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Disability Policy - Science topic

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Questions related to Disability Policy
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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Most information system researchers innovate a new product. Academic researchers often miss their flow between methodology, analysis and findings when they rely on social research tools. There they use inference, intution to introduce innovation where evaluators undermine the issue. 
Could we share experience, difficulties, findings if we have ever found the case ?
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اغلب البحوث التطبيقية ذاث تفسير علمي من خلال النتائج
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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Case studies relating to service provision would also be appreciated.
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Hi Tsitsi,
I have attached an article by my colleague Devi Mucina called "Albinism: An Erasable Childhood". There may be some content in there useful to your research question.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
3 answers
Dear colleagues,
in the frame of Higher Education the Teaching-Research-Practice Nexus (TRPN) considers an equal linking of the subjects to achieve sustainability in applied teaching through a holistic framework, which generally refers to the "research-teaching-practice triangle" according to Kaplan (1989). The methodology underlines the challenges associated with a Nexus approach: the topics to be linked, their linking mechanisms, and the respective communication mechanisms. The conceptual definition underlines the challenges associated with a Nexus approach, for which we intend to collect more information with this questionnaire:
 -   Which topics should be linked to one another in Higher Education using which linking mechanisms?
 -   Which communication mechanisms are used at your institution as the basis for linking?
We kindly ask you to support us with the data collection through filling the attached questionnaire. We please you to return the filled questionnaire to Thank you very much in advance !
You are also kindly invited to share the questionnaire with other colleagues and to put also your informations, suggestions, and recommendations here or into the mail with the returned questionnaire. Filling the questionnaire will take 5 minutes.
Kind regards, Petra Schneider
University of Applied Sciences Magdeburg-Stendal, Germany
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Pls send at 
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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Like many countries in the Pacific there are many  other factors that affect service delivery that need to be considered in proving comprehensive services in communities. Family Planning Programs is no exception and so how  would one address family planning programs through a health systems development perspective?
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Thank you. Often programs that are run in a vertical fashion tend to neglect addressing basic issues faced by local health managers as you correctly point out. i.e. the need to link with other maternal and  child health initiatives and training of personnel as you rightly point out. This had been the experience in PNG and most Pacific  Island countries.
The need to re-think health  systems and training of local managers seems to  be  the way forward.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
3 answers
Lived experience as a concept bears a great resemblance to key ideas in disability studies. I am wondering whether it has grown out of infleunces from disability advocay or whether it has developd separately.
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Attached file may help
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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You can contact me at
This is the attachment of abstract, please contact me if you are interested in to our project.
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Dear Dr Lucy
Your research sounds interesting from a socio-cultural perspective too. I read your abstract and presume you are looking for a university to partner with? My area is in disability and while I hold two adjust professorial roles, I do not work within a university.
If you are interested, I can link you to the universities which I am affiliated with as adjust professor or adjunct associate professor. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
14 answers
My main research question is: Are social policies and services regarding people with disabilities in PNG developing in ways to serve the community there?
These are some of the related questions I am asking.
What are the social policies that exists in PNG on disabilities?
 What the factors (barriers and enablers) influencing social policies on disabilities?
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You may use the UN Declaration on the Rights of Disabled Persons as a starting point of comparison and drafting the ideas for research. It is also worth to understand what type of policy analysis should be used - retrospective (what had been already done) or perspective (what should be done, what alternatives may work in the given context).
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
4 answers
 newly established Protection Division should be  responsible for the mainstreaming of protection, gender and disability in your programmes in an integrated fashion to strengthen  approach to protection in line with the new Medium Term Strategy (2016-21). As part of the efforts to mainstream disability, guidelines on disability inclusion have been developed, updating the previous Disability Toolkit developed in 2013, to create a consistent  understanding of disability in theory and in practice.
2. The first phase of roll-out of the guidelines is planned through workshops in  this year to field test the contents and receive comments from staff working on disability issues.
3. Following discussions and feedback from the workshops. The disability awareness sections of the guidelines will also be made available as a training module to support  staff engaged in raising awareness on disability as part of mainstreaming work.
4. This guidance note provides an overview of planning and implementing these workshops. While a standardised approach is proposed this can be adapted to the specific needs .
5. The overall objective of the  disability workshops is to create a consistent understanding of disability in both conceptual and operational terms.
Specifically, the workshops will:
• Familiarise the participants with the international human rights framework on disability and key aspects of  Disability Policy;
• Establish a common understanding of disability particularly how disability arises from the interaction of barriers with persons with impairments;
• Elicit agreement on ‘person with disability’ for  services and data collection purposes;
• Provide an overview of disability mainstreaming, disability inclusive development and considerations in project/programme cycle management .
• Outline the importance of using appropriate language and terminology around disability(disability priorities for 2016) .
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Hi Usama,
Not sure exactly what you are looking for but I have attached a couple of articles which may or may not be of use.  
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
2 answers
Research papers are needed for an asingment about the online communication strategy, website design strategy etc. of health organizations or related non guvernamental organizations with main interest in helping disabled people. Please contribute with an answer if you know of such work.
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I have co-authored two papers of health campaigns in Third World countries where you may find useful literature. You may also find this publication interesting after applying it to the health awareness context:
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
9 answers
I would like to refer the ADA category of AT to my thesis, but I can't find it on the web page of ADA or on others publications. Could someone please help me? Thanks in advance.
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Thanks dear Marko!
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
11 answers
I am using ICF as a conceptual framework in research of school to work transition for young people with disability. I am also using social inclusion theory for analysis and ICF to frame the questions and design research instruments but am struggling with how to use ICF framework as its implication is large. If you could please suggest sample of the question guide, it would be wonderful.
