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Discourse Analysis - Science topic

Discourse analysis (DA), or discourse studies, is a general term for a number of approaches to analyzing written, spoken, signed language use or any significant semiotic event. Research concerning the role of language in constructing institutionalised power and ideology.
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Publications related to Discourse Analysis (10,000)
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Relative or Absolute Gain: A Theoretical Analysis of US-Germany Relations under the Trump Presidency Öz Bu çalışmada neorealizm ve neoliberalizm teorilerinden hareketle 2017-2021 Trump dönemi ABD-Almanya ilişkileri incelenmektedir. Çalışmanın ana yöntemi olarak söylem analizi (İng. discourse analysis) belirlenmiştir. Bu metodun seçilmesinin ana seb...
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This book outlines a framework for spatial pedagogy, exploring how the dynamics of multimodality at work in the interaction of human bodies and classroom spaces in pedagogic practices. Wu extends spatial discourse analysis to establish a framework for analyzing the multimodal nature of embodied practice in space. The volume features four case stud...
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Based on a comparative study of the Quanzhou Maritime Museum in China and the Cheng Ho Cultural Museum in Malaysia, I examine how museums have reworked and reframed their narratives in response to the contemporary geopolitics of the maritime Silk Road promoted by China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Adopting critical museology as a conceptual fr...
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This article examines the nexus between crisis and change in the context of German security policy after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s announcement of a Zeitenwende (historic turning point) on 27 February 2022, a few days after the Russian attack, suggests a substantial change in German foreign and security policy. Germa...
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This article makes a twofold contribution on the relationship between self/other securitisation, ambiguous threat constructions, and anxiety at the intersection of Securitisation Theory (ST) and Ontological Security Studies (OSS). First, we develop the concept topos of threat (TT) as a potent linguistic anchor in securitisation processes. TTs depic...
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Con el objetivo de enriquecer la sensibilización lingüística de quienes se dedican a la traducción de francés, se construyó una propuesta didáctica que incorpora actividades enfocadas en el análisis del discurso, para fortalecer la competencia sociocultural de quienes traducen, en relación con los usos específicos del español mexicano en comparació...
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Ecotourism long has been regarded as a model of tourism development that fosters businesses, empowers local communities, and benefits for nature conservation. While many studies emphasize its environmentally friendly attributes, few have explored its relationship with capitalism and indigenous people. This article examines the local-global dynamics...
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This study is part of a research project committed to the analysis and reformulation of concepts of national identity as presented by heads of state of various European countries in their New Year's speeches. The project aim is to create a European map of national self-images. This study presents concepts of national identity of Germany, Poland and...
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Resumo: A ecologia social explora a inter-relação entre problemas ecológicos e sociais, exigindo uma abordagem holística que inclua questões ambientais, sociais e emancipatórias estabelecendo assim forte relação com a devolutiva social e científica. Com o objetivo de conhecer a visão social e participativa dos pesquisadores e das pesquisas realizad...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: no dia vinte e sete de agosto do ano de 2014, durante a visita do Papa Francisco I (Cardeal Jorge Mario Bergoglio) ao Brasil, evento que concentrou moral e fisicamente uma grande quantidade de católicos do país na Jornada Mundial da Juventude no Rio de Janeiro, foi realizada uma performance artística que incluía, para além de outros gestos...
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Riverine flooding is increasing in frequency and intensity, requiring river management agencies to consider new approaches to working with communities on flood mitigation planning. Communication and information sharing between agencies and communities is complex, and mistrust and misinformation arise quickly when communities perceive that they are...
Conference Paper
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The main argument of this paper is that the results of qualitative prison research based on prison writings might be a valuable source for better understanding the effects imprisonment has on convicts and of the characteristics of the experience of imprisonment. Furthermore, these insights describing the qualitative effects could be particularly im...
