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Development Planning - Science topic

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Questions related to Development Planning
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
1 answer
development plan of action that may be proposed about tourist satisfaction to
service quality provided by selected farm resorts
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Dear Katrina As expressed, your question isn't easy to answer. Would you like to make another attempt? Or maybe post the subject of your project, what question has your examiner set?
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
1 answer
An essay about linkage between South African' national development planning and SDGs
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South Africa’s national development planning, particularly through its National Development Plan (NDP) 2030, aligns closely with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by focusing on poverty eradication, reducing inequality, and promoting sustainable economic growth, reflecting the country's commitment to global sustainable development priorities.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
5 answers
Urban planning has been considered vital for rationalising the growth and development of urban areas. Strength of Master Plans and Development Plans have been leveraged by planners to address the development issues faced by the cities. Despite reckoned to be the best option for planning cities, cities having master plans in position are largely growing in an haphazard and unplanned manner. In majority of cases Master Plans have done more damage than good to the city. What could be the best answer for rationalising the planned growth of cities.
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First, abandon the idea that you know what is best. Second, try to find easy mechanisms that will reveal what is best. For example, instead of building highways that cover the city, use prices to allocate highway space. Technology exists to price roads with monthly bills going to the car, bus, or truck owners. If a particular road is congested, consider raising its price. Prices would vary by time of day.
Allow private bus systems. Actual systems would evolve using transfers within the bus company's route map. Get out of the government bus business. A bus company could buy a stop (i.e., pay for the extra lane or whatever - curb cuts, paving, etc.). Of course, an entrepreneur could buy stops and rent them to bus companies.
Taxing land use should be a centerpiece of your plan. (A system that minimizes arguments) Consider a tax that is based on the quantity of land used. For example, a frontage tax might fit. It could be adjusted based on proximity to the center of the city. How would you do this? Well, run a regression of land prices (e.g., price per front foot) as a function of distance from the center. Then, use an estimated parameter as the tax adjustment. How can you do this with a fully developed city? Use prices of properties that are changing their use. For example, from parking lot to building, etc.
Permission to build should be based primarily on access to water and sewer. The public sector could also require insurance to protect against collapse and other disasters (e.g., gas explosions). Of course, the insurance companies would require certain features and would also test to ensure their standards were met. If there is a failure, the insurance company should be held responsible.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
5 answers
I'm conducting a research project on the National Development planning of South Africa and housing was part of its main objectives
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Good housing and process of overall socio-economic development remain positively linked. In addition to providing, security, safety and raising the quality of life, housing generates and creates supportive conditions which are considered human centric
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
How can artificial intelligence technology and Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
How can artificial intelligence technology combined with Big Data Analytics help design and model the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and security of energy production?
The development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is a key element in the green transformation of the economy. On the other hand, the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources is also an important issue in the context of diversifying energy sources and increasing the scale of the country's energy independence and enhancing energy security. Increasing the share of renewable and emission-free energy sources in the energy source mix is not only the realization of the key objectives of the green transformation of the economy and the achievement of the goals of sustainable economic development, but also a significant reduction in the cost of energy production and energy prices for end users in the coming years. How the structure of different energy sources should be designed is a product of many different determinants. In terms of the aforementioned various determinants of the impact and design of the structure of energy sources, including fossil fuel-based energy and renewable and zero-carbon energy, among others, stand out. : the level of possession by the country of certain energy resources, the energy policy adopted in the country taking into account to a greater or lesser extent the issue of the green transformation of the economy and the implementation of sustainable development goals, the terrain and other natural conditions conducive to the development of wind, hydro and solar power, the scale of geothermal water resources in the earth's crust, the financial feasibility of building large nuclear power plants, the technologies in use for the construction of residential and other buildings, and the most appropriate to the prevailing prosumer building formulas of small power plants that generate energy to power individual buildings, the technologies in place to enable the development of hydrogen power and other technologically innovative types of energy. Since the design of the most appropriate energy mix for a country requires the consideration of many different determinants in the process of research, planning, design and implementation of investment processes, so it is a good solution to involve in this process generative artificial intelligence technology, which has been trained in the process of deep learning on large data sets and Big Data information on various aspects of energy, including different types of energy, different energy technologies, different energy sources, etc., and the above-mentioned determinants of energy development.
