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Econometric Modeling - Science topic

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Questions related to Econometric Modeling
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
13 answers
Hi all,
I am facing a challenge with transforming some variables for logarithmic analysis in my ARDL model. These variables contain negative values, which complicates standard logarithmic transformation. I applied a log transformation with offset: Ln(X)=sign(x)*ln((abs(x)+1)
  1. Whether this approach is appropriate for an ARDL model.
  2. Any better alternatives or additional steps for accuracy and interpretability.
Thanks for your help!
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Nobody (I hope) has said that explanatory variables should be symmetrically distributed. I am curious on how you can interpret percentages of a variable taking negative values. Anyway, don't expect to be published with your model. I will stop here this discussion.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
2 answers
The question is pretty straightforward, I think. I was just searching for empirical research (econometric modelling, specifically) on segmented labor markets. I didn't found much, maybe because is not a very recent theory. But what I have found, especially for Latin America, seems to discard the theory. Is there a definitive answer or consensus on this?
Also, what would be the ideal test to the presence of marketduality or segmentation?
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Chuck A Arize Thank you! Do you have some examples of recent empirical papers on segmented market theory (maybe your own research if relevant)?
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
Good day scholars!
Suppose I have five logged time series variables with mixed order of integration such as two I(1)s, two I(2)s and one I(0). Apart from simultaneous equation system, which other econometrics models can be used to model these variables?
Thanks for being there always
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The suggestion by deleted profile on February 23 is not correct. TraditionalARDL estimation has been used to approximate the behaviour of dynamic systems involving I(0) variables for over 40 years. The ARDL Bounds test involves 1(0) and I(1) variables. It works when there is one cointegration expression because that cointegrated expression is I(0). If there is no cointegration the coefficient on the error correction term is zero and everything in the estimated equation is again I(0).
Can I remind you that I(2) variables an those with higher orders of integration can not be included in an ARDL bounds test. You must also satisfy certain exogeneity conditions. There must be no feedback from the dependent variable to any of the explanatory variables.
Implementing ARDL is very easy in many software packages - perhaps too easy. My advice would be to steer clear of the article.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
1 answer
Dear Scholars,
Would you please help to find the model of sustainable climate risk management for firm-level?
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Sustainable climate risk management at the firm level is a complex and evolving field. It typically involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating climate-related risks while also seeking opportunities for sustainability and resilience. There's no one-size-fits-all model, as each firm's specific circumstances, industries, and locations may require different approaches. However, you can consider the following general framework as a starting point:
Risk Assessment and Identification:
Climate Risk Assessment: Begin by conducting a thorough assessment of climate-related risks. This includes physical risks (e.g., extreme weather events, sea-level rise, and resource scarcity) and transition risks (e.g., policy changes, market shifts, and technological advancements).
Data Collection and Analysis:
Collect Climate Data: Gather data related to climate trends, both historical and future projections, that are relevant to your business and industry. Consider using climate models and scenario analysis.
Financial Impact Analysis: Assess how these climate risks might impact your firm's financial performance, assets, and operations.
Scenario Planning:
Develop various climate change scenarios to understand how different climate outcomes could affect your business. This is critical for risk management and resilience planning.
Risk Mitigation Strategies:
Physical Risk Mitigation: Implement strategies to protect your physical assets from climate-related damages, such as investing in resilient infrastructure or relocating vulnerable assets.
Transition Risk Mitigation: Develop strategies to adapt to policy changes and market shifts. This may include diversifying products and services, transitioning to low-carbon technologies, and staying informed about relevant policy developments.
Sustainability and Resilience Measures:
Consider integrating sustainability measures to reduce your firm's carbon footprint and environmental impact. This can include energy efficiency initiatives, renewable energy adoption, waste reduction, and supply chain sustainability.
Develop resilience plans that ensure business continuity in the face of climate-related disruptions.
Reporting and Disclosure:
Consider voluntary reporting through initiatives like the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to communicate climate risks and strategies to stakeholders.
Engage with industry peers, government entities, and non-governmental organizations to stay informed about the latest climate developments and best practices.
Adaptation and Learning:
Be prepared to adapt your strategies as climate risks evolve and new information becomes available. Continual learning and flexibility are key.
Monitoring and Reporting:
Regularly monitor and assess the effectiveness of your climate risk management and sustainability measures. Transparency in reporting can help build trust among stakeholders.
Regulatory Compliance:
Ensure compliance with relevant climate-related regulations and standards. Stay informed about evolving regulatory requirements.
It's important to tailor your firm's climate risk management model to your specific industry, location, and risk profile. Consider seeking advice from climate risk experts, and collaborate with stakeholders to develop a comprehensive and sustainable approach to climate risk management.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
To study complementarities of education in socioeconomic development of developing countries, how we can develop a model between education and environment?
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
I have heterogeneous panel data model,, N=6 T=21,What is the appropriate regression model? I have applied CD test , It shows the data have cross-sectional dependency
I used the 2nd unit root tests , and the result found that my data is stationary at level
is it possible to use PMG ? would you pleas explain the appropriate regression model?
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
10 answers
Dear Scholars, I am measuring the effect of policy on firms' performance. I found a common (in both treatment and control groups) structural break 4 years before the policy intervention. I used the difference-in-difference model to find the impact of the policy. I am using 20 years of firm-level panel data. What are your suggestions?
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It depends on how the shock influenced the treated and control unit.
If you can argue that the shock influenced all units in the same way, then the inclusion of two way fixed effects (particularly time fixed effects in this case) can help you to rule out the effects of such 'common' shock.
However, if there are reasons to think that the structural shock differently affected treated and control units, then this could result in potential biases in the estimation and identification of the average treatment effect.
There is a novel literature dealing with the correct identification of such effects. I would suggest you reading the following paper:
"VISUALIZATION, IDENTIFICATION, AND ESTIMATION IN THE LINEAR PANEL EVENT-STUDY DESIGN" from Simon Freyaldenhoven, Christian Hansen, Jorge Pérez Pérez and Jesse M. Shapiro. You can find the paper here:
I particularly suggest you to read section 3.1. of the paper as long as accompanying the paper there is the Stata command "xtevent" which is particularly useful to deal with such econometric analyses.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I am currently trying to understand a possible dynamic panel model with the years of observation (t) higher than the number of unit of observation (n). The particular dataset contain 6 different cross-sectional region observed within the span of 30 years.
