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Dietetics - Science topic

The application of nutritional principles to regulation of the diet and feeding persons or groups of persons.
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Publications related to Dietetics (10,000)
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Novos tratamentos contra o câncer elevaram a expectativa de vida de crianças e adolescentes, porém, estão associados ao excesso de peso e consequentemente ao risco cardiovascular. O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar a ingestão dietética, o tempo de remissão do câncer com os índices antropométricos relacionados com o risco cardiovascular em crian...
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Novos tratamentos contra o câncer elevaram a expectativa de vida de crianças e adolescentes, porém, estão associados ao excesso de peso e consequentemente ao risco cardiovascular. O objetivo deste estudo foi relacionar a ingestão dietética, o tempo de remissão do câncer com os índices antropométricos relacionados com o risco cardiovascular em crian...
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Análisis y revisión de los determinantes de la condición de sobrepeso/ obesidad: Un adelanto de resultados de la encuesta basada en el instrumento FAFO MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS RESULTADOS DISCUSIÓN Y CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS Y BIBLIOGRAFÍA BÁSICA Póster com.: 136 INTRODUCCIÓN RESUMEN Introducción: La adhesión y mantenimiento en las pautas de mejora en lo...
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Background/Objectives: Particularly in racially and ethnically diverse countries, the necessity of providing individualized care to people seeking diet advice is increasingly recognized and embedded in practice guidelines. Some jurisdictions have a history of colonization with subjugation and marginalization of the Indigenous population, which has...
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Social media content on health and healthy eating and dietetics challenge users with a low health literacy index. There are often barriers to distinguishing who is a credible content producer and whose advice can be considered professionally relevant. In our research, we examine why the reach of social media content published by dietitians is lower...
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This Anaphylaxis Manifesto calls on communities to prioritise 10 practical actions to improve the lives of people at risk of serious allergic reactions. The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network and the European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients' Associations (EFA) compiled patient‐centric priorities. We used qualitative cons...
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Background: Although dietitians possess expert knowledge on the interplay between nutrition and health, their specific role in family therapy for anorexia nervosa (FT-AN) remains a topic of debate. Some of the literature indicates insufficient evidence to affirm the impact of dietetic interventions , emphasising variability in outcomes and a need f...
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Chronic Energy Deficiency (CED) in pregnant women raises the risk of premature birth and low birth weight (LBW). This study evaluates the effectiveness of nutrition mentoring by dietetic students on the knowledge, intake, and nutritional status of pregnant women in Makassar and Maros, South Sulawesi. Conducted as part of the 2023 Dietitian Professi...
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This literature review investigated the relationship between gut microbiota and obesity, with an emphasis on the effects of different dietary interventions on microbiota modulation. The search was conducted in the PubMed database, considering articles published between 2019 and 2024, freely available and in full text. Using DECs/MESH descriptors an...
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Durante la etapa escolar es fundamental el desarrollo de estilos de vida saludables, como una dieta balanceada y practica de actividad física regular, para lograr un crecimiento adecuado y prevenir a largo plazo la malnutrición por déficit y/o exceso alimentario. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la ingesta dietética, índices antropom...
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Objective: Physicians at the University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku-Ozalla, Enugu, demonstrate a passion for multidisciplinary healthcare and effective communication. However, there is limited understanding of the roles and contributions of dietitians within the healthcare team. Methods: The study adopted a cross-sectional survey des...
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Introduction Diet and lifestyle play pivotal roles in Ayurveda’s preventive and therapeutic principles. The rich culinary heritage of Kerala harmoniously aligns with Ayurvedic dietetic principles. With the recent designation of 2023 as the International Year of Millets, there has been a surge of interest in integrating millets into dietary practice...
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As doenças reumatológicas autoimunes, incluindo a artrite reumatoide (AR) e o lúpus eritematoso sistêmico (LES), envolvem inflamação crônica, afetando a qualidade de vida de milhões de pessoas. A compreensão recente de como a dieta e a microbiota intestinal interagem com a imunidade trouxe novas perspectivas para o manejo dessas doenças. Este estud...
