Science topics: MedicineDisease
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Disease - Science topic

A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. It is often construed as a medical condition associated with specific symptoms and signs. It may be caused by factors originally from an external source, such as infectious disease, or it may be caused by internal dysfunctions, such as autoimmune diseases.
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Publications related to Disease (10,000)
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Research Proposal
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Submit a paper to the Special Issue of /Children/: Children With Cancer Diseases: The Present and a Challenge for the Future (
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Oral Presentations and Poster Abstract Submission NOW OPEN. Register and submit abrstract here: Scan Come to Bangkok, Thailand, to enjoy the tropical weather and local cuisine. Then, join speakers from around the globe to discuss the potential of the sigma-1 receptor as a target for disease treatment.
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In this research, we conduct sensitivity analysis on the parameters of the Nipah virus model and then apply the differential transformation method to solve the model equations. By doing so, we aim to assess the impact of key model parameters on disease dynamics and obtain an accurate and efficient solution for the model.
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Insect bites can trigger disease flare in systemic lupus erythematosus, including atypical targetoid rash. Awareness of such triggers and appropriate preventive measures are crucial for effective SLE management.
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Lyme disease is the most common tick-borne infectious disease in Bulgaria, occurring with multisystem manifestations. This entire review is to detect and confirm clinical cases of neuroborreliosis. Neuroborreliosis is a rare but severe form of Lyme disease. In all cases of neurological symptoms with an unclear genesis, neuroborreliosis should also...
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Puji syukur kami ucapkan atas rahmat dan berkah dari Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, karena dengan rahmat dan karunia-Nya penulis masih diberi kesempatan untuk menyelesaikan tugas yang berjudul "Flu burung dan flu babi" Tidak lupa juga di ucapkan terimakasih kepada dosen mata kuliah Epidemiologi Penyakit Menular yaitu Dr.dr. Wulan Pingkan Julia Kaunang Grad.D...
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Human papillomavirus (HPV)-associated sinonasal squamous cell carcinoma (SNSCC) (HPV+ SNSCC) is a recently recognized entity that accounts for up to one-third of SNSCC. Although at present these cancers are not routinely tested for HPV, the incidence is increasing and HPV+ SNSCC is associated with superior survival outcomes compared to HPV- SNSCC....
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‘Agada tantra’ is one of important branch among Ashtanga which deals with the diseases and treatment due to poison. In Ashtanga Sangraha Uttarsthana 48th Vishopayogiya Adhyaya of concept related to use of Visha to treat poisoning and different disease is given. Visha is heavily poisonous, But the Different Prativisha Yogas prepared from visha canno...
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Pediatric head and neck lesions include three main categories: congenital, inflammatory, and neoplastic. It is important for management to understand the imaging features. The purpose of this pictorial review is to demonstrate the imaging features of benign head and neck lesions of pediatric patients. To get tips on overcoming anxiety about this ar...
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Handwashing is a simple habit that can stop the spread of infectious diseases, making it one of the most widely advocated COVID-19 control and prevention measures
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Targeted protein degradation (TPD) is a pharmacological strategy that eliminates specific proteins from cells by harnessing cellular proteolytic degradation machinery. In proteasome-dependent TPD, expanding the repertoire of E3 ligases compatible with this approach could enhance the applicability of this strategy across various biological contexts....
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Takayasu arteritis is one the large vessel vasculitis affecting the aorta and major branches. Glucocorticoid treatment plays an important role in the treatment of this disease, as in all vasculitis.According to the most recent evidence, theguidelines suggested initiating GCs at high dosages, particularly in patients who had just received a diagnosi...
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The fundamentals of yellow fever disease, surveillance and laboratory diagnosis
Conference Paper
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Mitigating the impact of infectious diseases: Addressing the Monkeypox outbreak and beyond. The relationship between mpox and small pox.
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In recent decades, the knowledge on the pathogenesis, immune mechanisms, and molecular signaling pathway underlying inflammatory skin diseases has substantially improved, along with the management of such diseases [...]
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Dermatological infectious diseases pose a significant public health concern due to their highly contagious nature, often characterized by painful sores, fluid-filled blisters, flesh-colored bumps, and itching. Despite their distinct visual symptoms, diagnosing these diseases can be challenging due to their phenotypical similarities and overlapping...
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In this work, we use a new approach to study the spread of an infectious disease. Indeed, we study a SIR epidemic model with variable infectivity, where the individuals are distributed over a compact subset $D$ of $\R^d$. We define empirical measures which describe the evolution of the state (susceptible, infectious, recovered) of the individuals i...
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The evidence supports that PAs are well-partnered with physicians across medical and surgical settings and disciplines. They are growing as medication managers for various diseases in this collaborative role.
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يهدف هذا البحث الى معرفة التوزيع المكاني لاصابات مرض التهاب الكبد الوبائي نوع في محافظة بابل وذلك لغرض اعطاء صورة واضحة عن الواقع الجغرافي للمرض كون الظاهرة المرضية هي ظاهرة جغرافية وللمكان اثر كبير في تباين وجودها وقد تم تمثيل نسب التوزيع الخرائط عادة للوصف والتحليل التي بدورها تساعد في معرفة اماكن تركز المرض وانتشاره وبعدها يمكن تفسير ظهور المرض...
