Science topic
Drug Policy - Science topic
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Questions related to Drug Policy
I am doing a policy assignment of 3000 words, due on Monday night on the policy reccomendations of the Irish Citizen's Assembly of Drugs Policy 2023. I would be grateful if anyone has conducted research on Citizen's Assemblies anywhere? Have the worked? Are they right for policymaking etc?
(Please direct me to previous questions on ResearchGate that deal with this issue. I cannot find any. Apologies if I have overlooked them).
The new laws in two USA States that legalized marijuana use (Colorado and Washington) have instigated new debate in Australia about legalizing the use of the drug here. Meanwhile Associated Press reports (7 April) that the Netherlands has recently taken a harder line towards marijuana including banning tourists (except in Amsterdam) from visiting coffee shops where marijuana is sold.
Supporters for the legalization of marijuana believe that it will eliminate the illegal trade and associated crime, yield a valuable tax-source and reduce policing costs
Opponents argue that there is clear and growing evidence between marijuana use and psychosis, and its potential to act as a gateway drug leading to use of more dangerous drugs. They also say legalization could hasten the use by teenagers and cite mounting evidence showing that the earlier one starts using marijuana, the more devastating the effects especially on brain development.
Too much of the debate in the past has been on emotional grounds.
We would appreciate hearing from people who can cite good quality scientific data; or case studies from people working in the field with good quality anecdotal ‘evidence’, particularly in relation to the link with mental health.
Along with the advent of practicality in recreational drug policy, certain social stigmas, such as those against LSD and other serotonergic hallucinogens, is beginning to be questioned by accredited researchers. Along with psilocybin and (to a lesser extent) LSD, DMT/DMT coupled with an MAOI is beginning to make its way into statistically rigorous experiments with respect to therapeutic potential.
The only experiment I am aware of that evaluates these agents side-by-side, found DMT to be superior. My hypothesis is that this is related to its nature as an endogenous neurotransmitter, "tricking" the brain into acting more pliable to its effects. The argument that it never reaching such great activity by natural means) as when one sources it exogenously, seems plausible. And yet is the idea (admittedly not a well-proven one) that mass amounts of DMT are released right before one passes, and right before other such significant paradigm shifts in consciousness.
The correlation between ADHD and substance use is well known. A few studies and anecdotal evidence suggests that some persons are using cannabis to help manage adhd, e.g. hyperactive and impulsive behaviors. The outcome of a search on pubmed, cannabis-med und google scholar was quiete poor. Can anybody provide consolidated knowledge about this topic?
I am interested in criminological empirical studies on illicit drug markets. In particular, the studies conducted on specific cities or regions. I have a preference for qualitative research in these markets.