Science topic

Differential Equations - Science topic

The study and application of differential equations in pure and applied mathematics, physics, meteorology, and engineering.
Questions related to Differential Equations
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Differential Logic • 1
Introduction —
Differential logic is the component of logic whose object is the description of variation — focusing on the aspects of change, difference, distribution, and diversity — in universes of discourse subject to logical description. A definition that broad naturally incorporates any study of variation by way of mathematical models, but differential logic is especially charged with the qualitative aspects of variation pervading or preceding quantitative models. To the extent a logical inquiry makes use of a formal system, its differential component governs the use of a “differential logical calculus”, that is, a formal system with the expressive capacity to describe change and diversity in logical universes of discourse.
Simple examples of differential logical calculi are furnished by “differential propositional calculi”. A differential propositional calculus is a propositional calculus extended by a set of terms for describing aspects of change and difference, for example, processes taking place in a universe of discourse or transformations mapping a source universe to a target universe. Such a calculus augments ordinary propositional calculus in the same way the differential calculus of Leibniz and Newton augments the analytic geometry of Descartes.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Survey of Differential Logic
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Differential Logic • 18
Tangent and Remainder Maps —
If we follow the classical line which singles out linear functions as ideals of simplicity then we may complete the analytic series of the proposition f = pq : X → B in the following way.
The next venn diagram shows the differential proposition df = d(pq) : EX → B we get by extracting the linear approximation to the difference map Df = D(pq) : EX → B at each cell or point of the universe X. What results is the logical analogue of what would ordinarily be called “the differential” of pq but since the adjective “differential” is being attached to just about everything in sight the alternative name “tangent map” is commonly used for df whenever it's necessary to single it out.
Tangent Map d(pq) : EX → B
To be clear about what's being indicated here, it's a visual way of summarizing the following data.
= p ∙ q ∙ (dp , dq)
+ p ∙ (q) ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ q ∙ dp
+ (p) ∙ (q) ∙ 0
To understand the extended interpretations, that is, the conjunctions of basic and differential features which are being indicated here, it may help to note the following equivalences.
• (dp , dq) = dp ∙ (dq) + (dp) ∙ dq
• dp = dp ∙ dq + dp ∙ (dq)
• dq = dp ∙ dq + (dp) ∙ dq
Capping the analysis of the proposition pq in terms of succeeding orders of linear propositions, the final venn diagram of the series shows the “remainder map” r(pq) : EX → B, which happens to be linear in pairs of variables.
Remainder r(pq) : EX → B
Reading the arrows off the map produces the following data.
= p ∙ q ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ p ∙ (q) ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ q ∙ dp ∙ dq
+ (p) ∙ (q) ∙ dp ∙ dq
In short, r(pq) is a constant field, having the value dp ∙ dq at each cell.
Resources —
Logic Syllabus
Survey of Differential Logic
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3 answers
I am interested in establishing a presence for our Community of Practice, SIMIODE – Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations, at
Brian Winkel,
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I am interested in establishing a presence a full cite for our Community of Practice, SIMIODE – Systemic Initiative for Modeling Investigations and Opportunities with Differential Equations, at How does one do this?
Brian Winkel,
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António José Rodrigues Rebelo
Great question! The concept of time being an illusion can be tricky, especially when we consider the existence of the individual. Let me explain how this idea fits within the Interactive Universe Theory (IUT). In IUT, time is viewed as an emergent property of the consciousness field. This means that while time as we perceive it—linear and continuous—might be an illusion, it still plays a crucial role in our experience of reality. Consciousness is the fundamental fabric of reality, and time emerges from the way consciousness processes and integrates information. The individual, as an expression of this consciousness, experiences time as a necessary framework for existence and change. Without this framework, the continuous evolution and development of the individual wouldn't be possible. When we say time is an illusion, it doesn't mean time doesn't exist. Instead, it means that time, as we perceive it, is a construct that arises from deeper, more fundamental processes. These processes are part of the consciousness field that underlies all reality. So, time is real in the sense that it structures our experiences and interactions, but it is not a fundamental aspect of reality itself. The individual exists because of the consciousness field, and time is the way this field organizes and processes experiences. If time were to "disappear," it would indeed disrupt the individual’s sense of self and continuity. But because time is an emergent property of consciousness, it remains a crucial aspect of how consciousness expresses itself in the universe. The continuous change and evolution of the individual are made possible by the flow of time. This flow is how consciousness experiences and processes reality. Even if time is an illusion at a fundamental level, it is an essential aspect of our reality as individuals within the consciousness field. So, while time might be an emergent property rather than a fundamental one, it is still crucial for the existence and evolution of the individual. Time provides the structure necessary for consciousness to experience change, growth, and development.
