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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience - Science topic
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Questions related to Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Could childhood eye patching (e.g., for amblyopia), which shifts sensory input to one brain hemisphere, affect how traumatic memories are processed and stored? Structural dissociation suggests that trauma can cause the brain to fragment emotional memories (often stored in the right hemisphere) from a person’s conscious sense of self (largely processed by the left hemisphere). Since the right brain handles emotions and implicit memories, while the left brain processes language and self-narrative, could eye patching during critical years (ages 1–7) influence this process or the development of the corpus callosum that connects both hemispheres?
A PARADIGM SHIFT in Psychology: A well-founded, well-justified perspective and approach & an approach with the BEST POSSIBLE concrete grounding is NECESSARY FOR AI (artificial intelligence) and especially AGI (artificial general intelligence). WHY?? They must have everything in good empirical terms (empiricism always in the best possible way -- ALL having clear referents AT LEAST observations clearly related to KEY directly observable overt behavior PATTERNS) _AND_ the concrete referents of the the concepts and of the total conceptual structure of the entire theory (perspective and approach) MUST BE TRULY EXPLICIT. BECAUSE ONLY THIS IS WHAT WILL BE PROGRAMMABLE ("mechanized", to use an old term).
Psychology does not even need to try to understand any such proposed well-founded behavioral science paradigm shift BUT RATHER -- on the bases of unproven assumptions and the poor history of psychology, all providing extreme biases, as well as likely falsehoods AND with much of that CERTAINLY BUILT ON mere MYTHS -- they will continue to bumble along, doing what they already do. They can easily continue to ignore possible/likely improvements and even as all the related concepts and the structures are all consistent with each other AND with central facts and with the DEFINING OF a coherent paradigm shift. Psychologists cannot even "move their minds" enough to understand ANYTHING about such major shifts -- they cannot understand even one "piece" (ONE concept) as it is in the new system . Psychologists can happily continue to simply-believe any perspective/approach that they believe they have found useful, and which they believe will continue to be useful, even as it "progresses" in ways that it does. BUT: None of this is related to better empiricism; PERHAPS they are providing better (and more) statistical findings that are good for an insurance actuary (and the like), BUT NEVER PROVIDING FOR A CONTINUOUSLY PROGRESSING SCIENCE..
AI People (and esp. AGI People), see:
I'm looking for an intelligence test to examine verbal and non-verbal intelligence of children (like WISC or K-BIT) that can be administered in a group setting. My main interest is not to determine a precise IQ, but to obtain a reliable measure of cognitive functioning to include as control variable and compare different groups of school-aged children. K-BIT test would be ideal, since it does not take too much time and includes two vocabulary and one matrices subtest, but I don't know if it can be simultaneously administered to a group of children.
Any idea?
Thank you so much for your attention!
This measure is based on the EC301 used to assess number processing in adults. It has been used to study number processing in children in Greece, Brazil, France, Switzerland, and Belgium. I have not found if the measure has been used with English speaking children.
What type of research in the area of Neuro-developmental disorders, can be of any relevance at the country level and industrial level collectively?
I need fixation points dataset to conduct a research on the visual perception in autistic patients. I would like to analyze the scan path and the saccade movements in autistic patients with particular attention to the first three seconds time.
I just had this idea of perfoming rewiring experiments on the nervous systems of living organisms to understand how connectivity affects function. Can you lesion out hub neurons but rewire to restore lost functionality?
I'm not sure how this could be done as I'm not an expert, but perhaps chemically, surgically? Have this type of experiments been done in the past.
I just read a paper by Lee & Telzer titled "Negative functional coupling between the right fronto-parietal and limbic resting state networks predicts increased self-control and later substance use onset in adolescence" accepted for publication in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. I understand the findings, but conceptually I am unclear exactly what negative functional coupling represents.
For instance; Some Children are born left handed while others right handed?
Or else, Some born with special inclination to Music or arts?
So my question is what is the molecular, Cellular or biological basis for these?
Is that Genetics? how? or is there to train our mind to be left or right minded?
8 month olds were first familiarized with a language and following a 10-min delay tested on target words that were in the language. According to Horst & Samuelson (2008), even 5 min delay taps into long-term memory. But I am a little confused about terminology used in memory literature.
I'm searching articles on how environmental enrichment ameliorates autism symptoms. If anyone have to suggest something, especially human clinical cases, home therapy, studies on Asperger i'm here. Thankyou
Hello The Eye Tracking Researchers
I would like to design a study on some features of ADHD using eye tracking method in my lab (Dhaka University Memory Research Unit). I am seeking a suggestion regarding suitability of the eye tribe device to study in that area. Point to be noted, I am not expert utilizing eye tracking, you can say I am a beginner. My budget is pretty low and as a result I am planning to buy eyetribe ($99).
