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Diary - Science topic

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  • asked a question related to Diary
5 answers
Hello everyone!
I am writing my master thesis together with a fellow student and we are having problems analyzing our data.
We conducted a daily diary study. Our model is a mediation model with the following variables:
- Trait self-control (predictor, estimated at the beginning, level 2)
- Digital Media Self-Control Failure (mediator, estimated via daily diary - evening questionnaire, 5 days, level 1)
- Goal pursuit (outcome, estimated via daily diary - evening questionnaire, 5 days, level 1)
We are really unsure how to analyze the data (since we didn't have HLM or multilevel medation in our statistics lecture).
We think the lme4 package for R might be suitable for our analysis, or perhaps Rockwood's MLMED macro for SPSS.
What we have found out so far is that we need to center our mediator using CWC. We also think that we need an intercept only model to test the ICC. After that, we are not so sure what to do. We found some literature for HLM and for 2-1-1 Mediation, but nothing that explained what to in R/SPSS or how to it. We are really lost at the moment.
I'm really scared that I might fail my master thesis because we are not able to the analysis.
I really hope that someone has an idea or some other input that can help us.
Thank you so much!
Sophie Kittlaus
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You're on the right track,
1) As you state, center your lvl 1 predictor (DMSCF) around each individual's mean (within-person centering),
## Calculate individual means & centering (don't know what your variables are called)
data$DMSCF_mean <- ave(data$DMSCF, data$id, FUN = mean) data$DMSCF_CWC <- data$DMSCF - data$DMSCF_mean
2) ICC inspection (using lme4 package)
## Intercept model for ICC estimation
m0 <- lmer(GoalPursuit ~ 1 + (1 | id), data = data)
icc <- as.numeric(VarCorr..........)
3) Start with a multilevel model 1-1-1 mediation, first check if there’s enough variation in the mediator (DMSCF) to predict by the lvl 2 predictor ("trait self-control"),
model_1 <- lmer(DMSCF_CWC ~ TraitSelfControl + (1 | id), data = data)
Then check the direct effect of "trait self-control" on "goal pursuit",
model_2 <- lmer(GoalPursuit ~ TraitSelfControl + (1 | id), data = data)
Next you can check the mediation model,
model_3 <- lmer(GoalPursuit ~ TraitSelfControl + DMSCF_CWC + (1 | id), data = data)
4) Check the mediation by testing (Sobel's test) the significance of the product of coefficients (a*b),
## Extract coefficients
a <- fixef(model_1)["TraitSelfControl"]
b <- fixef(model_3)["DMSCF_CWC"]
se_a <- sqrt(vcov(model_1)["TraitSelfControl", "TraitSelfControl"])
se_b <- sqrt(vcoc(model_3)["DMSCF_CWC", "DMSCF_CWC"])
ab <- a * b
## Do a Sobel test
sobel_test <- sobel(a, se_a, b, se_b)
a in this case is the effect of the predictor (trait self-control) on the mediator (DMSCF), b is the effect of the mediator (DMSCF) on the outcome (goal pursuit), controlling for the predictor. If everything is OK the sobel() function will return a z-value which you can compare to standard normal distribution critical values to determine the significance.
Finally, if the indirect effect a*b is significant (from Sobel), the idea is that you can claim that DMSCF mediates (partially or fully) the relationship between "trait self-control" and "goal pursuit". If the direct effect (TraitSelfControl on GoalPursuit) in model_3 remains significant after including the mediator, it suggests partial mediation. If it becomes non-significant, it suggests full mediation. I don't know the name of your variables and there might be some hiccups in the code as I haven't tested it, but the general idea is there.
Remember to report the ICC in your analysis to justify the use of a multilevel model though! And report all the fixed effects from each model (+mediation effects)
  • asked a question related to Diary
1 answer
How do you design diary prompts to ensure accurate and relevant responses from participants?
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  • asked a question related to Diary
1 answer
What methods do you use to analyze diary data and identify key patterns or themes?
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  • asked a question related to Diary
1 answer
How do you address potential biases in diary entries?