Thank you,
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How to "use" the ICF is akin to asking how to "use" a car.  There are technical aspects and then there are those left to your creativity and inventiveness.  Technical aspects include the use of the codes and qualifiers and the needed assessments to map onto them.  Clinicians and scholars alike are often frustrated by the ICF because it does not "tell" you how to do much of anything.  It as never intended to dictate but to provide a common framework for professionals to design effective real life programs to enable all people to reach their full potential.  What works ICF wise in country X for elderly patients with dementia does not have to be same as for country Y for children with cerebral palsy.  Home health care has different components than skilled nursing home care.  Specifically, in the ICF it states "As a classification, ICF does not model the “process” of functioning and disability. It can be used, however, to describe the process by providing the means to map the different constructs and domains. It provides a multiperspective approach to the classification of functioning and disability as an interactive and evolutionary process. It provides the building blocks for users who wish to create models and study different aspects of this process. In this sense, ICF can be seen as a language: the texts that can be created with it depend on the users, their creativity and their scientific orientation"  Which use, which measurements will ultimately prove the best?. That is what research is for and the ideas you come up with may be just as legitimate as those who have been studying disability for years.  In addition, research builds upon previous work. But someone has to start, someone has to be the first to try.  It may fail but that is of great value because then everyone knows not to go down that route again.  If there are any specific articles of mine you would like, I would be glad to share them.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
1 answer
Is anyone doing research on evaluating the psychological and long term effects of systemic abuse of individuals in group homes and its relationship to forms of domestic violence and child abuse and long term outcomes for people with disabilities and their families?
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I am not researching this subject. However, my local newspaper is doing a series on group home as follows. Apparently, the monitoring by State agency is inadequate at best..
Abuse allegations haunt lucrative group homes, Lauren Sausser, The Post & Courier, Charleston, South Carolina 
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
3 answers
I am aware of many studies that try to measure the costs of disability through a "standards of living" approach (following Zaidi and Burchardt), but is anyone aware of studies that try to measure the direct costs of disability -- that is the extra expenditures made by families with members with disabilities -- especially in developing countries
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Thanks, Darren.  I have heard of a study in South Africa, too, but unfortunately they will not release it yet.  Hopefully, later this year.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
7 answers
Could anyone recommend references about implementation of meeting space for individuals with intellectual disabilities ?
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Here's something in Ireland based on engaging in the arts
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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I have found much that has been written about attitudes, barriers etc to employing people with disabilities, but much less about the direct impact of the supervisor. I am looking for recent resources.
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Have uou checked Job Accommodations Network (JAN)?
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
9 answers
I'm looking at academics for co-authoring a paper comparing Australia, USA and UK disability and education legislation.
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Hi Michelle
Sorry to be culturally relativist but you need to be aware that SENDA does not cover Scotland s Education policy is devolved to the Scottish Parliament and therefore there is no such thing as 'UK education policy'.  Scotland has the Additional Support for Learning Act (2004) that was quite different at time of inception, in that, it widens the understanding of additional requirement to include any barrier to learning including housing, bullying, poverty etc.  In some cases this has resulted in a shift to more proactive and preventative assessment and support (e.g. see new approaches to Dyslexia explained in J.M. Davis & P. Deponio (2014) Analysing conflicting approaches to dyslexia on a European project: moving to a more strategic, participatory, strength-based and integrated approach, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 18:5, 515-534, DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2013.802023 here:
See also for more detail on ASL Act p16 Davis, J.M., & Smith, M (2012) Working in Multiprofessional Contexts: A Practical Guide for Professionals In Children’s Services. Sage: London,
The DDA and subsequent equity legislation does covers Scotland as discrimination laws act on a UK basis but there are different set ups for Education in each country of the UK.  
Similarly, see also chapter 6 of this book for example from Wales of common assessment.  Should be noted Wales and the North of Ireland also have their own parliaments.  Welsh policies relating to children and young people have made a strong shift to social justice approaches that show awareness of the anti-discrimination aspects of the DDA and other equality legislation. Specifically the promoting Disability Equality in Schools policy is very robust.  
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
27 answers
Among the well known and analyzed existing models of disability in the literature, (such as medical and social, along with many of their variants) the interesting issue would be associated with cultures. What is(are) the cultural model(s) of disability(ies) ? 
Please share your references, opinions and ideas.
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Hello Beata
In my view, when we talk about culture and disability there are two different aspects that one needs to consider. 1) Culture of disability; and 2) Cultural views of disability.
Culture of disability relates to how disabled people as a larger community or a sub-community of people with specific impairments view themselves. For example, many Deaf people do not view themselves as disabled but claim that they are part of Deaf (with capital D) culture. They have their own set of rules and behaviours (like any other culture) that are acceptable within Deaf community. 
When we talk about cultural views of disability, it refers to how disability and disabled people in general are viewed in various (ethnicity based) cultures. For example, in some cultures when a child is diagnosed with a disability, the parents are blamed for it on the ground that they must have committed some sin in their past life and hence God has punished them with a disabled child. There is a lot of stigma attached in many cultures to being disabled or being parent of a disabled child. Thankfully, such views are changing rapidly as a result of disability awareness campaigns run in different countries largely by DPOs (Disabled People's Organisations) and their allies.
You might find the following book edited by Stone useful:
Stone, J. (Ed.). (2005). Culture and disability: Providing culturally competent services. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications.
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
4 answers
Regulations related to people with disabilities and transport
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In Malaysia we've Persons with Disabilities Act 2008 as main legislation covering PWD including transport. 
  • asked a question related to Disability Policy
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With welfare policy I mean what in spanish is called "asistencialismo". Disability has historically been understood as a problem that only could be faced through the provision of subsidies that at last grow dependency bonds between the state and the grant recipient. This kind of policy can´t be kept on in a long term.