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Development Economics - Science topic

Development economics is a branch of economics which deals with economic aspects of the development process in low-income countries.
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Publications related to Development Economics (10,000)
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This study aims to explore the role of technological innovation in supporting the sustainability of in- dustrial development in the BRICS countries. To achieve this, the study used panel data for the five BRICS countries (China, India, Brazil, Russia, and South Africa) over the period 2007-2023, for a total of 80 annu- al observations. To express s...
Research Proposal
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Special Issue Information: LINK: Dear Colleagues, Food security and well-being are two concepts of interest to governments, businesses, and academics. In the last decade, professionals and academics have turned their attention not only to productivity and economic growth, but also...
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O mercado de trabalho passou por uma crise nos níveis de empregabilidade em razão da pandemia de COVID-19, com efeitos significativos no desenvolvimento econômico dos países. Dentre os grupos de trabalhadores impactados, aparecem as pessoas com deficiência visual (PcD), cujos riscos são mais elevados pelo reconhecimento tátil no contato com possíve...
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This study explores the complex relationships between Financial Development, Economic Growth, Ecological Footprint, and Carbon Emissions, highlighting the environmental impacts of India’s economic and financial growth. As the third-largest carbon emitter globally, India’s sustainable development challenges make this research crucial for policymaker...
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O objetivo do estudo consistiu em analisar a divulgação dos desafios e identificar as oportunidades Ambientais, Sociais e de Governança, em empresas do setor sucroenergético brasileiro. Para tanto, adotou-se uma metodologia qualitativa, com análise de conteúdo nos Relatórios de Safra Anual ou de Sustentabilidade das companhias Atvos, Raízen, Jalles...
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Over the past two decades, international trade has been both a driver and a determinant of economic development in developing countries. By opening access to global markets, trade has catalyzed economic growth, reduced poverty, and fostered technological advancements. Yet, the benefits have not been uniformly distributed, and significant challenges...
Conference Paper
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A aviação regional desempenha um papel importante no desenvolvimento econômico e social do Brasil. O processo de aceitação dos projetos aeroportuários no Brasil trata-se de uma atividade complexa, tendo em vista a série de exigências projetuais e normativas nacionais e internacionais a serem atendidas, com recorrentes análises e revisões, demandand...
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The 13th Plan of Thailand (2023–2027) states that good governance is a non-economic factor affecting economic development (Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board & Office of the Prime Minister, 2023; Solaymani & Montes, 2024). This study examines the influence of good governance on organizational performance through mediation...
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The analysis is based on the role of development economics, which is rests on knowledge and understanding of economic processes at the interregional level. The regional approach adopted in the current scientific paper divides the global agrarian economy into continents where agriculture is developing and looks for similarities at the macro level. T...
Conference Paper
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The potential for rural tourism in Zimbabwe is based on the uniqueness and rich variety of tribal culture and the various artefacts that represent those cultures (Woyo and Woyo, 2018). However, that potential remains unfulfilled because villagers lack the skills and tools to promote their communities as destinations for tourism (Runyowa, 2017). Tou...
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This study presents a systematic review of the literature to identify the dominant challenges to tourism growth in Eastern and Southern African countries. The aim was to provide more insight for policy makers, academics and all those responsible for tourism development. The literature review identified poor tourism marketing, poor transport and com...
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This research investigates the pulp and paper industry's transition to sustainability by valorizing unused roadside and natural grasses for paper production. Large-scale production from residual grass poses multifaceted challenges, requiring collaboration across stakeholders, from biomass collection to manufacturing. To understand key drivers and b...
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A responsabilidade social está se desenvolvendo cada vez mais, devido a uma preocupação em adotar um comportamento ético, contribuindo para o desenvolvimento econômico, e melhorando simultaneamente, a qualidade da comunidade local e da sociedade como um todo. Na maioria das vezes, os governos não conseguem suprir toda a responsabilidade por esses p...
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A SAN é o direito ao acesso regular e permanente à alimentos de qualidade, e em quantidade suficiente, que respeite os hábitos alimentares e a diversidade cultural, sem comprometer outras necessidades essenciais à vida humana. Os impactos do agronegócio e das corporações mineradoras, interferem no modo de vida indígena e têm propiciado uma alimenta...