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Answer from ChatGPT
It is possible to build a GMM with the number of observations (n) being lower than the number of time periods (t). However, in general it is recommended to have a larger number of observations than the number of parameters being estimated. This is known as the "curse of dimensionality" and can lead to overfitting and poor model performance. Additionally, a GMM requires estimation of the mean, covariance, and mixing proportion for each component, which may be difficult to do with a small number of observations. Therefore, it is generally recommended to have a sufficient amount of data when building a GMM model.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Hi! I would like to have an opinion on something, rather than a straight-out answer, so to speak. In time-series econometrics, it is common to present both long-term coefficients from the cointegrating equation, as well as the short-term coefficients from the error correction model. Since I have a lot of specifications, and since I'm really only interested in the long-term, I only present the long-term coefficients from a cointegrating equation in a paper I'm writing. Would you say that is feasible? I'm using the Phillips-Oularis singe-equation approach to cointegration.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
13 answers
I am working on some macroeconomic forecasting on a 15-year data sample. I don't know which multivariate time series technique would be appropriate for the analysis since one variable is stationary at the second difference. Could someone please suggest which method would be better for my analysis, along with the supporting material?
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I recommend you NOT to convert quarterly to monthly data. You will have more observations but the increase of precision will be illusory. You say to have an I(2) variable but you don't say anything about the other variables. For example, if all of them are I(0), I don't think that cointegration will help. You should say more about your problem if you want appropriate suggestions.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
16 answers
Economics has treated econometrics as a universal solvent, a technique that can be applied to any economic question, which is sufficient and, therefore, makes other applied techniques redundant.
Peter Swann in his book indicates the place of econometrics and argues against this notion and even takes this as a severe error. He advises fellow economists that they learn to respect and assimilate what he calls vernacular knowledge of the economy. His top message to economists is what the great French composer, Paul Dukas, advised his pupil: “Listen to the birds, they are great masters.” If any fellow economist asks: “don’t most economists do this already?” Then the answer by Swann is clear: “… some economists do use vernacular knowledge some of the time to underpin what they do … incidentally to make a piece of high technique more approachable … outside this limited context, economists do not tend to take the vernacular seriously."
Any argument for or against it?
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Dear Simon, you confirm my contribution. Statstistics was applied by many sciences long before the term econometrics was invented. Like mathematics (one could, of course, say that statistics is part of mathematics), it is universal in the sense, that it can be applied for rahter different scientific studies. Nevertheless, it can only be applied, if there is a theory of the respective science.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
Hi all, I'm doing fyp with the title of the determinant of healthcare expenditure in 2011-2020. Here are my variables: government financing, gdp, total population.
first model is: healthcare expendituret=B0+B1gov financingt + B2gdpt + B3populationt + et
second causal relationship model is healthcare expenditure per capitat= B0 + B1gdp per capitat +et
It is possible to use unit root test then ADRL for the first model and what test can use for the second model?
Thank you in advance for those reply me :)
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You should read the Global Burden of Disease articles on health care financing. Their appendices fully disclose their variables (& they've spent a lot of time & effort dettermining the best ones) and they provide their (sophisticated) statistical code. Lead author on most of that work is Joseph Dieleman or something like Global Burden of Disease Health Financing Collaborator Network. A full biblio of this work is at if you click on the publications tab. The pubs are all open-access & most are on ResearchGate. :-)
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
In the context of ADAS features, what kind of econometric modeling would be the best to represent it? Here it is to be noted that ADAS parameters will be such that will be recognized the integrity and performance of the system. For example, in-vehicle cooling, seat and glass settings, etc.
Thank you, in advance.
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It is not clear what you want to study. There is no econometric model to help you, if you do not know what you want to do.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
In the file that I attached below there is a line upon the theta(1) coefficient and another one exactly below C(9). In addition, what is this number below C(9)? There is no description
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I asked that question to the person who code that package, and he said C(9) coefficient does not have any meaning here, just ignore. It comes up because the package is written for the old version of Eviews and has not been updated that is why.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
12 answers
The models that are used to check the robustness of the main econometric model may not always provide 100% parallel outcomes. Does it mean that there are flaws in the main estimation outcomes?
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I think the similarity of your robustness check to the main method depends on the properties of both estimators. For instance, using augmented ardl as a robust test for bootstrap Ardl could yield similar result. Same might go for LSDV and GMM because they are both dynamic model method and can also correct for endogeneity problem. So the similarity depends on the similarity of the estimators. The coefficient doesn't really matter though but the similarity of the signs of the coefficient is very important..
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
Dear research community, 
I am currently working with Hofstede's dimensions, however, I do not exactly use his questionnaire. In order to calculate my index in accordance to his process, I am looking for the meaning of the constants in front of the mean scores. 
For example: PDI = 35(m07 – m02) + 25(m20 – m23) ... What do 35 and 25 mean? How could I calculate them with regard to my research? 
Thank you very much for your help!
Best wishes, 
Katharina Franke
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Given that the structural break points play a crucial role in time-series analysis, many past studies have ignored them. There are studies that have identified break points but have not incorporated them with the main econometric model. Given that the incorporation of break dummies can significantly influence the final model outcomes, what is the rationality of finding the breaks and not incorporating them to the main model?
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I think you are guided by your objectives and also following appropriate statistical procedure. there is hardly a statistical tool that incorporate every thing eg. breaks regimes, data in panels, cross sectional, time series, etc.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I collected 109 responses for 60 indicators to measure the status of urban sustainability as a pilot study. So far I know, I cannot run EFA as 1 indicator required at least 5 responses, but I do not know whether I can run PCA with limited responses? Would you please suggest to me the applicability of PCA or any other possible analysis?
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I would recommend you read about the difference between EFA and PCA first. Whether or not you should run an EFA has nothing to do with the number of response options on the indicators, five or otherwise. In general, EFA is preferable to PCA as it is considered to be the 'real' factor analysis. The are many threads on RG on this issue.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
I'm working on Chinese OFDI in Africa and I really want to analyze my hypothesis via an Econometric Model based on the Micro level index. So if you already have a room or article link please let me know to learn how is possible.
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
hi economist researchers, pls help the what type of econometric model is used in order to compare the income of improved crop variety adopter and non adopters?
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in this case, you must use a dummy variable that is 1 and 0. Those are adopter is treated as 1 and non-adopter treated as Zero. Than Run multiple linear regression model
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
15 answers
What is the most acceptable method to measure the impact of regulation/policy so far?