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the key issues of the problematic sources of Poland's exceptionally deep energy cross in 2022 in my co-authored article below:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How can artificial intelligence technology, combined with Big Data Analytics, help design and model the development of renewable and zero-carbon energy sources as an important part of the mix of different energy sources in the context of increasing the efficiency and safety of energy production?
How can artificial intelligence technology help in designing and modeling the development of renewable and carbon-free energy sources?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Relevant answer
In my opinion, AI is inadequate for us to be used to determine the best solutions for carbon-free energy independence. First of all, AI will spit out what we will feed in. It will provide solution based on data we provide. Therefore, if we provide wrong, incomplete and limited data, then it will give us the best wrong, incomplete and limited solution. In my opinion, we will need smart kids, adults and seniors working together as a team that will invest energy and time with a long term planning. I said kids because they care about the future therefore they will be concerned about the trash elders make. I said adults because they will be creating, building and providing the solution. They take the work load. And finally, I said seniors because they have some experience from trials and errors; and sometimes the common sense and old ways are the best solutions than some abstract theory or engineering. Over-engineering can also be harmful. To be more technical, we will need not just electrical engineers, physicists, civil engineers or mechanical engineers. We will also need system engineers that can see the whole picture and that can put all things together so that each subsystem can work smoothly. As a first step, I would start defining the problem and state it clearly with a clear path and goal. Study the history to find similarity of the problem was made in the past. For example, we moved from wood, coal, oil, natural gas and uranium. All of these past solution have correlation. They have an increasing power density, increase cost of infrastructure, increasing cost of fuel production, increasing cost of waste disposal, increasing cost of damage to ecosystem and increasing cost of life due to its toxicity. All of them are centralized. Obviously this a wrong path to continue that way. Therefore one must find alternative path and I would start from that. We should look how other nations solved the similar problem following different path. Take for example, the energy situation in Poland, Canada, U.S. and Japan. Canada, U.S and Japan do not need nuclear energy. Both have plenty of water and real estate to build water dams alone to cover their energy needs. All these nations can use their coast to top up or for extra power generation using wind mills and wave energy. On top of that, they can use solar panels. I believe that with those solutions they can easily double their power output. But this solution I mentioned does not happen because there is no political will and sense of direction or purpose. Their governments are weak. The problem always befalls on ordinary people and some corporations. Regarding Poland, it is more challenging but not impossible to live without nuclear power and coal plants. But engineers in Poland must team up together and work on it the same way people rebuild Warsaw after WWII. This is a problem that requires team work, long term planning and respect to quality of life. Keep in mind that energy crisis is not due to lack of oil or natural gas. The problem is carbon emission and reducing it will not solve the problem and make a better future. Carbon emission is just a symptom. The real problem is waste production. We never spend mental energy or a dime on how to stop or eliminate/recycle waste. Instead we dispose it and hope that nature will do the rest. We want to grow indefinitely therefore we need to consume more energy indefinitely. Doing that we produce waste indefinitely to a point that nature can not keep up with our appetite and our waste production. Thus is why we must change our path. Thus is why AI will not tell us that unless we will feed it with proper and complete data (including historical data). My educated guess says that AI will predict that chips will be harder to produce because they demand purity instead radioactive contamination will be so spread out and so bad that it will be harder to make pure elements used to make more delicate chips. This will also be an interesting research topic for others. AI will have to have holistic data not just specific energy data.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
Aim is to determine the role of population and demographic dynamics to enhance development of societies
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If one is able to predict population and population density vis-a-vis the demographics of the people in a certain area, this would help many different entities such as the government with infrastructure planning, businesses with commercial ventures as well as housing and urban development.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
THIS IS FAKE FAKE FAKE>>> ALERT ALERT ALERT See Original Link at the END of this post
*Journal Name: International Development Planning Review
Q2 ISSN: ISSN:1474-6743 | E-ISSN:1478-3401 Scopus Scopus link: Multidisciplinary
Cost 650 USD Time: 45-60 days
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Great find, we cannot warn enough for these type of fraudsters. Indeed, no question the link for the original and legit version of the journal is
The link is fake. There are numerous indications for this:
-The SCImago logo is not linked to the real site (otherwise one would notice that SCImago mentioned a homepage that is linked to real the Liverpool University Press)
-Looking at the Scopus content coverage it is clear that the number of papers published in for example 2022 do not match with their (two) papers
-It took me literally 10 minutes to find papers in this fake journal that are already published in another journal:
Anam Khan, Dr Vipul Jain. "STUDY ON DIGITIZATION IN HR PRACTICES IN GLOBAL WORLD." International Development Planning Review 22.2 (2023): 343-350.