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A transferência de tecnologia por meio de tecnologias digitais emergiu como um tema fundamental durante a pandemia da COVID-19, evidenciando a necessidade de adaptar os processos de inovação e colaboração para enfrentar desafios globais. O objetivo geral da pesquisa consistiu em desenvolver um modelo de transferência de tecnologia entre universidad...
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is widely employed in the agricultural field to improve yields, efficiency, and profitability and develop economic forecasts. With the great commission of evangelising the whole world with the good news of salvation, one of the challenges encountered from one culture to the other is poverty amongst the rural communities...
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Na região semiárida nordestina tem-se diversas espécies frutíferas com potencial para o desenvolvimento econômico da região, destacando-se o figo-da-índia, mais conhecido como fruto da palma forrageira. Para o processamento industrial desses frutos se faz necessário o estudo das suas propriedades físicas, principalmente da reologia da polpa que é d...
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O presente estudo visa analisar de que maneira o crescimento econômico influencia a desigualdade e o bem-estar social da população amazonense, levando em conta as discrepâncias entre a capital e o interior. Destaca-se que o crescimento econômico de Manaus está intrinsecamente ligado ao Polo Industrial de Manaus, cuja maior parte do faturamento prov...
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Introduction Health technology assessment (HTA) plays a pivotal role in healthcare decision-making, evaluating the cost-effectiveness of emerging technologies. Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) presents a unique context for HTA, marked by diverse healthcare systems, economic variations, and regulatory frameworks. This study addresses the critical is...
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O novo e-book "Mercosul em Perspectiva: Economia, Direito e Desenvolvimento entre Brasil e Uruguai" reúne a expertise de dois renomados acadêmicos, Eduardo Manuel Val e Otto Guilherme Gerstenberger Junior, em uma análise abrangente e multidisciplinar sobre os rumos do Mercosul, o bloco econômico que reúne Brasil, Argentina, Paraguai e Uruguai. Edua...
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Understanding the determinants of digital financial service adoption and gender disparities is crucial for fostering inclusive growth. This study aims to investigate the factors influencing the shift in the usage of digital financial products and services in India with a focus on addressing the gender divide in their adoption. The analysis is carri...
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This innovative study investigates the interplay between financial development, research output in finance, and economic growth across 15 MENA nations from 2000 to 2017. Utilizing the two-step system GMS method and the Runge-Kutta framework, the research defines and addresses a differential equation, achieving remarkable precision in economic model...
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The main objective of the study was to examine trends of maize yield and climate change variables and assess the effect of climate change variables on maize yield in the study area. The data were analyzed using the Mann-Kendall trend test and Sen’s slope estimator to describe the trends of maize yield and climate change variables and Autoregressive...
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This study explores the intricate relationship between tourism development, economic growth, energy consumption, and environmental sustainability in developing countries, with a particular focus on Indonesia and Brazil. While tourism significantly contributes to economic growth and job creation, its rapid expansion often exacerbates environmental p...
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This article examines culinary tourism as an effective tool for sustainable local development in Latin America. Through regional examples such as the Wine Route in Mendoza, Argentina, the Guelaguetza Festival in Oaxaca, Mexico, and the traditional barreado dish from Morretes, Brazil, the analysis explores how gastronomic traditions can strengthen l...
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Globally, the exportation of agricultural products plays a critical role in driving economic growth and stability, often acting as a substantial contributor to gross domestic product (GDP), employment, and foreign exchange earnings in agrarian economies. As a vital pillar of many developing countries' economies, the agricultural sector's export dyn...
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Background In recent years, the Chinese government has increased its support for the development of community-based psychiatric rehabilitation (CBPR) services and initiated pilot programs for government purchasing of CBPR services from non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in order to address the inadequacy of the government’s own supply capacity o...
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No mundo contemporâneo, as atividades cotidianas têm exigido maior agilidade na comunicação. No que se refere à troca de informações e ao maior desenvolvimento na indústria de eletrônicos, nessa direção, destacam-se os semicondutores no avanço biotecnológico. Para a viabilização comercial dos cristais semicondutores, obtidos por meio da patente PI...