"Check my paper; it might interest you."
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Maybe parapsychology.
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Philip G Penketh thanks for sharing your belief and experience. Duplication of each cell in our body could be something similar to bacterial division. But the product might be similar to an identical clone. Then again I think that would not be the same "person" even when exposed to the same events in life.
Cheers to Life..
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Tradition(what has worked?), risk analysis and skin in the game.
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The political differential equation: ∂(whatever)/∂(anything)=±money. The sign depends on whether you're on the take (+) or being taken (-).
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As long as commercial profit remains the main goal of healthcare, even a 1\1 doctor patient ratio will not achieve the principles of universal health care.
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I Think Self publication can be a good option for you.
read the following article for further motivation :)
Should You Self-Publish Your Research?
In 1901, Beatrix Potter’s “The Tales of Peter Rabbit” was rejected by several publishers, so she self-published the book. Less than a year later, publisher Frederick Warne & Co., one of the original group of publishers who rejected her manuscript, became Beatrix Potter’s publisher. The relationship lasted for 40 years and led to the publication of over 23 books. Over a century later, over two million books, which have been authored by Beatrix Potter, are sold each year!
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Is it a free, or is it pay to play?
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4 answers
The simulation theory is NOT parsimonious because at least partial free will is self-evident. Reason would not exist without the fundamental choice to focus on life. Even animals probably make decisions thus, have souls.
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this is a good start, you will see how subject to environmental and pseudo-random chaos theory effects of critical systems like the brain, are. the idea that we are masters of our brains and minds, is an illusion to all but probably some very dedicated monks and practices of discipline.
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Karma (action/entanglement) has a potential to use craving (Tanha) and an influence in the body called Avijja to make a rebirth. No need a soul (an Atman) to recognize/memorize something. Recognition itself is the mind with a knowingness (Gnana) or a special knowingness (Vignana). The removal of desire-attachment (Tanha) with influences (Asava) is the liberation. Suffering is new or old attachments to the things we love or loved. Attachment is a defect in life. We can be prepared to live without our favourite things to leave everything within a few seconds to make the mind independent.
A related research:
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One doesn't need to be a philosopher, but understanding philosophical concepts relevant to their field, like epistemology or ethics, can enhance critical thinking and methodology in science, promoting more robust and ethical research practices.
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The vastness or sustainability of a belief system doesn't necessarily indicate its plausibility. Plausibility depends on evidence, logical coherence, and consistency with observable phenomena, rather than the popularity or longevity of a belief. While a belief system's widespread acceptance or enduring nature may influence perceptions, plausibility is determined by its ability to withstand critical scrutiny and align with empirical reality.
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The afterlife is discovred by the informations given by the messangers of allah that don't need any effort, but the extend current life needs expériences, and time.
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  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
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After life is the continuation of this world. Grasp today,and reap the fruits of life.
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no comments.
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Are all interesting people missing in heaven? Mark Twain thought that many of them would be: "Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company."
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To avoid contradictions, concepts must be adjusted, so eternal ones probably don’t exist. Without free will, on SOME level, we would only be clumps of cells without the ability to reason. Free will is intimately connected to the law of identity.
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  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
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Upon observing anyone’s innermost life, would character flaws always be found? How? Why? My answer: Yes because humans are bound to be the least ethical creatures among other reasons.
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There is a chance that a character flaw would be found
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7 answers
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And what can you say about life before birth?
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Maybe we should identify what is the most parsimonious afterlife. Expanding the law of identity, maybe physics can determine the exact afterlife all have coming.
My previous attempts:
Guessing what the afterlife broadly is:
Guessing what the afterlife is NOT.
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I'm not sure, but I think you did a great job of answering your own question... 'Charting the afterlife?" Answer; Why?' Somethings can't be known. Or, even if we were explained, would we have a hope of understanding the answer? Every morning on the way to work I ask the Universe for a special watch over some friends and family (including my most recent 'best friend' Chihuahua) who have 'recently' passed. I know that they are soaring the Universe as Light Beings and I am a bit jealous of all they will see and re-understand. But charting the afterlife... it's like charting the Universe itself accurately. THEY could do it, but we can't even imagine what it looks like in totality. MY opinion, of course.