Anam Khan, Dr Vipul Jain. "STUDY ON DIGITIZATION IN HR PRACTICES IN GLOBAL WORLD." Journal of Research Administration 5.2 (2023): 9497-9503.
-The fake one has no contact info (no physical address) and the rest of site is for a great deal non-functional
It remains amazing how bluntly these people try to mislead researchers.
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
When banks are merged, some employees inevitably lose their organizational positions, and this causes employees to be demotivated. In this situation, what is your strategy for developing the path of career advancement?
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Hello, thank you very much for your participation in answering
These questions are aimed at completing the specialized doctoral thesis. The assumption is that these questions are trying to improve the psychological and motivational situation of the employees who are working in a bank that is the result of the merger of 6 banks and most of the employees from the existing situation (salary and benefits - bonus and loss job position) are unhappy about the merger.
You said: The Human Resources Department will decide on this matter. It is their job
What is your solution in this regard?
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
My Dear Network, As a graduate of two fields of second degree of studies, I would like to takre up Ph.D. but I have some difficulties. Could You help me, please?
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Thus, most important (for me!) is syntesis, especially similarities between Your two fields of second degree of studies. After this, you are must a planning your thesis and methodes, with discussion and conclusion of your dissertation. its my option. My doctorate thesis (in Zagreb University before 16 years) based on results conducted on applied methodes in geomorphology and geoecology analyses which resulted goals of the Environmental Development plan for Rakitnica Canyon in Bosnia, as Protected area and suistainable tourism. Its was my opinion.
Best wishes
Alen lepirica.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
I want to know how to measure the degree of integration between different agencies or organizations, particularly government agencies. In terms of coordination, cooperation, communication and exchange of information.
I am currently doing research about evaluation of coordination system between government agencies which are related to infrastructure development, planning, design and implementation.
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I think that's a great way to go! Be sure to review the work of folks who have commented on Malone's work and the works he references to be sure you understand his approach and its strengths and weaknesses in terms of your problem and experimental approach.
You've got this!
Very Respectfully,
Larry John
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
5 answers
I have come across quite different suggestions on this process and I am not sure which one suits the indicated question.
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•Its a decision-making process used to help guide decisions concerning future development needs of a country/county. It has four stages:
•Stage 1: Identify problems and needs.
•Stage 2: Develop goals and objectives.
•Stage 3: Develop strategies and alternatives
•Stage 4: Select strategies and develop a detailed plan.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
In our recent review article, we have conducted a thematic synthesis of China’s rural industrialization through the Township and Village Enterprises (TVEs) and generated context-specific lessons that can inform Ethiopia’s rural industrialization. The paper focuses on developing an alternative framework responding to “what” can be drawn and “how” it can be adapted to make the Ethiopian rural economy function properly.
The review work identified the three major driving forces behind China’s growth miracle through in-depth analysis and synthesis. These were policy drivers, entrepreneurial drivers, and sociocultural drivers. The finding showed that the driving forces were successfully held together with formal and informal institutions to form a rural industrialization framework (RIF). The constructed RIF provides a holistic perspective on the rural industrialization process and can be used in promoting the planning and implementation process of rural industrialization in Ethiopia. We also believe that such a holistic approach can be helpful to other developing countries as well.
More details can be found hereunder:
Any opinion or suggestion on the framework, i.e., the RIF, we developed?
Can the Rural Industrialization Framework (RIF) we developed for Ethiopia could also be helpful for other developing countries in promoting the planning and implementation process of rural industrialization?
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I do agree that these three drivers can be applicable to other developing countries to some extent because the main important thing is that Politics which is ruling those developing countries have tremendous impact of functioning the Rural Industrialization Framework successfully.
Mostly the developing are generally looking for the development in terms of mobilization of different resources. So the Rural Industrialization is stakeholders friendly at the gross root level profession to sustain the livelihoods of many rural people.