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The aim of this paper is to present the results of a doctoral research that analyzed the role of the Formative Sequence (FS) as a methodological tool for the continuing training of in-service teachers. To this end, we carried out a continuing in-service training course based on self-confrontation at a Cearense Language Center. We analyzed the discu...
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Med ett socialsemiotiskt intresse analyseras i denna artikel hur platsers affektiva betydelsepotentialer realiseras i samspel mellan olika modaliteter på en yrkesförberedande gymnasieskola i Sverige. Artikeln utgår från Lefebvres (1991) teori om platsskapande och skiljer mellan en geografiskt avgränsad plats å ena sidan och ett sociokulturellt kons...
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Rooted in a neo‐liberal market approach that associates a monetary value to graduate students' numbers, since 2010 Dutch universities have had to adapt, adopt and implement language policy measures making them go global, based on the motto ‘the more international, the better’. Dutch higher education institutions, students and employees have then fo...
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The Ukrainian-Russian war (2022-ongoing) has been associated with the issue of war refugees from the very beginning. The problem has aroused a very strong social response in Poland not only in the form of mass aid, but also differences of opinions in society. The aim of the study was to determine the specifics of the discourse on Ukrainian refugees...
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Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) is used to select in vitro embryos for distinct clinical contexts and purposes. PGT for monogenic conditions (PGT‐M), also known as Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), enables the prevention of passing on a known genetic disorder to one's offspring. Conversely, PGT for aneuploidies (PGT‐A), or Preimplantat...
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Ecological discourse analysis (EDA) has sparked growing attention in ecolinguistics. To reveal the status and trend of EDA (2014–2023), this research conducts a systematic literature review (SLR) on this topic, employing the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) statement as the established standard. After anal...
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La falta de equidad por razón de género en los cargos directivos empresariales representa un fenómeno de escala mundial, muestra de ello se observa dentro de la producción documental, donde se hace constar la existencia del techo de cristal, una barrera que impide, estructuralmente, que la mujer acceda a puestos de liderazgo y responsabilidad de di...
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This study examines the representation of healthy food discourse in English Language Teaching (ELT) textbooks, addressing the intersection of language education and nutritional awareness. As ELT materials play a crucial role in shaping learners’ linguistic and cultural knowledge, understanding how they present health-related content is vital. The r...
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This study aims to provide an LLM (Large Language Model)-based method for the discourse analysis of media attitudes, and thereby investigate media attitudes towards China in a Hong Kong-based newspaper. Analysis of attitudes in large amounts of media data is crucial for understanding public opinions, market trends, social dynamics, etc. However, co...
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Les problèmes de propreté de l’environnement sont rencontrés dans tous les pays, y compris la France. Pendant les vacances, les Français oublient parfois les choses auxquelles il faut faire attention lorsqu'il s'agit d'entretenir la propreté. En effet, 92 % d'entre eux trient régulièrement leurs déchets, « seulement 86 % d'entre eux le font sur leu...
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Contemporary discourses of educational philanthropy highlight the increasing role that benefactors play in shaping schools' policy and practice. In Australia, there have been growing ethical concerns about the model of school funding and the attention it attracts from billionaire edu-philanthropists to support faith-based private schools as highly...
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Introducción: Los programas sociales de apoyo a las personas son diversos, pero hay algo común en todos ellos, y es que adolecen de una valoración de las personas que son acompañadas, pareciendo que estas ocupan un segundo plano en la toma de decisiones sobre asuntos que conciernen a su propia vida. Metodología: Con un enfoque cuantitativo se explo...
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Este trabajo realiza un análisis discursivo probatorio sobre una sentencia judicial chilena de alto impacto público. Es una investigación propositiva y exploratoria que vincula razonamiento probatorio con el análisis del discurso para examinar las distintas argumentaciones y, en definitiva, las variadas representaciones del mundo en disputa al mome...
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Over the last few years, a rather popular topic has emerged regarding how people communicate with artificial intelligence due to the availability of data or, more so, the interactions that they tend to mimic. The area of interest in the present work is the subtleties that may occur in the interaction between artificial intelligence and people for t...