I only know the Difference-in-Difference (DID), Propensity Score Matching (PSM), Two-Step System GMM (for dynamic) are common methods. Expecting your opinion for 20 years long panel for firm-level data.
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recent development
(1) Wooldridge two-way Mundlak regression and fixed effects and dif-in-dif
(2) synthetic control
(3) Cerulli, G. 2015. Econometric Evaluation of Socio-Economic Programs: Theory and Applications.
(4) Pesaran (2015) Time Series and Panel Data Econometrics
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
Dear everyone,
I am in great distress and desperately need your advice. I have the cumulated (disaggregated) data of a survey of an industry (total export, total labour costs etc.) of 380 firms. The original paper is using a Two-stage least square (TSLS) model in oder to analyze several industries with one Independent variable having a relationship with the dependent variable, which was the limitation not to use an OLS method, according to the author. However, i want to conduct a single industry analysis and exclude the variable with the relationship, BUT instead analyze the model over 3 years. What is the best econometric model to use? Can is use an OLS regression over period of 3 years? if yes, what tests are applicable then?
Thank you so much for your help, you are helping me out so much !!!!!!!
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Dear, conducting any standard model depends on an important factor, namely the number of observations included in the model, for example, if the observations are small, the Phelps-Peron test can be conducted to test the stability, and if the observations are large, the whooping-full test can be conducted, and in light of the stability results, we can determine the model that can be conducted Julius Hogan
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
6 answers
Hello everyone,
i would like to analyze the effect of innovation in 1 industry over a time period of 10 years. the dependent variable is export and the Independent variables are R&D and Labour costs.
What is the best model to use? i am planning to do a Log-linear model.
Thank you very much for your greatly needed help!
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Before deciding on the econometric model, you should go through the stationarity test (ADF test). If the data are stationary, OLS Regression with a log-linear model would be fine. But, if not, you may go for VAR or ARDL. You should also check the robustness of the model by going through residual tests such as Autocorrelation LM Test.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am planning to investigate the panel data set containing three countries and 10 variables. The time frame is a bit short that concerns me (between 2011-2020 for each country). What should be the sample size in this case? Can I apply fixed effects, random effects, or pooled OLS?
Thank you for your responses beforehand.
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It seems a very small sample to apply microeconometric techniques. Having 27 seven observations and 10 covariates, at most, you will have 27 - 1 - 10 = 16 degrees of freedom. This is pretty low. If I had to decide to pursue a project based on that, I would try to avoid it.
It is really closer to multiple times series than panel data. Have a look at this link:
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
I have panel data covering 12 countries of the MENA region for the period 1996-2019. The dependent variable is tourism receipts and the independent variables are the World Bank governance indexes ( political stability, government effectiveness, control of corruption, and voice and accountability), I also have UNESCO sites - dummy- and a few economic indexes such as GDP and GDP Per Capita. What are the models I should implement? fixed or random? and what are step-by-step processes? how should I start?
Below I tried to do OLS pooling, but not sure if this is correct or not.
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Dear Rand,
I could not open your data set, because I have no unpacking program. But that is not so important, as I have looked on some of the data in the World Bank Statistics.
My first proposal is to choose a higher dimension for the tourism revenues (e.g. billions of units - $?). This would lead to a better readability of the results.
For the first step of the specification of the model/equation to estimate, you need no data. Simply ask yourself and others, how the political stability and other political circumstances in a country would influence the decision to go there as a tourist and how much to spend.
Then I would look on the time series (from which one can get insights on changes over time) for some of the countries to find patterns between the exogenous variables and the dependent variable. The main problems may be: 1. The political variables might have a rather limited influence. 2. They may show too little variances. 3. A change of e.g. political stability will not lead to an instantaneous change of tourism. Improvement will likely have its positive influence only after some years, whereas a change to instability will have a shorter-run effect (asymmetric behaviour). 4. You will likely find high correlations between the political variables, which means that you should omit some of them. 5. The indices are far from an ideal cardinal scale, it is even not clear, whether a higher value really measures an improvement.
If you (hopefully) find-out some relations, you can try simple OLS estimations with one of the political variables lagged for several years and you may try to do that for transformed variables (percentage change of revenues with absolute differences of the indices).
The comparison between countries could, in principle, give you an impression of the political influence on (the level of) tourism, but I fear that other factors (landscape, seaside, history, culture) are by far dominating. If your aim is only to exercise econometric methods, you can try an estimate for the whole data set. For this purpose, I recommend, to calculate indices instead of the absolute revenue values (to neutralize the “non-political” differences between countries. But you should take into account that you have more explaining variables than you used in your first approach – namely all these political indicators with different lags. I think, that for such an approach you lose too many degrees of freedom and, therefore, you would not get reasonable results.
If I had this difficult (not to say: impossible) task, I would never do a pooled estimation, but I would try to find good time series estimates for all 10 countries, and then compare the estimated coefficients to find-out similarities.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I have tried to estimate Bayesian spatial econometric models using R. However, I felt like the functions and packages are limited in R. Has anyone used R for Bayesian spatial econometric? Would other software do better job in estimating it?
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R is one of the best tools when it comes to spatial modeling in General, and as I have worked with R multiple times you just need to find the right cran file that serves well your manner, Also check GIS software in literatures, many studies used it for Bayesian spatial modeling. Good luck
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
I am working on a project regarding the impact of ICT investment on economic growth of the MENA region from 2007 to 2017. we will use econometric model and we wil set the ICT development index as a proxy to measure the ICT. I found data about ranks of IDI in 2007,2008,2010,2011,2012,2013,2015,2016,2017, but I can't find in 2009 and 2014, so can someone help me where can I find these two years?
thanks in advance.
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How to make ICT index, I mean what weights to assign internet, mobile and fixed phone line?
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
9 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I ran an Error Correction Model, obtaining the results depicted below. The model comes from the literature, where Dutch disease effects were tested in the case of Russia. My dependent variable was the real effective exchange rate, while oil prices (OIL_Prices), terms of trade (TOT), public deficit (GOV), industrial productivity (PR) were independent variables. My main concern is that only the Error Correction Term, the dummy variable, and the intercept are statistically significant. Moreover, residuals are not normally distributed, while also the residuals are heteroscedasdic. There is no serial correlation issue according to the LM test. How can I improve my findings? Thank you beforehand.