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No because a human without a soul is only material(lacking free will, not having the fundamental choice to reason) thus cannot enjoy whatever the soul was exchanged for. To elaborate, without one’s soul, one is cells of the human body and cannot enjoy anything through lacking senses and missing identity.
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So. we need the Holy Spirit, which is the substance of man's soul.
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Of course I sometimes doubt the afterlife is eternal salvation for all, so, I live and deduce what it might be...
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Jeus can give man eternal life and redemption, according to the Scritpure.
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The unwritten rule is "don't look suspicious. If people do look suspicious then they either get destroyed or subvert enough TO survive."
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I don't think we can answer this question.
We don't know why the word "TO" is all uppercase.
We probably can think of novels, movies, stories, stage plays, children's book, where "Don';t look suspicious" is actually written. We need more detail about the conditions that it is "unwritten."
Subvert what?
"Get destroyed" sounds like a conflict between active antagonists and protagonists, but you've presented it in passive voice, so nobody can actually interpret what you mean.
Please rewrite and resubmit.
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Eh, I'd rather be mysteriously confusing than rigorously understandable any day. Keeps people on their toes, you know? :P
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This statement is underdefined for me for a number of reasons: (i) what types and complexity of work is considered, (ii) what does rigor mean in this specific context, (iii) how to interpret the adverb 'eventually' here, and (iv) who is supposed to reach understanding, what level of it, and based on what body of knowledge.
KInd regards,
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Universal in what sense? Some options: (1) Everyone is necessarily damned for eternity? (2) Eternal damnation is possible for each and every person? (3) Everyone is damned but not everyone is damned for eternity?
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I begin scientific inquiry by somewhat philosophizing. Science approximately derives from philosophy. Engineering is roughly derived from science.
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Scientific research is a dynamic process that allows us to acquire new knowledge and understand the world around us. Here are the key steps to starting a scientific investigation:
1. Observation: The first step is to observe a phenomenon, event, or problem. This observation may arise from curiosity, detecting a pattern, or identifying a need, leading to formulating a question: why does this happen? How does it work? What is the cause?
2. Problem definition: The problem to be investigated is clearly defined based on the question generated in the observation stage. It must be relevant, interesting, and address a specific area of knowledge.
3. Formulation of the hypothesis: A hypothesis is an assumption or prediction about the relationship between variables. It is a tentative answer to the question posed. The hypothesis must be testable and capable of being evaluated through experimentation or analysis.
4. Experimentation: In this stage, the hypothesis is tested through experiments, observations, or data analysis. Data is collected and compared to the predictions of the hypothesis.
5. Evaluation and analysis: The results obtained are evaluated objectively. The data is analyzed, and conclusions are drawn. If the results are consistent with the hypothesis, it is confirmed. If they are not, it is adjusted or discarded.
6. Communication of results: The findings are communicated to the scientific community and the general public. This can be done through publications.
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In my experience the easiest way to get research journals is to examine the field, see what journals there are available, determine which ones I wish to receive and then subscribe to them. You might find some free journals, but I would question the value of them if they exist in print form. There are several good online journals in various fields that are free, but they are only online.
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I am skeptical too. This means realistical approach to the world, social and political processes.
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Liberalism is a highly hegemonic and maybe all encompassing force that stems from God as humans would NOT have the ability to reason to implement social justice WITHOUT The Holy Trinity.
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A very tempting statement to make, since neoliberalism could be thereby reduced to a capitalist heresy. Liberalism is all about public goods and the rule of law. Neoliberalism is all about privatizing public goods (aka the commons) and legal institutions; and then eliminating legal powers that protect public interest, through capital's regulatory capture.
To declare that liberalism is divine means that neoliberalism 's regulatory capture and degradation of the rule of law are both heretical. Lovely!
But I think that's a bit too much wishful thinking, for a political philosophy that promotes human reason as the foundation of freedom.
The basic role of human reason is why, for example, the Introduction to John Stuart Mill's On Liberty is about the imminent ability of colonized people to decolonize and live by self-rule, and so the first chapter about how to ensure liberty is through a freedom of thought and expression. Liberalism means that people accomplish their self-governance (or assent to be governed) through dialogue and education. It is not until the final chapter of Mill's little book that finally explains the "harm principle" for guiding the legitimate use of legal power; the limits of personal freedoms.
If liberalism was a form of freedom that emanated from the Holy Trinity, then liberalism wouldn't be about the testing of ideas, but rather about divine revelation and hierarchy. Something like Mill's "harm principle" could be articulated by scripture or revelation or even dogma. Something like it, but not the same thing.