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Este artigo analisa as estratégias de construção de sentidos dos enunciados literários presentes no romance Favelost (2012), de Fausto Fawcett. Selecionamos como referencial teórico-metodológico a Análise do Discurso proposta por Dominique Maingueneau, que propõe a necessidade de organização de um quadro hermenêutico para a leitura crítica de enunc...
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Despite its versatility as a methodological tool, discourse analysis suffers from a logocentric bias, a tendency to primarily focus on text while ignoring the non-textual components of discourse. Although poststructural approaches to discourse analysis like Discourse Theory (DT) have developed an understanding of discourse going beyond language, th...
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El presente estudio analiza la producción de textos en plataformas de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de educación superior de tres licenciaturas de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS), asi como en evauluar la cantidad, calidad, expresión de opinión, argumentación y creación literaria de estudiantes. Desde una perspectiva de alfabetización acad...
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Sexism in Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray: Linguistic Analysis A B S T R A C T This paper differentiates as a first step between the terms sexism, gender, and sexuality. It deals with the sexist language used by Oscar Wilde in writing his famous novel The Picture of Dorian Gray. This literary work is analysed according to Sara Mills model sugges...
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Este estudio profundiza en el análisis del discurso didáctico por medio de una reflexión semiótica, didáctica y pedagógica, que ha ser-vido para desentrañar las aristas que se despliegan del acto comunicativo realizado por el docente en el aula. La investigación parte desde la perspectiva del triángulo didáctico propuesto por Ibáñez y Ribes (2001),...
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This article explores Vietnam’s distinctive approach to data privacy regulation and its implications for the established understandings of privacy law. While global data privacy regulations are premised on individual freedom and integrity of information flows, the recent Vietnamese Decree 13/2023/NĐ-CP on Personal Data Protection (herein PDPD) prio...
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The growing implementation of Generative AI (GenAI) in education has implications on the representation of knowledge and identity across languages. In a context where content biases have been reported in AI-generated content, it becomes relevant to interrogate the ways in which AI technologies represent different linguistic identities. This article...
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This paper examines the persuasive rhetoric used in political speeches at United Nations Climate Change Conferences. It addresses the significant global challenge of climate change and the pivotal role of the United Nations Climate Change Conference (UNCCC) and related events like the United Nations Climate Action Summit and World Earth Day in form...
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Philanthropic foundations are key players in global sustainability governance. This paper explores the legitimation strategies these foundations use to justify their actions and positions in the sustainable development community. By combining Theo van Leeuwen’s legitimation framework with our novel analytical justice framework, we offer a new tool...
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This study, titled Exploring Political Narratives: A Multi-Dimensional Comparative Study of Tony Blair and Benazir Bhutto, examines the political rhetoric of two prominent leaders from diverse cultural and political backgrounds. Through a multi-dimensional analysis based on Biber's (1988) framework, the research seeks to identify significant lingui...
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This study examines the transformation of political slogans, clichés, and stereotypes in Russia and Iraq during periods of political regime change in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. The main objective of the work is to identify and comparatively analyze the linguistic and cultural changes that accompanied political transformations in both c...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this article is to show and analyze the phenomenon of syncretism, characteristic of the Russian mentality and culture. This phenomenon was most vividly and fully shown in Russian literature, especially in the literature of critical realism of the 19th century and the Soviet underground. The mental manifestation of syncretism was the...
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Background Language is frequently affected in patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS), with reduced performance in naming, syntactic comprehension, grammatical expression, and orthographic processing. In a previous study, we demonstrated that the language profile of patients with familial type 8 ALS (ALS8), linked to p.P56S VAPB...
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The concept of ‘resilience’ is pervasive, permeating academic disciplines and political discourses. This paper considers (i) the construal of ‘resilience’ in the contexts of food insecurity and cost-of-living in governmental discourses in the United Kingdom (UK); (ii) to what extent the political representations are reflected in research funding ca...