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I notice the following about your specification. (1) Your inclusion of a constant (and its subsequent significance) means you allow for (and find) a trend in the real exchange rate independent of any trends in the other variables. Is that economically reasonable? (2) I assume the CRISIS variable is a zero-one dummy for time periods with a "crisis" of some sort. Apparently it is not in the cointegration vector. Why not? If it were, then I'd expect to find CRISIS differences in the error correction equation. Instead, you have it in levels. Thus you specify that a temporary crisis has a permanent effect of the level of the real exchange rate independent of the other variables. Is that what you intend? (3) You do not include the lagged difference of the real exchange rate in the error correction equation. Why not? Normally it would be there.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
9 answers
I have non-stationary time-series data for variables such as Energy Consumption, Trade, Oil Prices, etc and I want to study the impact of these variables on the growth in electricity generation from renewable sources (I have taken the natural logarithms for all the variables).
I performed a linear regression which gave me spurious results (r-squared >0.9)
After testing these time series for unit roots using Augmented Dickey- Fuller test all of them were found to be non-stationary and hence the spurious regression. However their first differences for some of them, and second differences for the others, were found to be stationary.
Now when I test the new linear regressions with the proper order of integration for each variables (in order to have a stationary model) the statistical results are not good (high p-value for some variables and low r-squared (0.25))
My question is how should I proceed now? Should i change my variables?
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Please note that transforming variable(s) does NOT make the series stationary, but rather makes the distribution(s) symmetrical. Application of logarithmic transformation needs to be exercised with extreme caution regarding properties of the series, underlying theory and the implied logical/correct interpretation of the relationships between the dep variable and associated selected regressors.
Reverting to your question, the proposed solution would be to use the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model approach, which is suitable for datasets containing a mixture of variables with different orders of integration. Kindly read the manuscripts attached for your info.
All the best!
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
2 answers
Does anyone have the codes (written on RATS/MATLAB/any other platform) for Rolling Hinich Bicorrelation test and Rolling Hurst Exponent test? Would greatly appreciate if you could share them.
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
Hi! I have a model for a panel data and my teacher told me to do an estimation of the model with different coefficients for one of the explicative variables. She gave me an example:
lpop @expand(@crossid)    linv(-1) lvab lcost (for different coefficients for intercept)
lnpop c  lninv   @expand(@crossid)*lnvab  lncost (for different coefficients for this variable).
Can someone explain me how to do that? I tried but it didn't work..
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It is shown as lnpop, so i think you need to transform the variables into log. Simply follow this steps if it is the case,
quick<generate series<lnpop= log(pop). and log the rest of the variables in the same way.
after that put lnpop in the estimate equation.
Best wishes for you.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
10 answers
Dear colleagues,
I applied the Granger Causality test in my paper and the reviewer wrote me the following: the statistical analysis was a bit short – usually the Granger-causality is followed by some vector autoregressive modeling...
What can I respond in this case?
P.S. I had a small sample size and serious data limitation.
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Ibrahim Niftiyev , probably the reviewer wants to see not only whether a variable affects or not the other (i.e. the results of the Granger causality tests), but also to which extent (the magnitude and temporality of the dynamic relationship, something you can obtain from the IRFs of a VAR model). If you want to apply a VAR but you have a small sample size/data limitations, you want to consider a Bayesian VAR. Bayesian VARs are very popular and Bayesian methods are valid in small samples.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
In my work, I use the multivariate GARH model (DCC-GARCH). I am testing the existence of autocorrelation in the variance model. Ljung-Box tests (Q) for standardized residuals and square standardized residuals give different results.
Should I choose the Ljung-Box or Ljung-Box square test?
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The Ljung-Box test is aimed at testing the independance of errors using residuals of an ARMA model estimated on the same data. But it makes use of autocorrelations so it is not powerful when the errors are uncorrelated but not independent. When applied to squared residuals, it can reveal ARCH and GARCH effects. Note that the errors of a ARCH-GARCH model are uncorrelated but not independent. Have a look at the excellent book by Francq and Zakoian entitled "GARCH Models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications" published by Wiley in 2010.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Hello everyone. I am using the VECM model and I want to use variance decomposition, but as you know variance decomposition is very sensitive to the ordering of the variable. I read in some papers that it will be better to use generalized variance decomposition because it is invariant to the ordering of the variables. I am using Stata, R or Eviews and the problem is how to perform Generalised VD and please if anyone knows help me
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
6 answers
I am running an ARDL model on eviews and I need to know the following if anyone could help!
1. Is the optimal number of lags for annual data (30 observations) 1 or 2 OR should VAR be applied to know the optimal number of lags?
2. When we apply the VAR, the maximum number of lags applicable was 5, beyond 5 we got singular matrix error, but the problem is as we increase the number of lags, the optimal number of lags increase (when we choose 2 lags, we got 2 as the optimal, when we choose 5 lags, we got 5 as the optimal) so what should be done?
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  1. My first comment is that all cointegrating studies must be based on the economic theory (and common sense) of the system that you are examining. Your theory should suggest which variables are stationary, which are non-stationary, and which are cointegrated. Your ARDL, VECM, etc, analyses are then tests of the fit of the data to your theories. It is not appropriate to use these methodologies to search for theories that fit the data. Such results will give spurious results. Now suppose that you have outlined your theory in advance of touching your computer keyboard to do your econometrics.
  2. You have only 30 annual observations. This is on the small size for an elaborate analysis such as this. It appears that you have one dependent variable and possibly 3 explanatory variables. If you have 5 lags you are estimating about 25 coefficients which is not feasible with 30 observations.
  3. If you wish to use the ARDL methodology you must be satisfied that (1) there is only one cointegrating relationship and (2) that the explanatory variables are (weakly) exogenous. Otherwise, a VECM approach is required and you may also not have enough data for a VECM analysis.
  4. Is it possible that you would use a simpler approach? Could you use graphs or a simpler approach to illustrate your economic theory? These are questions that you alone can answer. Advanced econometrics is not a cure for inadequate data and a deficit of economic theory.
  5. If this is an academic project, consult your supervisor. While what I have set out above is correct, it may not be what your supervisor expects at this stage in your studies.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
6 answers
It is obvious that economic publications are becoming more and more quantitative that they seem detached from reality and lost economic sense. The advanced econometric models we use are sometimes difficult for other economists to comprehend. Is it not time to prioritize qualitative researches so we have a larger audience and our publications become more relevant?