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O objetivo do artigo foi propor uma discussão sobre políticas públicas de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (CT&I) do Mercosul e integrar ao Ambiental, Social e Governança (ESG), demonstrando as contribuições para o desenvolvimento econômico, social e ambiental da região e seu caráter inovador para promover a sustentabilidade da economia, ciência, tec...
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RESUMO A aquicultura representa uma atividade importante para o desenvolvimento econômico e social das regiões onde está inserida. No entanto, impactos ambientais negativos causados pelo atual modelo de produção levam a questionamentos sobre a sustentabilidade desta atividade. Este cenário incentiva a criação e utilização de tecnologias que minimiz...
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This entry discusses how and why place branding can stimulate rural development. 'Rural' is a heterogeneous term and refers to several different types of territories; casually, 'rural' is used as the opposite to 'urban'. However, rural areas close to metropolitan areas have different preconditions to develop economically relative remote, mountainou...
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Os recursos hídricos são essenciais à sobrevivência dos seres vivos e ao desenvolvimento econômico. As formas de uso e ocupação do solo podem afetar o meio ambiente e os corpos d’água, e desencadear alterações negativas a estes recursos. A área de estudo engloba a região do médio curso do rio Piracicaba, que possui atividades com alto potencial de...
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Este artigo teve como objetivo compreender a estrutura do Ecossistema de Empreendedorismo e Inovação de Botucatu, SP, realizar um diagnóstico dos atores presentes e identificar suas potencialidades, assim como as lacunas e os seus desafios, oferecendo subsídios para o planejamento de ações que viabilizem seu desenvolvimento e crescimento. Para a an...
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As ferramentas para o desenvolvimento econômico local permitem a melhoria na qualidade de vida, desenvolvimento social, sustentável e econômico. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o Programa de Desenvolvimento Econômico Local (DEL) no contexto dos indicadores de desenvolvimento sustentável municipais na cidade de Rio Negrinho. Para isso, foi r...
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O turismo sustentável integra estratégias de desenvolvimento social e econômico, preservando patrimônios históricos, culturais e ambientais. Neste sentido, Barreirinhas (Ma), polo turístico devido ao Parque Nacional dos Lençóis Maranhenses, atrai muitos turistas anualmente. Contudo, necessita equilibrar o desenvolvimento econômico e sustentabilidad...
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This study explores the relationships between the USD opening exchange rate, the annual change rate of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the housing loan interest rate in Turkish lira, and the residential construction cost index from January 2015 to May 2024 using data from the Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK). Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) an...
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O objetivo deste ensaio é apresentar estratégias de desenvolvimento econômico e de direitos humanos, baseadas em uma abordagem de liderança pública e política, aplicáveis na Colômbia; tendo como pilares fundamentais a erradicação da pobreza, a geração de emprego, a era da Justiça transicional, a cessação do conflito, o combate à corrupção, o incent...
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The present article is aimed to identify origins and evolution of environmental problems characteristic for Middle Volga Region in the second half of the XXth century. The approach applied for the research allows to analyze the industrial growth of the country from a totally new level, to observe the course, character and peculiarities of its impac...
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Nas últimas décadas no Brasil ocorreram mudanças nas estratégias de desenvolvimento econômico identificadas por uma nova frente de investimentos em grandes projetos de infraestrutura, com foco na inserção internacional do mercado mundial. Isso só foi possível por meio de pacotes de investimentos entre grandes empresas internas e, principalmente, ex...
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Resumo: O Paraguai possui um desenvolvimento econômico único em relação aos seus parceiros do Mercosul. Enquanto a maioria dos membros do bloco adotaram o modelo de substituição de importação para fomentar a indústria, o Paraguai optou pelo que é chamado de "regime de reexportação", ou triangulação comercial, que se firmou como um dos pilares de su...
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Aços são materiais com significativa utilização na engenharia em segmentos de bens de produção, devido a sua diversidade e consideráveis propriedades mecânicas e por isso assume considerável importância na sociedade. Basicamente são compostos por uma liga metálica, composta essencialmente por ferro e carbono, diferenciando-se através da porcentagem...
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Turkey has adopted a new trend regarding English-medium education in recent decades. The development of capitalism has also affected Turkey and the Turkish education system. The Turkish Council of Higher Education has aspired to make higher education in Turkey more global and international. Therefore, the British Council has prepared a report to sh...