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El verdugo americano (Lanius ludovicianus) es un ave depredadora con gran adaptabilidad dietética, aunque los estudios sobre sus hábitos predatorios son escasos. De enero a mayo del 2023, hicimos recorridos sobre un transecto de 218 m en el límite agrícola-urbano occidental de Guadalajara, México, para registrar presas del verdugo americano. Docume...
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Medical Nutrition Therapy (MNT) services have shifted from only in-person to digital consultations. This may present a challenge to older patients if they are not digitally literate. This scoping review aimed to identify and analyse tools for assessing digital health literacy to guide dietetic practice in screening patients for digital care needs a...
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Background: Gynaecologic cancers (GC) experience unintentional weight loss and inadequate oral intake even before treatment. Cancer patients are at risk of accessing inaccurate advice and misleading information due to the prevalence of misinformation regarding nutrition and cancer in the media. This study aimed to obtain a comprehensive understandi...
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The aim of this mixed methods systematic review was to synthesize contemporary evidence on effectiveness of community-based allied health (AH) services on acute care utilizations and views from relevant stakeholders. An a priori protocol was registered with PROSPERO [CRD42023437013]. Inclusion criteria were: (a) stand-alone interventions led by pra...
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Introduction: The Nutrition Care Process (NCP) was established and ought to be implemented by nutrition and dietetics practitioners all over the world in an effort to create a framework for critical thinking and decision-making for dieticians and nutrition professionals. Despite the advantages it offers, the implementation of NCP among dietitians i...
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Background: Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) and simulated-based learning (SBL) are feasible models for assessing and improving students’ clinical skills. Objective: The primary objective of this study is to assess Saudi dietetic students' perceptions regarding the effectiveness of the implemented structured clinical education appro...
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Various terms describe Information and Communications Technology (ICT) use in healthcare, including Health Informatics (HI). HI use in healthcare is expected to positively impact healthcare through healthcare cost reduction and improve healthcare accessibility and decision-making. However, the effective application and use of technology in healthca...
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Challenges and Reflections on the Experience and Development of the Profession of Nutrition and Dietetics: A Starting Point With the First Indigenous Dietitian in Saudi Arabia
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Este estudo avaliou o desempenho da tilápia-do-nilo alimentada com dieta sem farinha de peixe, suplementada com taurina. Juvenis de tilápias-do-nilo (n = 150) foram divididas em dois grupos: peixes alimentados com ração suplementada com taurina e sem suplementação (controle). Os peixes foram alimentados três vezes ao dia, e os parâmetros de qualida...
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The loss of germination, viability, and vigor of seeds under storage conditions are the main causes of the need to multiply the seed material for leguminous crops. For crop establishment, seeds obtained in propagation fields are usually used, and the coating comes from the basic seed. In the case of leguminous species, the seeds quickly lose their...
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El aumento de problemas de salud como la obesidad y las afecciones metabólicas ha reforzado la necesidad de entender cómo el nivel socioeconómico impacta la nutrición, especialmente entre jóvenes adultos. Este estudio utilizó el algoritmo K-means para segmentar a jóvenes adultos universitarios basándose en su NSE, ingesta calórica y valores de índi...
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A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) tem se consolidado como um dos maiores desafios de saúde pública do século XXI, refletindo o envelhecimento global da população. Com sua prevalência crescente, a DA se tornou a principal causa de demência, caracterizando-se pela perda progressiva de memória, funções cognitivas e habilidades motoras, comprometendo drastica...
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Ensuring that the curriculum is aligned with the latest standards, guidelines, and best practices in nursing education and healthcare can be challenging. Developing fair and effective assessment methods to evaluate students' competency can be difficult. It is essential to ensure that assessments and pedagogical approaches accurately reflect the kno...