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Dermatology diseases index fourth edition December is first largest and most updated index of skin diseases in the world containing more than 4800 names ,and this index not just index so read to discover
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Aging is a natural phenomenon and is a complex biological process linked with progressive deterioration of physiological functions making body prone to various diseases. Now a days, antiaging is not only limited to prolong lifespan but also emphasizes on healthy and quality life. This has gained the attention of many researchers to develop new anti...
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Even with daily case counts, the true scope of the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada is unknown due to undetected cases. We develop a novel multisite disease analytics model which estimates undetected cases using discrete-valued multivariate time series in the framework of Bayesian hidden Markov modelling techniques. We apply our multisite model to estim...
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In recent years, knowledge about cerebrospinal cavernomas has grown considerably, leading to the development of initial guidelines and treatment recommendations. However, due to the rarity and heterogeneity of the disease, the level of evidence remains limited, leaving many questions unanswered and subject to ongoing debate. Therefore, an up-to-dat...
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E12. Dermatology diseases atlas with hyperlink to images is largest atlas of skin diseases in the world containing more than 2000 names with images folder hyperlinks ,more than 80 thousand images ,so read to discover pathology,nail, dermoscopy,and skin diseases
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40 adults distress as of contagions in the genital parts by herpes virus-2 were identified with ELISA. Interleukin 1 and 9 were restrained for 40 diseased people and 40 well people. The consequence for the principal was that here was no important change among the infected and the control, while the outcome for interleukin 9 was that around was a va...
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Fibre optic probe based Raman spectroscopy can deliver in vivo molecular compositional analysis of a range of diseases. However, some biological tissues exhibit high levels of fluorescence which limit the...
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Analysis of Disease Establishment Media Techniques
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Pandemi coronavirus disease (Covid-19) memberikan pengaruh baik pada kondisi sosial maupun ekonomi di Indonesia. Salah satu kondisi ekonomi yang terpengaruh adalah ketimpangan, yaitu tidak adanya pemerataan dalam hal kesejahteraan. Indikator yang digunakan untuk mengukur ketimpangan di Indonesia adalah rasio Gini. Semakin tinggi angka rasio Gini me...
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Traditional medicines like Aurveda and TCM have been used since prehistoric ages as remedies for diseases. In this research, an attempt was made to show and link how traditional medicines impact gut bacteria and gut health in terms of individual medicines and diseases.
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This article highlights information about cases of diseases of the distal part of the legs of cattle on farms that cause serious damage to the livestock of our republic
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Objectives: Evidence for antithrombotic therapy after endovascular therapy (EVT) is limited. Methods: This retrospective, multicenter, observational study enrolled 732 consecutive patients with lower extremity artery disease who underwent EVT between January 2018 and December 2019. Overall, 570 patients who received single antiplatelet therapy (SAP...
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Lyme borreliosis or Lyme disease is the most commonly reported tick-borne infection in the United States and Europe. The ophthalmological presentations were varied and nonspecific, the possibility of ocular involvement has habitually not been taken into account. The diagnosis ocular presentations of Lyme borreliosis is difficult to confirm and rema...
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Machine learning (ML) and bioinformatics are catalyzing a new era in biomedical research, enabling unprecedented insights into the complex systems that govern human health and disease [...]
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Liquiritiae radix is a popular root plant with a very rich history and medical and industrial applications, being consumed since the old times until nowadays by human people. As the complementary medicine has developed considerably in the last decades, L. radix has become an interesting subject for researchers. The aim of this work is to highlight...
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Precision genetic medicine enlists antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs) to bind to nucleic acid targets important for human disease. Peptide nucleic acids (PNAs) have many desirable attributes as ASOs but lack cellular...
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Zusammenfassung Die im September 2024 veröffentlichten Leitlinien der European Society of Cardiology (ESC) zur peripheren arteriellen Verschlusskrankheit (pAVK) und zu aortalen Erkrankungen bilden erstmals Empfehlungen für beide Krankheitsbilder in einem gemeinsamen Leitliniendokument ab. Die Zusammenführung von pAVK- und Aortenleitlinien folgt ein...
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There are many factors in the occurrence of diabetes, which can result in insufficient insulin secretion and insulin receptor resistance. Including pituitary tumors, can also lead to the occurrence of diabetes, if the primary disease can not be well controlled in time, such secondary diabetes control is more difficult. In the process of clinical di...
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case series on Lupus profundus and its peculiarities compared to larger cohorts
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Clostridium innocuum (CI) is an emerging pathogen associated with a diverse range of diseases. This review primarily delves into clinical studies pertaining to CI and its potential pathogenic mechanisms, aiming to provide guidance for future research endeavors on this topic.
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This study was carried out in the littoral zone of Lake Baikal during a large-scale ecological crisis that affected all parts of the ecosystem, including populations of endemic sponges of the Lubomirskiidae family. Sponges play an important role in biotic communities of the rocky littoral of the lake, ensuring the purity of the water and being a sp...
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Di Indonesia, pencatatan mengenai sebab kematian belum tertata dalam suatu sistem yang terpadu antara Kementerian Kesehatan maupun Kementerian Dalam Negeri, sebab pencatatan sebab kematian di suatu negara memberikan asupan penting bagi para pengambil keputusan dalam menentukan kebijakan dan program kesehatan. Untuk memenuhi kepentingan statistik pe...