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ETABS - Science topic

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Publications related to ETABS (2,542)
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The axial force variation along the length of the jointed precast pile is influenced by the hard soil layer properties during construction. For this purpose, this research proposes an innovative concept of spring model of jointed precast pile to evaluate the axial force variations along the length to consider some variable parameters (i.e. soil ela...
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Revisions to building regulations in Indonesia necessitate assessing building structures, especially hospital buildings. A structural assessment using the current building codes and vulnerability analysis is necessary to ensure the building’s strength against the working loads. In this study, an assessment of the Third-Class Inpatient Building at t...
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The seismic response of fluid-filled steel storage tanks is critical in earthquake-prone regions due to risks from fluid sloshing and structural impacts. While sloshing displacement is minimally affected by tank flexibility, impulsive pressures and base shear increase with it. Conventional tools like Staad Pro and ETABS struggle with capturing comp...
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The design and analysis of skyscrapers are critical endeavors in modern structural engineering, especially considering the challenges posed by lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. One innovative solution to enhance the structural performance of tall buildings is the incorporation of outrigger systems, particularly the K-style outrigger be...
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The school buildings are critical pieces of infrastructure in every country. Several aspects, including structural safety, utility, and economic feasibility, must be carefully considered while creating these structures. The goal of this study is to look at the available research on the structural analysis and design of primary school buildings, par...
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Due to the geological formation of Bangladesh, it is showing the threat of earthquakes. As the number of high-rise buildings is increasing daily, there is an urgent need to design structures considering seismic loading. During earthquakes, structures are subjected to lateral displacement. Most reinforced concrete structures are designed to resist g...
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Buildings in Malang City face large lateral load from earthquakes due to seismic activity. One method of reducing the lateral load is to use base isolators. Conventional building design resists lateral load by designing buildings to be elastic or rigid with Strength Based Design criteria. However, elasticity results in larger building elements, sti...
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This study evaluates the structural response of an RCC building in Parbat, Nepal, with a rooftop telecommunication tower positioned at various locations. In our case, a telecommunication tower is already located at a certain position in the building, and we are trying to evaluate the optimal position of telecommunication tower. The site lies in sei...
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This research aims to analyze the comparative structural behavior of reinforced concrete buildings using variations in square and circular column geometries. The research object is a 6-story educational building with dimensions of 35.1 x 23.4 meters and a total height of 24.2 meters. The analysis was conducted using ETABS v18 software by varying sq...
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This study aims to determine the right type of foundation in the construction of higher education buildings, with a focus on the planning of raft foundations. This study includes the calculation of soil bearing capacity, planning of foundation dimensions and reinforcement, analysis of settlement and uplift, and cost estimation. The methodology used...
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This study evaluates the seismic performance of multi-story reinforced concrete flat plate slab buildings with and without steel bracing. The structural behavior of 4, 6, and 8-story buildings under seismic loading was analyzed using ETABS software, incorporating data from Halabjah, Chi-Chi, and Kobe earthquakes. Nonlinear dynamic and pushover anal...
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There is rapid emersion of the new technologies related to safe, economical, stable construction. In such a trend, earthquake has become one of the natural challenging factors for the efficient construction works. Every country has specific building design codes which provide the standards to engineers for the design of various structural component...
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This paper presents the experimental results performed by SENCICO, based on cyclic loads that were applied to 03 walls of limited ductility brought to failure in laboratory tests. These results were evaluated and processed in order to analyse their performance under controlled lateral loading conditions, to obtain their hysteretic loops representin...
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This paper presents the results of a linear static analysis conducted on a (B+G+4) story building using the static Analysis approach in four different zones in Bangladesh. An analytical 3D model of the building, including irregularities, was created and analyzed using the ETABS structural analysis software. This comprehensive model encompasses all...
Conference Paper
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Bangladesh is located on the seismically active Indo-Australian plate, particularly on the northwestern part of the Indian plate. This territory is extremely at risk for earthquakes owing to its proximity to active fault lines and tectonic boundaries, and the prevention of earthquake damage we need to ensure necessitating resilient structural desig...
