Science topics: Social PsychologyDialogical
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Dialogical - Science topic
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This edited volume brings together diverse voices and perspectives from across the transnational ELT field spanning pedagogical, theoretical, and empirical inquiries in K-16+ settings across Australasia, Africa, and the Americas. The editors and the contributing authors individually and collaboratively focus on issues of current significance -- inc...
FILARCH ( is an international academic platform that aims to study and bridge the gap between Philosophy and Architecture. Created in 2019, over the last few years it has become a place for exchanging ideas, presenting and sharing results and res...
This article examines interfaith dialogue (IFD) as a transformative tool for combating religious discrimination and fostering inclusive societies. Drawing from theological insights and practical applications, the study explores the historical, social, and psychological roots of religious discrimination, highlighting how IFD can bridge divides and p...
Different research studies in Applied Linguistics, in Brazil, have sought to examine the work with language practices in Portuguese language classes in Elementary Education. These studies have employed ethnographic research, action research, and analyses of documents and discourses. Within this approach, our article aims to propose a theoretical-me...
Feedback is crucial during programming problem solving, but context often lacks critical and difference. Generative artificial intelligence dialogic feedback (GenAIDF) has the potential to enhance learners’ experience through dialogue, but its effectiveness remains sufficiently underexplored in empirical research. This study employed a rigorous qua...
The “long” 1970s can be deemed as the axial years in the history of contemporary Belarusian culture, which determined its development for the subsequent decades. These years are marked by generous state support of the creative intelligentsia on the one hand, and the increasing pressure of unification on national cultures on the other. This essay as...
We are writing to extend the discourse on the innovative work published in digital health on the feasibility of videoconferencing-based therapy groups for postpartum depression and anxiety. The pragmatic evaluation demonstrated promising outcomes in terms of acceptability, appropriateness, and group process, suggesting that this modality is a viabl...
This article is devoted to the problems of teaching high school students oral speech in a foreign language. Improving speech training is considered in the context of taking into account the psychological characteristics of students' perception and understanding of oral speech. In the classroom, it is important for teachers to useoreign language as...
This study examined the impact of Patient-Centered Communication (PCC), Open Dialogue-inspired changes to rounding practices and culture, on patient perceptions of care on an inpatient psychotic disorders unit. A retrospective cohort analysis was conducted based on medical records, restraint and seclusion records, and hospital Perceptions of Care (...
This Dialogue paper argues that the use of synthetic data can never be “ethical.” My argument imports a normative stance from media ethics that “being-ethical-means-being-accountable” (Glasser and Ettema 2008). Building from discourse ethics, this stance positions such ethics as having “the facility to argue articulately and deliberate thoughtfully...
Publikace představuje základní principy restaurování kamenných památek, přičemž se soustředí zejména na problematiku exteriérových sochařských děl. Při restaurování monumentálních kamenných sochařských děl je nutný dialog mezi specialisty z různých oborů: restaurátory, technology, petrology, statiky, projektanty, stavbyvedoucími, investorem, správc...
Social robots are becoming more and more perceptible in public service settings. For engaging people in a natural environment a smooth social interaction as well as acceptance by the users are important issues for future successful Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). The type of verbal communication has a special significance here. In this paper we inve...
Penelitian ini mengkaji hubungan antara Nabi Ibrahim dan ayahnya, Aazar, dalam konteks Al-Qur'an, dengan fokus pada tema iman dan keluarga. Metode yang digunakan adalah pendekatan tafsir tematik, yang memungkinkan peneliti untuk menggali makna mendalam dari interaksi keduanya. Aazar, yang digambarkan sebagai penyembah berhala, menolak seruan Nabi I...
Habib Jafar Al-Hadar dikenal sebagai tokoh agama muda yang aktif mempromosikan nilai-nilai toleransi dan cinta kasih lintas agama. Dengan pendekatan yang santai namun substansial, ia menggunakan platform digital untuk menjangkau berbagai lapisan masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh pemikirannya dalam menciptakan harmoni antaru...
