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Digital Journalism - Science topic

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Questions related to Digital Journalism
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
6 answers
"Integration of Mass Media and Communication into the System of International Relations: Place, Role, Actuality and Prospects: Modern Media Issues 2024"
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  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
1 answer
News in digital journalism
financial modern for journalism
Journalsim as public good
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The future of journalism is larger value in philosophical thought due to automation of the more technical.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
87 answers
This weekend, I decided to accept an invitation to review a paper by a new journal called Qeios. It is a journal without an editor, but I learnt that it is controlled by AI rather than traditional humans as journal editors/editorial assistants. It also supports Open Science and open review methods.
It appears that Qeios utilises AI to find out the best reviewers from databases across the world. This gets new people to review, and these people are always related to the topic, and are mostly experts! This is an example of AI being harnessed for good!
As an author, I have not published here but as a reviewer, it is my first review feedback that has been posted or reviews in #Qeios journal.
From my initial finding, these Qeios papers are basically preprints, which means that the authors can receive about 10 comments to improve the quality of the submission. That does not mean it will be accepted for final publication.
Although, the paper also gets a DOI, then it gets indexed on google scholar! You can find my first review for the journal online, at for the paper's preprint which has DOI:
Their papers can be searched on Google and some scholars as well as academic experts have already endorsed #Qeios papers. What about you? Will you publish in it? Will you review for the journal?Does it look like it will overtake traditional journals? What are their advantages and disadvantages?
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Qeios functions as a scientific research publishing platform that differs from traditional academic journals, as it enables open peer review and collaboration among researchers. Manuscripts can be uploaded to the platform prior to undergoing peer-review and publication in an academic journal. Reviewers' identities are disclosed, and they can provide feedback and engage in discussions with the author and other reviewers. While Qeios offers benefits to researchers seeking open and collaborative feedback, there is no assurance that articles will be accepted or widely acknowledged by the academic community.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
2 answers
We are looking for a Journal interested in publishing a highly visionary article on what is beyond digital transformation and its impact. Do you have any recommendations? Whom could we contact?
#digitaltransformation #digitalization #digitization #journal #visionary
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Hello Dr Johannes Vrana
My suggestions:
European Journal of Management
International Journal of Digital Transformation
I would contact the editorial office for the one(s) you are interested in - the office staff are more like to pass on your questions if they are unable to answer it themselves.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
8 answers
Dear colleagues,
I am studying the most relevant disinformation topics on a given subject and over a period of time. I intend to analyze the content of fact-checking articles.
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Thank you very much for this question of what content analysis tools u could use to check to (fact-check) the most current misinformation or disinformation fake news.
I am aware that there are always running cases of misinformation worldwide during this globalisation era propelled by telecommunications systems, the internet, and above all, the role of social media.
In some cases, misinformation is a cultural value, a religious principle, a national policy strategy, or a gender-specific issue. You are already tools and websites that help to list sources or qualities of misinformation (disinformation).
I suggest that you focus on the current misinformation (disinformation) activities that are trending in the war between Russia and Ukraine. This will be a very good and current area.
As you are better informed, content analysis is guided by the research topic, problem, and above all the specific objective or research questions. You need to select one or more categories of media that you intend to study (analyse) and the period involved.
How do you do the content analysis in your current research will be done in a systematic way. For example, w to conduct a content analysis do:
1. Select the content you will analyze. Based on your research question, choose the texts that you will analyze.
2. Define the units and categories of analysis.
3. Develop a set of rules for coding.
4. Code the text according to the rules
5. Analyze the results and draw conclusions.
You will draft your first report and keep revising it. Take note that misinformation can be attributed in some cases to official policies at all levels, honest mistakes, poor editing or proofreading, ignorance or functional illiteracy, prejudices or discrimination, as well as good intentions for temporary solutions.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
5 answers
Science Advances-IF=13.1
Nature materials-IF= 38.663
Advanced materials- IF=27.3
Nature Communications-IF= 12.121
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation –IF=4.3
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters-IF=3.7
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine-IF=3.7
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques-IF=3.4
Physical Review Letters-IF=8.3
Physical Review E-IF=2.2
Scientific Reports-IF=3.99 (required to pay charge)
Journal of Physics D Applied Physics-IF=3.17
AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications-IF=2.9
Optics Communications-IF=2.3
Optics & Laser Technology-IF=3.86
IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology-IF=3.27
IEEE Microwave Magazine-IF=2.71
Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications-IF=1.3
IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation-IF=1.9
Applied Physics A-IF=1.78
IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility-IF=2.01
optik - international journal for light and electron optics-IF=2.18
applied optics-IF=1.96
Electronics Letters-IF=1.3
International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering -IF=1.5
Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER)-IF=1.89 (required to pay charge)
International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies-IF=0.9
Waves in Random and Complex Media-IF=4.85
Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine-IF=1.82
International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics-IF=0.7
Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics-IF=0.5
Microwave and optical technology letters-IF=0.9
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices And Fields-IF=0.83
Advanced Electromagnetics -Scopus CiteScore =1.9
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Thank for the list
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
6 answers
The use of ICT aims at facilitating communication between people and digital information processing systems, ensuring the coordination of people and material resources and cooperation in the work environment of journalistic production, to benefit reflective collective intelligence. So, the main question is: can a semantic framework in the 3C collaboration model be designed to facilitate journalistic work in a newsroom environment?