Experiment Findings
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In normal cases, the columns that transfer the loads from the different building floors to the ground are vertical, but due to the increase in high rise buildings, especially multipurpose , it became necessary to make a transfer floor(s) to change the column system since it is logic to have same column in both residential and underneath commercial...
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This research proposes a novel mat-sand interaction model to evaluate limiting values of sand elastic modulus and super-imposed gravity load for a specific mat thickness to control vertical deflection of mat by using BNBC 2020 prescribed allowable deflection limit. For this reason, the linear elastic analysis is performed by using finite element-ba...
Conference Paper
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This study evaluates the impact of infill walls on the seismic performance of multi-story reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings in a high-seismicity region, examining various scenarios of shear wall ratio (SWR). Eight eight-story RC building models with different SWRs (0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%) were developed and analyzed using non-linear analysis...
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This study evaluates the impact of infill walls on the seismic performance of multi-story reinforced concrete (RC) frame buildings in a high-seismicity region, examining various scenarios of shear wall ratio (SWR). Eight eight-story RC building models with different SWRs (0%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%) were developed and analyzed using non-linear analysis...
Conference Paper
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High-rise structure construction is now common and popular in different cities of Bangladesh due to rapid urbanization and development. Proper structural design and analysis of multistoried structures are vital to secure structural safety. However multistoried structures in different cities are at significant risk due to the defective and inefficie...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, the building height has become slender, making these multistory buildings more susceptible to sway, and more dangerous in an earthquake. Reinforced concrete structural walls, or shear walls, act as major lateral load-resisting members. The linear static analysis and response spectrum analysis as per BNBC 2020 for zone II were adopt...
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The seismic performance of buildings in the Himalayan region is of critical importance due to the high seismicity in the area. Infill walls play a significant role in the overall behavior of structures, particularly in terms of torsional response during earthquakes. This study presents a comprehensive comparative analysis of seismic codes commonly...
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Esta investigación se aborda con el propósito de establecer el control de los efectos de mayores derivas en edificaciones aplicando los métodos de lineamientos sísmicos conforme a parámetros de la NTP E0.30, como estrategia de diseño bajo el enfoque del método basado en desplazamientos. La estructura como muestra es una edificación común con un sis...
Conference Paper
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Moment Resisting Frames (MRF) are widely used structural system in urban areas worldwide, serving as the dominant mode of building construction. This approach is famous for its efficient resistance to lateral loads, such as wind and seismic forces, while supporting vertical loads from the building structure. On the other hand, reinforced concrete d...
Conference Paper
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Bangladesh is located in a vulnerable seismic zone due to its position at the juncture of several active tectonic plate boundaries. Therefore, it is necessary to adopt various preventive techniques to mitigate this seismic threat. Several methods are being adopted worldwide to prevent the loss of lives and property due to earthquakes. Base isolatio...
Conference Paper
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Worldwide buildings are collapsing due to ground movement along with seismic oscillations, which is responsible for spare loss of life and property. Bangladesh lies on one of the active tectonic plates. This research aims to determine the most appropriate seismic-resistant solution for reinforced cement concrete (RCC) buildings in Bangladesh's seis...
Conference Paper
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The garment industry in Bangladesh plays a critical role in the country's economy, contributing significantly to its foreign exchange earnings and employing millions of workers. Given its geographical location, Bangladesh is susceptible to seismic events that could threaten the existing garment factory buildings. Ensuring the safety and resilience...
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Teaching modal parameters in civil engineering, particularly structural engineering, is essential for understanding structural behavior under mechanical vibrations. As projects grow more complex, the need for rigorous testing increases, making theoretical and practical education crucial. Tools like Matlab, SAP2000, ETABS, and ANSYS are widely used...
