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Distance Learning - Science topic

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Questions related to Distance Learning
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
14 answers
Working adults often face unique challenges, such as managing their professional responsibilities alongside their studies, with the added pressure of condensed semester durations compared to full-time students. For example, some lecturers may not fully engage with or address the specific needs and concerns of working adults during lectures or assignments, potentially leading to gaps in understanding or academic performance. Additionally, working adults returning to education may struggle with independently conducting research, given their time away from formal studies and the need to adapt to academic expectations. What approaches do you recommend for creating a supportive learning environment that acknowledges these challenges and provides effective solutions to help working adults succeed?"
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Definitely, online lessons, assignments, and coursework marks may help. It also calls for more flexibility as adults balancing both work and education can be overly stretched.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
Distance learning is a wide known technique for teaching
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The merits of distance education are undeniable especially in hard times such as COVID or lack of proximity from college or university venues. But its drawbacks are detrimental to the many facets of presence education. I will mention some of them: social interaction with educators and fellow students, possibility of measuring up with other students, learning from each other, etc. I will single out eye contact (perception) with students as a genuine cognitive asset to the educator to make sure that learning is taking place. I remember having been solicited to teach female students in King Saud University, but I turned down the offer for two consecutive years. Eventually, when I took the course, I was full of frustration repeating lots of phatic expressions to ask whether students had understood what I was talking about. In normal classroom settings, eye conatct would have been enough evidence.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
1 answer
As part of the project we are currently working on, "Social and Motivation Effects of Virtual Reality in Distance Education," we are looking for a reliable data source for a database of distance education (fully online, not blended) in Europe.
We are specifically looking for databases from reliable sources of individual EU countries (e.g., from the Ministry of Education), providing data on universities offering distance education (university name; name of the study program/field; type of study like bachelor's, master's, doctoral; language of instruction; duration of study, etc.
We would be very grateful for any provided source or advice.
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I would recommend to check EADTU. It is a network of European universities that are involved in open and distance education. While it may not provide a database of distance education programs across Europe, it could offer insights, reports, or links to relevant resources that might be helpful for your research.
While I did a quick search on EADTU, I found this link through their sitemap. Hope you can get some data from there.
Also this website in particular you can get filtered data depends on the fields, level etc.
Good Luck on your research. !
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
1 answer
Recommend literature on this topic for the last 7 years.
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Hello Igor,
The role of a student group curator's self-reflection in distance learning is significant and multifaceted. Self-reflection plays a crucial role in enhancing the effectiveness of distance learning experiences, both for the curator and the group they are responsible for. Here are several key aspects of this role:
  1. Facilitating Group Dynamics: Self-reflection allows the student group curator to assess their own facilitation skills and effectiveness in promoting positive group dynamics in a virtual setting. They can evaluate whether they are fostering collaboration, inclusivity, and active participation among group members.
  2. Continuous Improvement: By regularly reflecting on their performance, the curator can identify areas of improvement. They can assess the strategies and tools they use for online communication, content delivery, and assessment, and make necessary adjustments to enhance the learning experience.
  3. Adaptation to Online Environment: Distance learning environments are unique, and self-reflection helps curators adapt their teaching and facilitation methods to better suit online learning. This may involve exploring new technologies or pedagogical approaches that are effective in a virtual setting.
  4. Monitoring Student Progress: Curators can use self-reflection to gauge whether they are effectively monitoring the progress of individual students within the group. They can assess whether students are meeting learning objectives and make interventions when necessary.
  5. Assessment and Feedback: Curators should reflect on their methods for assessing student performance and providing feedback. Self-reflection can help them refine their assessment criteria and feedback processes to ensure they are constructive and aligned with learning outcomes.
  6. Building a Supportive Learning Community: The curator's self-reflection should focus on their efforts to create a supportive and inclusive learning community within the group. They can consider whether they are fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging peer interaction.
  7. Tech Proficiency: Distance learning often relies on various technology tools. Self-reflection can help curators assess their proficiency with these tools and seek professional development or training if needed to ensure smooth facilitation.
  8. Time Management and Organization: Managing online group activities and schedules can be challenging. Self-reflection can help curators evaluate their time management and organizational skills to ensure that group activities are well-planned and executed.
  9. Stress Management and Well-Being: The role of a student group curator can be demanding. Self-reflection should extend to personal well-being and stress management. Curators should assess their own well-being and seek support when needed to maintain their effectiveness.
  10. Feedback from Students: Curators should also seek feedback from group members to gain insights into their experiences and perspectives. Self-reflection can involve incorporating student feedback to make adjustments to the learning process.
In short, the role of self-reflection for a student group curator in distance learning is multifaceted and essential for continuous improvement. It encompasses aspects related to pedagogy, technology, student engagement, and personal well-being. Through self-reflection, curators can adapt and refine their strategies to create a more effective and engaging learning environment for their peers.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
2 answers
How does the adoption of video-based distance learning along side multimedia tools such as TedTalk, Quiz platformss, Youtube (just to name a few) enhances learner-content interaction?
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strengthening critical thinking and meta-cognition skills
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
Acceptance of a specialized doctoral student in distance education planning
Metaverse can be the best option for universities and we are your companions in this way.
What is your general opinion about Metaverse and university and studying in the field of distance education?
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Dear Mr. Pourashraf!
