Science topic
Early Intervention - Science topic
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Questions related to Early Intervention
How extensive is research into motor development in children with asd?
How are the results of this research being used?
How could this research be used?
Excruciating experience such as sexual harassment, pressure of academic work due to shorter semesters caused by incessant strikes, inability to pay school fees, exam stress, bullying, death of roommates or fellow student in the hostel, depression, attempting and/or actually committing suicide etc. are not uncommon among students in tertiary institutions, but this is particularly on the rise in the low and middle income countries. Stressful and traumatic experience expose students to intense emotions which makes them vulnerable to risk of mental health conditions. It can bring about a state of sadness, low spirit, loss of interest, low self-worth, unpleasant sleep or appetite, low energy, poor concentration all of which can have devastating impact on student’s academic achievement. Do you see tertiary institutions being mandated to provide early intervention support to address the emerging wellbeing concerns of students?
Criminalistics forensic science is a traditional scientific speciality which has long played a supporting role to law enforcement around the world, in the fight against crime and providing supporting evidence for courts of law. Crime scene examinations and scientific evidence are typically utilised as a reactive tool to explain, or clarify, what has occurred in a crime scene: therefore assisting juries and court officials make judgements of culpability of those on trial.
Nonetheless, there is a strong argument that forensic science, and the resultant forensic intelligence, should not only be used as reactive evidence, but also as a proactive means of gathering advantageous actionable intelligence for the ‘deterrence and reduction of crime’(Almog, 2014, p. 325), in the prevention of attacks, and possibly, for the early intervention and protection of future targets.
Is Criminalistics Forensic evidence/intelligence being proactively exploited as a intelligence tool to identify actors, targets and possibly prevent terrorist attacks?
Hello, I was searching in literature if there is any recommendation about the onset of early intervention. I found in a systematic review of Bessell et al. (2013) about Effectiveness of Early Interventions:
Most studies suggested beneficial effects of the interventions on speech and language outcomes, but the review was unable to provide any evidence to support any specific model of SLT intervention in relation to theoretical perspective, duration, age, setting, intensity, and delivery.
I am very interested in the most recommend age to start early intervention to prevent speech and language problems. I tought that I once saw a study that recommended early intervention from birth onwards, because of the problemes that parents may have with the emotional adaptation to the anatomic condition of their child. These difficulties may have an negative impact on attachment and bonding, mutual eye contact and interactions in general. But I can not find the article or passage in a book anymore.
I was wondering if someone knows a study that could deliver an answer on my question. Thanks ahead, Mie
Did you measure the speed of the police officers response to the physical attack? I have a sample of hundreds of police officers. I'd like to compare it.
We are interested in implementing an intervention program which aims to improve reading skills amongst children in secondary schools. We want to investigate whether the program improves the children’s reading skills (both for advanced and less advanced readers), and whether there is a significant difference in effect size when comparing advanced readers to less advanced readers.
Crime scene examinations and scientific evidence are typically used as a reactive tool to explain, or clarify, what has occurred in a crime scene: therefore assisting juries and court officials make judgements of culpability of those on trial.
Nonetheless, there is a strong argument that forensic science, and the resultant forensic intelligence, should not only be used solely as reactive evidence for judicial environments, but as a proactive means of gathering 'grey' intelligence for the ‘deterrence and reduction of crime’(Almog, 2014, p. 325), to help in the prevention of attacks, and possibly, facilitate early intervention and planning disruption and allow the identification of future methods and targets.
Is Crime Scene Forensic evidence/intelligence being proactively exploited as a intelligence tool to identify actors, targets and possibly prevent terrorist attacks?
Basically I`ve done a review of the literature on disengagement from Early Intervention Psychosis services using systematic methods. There was heterogeneity across the studies, no RCTs and I`ve used `vote counting` to make sense of the results
I am interested in the impact of adversity on individual and community resilience against crime and victimisation. There is a breadth of literature examining Adverse Childhood Experiences, Brain Injury, Neuro-Deversity, and Poverty in relation to the links between inequality and crime/victimisation/exploitation. The emerging picture seems to indicate that adopting a trauma informed approach to policing helps with early intervention problem solving and prevention.
Why is considering implementation early in intervention development a contentious scientific topic?
I plan on working on a project to implement the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS) for standard use in the pediatric setting for assessment of postpartum depression (PPD) symptoms. The goal is to identify and provide early interventions.
Hi everyone!
I'm working on an article on that problem. I want to know if you have any document that talking about drop out, desertion, non retention of children from social intervention initiatives or government project or any kind of social work practice... On Spanish is very hard to find something. Can you help me please?