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No exercício físico, a vasodilatação é essencial para o fornecimento de nutrientes e oxigênio para as regiões que estão sendo utilizadas. Nesse sentido, surge o suco de beterraba (SB), ele é rico em nitrato que é convertido em nitrito pelo corpo humano causando efeito de vasodilatação dos vasos sanguíneos, melhorando parâmetros como: aumento da cap...
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RESUMO Atualmente ingerir comida de verdade feita segundo receitas caseira não é mais realidade em uma sociedade onde os produtos alimentícios prontos são a base da alimentação. Os produtos alimentícios ultraprocessados tiveram seu consumo elevado radicalmente nas últimas décadas de forma globalizada. Juntamente com esse consumo surge aumento do pr...
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A Síndrome dos Ovários Policísticos (SOP) é um dos distúrbios endócrinos mais comumente encontrados na atualidade, afetando cerca de 6% a 10% das mulheres em idade reprodutiva em todo o mundo, e caracteriza-se por um conjunto de sintomas que inclui irregularidades menstruais, hiperandrogenismo e presença de ovários policísticos, além de uma predisp...
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A acne, cientificamente conhecida como acne vulgar, é uma condição inflamatória crônica da unidade pilossebácea, extremamente comum, com um acometimento global estimado em aproximadamente 80% da população em alguma fase da vida, é sumariamente uma afecção simples, mas que interfere diretamente na qualidade de vida e autoestima dos pacientes que a p...
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Background Although caffeine (CAF) supplementation has been shown to improve exercise performance, its dose-dependent effect on CAF metabolism has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of 3, 6 and 9 mg of CAF/kgBM on changes of CAF and paraxanthine (PRX) in the serum and saliva at four time-points. M...
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Introduction: Obesity and overweight are major health problems and challenges in the world today. It is the task of modern pharmacology, medicine and dietetics to search for new therapeutic methods to reduce body weight and body fat. Green tea has been a focus of research on its effects on weight reduction for many years. This article will analyse...
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A stakeholders' consensus on nutrition policy for better maternal and child nutrition workshop was held in 2022 hosted by Human Nutrition and Dietetics Department of Agriculture, Bacha Khan University Charsadda, KPK, Pakistan. The main objective was to analyze the MDGs era and to particularly evaluate progress made in child and maternal nutrition d...
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Sports nutrition, a dynamic field, benefits competitive athletes. This study examines its evolution through Scopus and Web of Science trends. The authors employed ScientoPy software to analyse various publications, prominent sports (and) nutrition research areas, (pro)active authors in the field, keywords, popular sources, and institutional informa...
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A CANDIDATE PARADIGM CHANGING METHOD FOR DISSOLUTION OF CORONARY ATHEROSCLEROTIC PLAQUES Biol. Onur Yolay1, Assoc. Prof. Emine Esra Kasapbasi2, Dr. Vedat Ozturk3, Dr. Erdem Tezcan4, Dr. Hasan Karaoglu5, Dr. Ceyhun Küçük5, Dr. Ceyhun Haziroglu6, Prof. Serdar Baki Albayrak7 , Prof. Ayhan Olcay7 1Technology Transfer Office, Bezmialem Vakif University,...
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El síndrome de comedor nocturno (SCN) es un trastorno alimentario descrito en el Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales. Se caracteriza por una alteración en el ritmo circadiano de ingesta de alimentos, con una tendencia a comer de manera excesiva por la noche y niveles anormales de melatonina. Los pacientes consumen entre el 5...
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Background Older adults often experience adverse health outcomes including malnutrition following discharge from emergency departments (ED). Discharge to community care is a transitionary time where nutritional vulnerability could be mitigated with the instigation of targeted nutrition care pathways in ED settings. Aims and objectives This scoping...
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A doença do refluxo gastroesofágico (DRGE) é uma condição comum em crianças, caracterizada pelo refluxo anormal de conteúdo gástrico, apresentando-se de modo variável conforme a idade, e com potenciais complicações clínicas. Este estudo tem por objetivo fazer uma revisão de literatura sobre a doença do refluxo gastroesofágico em crianças, seus méto...