You raised a very important point - how virtual platforms can benefit academic communities at universities. At this stage there is no final answer - future scenarios are emerging:
1) Turan, Z., Karabey, S.C. The use of immersive technologies in distance education: A systematic review. Educ Inf Technol (2023)., Available at:
2) Chua, H.W., Yu, Z. A systematic literature review of the acceptability of the use of Metaverse in education over 16 years. J. Comput. Educ. (2023)., Available at:
3) Cui, L., Zhu, C., Hare, R. et al. MetaEdu: a new framework for future education. Discov Artif Intell 3, 10 (2023)., Open access:
4) Call for Papers: Metaverse and E-Learning Platforms [1240], Multimedia Tools and Applications, An International Journal, Available at:
5) Joana Braguez, Marta Braguez, Sílvia Moreira, Carla Filipe, The possibilities of changes in learning experiences with Metaverse, Procedia Computer Science, Volume 219, 2023, Open access:
6) Al-Adwan, A.S., Li, N., Al-Adwan, A. et al. “Extending the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to Predict University Students’ Intentions to Use Metaverse-Based Learning Platforms”. Educ Inf Technol (2023)., Open access:
7) A case-study: Yilmaz, M, O'Farrell, E, Clarke, P. Examining the training and education potential of the metaverse: Results from an empirical study of next generation SAFe training. J Softw Evol Proc. 2023;e2531. doi:10.1002/smr.2531, Free access:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
15 answers
I need information evaluation criteria for distance learning.
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Distance learning evaluation standards can vary depending on the educational institution or group delivering the program. Common success criteria include student engagement and participation, learning outcomes, and teaching quality. Student feedback, evaluations, and reviews can be used to assess the success of the teaching methods, materials, and resources employed in the program. Exams, quizzes, projects, and essays can be used to measure learning outcomes.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
9 answers
Distance learning solutions-Learning in the Corona Age
Most governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic.
These nationwide closures are impacting almost 70% of the world’s student population. Several other countries have implemented localized closures impacting millions of additional learners.UNESCO is supporting countries in their efforts to mitigate the immediate impact of school closures, particularly for more vulnerable and disadvantaged ommunities, and to facilitate the continuity of education for all through remote learningaward smart school
External repositories of distance learning solutions
Brookings – A catalogue of nearly 3,000 learning innovations. Not all of them are distance learning solutions, but many of them offer digital education content. Common Sense Education – Tips and tools to support school closures and transitions to online and at-home learning. Common weatlh of Learning List of resources for policymakers, school and college administrators, teachers, parents and learners that will assist with student learning during the closure of educational institutions.
Education Nation – Nordic countries have opened up their learning solutions for the world for free, supporting teachers and learners during the school closures.
EdSurge – Community-driven list of edtech products, including many distance learning resources for students, teachers and schools, covering primary to post-secondary education levels.
European Commission Resources – A collection of online platforms for teachers and educators, available in 23 EU languages.
Global Business Coalition for Education – List of e-learning platforms, information sharing platform and communication platforms.
Keep Learning Going – Extensive collection free tools, strategies, tips and best practices for teaching online from a coalition of USA-based education organizations. Includes descriptions of over 600+ digital learning solutions. – A collection of apps and pedagogical solutions curated by Finnish edtech companies to facilitate distance for pre-primary to upper secondary learners.
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie: Resources for primary and secondary school students and teachers for learning and teaching French.
UNEVOC Resources – Tools, guides, MOOCS and other resources collected by UNESCO’s International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training for continued learning in the area of TVET.
UNHCR – An extensive list of over 600 distance learning solutions from the United Nations agency for refugees.
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Prof. Siavash Omidinia: Look around you and count how many black offices for solving the exams and assignments are there.
From my point of view, e-learning alone will not succeed without traditional learning. Furthermore, I see that e-learning hasn't achieved the desired aims or results for developing countries and traditional learning is better. This is because there are many black offices for solving exam questions!! These offices made online learning a trading stock that resembles the slave-market.
At least, the hybrid learning of both of them is better than the traditional one.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
13 answers
What online whiteboards do you use in distance learning and blended learning?
Canva, Miro, Board Net? Please share your experience of using it in teaching
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Dear Prof. Nalyvaiko!
At the university I am affiliated with (LUT University, Finland) there is an ongoing research project titled as "Erasmus + Training Faculty on Blended Learning (FABLE)" and this initiative might be a valuable resource for you. You might want to contact the following researchers:
1) Prof. Kari Smolander:
2) Associate Prof. Jussi Kasurinen:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
15 answers
Since COVID appeared many educational institutions were obliged to move their activities to online platforms, thus kicking off a grandiose digitalization process by accelerating the innovation in how we work and study.
Most of us managed to transition and not only be successful but even more efficient at our tasks than before. So, where is the hold up in some universities not offering distance learning programs alternatives? Is there a stigma or does online education provide, indeed, less quality knowledge transfer? Why?
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Not all online learning is created equal. As has been mentioned, it is up to the student to put their best into it if they want to get the best out of it. Quality of online learning is also very dependent on the quality of the instructor. Quality among instructors can vary widely!
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
16 answers
The main goal of the research paper is to review the application of new learning technologies in African and European countries that face crises! There is a draft that needs to be revised and updated!
Please, if you're interested to cooperate, write to me privately!
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Dear Prof. Abdelfatah!
May I state I am interested. Still, may I state I am not an IT - specialist. My focus is on digital supply chain management:
I am especially interested in the role of open science (policies for sharing of information) in advancing interactive learning:
1) Boström, L., Sjöström, M. MethodViz: designing and evaluating an interactive learning tool for scientific methods – visual learning support and visualization of research process structure. Educ Inf Technol (2022)., Open access:
2) Cirkony, C., Tytler, R. & Hubber, P. Designing and delivering representation-focused science lessons in a digital learning environment. Education Tech Research Dev (2022)., Open access:
3) Xia X. Application Technology on Collaborative Training of Interactive Learning Activities and Tendency Preference Diversion. SAGE Open. April 2022. doi:10.1177/21582440221093368, Open access:
I will contact YOU only in case you consider me to have the potential to be a partner in your research project.