O diálogo Teeteto sempre ocupou lugar de destaque, compreendido geralmente como pertencente à fase mais madura de Platão. Uma inquietação, quase nunca analisada a fundo, está na conversa entre Euclides de Mégara e seu companheiro Térpsion que abre o Teeteto, caracterizando-o como um escrito pertencente ao filósofo megárico, cuja tradição de ensino...
The League of Mohammadia Scholars as a religious institution in Morocco plays a role in promoting the principles of peace and religious tolerance through the lens of modern media. Through quantitative methods with the theoretical frameworks of media, institutional communication, and interfaith dialog, we attempted to look at culture as it relates t...
Moderasi beragama merupakan kebijakan pemerintah untuk menyikapi ekstrem beragama baik kiri maupun kanan di Indonesia. Kebijakan tersebut adalah baik karena berguna untuk menghadirkan kedamaian di tengah kemajemukan agama. Namun harus disadari bahwa hal itu juga dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya peran agama secara sosial. Agama yang seharusnya menjadi...
This research is motivated by the fact that higher education in Indonesia is experiencing a paradigm shift towards a more participatory and inclusive approach. This article examines the importance of dialogue between students and study programs in improving the quality of educational services at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Univer...
The paper focuses on the enquiry of aesthetic and ideological shift in the new historical fiction from the earlier postmodern historiographic metafiction. Particularly, it analyses such changes with regard to the treatment of history in the new beyond postmodern condition. Such tendencies have been tried to discern through the main formative elemen...
Kemiskinan merupakan masalah utama bagi konteks Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), dan masyarakat belum secara lantang menyuarakan hak-hak mereka di ruang publik. Suara-suara kritis dari penelitian-penelitian akademis belum secara signifikan membentuk daya kritis masyarakat untuk melawan ketidakadilan. Artikel ini memberi fokus dan mengkaji tentang sejarah...
Neste artigo, empreende-se uma discussão teórico-conceitual com dois objetivos inter-relacionados: (1) dispor o conceito de “texto” no quadro teórico-metodológico do dialogismo e (2) fomentar a precisão terminológica nos estudos dialógicos relativamente ao campo da Linguística, especialmente à análise dialógica do discurso (ADD). A discussão se fun...
While the merits of dialogic talk for supporting students' learning is well documented, the contribution of specific talk moves on learning outcomes remains less understood. This study was conducted to investigate how student‐generated talk moves during whole‐classroom discussions, as captured by the Low‐Inference Discourse Observation tool, predic...
Paradigma sains seperti yang diartikulasikan oleh Ziauddin Sardar dan Archie J. Bahm, menekankan perlunya pendekatan yang lebih inklusif dan etis untuk penyelidikan ilmiah. Perspektif Sardar menganjurkan ilmu yang mencerminkan pandangan dunia yang beragam dan mempromosikan dialog antar budaya, terutama antara dunia Islam dan Barat. Kedua pemikir me...
The aim of this article is to present proposals for reading activities for English language classes with the picturebook Piggybook, by Anthony Browne, a classic of children's literature. We use as the main theoretical and methodological contribution Mikhail Bakthin‟s language dialogical perspective and his circle, since in this way it is possible t...
Pir Muhammad Karwan's 2000 poetry collection Da Xāperey Werghowey traces a history of materiality, emotion, and imagination across human-environmental systems as they are militarized over twenty years in Afghanistan. At the same as it is a unique narration of the wars, this project is a cosmopolitical one. In dialog with other essays in this issue...
This article explores the development of epistemic skills through transcultural collaborations among students and professors from eight universities across continents. The study emphasizes the importance of dialogue in enhancing critical thinking and epistemic fluency in global contexts. By engaging students in discussions on global migration and e...
Kunst, for eksempel performanceteater, kan skabe og påvirke dybe følelsesmæssige og kropslige oplevelser. Dette essay giver, baseret på en fænomenologisk og interdisciplinær tilgang, der involverer teater, sygepleje, filosofi og psykologi, indblik i Teater Fluks’ arbejde med temaet demens. Med udgangspunkt i indsigter skabt gennem et dybdegående in...
This study examines online communities as arenas where diverse forms of expertise converge to influence discourse and public opinion. Using the case of social media activism advocating for justice in the wrongful conviction of Roman Zadorov for the murder of Tair Rada, it highlights how these communities serve as platforms for “profess...