Financial sources is the major constraints in most of the developing countries but the Government Policy matters to decide to promote the Rural Industrialization in the rural areas because huge mass if the unemployed rural youth in these developing countries.
There must be a Green Invitation to involve the graduates who are really innovative could be encouraged their skills, knowledge and experience etc.
Above all, the conducive environment to mobilize the human, financial and material resources to support this RIF.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
Hi everyone. I'm looking for a template for writing individual development plan (IDP) for postdoc position. If you have any good template and example for it, really appreciate if you send it for me.
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Dear Gaurav H Tandon, could you please check your message. Thanks
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
14 answers
How sustainable is it to generate too many transportation improvements on a poorly created land use development plan?
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The term effectiveness itself depends on time and the conditions, especially in human intervened environments. From this point of view solutions recommended would be temporal by definition. On the other hand we have to start from somewhere. I argue that even a poor land use planning would sustained and protected by the local authorities without changing it by the pressure from rent seeking political motives and voters then the transportation modelers/planners may be able to develop fair good solutions.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
I am starting to research in order to write an article with the topic above. I'd like to invite collaborators as well as researchers that could participate in the data collection as well as data analysis for this topic.
South Africa is a developing country with a struggling economy, characterised by high unemployment, poverty, and inequality. South Africa also has high corruption incidents that are reported daily.
However, the National Development Plan (NDP) aspires for a South Africa that can tackle its carbon footprint despite the heavy coal dependence of the economy.
This paper could contribute to this vision by suggesting to South Africa the skills needed to achieve the NDP Chapter 5 objectives.
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Nice topic, I hope you find what you searching for!
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
9 answers
Relationship between conducted scientific research and innovations
Innovations can be the result of conducted research and scientific research.
Research work may concern, for example, defining, developing and planning the process of implementing innovative technologies in production processes or determining the potential industrial application of new, innovative types of materials, eg in the field of organic, biodegradable materials replacing hard-degradable plastics.
Research work is a process that is to lead to the implementation of specific research, analytical, research and implementation goals, the development of new solutions, formulas, laws, dependencies, correlations, inventions, patents and sometimes also innovations. Research work requires financial outlays, knowledge, and human resources of educated, experienced research staff. On the other hand, innovations are a new added value created, the value of which is determined by the possibilities of using a particular innovation in manufacturing processes, production or offering services. Innovation is a kind of product of previously conducted research.
I invite you to the discussion
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Dear Osama Rahil Shaltami,
Yes, without research, many innovations would not arise.
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
4 answers
Urban Development Authority Sri Lanka prepares urban development plans for declared urban areas in Sri Lanka. Recently, 40 development plans were prepared and different spatial analysis techniques were used during the process.
GIS was the main tool used for the analysis. Multi criteria analysis like Development Pressure, Environmental Sensitivity, Suitability, Optimum Space were mostly used.
It is good sign that spatial analysis and sophisticated planning tools came in to adaptation in the planning process.
With the lessons learned during past development planning processes and prevailing issues of the adaptation sophisticated tools & techniques what are the gaps still remain or occur in spatial analysis techniques in development planning process of Sri Lanka?
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Hello Lasantha Bandara . You may want to look at Colombo Metropolitan Area with regards to land-change intensity, gradient analysis and land-change modeling.
Good luck
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
What will be the specific purpose of the urban strategic development framework? Does it has relation with the urban planning
what is the main difference between urban management and urban planning
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Urban management is executing urban planning everything that involves costs, budgets, resources, mobility, it would be the main difference
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
Promoting access to employment for all is a goal of sustainable development, in this case,
The employment rate should be equivalent to 100% to say that society is integrated into the sustainable development plan?
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Yes :)
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
5 answers
lots of people develop plans to solve problems, but the results are not much fruitful in flood management and environmental management areas. some times we can not say the developed plan is working until it applied for 3-4 years consecutively. Then have you ever did research in this kind of scenario and verify/confirm your method/ framework (FW)? If so what method you followed (eg. one method may be developed the framework with lit review and discussion, then get ideas from experts, modify the FW and get ideas until satisfy)
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Hello Pradeep,
Can you tell us more specifically the application areas on flood management and environmental management? Then, I can answer your problems more concretely. However, in general, I can say that there are several methods that you can employ first to see the prototype results and if you feel that the chosen framework or methods work nicely then you proceed further build the final model from which you can expect more correct and long term outcomes.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
¿Does the urban development planning takes into account the generation of biological corridors that allow the transit of nativenative and and migratory species and their minimum survival requirements?