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
8 answers
What are some (distance or open learning) degrees which could be done alongside medical school (MD in USA or MBBS in UK/India) which can be useful to work in the medical sector? For example, LLB (Bachelor's Degree in Law) which is taken to become an advocate can be helpful in Medical Law and Legislature, but it does not have distance learning options; or Bachelor's Degree in Hospital Management which will be helpful in future for hospital administration or so on. Feel free to pitch in your suggestions.
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Mindy Wolfe Yes it's working now. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
5 answers
TEKNODIKA journal of educational technology research which publishes reviews, analysis, and empirical research on designing, developing, managing, utilizing and evaluating educational Technology to facilitating learning in formal and informal educational settings.
Focus & scope: learning media, learning sources, distance learning, e-learning and online learning, and other relevant topics.
Our journal publishes Twice a year on March and September. We call for international author to contribute for prior, quick and highly disseminated publication. Our journal is member of crossreff by doi : 10.20961/teknodika.
Call for reviewers:
we also invite international prospective researcher with the relevant concerns to become external reviewers. Please contact the supporting contacts to join our team (
visit the journal Website for detail information in
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السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
إذا احتجتم إلي في اللجنة العلمية أو الاستشارية، فلا ما نع لدي
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
477 answers
In face-to-face teaching, teacher training is an essential task. Trainings are organized as well as refresher sessions are scheduled to train teachers of new teaching tools and methods. In your opinion, is this training also essential in online education/learning?
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Let me point to the following negative opinion related to the distance learning and education. Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) increase the black market of education. Look around you and count how many black offices for solving the exams and assignments are there.
From my point of view, e-learning alone will not succeed without traditional learning. Furthermore, I see that e-learning hasn't achieved the desired aims or results for developing countries and traditional learning is better. This is because there are many black offices for solving exam questions!! These offices made online learning a trading stock that resembles the slave-market.
At least, the hybrid learning of both of them is better than the traditional one.
In any way, exams must be inside the educational institutes with the physical attendance of the students.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
What are the indicators of work performance of a teacher with respect to digital literacy at distance learning please?
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1. Enrolment of students
2. Interaction
3. Timely submission of assignment etc.
4. Questions asked, feedback, discussion
5. Checking updates by students what teacher update.
6. Academic gain
7. Initiative
Many more which indicates performance of a teacher.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
35 answers
Dear researchers,
During the Corona outbreak, the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has become a necessity, as ICT use in education is a systematic and structured process to improve its quality. However, as teachers ourselves, we do face some obstacles which differ from country to country, from culture to culture... Would you please mention some of these obstacles?
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Poor infrastructure that leads to poor internet connectivity that leads to inadvertent disruptions during online classes
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
43 answers
Dear RG members,
In your opinion, what is the best teaching method in a distance learning context?
1. Problem-based learning (PBL).
2. Programmed learning or guided learning: when the learner can learn a set of learning concepts according to the plan established by the teacher or the course designer (fixed learning path).
3. Free learning: when the learner can learn a set of learning concepts according to his choice (free learning path, without any conditions).
Thank you for your contributions
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I agree with Vernon Czelusniak's opinion that problem-based learning is the best method of online learning. Indeed, the most important aspect is its linkage to a specific professional organization. This is quite difficult to do, but over time we will get positive results.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
24 answers
Distance learning is suitable in all disciplines and brings distances closer, but is it an alternative to in-class
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Greetings Hawraa Aljabery as much as I am a proponent of e-learning and a lover of all things technology... I believe that the way forward should be 'hybrid' for all of us. A balance between remote e-learning and actual classroom learning would do wonders for teachers and learners alike, at all levels of formal education.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
28 answers
Distance learning is a new method of teaching and learning. I want to know if the exams in this method are safe and reliable.
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In my opinion, it is not so, no matter how much teachers try to reduce cheating among students, they will not be able to prevent it 100%, because the new generation is experienced in using technologies and programs, so it will most likely find a way to manipulate these programs, and therefore I do not think that it is 100% safe... My sincere gratitude to all.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
299 answers
I would like to open this thread for the RG community to discuss.
According to Wikipedia commons, "Open learning" is an innovative movement in education that emerged in the 1970s and evolved into several fields of practice & study, either enhancing learning opportunities or broadening learning opportunities. Open learn as a learning technique has been very well established by some universities around the world, please check:
On the other hand, "Education 4.0" is a new term coined to another term, "the 4th industrial revolution" aiming at transforming education using advanced tech & project-based learning ( & it looks like a lot of money is giving to it (
also, check for more information: Salmon, G. (2019), May the Fourth Be with You: Creating Education 4.0. Journal of Learning for Development, 6(1), 95-115.
According to open Learning create, the term came into use in 2017, and it has been gaining attention in some learning & teaching communities.
Thank you all for your participation, the forum is open to all & I hope that the thread will be useful for eLearning communities.
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The issue of flipped classroom as an Open Learning methodology is discussed in the following external publication:
Do You Use Flipped Classroom But the Students Don't Read? by C. Zermeño Sep 13, 2021, from the blog.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
19 answers
In these pandemic conditions is what you recommend distance learning digital platforms (E-learning) or you are for the resumption of courses in classes and universities ?
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  • If offline/regular learning is not possible in COVID-19. In such situation and area students can opt distance leaning and later after resumption of classes can return to regular classes................
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
36 answers
Dear RG members,
There is doubt that teaching/ learning online has become a pain in the neck worldwide. The gap is getting bigger and bigger. How to bridge such a gap? How would one overcome the barriers of online learning/teaching?
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Solution/resolution depends on the nature of problem faced by the individual in online teaching/learning.....
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
Is there any available Questionnaire or tool for assessing effectiveness of Modular Distance Learning?