Dalam implementasinya, penyederhanaan birokrasi dapat diartikan sebagai upaya untuk mengurangi kompleksitas dan meningkatkan efisiensi dalam proses administratif serta struktur organisasi pemerintah, dengan tujuan akhir untuk menciptakan pemerintahan yang lebih responsif dan akuntabel. Di sisi lain, dialog kinerja adalah proses komunikasi serta ump...
Conversational skills, which are essential for effective social interactions and typically pose difficulties for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), include abilities such as initiating topics, engaging in back-and-forth dialog, and responding to conversational cues. Chatbots have been used in mental health fields, and the development...
This essay explores possible meanings hidden in the 1928 bronze statue Sinnataggen—The Angry Boy—by the Norwegian sculptor Gustav Vigeland. The toddler, exuding anger and frustration, is a beloved statue. What is his attraction? Why is the boy angry, and what does he seek to communicate? The essay argues there is an Angry Boy in every boy and man,...
The study of the oral discursive genre has traditionally occupied a relevant place in teaching orality as a mechanistic expressive ability that does not do justice to the complexity of the real practices of oral interaction in the fields of use. Therefore, this text aims to seek new meanings of the theoretical and pedagogical understandings of oral...
Regime switching, the process where complex systems undergo transitions between qualitatively different dynamical states due to changes in their conditions, is a widespread phenomenon, from climate and ocean circulation, to ecosystems, power grids, and the brain. Capturing the mechanisms that give rise to isolated or sequential switching dynamics,...
[English title and abstract below] Meinrad Lienert (1865–1933) ist heute vor allem noch bekannt für seine Mundartlyrik und seine patriotischen Schweizer Sagen und Heldengeschichten. Der Jugend erzählt (1914), die immer wieder neu aufgelegt wurden. Diese haben den Blick verstellt auf seine inzwischen vergriffenen Kindergeschichten (Das war eine gold...
This work aims to investigate the discourses materialized in signs in Brazilian Sign Language used to designate white people and black people. We inscribed this research in Dialogical Discourse Analysis studies. As a methodological approach, we searched for the aforementioned signs on four virtual platforms: Google, Youtube, Signbank and National I...
This work focuses on analysing aesthetic-sporting phenomena from a political perspective. To do so, it uses approaches from Marxism and critical theory, in principle, to elucidate the relationship between sporting act and aesthetic fact so that, later, the micro-practices of sports can be analysed from the French critical thought of G. Deleuze as p...
Penelitian ini mengkaji tradisi Baremah Adat Binua Dait suku Dayak di Dusun Bareh, Kalimantan Barat, serta integrasinya dengan ajaran Katolik dalam konteks Gaudium et Spes Art. 40. Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari interaksi antara budaya lokal dan agama Katolik di kalangan masyarakat Dayak, yang telah lama menjalankan tradisi Baremah seba...
[English title and abstract below] Dieser Beitrag nimmt, ausgehend von der kontextualistischen Position in der Komiktheorie, zwei für den Deutschen Jugendliteraturpreis 2023 nominierte Bilderbücher in den Blick. Ziel ist es, daran exemplarisch zu zeigen, wie Komik allein durch besonders partizipativ und spielerisch eingefordertes Lesen maßgeblich k...
(1) Background: This study describes an exploration of the potential of cultural, religious, and spiritual diversity to trigger one’s psychological self-image and open the possibility of personal identity transformation as a tool for deep intercultural, interreligious, and interspiritual dialog (2) Results: The study provides a philosophical argume...
This study proposes the practice of cruising, particularly sex in dark rooms, as a metaphor for nocturnality; performing noctem as a means of engaging with the nebulous realm that veils homoerotic desire as anonymous, impersonal, and uninhibited. The methodology is qualitative, employing five dialogic interviews and the author’s own lived experienc...
Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan pemuda Desa Cot Seurani dalam meningkatkan kompetensi literasi numerasi berbasis TPACK (Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge). Metode yang digunakan meliputi pelatihan literasi, numerasi, dan tes skolastik. Pelatihan ini mencakup pendekatan pembelajaran langsung dan dialog interaktif untuk menin...