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This is one of many ecological items that must be considered but often neglected in urban planning and design.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
Data visualization is among the initial and most essential steps of uncovering value from data. It influences the impact of data on our business strategy by identifying what insights to extract, how to work on data assets, and how to develop plans over time. With that said, what are the importance of data visualization software? And what features need to have to be the best?
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I am a Big Data Analytics Instructor. Attached are a couple of items I provide my students - a white paper by Tableau, and a list of available software used for visualizations and charting.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
📷 European International Conference on Transforming Urban Systems (EICTUS-2019)
🔷 26-28 Jun 2019 Strasbourg (France) 
✅ Introduction of the conference
With climate change, increasing world population, and new expected worldwide shares of fossil fuel energy resources, all cities will face to serious tensions in a very near future.
The EICTUS-2019 conference is proposed to bring together all the actors working on urban environment at international scale. The project aims to share experiences and create an international dynamic to find collective solutions to environmental and social problems that are arising progressively in many cities of the world.
✅ Major themes of the conference
📷 Sustainable cities
📷 Urban metabolism and sustainability
📷 Urban ecology and eco-services
📷 Urban land-use, development and planning
📷 Energy resources, sustainable urban energy productions and supplies
📷 Urban mobility, sustainable and innovative urban transport systems
📷 Urban pollutions (air, water, soil) and reduction strategies
📷 Urban risks, remediation and protection strategies
📷 Urban economy and cost-effectiveness strategies
📷 Other inter-disciplinary topics related to urban transition
The conference is proposed by the “Zone Atelier Environnementale Urbaine” (ZAEU) ( ZAEU is an interdisciplinary research network, part of the Zones Atelier (ZA) of the Institute of Ecology and Environment (INEE) of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), France. It is also art of the Long-Term Ecosystem Research in Europe (eLTER, Long-Term Ecosystem Research (LTER) is an essential component of world-wide efforts to better understand ecosystems. ZAEU is supported by the University of Strasbourg through the involvement of ~100 research scientists working in 13 research laboratories covering several fields and disciplines. It was built in connection with the Strasbourg city authorities, Strasbourg Eurometropole (EMS).
The main objective of ZAEU is to co-build common knowledge to face current and future environmental issues in a logical sustainable urban development. This co-understanding is based on a long-term observation of the processes and dynamics of the eco-social system. This involves understanding through the analysis of information collected, measured or simulated, the validation of these processes, the proposal of scenarios for the future, but also the exchange of information with local authorities to quickly applied results.
The accepted manuscripts will be published in conference proceedings. Other than the publication of conference proceedings, selected papers with extraordinary findings mainly about solutions to combat the environment problems at urban scale, will be published in form of a book for policy makers. 
📷 Conference Website:
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Hi, could you please confirm if the call for abstracts to this conference is still open?
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
4 answers
Hi all,
I am very new to the research gate website and I was wondering if the community might be able to help me out.
I am currently writing an essay for my March Part II at the University of Westminster. The subject is the Bishopsgate Goods Yard in Shoreditch, which is a vacant site since 1964 and one of the biggest brown fields left in central London.
In conjunction with my essay, I am trying to write a section that deals with land value in London and another on planning policies. For some reason all the people I have reached out to have avoided answering any of my questions.
I was wondering if within the Research Gate community anyone would be able to answer my questions regards to these two subjects or better even know people that actually work for Planning at houses of parliament or developers that could give me hard facts on land value in London?
Apologies in advance if these kind of discussions are perhaps avoided on this website but I am getting to a point where I feel I need to do anything in order to have even one answer back.
All the best,
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Hi Thom,
Greenbelt policy has been at the heart of discussion on land value and land use policy in London. You might find the following papers useful for your research.
Gant, Robert L., Guy M. Robinson, and Shahab Fazal. 2011. “Land-Use Change in the ‘Edgelands’: Policies and Pressures in London’s Rural–Urban Fringe.” Land Use Policy 28 (1): 266–79.