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Depends on the research question and the target audience. While policy and social related issues are better handle using qualitative methodology it loses the generality and reliability of the findings to extend to other situations and context.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I would like to ask about the possibility of improving the MAPE values for the VAR-model. When the lag intervals change, the MAPE values improve. However, the question arises as to the rationale for such an approach to changing the lag intervals. Earlier in the analysis of the VAR-model, I explained the feasibility of the lag intervals following the test results of Lag Length Criteria and Lag Exclusion Tests. And now I'm not sure if from a scientific point of view I can explain the change in the lag intervals as a result of improving the MAPE values. Tell me, please, maybe someone knows the rationale for such an approach?
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Generally speaking, MAPE may not be the best choice. Please let me recommend this guide to measuring forecasting accuracy:
Btw, if you have time series with non-negative actuals, you can try data transformations to improve forecasts. If you apply data transformations, I would recommend MAE or the AvgRelMAE.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
Hello. I am working on a classroom study on the effect of environmental factors on German energy demand. I did not find an econometric model or related decomposition model. Can anyone help?
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  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
14 answers
Dear Colleagues,
I paid attention to that, when I estimate an equation by Least Squares in Eviews, under the options tab we have a tick mark for degrees of freedom (d.f.) Adjustment. What is the importance and its role? Because, when I estimate an equation without d.f. Adjustment, I get two statistically significant relationship coefficients out of five explanatory variables; however, when I estimate with d.f. Adjustment, I do not get any significant results.
Thank you beforehand.
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Are you attempting prediction or are you trying to do some form of “causal” relationship. If you are estimating a ”causal“ model you conclusions are conditional on the model estimated. Strictly speaking, it would be better to use the adjusted degrees of freedom - particularly with your small sample. In this case, a non-significant coefficient does not necessarily imply that the coefficient is truly zero. It is more likely that your sample is too small t establish a significant result. Its p-value must not be very far from your significance level. If the estimate is of the sign and magnitude expected by theory I would accept the value and report the p-value. Esimating 5 coefficients is a big demand from a sample of 23 obs.
If you are simply doing prediction or forecasting and are not attributing explanatory power to your coefficients you might be better with a simpler model which might have better predictive ability.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
19 answers
Dear Colleagues,
If I have 10 variables in my dataset (time series) out of which 9 is explanatory and 1 dependent, and if I clarify that all the variables are non-stationary, should I take the first difference of the dependent variable as well?
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Econometric models estimated with non-stationary data are profoundly invalid and misleading (Greene, 2002). An example of a simple scenario: - in a regression with one regressor, there are three variables that could be stationary or non-stationary; namely the dependent variable (Y), the regressor (X), and the disturbance term (u). A suitable econometric treatment of such a model depends critically on the pattern of stationarity and non-stationarity of these three variables (incl. the dependant variable). Since quite often variables can be non-stationary at I(0), it is important to understand the forces behind such non-stationarity, which largely include structural breaks, deterministic trends, and stochastic trends. Differencing (including the explained variable as in your case) is a common appropriate in nonstationary models, and this is often correct (Granger & Newbold, 1974; Green, 2002; and Stock, James & Watson, 2011).
Granger, C. W. J., and Paul Newbold. 1974. Spurious Regressions in Econometrics. Journal of Econometrics, 2(2):111-120.
Greene, W. 2002. Time series Models. (pp. 608-662) In Econometric Analysis, 5th edition. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle Rive, NJ.
Stock, James H., and Mark Watson. 2011. Introduction to Econometrics. 3rd ed. Boston: Pearson Education/Addison Wesley.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
2 answers
I am working on the green solow model as part of my university studies. I am trying to create an econometric model close to the one of Brook and Taylor. However, I am desperately looking -without success- for a database that lists the abatement costs for reducing polluting emissions by country. Do you know a database that you can recommend to me?
Thank you for your time and I wish you a pleasant day / evening.
God bless you,
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Thanks Prof. John for your info!
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
13 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am applying the PCA to political and institutional variables to create an index and use it in the regression analysis as a dependent variable. However, the variables which will form the main components contain different measurements. For example, while control of corruption ranges between -2.5 (weaker) and 2.5 (stronger), freedom of press ranges between 0-100 and if the value is higher, it shows fewer degrees of freedom of the press. So, I am in a loss to understand if this difference creates any hardship to PCA to produce a valid index. In other words, is it a problem for PCA if one variable implies higher success as the values of it get higher, while the other variable shows higher success as the values of it get lower? What should I do in this case? Thank you beforehand.
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Check if the bivariate scatterplots are linear or at least monotonically increasing or decreasing.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
How to assess the socioeconomic impact of the dam with econometric models and if you want to compare the impact on the livelihood of the same community before and after the dam construction which method is easy and applicable.
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The tool I normally use is public meetings with focus group discussions as a priority.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
10 answers
I need an expertise consultation for best Econometrics model in order to assess technical efficiency of commercial banks on resource mobilization in Ethiopia.
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Dear sir,
I guess an intrinsic inclusive approach, founded/guarded through regulations would provide a sound participatory model that would help elevate socioeconomic balance. This should be considered a quite good approach for developing and underdeveloped countries.
If you are intended to go for some related publication, I would love to be a part of it.
My best regards,
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
10 answers
Dear respectful community researchers,
I am interested to find out the impact of Institution, Geography, and Trade on Economic Development of a single country.
I do know that for several countries' analysis, researchers mostly used the Hausmann and Taylor (1981) model to find the impact. Unfortunately, I have no idea if any model exists to be suitable to execute on a single country.
I am very much looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you so much indeed
Best Regards,
Abdul Rahim
Relevant answer
To devleop these type of models on a single country, you have to start your study by a strong motivation to convince the reader why you do such a work on a single country. This has its limitations.
normally, we these type of questions Gravity models to be applied and Dynamic Panel data models for robustness.
As you are facing a single country, consult time series tools: Cointegration, ARDL, NARDL or VECM
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
I am writing my dissertation about the effects of economic reforms on economic growth in the case of Egypt in 2016 and I need suggestions for what econometric models are usually used in testing such effects using indices like GDP, inflation and so on.
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It is not clear, whether your aim is to explain an extraordinarily high or low growth in 2016 (for that you will not need econometrics) or general effects on real and nominal GDP growth for a longer time period. Without an economic theory and a carefully derived model, econometrics will not help. To apply statistics, the main trouble will be to define what measures are reform and to transform these measures (which need not be directly measurable, e.g. agreements or treaties) into numbers. Another problem is that one should not mix up the effect on GDP and GDP growth. A (reform) measure would hopefully lead to a higher GDP level, but hardly to a higher permanent growth. It may take several years until the higher GDP is reached, then you have, of course, a higher growth during the adjustment, but not a higher growth afterwards (The percentage growth could even be lower because of the higher base). The timing of the GDP-effects is likely rather different for different measures.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
If we have to check the co movements/spill over effects between certain variable of Pakistan and 5 other countries, Is it possible by using a single GARCH model. If yes then WHAT will be the VARIANCE EQUATION?