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  • asked a question related to Diary
5 answers
I am investigating engagement and inclusion with the natural environment with ethnic minorities. The research is designed to culturally competent and sensitive. I plan to use visual research methods and interviews. I have a photography task that i wish my participants to undertake but am aware that not everyone has a smart phone / camera or will be comfortable using such a device in a a public place. My possible solution is to offer other ways to participate ( i.e. diary, art or secondary images) but cannot find any literature on using different methods per participant. The visual data will be used a discussion point in interviews, not to be analysed.
Any thoughts or suggestions welcome.
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I think that you talk about visual elicitation interviews. You can use any object or visual product in the interviews. It can be something found, already available or documents that are elicited, provoked. You can use drawings, collages, legos or any other respondent-generated imagery or researcher-produced visuals.
  • asked a question related to Diary
11 answers
Dear all, I would like to ask, what kind of application should I develop next. I have already done MolMarker, which you can download from: I like to develop a java based desktop application. I think itvwhould be something that helps the lab work for example, somthing like a lab diary, but any other idea is wellcome.
Thanks for xour help!!!
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How about you create an app that helps users to create web pages with forms, without the need for them to code, everything is drag and drop, point and click, and your program will generate the scripts for their pages, with layouts, styling, forms, all handled by your software.
  • asked a question related to Diary
1 answer
Dera Dr,
I have been working as a proffessor at Hacettepe University since 1984. We planned a MsC thesis on Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy patients about their physical performans. We would like to researh the relation between pulmonary function and PA level is investigated. One of our outcomes is Bouchard 3 days physical activity diary. If you don't mind we would like to use your diary in our study. I am looking forward to hear your response.
Best regards.,
A. Ayşe Karaduman PT. PhD Prof.
Hacettepe University Faculty of Healty Sciences
Department of Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
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Yes, we can. But pls don't call me dr, I dispense the formalities
  • asked a question related to Diary
4 answers
Hi All! I am looking for a public dataset that includes a lot of text (such as diary entries) and psychological outcomes such as well-being, cognitive ability, mental health, etc... Does anyone know of any datasets that would be appropriate?
Thanks so much!
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Hi Elliot,
It could be a valid starting point to connect with the datasets owners
  • asked a question related to Diary
5 answers
I want to sample virtual community members in a city for an academic research in travel behaviour. What sampling technique works? I want to use a questionnaire and a travel diary to collect data. Are there experiences I can learn from? Thanks
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You can just sample people here at research gate by using survey tool online.
Hello Toyin, How is your study going on.
  • asked a question related to Diary
2 answers
I am currently trying to figure out how to use Visual TimePAcTS application for analysing activity data emerging from time use diaries. I am having trouble setting up a database and entering my respondents' data. I was wondering if anyone here has had experience using the Visual TimePAcTS application and if so whether they would mind sharing with me their experience? 
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I am also searching for a website where we could download VisualTimePAcTS/energy . Anyone with a link to the page or the software ?
  • asked a question related to Diary
14 answers
PhD researcher Kerissa Nelson from the University of Plymouth Institute of Education, is looking for participants who can help her to reach the goal of her research project.
Kerissa writes:
The goal of this research is to create knowledge and promote understanding of the psycho-emotional experiences of students with dyslexia (SWD) in mainstream classrooms and to offer an opportunity to teachers to consider SWD’s perspectives in informing their teaching practices.
If you fall into any of the categories below and would like to participate in this study kindly contact me.
The categories are:
South West students with dyslexia from mainstream secondary school 16 years and over:
You will be asked to record something each evening for a week in a video dairy reflecting on our experiences during the school day and when doing homework. As a part of the study you will receive a link to the video diary which you can access on your phone, tablet or computer, all recordings will be then be sent to me using this link when school resumes. For now, your being asked to participate in a semi-structured interview for no more than 45 minutes via Zoom (an online meeting facility).
South West teachers of secondary school students with dyslexia:
You will be asked to participate in two focus group discussions to share your experiences of teaching students with dyslexia in mainstream secondary classrooms. There will be a maximum of 7 educators in each session. Sessions will be conducted via Zoom which will last no more than 90 minutes for each session.
