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Dragonflies - Science topic
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Questions related to Dragonflies
When I ask myself about the purpose of life, I wonder what my intention is in existing, knowing that the fluttering of butterfly wings will happen regardless of me. What is the purpose of life if I know the dragonfly will continue its course along the river? Naturally, with or without my presence. Surely, my presence as a devastating agent of nature may trouble or overwhelm it. But as an existing being, it is indifferent to me. What is the purpose of life if, as Heidegger says, we are thrown into existence, we are a Dasein, or, as Sartre says, we are condemned to freedom? And if we are condemned to freedom, and because we are condemned to freedom, are we also condemned to our individual responsibilities? What is the purpose of life? What is the meaning of assuming individual responsibility for my actions in a purposeless world?
I want field guide for collection of dragonflies and damselflies to study taxonomy of odonates
I want to know the scientific name of this species of "dragonfly" photographed by my friend the photographer Giacomo Pugliese in Oman last month?
I obtained .txrm, .exm file formats from micro ct scan in xradia context. I want to do the post processing in dragonfly but when I import the files, it asks about pixels and image spacing. Can anyone suggest how can I know these attributes to fill in the window. I am new to dragonfly, I have seen the lessons but the raw files used in them had some attributes. I am lost regarding which file format i should load as well. Any help is appreciated.
Dear colleagues,
We are investigating the voltinism of a species of dragonfly in two rivers in Catalonia (northeast of Spain). To study the possible temperature differences between the two streams we have installed temperature meters (hobos) that collect values every 15 minutes. How could we statistically analyze whether the differences observed between the two locations are significant? Is there any quick and easy method to do it?
Thank you very much for your attention and cordial greetings.
Ricardo Martín
I need a hard copy of the field guide for Odonate of Maharashtra, India.
Odonates tend to glide, fly, hover, and move frequently. During transect surveys, it is possible to count one individual more than once if it flies back and forth. Is there any method (statistical or some protocol to be followed by the researcher) to avoid this error?
About 5 years ago,I found one Gomphus species that had a intermediate position between some other described Gomphus species. Some characters of this species are resemble to Gomphus simillimus, G. schneideri, G. kinzelbachi, or even G. vulgatissimus.
If anyone have a idea about this species or is a expert person can help me. Compare plate with resemble species is attached.
I'm currently looking to segment some CT data with the Dragonfly software. However, the reconstructed data I received is in the .vol file format, which I cannot import/open with all the segmentation programs I use. I am now looking for a program to slice up the .vol files into .TIFF files and start my segmentation from there. Does anyone know a way to convert .vol files like that? Or is anyone aware of freeware to segment .vol files?
I am currently trying to segment some fossil bones from their matrix in Dragonfly, but I am new to the software and am unsure what the best deep learning model architecture to use is. I am currently trying U-Net 3D, but I would like to know if there is a better one I should be working with.
I have been reading and searching information about why insects evolved from being hemi-metabolist to holometabolist.
It has been pointed out that insects have evolved to complete metamorphosis to avoid competing resources between adults and young instars as it happens with some terrestrial hemimetabolist insects. But I am not quite sure about aquatic insects like mayflies, dragonflies, damselflies among other groups. As adults emerged occupied another environment, while some occupied both.
Are there some information, literature about ecological perspective of how these two holo and hemimetabolist insects evolved?.
Odonata experts, nice to meet you.
My name is Jose Alejandro Cuellar, an odonate researcher from Colombia. I am sending you this email because I am doing a review article on Odonata migrations in Latin America. For this, I ask you in the kindest way to help me with his information. For this, I send you a few questions that you could answer in case you have sighted, documented, published, or registered any case of dragonfly breeding in Latin America or Spain.
Please answer the questions for each case of migration you have observed:
Question 1: What species or species have you seen carrying out migration processes?
Question 2: During what time of the year did you record the case of dragonfly migration?
Question 3: Where (Country, town) did you see the case of dragonfly migration?
Question 4: Towards what direction or locality considers that the odonates that were migrating are headed?
Question 5: You have seen this same process in a repetitive or cyclical way over time?
Thanks for your help, this information will help me too much with the preparation of the review document.
I am about starting a side research project about dragonflies and damselflies. So far, I collect a handful of references for my project and they collectively say that these Odonatans are the indicators for the good quality of (aquatic) environment which is their main habitat. So, out of my curiosity, is there any chance that these insects live in not-so-good aquatic habitat e.g. heavy-polluted water body or degraded pond or else?
If you know any paper discuss about it, it will be great thing...
Thanks in advance
I would like to assess a freshwater ecosystem health using faunal diversity of immature and adult dragonflies and damselflies. Please be informed that the study will be carried out in Bangladesh (Indian subcontinent).
Im a junior, pursuing my Bachelors and I have to come up with a research project (experiment) that will take about two months to complete. I'd very much like to do it on Odonata but I need suggestions on what to research!
thank you!!
The study on Odonata is used to be included into the general Entomology course.
I wonder, as more papers about dragonflies appear in RG and other platforms, if the lecture or course about dragonfly has been formally taught in the college?
Any help on this matter is appreciated!
PS: I did some searching in Internet, but no satisfied result so far.
Help me with the common name please, needed for study purpose.
Thank you.
I want to do dynamic analysis of 2-D corrugated dragonfly aerofoil in ANSYS
I'm interested to both dragonflies and damselflies.