OR       WE HAVE TO study EACH country one by one against  PAKISTAN AND KEEPING ALL OTHER countries IN VARIANCE EQUATION
basic model: A= Con + B+C+D+E+error. (refer to figure for detailed elaboration)
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Farshad Fathian Can you check, please. This might be the same as we discuss
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
please give me some recommended econometric models for studying adoption of agricultural technologies
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What are the best econometric models for adoption study?
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
2 answers
I am interested in multi-hurdle econometric model to analyze multiple hurdle data for my study. Currently, I look for model specification materials and commands used for the analysis purpose in STATA. I really acknowledge and appreciate your help...!
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
  • I want to estimate the stochastic frontier model to find the technical efficiency and technological gap of agricultural in each geographical region.
  • However, the outcome variable (agricultural income) is not a continuous variable but my outcomes variable is ordered categorical variable.
y = 1 ; if agricultural income is less than or equal 100$
y = 2 ; if agricultural income is more than 100$ but not greater than 200$
y = 3; if agricultural income is more than 200$
  • How can I estimate Stochastic Frontier Models for Discrete Output Variables with STATA or R? What command I could use? or Is there another approach to deal with this type of outcome variables?
The explanation of the model is in page 290:
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I think you may need to program it by introducing a known link function on your frontier model. If you are using a parametric stochastic frontier model (SF), say, y=x'b+v-u, where v is error term and u is inefficiency random variable, you may need to specify a link function F such that y=F(x'b)+v-u, so that it can satisfy the support of y. Not sure if available packages are there in R. It would be much simplified if you can observe the agriculture income directly.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
6 answers
Trying to see how increasing minimum wage affects unemployment rates at the county level. Will look at state with federal min wage vs state with higher min wage. What variables need to be controlled for? Is there a better model/regression/method?
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In terms of control variables, you have to look at " asymmetric information theory", and for DID, it is a good method but you check the robustness with PSM-DID, Two-Step System GMM, even DDD.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
I'm doing a research about the US-China Trade war impact on FDI right now but I'm not sure what model should I choose because the informations only appear in a short range(Between 2018-2019). My advisor recommend to use multiple regression with a Trade war as a dummy or use a VAR model. Do you have any recommend on what model should I use? Or if you have a recommend study/research about anylising shock effect on FDI then it would really helps me a lot.
Thank you
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A VAR model will be a good alternative. The shocks to the model is well captured in VAR modelling and to see at what stage the model settle down after a shock. It is not for forecasting but to trace the impact of the shock using Impulse-response function and variance decomposition.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
9 answers
I would like to review some papers that uses econometric model to estimate Total Factor Productivity (TFP) of any country. I found papers using Solow Residual technique only. So, would you please suggest me some paper using econometric models to estimate TFP.
Thank you!
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Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
Dear All,
I would like to perform event study analysis through website:
Unfortunately they ask for uploading data in a format i dont understand , dont know how to put data in this form, and i dont find a user manual or email to communicate with them.
Can anyone kindly advise how to use this service and explain it in a plain easy way?
Thanks in advance.
Ahmed Samy
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Dear All,
I'm conducting an event study for a sample of 25 firms that each gone through certain yearly event (inclusion in an index).
(The 25 firms (events) are collected from last 5 years.)
I'm using daily price abnormal returns (AR), and consolidated horizontally the daily returns for the 25 firms to get daily "Average abnormal Returns" (AAR).
Estimation Window (before the event)= 119 days
Event Window = 30 days
1- I tested the significance of daily AAR through a t-test and corresponding P-value, How can i calculate the statistical power for those daily P-values?
(significance level used=.0.05, 2 tailed)
2- I calculated "Commutative Average Abnormal Returns" (CAAR) for some period in the event window, performed a significance test for it by t-test and corresponding P-value, how can i calculate the statistical power of this CAAR significance test?
(significance level used=.0.05, 2 tailed)
Thank you for your help and guidance.
Ahmed Samy
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I am working on the economic history of Switzerland and I would like to know which determinants foster industrialization during the 19th century.
I am working with time-series. My dependent variable is the Gross added value of Swiss industries and I have 5 explanatory variables (like education, railway, tariffs etc.). The times period studied runs from 1890 to 1913.
I first used a VAR model but reviewers are not so convinced... They prefer panel data (but I don't have !) or they think that VAR is unusual...
So, do you have any idea about the macroeconometric model I should use to deal with my research question ?
Thanks a lot !!
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Hi Charles, I visited Switzerland twice for 1-month and 6-month internships. Nice country. Yeah, Switzerland's industrialization should be a nice research topic, but I wonder about your period of study. Do previous studies consider 1890-1913 as a period of insustrialization in Switzerland? Do you have quarterly or monthly data for running the VAR model? For how many Swiss industries do you have the gross added value? Of course (since Einstein's job in Switzerland), do you have the time series of Swiss patents for that period? By industry or broken by type of patents? Considering the empirical section of your study, (if you only have annual data) I would strongly recomend to add the 40 or 50 years after the period of study because a plain VAR model is not good for small samples of data (a Vector Error Correction -VEC- model should work better for such data, instead). But there is another reason explaining the cold reaction of the reviewers: a VAR model is not quite useful for discovering the industrialization determinants since it is an "atheoretical" statistical model: you may need a "Structural VAR" (aka SVAR model) or better a Structural VEC (SVEC) model. Then you will be able (abstracting from the data frequency I already mentioned) to propose a theoretical structure (meaning, useful research estimated parameters) to discuss following your hypotheses. Those hypotheses should come from the previous section, the core section, which is the "theoretical" section. Such a section should consider at least the hypothesis you can select from reading many studies about economic history of Switzerland BUT also review some growth models, like the classic ones usually reviewed in macroeconomics' textbooks (Solow model, etc.) and other more recent ones like Romer's model (which consider the idea of Research & Development (please remember my idea about patents). For discovering those models, Romer's book for graduate students is the best. Finally, allow me a personal comment: I do like reading about economic history because it is a great companion for macroeconomic economists. It is such a down-to-Earth topic !
