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Economic Psychology - Science topic

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Questions related to Economic Psychology
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
10 answers
How should an anti-inflationary and at the same time pro-development, growth-activating (medium-term) and growth-activating (long-term) economic, anti-crisis, counter-cyclical, pro-development socio-economic policy be constructed?
How should such a multi-faceted socio-economic policy be designed?
In designing such an anti-inflationary and anti-crisis socio-economic policy, how should some mutually contradictory instruments for activating economic processes and curbing inflation be reconciled?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
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An anti-inflationary policy is a pro-growth policy
In the end—and this bears repeating—inflation is bad for economic growth. And the Federal Reserve's policy, even though it's often misinterpreted, is an anti-inflation policy, which is another name for a pro-growth policy.
Arthur J. RolnickSenior Vice President and Director of Research, 1985-2010
(Citation from the link).
Am in agreement with the policy statements of the mentioned author !
Inflation is the fiscal complement of statism and arbitrary government. It is a cog in the complex of policies and institutions which gradually lead toward totalitarianism .
Continued inflation inevitably leads to catastrophe
The most important thing to remember is that inflation is not an act of God, that inflation is not a catastrophe of the elements or a disease that comes like the plague. Inflation is a policy.
Inflation has always been an important resource of policies of war and revolution and why we also find it in the service of socialism.
Inflation is essentially antidemocratic.
Inflation is an increase in the quantity of money without a corresponding increase in the demand for money, i.e., for cash holdings.
The Free Market and Its Enemies". Ludwig von Mises' speech to the Foundation for Economic Education, 1951
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
48 answers
Economics involves understanding human behaviour in economic decision-making situations and in markets. People are complicated beings, and we must make simplifying assumptions if we are to build useful models. Traditional economic theory assumes that people have good access to information and can process it perfectly.....
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@ Dimitrios, Since we have encountered challenges with the Neoclassical theory, what options do we have?
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
9 answers
Does anybody have done a research on economic psychology of Entrepreneurs at SME level. May i receive a model questioner or some papers related to that
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I studied the impact of social and business relations between entrepreneurs running economic entities in the SME sector and public institutions, including local government units. I have published the research results in the publications available on the Research Gate portal.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
5 answers
I am working on my MSc research for my degree in Sociology and Social Policy. I am investigating the Media coverage of 4 individuals (Foreign Fighters who joined ISIS from the UK). My research question will be about how the media represent sociological contributors (economic, psychological, sociological and criminal history) of British foreign fighters in ISIS. So far, I find it hard to decide how many newspapers I should investigate and how many articles per individual and the justification for my choice. I decided to pick the newspapers from the top 10 ranking regarding the number of readers, but my question is how many newspapers I need since I have only 2 months to submit my dissertation.
Thanks in advance.
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The number papers that you need is the number in where you cath the information you consider important... but maybe the correc number is have one or more of your interes... the fredom was an important situation but the academic world have the rules that you need checking this whit your favorite professor
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
23 answers
Question. Are you scientists able to help me with articles and books about Cultural Bias (the phenomenon of interpreting and judging phenomena by standards inherent to one's own culture. The phenomenon is sometimes considered a problem central to social and human sciences, such as economics, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. Some practitioners of the aforementioned fields have attempted to develop methods and theories to compensate for or eliminate cultural bias. Cultural bias occurs when people of a culture make assumptions about conventions, including conventions of language, notation, proof and evidence. They are then accused of mistaking these assumptions for laws of logic or nature. Numerous such biases exist, concerning cultural norms for colour, mate selection, concepts of justice, linguistic and logical validity, the acceptability of evidence, and taboos, see Wikipedia). I need examples of problems in the field of education, health, labour, housing and living in neighbourhoods but also solutions who are evidence practice based. Thanks Carl
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For details on examples of problems related to cultural bias in different fields, please follow the link below:
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
4 answers
Hello everyone! I am going to conduct an experimental study of the environmental factors influencing corruption behavior in particular situations, and now i'm seeking for an ideas of factor(s), which would be better to study (I'm trying to comply with the principe of scientific novelty). 
So, now i have two main ideas:
1)To study how corrupter's perception of social loses from his or her actions influence the unethical behavior (for instance, the hypothesis may looks like "A more complete understanding and perception of public loses reduces the probability of unethical behavior in potential corruption situations").
2)To study how group pressure influence the process of person's decision-making in the situation when it is possible to behave unethically and illegally improve his or her wealth (for instance, the hypothesis may looks like "Social pressure in such situations increases the probability of corruption behavior").
Actually, I don't exactly know if there were no any similar studies in the past - i did not find any. I'll be glad to discuss any ideas about the predictors.
More detailed description of my further research linked below. 
Thank you for attention!
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Hey there Ilya,
The subject is very interesting and it will have to be related to something specific. What I mean is: do you intent to evaluate inner triggers of corruption? (thoughts or behaviors that will lead to it); outer triggers (how one is affected by the behaviors/ opinions of others) or environmental triggers ("no one is looking, so....").
Either way it seems to be closely related with peer pressure. I recommend for you to read Dan Ariely's book "The Honest Truth About Dishonesty". You can get the gist of it in his TED talk "Our buggy moral code" (
Or his movie (available in Netflix) The (Dis)honest project (
Hope it helps you a little and I will wait for your results !
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
2 answers
Rowe's and Boulgarides' Decision Style Inventory comes with the Intensity Levels to interpret dhe questionnaire.  The problem is that when a style (directive, analytic, conceptual or behavioral) scores high, other styles score lower than the Intensity Levels to determine whether the style is dominant, back-up or least preferred.  This happens way too often and is a concerned.  There are cases where there is no very dominant style and three least preferred styles.