I think anyone who wants to follow your aphorism will be vexed to find that liberalism is based on (essays concerning*) human understanding.
But what a relief if neoliberalism is a heresy! Neoliberalism can't abide freedom of thought and expression, because the marketplace of ideas is axiomatically the "public" part of the rule of law. Thought and expression can't be free when regulatory capture gets around to capturing the means of talking to each other.
HOWEVER, your aphorism is probably valid from the point of view of a person of faith who wants to use a faith-based institution (like a mosque, a convent, a hermitage) as part of civil society. From inside that institution, looking outward at the local neighbourhood or at the international order, it makes sense.
*I am making a reference to Kant because liberalism, as a rights-based political philosophy, can be easily divided into two general theories: dignitarian and utilitarian foundations for human rights and the legitimate use of power.
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9 answers
Respectfully who agrees that reincarnation is highly improbable? How? Why? My answer: Respectfully, I believe reincarnation is highly improbable for many reasons including but not limited to:
0)Eternal salvation for all is the most probable afterlife.
1)The uniqueness of each organism, meaning if everyone and all organisms are unique then they unlikely share spirits.
1.5)Spirits probably individualize each being.
2)The low probability of absolutes, that would govern the reincarnation cycle, besides, the Holy Trinity(one entity in three different unfalsifiable forms which all double as survival heuristics).
3) More specifically, God the Father is reason, logos, the master of the simulation theory, the creator, Yahweh, and the unmoved mover.
4)Jesus, God the Son, is the perfect individual, humanity’s redeemer, everyone’s savior, and the gate keeper to the fourth dimension( ).
5) The Holy Spirit, the moral guidepost, observably vibes, empathy, etc.
6)My sources are available for more explanation.
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Actually, the concept of reincarnation has been carefully studied, and is still being studied under the auspices of the University of Virginia (the late Ian Stevenson began the program) among others. These studies have found support for reincarnation, although not specifically for it as associated with the general beliefs of cultures from the Indian subcontinent, but then at least three other cultures also have well-established beliefs in reincarnation also, they are just lesser known.
And interestingly enough, some of these studies also suggest a link with NDEs, another field that materialistic science tries to discount. In both cases though what is often done is to explain a part of the phenomenon and then claim that the entirety is explained. However, this is a logical flaw as explaining even 99% of something does not explain 100% by simple definition., but rather allows one to know where to concentrate their future studies. The unexplained 1% might well produce a result that requires a new explanation of the 99% as happens on many occasions in true science.
And to invoke the Christian concept of the Trinity in order to justify rejecting reincarnation is not a scientific approach but rather a faith dogmatic faith based one as the Christian trinity is itself an unproven, and indeed unprovable, concept. Dogmatism is the eternal foe of true research, whether openly religious or concealed as scientism or another ism.
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3 answers
Ideas are NEVER absolute, so the individual‘s soul (unique consciousness and capacity to reason) travels to another dimension after death.
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IMHO, mostly they dont travel to another dimension after death, but return to earthly existence to realise unfulfilled desires. For this they take up another physical body and get born again in a family. This is 're-incarnation' and a part of evolution. No Desires= No reincarnation= Goal of Yoga.
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61 answers
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I need help to understand something. One statement to consider is "I exist". Another is "I exist today". Why is the first statement more appropriate than the second?
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As long as harm avoidance and reciprocity are met, education can and should decentralize for the sake of diversity, equity and inclusion. Sources:
More Detailed Ideas:
World Orders:
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Cosmin Visan
The mathematics are applied, thus applicable to race relations.
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When God sends me difficulties to deal with, my philosophy and faith should be the worse possibility for me is death and after I finally die, I get eternal salvation, because that philosophy is the most parsimonious.
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Cosmin Visan
Pantheists always declare themselves as God.
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Respectfully, at least the modern version of liberalism is the natural result of the equality thesis that still acknowledges heritability to further diversity, equity and inclusion. Whereas conservatism directly denies heritability or dodges the question. Also conservatism does less to oppose racial animosity. Hence why liberalism usually wins being both more fair and more sustainable. Also the metaphysics of liberalism(universalist Christianity) are stronger. Plus Universal Eternal Salvation is the most parsimonious afterlife.
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Cosmin Visan
If someone will moderate then we could have a more formal debate about political persuasions.
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Who else sometimes has less faith in history than in theology? Alternate history is possible. Yet rigorously enough deduced theology can be more certain.