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
Hello researchers and experts,
I am trying to run a Spatial Auto-regressive Model (SAR) and Spatial Durbin Model (SDM). But when I am trying to see impacts, that is direct, indirect, and total effect, R is giving an error by stating that : "Error in intImpacts(rho = rho, beta = beta, P = P, n = n, mu = mu, Sigma = Sigma, : length(listw$neighbours) == n is not TRUE".
Here is my codes:
SMod = readOGR(dsn = "C:/Users/FRJM/Desktop/Data/Spatial 3079", layer = "Sp3079")
Coord <- coordinates(SMod)
SpD100 <- dnearneigh(Coord, d1 = 0, d2 = 150, longlat = TRUE)
SpD100listW <- nb2listw(SpD100, style="W", zero.policy=TRUE)
Equ1 <- Volatility~A+B+C+D+E
reg.SAR1=lagsarlm(Equ1, data=SMod, SpD100listW, tol.solve=1.0e-20, zero.policy=TRUE)
impacts(reg.SAR1, listw=SpD100listW)
If I am writing code : summary(reg.SAR1), I am getting summary result. So there is no error on running : lagsarlm(Equ1, data=SMod, SpD100listW, tol.solve=1.0e-20, zero.policy=TRUE).
Only problem is running the "impacts" command.
Thanks in advance for your answer.
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Try to get a complete case analysis data (removing the missing values in all models) and then obtain the listw matrix. Then build a model and estimate the marginal impacts. That should work for you.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
10 answers
Hello, I am dealing with a econometric model that uses system GMM. Please answer the following questions: 1.In order to get better result, what tests should I accomplish before running the final regression? I mean do I need to test autocorrelation, heteroscedasticity etc. for diffferent series of the panel data ? 2.What is the appropriate test to determine the endogeneous,exogeneous and predetermined variable in the panel data? How these issues can be resolved?
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Post estimation diagnostic tests are performed to provide proof for validity of estimates. The following diagnostic tests are necessary when GMM technique is applied: 1) first order/ second order serial correlation tests. 2) Sargan test/ Hansen test for over-identification restrictions. 3) Wald chi square /F ratio test for join significance for the model. You have to check the instruments to ensure they are less than the groups employed in the analysis.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
ex. there are two latent variables namely psychological and motivational factors of entrepreneurs. what could be possible explanation of this cov.
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If it seems to refer that they are almost equal constructions, which should first consider evaluating the dimensionality of each variable.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Hello fellow researchers,
I am currently in the process of writing my master thesis and my topic of research is homicide rates in the developing world. My research objective is to find a relationship between capital punishment and homicide rates if there exists any.
The literature on similar topics are available on the internet, however I am not very good when it comes to statistics and econometric and would like some assistance in creating my econometric model for my research. I have gathered all the necessary data required for my dependent and independent variables.
Basically, I have a panel dataset of 24 countries from 2001 to 2012 and it is strongly balanced (no gaps or missing values in any variable). The only problem I am stuck at is how can I make my econometric model so I can actually use the data for testing and regression analysis.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
14 answers
I have trade in goods (% of GDP) and trade in services (% of GDP) as explanatory variables then does it sounds good if I take log of them to include in my model since its already in percentage? Also, please guide whether including both trade in goods (% of GDP) and trade in services (% of GDP) together in a single model will cause multicollinearity problem? Please guide.
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There is an interesting inquiry on this issue in the following paper of Christer Gerde's
Christer Gerdes, 2011. "Using “shares” vs. “log of shares” in fixed-effect estimations," Journal of Economics and Econometrics, Economics and Econometrics Society, vol. 54(1), pages 1-7.
This could make absolutely sense...
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I have seen that some researchers just compare the difference in R2 in two models: one in which the variables of interest are included and one in which they are excluded. However, in my case, I have that this difference is small (0.05). Is there any method by which I can be sure (or at least have some support for the argument that) this change is not just due to luck or noise?
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Partial F-test will be useful hear. After the 1st variable is in, you add other variables ONE at a time. after 2nd bariable is added you have your y-variable as function of 2 variables giving model with 2 d.f. & certain Sum of Squares (SS). from 2-variable SS subtract 1-variable SS. that change in SS will have 1d.f. cost. So extra variable SS divided by '1' is the "Change in regression mean squares (regMS). Further, divide 2-variable residual SS (RSS) by 2-variable residual d.f to get Residual mean Squares (resMS). Now divide Change in regMS by resMS to get partial F-value & look up Tables for probability of partial F-value. If significant keep the 2nd variable in & do the same for any further independent variable you may want to add to your model. Adjusted Rsq is = 100*[1 - {(regSS/regDF)/(totalSS/totalDF)}]
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
13 answers
To illustrate my point I present you an hypothetical case with the following equation:
wage=C+0.5education+0.3rural area (
Where the variable "education" measures the number of years of education a person has and rural area is a dummy variable that takes the value of 1 if the person lives in the rural area and 0 if she lives in the urban area.
In this situation (and assuming no other relevant factors affecting wage), my questions are:
1) Is the 0.5 coefficient of education reflecting the difference between (1) the mean of the marginal return of an extra year of education on the wage of an urban worker and (2) the mean of the marginal return of an extra year of education of an rural worker?
a) If my reasoning is wrong, what would be the intuition of the mechanism of "holding constant"?
2) Mathematically, how is that just adding the rural variable works on "holding constant" the effect of living in a rural area on the relationship between education and wage?
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To assume that other variable do not change in order to allow for an evaluation of partial variation in a dependent variable due to variation in the only independent while other variables do not change
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
20 answers
Dear All,
Doing Financial Event studies using excel is just horrible process for the arrangement and chopping of huge data and complicated manual calculations..etc
Please advise what software are out there that can do Financial Event Studies in a more neat and time efficient way?
Ahmed Samy
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Stata, Eviews and R can do time series measurement well. You need to know how to implement event study using these software from the literature review of other similar studies.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
I have used high frequency financial time series data for the study of futures market volatility and liquidity. wanted to ask that what are the major limitations of econometric models like GARCH and TARCH and how could they impact our results?
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Volatility by their very nature is unpredictable. Perhaps a more manageable task is scenario building rather forecasting the path of the volatility.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
Dear All,
I’m conducting and event study for inclusion of companies in a certain index.
The event is the “inclusion event” for companies in this index for last 5 years.
For the events, we have yearly Announcement date (AD) for inclusions, and also effective Change Dates (CD) for the inclusion in the index.
Within same year, I have aligned all companies together on (AD) as day 0, and since they are companies from same year, CD will also align for all of them.