My question is will it be worthy to buy that device for conducting experiments as a beginner? Or what are the areas of research I can do with that device?
I would be happy if you provide any basic paper or book (with pdf download link) through I can be benefited.
I would like to know if do you have any idea about sudden agraphia without any structural or background disease in 15 years old boy. If you can tell me about agraphia and dygraphia assessment in adolescence and adults? which physical exam in such person can help or clinical tests?
Given Fabbri et al. (2014), has anyone created a simultaneous computational neurogenetics analyses
of GWD-CGA-fMRI public accessible data to elucidate neural substrates (e.g., Miller et al., 2015) to various DSM-5 Axis I disorders to inform etiology of developmental psychopathology to inspire innovative epigenetic studies to prevent development of psychiatric disorders [(e.g., reversing an underlying neural substrate to behavioural inhibition (Bellgowan et al., 2015) via a proactive disinhibition intervention (e.g., play therapy) to prevent development of internalizing disorders in children)]?
Bellgowan et al. (2015). A neural substrate for behavioral inhibition in the risk for major depressive disorder. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2015.08.001.
Fabbri et al. (2014). From pharmacogenetics to pharmacogenomics: the way toward the personalisation of antidepressant treatment. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. PMID: 24881125.
Miller et al. (2015). Meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging of major depressive disorder in youth. JAMA Psychiatry. DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.1376.
I was hoping to find something that would allow observer/examiner ratings of ADHD, like the ADOS for ASD or DB-DOS for disruptive behaviour, but haven't come across anything in the literature so far. This would be to complement parent-rated symptoms on the Conners and/or interview.
Thanks in advance!
There is some work published in the UK on maternal mind-mindedness (E. Meins) as an early predictor of socio-cognitive development and obviously the early work of Michael Siegal on deaf children from hearing families.
I am a psychology student, writing an assignment in the following topic: “A critical reflection on the cognitive processes involved in the formation and recollection of the September the 11th terrorist attack". In this assignment memory distortions or misattribution theories are also discussed. Are there any misattribution theories directly linked to flashbulb memories? Is there a distortion pattern, more frequently observed, regarding flashbulb memories?
Thank you for your help in advance
Can anyone suggest me any kind of observational-grid that can help me on the observation of spontaneous imitative behaviors that occur in classrooms during normal lessons. I'm trying to observe the imitative-behavior between teacher and pupils in primary school (children from six to nine years-old), any suggestions about this work? Thank you!
I am currently doing my undergraduate dissertation about the experience of growing up with a sibling with Down syndrome. I am conducting my research with adult siblings and asking them about their experience of having a sibling with Down syndrome and how this may have impacted their life.
I've made a research thesis for my MA, about the presence of subclinical autistic-like traits in the general population.
Some works proposed that these autistic-like traits are continously distributed in the general population and in the relatives of patients with ASD.
Is there any team working on it? What do you think about it?
Updates: I started a PhD about this topic. You can find details in the attached link.
Evidence for the impact of intestinal flora on metabolic processes is increasing. The balance of intestinal flora may be altered following antibiotic use, perhaps for prolonged periods. Antibiotic use is increasing, and by some accounts, rates of Autism Spectrum Disorders is also increasing. Perhaps factors secreted by intestinal bacteria can influence fetal brain development. One way to look at this might be to prospectively culture the stool of a cohort of women planning to get pregnant, and correlating biome parameters with occurrence of ASD. Another might be to mine the data of large health care organizations looking for pre-conception maternal antibiotic use and correlate with ASD in offspring. Is anyone looking at these possibilities?
I have only seen childhood IQ used. Just wondering if there are other options, better or worse
I have planned for a comparative study of policies for disability rehabilitation particularly for children with intellectual disability using a Sequential Exploratory Design (Qualitative Part dominant). Any researcher interested in such collabrative study kindly drop a msg?
I would expect a positive relationship between ADHD severity, as measured on scales such as the Conners, and reaction time variablity (larger variability with high ADHD scores) but have found a negative correlation between these variables in two separate child samples. I'm not sure why this might be, and wondered if anyone had similar findings?
How do you maximize space for families?
How does it affect the development of language, interaction and communication?
Are there any published papers on this topic?
The environment during Piaget's time, during Vygotsky's time is so different from today. Do you think the Education theories that we have learnt from them still apply wholly or apply partially or don't apply to the children today?
I hope to hear from educators and from parents.
I have found only Humphreys' study (2006) and we would like to use it in visual perception study.
I couldn't find data on specific circuits or structural data about passive voice acquisition, Rare subject, thanks ahead to all links
It is supposed that intelligence is the ability to efficiently deal with novelty. Thus, it is important to understand how the brain discovers novelty vis-a-vis existing knowledge and skills and how these are modified at the level of the brain to serve the "novelty" one is currently dealing with