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This study examines code-switching practices among Uzbek-Russian bilinguals in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. It employs discourse analysis to investigate the patterns, functions, and sociocultural implications of language alternation. Drawing on theoretical frameworks from Gumperz (1982), Myers-Scotton (1993), and Auer (1984), the research provides insight...
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This interdisciplinary study examines how senior leaders in UK higher education use everyday metaphors to convey their perspectives on Brexit and its implications. By analysing a corpus of 127 interviews conducted between 2017 and 2019 as part of a larger ESRC-funded project spanning 12 universities across the UK, this research employs critical soc...
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Este artigo versa sobre resultados do projeto Escola: Academia de Vida (março/2017 a janeiro/2018), cujo objetivo foi colaborar com a prevenção ao risco de uso e abuso de drogas em crianças, adolescentes e jovens, estabelecendo atitudes de apoio e orientação a estudantes do Ensino Fundamental II, por meio de atividades interdisciplinares no currícu...
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The objective of our reflection is to understand how two biographical documentaries about Mercedes Sosa refract the struggle of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo, detecting which were the discursive strategies carried out by each documentary maker and what effects are produced by this approximation that can be defined as having a “biographical value” (B...
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This study attempts to examine the use of English modals in terms of their frequency and functions. For this purpose, Form 4 and College students’ argumentative compositions were extracted from the Malaysian Corpus of Students’ Argumentative Writing (MCSAW). In order to analyze the data, this study employed discourse analysis and some descriptive s...
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This study attempts to explore the nature and the potential of various discourse structures and linguistic functions that may facilitate students’ learning in English classes co-taught by a native English-speaking teacher (NEST) and a local English teacher in Taiwanese elementary schools. Considering the nature of the study, the author employed a c...
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Traditional approach of listening teaching mainly focuses on the sentence level and regards the listening process in a passive and static way. To compensate for this deficiency, a new listening approach, that is, discourse-oriented approach has been introduced into the listening classroom. Although discourse analysis is a comparatively new field an...
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A intensificação de conflitos envolvendo direitos sexuais e reprodutivos tem sido tratada por distintos segmentos conservadores da sociedade brasileira como um ataque às tradições coloniais hierarquicamente consolidadas no Ocidente a partir de discursos encontrados em perspectivas teóricas orientadas tanto pelo pensamento escolástico, quanto pela p...
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This paper attempts to illustrate the impact of Canadian social, political, and academic discourses on second language writing pedagogy in Ontario schools. Building upon the views that regard teacher knowledge as teachers’ sociocultural interactions and lived experiences, and not merely intellectual capabilities gained within teacher preparation, t...
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From the 1990s, the multimodal turn in discourse studies makes multimodal discourse analysis a popular topic in linguistics and communication studies. An important approach to applying Systemic Functional Linguistics to non-verbal modes is Visual Grammar initially proposed by Kress and van Leeuwen (1996). Considering that commercial advertisement i...
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This study examines how EFL learners in the non-English speaking communities (Jordan and Germany) handle communication in story-retelling, and uncovers the repair strategies, which they deploy in order to overcome communication breakdowns and pass comprehensible messages to their interlocutors. The study also analyzes factors governing the EFL lear...
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The Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) was a cruel confrontation whose consequences were aggravated by Franco’s repression. One army corps that represents the suffering and, at the same time, the will for individual and collective recovery at its best is the Republican air force. The airmen lost the war, their profession and democracy, and those who sur...
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This research studied the use of modals in argumentative written tasks by Form 5 Malaysian secondary school ESL students. The aim of this study was to examine the use of English modals at the syntactic level from data presented in the MCSAW Corpus. The research design comprised a qualitative technique through discourse analysis aided by descriptive...