The problem comes when I try to aggregate companies from different years together, although I aligned them all to have same AD, but CD is different from one year to another so CD don’t align for companies from different years.
How can I overcome this misalignment of CD from different years , so that I’m able to aggregate all the companies together?
Many Thanks.
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Dear Prof. Raymond,
My aim is to see what happens to returns of stocks when they join a certain stock exchange index, do they generate abnormal returns?
I’m trying to study that for the last 3 years.
So the event is “joining the index” which happens with 2 dates (1) announcement date (AD), on which stock exchange announces the news of those stocks will join the index, and (2) change date (CD), which is the date for really including those stocks in the index, this CD is is decided and announced by the stock exchange during the AD.
I have attached a similar work for your kind reference.
Thanks for your reply.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
4 answers
I am running a regression in Stata.
As the dependent variable, I have the market share of smartphones (quarterly) for Apple and Samsung, and independent variables are Functional improvements and Design innovation (scored also quarterly).
My supervisor suggested that I have time fixed in order to account for the Christmas boost and I do not really understand how to do it.
And the second question is, am I capturing the interaction effect correctly?
So far I did...
xtset idcompany qdate
reg marketshare design function
and for interaction effect I did
gen designfunction=design*function
reg marketshare design function designfunction
and I got really good P values and R^2, but my coefficient for design*function is ( -.09) I am very curious how should I interpret it.
Does this all make sense? I am really new to Stata. I would really appreciate any help.
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Hello Alexa Drk. Generally speaking, Statalist ( is a better place to post questions about how to do X using Stata.
Second, I would think that if you are using -xtset-, you would want to use -xtreg- rather than -regress-.
Third, if you use the # or ## operators to include interactions (as in the file Aymen Ammari linked to), you'll be able to use -margins- and -marginsplot- to explore the nature of the interactions. See section 11.4.3 here:
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
8 answers
I'm conducting an event study for the effect of news announcement at certain date on stock return.
Using the market model to estimate the expected stock return in the "estimation window" , we need to regress stock returns ( stock under study) with returns from market portfolio index.
1- How can we decide upon choosing this market portfolio index for regression ?
Is it just the main index of the market?
Sector index from which the stock under study belong?..etc ?
2- Is it necessary that stock under study be among the constituents of this market index?
Appricite to justify your kind answers with research citations if possible
Many thanks
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You can consider using the country's stock market index as a proxy for market portfolio.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
11 answers
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There is no single, universal, multi-faceted model built of many indicators selected from fundamental and technical analysis, including market, economic and financial analyzes, indicator analyzes, due diligence and others that could be used to analyze the situation, economic situation, volatility, etc. for every capital market, including the currency market, stock market, market of raw materials and other production factors, and for every situation, i.e. bear market, bull market, balance, strong changes in trends, different levels of investment risk, various phases in the economic cycle of the economy, and irrespective of the national specifics of the operation of financial markets. Specific analytical models should be built for a specific economic situation, for a specific market. Then it is possible to achieve a high level of decision-making accuracy on the basis of forecasts formulated from this type of multi-faceted, complex indicator models for analyzing the current and prospective situation on a specific stock exchange market or other specific capital market operating in a specific macroeconomic environment, in a specific financial system, in a specific financial system country.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
I'm working with life satisfaction as my dependent variable and some other independent variables that measure purchasing power (consumption, income and specific expenditures). To take into account the diminishig marginal returns of this last variables (following the literature) I transformed them in terms of their natural logarithm. However, now I want to compare the size of the coefficients of specific expenditures with the ones of consumption and income. Specifically, I would like some procedure which allows me to interpret the result like this: 1 unit of resources directed to a type of expenditure (say culture) is more/less effective to improve life satisfaction in comparison with the effect that this same unit would have under the category of income. If I just do this with withouth the natural logarithm (that is, expressed in dolars) the coefficients change in counterintuitive ways, so I would prefer to avoid this.
I was thinking about using beta coefficients, but I don't know if it makes sense to standarize an already logarithmic coefficient.
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Am not sure Santiago I follow what you said. Elasticity can be used and Beta weights can be used. If I understand you? I will interpret elasticity as I % increase in the RHS variable changes the regressand by the estimated sign and coefficient of the RHS eg LnY= 2 -0.5Ln(X) -- Here a percent increase in X decreases y by .5 on the avg
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
3 answers
I am completing a dissertation project for my undergraduate economics degree and am in need of any assistance that can be offered in guiding me towards an appropriate econometrics model to test the effect of trade policy on GDP in the following east African countries: Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda. As such I was thinking that using a VAR model for each country repeatedly for 10 years would be a possible method to tease out the effect of trade policy.If possible could I model my work based on the following paper
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I agree with Matteo Mazzarano . Ten years is not enough, You could use moor than two or three independent variables , you need moor than 25 years as a ( time series data) for every country.
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
5 answers
In a regression with a database with N=1200, I have an independent dummy variable that measures if the surveyed is unemployed or employed. The variable has the following characteristics:
Unemployment = 0 - Frecuency: 1196
Unemployment = 1 - Frecuency : 4
The regression gives me a significant coefficient, but, also, very counter intuitive (especifically, thay Life Satisfaction has a possitve association with unemployment). I think, however, that it's wrong to obtain a valid conclusion from just 4 cases in Unemployment=1. I also have other dummy variables where the situation is even less clear. For example:
Dummy = 0 - Frecuency: 1170
Dummy = 1 - Frecuency: 30
Or even more:
Categorical option A = 0 - Frecuency: 1150
Categorical option B = 1 - Frecuency: 30
Categorical option C = 2 - Frecuency: 12
Cateogorical optio D = 3 - Frecuency: 8
Can I obtain valid conlcusions from this? And, in more general terms, is there a minimun number of observations needed per category of response in each independent variable so the conslusions that arise from it are pertinent/correct? If that's the case, how can I calculate this number?
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I sm sgree with Paul
  • asked a question related to Econometric Modeling
7 answers
In order to analyze if there is a mediation effect using Baron & Kenny's steps, is it necessary to include the control variables of my model, or is it enough to do the analysis just with the independent variable, the mediator variable and the dependent variable of my interest?
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"I don't have the theory to include more control variables that may me important for this model." -- so this is a statement. You know the field and the arguments why or why not a variable might have to be considered. You state that, at the best of your knowledge. So you can defend it and clearly point the advantages and limitations of your model. If reviewers (and, later, readers) have different ideas, they are invited to discuss it.