Science topics: GeoinformaticsDigital Mapping
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Digital Mapping - Science topic
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Questions related to Digital Mapping
I am currently working on GIS software and exploring opportunities to research in the GIS field. I am particularly interested in how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) can be applied to improve the accuracy of digital mapping processes, especially for real-time mapping, change detection, and spatial analysis. What are the key challenges and potential solutions when integrating AI/ML into GIS-based digital mapping? Are there any case studies or ongoing research in this area that I can reference?
The new trend of transportation Engineering Activities enrolled different technologies. These technologies include: Computer Vision, GIS, Neural Network, Artificial Intelligence; Digital Photogrmmetry, Unmanned drones, Expert and Knowledge-based systems, Digital Mapping, cellular phone usage, 3D-mapping; etc.
What do you thing the second era for the new millennium will be?
During field mapping, geographic coordinates are collected using GPS, and later on these coordinates are plotted on the digital geographic map. Then, I would like to have different steps to download the GPS coordinates and plot them on a digital map. thank you
Hello everyone, I am currently conducting a study on soil salinity digital mapping and I would love to use Landsat OLI and sentinel-2 MSI data to quantify the salinity. The other main objective were to discuss the differences of these two remote sensing data . In fact, the spatial resoultions of them are different (20m and 30m). For the comparison, should they be resampled to a same size? If yes, the resampling should be from 20m to 30m, or from 30 to 20 m?
Dear cartography fellows, are you please aware of any research articles on depiction of own-position on digital maps? I am trying to investigate how map users perceives and interprets the precision of own-position depiction in terms of location and direction.
A colleague is currently drafting her thesis proposal.
The aim of the thesis would be comparing the pedagogical effectiveness of traditional map reading in the geography classroom, versus 'digital' map reading tools. Some examples of 'digital' map reading tools could be google maps, augmented reality apps, or virtual reality 'field trips'.
Ideally, she would be conducting her research in Irish secondary schools, but she is willing to consider case studies from other countries.
Digitalization in public administration and not least urban planning is gaining momentum. More and more data gets available and tools and methods advance and get digitized. I was wondering if digitalization (or the digital transformation) will impact urban planning practice in the sense that we will focus more and more on details, while loosing a sense for the big picture. But there could be also other concerns like for example a standardization (there are pros and cons for that of course) or a loss of creativity (while probably enabling new ways of creativity).
Has anybody done research on how planning practice changes due to digitalization?
I would like to create an online digital map guide of the urban, social and economic characteristics of an area with a significant historical heritage. I will be very grateful for your contributions in terms of ideas, proposals, bibliography, examples of feild sheets, operational modes, GIS online ...
We assume, that we are not the first ones who are developing an interactive digital map table, that can be used to overlay and (at some point) easily integrate datasets for live negotiation and visually supported knowledge dissemination.
We developed a browser-based table application to create light-weight scenario-games incl. drawing functionality on the table and it can save projects/sessions to share good practices on one hand and to allow transparency in decision-making processes, on the other.
We would like to learn more from similar projects and from cities/planners that have such tools already in application or would like to share their thoughts, wishes and knowledge with us - or to join in for a future project!
I am new for Generic Mapping Tool (GMT), but I would like to work through a few simple examples of generating legends (ie. multiple points or lines plotted on a single figure using psxy). In the following example, I want a set the location of Legend in the southwest (Inside bottom-left of axes).
gmt psbasemap -R-108/-105/31/35 -JM6i -Ba0.5 -K -P>
gmt pscoast -R -J -Df -Gwhite -O -K -P>>
gmt psxy Data1.txt -R -J -Sc0.5c -Gblue -O -K -P >>
gmt psxy Data2.txt -R -J -St0.5c -Gred -O -K -P>>
gmt psxy Data3.txt -R -J -Ss0.5c -Ggreen -O -K -P>>
For regestration:
Spatial Modelling of Conflict & Urban Conditions
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
1 June 2018
A Seminar exploring the way digital mapping and modelling of urban unrest can contribute to an understanding of protest movements and urban stability.
Keynote Speakers:
Professor Paul Routledge
School of Geography, University of Leeds, UK.
Professor Wendy Pullan
Department of Architecture, University of Cambridge, UK.
Dr Nils W. Metternich
Department of Political Science, University College London, UK.
Digital map accuracy depend on Scale , Building size and any thing?
I'm currently proposing the thesis that Analysis of digital map accuracy by using total station traversing data. I want answers that what are the variety of details of land and how is this work on or depend on digital map accuracy?
We would like to start using eyetracking analysis. However we would like to know if 60 Hz for example Tobii X2-60Hz is a good idea to use? It would be for desktop PC digital maps and mobile devices map such as smartphone.
Geo-referencing & digitizing map is not an option since the actual scale at which map was made is not known and delineation of actual accurate area will not be feasible. (Same is true by calculating via drainage network using DEM)
All help will be greatly appreciated. :)
I am looking for a smartphone app that allows mapping single locations of plants/animals/things. The app should provide a picklist or any selection system in order to select a given name for the (plant) species to be mapped, should take a photo, store location and foto locally in a database and later upload to my larger database in my office.
Is this a dream or is anyone out there aware of a software like this? I know there is a ESRI mobileGIS-app, but I don´t want to rely on the high costs of the ESRI products. BUt that mobileGIS app would be something in that direction.
any comments are welcome!
In we are trying to define some educational scenarios based on Geospatial information. We would like ask you about your experience with utilization of digital maps.
Conference Paper Geospatial Data Based Environment for Educational and Gaming...