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Modular Distance Learning features individualized instruction that allows learners to use self-learning modules (SLMs). The process of self-assessment could be implemented with a simple Google Forms survey or questionnaire. Portfolios are also a good assessment tool for distance education. You could use a Learning Management System or cloud software such as OneNote or Google Classroom to set up a designated portfolio space for each student.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
46 answers
Dear Scholars
I would like to have a reference to an authoritative or relatively well-established definition of "online education" or "online teaching" or "e-learning". I also look for definition of related terms, such as "hybrid teaching" and "distant education", "distance learning", etc.
I looked at UNESCO documents to find a kind of international set of definitions, but I couldn't find any. Does anyone have a reference or a source?
Many thanks.
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Journal of Business Theory and Practice ISSN 2372-9759 (Print) ISSN 2329-2644 (Online) Vol. 8, No. 1, 2020 1 Original Paper Online Preparation for the Remote Global Workforce
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
13 answers
Dear seniors and researchers,
Briefly introducing myself, I am a fourth year medical student from Indonesia. Currently, I am performing a multiple logistic regression on several possible factors affecting medical student preference toward distance learning in this pandemic era. Honestly, it is my first time in using logistic regression in my work, and I might encounter several confusing issues regarding this statistical procedure. I have selected 14 eligible covariates for multiple logistic regression according to its significant p-value (0.000) during their simple logistic regression. After including all of those 14 covariates to the model, the ExpB (odds ratio) of all 14 covariates become insignificant despite decent model (Good result of Omnibus test, R-squared, and Holmer and Lemeshow test). All of statistical procedure were performed in SPSS ver 22.
Regarding this issue, what should I do in responding those finding? Is it correct to interpret that there were no significant relationship between all of 14 covariates and dependent variable (student preference toward distance learning) simultaneously? Or is there any suggestion of appropriate technical steps in conducting multiple regression analysis?
Thank You
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hello friend
give me more details, you have drawn curves by thermodynamic or kinetic models
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
5 answers
I used mixed methods for assessing modular distance learning to propose a program for the coming school year. I have three respondents (10 learners, 10 parents, 10 teachers) and used a questionnaire and an open-ended question for my respondents. What is statistical treatment should I used?
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It depends on the treatment you want to use to the data. You should refer to Creswell's book. In mixed designs, the first thing to do is assess whether the CUAN part has more weight than the CUAL, the other way around or both the same weight and complement each other. For my doctoral thesis and several articles we have used a mixed concurrent triangulation design. In my profile you can highlight several studies that use this type of methodology and bibliographic references.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
I have a questionnaire and a few interview questions for providers that relate to prediabetes am trying to reach or partner with health providers in Florida in order to complete I am also a dietitian but this is for public health coursework would be able to complete remotely and school has IRB
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You may start blogging for specific topic,it will help you to connect with people. It may also increase the chances of learning various experiences of different group of persons all over the 🌎. I hope it will help you .
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
8 answers
I am currently working on a project that addresses educational communication and technology (ECT) barriers in online education and distance learning in the Philippines. However, according to my internet research, SPSS can only handle 1500 cases or respondents. My project requires over 3000 student respondents with more than 150 variables, which includes sub-variables. Is there any statistical software that can meet my requirements?
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Virtually all statistical software packages can handle voluminous contents.
The question should have been about the quickness and the presentability of each software package.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
7 answers
I am currently conducting study about Secondary School Teachers’ Conceptions of Distance Learning Assessment Practices of Distance Learning Assessment amidst pandemic however there were few related studies about this topic but mostly are not for distance learning..
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Fabien Emprin thank you.. but i am looking for a tool i can use for survey about teacher's conception and practices in assessment mainly in distance learning approach/set up..
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
45 answers
During the Covid Pandemic situation teaching in online mode is an important issue in the education system.
There are many challenges while teaching in an online mode such as making lectures more effective, interesting, interactive, etc. please share your ideas/experiences in this regard.
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One of them is to build a learning community, Prof. Anil Hiwarekar
Of course, there are many more.
Best Regards.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
85 answers
University education is beyond academic benefits. It gives students a chance to develop attitude and skills that give them courage, ability to work with others and a better understanding of himself and the entire world around them. It is during University years that a person gets to understand his/her identity, role, and dreams. To become what you want to be, you need not only formal education but also real-life experience and opportunities for self-development.
How much of this is missing in these cruel times of eLearning & social distancing?
Your comments are highly appreciated!
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Dear Dr. Ahmed T. Hussein , thank you for this student centric & education centric question. I think both Dr. Manal Hadi Kanaan & Dr. Anamitra Roy have already highlighted the pros and cons of distance learning on students psychological development.
The observation of Dr. Anamitra Roy that "we may get professionals without the personality of a professional" and Dr. Manal Hadi Kanaan 's observation that the "student no longer feels the value of the success" - worth the attention of everyone considering the unpredictable nature of covid-19 pandemic end.
Thanks a lot.
Warm regards
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
9 answers
As an online or blended learning lecturer or an ICT specialist working at Distance Learning Department, how have you perceived the integration between Learning Management System (LMS) and Academic Management System at Higher or Vocational Education Institutions?
I'd like to read opinions and feelings from online, F2F and blended learning lecturers but also from ICT specialists working with this.
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In my university in Venezuela - ULA, there is no integration between LMS and the Academic MS.
Moodle courses are only for a few ones in a couple of Faculties, those that some unknown people choose.
As a result, more than 2300 university undergraduate and graduate courses still lack an LMS.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
5 answers
if I have 2 nodes with a given coordinate system (x, y) on both. Can I calculate the distance between the nodes using an algorithm? for example dijkstras or A *?
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Please read the paper of Energy and Wiener index of Total graph over Ring Zn . In this paper I calculated the distance between two nodes.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
16 answers
A lot of people don't like of this kind of education but is clear that more and more teaching institutions will use this model to increase their course options and governments will invest to bring facilities to expand the knowledge of their populations. So I wanna study more about this, can you share some articles with me?