Han, Albert T., and Min Hee Go. 2019. “Explaining the National Variation of Land Use: A Cross-National Analysis of Greenbelt Policy in Five Countries.” Land Use Policy 81 (February): 644–56.
I can send you my article if you don't have access to the journal.
Hope this helps.
Albert Han
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
The Public transpiration system of all developing countries are getting popular because of the integrated transportation development projects.
Having practice a different kind of technology with developing country public community is hard to continue. The world have lot of experiences. Can we share some ideas. It will add more values for my project
Thank You
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Dear Dilshan,
Here are some experiences from Singapore on developing an integrated multi-modal transport system.
Hope you find these articles are interesting to read.
Best, Tao
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
I am also working on Develop a framework for sustainable health tourism development planning, and so wondering to know what is your methodology, and conceptual or theoretical framework to design and do your project, if you do not mind.
Best Regards
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Hello Dear Paula
I am so glad that have your answer. I saw fit to explain a bit more about my question and ask you for help me more by send me some sources which can guide me in this case.
I faced with an issue which more than 43 percentage of development plans have never been implement or failed. It leads me to search more about the reasons and find an important step before planning which engage me to work on it. And so Design or develop a framework or model for health tourism sustainable development become my issue.
Due to all explanation, I want to design my project and so need to know what I actually must do, Designing or Developing?, Framework or Model? and why?
Best Regards
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
It will be my pleasure if anyone inform me some sources about development planning theories, models and frameworks.
Best Regards
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Hello Dear Craig Anz
As your amazing answer to the question and explanation about trans-operative system and multi-dimensional processes. But I could not get my answer which what I actually must do in my project? Designing or Developing?, Framework or Model? and why?
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
developing economics,urban and rural, health care
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Some of them already do that, others can not.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
8 answers
By DRR we mean, "Efforts that aim towards reducing the damage caused by natural hazards like earthquakes, floods, droughts and cyclones, through an ethic of prevention"
By Mainstreaming we mean "looking critically at each programme, activity and project that is being planned, not only from the perspective of reducing the existing risks of disasters but also from the perspective of minimizing its potential contribution to the creation of new risks of disasters"
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Dear Narasimah,
In my opinion, John Twigg made a great revision of DRR mainstream views, a document from 2015, here:
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
To what extent can the needs and personal appreciations be included in the design of specific infrastructure in the neighborhoods and also in the prioritization of works in the territorial development plans? Thank you very much for your answers and impressions on the subject.
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Hi Jeamil, I've been working with a theater company to design a workshop based around a theatrical performance. We use it to help communities think about complexity in neighbourhood planning and generate agonistic rather than antagonistic debate. Paul
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
Recommend me please any comprehensive information source in English for the data on Bolivian agricultural sector status, development plans and vision. Thank you!
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
I am from Nosótricos Tik-Tank (, an action tank located in Mexico. We'd love to collaborate with you.
I am an alumni from the MSc. Urban Development Planning, at DPU (UCL), which is coordinated by Caren Levy. Our team is compounded by anthropologist, psycologist, economist, among others.
Let me know if there is any chance to explore some partnerships.
Best wishes,
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Not my expertise.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
Could any one assist with journal articles on national spatial strategies/development plans?
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Dear Yusuf,
Enclosed please find an old but informative artile.
Igor Gurkov
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
A Nuclear medicine is a part of a country's national healthcare system. Could you recommend me please a nuclear medicine development plan benchmark?
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The nuclear medicine service
Plans for the establishment of a nuclear medicine service must address the following points:
(a) Level of service needed;
(b) Equipment specifications;
(c) Human resource development;
(d) Site preparation;
(e) Adherence to building, fire and security codes;
(f) Delivery and testing of equipment;
(g) Procedure manuals and department policy;
(h) Service administration;
(i) Official opening ceremony;
(j) Marketing;
(k) Programmes for:
—Physician interactions,
—Continuous clinical evaluation,
—Quality control,
—Initiation of research projects;
(l) Future developments.
The IAEA document suggested by Dr. George C, Giakos is an excellent document that can be used to answer all questions you may have on this subject.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
18 answers
As I am currently experimenting with a "flipped classroom" scenario, I'd be interested to learn more about the practical experience of colleagues with this format. The idea is to present the core content of the lecture via electronic media (audio, video, and what not) and ask students to prepare the content in a way that allows deep learning and complex activities during classtime.