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Poverty remains a critical issue requiring strategic and effective solutions. In Aceh, ultra-micro entrepreneurs face significant challenges in obtaining business capital from financial institutions, often resorting to high-interest loans from moneylenders. The Baitul Mal Aceh addresses this problem through the productive zakat program as a tool fo...
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The economy growth is always the attention focal point to every country. The economy growth impact the protecting environment, on the contrary the protecting environment also impacts the economy growth. Whether the environment is a factor considering the economic growth? The core answering these questions is how to regard the relationship between e...
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O ensino da Educação Física ancorou-se nas ciências biológicas por muito tempo. Pautado no rendimento físico, na aptidão motora e na promoção da saúde, inicialmente, sofreu influências de instituições médicas e militares, e sua prática baseou-se na fixação da retidão através dos métodos ginásticos. O ensino pautado no higienismo cultivava a fixação...
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Developing economic activities in villages has been known as one of the important approaches to poverty reduction, entrepreneurship development, and sustainable development of the rural economy. The most important feature of the Afghanistan villages' economic structure is the lack of diversity in economic platforms as well as the lack of employment...
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The paper examines the causal nexus between financial development, economic growth and poverty reduction in India during 1951-2008. The empirical analysis is based on cointegration and causality test. The cointegration test finds the presence of long run equilibrium relationship between financial development, economic growth and poverty reduction....
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This study provides a comparative analysis and assessment of development trajectories of the 11 new EU member states in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE-11) between 2004 and 2023, in the context of the most salient features of the model of patchwork capitalism that emerged in these countries, which determine the sources of their institutional compar...
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The development of the agricultural sector and the improvement of the food security situation are seen as essential components to sustainable development in Sub-Sahara Africa. However, continuing population growth, impacts of climate change and environmental degradation add to an unprecedented combination of pressures that threaten existing efforts...
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In this research, the writer used descriptive research to analyze the students’ speaking skill in informative speeech. This research was done in order to get description about students’ ability in informative speech. The writer analyzed and described the students’ skill in using speech especially in informative speech. The students used figurative...
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Development of renewable energy is considered as an effective measure to control greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Policy instrument to promote development of the renewable energy have been paid more and more attention. As the most industrialized and urbanized region, Beijing plays as a demonstration role to show the impact of environmental po...
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Reasonable structure of the tourism industry is very important for the long-term development of the tourism industry for one country (region). By the quantitative method to analyze the structure of productivity in the development economics, the computation methods of the structure proportion of the tourism industry, the structure change index and t...
Conference Paper
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Este estudo analisa o Índice de Conservação Ambiental (ICA) do município de Paracatu, Minas Gerais (MG), entre 1990 e 2020, por meio de técnicas de Sensoriamento Remoto e geoprocessamento para monitorar mudanças no uso e ocupação da terra (LULC). A metodologia apresentada permitiu identificar padrões de expansão de atividades antrópicas que possuem...
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Posdaya is a model of family empowerment to revive the mutual cooperation culture to build human resources through active participation in the family. Posdaya performance can be assessed from several aspects, including aspects of secretarial, partnerships, education, economic, health and environmental aspects. Although Posdaya has grown quite well,...
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An interdisciplinary-based development economics discourse is a relatively new breakthrough in achieving several dimensions, including: material and spiritual balance, as well as a balance of morality for all stakeholders. It must be realized that the traditional doctrinal style of study is no longer adequate in the study of Islamic economics, so t...
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This research paper explores the concept of sustainability and the role played by O&G industry in achieving sustainable development. The authors bring a rational approach in defining the key issues for the O&G sector that affect sustainability as well as try to devise the inherent risks as well as mitigation approaches adopted by these companies. S...
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Neste trabalho, desenvolvemos um estudo a respeito das políticas econômicas e suas interações com a taxa básica de juros da economia (SELIC) e com a inflação, abordando conceitos fundamentais e suas aplicações práticas. Ao conceituar políticas econômicas e, também, ao destacar que o controle da inflação não está restrito ao uso da SELIC, a abordage...
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This study conducted a theoretical analysis of the pathways and mechanisms through which farmland transfer influences non-grain production, utilizing county-level panel data from Chongqing, China, spanning from 2018 to 2022. Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) and random-effects models were employed to reveal the characteristics and mechanisms...