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Hi. I hope the following website could help ypu:
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
4 answers
Microsoft Word doesn't have the bibliography styles for linguistics journals like Corpora, SAGE and the De Gruyter Mouton journals, so I created my own.
Latest first-ever-in-the-world addition:
  1. APA 7th Edition (Alpha version for English MS Office)
  2. Language, Context and Text : The Social Semiotics Forum
  3. Corpora
  4. De Gruyter Mouton journals
  5. SAGE Harvard for SAGE journals
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Boshra A Arnout
, you are welcome. Do report bugs to me if you find any.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
3 answers
The Daily Mail has its own Turn The Tide On Plastic campaign and sees itself as thriving mayor force against plastic pollution. The Daily Mail Online frequently publishes articles promoting its own campaign’s successes.
The Daily Mail Online is the third most read website in the UK (after BBC News and The Sun Online) and the fifth most used website with the purpose of reading news in the UK in 2018.
Can that still be labelled as advocacy journalism?
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The Daily Mail has own Turn The Tide On Plastic campaign as sees itself as thriving major force against plastic pollution menace in whatever environment on earth. This means that the publication is practicing the social responsibility of the press or the media as it sets the agenda by priming plastic waste issue.
At this point, the campaign is vital for a variety of reasons. Among them is to create, raise, and sustain public awareness of the social, economic, political, and ecological or environmental damage and loss caused by plastic waste pollution.
As you said, The Daily Mail Online frequently publishes articles promoting public awareness campaigns and it regularly evaluates it’s own success stories.I think, one of the most critical issues about public communication campaign, has to do with assessment or evaluation of the campaign progress.
You also said that, The Daily Mail Online is the third most read website in the UK only after the BBC News and The Sun Online, as well as, the fifth most used website with the purpose of reading news in the UK as observed last year, in 2018. The media are very influential in effecting personal or individual behaviour as well as policy change at all levels of our society from local to global .
The issue of media advocacy communication campaign evaluation is highly recommended for professional, ethical, and investment reasons regarding the effectiveness or efficiency of the campaigns.This means that the current or the ongoing media campaign has been well planned and implemented so far.
The media practitioners or journalists especially science or environmental reporters or journalists are trained to do their jobs professionally and they usually look at the different environmental problems that should be addressed.
As the world now focuses on Climate Change effects or the need for urgent climate action as stated in the UN SDG 13, one of the biggest single issues of human factors that can be or has be attributed to drive climate change is, waste.
This means that you have raised a very serious question or comment in particular. I thought your remarks were as informative as curious, to say the least. I am also sure that, with respect to the previous word, your sounds very brilliant, informed, professional, educative, or in tandem with your personal beauty. Be blessed.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
2 answers
Peer Review: The Worst Way to Judge Research, Except for All the Others
A look at the system’s weaknesses, and possible ways to combat them.
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A viable and practicable alternative is to make the peer review transparent. I publish the comments received on my papers public on the comments section of preprints (see the comments section of this link as an example: as well as on my blog ( ). If a critical mass of authors (which doesn't have to be too large) start publishing the comments they receive, the peer reviews will soon become more response. A complete design of a science publication system that would minimize all kinds of biases is also possible. See for details .
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
4 answers
I am conducting a study on the "ventiloquist effect" of Spanish print and digital media with respect to international news agencies in the Middle East. The central hypothesis is that the Spanish media reproduce and paraphrase the framing of international news agencies (Reuters, AP, AFP, Al Jazeera), without taking into account the verification of the facts or other sources.
Is there a method I can be recommended to analyze this? I have tried through anti-plagiarism softwares, but I do not agree on more than 120 news items chosen in the period January-February 2019.
Thank you very much in advance for your collaboration.
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Buenos días, Luis m.
Yo también recomiendo a Igartua y Humanes .También puedes consultar las siguientes investigaciones, que le servirán de referencia:
McCombs, M. y Shaw, D. (1972). “The Agenda-Setting function of the mass media”. Public Opinion Quarterly, vol. 36, n. 2, Reino Unido: Oxford Journals.
Scheufele, D.A (2004). “Framing-effects approach: A theoretical and methodological critique”. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research, pp. 401-428.
Muñiz Muriel, C.; Igartua Perosanz, J. J.; Otero Parra, J. A.; Sánchez Hernández, C. (2008). “El tratamiento informativo de la inmigración en los medios españoles. Un estudio comparativo de la prensa y televisión”. Perspectivas de la Comunicación, vol. 1, n. 1, pp. 97-112. Chile: Universidad de La Frontera.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
15 answers
I am interested to start new online Journal on "International Journal on Farm Power Machinery & Energy in Agriculture". Experts are requested to suggest the procedure for online starting for it..(like steps...)