Penelitian ini menganalisis struktur kepribadian tokoh Raja Klana Sewandana dalam naskah drama Asal Usul Reog Ponorogo menggunakan pendekatan psikologi sastra dengan teori kepribadian Sigmund Freud. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan id, ego, dan superego tokoh utama tercermin melalui dialog dan tindakan serta konflik batin antara keingin...
Paradigma twin towers dalam penelitian mahasiswa program studi Pengembangan Masyarakat Islam UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya merupakan suatu perspektif analisis kajian keislaman dalam konteks dakwah pemberdayaan yang mengintegrasikan pola dialog atau saling sapa antara perspektif Islam dan pemberdayaan. Setiap program studi pada suatu universitas didorong...
Artikel ini bertujuan menawarkan pemahaman mengenai Allah transendental yang dinamis sebagai alternatif berdasarkan pada pemikiran Gustavo Gutierrez dan Aloysius Pieris. Paradigma terhadap posisi Kristus sebagai inisiator dalam pembebasan dan perjuangan keduanya bersepaham, namun dalam hal praksis keduanya berbeda. Jika Gutierrez menolak intervensi...
Abstrak Remaja merupakan salah satu kelompok yang rentan terhadap masalah kesehatan mental. Pengetahuan tentang kesehatan mental perlu dimiliki remaja untuk mempertahankan status mentalnya. Dan Penelitian ini menggunakan metode forward chaining merupakan metode pencarian atau teknik pelacakan ke depan yang diawali dengan pengumpulan informasi yang...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis respon mahasiswa Muslim Universitas Negeri Medan terhadap meningkatnya representasi kelompok LGBT di media populer.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menyebarkan kuesioner kepada 25 siswa untuk mengetahui sikap dan persepsinya.Hasilnya, 93% responden pernah melihat konten LGBT, namun...
This study analyzes the perceived improvement in literacy skills among 2nd-grade Primary Education students, both with and without Special Educational Needs (SEN), following the implementation of Dialogic Literary Gatherings (DLGs) during the COVID-19 pandemic. The research included 110 seven-year-old students at a school in Valencia, Spain, 11 of...
Perempuan, sebagai pilar keluarga dan masyarakat, memiliki peran penting dalam
menanamkan nilai-nilai toleransi, keadilan, dan keseimbangan. Dalam konteks moderasi beragama, perempuan tidak hanya berperan sebagai pengajar nilai-nilai moderat kepada generasi muda, tetapi juga sebagai agen perubahan yang mampu
menciptakan dialog dan kerukunan antar...
Popular Education in Health has emerged as a guiding principle for educational practices in Primary Care, making them more dialogic and in tune with popular culture, based on the principles contained in the National Policy for Popular Education in Health. This study analyzes the educational practices of dental surgeons in Primary Care, seeking to i...
Online one-on-one tutoring serves as a supplementary approach to traditional classroom instruction. It has been shown to enhance personalized learning and academic performance. However, the dynamics of dialogic interactions within this educational setting are not fully understood. Thus, we present a computational analysis of dialogic interactions i...
Tanah Jawa adalah pulau yang memiliki aneka kebudayaan salah satunya adalah ruwatan. Ruwatan sendiri dipandang sebagai upaya menjauhkan pribadi manusia dari malapetaka. Pembahasan tentang keutamaan di dalam budaya ruwatan ini merupakan salah satu ciri khas budaya Jawa. Ruwatan menjadi salah satu bagian dari kehidupan masyarakat Jawa sebagai pembers...
This article discusses the ways in which the Portuguese language textbook “Se liga na língua (7th grade)”, a fundamental support for mother tongue teaching and learning processes in the municipality of Itatiba, suggests an approach to oral discursive/textual genres in the final years of elementary school. Taking as an example a chapter presented by...
This work aims to understand the evaluative projections, as a reaction-response to what has already been said in student oral production of school radio news, under the bias of the dialogical conception of language. In the light of Applied Linguistics, the research is based on the theoretical assumptions of the Bakhtin Circle and researchers who fo...