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Introduction Pedestrian bridges are crucial urban infrastructure, providing safe passage over roads, railways, and waterways. Different structural systems like trusses, steel girders, and reinforced concrete beams are used, but more research is needed to determine the best design for specific regional contexts. Methods This research paper presents...
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Perencanaan gedung Kantor di Kota Makassar meningkat seiring dengan kebutuhan akan ruang kerja yang aman, efisien, dan ekonomis. Struktur bangunan yang direncanakan harus mampu menahan berbagai beban, seperti beban mati, hidup, gempa, dan angin, sebagaimana diatur dalam standar nasional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perilaku struktur...
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A storey with lateral stiffness less than 70% of the storey above or less than 80% of the average stiffness of the three storeys above is considered a soft storey. Ground-floor open-air buildings are frequently used for parking, particularly in metropolitan settings with considerable space limits. Soft-story buildings with irregular stiffness tend...
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The present study investigates the performance of regular and irregular shaped buildings subjected to blast-induced vibrations by performing a non – linear time history analysis. The study employs nonlinear dynamic analysis using ETABS software to evaluate the effectiveness of various retrofitting techniques, including reinforced concrete jacketing...
Technical Report
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Laporan ini menyajikan perencanaan struktur gedung perkantoran 6 lantai yang berlokasi di Jakarta. Perencanaan ini mencakup tahapan preliminary design, pembebanan, perencanaan struktur sekunder (pelat, balok anak, tangga), perencanaan struktur primer (balok induk, kolom), analisis struktur menggunakan software ETABS, dan perencanaan joint balok-kol...
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Bencana Gempa bumi sering sekali terjadi di Indonesia sebab Indonesai merupakan negara yang secara geografis terletak di antara tiga pertemuan lempeng utama di dunia yaitu lempeng Indo-Australia, Eurasia, dan Pasifik. Maka perencanan gedung di Indonesia harus di Desain mampu menahan beban gempa. Oleh karena itu perencanaan Rumah Susun Intitut Tekno...
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This study examines the seismic vulnerability of an irregular educational building with a vegetated roof in Yogyakarta using linear procedures based on ASCE 41-17. Modelling approaches differ Model 1 treats skylights and planter boxes as loads with straight roof slabs, while Models 2 and 3 use shells with sloping roof slabs. Vegetated roofs are fea...
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Blast incidents in recent years, such as in the Russia-Ukraine war, indicate that most terrorist attacks target high-occupancy iconic and public buildings using high explosives. This assessment is essential for developing effective mitigation strategies to enhance the building's resilience and safety of buildings like Embassies, banks, hospitals, m...
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Ibnu Abbas Foundation intends to build a four-story school building for junior high school in Talun District, Cirebon Regency. This study aims to design a school building structure that is comfortable, safe, and meets earthquake-resistant standards using ETABS software. The design process includes structural planning, analysis of building response...
Conference Paper
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In this paper, the seismic performance of a typical apartment residential building with concrete frames as structural system on the first floor and confined masonry walls in the other floors is evaluated. The case study is located in Acapulco, Guerrero, and is designed considering old traditional building codes with the help of the ETABS software....
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Earthquake is a natural calamity which produces strong ground motions and affects the structures. Generally shear walls and bracings are installed in the structure to enhance their lateral stiffness and ductility and minimize its lateral displacements to provide safety to the structures. The critical issues in seismic design are mainly story drifts...
Conference Paper
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Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs) are extensively used structural systems in urban construction worldwide due to their superior performance in resisting lateral loads, including wind and seismic forces, while efficiently supporting vertical loads from structures. Conversely, reinforced concrete dual systems integrate the energy-dissipating characteris...
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El análisis de direccionalidad permite evaluar la influencia del ángulo de incidencia de la acción sísmica en las estructuras. En este trabajo, se utilizó un modelo a escala reducida (estructura metálica) representativo de los edificios típicos de la ciudad de Barcelona. El análisis numérico se realizó con el software ETABS, utilizando modificadore...