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There are important articles such as:
García-Peñalvo, F. J. (2020). e-Learning in times of COVID-19.
Aboagye, E., Yawson, J. A., & Appiah, K. N. (2021). COVID-19 and E-learning: The challenges of students in tertiary institutions. Social Education Research, 1-8.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
10 answers
Hello! I want to start a question for a research topic and I want your opinion on What strategies are the most useful and facilitate distance learning for communities in dispersed areas?
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I believe that the essential thing to improve online learning in dispersed areas is the improvement of connection networks, since for example in my region, I am from Extremadura, Spain, in cities with less than 5000 inhabitants, the fixed connection It is very slow and they must work with a mobile connection, which is often very expensive. Once a good connection is available, the important thing is to publicize the online training model and encourage its use, since it is often unknown to both students and teachers in dispersed areas.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
11 answers
Are you with distance learning and education in universities due to the Corona virus pandemic? What are the pros and cons of this topic
Give us your opinion and evaluation of this topic?
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Yes, I am with distance education during the Corona pandemic. This pattern was given a positive result in many universities through the Zoom platform or Google Classroom. And it is better in light of the current pandemic to reduce or prevent contact, so the chance of infection with the Coronavirus decreases.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
14 answers
In this historical moment a new form of teaching is taking place: DAD or distance learning, but the research and experimentation that take place in the age of development are the children exclusively of face-to-face teaching?
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In addition to the interesting previous posts, I should add that in an LMS teaching environment, for example, a teacher should adapt his style to the own teaching philosophy of the LMS, Prof. Mirella Graffeo
And respect to skills, reading becomes as important as watching the teacher.
For small ones, this of course is a problem.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
21 answers
What is your favorite technique for designing discussion prompts that promote peer participation in asynchronous discussions? I'm thinking specifically about the design of prompts, rather than the facilitation of subsequent conversations. Thanks for sharing! ~Barb
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I formulate and write threads in RG because in my country there are no LMS systems in universities, Prof. Barbara Miller Hall.
I write tips about complicated solid-state physics questions, some people (including students) come around and acknowledge the posts. Not many though.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
I am searching for studies that developed validated tools (e.g questionnaire) to assess the effectiveness of online mentoring program. I am interested in studies that developed questionnaire to assess the mentors and students experience and satisfaction.
I am open also for any studies for evaluation of distance learning experience.
Thank you
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Very interesting topic.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
18 answers
Does anyone have, or know where I might get a comparison of the threaded discussion features among popular learning management systems? By "features" I am thinking about threading, adaptive release, email from thread, push notifications for posts, etc.
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Moodle for learning journals & discussion forums, both used as graded assignments, Prof. Barbara Miller Hall.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
31 answers
Many universities and schools around the world have closed their campuses due to Corona (COVID‐19) epidemic. Would you please share your expertise in delivering microteaching and practicum for pre-service teachers? How practical courses are delivered as a response to COVID‐19 outbreak? What are best practices? Other thoughts
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I think the best practices for delivering microteaching and practicum under COVID-19, it can practicing by online used google classroom, zoom, google class met, and some online program. it can increase the students knowledge practicing by online technology, they must study hard because it is one challenge for them.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
6 answers
I am looking for studies related to modular distance learning. Specifically studies talking about teachers' attitude and practices in the conduct of modular distance learning.
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I check from time to time studies about the impact on distance learning by Khan Academy, Prof. Alcher Juagpao Arpilleda.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
4 answers
The article appeared on the website of the Leibniz Association:
How can Artificial Intelligence be used in education? Daniele Di Mitri is working on this at the DIPF I Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education. An interview about distance learning, digital teaching beyond video conferences, and why we should not only use Artificial Intelligence to display suitable films or advertisements.
Daniele Di Mitri is currently applying as an AI Newcomer 2021, called by the German Informatics Society. You can support his nomination here.
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Hi Daniele! Read the interview. Interesting, and I am myself thinking and researching in similar paths. For me, the conceptual framework that Luciano Floridi is setting up is very interesting and useful. Among many other distinctions, he makes a difference between ICTs that decreases information friction (which is a project old as writing at least continuing with print, TV, Internet etc) and ICTs that processes information outside biological brains (like computer programs, algorithms and robots). Education ICTs of the former kind are phenomena like distance-, e-, online and blended learning). The information-processing kind of ICTs is rather new, Floridi attributes the idea origin to Turing. Education applications arecoming up, like learning analytics and adaptive learning or as you mention plagiarism control (check also MITs automatic essay grader and maybe the older UCLA Calibrated Peer Review - which is interesting in the division of tasks between human and ICTs).
So, from using Floridi’s philosophy (or tech history-part of it) I draw the conclusion that ICTs in education up till now has mostly been the continuation of an old project decrease of information friction) although speeded up alot with digital ICTs, but what is characteristic and new with digital ICTs is the more independent information processing. So the real digital revolution in education can in this way barely be said to have started yet...
If interested in these perspectives, read Floridi and check his youtube channel. His writings on education are not many, he is so busy with his general philosophy and applying it on other fields. In my 2017 thesis (which is mainly about how to understandthe ”blended” and the diminished information friction), I discuss it in ch 7 and 8 I think. I also have a conference paper on this issue. The coauthored paper ”Blended learning, the new normal and emerging technologies” also discusses Floridi in education shortly. All 3 attached.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
42 answers
Since the start of 2020, the spread of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) teachers have been forced to switch to online education. To do this, several platforms were used.
What are the best distance learning platforms ?
Do you plan to continue teaching remotely even after the Coronavirus (COVID-19) period ?
What are your recommendations based on your distance learning experiences ?
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Distance learning in obtaining the first education should be in addition to full-time education.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
26 answers
Due to the pandemic crisis, institutions opted for an unplanned online teaching for the safety of its students.