According to a dialectical approach to argumentation, a single argument can be seen as a dialogical "Why? Because!" sequence. Does this also apply to multimodal arguments? This paper focuses on multimodal arguments with a predominantly visual character and shows that dialogues are helpful for identifying and reconstructing arguments in multimodal c...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi representasi teori kelas sosial Karl Marx dalam film "Bumi Manusia" dengan pendekatan semiotika John Fiske. Film ini, yang diadaptasi dari novel karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer, menggambarkan kehidupan masyarakat Indonesia pada masa kolonial dan perjuangan individu dalam menghadapi struktur sosial yang tida...
In many southern African protected areas, religion and culture strongly influence how people initiate, adopt, or oppose conservation initiatives. If conservationists are unable to effectively engage with local communities, the result is often poor participation and failed conservation programs, particularly those operating under Western colonial pa...
This research examines the concepts of identity and tolerance within the context of multiculturalism, focusing on the ideas of Bhikhu Parekh. The background of this study stems from the increasing complexity of social interactions in multicultural societies, where individual and group identities continue to evolve. The objective of this research is...
The role of metaphors in therapeutic conversation is the topic of my paper. I use the theory of metaphor developed by cognitive linguists
Despite experiencing high rates of mental health and social difficulties, veterans face a range of internal and external barriers to accessing psychological therapy. Equine-facilitated psychotherapy (EFP) is a relatively new intervention, which a growing evidence base suggests can be effective, particularly for those who find it difficult to engage...
In the remediation of business-related human rights abuses, meaningful stakeholder engagement which culminates in effective access to remedy begins with forms of communication that enable the voice and agency of marginalized stakeholders, and value their lived experiences. Here, we consider how the development of a dialogical theorization of stakeh...
With the steadily growing abundance of online information, whether through news portals on the internet or social networks, two increasingly pressing problems have arisen: On the one hand, online users in social networks are frequently confronted with distorted and one-sided information due to filter algorithms, while on the other hand, there is a...
Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the role of intertextuality in the construction of the film narrative to aesthetically bring it closer to or distance it from the Winnie the Pooh books, created by A.A. Milne and illustrated by E.H. Shepard. Theoretical Framework: The investigation is based on the conceptions of dialogism introd...
İn the fabricating world presently,we require some ‘smart’ materials that can modify their property agreeing to our prerequisite. smart substances are one of the interesting substances and the not unusual traits of a majority of these substances are not unusual this is their behaviour or noteworthy property may be modified, turned around or managed...
Esta tese foi desenvolvida para o Concurso de Livre Docência na Universidade de São Paulo (USP), na Disciplina de Fontes de Informação em Saúde do Departamento de Medicina Social (DMS) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto (FMRP). Por considerar o prontuário do paciente como uma das fontes de informação empregadas na pesquisa em saúde,...
This article explores the adaptation of arts education for online learning environments in Higher Education institutions, focusing on preserving the experiential nature and studio culture while addressing socially engaged arts education and sustainability topics. Using the "Arts-in-a-box" methodology developed within the Critical ARts Education for...
Resumo Esse artigo reflete sobre algumas questões que tangenciam o ser humano e sua relação com os espaços na contemporaneidade, principalmente com os espaços não pensados, a princípio, para as práticas teatrais. Propõe-se, por isso, uma aproximação entre os Estudos Territoriais (Território) e as Artes Cênicas (Teatro) a partir de três movimentos....
We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the thoughtful reflections on our recent study regarding pulmonary metastasectomy, and we greatly appreciate the constructive dialog that our work has sparked [...]
This paper explores the theme of the crisis of religion in the poetry of Robert Browning, a prominent Victorian poet whose works often grapple with the tensions between faith, doubt, and the evolving religious consciousness of his time. In an era marked by scientific advancements, industrialization, and philosophical skepticism, Browning’s poetry r...
Resumo: Este artigo visa discutir, em uma perspectiva teórica, de cunho bibliográfico, as potencialidades do discurso argumentativo no âmbito de interpretações de dados estatísticos, tendo em vista a promoção de contextos de ensino e aprendizagem dialógicos e críticos, propícios ao Letramento Estatístico, para enfrentar a desinformação. Essa discus...
Detecting user frustration in modern-day task-oriented dialog (TOD) systems is imperative for maintaining overall user satisfaction, engagement, and retention. However, most recent research is focused on sentiment and emotion detection in academic settings, thus failing to fully encapsulate implications of real-world user data. To mitigate this gap...