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A diabetes gestacional é uma doença metabólica que ocorre por conta do aumento da resistência à insulina causada pelos hormônios gestacionais. A diabetes gestacional afeta cerca de 15% das gestações em todo o mundo, no Brasil, 7,6 % das mulheres com mais de 20 anos atendidas no Sistema Único de Saúde são acometidas pela diabetes gestacional, 94% do...
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Introdução: A implementação do International Dysphagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI) é uma importante ferramenta para a padronização de texturas dos alimentos e líquidos para indivíduos com disfagia. Método: Esta revisão narrativa teve como objetivo identificar a utilização do IDDSI como padronização das texturas utilizadas na avaliação d...
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Modernization has led to increased risk of lifestyle disorders like hypertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, obesity, cancer, depression, and anxiety. According to World Health Organization (WHO), Noncommunicable diseases (NCD' s) cause 41 million deaths annually, accounting for 74% of global deaths. Cardiovascular diseases,...
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A Urticária Crônica Espontânea (UCE) é definida pelo surgimento espontâneo de pápulas com ou sem angioedema, que persistem por mais de seis semanas, podendo ter causa conhecida ou não. A urticária é desencadeada pela vasodilatação, aumento da permeabilidade vascular e edema, devido à liberação de histamina de mastócitos, que pode ser provocada por...
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Introduction: Hypercalcemia secondary to vitamin D intoxication is a rare condition resulting from inadequate prescription. It is characterized by nonspecific symptomatology and can produce severe neurological, muscular, gastrointestinal, renal, and cardiovascular manifestations. Clinical case: We describe the case of an 86-year-old woman with a hi...
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INTRODUÇÃO: A esofagectomia transtorácica é procedimento padrão para tratamento de lesão neoplásica de esôfago, onde a terapia nutricional perioperatória tem modificado a morbimortalidade. OBJETIVO: Relatar manejo nutricional em esofagectomia transtorácica e revisar a literatura atual. RELATO DE CASO: Paciente do sexo masculino, 48 anos, diagnostic...
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Dairy based sweetmeats usually contain high sugar with a high calorific value which in turn is linked to various non-communicable diseases. To reduce this high calorie content, sugar can be replaced in part or wholly by non-nutritive artificial sweeteners, as well as natural sweetener like honey. In the present study natural and artificial sweetene...
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Introduction Training can improve healthcare providers’ cultural competence and increase their awareness of bias and discrimination in medical decision-making. Cultural competences training is lacking in the education of dieticians in the Netherlands. The aim of this study was to describe the pilot-implementation of a cultural competence training f...
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Background The improved survival rate for many cancers in high-income countries demands a coordinated multidisciplinary approach to survivorship care and service provision to ensure optimal patient outcomes and quality of life. This study assesses the feasibility of introducing a Men’s Health Initiative supportive care intervention programme in Ire...
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The market value of a brand is reflected by brand equity. It signals consumers' recognition and preferability toward certain brands. In a highly competitive market, brand equity becomes crucial as it can lead to customer loyalty and product resilience. Strong brand equity helps a company to stand out among competitors and can significantly influenc...
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English Language Teaching in Brazilian public schools has found ways to reframe pedagogical practices in a social context that puts subjects in contact with the world through technological resources. In this research, we aimed to analyze the discourse of EPT students about fast food culture, after have an English class in the light of Historical-Cr...
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Inaugural speech 'Dietetics and nutritional care in transition'
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The potential of using Large Language Models (LLMs) themselves to evaluate LLM outputs offers a promising method for assessing model performance across various contexts. Previous research indicates that LLM-as-a-judge exhibits a strong correlation with human judges in the context of general instruction following. However, for instructions that requ...