While some believe that emergency remote teaching is as effective as other types of online teaching, others argue that this unplanned procedure diminished the effectiveness of distance learning and would hardly lead to ultimate success.
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Elearning "per se" is a teaching technique with a learning theory and a teaching philosophy, Prof. Jouhaina Ouachtati.
Emergent remote learning due to CoV - 19 is just a mess, at least in my country.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
I am applying for full professor of ODL and coming from a conventional setting, I am not particularly sure about the roles and functions of a full professor in this territory.
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The creation of new online courses, evaluation, and assessment. Innovation in education and research. Good communication and engagement skills using online platforms.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
27 answers
Which do you think is more effective, distance-learning, or regular training?
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There is an abyss between distance education and classical education! Nothing replaces direct student-teacher contact.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
16 answers
Distance learning is a learning method in which students are not required to be physically present in a classroom setting or school.
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Sivaraj Paramasivam As I think, distance education should parallelly important along with the regular mode of education as it can be accessed from anywhere at any time when a learner wants to learn.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
7 answers
According to Covid-19 crisis, a new culture in all fields are dominated. In education, there are many types of teaching (or instructional) strategies:
internet-based learning, online learning, open learning, distance learning, blended learning, electronic learning, computerized-based learning?
# From your point of view, are the previous strategies differ in concepts and procedures or they are only multiconcepts with the same definition?
## (optional item) which type of the previous strategies are applied in your university (college or school or company)??
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  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
5 answers
I am doing a literature review regarding utilization of gifted strategies in a math class. Specifically, I am looking at how distance learning might impact math acceleration or math understanding for gifted students. What strategies with technology have you experienced with either negative or positive results?
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Distance learning is very helpful for matured learners. Some cases it will be helpful for freshers. Regarding mathematics is concern, only SLM or PCPs are not quite apt. we can take helps from some experts.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
If you have converted any teaching activities to distance learning because of the Coronavirus pandemic, please take a few minutes to complete this survey.
Please complete the survey now, so you don't forget. The survey is 15 questions (few are Likert scales), plus demographics.
The link to the survey is:
Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested in participating.
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Wishing you well on your project.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
4 answers
that is part of Literature review
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Recent studies have proved that parental involvement in online learning can be vital for children’s success. However, parental involvement should focus more on nurturing students’ self-study skills and self discipline instead of focusing on teaching them the content itself.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
19 answers
Your opinion in distance learning in terms of quality assurance; reliable system; teaching methodology; students’ rights; Professors’ capabilities to deliver their lectures; etc
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Thanks dear
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
38 answers
After the Covid-19 pandemic, has distance learning proven its ability in learning and improving learners performance as independen teaching method, or it is only an idea that is not widely applicable
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Distance education is a new experience for us in developing countries, but it was the only alternative to continuing the educational process in light of the epidemic and healthy urbanization to preserve the health and lives of students and professors, and to be fair, despite it being a new experience, but it somewhat succeeded in The delivery of academic courses to the students, and of course, this depends on the selection of the various and effective methods by the professors. But with regard to practical subjects and laboratories, I do not agree that it was able to achieve the same result with theoretical subjects because the practical subjects need to be trained on devices and other materials, so there is still a gap in this area. But on the other hand, distance education was an inevitable decision to continue the educational process, and I think that the intense effort made by the teachers has given its results somewhat.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
7 answers
Dear RG members,
As instructors ourselves, we come across some educational issues concerning the levels of the new students, particularly online ones. The question is: How to identify the level of fresh distance students?
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When I conducted my first MOOC . I shared a digital fluency rating scale with the participants. It had 30 qs relating to www, online, digital skills.
u may do the same.
An icebreaking activity which tests their digital skills may be planned and participants may upload on discussion forum
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
3 answers
We have conducted a manuscript to assess the Distant learning in Physical Therapy Education during the COVID-19 outbreak. The study design was cross-sectional study and was reported according STROBE statement.
The study evaluates the correlated factor and predictors for student satisfaction and quality of learning. The main outcome was Distance Education Learning Environments Survey (DELES).
We have submitted the manuscript for a number of Education journals. They rejected the manuscript because the STROBE design is not appropriate for education journals style.
Any suggested journals that are interest in physical therapy education or health education and follow the medical journals reporting guidelines?
Thank You
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Every subject and specialty has hundreds if not thousands of journals. 
 I will recommend the following helpful websites can be useful to choose your target journal
I would also like to warn you about the latest scam in academics called predatory Journals which are mostly fraud bogus online journals who charge  money for publication within days but do not offer any peer review Please visit to get an idea about predatory journals and how to avoid them
Good luck with the submission
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
52 answers
Dear RG members,
In response to the ongoing outbreak of coronavirus, all face to face classes have been suspended. in this regard, how to keep students engaged in online learning? especially those who spend most of their time online.
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Prof. Luqman M Rababah, I like the way that short videos, short articles and short assessments are used by Khan Academy to provide instruction online.
Khan Academy's style is based on experience.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
15 answers
Here in the Philippines, self-learning modules (SLMs) are being developed for the modular distance learning delivery among grade schoolers. SLMs have answer keys at the back portions for learners/parents to evaluate their answers right after each activity. How can we avoid academic dishonesty in this case?
Your ideas and suggestions are most welcome!
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The quality can be controlled for open book system by twisted question -ans pattern but not direct mode of question paper setting . Not only that the questions
should be short & MCQ pattern to avoid any essay type answer available from book directly .
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
30 answers
Dear RG Researchers,
I have just finished conducting a study on the adoption of online learning, and I have come up with barriers and obstacles which (some of them) contradict with those found in the previous empirical studies. The question here, do barriers to online learning differ from country to country? culture to culture? social class ........etc
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Yes, definitely!