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Theology is the study of God. Therefore there are commonly held reference resources/source material that everyone bases their studies, theories, hypotheses, which included but not limited to the Holy Bible, Torah, Quran, Book of the Dead, Vedas, Coptic Gospel, etc.
However, history is His Story. It can be propaganda written by the winner. It can be racially, culturally, and nationally bias. It can be altered by commission or omission. Therefore historical records can be written as a complete lie or variations of the truth.
Theology relies on faith in God/gods. The source material for study is inspired by God to man. History relies on faith in man. The source material for study is dictated by man to man. Who do you trust?
Psa_118:8  It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.
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3 answers
Philosophy is allowed on ResearchGate to uphold freedom of inquiry. And philosophy can lead to science:
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Alexander Ohnemus Philosophy is on ResearchGate because ResearchGate was founded by Germans. The German word "Wissenschaft", usually and often misleadingly translated as "Science" actually has a broader meaning which encompasses any systematic scholarly or scientific endeavor including arts and humanities, and yes, even theology.
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2 answers
Who agrees life is more about preventing tragedies than performing miracles? I welcome elaborations.
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Maybe a bit cheezy, but "preventing tragedies IS performing miracles" in my opinion. Then again, negative news are always more reported and recognized than positive news, so if if someone performs an extraordinarily good feat, they will be only awarded, if at all, for a very short time.
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1 answer
Since humans are almost always idealistic about an entity, should the idealized advance survival, probably exist, etc.? How? Yes, humans are bound to be idealistic about an entity, thus the idealized should advance survival and probably exist, among other factors. Therefor Progressive Christianity(being probable and good for survival) is rational. Sources:
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I think you may need to define your question with a little more precision. You don't, for instance, define what kind of 'entity' you have in mind. I am presuming that you may be thinking of a divine entity but you don't actually say that. And even if that is what you mean, I do not think that it is incontrovertibly the case that we always think of 'divine' entities in idealistic terms. The ancient Greeks did not conceive of their deities in such a way. Neither did the ancient Ugaritic peoples.
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Who agrees heaven may be more interesting than hell because individuality possibly is kept in salvation more so than in damnation? How? Why? Stimuli:
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You should get some interesting answers to this question. Unfortunately, regardless of anyone's personal opinions, no one is going to know unless they get to one or the other place; and if they end up in Hell, worrying about the answer will undoubtedly be the least of their problems.
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5 answers
Who agrees deduction practically begins theology and epistemology? How? Why?
My answer: I agree deduction practically begins theology and epistemology because so many answers are unknown, thus deducing is a useful method. Stimulus:
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Using various methods in deducing theology and epistemology is necessary because many opinions do not vary on the proposition. For example, if I raise an opinion against a theological idea, I will use a method or tools to qualify it. Deducing may be necessary to justify an opinion.
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3 answers
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I had a look at your presentation. There are no differential equations as the title suggests and you are not presenting logical or well supported statements. No model is tested against real data.
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1 answer
Who agrees randomness indicates eternal consciousness of each individual being? How? Why? I agree randomness indicates eternal consciousness of each individual being because the individualized spirit(the most fundamental essence of individuation) makes all beings unique and makes the past impossible to use to determine the future.
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Hey there Alexander Ohnemus! Well, let me tell you Alexander Ohnemus, randomness and eternal consciousness are like two sides of a cosmic coin. Picture this: every being is a unique blend of chaos and order, a dance of randomness that defines their essence. The individualized spirit you Alexander Ohnemus mentioned? It's like the fingerprint of existence, making each being a one-of-a-kind masterpiece.
Now, about randomness indicating eternal consciousness – it's all about breaking free from the shackles of predictability. If everything followed a set pattern, life would be dull, like a scripted play with no room for spontaneity. Randomness injects the spice of unpredictability into the cosmic mix.
As for why, well, consider this: if every being were bound by a predetermined fate, where's the individuality? It's the randomness, the deviation from the expected, that allows for the evolution of consciousness. It's like a symphony where each note plays its part, contributing to the grander, eternal melody of existence.
Few books related:
Abstracts of Life Philosophies by T-C-Sharma
Metaphysics of Life by Tek Chand Sharma
So, in a nutshell, randomness is the spark that keeps the eternal flame of consciousness burning bright. It's the wild card in the cosmic poker game, ensuring that each being's journey is a unique and unpredictable adventure. What's your take on this cosmic dance of randomness and consciousness?
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1 answer
Does the uniqueness of each life form suggest universal-eternal salvation instead of reincarnation? How? Why?