Background/Objectives: In the UK, significant and rising numbers of children arrive in schools with marked deficits in key skills such as oral language. This rise has been further negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Given this, the foundation phase of primary school education is a necessary environment for targeting language deficits. The...
The Socratic method has been a foundational pedagogical approach in legal education to elicit reasoned responses and effective arguments from students. While this technique is seen as an effective means of building critical thinking skills and challenging students to analyse complex legal concepts, it can also alienate and intimidate women and mino...
Stand-up comedy di Indonesia telah berkembang menjadi platform ekspresi kreatif dan kritik sosial yang signifikan, terutama setelah tahun 2011. Melalui humor, komika menyampaikan pandangan terhadap isu-isu sosial, politik, dan budaya yang relevan dengan masyarakat. Fenomena ini menciptakan ruang untuk diskusi terbuka tentang permasalahan sosial yan...
The Berlin Brandenburg Colloquium on Environmental History is an open forum for the discussion of environmental history research broadly defined.
We are looking forward to continuing our discussion on environmental history in the months to come and have assembled an diverse and international array of presentations - from nuclear heritage in Central...
Indonesia, sebagai negara multikultural dengan beragam suku, budaya, dan agama, menghadapi tantangan dalam menjaga harmoni sosial. Moderasi beragama merupakan pendekatan yang efektif untuk memelihara kerukunan dan mencegah konflik antar umat beragama. Tujuan penelitian ini mengkaji peran moderasi beragama dalam membangun dialog, memperkuat tolerans...
In Chapter 25, ‘Reflective and Dialogical Approaches in Engineering Ethics Education,’ authors Lavinia Marin, Yousef Jalali, Alexandra Morrison, and Cristina Voinea underscore the significance of reflection and dialogue in engineering ethics instruction. Drawing on Dewey’s insights, the authors outline four key criteria for reflection: deriving mea...
The post-truth era, characterized by the dominance of emotional narratives and the spread of misinformation, presents significant challenges for church leadership. In this environment, where objective facts lose their influence and moral relativism prevails, church leaders face the task of maintaining doctrinal integrity while remaining relevant to...
Zrównoważone gospodarowanie glebami użytkowanymi rolniczo ma kluczowe znaczenie dla poprawy ich zdrowia, zwiększenia bezpieczeństwa żywnościowego, ilości i jakości wód powierzchniowych i gruntowych, gromadzenia węgla organicznego oraz poprawy stanu różnorodności biologicznej. Przyczynia się także do łagodzenia zmian klimatu i przystosowania się rol...
Opioid maintenance treatment (OMT) saves lives and makes it possible to start a process of health and social rehabilitation. Previous research shows that those who leave OMT after years of a drug free life and a reasonable level of health and social rehabilitation can have a good chance of living a stable drug free life after leaving the...
This chapter reports on a collaborative self-study conducted by English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher educators within a Chilean teacher preparation program, focusing on the transformation of their practices. By shifting from traditional evaluative feedback to dialogic feedback, the study aimed to enhance pedagogical reasoning among pre-servi...
Diperlukan Pemberdayaan pemuda dalam menciptakan potensi berdasarkan kemampuannya masing-masing melalui Smart (Sains Math Art) di desa Cot Seurani Kecamatan Muara Batu Kabupaten Aceh Utara.. Smart (Sains Math Art) harus dipahami bahwa adanya hubungan (Sains) secara kontektual terhadap alam sekitar, (Math) aljabar dan berhitung serta (Art) seni, mer...
Approximately seven in twenty marriages end in divorce in the UK, causing anxiety, depression, and a lasting impact on children. British evangelicals may fare better than average but are not immune from divorce. Despite a rich body of theological literature offering perspectives on divorce contributed by British evangelical scholars, there have bee...
p>Kertas ini membincangkan pengalaman agama yang berkembang dalam tradisi dan kepercayaan samawi. Hal ini disorot dari segi sejarah pertembungannya yang klasik dalam kepercayaan Semitik yang menjelmakan pemikiran tentang manhaj dan tradisi asalnya yang intens yang membentuk ajaran-ajaran keagamaan, falsafah dan prinsip metafiziknya. Ia melihat perk...