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
5 answers
my research is about relationship between resilience and academic stress during distance learning. I really apreciate if you answer my question. thanks before
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
23 answers
Due to Covid-19 and social distance which causes closing universities and schools and making most of the lectures to be given online. I am thinking of the applications that computer vision can help to improve the e-learning experience for students. for example, handwriting recognition, students attendance, learning behaviour detection and etc. please advice on other applications, tools and techniques that can be investigated by the researchers in this area.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
13 answers
We have a number of negative by-sides effects of COVID however I am keen on making a stock take of the positive aspects. A few obvious are: distance - learning, working, digitalization and cooperation, but what you belief the COVID is going to change in your field? From the operational level, we need a way to index the positive effects.
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We start using locally flash cards system with AI to support students
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
12 answers
We teachers must be very clear that pedagogical mediation must be based on precise and achievable learning objectives, and develop appropriate teaching strategies so that students can build on what they already know. It is also very important to take into account the applicability of scientific knowledge in our daily life, in industry, development of an environmental awareness in order to have a society with a better quality of life.
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I used short graded online review quizzes at the beginning of each session to help students to master the core content. They tend not to stay on the online platform for the entire session, so the online review quizzes worked well in getting them to read the course material and build a sound foundation of what had been done previously before moving on the the new material.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
84 answers
Which mode of teaching and learning achieves better results?
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Live face to face learning is more fruitful than the distance electronic learning.
It is the live role of the teacher which makes the great difference. The teacher conducts much more than the scientific information. The teachers brings also the human values with them in the classroom. Much more depth of understanding is accomplished by the live presence of the teacher.
I think it is much like the difference between cinema film and the play in the stage!!
Best wishes
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
33 answers
What are your experiences with different distance learning platforms?
Generally for remote working, which platform would you recommend?
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Skype and Zoom
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
30 answers
Distinguished peers,
The need and demand for online learning is on the rise, partially owing to political and healthcare related issues. Many online courses have been developed to provide interactive courses with user forums or social media discussions to support community interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants (TAs). Some platforms also provide immediate feedback to quick quizzes, assignments etc.
As there is a multitude of courses offered by numerous education institutions, it is often difficult to select the best or the most appropriate.
I would like some feedback in this regards. Which courses have you taken? Which institution provided the course? Which platform was used? Were the learning out comes achieved? Is this method of teaching practical and viable? Any recommendations?
Thank you for your feedback,
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Aftab Amin I am not sure there is one size fits all for many of the answers. The tools may depend on the instructor's experience, the discipline of the students, and the availability of the LMS system. Regarding LMS's, I am afraid the Pandemic has solidified some of those connections, so my suspicion is that most institutions are "all-in" whatever their current LMS happens to be. Regarding other items, I guess it depends on how you weight the criteria. Is it price, integration with existing systems, ease of use etc?
Recently I have had to cross boundaries between Canvas and Sakai courses (see below for comparison). In terms of recommendations, the key issue here is transfer not necessarily content. Teacher experience and class norms may be key here. Some Harvard classes that are based on case studies and discussions have migrated almost entirely to Zoom and breakout rooms (the norms of their environment) where other classes have migrated entirely to asynchronous modalities to provide flexibilities to either mobile or displaced students in terms of geography.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
22 answers
In times of pandemic, distance learning has gained strength. What can teachers do to make distance classes more attractive to students?
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In my opinion, distance courses, to be more attractive, must offer more flexibility and suppleness to the learner. For this purpose, the courses can be offered in synchronous or asynchronous mode. In a synchronous course, the student, regardless of where he is, can connect to the course platform at the same time as the teacher. This is the formula that most closely resembles classroom instruction. However, the student has the option of watching the session later, which allows more flexibility than in class. The asynchronous course, on the other hand, allows the student to do the course at his convenience during the week. Educational activities can take different forms, such as forums, quizzes, etc. This formula gives the student even more flexibility, but also requires more organization and discipline than if he took classes in class.
In addition, other advice is also recommended in this regard, including:
- Use labels to orient the students well, explain the educational objectives of each sequence and each activity, then clearly describe the instructions for the activities.
- Use activities to stimulate the learner's thinking, encourage interaction, sharing and collective production.
- Play on pleasure, develop fun and interactive activities.
- Illustrate the title of a course with an image inserted in the section, this can make it more attractive.
- Encourage exchanges between participants, especially between students, so that they actively participate in the course.
-To make it easier to read a document or an activity: choose a font, sans serif typography, choose a font size, a large font, use color for course keywords, bold of the font to highlight the words, the key ideas.
- Propose a discussion forum allowing students to ask questions, to address organizational elements, to exchange around concepts mentioned in class ... The forum must be moderated and you intervene to provide answers, additional information ... when the discussions are closed or to revive the debates.
- etc.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
68 answers
As many HE institutions are switching to online distance learning; some in an abrupt manner, perceptions and/or attitudes of teachers/lecturers, students, administrators and technical staff vary across the board. Views and preferences on purely online, blended or hybrid learning are also changing amidst the crises; f-2-f is obviously out of the question.
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It results in a great shift in the way of teaching.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
50 answers
with covid-19, a lot will change, including the education system. a question arises which concerns learning evaluation operations. your contributions will help improve our practices for better equity.
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Dear Driss Harrizi you can check the following link. It describes the matters in details. I believe it will help you.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
52 answers
In light of the shift from traditional to e-learning, and in the light of your vast experiences. What types of tests are appropriate for distance learning?
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Questions that have designed for an open book exam might be a good choice for the current situation.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
7 answers
After a couple of exploratory studies conducted at Campus and National level (Italy) we have decided, as ASLERD (Association for Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional Development), to launch a survey aimed at gathering current feelings and opinions on some aspects of the distance learning experience.