You may contact Kerissa by email at
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Comorbidity psychopathology manifestations in students with dyslexia have long been commented on in the literature. To a large extent, they are the result of the malfunction of the brain systems, related to both the processing of verbal information and the executive functions. I think you need to pay attention to this side of the problem. There are interesting methods that can be applied.
  • asked a question related to Diary
8 answers
I am collecting data from 3 data techniques: interview, diary and student compositions.
Should I collect "the codes taken from interview and diary" in one page and continue to produce themes? Then compare the results with the data analysis from composition?
Or Should I produce codes and themes first from diary, then from interview? I am confuesd a little bit. Thank you.
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A lot depends on your goals. If you are pursuing triangulation, you should work with the data sets in ways that let you compare them -- which is what I described earlier. Alternatively, if you are doing thematic analysis (Braun and Clarke, 2006), you should code all the data before you generate themes.
  • asked a question related to Diary
4 answers
In a 18th century private diary, surfaces are never measured thanks to units. Instead of that, the landlord registered each number of trees. That is why I should need to know what was approximatively the plantation density, even if it probably varied according to the slope and to the quality of soils and watering.
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Nice confirmation, thanks
  • asked a question related to Diary
4 answers
Hi, I am new in diary study and intends to analyse them qualitatively. From my search, I found many articles that describe quantitative analysis on diary. Would appreciate if you could suggest one. Thanks
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Nurhanis Syazni Roslan- I recommend for you reading the study be Janssens, KA et al 2018. I enclose a copy. Good luck.
  • asked a question related to Diary
3 answers
I'm a 1st ywar PhD and I want to collect multi-modal diary data (for qualitative use) using Telegram (I've heard it has better encryption than WhatsApp). While I'm OK with the tech side (I've found out I can download chat data and convert to text to stabilise it), I am a little unsure about the ethical dimension of using a third party app.
There is research out there that has used apps for diary apps, but these have been apps that the researcher has had developed especially. I do not have the funds to pay a developer for such a project, hence my consideration of using a well-known, publicly accessible app. Another advantage is that participants would be more familiar with using it.
I'm really interested in hearing from anyone who can give me some advice here, particularly before I submit my ethics form for institutional approval!
Thanks in advance,
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Has anyone used Telegram or WhatsApp messenger apps for qualitative data collection?
I'd never used telegram nor Whatsapp as primary data for qualitative research but personally I think these 2 data types can be artifacts if they are the only / original sources of data you can collect.
Also you might want to perform a due diligence to validate whether those texts that you'd obtained from telegram or Whatsapp (especially the sensitive data) are in ciphered / encrypted form or not at all (provide evidence also if they are not encrypted)? If they are in encrypted form, how can you decipher them as part of your qualitative research reporting?
  • asked a question related to Diary
6 answers
I conducted a diary study. 3 independent judges analysed the data (with thematic analysis) and after deliberation all together now we have 6 categories.
Do I need to do confirmatory factor analysis?
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Yağmur Rumeli, confirmatory factor analyses will not help you unless you have quantitative data to analyze. You also need to have a hypothesized underlying factor structure, which is essentially a measurement model. You don't have a measurement model in these types of studies. Attached in my response is a PDF document that explains the assumptions and process of confirmatory factor analyses.
If you want to increase the validity of a qualitative research project such as this, then two of the most common methods are member checking and inter-rater reliability.
Inter-rater reliability will tell you the extent to which the 3 independent judges agreed on the categories. It helps to determine whether or not your themes can be replicated within the study. I always recommend doing this when you have multiple judges, as it's a fairly easy way to see how the coding scheme worked.
Member checking involves going back to the participants and ensuring that the themes that you pulled and the interpretations that you made accurately reflect what the participants were trying to convey. It's essentially an exit interview from the project.
I recommend that you do inter-rater reliability, as you should have the necessary data at your disposal. If you have the opportunity to do member checking, then that will add even more validity to the study, but that requires that you have the capacity to re-contact the participants.