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Melo, N. P. T. B., Roazzi, A., & Savoldi, R. (2025). Vozes Construindo sentidos. A argumentação como prática dialógica em jovens estudantes. Revista AMAzônica (ISSN 1983-3415 - eISSN 2558-1441), 18(1), 1458-1491. Retrieved from: // // // Resumo: Este estudo analisou as dinâmicas argumentativas de estudantes do 6º ao 8º...
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Discourse coherence is a common phenomenon in linguistic studies, and plays an important role in discourse analysis. As a common and extremely important type of language phenomena, discourse coherence has drawn more and more scholars’ attention, but they emphasis on partial discourse coherence, paying a little attention to holistic coherence. The p...
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Discourse is essential in communicating thoughts and ideas. People around the world communicate their ideas through stretches of language. In order to understand any discourse, it must achieve cohesion. The purpose of this paper is to define and describe the cohesive devices based on the work of Halliday and Hasan (1976). It also aims to emphasize...
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Aim To highlight the use of corpus linguistics for analysing language data and to provide a worked example of this approach in nursing research. Design Methodology discussion paper. Methods This paper introduces corpus linguistics as a distinct approach to undertaking qualitative research in nursing. Examples are provided to illustrate how corpus...
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Partindo de uma abordagem transdisciplinar, este ensaio filosófico versa sobre os processos de subjetivação configurados nos territórios periféricos do mundo colonial. Propõe-se uma leitura compreensiva sobre o legado moral das relações coloniais-escravistas, no que se refere à constituição do ethos ainda vigente nesses territórios. Está pautado na...
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This study explores the external hierarchy of French film discourse, proposing a model that accounts for the elements generating this discourse and its interactions with other discourses within a hierarchical framework. The empirical material includes French films from 1990 to 2024 and elements of film text embedded in advertising, music, media, in...
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In this article, we discuss the concept of affiliation in the theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis to analyze the relationship between Benvenistian thought and Saussurian thought as a relationship of affiliation within the history of ideas that delimits the field of language studies. The analysis, which cuts out paraphrastic f...
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This study examines the effect of questions on fostering interaction in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. It also seeks to determine the characteristics of questions that promote increased classroom interaction. Data were collected through video recordings of EFL classrooms which were analyzed using Discourse Analysis techniques. Part...
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In this article, we discuss the concept of affiliation in the theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis to analyze the relationship between Benvenistian thought and Saussurian thought as a relationship of affiliation within the history of ideas that delimits the field of language studies. The analysis, which cuts out paraphrastic f...
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This research aims to analyse the media discourse regarding racism in football in Germany. The main goal of this work is to find linguistic patterns which should reflect the way in which the racist behaviour was connected to the immigrant background of individual football players. For this purpose several media texts are selected to describe severa...
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Aim/Purpose: This study addresses the need to understand the wellbeing of doctoral students and the factors influencing their academic trajectory. Background: Doctoral students’ wellbeing is crucial for their academic success and overall quality of life. This study explores the antecedent variables influencing doctoral students’ wellbeing, compleme...
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La política externa de China, basada en el discurso sobre la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta (IFR), refleja su visión de la globalización y el rol de China en ella. Esta iniciativa representa una oportunidad para China de difundir su propia visión de la globalización sin desafiar el consenso global predominante. La IFR se ha globalizado a través...
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The article provides a concise overview of the International Scientific Conference “English Studies in the Third Millennium: New Approaches and Development Trends,” held at the Belarusian State University on October 3–5, 2024 in Minsk, Belarus. The conference brought together over 100 scholars, educators, and researchers from Belarus, Russia, and O...
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This article recovers the relationship between psychoanalysis and discourse analysis to review lines of study that the theory of the unconscious contributes to language studies. It stops at Pêcheux and explores the ways in which Lacan’s teachings are intertwined with his proposals. Then, it cuts out constitutive notions of the psychoanalyst’s sayin...
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The development of land leads to immense increases in land value. Across different planning systems, there are calls for this revenue to be used to enable planning gain for the general public budget. This can be achieved through the use of added value capture: a policy approach rooted in the notion that public action should generate public benefit....