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To meet the community's educational needs, existing schools are encouraged to increase their student capacity by building new facilities. As public infrastructure, school buildings need to be designed as reliably as possible, including their earthquake resistance. To ensure that a building is earthquake-resistant, this study analyzes it using the E...
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This study aims to analyze the strength of the structure of the multi-storey building of Panca Budi Development University using a shear wall through the Pushover Analysis method. This analysis is important considering the importance of ensuring the safety needs of the structure for building users. The research method used is numerical analysis wit...
Conference Paper
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Rooftop gardening on existing building structures is becoming popular in Dhaka due to the reduction of open space due to the increasing population. The load from rooftop gardening may cause mass irregularity in a reinforced concrete high-rise structure. In recent times, it has been observed that structural irregularities are one of the major concer...
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Hotel Shafira is a flat-shaped building with 10 floors, 12 meters wide and 72 meters long. These structures are prone to significant horizontal irregularities, reducing the overall efficiency of the building. The irregularity is partly due to the uneven distribution of the mass, as seen from the difference in the span of the portal between the back...
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This study aims to determine the opportunities presented by diagrid and hexagrid systems in engineering and architecture and their relative strengths and weaknesses. In this study, three building models with 36 floors and 144 m high steel construction were designed using optimal angles identified through a literature review on diagrid and hexagrid...
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Gempa bumi menjadi bencana yang sering terjadi di Indonesia salah satunya di wilayah DKI Jakarta. Gempa bumi diasumsikan sebagai beban lateral yang nantinya didistribusikan ke semua struktur gedung dan menyebabkan bangunan bergeser. Beban geser yang nilainya melebihi dari nilai beban geser maksimum akan membuat struktur mengalami keruntuhan sehingg...
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As the height of any structure increases, it becomes slenderer and more sensitive to wind loads. So, any increase in the structure height that was not considered during the initial stages of the design process will cause many structural issues. For such a problem, structural retrofitting is suggested to resist wind loads and satisfy safety and serv...
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En este estudio se evaluó el comportamiento sísmico de las conexiones soldadas RCFT en estructuras de acero, según las normativas NEC-15 y AISC 360-16, mediante simulaciones numéricas y ensayos experimentales. Utilizando el software ETABS, se desarrollaron tres modelos estructurales que permitieron analizar la distribución de tensiones, deformacion...
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This paper explores the application of advanced software tools in enhancing structural integrity and project efficiency in large-scale civil engineering projects, with a specific focus on my expertise in utilizing ETABS, AutoCAD, and SAP2000. These powerful software platforms are integral to modern civil engineering, offering unparalleled precision...
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A bridge is a crucial building element needed for the transportation system however, due to the site characteristics, it is never feasible to build a standard bridge. A skew construction is required if the alignment of the road is not perpendicular or crosses the river at an angle different than 90 degrees. A skew bridge is a bridge that is built o...
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The seismic behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) structures with diagrid structures and x-bracing structures for various stories is compared in this work. This study uses the structural ETABS software to assess how well these structural systems perform when subjected to seismic and wind loads. These findings have the conclusion that the diagrid con...
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According to The Indonesian Earthquake Map, Padang City in West Sumatra is in Earthquake zone 6. This indicates that Padang City is very vulnerable to earthquakes. Meanwhile, developments in the construction of high buildings also continue to show progress all the time. The main problem that is often faced is the issue of structural damage due to e...
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This study important of the progressive collapse that final damage of the structure is not similar as the initial collapse of structure. The key parameters used story displacement in eleven-storey building of regular shape that has modelled and analyzed by the ETABS 2018 software by using the Indian standard codes. Then for the calculation of progr...
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The viscoelastic damper represents a significant technological advancement in the field of energy dissipation, with the objective of mitigating vibrations in engineering structures that may be caused by seismic activity or wind. The damper is composed of steel plates and a viscoelastic material. In this study, the finite element program Extended Th...
