and knowledge. This is radically affecting the processes of research, innovation and learning management in contemporary high education.
New constructions of social organization generate these emerging forms. These are our theoretical and methodological ideas. Then, these forms are associated to concepts such as “ciberculture, societies and learning and knowledge ecosystems”. In that sense, MOOCs become a methodological strategy to strengthen the cultural multiplicity and diversity in “glocal” contexts, as well as interface to democratize processes of certification and legitimation of knowledge and learning in great excluded population masses, facilitating their social projection.
I guess it's all in the title really...
I'm currently lookin in detail at Fried by Borysenko, and Understanding and PReventing Teacher Burnout by Vandenberghe and Huberman. I feel I should include some of Maslach's work and some of Freudenberger as the "masters" of the field, but they've both published lots and I'm trying to isolate key texts.
I am interested in exploring a holistic approach with regards to adolescent identity.
I would like to learn about a specific learning environment for a child in an inclusive context.
Many thanks
I am writing a research paper on the implementation of school-based professional development in my country. For quite a time I have struggled with developing the right theoretical framework to analyse the construct "continuous professional development:. I cant figure whether PD is a process, activity, a goal or an outcome. I was considering "socio-cultural perspective", "situated perspective" and "activity theory", they are so confusing. Should I pick one of these or find something else? Which would be more applicable? Please advise.