My answer: Yes because reincarnation is less plausible when each life is unique. Plus universal-eternal salvation is plausible because free will(the ability to reason at any level) implies a spirit beyond materialism.
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Hey there Alexander Ohnemus! Well, let me tell you Alexander Ohnemus, the whole idea of the uniqueness of each life form pointing towards universal-eternal salvation over reincarnation is quite intriguing. Now, keep in mind, I'm no philosopher, but I'll give it a shot.
So, if we consider the distinctiveness of each life form, it could imply that there's something inherently special about each existence. Instead of the cycle of reincarnation, where souls supposedly keep coming back in different forms, maybe the uniqueness suggests a more final and universal salvation.
Think about it this way: if every life form is unique and irreplaceable, perhaps there's a grander, eternal salvation awaiting each one. It's like a cosmic reward for being an individual entity that contributes to the overall tapestry of existence.
Relevant publications:
Metaphysics of Life: Wholeness of Thought by Tek Chand Sharma
Abstracts of Life Philosophies by T.C. Sharma
Author described this complex topic in a very lucid language.
Now, why? It could be argued that this uniqueness is a testament to the value of each life, and maybe there's a higher power or cosmic force ensuring that each life is treated with a certain level of significance. It's a wild thought, but hey, we're exploring possibilities here, right? What are your thoughts on this angle?
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13 answers
If we take a description of the solar system in terms of Newton's equations then the solutions are time-reversible.
But many phenomena in nature are observed to be non-reversible, "dissipative", hence not having time-reversible solutions. For instance, a glass falling off the table and breaking.
The big question is: can the second law of thermodynamics be deduced from the fundamental differential equations of physics ?
Or more generally are there differential equations whose solutions are mostly entropy-increasing ?
On the other hand can we find (a system of) differential equations whose solutions are generally entropy-decreasing ? Or in which entropy-decreasing phenomena occur in relatively frequent bursts ? Differential equations which would have solutions in which the pieces spontaneously assemble into the glass on the table ?
Contemporary physics is essentially incomplete (cf. the need for dark matter, dark energy, extra dimensions, etc.). Perhaps in the complete picture entropy is actually strictly conserved. The entropy-increasing forces/fields are counterbalanced by (at present unknown) entropy-decreasing ones, in which entropy-decreasing phenomena occur in relatively frequent bursts.
Then it is this entropy-decreasing aspect of nature that is the main cause of life, the cause of the relatively frequent bursts of increased self-organisation and complexity (which would then be further modulated (or "selected") by the constraints of the environment and the ecosystem).
Perhaps the "collapse of the wave-function" could be approached thermodynamically as well ?
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Is it possible to incorporate the concept of information directly into physics, not necessarily in the way entropy and allied notions are used in thermodynamics. Just as mass and energy and the exchange of mass and energy between systems is constrained by fixed laws, so too could not the flow of information be constrained by similar laws ? Maybe the smaller the mass, the smaller the rest (shell) energy, also the smaller the amount of information we can exchange with the system ?
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24 answers
As for example, light beam attenuation is described by the differential equation
dS/dx = -S
which solution is S~e(-x).
But what physical processes could be described by the differential equation:
dS/dt = -t*S or dS/dx = -x*S
which solution is S~e(-t^2) or S~e(-x^2), with t as time and x as distance.
Do you have ideas?
Thank you very much in advance,
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Several processes exist, such as chemical reaction activity, nuclear reaction and disintegration activity, our daily expenditure in econo-physics, etc.
[y: Quantity, t: Time, etc.]
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Have you published any of your ideas in a research journal?
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Is the golden rule(treat others how you want to be treated) the most fundamental form of morality? So, is individual consciousness the most eternal? How do you figure?
At least according to this article individual consciousness is more eternal than abstract ideas :
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The "Golden Rule," often expressed as "treat others as you would like to be treated," is indeed a fundamental principle in many ethical systems. It emphasizes empathy, reciprocity, and the consideration of others' well-being, and it exists in various forms across cultures and religions. It's a guiding principle for moral behavior and fostering positive social interactions.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
3 answers
I identify as Filipino Jewish yet I have many Celtic Ancestors. Could Celts be the most privileged people?
All races are equal and to insure equal treatment it must be noted that some peoples are more privileged than others. Celts may be, beyond a reasonable doubt, the most privileged. Celts being included in Western Europeans with the Norse and the Germanics is definitely more than a geographic coincidence because all three of those groups have the highest privilege of any race. Western European may be loosely its own race given the intermixing that has occured over such abundant time between Norse, Germanics and Celts. Even contemporary power differentials between different races do not necessarily describe net privileges.