Recently, studies have demonstrated that the use of Mantel test is not corrent when detecting spatial structure or spatial correlation between two multivariable data sets (community structure and abiotic parameters). Guillot and Rousset 2013, and Legendre et al. 2016 suggested that we should abandon such test. Instead, Legendre et al. suggest to use distance-based Moran eigenvector map analysis in such issues. Can anybody provide feedback on how to use such a test? also can anybody recommend a software for running this test? Many thanks in advance.
I am looking for training and test date for classification of geographical points defined by longitude and latitude pairs. URLs to pertinent datasets most welcome. The data has to be classified though.
best wishes
Tony Scott
In map pattern most of the thrust/fault traces in a fold-thrust belt are sinuous (i.e. having series of salients and recesses). Many researchers concluded that the fault planes are curviplanar in 3D.
I have mapped a thrust in Garhwal-Lesser Himalaya with varying strike and dip amount from place to place. My question is how do we know if the thrust plane is originally curviplanar in 3D or it is folded by some later deformation (ignoring the topographic controls).
Suppose I wish to go to restaurant and find it is at (12.950015N, 77.576432E). I cannot easily enter it into an app I use for ordering a cab. Can we find a more user friendly form for this information?
Search engine listings for shops, business cards, gates of prominent buildings and bus stops should ideally display geocodes so that people could put them into their cell phone contacts and communicate chosen codes to cab companies. The challenge is to invent a notation that is easy to use by humans as well as by machines. Visit the following blog post for one proposal.
Dear colleagues:
Is there a conformal mapping that transforms non-spherical surfaces to spherical ones? or what is the methodology to construct that mapping?
if there is such mapping it's better to be convertible one.
Best Regards.
I’m looking for a Digital Elevation Models for Relief (topographic + bathymetric) with different resolution of the gridded data varies from true 30-Arc sec and 1-Arc sec
For a same digital elevation model (DEM), I applied different classifications. In the following figure, to the left is the outcome of natural breaks (Jenks 1967), while to the right is that of head/tail breaks (Jiang 2013). The right pattern revealed the underlying scaling pattern of far more low locations (or low value pixels) than high locations (or high value pixels). However, we have got used to the left pattern. What do you think?
Jenks G. F. (1967), The data model concept in statistical mapping, International Yearbook of Cartography, 7, 186-190.
Jiang B. (2013), Head/tail breaks: a new classification scheme for data with a heavy-tailed distribution, The Professional Geographer, 65(3), 482-494.

I have 1:25000 scale digital topomaps in dwg file. What will be the best pixel size to make DEM from that digital map? The contour interval is 10m. I tried with variogram calculation but not succeed.
Cognitive psychology can be seen as the processes by which our sensory inputs are transformed, reduced, elaborated, stored, recovered and used. In short, cognition can be defined as the acquisition of knowledge. As such, difficult concepts and design should be taught in light of the findings of cognitive psychology. For example, digital map design should be embedded in how we consume the spatial information. Cognitive psychology may provide a strong framework for a new way to explain the engineering topics and others such as computer science. In fact, it can be integrated to all walks of life that are central to mankind.
Is digitizing of map features completely dead?
For example, when and why do you still digitize features from a map?
It can be heads digitizing up from a scanned paper map (or image, or whatever) or using a traditional digitizing tablet. It can also just be digital and heads-up (i.e. you never had the paper map).
Do you ever still utilize manual feature digitization to create points, lines, or polygons?
I need this information for a statistical technique I am developing.
Any VGIS examples?
I have been looking for a reference for a long time, and I am annoyed that I cannot find it again. Perhaps someone on this list could help me...
About 30 years ago, I remember reading an article, by a British scientist if I recall correctly, talking about soil maps. The author said that soil maps without a well-defined practical purpose don't make a lot of sense. He (or she?) discussed the example of a soil map useful to a fisherman. That map only needs to have two classes: soils with earthworms and soils without earthworms...
I have always thought that this paper was right, in so many ways... And for the last few years, I have tried desperately to find it again, to cite it in a reflection on the usefulness of soil maps that I would like to write... We seem to spend so much time and energy making maps, including now digital maps, and so little time thinking about what information soil maps should contain to be useful, or what precise purpose maps serve. As a result, most of the information that current soil maps provide is almost entirely useless or misleading for a wide range of situations...
Anyway, if someone could tell me what the reference to this article is, I would be eternally grateful.
As far as I know, the optical phase unwrapping method with two or more wavelengths is a good choice. However, it is complicated and hard to operate.
Hello every body.
I want to know that '' Identification soil type by sensors in satellite is possible or not? '' and address of sites where this data is available or introduce papers about this topic. thank you for your help
I want a method for vectorization as mathematical morphology, but I want a brief description.
I know that UAVs are one of the most important innovation of the last years in geomatic and I know that with these systems it is possible to obtain 3D models and orthoimages with high levels of detail and accuracy, but I know very few examples about the use of UAV in digital mapping, mainly to produce topographic maps.
Does anyone have information on this specific topic?
What could be the scale of the topographic maps?
What could be the size of the area to be surveyed?
What are the differences between fixed-wing and multi-rotor for these applications?
Many Thanks
How to geo rectify the toposheet or autocad file (adding lat and long). I plan to add lat and long to the campus map which is prepared in autocad. How can I add it. By collecting google coordinates or hand held gps co ordinates? Myself I'm having hand held gps 3 to 5 m accuracry. which one gives more accuracey? or any other way to add co ordinates with more accuracy
I am working with X-ray CT Skyscan 1172 and its accompanied software CT-An. Are you experienced with this device? Can we share some analysing techniques, especially in diffusion mapping and porosity analysis.