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Dear Dr.Rajvir thanks for your recommendation
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
51 answers
In your opinion, what age category students should to learn writing articles and why? it is important question for development of papers in future.
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Dear Vahid.
You ask the following:  At what age category students should learn writing articles and why? 
Let me start by saying that age is an indicator, not a criterion of development. As Michael says,students should learn to write from the beginning of their language learning, However, to write and to write an article are different things.
As a developmental psychologist, I think that to write an article to be submiited for publication in an appropiate journal requires formal thought and abstract reasoning in Piagetian terms. It is rare to find  formal thought before the age of  15/16.There are, however, adolescents and even adults who never acquire formal thought.
To write an article, a student has, in general,  to be able to review the relevant literature, to advance some hypotheses or raise "an irritating" question, that this, a question whose answer leads us to a better knowledge of the unknown, and design an experimental situation to test his/her hypothesis or hypotheses. I cannot see a child who is capable of mastering all these steps. It is often the case that the first research carried out by a sudent occurs when s/he is Master student and that non-supervised research occurs only after a Ph D degree. You refer to an article. As I see it, an article is a scientifc paper that can be submitted for publication to an appropiate journal. As in your topics you refer to journalism, you should be thinkig about a journalist article, not to a scientific paper. This caveat notwithstanding, I think that to write, say, a decent article on any topic requires formal thought and abstract reasoning. There is amassing evidence that shows that to run a scientific experiment requires formal thinking.
I hope I has got your question and that this helps.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
10 answers
When we use the news framing theory, Is it better to use the five frames in theory or put new particular frames?
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I guess that your 5 frames are the ones used by Semetko & Valkenburg (Conflict, Responsibility, Economic Consequences, Human Interest & Morality). Matthes & Kohring however started from Entman's "Frame elements" to look at frames - which if you have sufficient data might be an idea. Bruggemann looked at frame sending and frame setting - separating the two as part of frame building. And finally, Baumgartner & Mahoney looked at individual and collective frames in politics. Hope this doesn't confuse the whole debate regarding framing - as Scheufele pointed out most recently (but haven't got the reference on hand) - even more.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
7 answers
I'm trying to think through the notion of "authorship" in the context of amateur video produced with mobiles as an element of content that is nowadays a key ingredient of mainstream news reports.
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All that about 'citizen journalists' motivation is right - journalist values, grievance, being at the right place at the right time, add to that a genuine sense of duty..but I don't rule out that streak of the vain in all of us  as motivation for this new breed of journalists..this is not a scholarly observation. Rather, it's a personal experience from about 15 year's work in mainstream news media a s sports reporter and editor..there is something very personally thrilling and satisfying about seeing your work published, especially if it's quality work....
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
8 answers
I am doing research on the subject. I know Pierre Bourdieu's work on television, however it is possible that later some authors have applied the notion of Bourdieu field for studying the media field.
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The digital revolution has led to an environment in which journalism is decentralized. More and more, citizens can serve as "citizen journalists" and distribute content directly without going through a gatekeeper in the traditional media.
This led to some governments trying to limit or block social media platforms that have been used to organize and coordinate revolutions.  This is why China blocks Facebook, for example.  
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
4 answers
I'm studying the new models of digital journalism and entrepreneurship in Spanish. I did it for the Spain case, and I want to improve it to all the Spanish speaking countries. Do you know people researching the same? Do you know if there is any list of all the new media in Spanish?
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You should follow Professor @Rosental Alves on Twitter. He is The Director of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, which helps establishing self-sustaining professional journalism groups. He works with journalists all over Latin America and usually shares on Twitter not only his experience but also research on this topic. He is also the host of the International Symposium on Online Journalism, on which several of the papers focus on new media in Latin America (the 2014 papers are available on the symposium's website:
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
10 answers
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Professional journalism is becoming ever less professional, decreasing the distance between itself and citizen journals. This is because so-called professional journalism forgets the traditional reporting of how, what, when, where, why an event happened. As a result, so-called objective journalism resembles mere editorials without substantiation.
This degeneration in journalistic professionalism is especially apparent in television and radio stations specializing in newscasting.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
3 answers
Seeking information for my research.
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Not sure about theories but there must be international laws related to the topic and if there is no existing theory one can start from inductive approch and at the end can design a model or theory in the light of acquired data.
  • asked a question related to Digital Journalism
7 answers
I'm looking for results (coinjoint measurements e.g.) to develop a model for the perception of the price-performance-ratio in paid content journalism.
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Hi, in our comparative research (see, e.g. Curran et al. 2009, Aalberg and Curran, 2011 and Soroka et al., 2012) we operationalised 'quality' as the proportion of hard to soft news, of national vs international news and the presence of contextualisation in the news item. Contextualisation was operationalised as the presence of information concerning policy implication of the event reported, information about the wider social context in which the event took place, and the extent to which the item was focusing on an individual person's personality or behaviour.
As Md Islam said, the literature on episodic vs thematic framing (e.g. Iyengar, 1991)
Hope it helps