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This study critically analyzes the discursive constructions of immigrant children from low-income households in Norwegian official publications between 2014 and 2024. The study uses Foucauldian discourse analysis to explore the representation of these children, the power dynamics and knowledge claims present in these discourses, and the implication...
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Resumo: Este estudo tem como objetivo explorar o diálogo entre dois fundamentais conceitos na Análise do Discurso (AD) de linha francesa: a memória histórica e as relações (inter)discursivas. A proposta é compreender como a memória histórica, para além de sua natureza psicológica, é influenciada por discursos os quais moldam a identidade de uma soc...
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The problem and the goal. The topic of the relationship between happiness (wellbeing) and education has been immanently present in theoretical (philosophical, political, religious) discourse and in pedagogical practice since antiquity. However, it owes its relevance, first of all, to the value shift from the values of survival to the values of self...
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Depuis son instauration comme discipline scientifique dans les années 1960, l'analyse du discours a tenté de structurer de nouvelles approches pour analyser le fonctionnement du langage à travers le discours (Maingueneau, D. 2004). On peut citer à titre d'exemple l'analyse du discours politique, l'analyse du discours littéraire ou encore l'analyse...
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The study of teaching translation has always been influenced by the theory of foreign language teaching, regardless of the theoretical or practical approaches the researchers used. In the classroom, students are frequently bored with translating grammar because they are seldom taught how grammar works. In view of this teaching gap, this study offer...
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This paper will discursively examine the complex power structures involved in the university setting, as exposed by a student’s verbalised objection to a tutor’s racist humour which targeted Asian international students. By speaking out, this student then became the target of censure from another student who defended the tutor’s use of humour. Such...
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The study aims to shed light on the content-sharing activities of Chinese game localizers on Gcores (机核), a Chinese game medium. Two main research questions are discussed. First, what are the characteristics of online content sharing by game localizers about game localization? Second, what implications can these sharing activities bring to the theo...
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Reading sample. The complete OA article is available under the DOI given. This article presents the basic assumptions of linguistic discourse analysis, particularly regarding how the constructivist understanding of language relieves interpretations of the contextual embedding of linguistic and discursive actions. The method is to focus on practice...
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This paper problematizes the meaning of subjectivity constructed by Colombian English Teachers in response to a National Bilingual Program and its system of reason to produce English teachers’ identity and promote bilingual education. The double-side character of subjection/subjectification (Foucault, 1982) is used to analyze English teachers’ work...
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The article is dedicated to analyzing the discursive features of describing speech disorders in contemporary scientific literature. The study emphasizes the importance of terminological precision, structural clarity, and stylistic adaptability in scientific texts that address speech disorders and corrective practices in speech therapy. The research...
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In the wake of campaign for the 2023 Presidential election in Nigeria, several political parties were shown to rely on linguistic appeals as a tool for political discourse in their campaign. This has sparked a paradigm shift in the role of linguistics in political discourse. This study examines the linguistic strategies used in political discourse...
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Reality dating shows have emerged as an influential genre in global entertainment, shaping and reflecting cultural norms related to relationships, gender, and identity. Single's Inferno 3, a Korean dating reality show, exemplifies this influence, particularly in its reception in Indonesia. Among the contestants, Choi Hye-seon stands out for her con...
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This article examines the complex and nuanced perspectives on poverty and respect in Mongolia, focusing on terms, taboos, and taxonomies surrounding poverty and their implications for a culturally appropriate phrasing. It highlights challenges of translations from a seemingly international development jargon into Mongolian, which often appear inade...
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Using 328 papers published in SSCI (Social Science Citation Index) journals from the Web of Science between 2009 and 2018, this study analyzed corpus’ influences in EAP (English for Academic Purposes) research with mapping knowledge domains CiteSpace. This study found that the relationship between international EAP studies and corpus tends to incre...