In prinicple, the idea works well. I get to discuss original studies with my students, we do transfer exercises, develop plans for critical analysis and many other valuable activities for which there used to be no or little time when I had to squeeze in the lecturing part.
So, as a teacher I enjoy teaching more than ever, I get to know the students through the small group work which is now fully integrated in a large lecture class, the students get involved in the subject from day one. Totally surprising and useful. The drawback: Only about 50 out of 350 students actively use this scenario. Class  attendance is voluntary and I assume that there are 300 individuals out there who count on listening to the material no earlier than  a week before the final.
a. is it ethical to support 50 out 350 with high quality learning and teaching?
b. is it a common experience that learning environments which require a high standard in self-regulation  has this drawback that too many students cannot handle it?
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Margarete, you described my problem with flipped classes exactly. I would love to implement this approach but unfortunately I found that many of my students do very little preparation before coming to class, so my strategy has been to introduce just a couple of weeks and assigned the 'out of class' component as a group project. This worked well and gave students an intro into what flipped classes are about, without a long term commitment. 
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
What are the Threats that hinder the investments in the Construction sector in the Egyptian Sector, Although it considered one of the largest markets in Egypt? and  How many Small and medium sized companies (in the construction Sector) contributes in the Egyptian Market? Especially the Architecture consulting Firms?
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Lately, the political instability have been one of the most hindering factors for investment in Egypt. However, even 8-10 years ago, the price fluctuation in construction material (e.g. Reinforcement) stemming from market monopolies and the absence of market competitors have been also a major obstacle in the construction industry. Finally, the major planning indecisiveness of where and when developments should be located (especially in big cities like Cairo & Alexandria) can also represent a great threat for investing in certain locations with an uncertain developing future.  
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
11 answers
After the failure and receiving the lacunas of central Planning 'Micro Planning' has been considered as a successful method of planning, for resource utilisation & for providing the benefits to the weaker sections of the society etc. But, still there are less examples are available when at National Level or as a part of National Planning this approach has been implemented , in other words it has been used in segments mainly.
So, I would like to know about it use as a Part of National level & at a large level.
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Another Australian example is planning for regional natural resource management.
There are 56 regional catchment bodies in Australia, some semi-government with rating and regulatory powers; in other States they are community non-profit corporations with no statutory powers at all. Each of them previously developed a plan for the purpose of guiding expenditure of State and Commonwealth funds on natural resource management projects such as landcare, treeplanting, erosion control, land resource mapping, engagement with Indigenous communities and fencing of water frontages.
These plans were partly successful. They forced the people involved to collect information about the natural resources in their region (land, vegetation, wildlife, water, etc). They also obliged the people to determine priorities for spending scarce public funds. However, in the past five years or so, enthusiasm by the Commonwealth for this form of planning faded and it reduced funding for back-office operations such as planning, mapping and education, preferring to fund on-ground works directly. In my view this was an appalling backward step in policy. Now most of these plans have disappeared off the bodies' websites.
I note that some of the bodies have re-commenced their planning and I will include a link to a draft plan for region that I know something about, of sparsely populated semi-arid woodland used mainly for grazing.
There has always been a wide diversity of formats in the plans for the 56 regions, but there are largely common elements in the subjects covered.
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
4 answers
Social and cultural projects organized grassroots, to find solutions to common problems and develop social practices of development and planning.
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cooperated with local scholar, we have finshed a comparative study between China and Australia on community media using with some interesting findings, new media is reconstructing community life quickly in China, strongly recommend you make China as a case...
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
11 answers
Is GIS assessment needed for town planning to prepare the RFP(Request for Proposal)?
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I believe so
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
I am undertaking an analysis of policy documents that state government priorities of intervention. Mostly known as National Development Plans, National Strategic Framework, Government plan, etc.
I have already found a significant amount of documents but the following countries are elusive:
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia
  • Bahamas
  • Belgium
  • Benin
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Canada
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Equatorial Guinea
  • Eritrea
  • Estonia
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
Any help is appreciated.
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For these types of queries, I am a big fan of the Economist's Intelligence Unit and their country reports. Apart from describing the national government's overall policy priorities, they also offer a five-year outlook analysis. The only caveat is that if your organization does not subscribe to EIU it can be quite expensive!