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Sustainable diets have been identified as an important component of a food systems transformation that is urgently needed to meet global sustainability and development goals. This study addresses the lack of a comprehensive synthesis and overview of the sustainable diets literature, including its evolution over time and across disciplines, and shed...
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Introduction: Obesity management strategies such as caloric restriction, very-low-calorie diets (VLCDs), and meal replacements can lead to moderate short-term weight loss. However, many patients face significant challenges in maintaining these results. Personalized interventions, including behavioral counseling and physical activity, have been show...
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Las enfermedades no transmisibles (ENT), como las enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes tipo 2 y algunos tipos de cáncer, son un problema importante para la salud pública a nivel mundial. Este artículo de revisión analiza cómo varios patrones dietéticos pueden ayudar a prevenir y tratar estas enfermedades. Las dietas mediterráneas, que se destaca...
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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of eating disorder risk and physical activity level on diabetes risk in students enrolled in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. Methods This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted with 313 students enrolled in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics at a private founda...
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Hydration plays a crucial role in maintaining health and physiological functions, yet dehydration contributes to morbidity in chronic diseases. Despite the importance of hydration management, research indicates that healthcare professionals, including dietitians, lack sufficient training and confidence in this area. This study aimed to assess the i...
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Background Resilience contributes to mental well-being, hence expediting recovery from stressful events. Health professions students, in particular, often experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety due to academic demands and other stressors. This study aimed to explore the factors contributing to resilience and identify support systems tha...
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Background: Human breast milk is a complex biological fluid containing multifaceted biological compounds that boost immune and metabolic system development that support the short- and long-term health of newborns. Recent literature suggests that human breast milk is a substantial source of nutrients, bioactive molecules, and exosomes. Objectives: T...
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Objective To compare the clinical presentations, management and outcomes of avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID) across paediatric and child and adolescent (C&A) psychiatric settings. Study design Prospective surveillance study. Methods Data were collected during a 13-month prospective surveillance study of children and adolescents w...
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Background Many hospitalised patients require rehabilitation during recovery from acute illness. We use routine data from Electronic Health Records (EHR) to report the quantity and intensity of rehabilitation required to achieve hospital discharge, comparing patients with and without COVID-19. Methods We performed a retrospective cohort study of c...
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O índice glicêmico (IG) é um recurso importante na nutrição, que ajuda a avaliar a qualidade dos carboidratos presentes nos alimentos. Ele permite classificar os carboidratos em três categorias: baixo, moderado e alto, o que pode ser fundamental para uma adequada intervenção nutricional. O objetivo deste artigo foi descrever a influência do índice...
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Objectives Students experience considerable stress and anxiety during the course of their studies, which has a significant impact on their health and hinders the learning process. There are many stressors that can intensify stress, which is why choosing the right strategies for coping with stress and self-esteem is so important. Methods The study...
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Introdução: A urolitíase é uma condição frequente que afeta o trato urinário de cães e gatos, levando à formação de cálculos que podem resultar em cistite ou obstruções graves. Esses cálculos variam em composição, sendo os de estruvita e oxalato de cálcio os mais comuns. A condição afeta principalmente raças e faixas etárias específicas, exigindo m...
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A situação de envelhecimento populacional que vêm ocorrendo na sociedade decorrente da transição demográfica é pautada na redução das taxas de natalidade e de mortalidade. O processo biológico de envelhecimento é irreversível e inevitável, carregando consigo um elevado custo governamental em saúde pública e assistência hospitalar para a faixa etári...
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INTRODUCCIÓN: La amigdalectomía es el procedimiento más antiguo y frecuente de la Otorrinolaringología. Su realización no está exenta de complicaciones, siendo la más grave la hemorragia del lecho quirúrgico, pudiendo requerir internación y/o reintervención. OBJETIVO: Determinar prevalencia de sangrado postquirúrgico en pacientes amigdalectomizados...