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The presence of humour in every human activity makes it an interesting object of research to explore from the perspective of culture, language, function, and discourse mechanism. The aim of this research is discovering how verbal humour can represent the identity of the Sundanese people, which is expected to contribute to humour research through a...
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In contemporary society, social media platforms have become the main way for people to get news and discuss hot topics. Many social media platforms have emerged as important places for people to exchange views. This makes the outbreak of online public opinion more difficult to control than before, and the development of public opinion also shows di...
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Apart from encompassing building techniques, functionality, and aesthetics, architecture encompasses power relations and knowledge within a building design. The knowledge embraced by architects manifests itself within the building as a textual message that users can understand. This study explores the interaction between power relations and knowled...
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Leseprobe. Der vollständige OA-Artikel ist unter der angebenen DOI aufrufbar. Abstract: In diesem Beitrag werden zum einen die Grundannahmen der linguistischen Diskursanalyse kurz vorgestellt vor allem im Hinblick darauf, wie das konstruktivistische Verständnis von Sprache Interpretationen über die kontextuelle Einbettung sprachlicher und mithin di...
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La investigación tiene como objetivo conocer y analizar los imaginarios sociales, así como los roles asociados a la Educación Física, contenidos en la política pública del primer gobierno de Carlos Ibáñez del Campo (Chile, 1927-1931), a través de los discursos políticos y documentos legislativos que, entre 1927 y 1929, hicieron referencia a ella en...
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Ce travail de recherche met en lumière « l’acte de parole » en tant qu’acte de communication occupant une place de choix dans le fonctionnement du discours du journal télévisé qui préserve encore son caractère pragmatique et stratégique malgré la multiplication des formats médiatiques. Les discours portés par les journalistes et les médias sur la p...
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This paper deals with the emergence of discourse analysis (DA), its significance and its application in the classroom environments. It also sheds light on (DA) dimensions and how its relevance to English language teaching (ELT) will enhance the quality of teaching/learning a language. This research paper supports the fact that language cannot be le...
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This paper analyzes a promotional video of the Chinese city of Hangzhou from the perspective of multimodal discourse analysis informed by Systemic Functional Linguistics. By drawing on Visual Grammar as well as frameworks of intersemiotic complementarity, the paper examines how various semiotic resources, namely, the visual, audio and verbal, const...
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The Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries face significant challenges in achieving democratic consolidation amid geopolitical tensions, authoritarian tendencies and regional conflicts. This paper examines the resilience of civiliarchic democracy as a framework to understand and address these challenges. The study employs a mixed methods approach incl...
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This article explores the origins of anthropocentrism in Christian eco-theology, a concept mainly introduced by Lynn White (1907-1987). It also examines the subsequent debates, especially from the perspective of theocentrism, which opposes the Anthropocentric model. Content analysis is used to understand the language and social functions of anthrop...
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Based on multimodal discourse theory, this paper makes a multimodal discourse analysis of some shots in the movie Argo from the perspective of context of culture, context of situation and meaning of image. Results show that this movie constructs multimodal discourse through particular context, language and image, and successfully publicizes western...
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This qualitative study involved action research to explore one woman’s narrative of awareness, emotions and thoughts during treatment in an intensive care unit (ICU). The overarching aim is to increase insight into the thoughts, feelings and bio-psychosocial needs of the patient receiving treatment in ICU. Data was collected by means of narrative d...
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O presente artigo tem como objetivo verificar se o não conhecimento da ADPF 412 reflete e refrata um discurso de autocontenção do juízo na atividade hermenêutica de controle de constitucionalidade, bem como as estratégias discursivas utilizadas para se autocensurar diante das demandas das minorias. Para tanto, utilizaram-se como aportes metodológic...
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In the last 40 years, Mongolia has been forming a nation-state free from external influences and colonial policies. This paper1 aims to discuss how the discourse about nomadic cultures and civilizations has changed over time and how it impacted people and institutions in post-socialist Mongolia. Furthermore, it investigated how reflexive new concep...