The survey Me and distance learning at Covid-19 time is intended for both Universities' teachers and students.
Here, below, the links to the two questionnaires
Me and the distance learning at Covid-19 time - University teacher questionnaire
Me and the distance learning at Covid-19 time - University student questionnaire
We do really appreciate if you could support the success of this initiative by filling the questionnaire yourself and by inviting your colleagues and students to do the same.
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Dear Director Mr. Giovannella!
Your survey is a rewarding experience to fill in: I really learned a lot! May I kindly recommend YOU to look at the BrightTALK platform and the Elsevier Researcher Academy - portal. These both are free of charge to sign up, use and I am certain you can find in them resources that you can utilize in your work! Please see below:
2) Elsevier Researcher Academy:
Priyanka Kalra (2019). "Researcher Academy: An introduction to e-learning resources for researchers" Jan. 29. 2019 Available at:
Yours sincerely, Bulcsu Szekely
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
33 answers
Around the world, mainly smart working and home working represent two key responses that people and organizations prompted to give continuity to their services, while respecting social distancing. Among many jobs, teaching trusts on web platforms, but they are just means, though they offer some tools for engaging students, such as quiz apps, video recording, sharing files and channels for discussions.
Looking at educational issue, e-learning and distance learning are two differents contexts where teaching occurs. The first can be added to traditional education too, especially for training people in organizational contexts. Distance learning may work for teaching at the university, since students are skilled enough to be committed to understanding arguments and taking exams. However, interactions, labs, q&a sessions are challenging given the tendency of the means to be asynchronous.
Besides commenting my slides and journal articles, I mostly give them cases and papers to study at home, so to use their analysis as a base for discussion during the following lectures. Mainly, this can be done with master students. Also, some students, most of the time undergraduate, watch the recorded video of the lectures afterwards. No matter the content of the lecture, mainly watching videos and cutting the interactions, including taking notes, reduces the effectiveness of attending. This habit may be caused by a "youtube" alike interactions with everything is a video of a person speaking and commenting slides and by a inherent feature of the means itself. Platforms allows to "pause" attending (turning off mic and cam or the sound) due to an incoming email, a facebook message, a call and whatever is happening at home. Things that normally we completely "freeze" when attending classes, watching movies at the cinema and so on. In fact, attending requires a more focused and demanding engagement.
What I'm asking is the following.
How to increase interactions and effectiveness of distance education in the context of University, where the tradition is being physically present in the same room and the whole course is designed in that way? What kind of methodologies can be adopted to sustain interactions and discourage a "youtube" alike mindset.
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The key factor is blended teaching and learning. That means to effectively and flexibly combine both online and offline methods. It's a good trend to be sustained regardless Covid-19 pandemic situation.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
49 answers
Dear colleagues,
If you have shifted from teaching face-to-face to teach online, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we would appreciate your cooperation in filling-up this short survey:
Our goal is to examine online instructors' interest in data about learners' activity (by comparing face-to-face and online classes).
Thank you for your time and stay safe!
Dr. Maya Usher
Dr. Arnon Hershkovitz
Tel Aviv University's School of Education
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This is interesting and a major concern. I am also working on the challenges faced by students and lecturers in adapting to sudden drift from face-to-face to online teaching and learning. Both parties and management of these higher institutions are deeply affected. I have filled the questionnaire. All the best
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
32 answers
Anyone has tried Telegram for distance learning?! Does it work?
I'm currently using Google Classroom but my students are complaining because they are new to it and they lack technical training. Distance learning is new in my setting and has been introduced to cope with these challenging times that you'll guys know.
I teach English literature for freshmen. Thanks for your suggestions!
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Hello,I don't actually use telegram.I find Google classroom more effective.I teach poetry . Sometimes i send my students audio files and some other times i send PowerPoint with audio comments.My students find the PowerPoint presentation more effective especially when enriched with videos to illuminate it would render a profound effect.
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
52 answers
Update: Data collection is closed and our manuscript has been published. Thank you to everyone who participated.
-------Original post below---------
If you have converted any courses to distance learning because of the coronavirus pandemic, please take a few minutes to complete this survey. The researchers are asking higher education faculty of all disciplines around the world to address their experiences in changing their classes from face-to-face instruction to online or other kinds of distance learning.
Please complete the survey now, so you don't forget. The survey is 18 questions (most are Likert scales), plus demographics.
The link to the survey is:
This survey is completely anonymous and will not collect any information that can identify you. All categories of higher education faculty are welcome to participate, including all full-time and adjunct faculty.
Most scholarly literature published so far about teaching during COVID-19 has been conceptual in nature, or case studies at a specific school or geographic region. The Researchers hope that this study will provide a broader context.
Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone you think may be interested in participating.
Thank you for your participation in this study.
(Time is of the essence because the journal we are submitting to needs our manuscript by the end of May 2020.)
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Hi Michael, Done! Good luck
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
32 answers
I am conducting research into the transition from in-person to online "distance learning" around the world, specifically in higher education. I wanted to get a discussion going so we can see what other educators and institutions are doing to continue educating students during this transition.
Specifically, I am interested in seeing what parts of the distance-learning transition worked the best for you as educators and what parts of the transition were not the best and should be addressed in future policies.
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Really, this pandemic is opening our eyes towards the E-services in all aspects of our life including teaching process.
Wish you all healthy life...
  • asked a question related to Distance Learning
36 answers
Due to current situation (all over world) of CORONA it is very necessary to keep safe distance but academic activities are also important. Suggest innovative ways to help students (by distance learning) in such situation.
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I totally agree with Cesar Arturo Carbache Mora but I think it is also essential to create channels and ways of motivation for the students, since only by offering them the information and without giving guidelines for their analysis and study and incentivizing them to do them, the teaching process will not be effective and learning