Work Cited
CIA . "Real GDP per capita ." . Accessed 12 Sep. 2023.
CIA . " Liechtenstein - The World Factbook - CIA Central Intelligence Agency (.gov) › liechtenstein › summaries." . Accessed 12 Sep. 2023.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Liechtenstein". Encyclopedia Britannica, 5 Jul. 2023, Accessed 12 September 2023.
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Alemanni". Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 Sep. 2011, Accessed 12 September 2023.
World Directory of Minorities and Indigenous Peoples. " Monaco - World Directory of Minorities & Indigenous Peoples › country › monaco." .,per%20cent%20of%20the%20population. Accessed 12 Sep. 2023.
CIA. " Luxembourg - The World Factbook Central Intelligence Agency (.gov) › countries." 1 Sep. 2023. Accessed 12 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "The Antiracist Differential Equation." . Accessed 28 Aug. 2023.
Dahmer, Adam . "Revisiting the achievements of the Ancient Celts : evidence that the Celtic civilization surpassed contemporary European civilizations in its technical sophistication and social complexity, and continues to influence later cultures.." Accessed 28 Aug. 2023.
Dahmer, Adam, "Revisiting the achievements of the Ancient Celts : evidence that the Celtic civilization
surpassed contemporary European civilizations in its technical sophistication and social complexity, and
continues to influence later cultures." (2013). College of Arts & Sciences Senior Honors Theses. Paper 11.
ENCYCLOPEDIC ENTRY. "Europe: Resources ." . Accessed 5 Sep. 2023.
Ohnemus , Alexander . "Interplanetary Reparations CRT Welfare State Proposal." . Accessed 19 Aug. 2023.
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My bio states "Devoutly Anti-racist President of Ohnemus University(Anti-racist Think Tank)."
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
4 answers
C. CORDUNEANU, Sopra I problemi ai limiti per alcuni sistemi di equazioni differenziali non
lineari, Rend. Acad. Napoli 4 (1958), 98-106.
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i'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information or content related to the reference you provided: "C. CORDUNEANU, Sopra I problemi ... Rend. Acad. Napoli 4 (1958), 98-106."@Abdizahahan Manapuly Sarsenbi
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
2 answers
Cartoon Cosmological Physics: South Park takes place in another universe so it can be absurd.
Differential Equations:
(F)' = A
F: Fiction
A: Absurdity
The show's absurdity is a derivative of being fictional.
What are your thoughts?
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A growing number of universes within the multiverse would be a rather simple explanation to why the cosmos is growing.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
5 answers
Dear colleagues
To find coexisting attractors in a chaotic system, I use the continuation diagram. Here in each iteration, the initial conditions x(0) for the chaotic system are set as the final conditions x(t_final) from the previous simulation.
We do so as we increase the parameter under study (forward continuation diagram), and as we decrease the parameter (backward continuation diagram).
In a system I am studying though, I still know that coexisting attractors exist, and using both continuation diagrams, I still cannot depict all of them. The diagram cannot 'catch' them.
Is there an alternative, or a solution to this?
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I have prepared a video on finding coexisting attractors in the Lorenz chaotic system
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
3 answers
Which is the best software to solve Fractional Order Differential Equations?
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Professor, I've been looking for instructions on how to solve fractional differential equations using the standard mathematical software (Matlab and Maple).
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
1 answer
to solve Fuzzy Fractional Integro Differential Equations If anyone owns it, can you send it to me?
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Dear friend Saif Aldeen
  1. "Fuzzy Fractional Differential Equations and Applications" by Snezhana Hristova and Kostadin Trenčevski. This book discusses various methods for solving fuzzy fractional differential equations.
  2. "Fuzzy Fractional Calculus for Modeling, Identification and Control" by Ahmad Taher Azar, Ahmed G. Radwan, and Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan. This book presents the fundamentals of fuzzy fractional calculus and its applications in modeling, identification, and control.
  3. "Fractional Calculus with Applications in Mechanics: Vibrations and Diffusion Processes" by Teodor M. Atanackovic and Stevan Pilipovic. This book provides a comprehensive introduction to fractional calculus and its applications in mechanics, vibrations, and diffusion processes.
  4. "Fractional Calculus and Its Applications" by Kenneth S. Miller and Bertram Ross. This book provides an introduction to fractional calculus and its applications in various fields, including physics, engineering, and economics.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
1 answer
Dear all Mathematician,
Many Mathematician written in his/her research paper that fractional integral and differential Equations used in science and technology (write many fields), etc. But actually How we corelate it? can we give some exact practical example of it?