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Abstrak Artikel ini menyajikan hasil perbandingan respon struktur terhadap 3 variasi konfigurasi dinding geser pada bangunan bertingkat yang tidak beraturan pada denah. Konfigurasi dinding geser difokuskan pada letak dan bentuk dinding geser pada struktur gedung beton bertulang sembilan lantai dengan denah tidak beraturan dan terletak di daerah raw...
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This In recent years, number of studies have been carried out for the evaluation of vulnerability of structure during seismic events. Fragility analysis is one of the important probabilistic approach to estimate the damage data at different damage state during seismic events. The G+7 Reinforced Concrete frame structure is considered for analysis. T...
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Indonesia is located at the convergence of the Eurasian, Pacific, and Indo-Australian tectonic plates, making it prone to significant earthquakes, such as the Aceh earthquake and tsunami in 2004 with a magnitude of 9.1, and the Padang earthquake in 2009 with a magnitude of 7.6, both known for their severe impacts. According to the Central Statistic...
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In areas where earthquakes are common, high-rise structure seismic resistance is a major concern. The purpose of this research is to determine whether base isolation and liquid tuned mass dampers (LTMDs) can improve tall building seismic performance. A symmetrical G+8 story RCC structure in Zone V with medium grade soil is analyzed using ETABS soft...
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This study explores the design of a multi-story structure utilizing recycled waste materials. Locally produced materials from recycled sources were used for making concrete and bricks. The design of a 10-story building was carried out using ETABS software. In the process, 10% of the cement in the concrete was replaced with waste marble powder (WMP)...
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ETABS - a familiar software in the field of high-rise building structural design, has shown its popularity and effectiveness in construction projects in Vietnam. However, when applying Vietnam Standard TCVN 5574:2018 on reinforced concrete structures, users often encounter difficulties due to the main support for American, European, Chinese, an...
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In the present investigation, the design of a 4-story building without a basement located in the Province of Chanchamayo of Peru was carried out, intended for a multi-family home made up of structural elements such as columns, beams, and plates, which each one was designed and modeled under the Peruvian Load Regulations E. 020, Earthquake-resistant...
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This study analyzes and optimizes the structural design of three-dimensional (3D) reinforced concrete framestructures to minimize the amount of two main materials, including concrete and steel reinforcement, used inreinforced concrete frames. Jaya algorithm was developed based on evolutionary algorithms to build the structural optimization model. T...
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The Design and Construction of Buildings are done according to the prevalent codes of the locality. As the society evolve, so does the codes. In Nepal, the transition from the use of IS codes to the use of NBC has eased the sector of building construction. Although these codes to some extents are similar, greater portion of these codes remain disti...
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In 2017, a strong base excitation struck the Iraqi border near Halabja, which was classified as the latest earthquake in Iraq. Its reflection reached Baghdad city with an acceleration of (0.11 g). The objective of this paper is to study the results obtained by different seismic analysis methods, namely Time history analysis (THA), Response spectrum...
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In a region of high seismicity like Trinidad and Tobago, it is essential for stakeholders in the built environment to have an appreciation for the design, application, and performance of seismic force-resisting structural systems. The objective of the project was to evaluate the performance of a ten-story Special Concentric Braced Frame (SCBF) and...
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In Romania, historic monuments have suffered significant damage after earthquakes. In the southern part of Romania, in the Oltenia region between the years 1838 and 1977, five strong earthquakes with magnitude exceeding 7 ML occurred, causing severe and repeated damage to Orthodox churches constructed with brick masonry and lime mortar. After the 1...
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The Design and Construction of Buildings are done according to the prevalent codes of the locality. As the society evolve, so does the codes. In Nepal, the transition from the use of IS codes to the use of NBC has eased the sector of building construction. Although these codes to some extents are similar, greater portion of these codes remain disti...
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Nepal, renowned for its majestic Himalayan Ranges, is also highly vulnerable to seismic activity. Buildings on hill slopes often endure more significant damage during earthquakes than those on flat terrain. Traditional seismic analyses of buildings typically employ linear-static and dynamic methods, which might not fully represent the building's be...