Whats makes Odonates distinct from other insects with respect to flight.
The picture was taken close to Hangzhou (Eastern China).
Hi, I am dealing with the IUCN Red List assessment of the dragonfly Heliaeschna filostyla. The species is endemic to Sulawesi. There are only very few records from North, Central and South-West Sulawesi. But presumably, the species is more widespread on Sulawesi than currently known. Does anyone have unpublished records, especially from the eastern parts of the island or from the small islands off mainland Sulawesi?
i collected dragonfly species around 30 wetlands. I analyzed the levels of degradation of these wetlands using three different adult dragonfly indices which have different scales: one scale is from 0-10, the second the scale is from 0-9 while the third is from 1-5 and I want to know if these indices are significantly different. My question is what is the test to be used for my case?
i collected dragonfly species around 30 wetlands. I analyzed the levels of degradation of these wetlands using adult dragonfly indices and I want now to correlate the values of these indices with phyisical landscape around these wetlands. My question is how or what is the method to score the physical landscape?
As you know DA algorithm benefits from high exploration, for improve exploitation which algorithm did you recommend?
I would like to know if this is possible and if dragonflies can be used as a dengue-control measure. Thank you :).
I have problem to distinguish exploration and exploitation parameters of dragonfly algorithm.
In some cases this borders are bold with clearly separate characters. But in other cases overlapping characters are exist. Between Onychogomphus forcipatus And Onychogomphus lefebvrii differentiation are less than from O. lefebvrii and O. flexuosus.
Differentiation in higher taxa accepted names such as Genera in various references is another problem. in one reference taxon name is Rhodischnura nursei and in another is ischnura nursei. or Anax ephippiger - Heminax ephippiger?
Geographical range for subspecies in Biosystematics is limited or exist in local zones. Subspecies in Odonata create for better describe the local species or small morphological variation without gene flow even if isolation is thousand of kilometers between two populations?
I once observed a mating attempt between two Libellulid species but I could not find much information about this.
For compare this really close species, i need more and more material and data. about Coenagrion persicum, Lohman, 1993. I take various images from appendages for comparison. some odonatologist believe that C. persicum is the same of C. pulchellum. for more description this images is necessary.
Please confirm the id of this Dragonflies.
From a lentic water body near Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.
Thanks in Advance
Anila Ajayan
Someone has Odonata list with preferences for the hot springs that made Corbet, in Dragonflies: Behaviour and Ecology of Odonata 1999?? It is a list of 34 dragonflies of the whole world, but I do not have the book. Thank you in his time
hello everyone!
i'm Nhat, i'm studying in Can Tho unviersity. i'm having difficulty to preserve butterfly and dragonfly . Can you tell me how to preserve insect on climate tropical condition? Any help is very much appreciated.
Onychogomphus forcipatus subspecies found in north and south of Iran. Sizes and some characters are distinctly different. Some scientists believes that this subspecies in both parts of Iran are Onychogomphus forcipatus albotibialis. range of subspecies Onychogomphus forcipatus forcipatus expanded to Azerbaijan. more dark and robust body and size of specimens are close to this species and far from Onychogomphus forcipatus albotibialis that found in thousands Km in Fars province. In this case do we have two or one subspecies?
This Orthetrum in some cases resembles O. brunneum, but styles of some parts are different and the facts are confusing for correct identification. Which species of Orthetrum is this?
I am doing research on Carboniferous "griffonflies" for a personal side project (I am not an entomologist by trade), and I am trying to find out just how similar or different these animals were to modern odonatans. I have heard from several sources that these animals had "large, toothed mandibles" (Grimaldi and Engel, 2005) or "well-developed raptorial mandibles" (Labandeira, 2002), but I cannot seem to find any good pictures of these appendages. Does anyone know any paper where these are described (possibly along with what we know about the paleobiology of the griffonflies?)
I try to find literature related to estimating and evaluating species richness in Odonata assemblages. tq
Some dragonflies and damselflies larvae have special environmental requirements, and for rearing need specific position or tools in aquarium. Does anyone rearing them with special methods or tools for a long time?
I just found very prominent remnants of larval spines in adult dragonflies. They appear like non-functional appendages of different size and sclerotization which are inherent for all specimens studied in this regard. I'm looking for any example of similar structures in other insects. Could someone help me?
I'm looking for any information about oviposition behaviour in an aeshnid dragonfly, Telephlebia tilliardy. Does anyone have personal observations (best of all, illustrated by photographs or videos)? The topic is what a substrate was used - soil, moss, wood, etc.
If this is possible, I'm looking for papers and explanation factors that influence this phenomenon.
Is this even remotely feasible? Does anyone know of any dedicated research in to this? Thank you
I am looking for articles dealing with dragonflies dyes or dyes in other order of insects.
Any suggestions? Thank you.
I am planning a field research on dragonflies and I need to mark some of the individuals for a mark recapture study. I have heard that an ideal paint or ink marker should be durable, nontoxic, easy to apply, quick drying, lightweight and resistant to peeling. But what are the ink types or brands that has the specific qualities?
I'm raising larvae of dragonflies, and several specimens pretend to be dead when I change the water or when I touch them. Could this be a defense mechanism to avoid predators? I have been looking for information but apparently this is not very common mechanism with this order.
I'm especially interested on the effects of forest fragmentation and patch size on forest dwelling species such as Platystictidae species.