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IS-LM-BP model is the model of the interior and exterior double-imbalance state linking the interior economywith the international market in the opening economy. By applying the IS-LM-BP model in the economies oftwo economic entities, the international coordination effect of the opening economy macro policies are analyzedbased on the view of the IS...
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This review examines the implication of changes in nutrition system of India and relates these changes to shifting the dynamics of dietary intakes and food supply. As countries develop economically and socially, the nutrition transition will change the nutrition system. The nutrition transition began to take place in India due to increasing income...
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A captura de carbono surge como uma estratégia crucial para mitigar as mudanças climáticas, equilibrando o desenvolvimento econômico e a preservação ambiental. Com foco na redução das emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), existem tecnologias voltadas à captura de dióxido de carbono (CO2) de fontes emissoras antes de sua liberação na atmosfera,...
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During the sovereign debt crisis, the national credit of some developed economic entities has been degraded repeatedly. It is adjusting the currency composition of China’s foreign exchange reserve that becomes an important risk management tool. In this paper, we first make an analysis on possible currency composition of China’s foreign exchange res...
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In extremely difficult conditions, domestic teachers need to focus even more attention on preparing students for independent life. The formation of a student's personality is more important than ever, not in the aspect of accumulating knowledge, but in the ability to see a problem, in the formation of a critical approach to information processing,...
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O desenvolvimento econômico e social dos países é altamente dependente da regularização de um suprimento energético eficiente. Diante das projeções futuras de aumento da demanda global por energia, são necessárias estratégias que auxiliem os gestores políticos para alcançar a transição energética de forma que seja justa, sustentável e democrática....
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Resumo: Patrimônio mundial, destruição ou desenvolvimento sustentável compartilhado e globalizado? O Brasil destruirá a Amazônia, sem conhecer as suas múltiplas potencialidades científicas, econômicas e políticas. O estado nacional continua sendo o principal gerador de pobreza e destruição de suas culturas e ecologias. Aliado com o capitalismo pred...
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O Compliance surgiu como uma resposta das sociedades empresariais ao surgimento de leis de combate a corrupção e lavagem de dinheiro que aplicam pesadas multas e implicações administrativas, civis e penais para as empresas e seus dirigentes. Esse programa de integridade para a iniciativa privada e pública surgiu de esforços e aplicações de leis ori...
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Este estudo avaliou a relação entre dois instrumentos da Política Nacional de Desenvolvimento Regional (PNDR)-os incentivos fiscais e o FDNE-e o desenvolvimento econômico dos municípios da área de atuação da Sudene. Para isso, foi desenvolvido o Indicador de Desenvolvimento Municipal (IDM), composto por três componentes: educação, saúde e renda. A...
Conference Paper
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O distrito de Sarandira, pertencente ao município de Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, é um local de relevante importância histórica para a Zona da Mata Mineira, em virtude de seu desenvolvimento econômico através da produção cafeeira no final do século XIX e início do século XX. Contudo, devido ao declínio da cafeicultura e falta de novos investimentos,...
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Context. The paper considers a problem of assigning a set of employees to a finite set of operations in a multicriteria statement, under condition of a hierarchical structure of a partial efficiency criterion of performing a set of operations, being presented in such a way that each employee possesses a finite set of competencies and each operation...
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Background: Brinjal is an important vegetable crop grown throughout the country and a number of insect and non- insect pest are reported causing loss in quality and quantity of this crop. Tetranychus urticae (Koch) the two spotted mite is the most notorious non insect pest responsible for significant yield losses in brinjal crops next to shoot and...
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As India undertakes the ambitious implementation of Viksit Bharat 2047, a vision articulated in 2021, this paper examines VVB2047 initiative from the perspective of development economics as an eclectic discipline. In doing so the paper draws on the diverse interpretations of the Vision and highlights sectoral and sub-national aspects of development...
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This study was conducted to identify the issues that are expected or predicted in the 13th general election. The study was conducted in the state of Kedah, Malaysia as a case study. The population is comprised of people eligible to vote in the election to 13 in the state of Kedah and the sample of 500 respondents. The study took into account six fo...