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Attached is an article related to the information processing style and decision making for your reference.
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
2 answers
I am familiar with PROMETHEE pretty much and currently get to know Kahneman ideas. I guess integration of PROMETHEE and prospect theort, for example, could be a very interesting for generate a very interesting paper. I am looking for these:
1. someone who is expert in one or some of Kahneman ideas for co-authoring a paper
2. someone who can introduce me previous works in this topic which are interesting
3. i welcome and appreciate any idea which can help me
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Thank you for your answer. I had a look to the 1st one and I also go throughA number of other publications. Unfortunately, I had not access to the 2nd publication you introduced me. By the way, my reflection is there is very little research in this area. Are you agree?
I also think all the publication in this area just focused on manipulating preference function. Also there is very little discussion regarding how to find thresholds of this preference function. Moreover, it is not apparent how to allocate a value for the coefficient of loss area. Please provide me with your reflection in the topic.
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
12 answers
Consumer Behaviour
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  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
23 answers
The only one I am aware of is Dominant Social Paradigm Scale (Kilbourne & Carlson, 2008). Are there any alternatives?
The research is focused on members of radical communist (Marxist-Leninist) party.
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Hi Martin,
You could use the Fair Market Ideology scale from Jost, Blount, Pfeffer, and Hunyady (2003).
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
10 answers
A couple of frequently cited studies suggest that the presence of ‘eye images’ increase pro-social / cooperative behavior in natural and experimental settings.
According to these studies (most prominently by a group at Newcastle University around M Bateson and D Nettle), life-sized images of eyes seem to have an astonishing effect on cooperation levels.
Others (e.g. Fehr & Schneider, Raihani & Bshary 2012) found zero effect when investigating the impact of ‘eye cues’ on cooperativeness in their experimental studies. In a field study in a natural setting (forthcoming in Theory and Decision), we only find weak, statistically not significant effects of eye images on honesty (for details, please see or )
I wonder if the effect of eye images is over-rated after all, maybe as a result of a publication bias – i.e. it is much easier to publish results than non-results in peer-reviewed journals.
I am interested in your opinions on that. I also wonder if you are aware of non-results of similar studies which have not been reported in Scopus-indexed journals.
Best regards,
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My co-author, Richard E. Matland, and I just completed and submitted for review a study of using eyes to mobilize voters to the polls. We sent post cards with eyes in a number of cities and got no statistical effect and little to no substantive effect (compared to a control group). On the other hand, Costas Panagopoulos has two published pieces showing this technique can statistically but weakly mobilize voters. For me, I would not invest in this technique if I were managing a campaign. -- Gregg 
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
22 answers
I am conducting an experiment about public goods dilemma with a group of 4. My design has two kinds of treatment as experimental treatment and control treatment. However, I have very limit financial support so I am wondering how many participants should I invite to my experiment. Now I have collected 8 groups (32 participants) for experimental treatment and 7 groups (35 participants) for control treatment, so the total number is 68 persons. Is that enough?
I have checked many ralated papers, but many of them have more than 100 participants and some only have 64 subjects, for example “Climate change in a public goods game: Investment decision in mitigation versus adaptation”.
By the way, the result of the experiment with the current data is pretty good and it has verified my hypothesis.
Any idea will be most helpful.
Yours sincerely
Joanna Zhang
With so many excellent answers, I have learned a lot, thank you!
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Calculate your sample size needed. Sample size calculator are available
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
6 answers
Does anybody have any suggestions for what I should read about in connection with case-based decision theory? This is a totally new area to me and any information about the theory would be much appreciated.
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Definitely a theory if case based decision theory. However this book has been pushed some years ago. I do not know if there is some significant research on this topic in the last years.
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
6 answers
I am thinking about a question of Behavioral Operations Management (BOM): how to define a contribution to the literature? For the traditional operational research, it can be a new model, a new algorithm or a model for a new problem. But what is a contribution in BOM? In BOM, we first observe the system biased performance (primary), then look into the biased decisions which lead to the performance (secondary), try to find out what biases induce such decisions and how (tertiary), and is it necessary to go deeper to explore reasons for the biases (fourth)? I found it is hard to seek for explanations in the fourth level. However, without the fourth level, how can we propose suggestions to adjust these biased behaviors in the decision process? Without efficient suggestions, what is the contribution of a research? Or, am I wrong with the definition of contribution in BOM? How far should we go in this field?
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Hi Yingshau - First, let's stick to the more standard BeOps (BOM=Bill of Materials).
Second, you're thinking about this from the perspective of someone who has a model and just wants to correct its problems in application (which of course is something that has dogged OR for decades). Instead try to think of it as foundational. Why is the history of psychology and sociology research what it is? Do these fields continue to contribute to practice? Of course. Can we assume the findings from studies in these fields are robustly applicable in all OM contexts? Certainly not, since they don't tend to study OM contexts.
Hence the disconnect. OR models have a long track record of applicability failures, particularly when key elements are humans (as is almost always the case). Psych and sociology have made great strides... ones that general management, marketing and IS have strongly embraced and benefits from. This is what BeOps has done for operations. It's started us down the road towards understanding better what we would like to be able to practice with... only in a much more realistic way.
The question of "what's next" is as broad as the fields of psychology and sociology, and as ample as has been the applications in other disciplines, As researchers we just need to be a little more open to these things, and less willing to fall back on incremental "improvements" to the field. It's precisely the shot we've needed.
  • asked a question related to Economic Psychology
4 answers
Could anyone point me in the direction of researchers, particularly those in the UK, who might be able to advise me in this area. Perhaps people who have published scales in economic psychology journals, or people who have applied Rasch models outside of education and health.
Many thanks! Would be deeply grateful for any advice.
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Thanks Patricia - that is really helpful!!!