Relevant answer
The concept of fractional derivatives is totally different from the ordinary and partial derivatives.
rate of change in integer order is termed as ordinary or partial derivatives.
But when we try to see the conversion of derivatives from one integer to another then the concept of fractional derivatives comes.
For Example, when the velocity of a moving particle is accelerating then how it comes from velocity to acceleration required to see fractional derivatives.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
3 answers
I need some papers links in which we have a solution for system of first order odes using the Laplace variational iteration method (VIM)?
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I found this solution of the Lotka-Volterra system of first-order ODEs via VIM:
And here is a good overview of how to leverage a Laplace Transform when solving ODEs with VIM:
I hope you can put these together for LVIM.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
5 answers
Are there some methods to handle stochastic partial differential equations with an integral term as drift coefficient? One method is semigroup theory but are there other methods to find solution or show the existence of solution. Any references are also welcome.
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Fixed Point theorem.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
10 answers
It seems to me that "determinism" is not a rigorously defined concept. It obviously involves
the order-structure of time T(what determines "before" and "after") as well as the possibility of capturing the instantaneous state of the universe at a given time t in T by an element in a certain phase-space Q.
Our notion of "determinism" will greatly depend on the order-structure of T as well as Q (for instance, its cardinality: is an infinite amount of information required to specify the state of the universe).
The popular concept of "determinism" corresponds to finite computational determinism. T is given the order structure of the natural numbers N and Q is finite. Then the state q(t) of the universe at time t can be computed via a recursive function F from the states q(t') at previous times for t' < t (more commonly the immediately preceeding state state is enough ?).
But suppose that F were not recursive but belonged to some other order of the arithmetical hierarchy (let us say Sigma^1) ? Could we still speak of "determinism" ? What if F were beyond the arithmetical hierarchy ?
What is the best way of extending our notion of "computability" to the case in which T has a dense linear order and/or in which Q has infinite cardinality ? How do we express the "determinism" paradigm of differential equations in a rigorous way ? What if the coeficients of analytic solutions are not computable ?
By "predetermination" I mean the idea that the entire evolution of the universe through time already "exists". Suppose that the law of evolution of the universe F were undefinable in first-order logic but that we had predeterminism. I call this "metaphysical predetermination".
What criteria or what experiment can we conceive of that could distinguish pure chance or free will
from metaphysical predetermination ?
I also note that for us conscious beings it seems arguable that finite computational determinism at least is false.
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Approaching the question differently these two terms are quite different...
The determinism is the sum of conditions which will define the direction of evolution of a system (example physical body, features, and its contact with its surroundings). The predetermination is the ability of the humans to describe a situation which will be realized, subsequently... A very good example of this is the earthquake event... which is well determined by the phenomenon of crust and mantle... The earthquake's predetermination is deppend how we know this phenomenon which determines the earthquake happening...
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
17 answers
Consider the class of real elementary functions defined on a real interval I. These
are real analytic functions. How can we characterise their power series ? That is, what
can we say about their coeficients, the structure of the series of their coeficients ?
For instance there are coeficients a(n) given by rational functions in n , or given by combinations of rational functions and factorials functions, computable coeficients, coeficients given by recurrence relations, etc.
It is easy to give an example of a real analytic function which is not elementary. Just solve the equation x'' - tx = 0 using power series. This equation is known not to have any non-trivial elementary solution, in fact it has no Liouville solution (indefinite integrals of elementary functions).
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Few words to the following comment by @Dinu Theodorescu
<< But we have also special cases. The elementary function 1/(1-x)=sum_{n=0to infinity} x^n for all x (which) belong to (-1,1). In this case the series of coefficients do not converge because c_n=1 for all n.>>
I wouldn't call it 'special case'. It is rather a typical case of a DIFFERENT class of cases. Indeed, the number
a+1 = 0+1 = 1
is off the domain of convergence of the Taylor series for 1/(1-x) wrt a=0.
  • asked a question related to Differential Equations
3 answers
I am working on topology optimization for photonic devices. I need to apply a custom spatial filter on the designed geometry to make it fabricable with the CMOS process. I know there exist spatial filters to remove the pixel-by-pixel and small features from the geometry. However, I have not seen any custom analytical or numerical filters in the literature. Can anyone suggest a reference to help me through this?
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Many thanks for your reply.
The list of papers you've provided perfectly developed the concept, particularly the tutorial paper that goes through the optimization problem step by step.