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Background Malnutrition is a significant risk for patients during cancer treatment. Neglecting to monitor or provide timely dietetic support can result in lower tolerance to treatments and reduced quality of life. This audit aimed to assess the completeness and accuracy of the documentation of anthropometric measurements in medical records and diet...
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Among the functions of the Higher Educational Institution (HEI) is to bring out quality and excellent graduates who are prepared to enter the local and global labor arena. This study primarily aimed to find out the employment status of the College of Technology graduates from the class of 2020. Employing a descriptive research design, this study ut...
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A dieta influencia significativamente o microbioma intestinal e a produção de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (SCFAs), como butirato, acetato e propionato. Estes SCFAs são resultantes da fermentação de fibras não digeridas e promovem a produção de incretinas, que desempenham um papel na lipólise. A disbiose, um desequilíbrio na microbiota intestinal,...
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L'hypertension artérielle touche une part grandissante de la population, bien que sa prise en charge par des mesures hygiéno-diététiques soit largement reconnue, elle se heurte néanmoins au problème de l'inobservance. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les facteurs liés à l'inobservance des mesures diététiques prescrits chez les hypertendu...
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O envelhecimento é um processo da vida que provoca mudanças físicas, metabólicas e psicológicas, afetando a nutrição de idosos. Desta forma, a inserção e o acompanhamento do nutricionista são fundamentais para minimizar os desafios e garantir uma alimentação saudável que venha suprir os déficits nutricionais desta parcela populacional. Partindo des...
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Dietary management in pediatric chronic kidney disease (CKD) is an area fraught with uncertainties and wide variations in practice. Even in tertiary pediatric nephrology centers, expert dietetic input is often lacking. The Pediatric Renal Nutrition Taskforce (PRNT), an international team of pediatric renal dietitians and pediatric nephrologists, wa...
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A nutrição personalizada é um conceito que busca atender as necessidades específicas de cada indivíduo com base em suas características genéticas, metas de saúde específicas, condições médicas, preferências alimentares, níveis de atividade física, restrições dietéticas e intolerâncias alimentares. Envolve a adaptação do plano alimentar e de estilo...
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Diabètes-partie 1 Annales d'Endocrinologie 85 (2024) 500-528 excessif en saccharose dans 64 % des cas. Les apports en protides, en lipides et en cholestérol étaient excessifs dans 86, 82 et 50 % des cas, respectivement. L'apport en fibres alimentaires était insuf-fisant dans 62 % des cas. La présence d'un régime hypercalorique était corrélée au sex...
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Objective To gain insight into the experiences and perspectives of registered dietitians (RD) in Canada regarding their interactions with commercial actors and actions undertaken to manage these interactions. Design Qualitative study using semi-structured interviews combined with a document analysis. Setting Quebec, Canada Participants RD aged ≥...
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Background Students pursuing food‐related academic fields such as dietetics have higher orthorexia nervosa (ON) tendencies and are at a greater risk of developing eating disorders (EDs). However, there is limited research available on ON tendencies and on the risk of EDs in the culinary arts field, which also revolves around food. The present study...
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Background/Objectives: Pegvaliase, a subcutaneous therapy to treat phenylketonuria (PKU), has allowed these patients to maintain adequate phenylalanine (Phe) blood values without following a Phe-controlled diet; this brings up the challenge of promoting healthy eating while moving away from prescription diets. In our center, every patient treated w...
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This review explores current guidelines for integrating psychosocial support, nutrition, and physical activity into cancer care and examines the resources available to deliver comprehensive care effectively and equitably, with a focus on telehealth solutions. A review of current guidelines related to psychosocial support, nutrition, and exercise in...
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O presente artigo articula os conceitos de parrésia e do arriscar-se no âmbito da filosofia de Michel Foucault. Para tal, empregam-se os elementos pragmáticos do falar franco, precedido do conhece-te a ti mesmo e do cuidado de si da filosofia socrático-platônica-aristotélica e da antiguidade tardia estudadas pelo filósofo francês em sua estética da...