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The strongest factors for keeping businesses alive in today's computational, fast-growing world is growth strategies and outcome of these strategies. Cutthroat competition environment in market conditions increases the importance of scale in businesses. Therefore, "growth" is not anymore an aim, but it is more like a necessity for businesses. Busin...
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The peculiarities of the historical development of Russia gave rise to the emergence of special subjects of legal relations, which are interconnected legally and economically legal entities, controlled and managed in a certain way. Currently in Russia, most large businesses are represented by associations of legal entities, which are referred to as...
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The article discusses the middle class impact on social and economic development of the society. It considers the modern middle class structure and functions both in social and economic fields of society life. Based on the data of international financial institutions, it analyzes the amount of middle class in the regions with the comparison of econ...
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The country of origin (COO)—as an extrinsic cue of a product—influences consumer’s perception of a product and his/her purchase decisions. The COO effect manifests in a different way in various geographical, differently developed economics and different products’ markets. The article analyses the problem how the COO effect manifests in the Lithuani...
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This research provides insights into the complexity of the road network layout in the regencies and cities of West Kalimantan Province through an analysis of entropy levels in the road networks across various cities in the province. This study aims to analyze the entropy levels of the road networks in the regencies and cities of West Kalimantan Pro...
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Environmental degradation is a pressing issue, particularly in resource-dependent regions like the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries. While significant research has explored the environmental impacts of economic growth and resource use globally, limited attention has been given to the unique dynamics in the GCC, including the role of ICT dev...
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The results presented in this article are part of a broader experimental research focused on the examination ofgrowth sustainability that is conducted through inequation ΔТ − ΔР ≤ ΔS conclusively developed on the basis ofseparate researches. This article examines growth sustainability of Germany, France, United Kingdom, and UnitedStates using time...
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This paper gives a look-back study of the development of economic thought and considers the correlation dependency between the level of economic system’s development and adequacy of economic views and concepts dominating in certain historic periods. The evolution processes of economic agents’ expectations are analyzed together with the transformati...
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Strategy of development of any country’s economy supposes the purpose of achieving and preserving food security which is determined as the state’s capability, guaranteed by corresponding resource potential, to satisfy - independently from external and internal conditions and in stable manner – the need of country’s population on the whole and of ea...
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Global industrialization has exacerbated environmental challenges, and China's practice of green development and its promotion of sustainable economic, social, and ecological development offers valuable lessons for developing economies. Through green and low-carbon transformation, industrial optimization, and environmental governance, China is lead...
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Stock markets are reflector of trade and economic prosperity across the globe, it comprised of multiple physical and mental components. Economists featured investors and their handsome cash balances among fundamental elements of capital markets. Financial experts along with practitioners developed economic models to engage shareholders by portraiti...
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A aquicultura representa uma atividade importante para o desenvolvimento econômico e social das regiões onde está inserida. No entanto, impactos ambientais negativos causados pelo atual modelo de produção levam a questionamentos sobre a sustentabilidade desta atividade. Este cenário incentiva a criação e utilização de tecnologias que minimizem os d...
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Objetivo do estudo: analisar as contribuições da SPFilm para o desenvolvimento econômico da cidade de São Paulo.Metodologia/abordagem: o estudo utilizou a revisão sistemática da literatura, pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental e entrevistas com os funcionários da entidade.Originalidade:/Relevância: o estudo busca trazer as principais contrib...
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The role of property rights in resource allocation has been one of the central themes in development economics. Empirical clarity has been lacking; however, due to possible endogeneity of titles, unobserved heterogeneities and the non-experimental nature of the data. In addition, local political arrangements could encroach on the legitimacy and sec...
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Este artigo analisa as pesquisas científicas organizadas pela Fundação Brasil Central (FBC) em parceria com instituições de pesquisa nacionais e internacionais, entre os anos de 1943 e 1967. O período em questão corresponde ao tempo de existência da referida instituição. Grande parte destas pesquisas se configurou como importantes empreendimentos c...
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The study aimed to analyze the social position of the maritime community in the context of maritime economic behavior and attempt to determine the direction for socio-cultural transformation in an effort to build a maritime civilization in State Bugis Makassar South Sulawesi. This study uses Verstehen (qualitative interpretative) to the maritime co...