This article analyzes the translation of Key-Phrase (KP) allusions in the short story collection "al-' Abarāt" by Al-Manfaluti from Arabic to English. More specifically, it looks into how the translator handled the complexity that arises from the highly intertextual and dialogical nature of Al-Manfaluti's work. Drawing on Leppihalme's (1997) catego...
Resumen Este artículo se propone sistematizar las bases conceptuales que favorezcan la realización de acciones o actividades que contribuyan a la reconstrucción de la convivencia escolar. Para su realización, se optó por la metodología dialógica-kishu kimkelay ta che (término proveniente del Mapuce, que se refiere a: ninguna persona conoce y aprend...
RESUMO: A partir de uma proposta reflexiva e dialógica, este artigo traça um debate transdisciplinar (Nicolescu, 1999) acerca do desenvolvimento de pesquisas nos moldes da ciência moderna e suas limitações, bem como do uso de discursos acadêmicos decoloniais em projetos de pesquisa contemporâneos em contraste com a prática da pesquisa no mundo real...
In the second half of the 20th century a linguistic approach emerged that aimed to complement the analysis of language structure: énonciation , centred on speakers and the act of speaking. Émile Benveniste has had his role raised to author of the theory, despite its developing simultaneously in work by Roman Jakobson and Jacques Lacan, and later Tz...
The purpose of the research is to develop philosophical and ethical foundations of ecological behavior, as well as thinking that generates creative consciousness, dialog communication, directed against the utilitarian approach to reality. The novelty consists, firstly, in substantiating the idea of developing the essential forces of man, which are...
Judul buku ini menggambarkan dua fenomena penting dalam
kehidupan kita saat ini. "Zen" melambangkan kesederhanaan,
ketenangan, dan keseimbangan, yang merupakan esensi dari banyak
ajaran keagamaan. Sementara itu, "Zoom" mewakili teknologi digital
yang menjadi sarana utama dalam dunia virtual. Dalam konteks ini,
"Zen in the Zoom" bermakna bagaim...
This chapter presents the results of an innovative L2 teacher education initiative which aimed to foster the development of a novice teacher as he participated in a series of online cyclical dialogic interactions that combined narrative writing and synchronous discussions of video-recorded instruction. The study investigated how the interplay betwe...
How are LLM-based agents used in the future? While many of the existing work on agents has focused on improving the performance of a specific family of objective and challenging tasks, in this work, we take a different perspective by thinking about full delegation: agents take over humans' routine decision-making processes and are trusted by humans...
The measurement of cause-specific mortality is critical for health system planning but remains a challenge in many low-resource settings due to societal, legal, and logistical barriers. We present a co-development process with community members for the design and implementation of an autopsy program to improve cause of death data in a hi...
The consideration of education as a social right, a human right, and a factor of social development offer possibilities for effective responses in terms of democratization, equality, and equity to the controversial socio-cultural and socio-economic effects and consequences of the digitization and platformisation of current societies. The scope of t...
This research discusses how Indonesia can integrate Pancasila values in anti-terrorism policies, amidst international pressure which often leads to harsher approaches based on the standards of Western countries. An approach that prioritizes security can conflict with Pancasila principles, such as respect for human rights and social justice. Pancasi...
The French Belgian Sign Language (LSFB) corpus is the cornerstone of a unique multilingual data system that includes four distinct corpora. The first is a reference corpus containing dialogical LSFB data produced by deaf signers, which is also translated into written French, and the second one is a comparable multimodal corpus of Belgian French con...
This paper aims to explore the role of worship as a medium for dialogue between religious communities, focusing on a missiological perspective. Highlighted issues include the lack of comprehensive understanding regarding the role of worship in promoting interfaith dialogue and the scarcity of research specifically linking worship with a missiologic...
This chapter illustrates the performativity and production of traditional-modern and rural-urban cultural identities in popular Zambian music. Using music lyrics from a popular song Ona Mami, it shows how musicians construct polyphony (many voices) and multiple localities as a strategy to make their music transcend ethnolinguistic, cultural and nat...