The perspectives of clinicians/health professionals on this means of early intervention, their thoughts on the limitations and benefits.
Hi! I am studying the cognitive distortions of mothers (IV-predictor) and how they relate to these four DV-outcome variables: 1) maternal perceptions of child behaviors, 2) competence in implementing early intervention strategies, 3) stress levels, and 4) depression levels.
The main purpose of my study is gaining an understanding of how parent-specific cognitive distortions relate or are associated to the outcome levels of these four dependent variables. All variables will measured on test measures specific to the construct (values).
I am writing an article about two children with disabilities (Autism and cognitive disabilities) that experienced domestic violence.
Could you help me with any research references on that topic?
Thank you.
Many researchers claim that children with Down syndrome learn to count mechanically. According to them, they do not have conceptual understanding of numbers. A proof of their claim is the fact that when a child with Down syndrome is interupted while counting he/she cannot continue from the last number, he/she has to start counting from the begging. According to other researchers, they learn to count by principles. This research reinforces the second view. According to our research children with Down syndrome cannot continue counting from the last number and start over again because of their Short-term Memory deficit. The early intervention designed for their memory development could be proved to be of major importance to their entire cognitive development.
This is actually the initial longitudinal study to be conducted with bio-feedback. The purpose for the research is to see best practices of of breaking the cycle of incarceration in at risk families; what is the best time to do intervention of pregnant women who are incarcerated or facing incarceration; what is the method of proposed interventions'; should the intervention include pre/post release programs to include parenting classes, home economics, educational support, healthcare, mental healthcare, and is so what should be the time limit to show the change. The study also proposes that each of us are what are parents are at the time of conception. From gestation to birth the babies in uteri are constantly being impacted by the mothers bio-rhythms as a natural phenomenon with pregnancy. We submit that the biorhythms of incarcerated women or those facing incarceration can through the subjective transfer of those interventions mentioned above impact a generation to break the cycle of incarceration.
Are there any interventions to enhance the self-determined behaviour of children between 2 and 5? Can you think of anywhere I can look. All the interventions I am finding are for 'school age children'. Thank you.
I am preparing a systematic review on the effectiveness of social and emotional curricula in encouraging self-determination. It is very difficult to use traditional strings to find curricula however there are articles that list and compare curricula, how do you justify using them as the basis of the review in the methodology? I am specifically looking at 'early years' defined as up to 5 years in preschool settings.
I am looking for an observational tool that can be applied to video-taped observations of parents and their infants (2 to 24 months) interacting during free-play in the home.
As part of an evaluation I want to conduct an initial survey to assess how previous users of a service have beneffited from it. My concern is that competitors of the service being evaluated may access the survey (it has to be widely promoted to reduce bias in the sample) will provide dummy answers to skew the results. Is there a way to control for this?
I work in acute mental health services and would like to do some research surrounding personality disorder and domestic violence.
Patient type: Females aged 16+
Diagnosis: Borderline Personality Disorder preferred however all personality disorders are of interest. Suspected personality disorder are also of interest.
Patients must have experienced some form of domestic violence (physical, sexual, financial or emotional) past or current.
Thank you in advance, your help is greatly appreciated.
Behavioural challenges and behavioural disorders, How are these two terms different ?
which of these common disruptive behaviours shows the most significant impact on students learning?
Any suggested recent studies subjective to these concerns ?
Is there a specific model that helps develop these children's learning process? I am trying to find the most suitable model that incorporates learning as well as welfare aspects for these children.
An interesting fact about the Malaysian education system is that not every child is eligible to go to school. Those who cannot take care of themselves will be referred to the Welfare Department to be placed at Community Rehabilitation Centres owned and managed by private individuals. There is no integration between the two systems.
I feel that there is a need for both the Education Ministry and Welfare Ministry to collaborate and join their efforts in introducing a new and more suitable policy and model that emphasizes the learning as well as self-development of the children with disabilities. Can anyone share how children with disabilities are developed in your country?
I am researching with parents with ID most of whom say their assessments were inadequate
When writing clinical assessment reports targeted at children under the age of 5, are certain organisation/writing styles preferable to others?
Whilst there is currently a good source of literature documenting parent-based language interventions for children there is little, that I can find, discussing the positive effects of early behavioural parent training for enhancing parenting skills and thus child language outcomes. I am looking particularly for parent-taught programmes, such as the Incredible Years series, that were designed specifically for enhancing the parent-child relationship that have also been shown to improve outcomes for children's developing language.