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
8 answers
I am looking for any resources related to this field. It might include things like 1] road & bridge infrastructure development (required resources, appropriated planning policies, initiative of national road & bridge construction network policies, etc), 2] related Theories, 3] Keys technical issues, 4] etc.
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Dear Didier,
I believe this material wiil help:
The Road and Bridge Research Institute:
And, maybe this jornal:
The Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering
Best wishes,
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
4 answers
I am trying to locate instances of bipartisan (or at least involving the two largest parties) agreement to infrastructure policy or plans that cover many years and extend over a large geographic area (eg a national transport infrastructure plan). Do you know of any?
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Dear Althol,
I have studied the development of the Grand Paris initiative for now almost ten years, and there might be in this process something pertaining to your object of study.
But I'm not sure the 'bipartisan' entry is the best one. In the case of the Grand Paris, it was in the beginning a very partisan initiative. What is interesting is how its promoters had to slowly integrate elements promoted by the opposition in order to be accepted and how the opposition, once having won the elections, appropriated it again. Such processes of negotiation, accommodation and appropriation seem to me the most interestng to study for social scientists.
I previously made this kind of analyse in Rome about the embankment of the Tiber river between 1870 and 1900. There again: very partisan projects, then negotiation, accommodation...
I'm sure this kind of reading is possible about all infrastruture projects. An attention to the civic sphere and to opposition that is not represented by main stream stakeholders is also necessary in order to get the full picture.
Best regards
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
5 answers
Strategic planning is believed to be an approach to plan strategic management that include the sustainability value of ecology, social, economic and governance.
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Dear Yudi,
Please, see the links:
Theories of strategic planning (authored with Jurgen C Schmidt and Martyn Laycock)
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
2 answers
what are the key points in master development planning of an oil field?   what should be carried out t in studying, management and evaluation of the plan? which parameter can have majore impact: seismic data, Geology, Laboratory, Simulations or physical instruments and facilities, maintenance, etc.
how can one reduce the uncertanties rasied during the development stage of the field? eg: mechanisms present in the reservoirs, change in IOIP and IGIP, etc. which may affect the production strategy of the field ( PGC & PGR )
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
3 answers
OK, so I have a plan to research about the Target product profile - a drug development planning tool in pharmaceutical industry.
The aim to the study is to understand the role of early identification of TPP in drug development planning. 
The research questions are-
1. What are the multiple stakeholders perspective and various uses of TPP in drug development planning?
2. How early identification of TPP does accelerate or retardate the drug development process?
3. What attributes should be incorporate in the target product profile to serve the purpose of ensuring effective development of a drug. 
Please give your feed back on the coherency of aims and research questions. will these research questions able to achieve the aim of the study?  Thank you for  your feed back ! and any idea for different or better wording is also most welcome. 
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  • asked a question related to Development Planning
6 answers
Specifically the role of planning and policy in international migration issues especially on the receiving countries of immigrants especially developing ones. Any key articles?
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I have a few working papers about these issues. I am looking at the United States primarily. I would look at the work on immigrant and ethnic enclaves and how that fits into broader urban theories about land rent, succession, spatial assimilation, gentrification and right to the city. In the US, immigrant integration has been coordinated at the Federal level by the State Department, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services. Urban Development is mostly the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, but also Commerce, Transportation, Treasury and more. In the past five years, efforts to link the two issues has been getting a great deal of attention. 
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
1 answer
That is a question that brings the possibility of a conflict of principles, in Law, and a conflict of values, in Economics.
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Dear Ricardo,
Can you specify more clearly the type of decision you ask about? Generally I would be very cautious where the "imperium" of other than antitrust public authority is at stake.  And probably this is the case you ask about. In the EU you can find interesting example in the area of regulation (Deutsche Telekom).  
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Development Planning
7 answers
What are the factors one needs to consider when planning to do business in any country of interest? For instance: GDP, Political Stability, and so on.
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Michael Porter in his analysis stragique to start a business in a foreign country or hers said it is important to take account of political factors (stability, political regime: democratic-communist dictacture etc) Economy (GDP, income, etc.) Social (young adult population-retired, culture, etc.)
Legal (the law on investment, entrepreneurship etc.) Ecological (cyclonne, global warming, etc.). all that is called PESTLE analysis according Michaael Porter