Here is a link explaining how inter-rater reliability works:
Here is a link to some information about member checking:
  • asked a question related to Diary
3 answers
Dear all,
I am a Ph.D. candidate assessing the impact of the menstrual cycle phase in young females (post-PHV) on athletic performance - jumping and sprinting/
As such, I wish to assess the menstrual phase of the participants using:
1. A valid menstrual cycle questionnaire to assess their menstrual status, age of menarche, length of their cycle etc.
2. A valid menstrual cycle log/diary whereby the participants can log the onset of menses and their status during a given month, whilst also logging their daily temperature
Did you use such methods? If so, could you share them with me? If you did not, would you be able to point me in the direction of authors who may have?
Thank you for your time.
Lee McGarrigal
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I hope it helps. I know that it is not exactly what you are looking for but it might give you good leads, specially with some of the referenced papers.
  • asked a question related to Diary
6 answers
I would like to know which methodology I should use because I observed two different preschool classes in kindergarten and i want to compare them without quantitative analysis.
Specifically, I observed two different classrooms for 1 month (each class) and used some thematic axes before observation that were the same for each group. The first class was selected by random sampling and the other was not.
My concern is how to analyze the data and the measures I need to take into account as to the validity of the research.More extensively, i wrote down what was happening (the events) in each kindergarten regarding the different areas in the educational process and so on.
Specifically, through the observation of each class in the (kindergarten) I recorded the events in the form of a diary and took note of the thematic axes I set from the beginning.Then I sorted the observations - events (in the form of calendar type) into each thematic axis.Is the methodological approach I followed correct? Does this procedure I follow relate to a case study? or not?
Because I observed two different samples that is, two different -cases - as was the purpose of the research to examine the differences between them. In particular , what is happening - within a traditional education model in kindergarten where it is also the dominant model in my country and its implications in various fields, as opposed to a kindergarten that follows alternative pedagogical approaches where it is rare in my country. Because I did not do structured interviews, I worry about the validity of the research.What I was doing was simply asking questions to kindergarten teachers when they were needed during the research.Then Ι wrοte down the answers (which were related to the research questions and the research concerns that arose from the observation in the field.The data collection involved participatory observation where it was conducted with calendar type notes as well as the free form of discussions and questions where they were posed.(different in each group)In conclusion, what terminology should I write about for this research process where I did?Is the whole process wrong?
Do I need to fix something? For example make tables with categories to explain the analysis?
Thanks in advance for your time.
Any advice would be very helpful.
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I would call what you have done a comparative case study using systematic observation. The use of a purposefully selected special case and a case from the general population is what makes it a comparative case study. Your use of carefully planned counts of pre-panned codes is what makes systematic observation.
You can find a brief discussion of systematic observation in Schutt's textbook, Investigating the Social World: The Process and Practice of Research.
  • asked a question related to Diary
5 answers
I am having issues explaining my sampling technique in my methodology. I have utilised a two phase sequential explanatory design collecting and analysing the Quantitative data in the form of an online survey first, followed by collecting and analysing the Qualitative-which is a consumption diary. The only stipulation was that participants had to be of a certain age Those who took part in the online survey (obtained via social media and general advertising) were asked to contact the researcher if they would like to take part in the consumption diary, thus I obtained my sample for the second phase of the research.
Any ideas what this would be labelled as? I have been reading journal after journal, but I am still not any further forward,
Thanks in advance,
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It doesn't sound like you had any "eligibility" requirements, and just accepted anyone who was willing to complete both the first survey and the later diary. In that case, the would each be a "convenience" sample.
  • asked a question related to Diary
4 answers
Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas of how to conduct some potential analyses for some research I am working on. I am interested in the moderating role of trait emotion regulation on the relationship between state anxiety prior to solving an interpersonal problem (predictor) and problem solving in a real-life interpersonal problem (outcome). I want to hypothesize that individuals with high levels of state anxiety perform well if they also have good emotion regulation skills, but individuals with high levels of state anxiety do not perform as well if they do not have as good of emotion regulation skills. I have used diary cards for participants to track interpersonal problems that they have faced (the responses are coded) as well as their state anxiety level prior to trying to solve the problem. Each participant rated their state anxiety prior to 4 interpersonal problems that they faced (predictor) and wrote about how they solved that problem (outcome). They filled out one measure about trait emotion regulation skills. I have a sample of 50 participants right now. I do not think I can treat each scenario as if it were a different participant (then I would have a sample of 200 because 4 scenarios per participant and there are 50 participants) and run a test of moderation once. Is there a way to do some kind of repeated measures moderation without averaging participants' scores (this would defeat the purpose of looking at state-anxiety)? Should I just run four different moderation analyses, one for the first scenario, one for the second scenario, and so on? Or is there a way I could use a repeated measures ANOVA to look for an interaction? I don't think it makes conceptual sense to treat the first scenario recorded any differently from the second scenario because there were no experimental manipulations to create hypothesized differences for scenario 1, 2, 3, and 4. I hope this makes sense. I look forward to hearing what anyone has to say!
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Stephen Politzer-Ahles
, thank you for your response. I looked into using a mixed-effects regression model, but am still confused. I have two within subject variables (state anxiety while solving an interpersonal problem and the effectiveness of the solution to the problem) that I collected four times each. When I look at examples of mixed-effect models they only use one within subject variable. Is there a way to use two within subject variables? Also, I am not interested in whether or not state anxiety or effectiveness is significantly different between times 1, 2, 3, or 4 when the data was collected and it seems like mixed-effect models provide you with this information too. I just want to see how ability to regulate emotions moderates the relationship between state anxiety during problem solving and the effectiveness of the solution of that given problem, but I have four data points for state anxiety and effectiveness.
  • asked a question related to Diary
7 answers
Hello fellow researchers,
Im currently working on a sensor design for diary industry.
Milk flow is totally bubbly in the industry because of which the proper flow measurement using conventional sensors like Ultrasonic sensors, Rotary encoders, Mass flow sensors, Infrared sensors etc are not giving accurate results.
The problem is for vaccum based bucket milking machines.
Are there any opinions for you people regarding the same? Any answer would be greatly accepted. Is it better to find a way to remove bubbles and then measure? Thats what i was thinking
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Mr. Bishwajit Sharma is on target to focus on the bulk fluid density, and doing so by breaking up the bubbles with the goal of having a more-or-less homogeneous fluid. Venturi meters with sanitary seals is a good direction to go.
  • asked a question related to Diary
22 answers
if we collect data via diary and interview in one research can we use thematic analysis for the diary and grounded theory method for the interview data? or should a single method be used for the two data?
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There is nothing that requires you to use the same method for both types of data, but you would need a good reason for doing so in order to convince your reviewers that you made an appropriate decision.
In particular, there would need to be strengths of each analysis method that were directly connected to each form of data collection. I am familiar with both thematic analysis and grounded theory, and I personally don't see any obvious reason to use one for diary data and the other interview data.
  • asked a question related to Diary
1 answer
I would like to study on doctors' working hour
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It's not a question of 'validation' but of legislative regulation.
  • asked a question related to Diary
13 answers
I noticed the formation of e red pigment on a typical  Arabic cheese, this cheese is prepared by Bedouins from the goat milk and conversed in a hyper-saline water, the pigment is formed only when the cheese is exposed to the air (out of water), is it a microbial metabolites? Is this phenomena known for other types of cheese?
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Most likely a pigment made by an obligate aerobic organism like Pseudomonas. I have investigated a similar problem observed in Mozzarella cheese (usually soaked in Salt saturated water before packing in a plastic film). The film used usually has low oxygen penetration coefficient and the cheese lasts for the expected length of shelf-storage time. However, in that specific case the film supplier ran out of the regular film so he substituted it with a film material that was more permeable to Oxygen. Guess what! Oxygen interned the package and allowed the obligate aerobic organism to grow and produce the red pigment. 
We were able to isolate the organism and show it will not grow or produce the pigment in absence of air (20% Oxygen).  But upon exposure to oxygen the pigment was produced. It is a Phenazine Pigment.
  • asked a question related to Diary
10 answers
Foods from local African, Asian, and Afro-Caribbean regions. 
Software is to analyse the nutrients in their 3 day or 5 day food diaries.
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Patrick thank you very much for the information the second link is very close to what I am looking for and will play around with the software and will let you know the progress.