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Destination Marketing - Science topic

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Questions related to Destination Marketing
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
5 answers
I am writing an article for my final thesis, the title of which is "Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Destination Marketing - Insights from Singapore Tourism Board and Strategies for Promoting Tourism in Vietnam". Could you suggest the Theoretical Framework and Methodology I should use for this article? Thank you so much!
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To find relevant theories and models, I suggest reviewing articles in top journals such as the "Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing," "Tourism Management," "Journal of Destination Marketing & Management." , "Technology in Society". These publications often explore the cutting edge of technology use in tourism and could provide comprehensive insights into applicable theories.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
4 answers
How can tourism companies collaborate with destination marketing organizations, local businesses, and travel influencers to collectively promote destinations and experiences through digital marketing initiatives?
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Tourism companies can collaborate with destination marketing organizations by aligning their marketing strategies. Destination marketing organizations can provide valuable information about destinations and promotional materials, while tourism companies can contribute by featuring these destinations in their offers. Joint campaigns, co-branded content, and shared initiatives on social media could amplify reach. Participation in events or promotions helps foster synergy. Exclusive packages or discounts can also be offered through the channels of the companies involved, thus creating a win-win situation. Regular communication and data sharing could also improve the effectiveness of the partnership. By combining resources and expertise, these companies can create powerful campaigns that attract mass attention and drive tourism to the promoted destinations.
I hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
4 answers
I am currently writing my BA thesis and looking for some scientific sources about target group segmentation. Especially, Sinus Milieus, lifestlye orientated segmentation as well as so-called trend groups such as "LOHAS", "DINKs" and "Best Agers".
I am very thankful for any literature recommendations.
Thank you in advance.
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You can refer inderscience or sage journals for relevant literature
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
23 answers
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The development of internet marketing?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: The development of internet marketing.
Please reply.
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Internet marketing is one of the most effective marketing instruments. Marketing instruments used on social networking sites are among the most rapidly developing marketing instruments. I propose the following research topic on this issue: Analysis of the effectiveness of individual internet marketing instruments used on social networking sites.
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
9 answers
I have started collaborating with a small city that is planning to attract international talents from the capital city. The city municipality still doesn't know what audiences can fit better with the current situation of the city. By considering some facts such as job opportunities, it seems the best audiences might be international ICT experts.
So what master's thesis topic can cover the research about understanding ICT experts as our targeted audience and analysing the best way of marketing communication to build the city brand's image in their mind.
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There is plenty of literature on city branding and marketing communication. Use both as starting concepts
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
94 answers
Is internet marketing more effective than traditional based on classic media such as TV, radio, magazines, etc.?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
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The present time is better
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
10 answers
What are the determinants of improving the marketing activities of enterprises through the use of advanced information, teleinformation, communication, Internet and advanced information processing technologies?
In my opinion, the development of Internet information services will be determined by technological progress in the field of new ICT technologies and advanced data processing techniques typical of the current technological revolution, known as Industry 4.0.
The development of information processing technology in the era of the current technological revolution determined by Industry 4.0 is determined by the application of new information technologies, for example in the field of e-commerce and e-marketing. These solutions are the basis for business success of the largest Internet technology companies that offer on the Internet information retrieval services, data collection and processing in the cloud (eg Google) and providing information services on developed social media platforms (eg Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Tweeter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others).
The current technological revolution known as Industry 4.0 is motivated by the development of the following factors: Big Data database technologies, cloud computing, machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence, Business Intelligence and other advanced data mining technologies. The mentioned information technologies in connection with the improvement of ICT and communication technologies, with the progressive process of increasing computing power of computers will become an important determinant of technological progress in various branches of industry in the coming years.
On the basis of the development of the new technological solutions in recent years, dynamically developing processes of innovatively organized analyzes of large information sets stored in Big Data database systems and computing cloud computing for applications in such areas as: machine learning, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence are dynamically developing, Business Intelligence. Added to this are additional areas of application of advanced technologies for the analysis of large data sets such as Medical Intelligence, Life Science, Green Energy, etc. Processing and multi-criteria analysis of large data sets in Big Data database systems is made according to the V4 concept, ie Volume (meaning number of data), Value (large values ​​of specific parameters of the analyzed information), Velocity (high speed of new information appearing) and Variety (high variety of information).
The advanced information processing and analysis technologies mentioned above are used more and more often for marketing purposes of various business entities that advertise their offer on the Internet or analyze the needs in this area reported by other entities, including companies, corporations, financial and public institutions. More and more commercial business entities and financial institutions conduct marketing activities on the Internet, including on social media portals.
The abovementioned information and communication technologies combined with the improvement of ICT techniques and the implementation of Business Intelligence analytics to the processes of economic and financial, economic, macroeconomic and market analyzes may be instrumental to efficient and effective management of economic, investment and enterprises processes, including analyzes carried out for the purpose of improving marketing activities in enterprises.
More and more companies, banks and other entities need to conduct multi-criteria analyzes on large data sets downloaded from the Internet describing the markets on which they operate, as well as contractors and clients with whom they cooperate. On the other hand, there are already specialized technology companies that offer this type of analytical services, develop customized reports that are the result of multicriteria analyzes of large data sets obtained from various websites and from entries and comments on social media portals.
Do you agree with me on the above matter?
In the context of the above issues, I am asking you the following question:
What are the determinants of improving the marketing activities of enterprises through the use of advanced information, teleinformation, communication, Internet and advanced information processing technologies?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Marketing 4.0 emerged in consequence of various changes sourced from intense global competition, new type of consumers and rapid development in technologies (Vassileva, 2017). Actually, whether it is a new phenomenon or it is a modification of existing marketing implementations is discussed in the literature (Jara et al., 2012, p. 854; Tarabasz, 2013, p. 129; Nowacki 2015, p. 315). Like previous marketing concepts, customers are still the center of the marketing activities however; the difference lies behind the market conditions. Marketing 4.0 is operated in extremely cybernetic marketing system in which business transactions and customer activities can be monitored in real time (Dholakia et al., 2010, p.497). Marketing 4.0 focuses on satisfaction of customers’ needs and desires like first two generations and it tries to create value for all entities like third generation. In addition to them, it offers a direct interaction of consumers with products with enhanced technology (Jara et al., 2012, p. 854). Consumers can either display the features of the product or purchase it by scanning matrix barcode, radio frequency identification (RFID) and near field communication (NFC) tags themselves.... BAŞYAZICIOĞLU, H. N., & Karamustafa, K. (2018). Marketing 4.0: impacts of technological developments on marketing activities. Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 8(2), 621-640.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
29 answers
Dear Friends
Marketing is a research area that is both interesting and something I as a businessman learned to love. The research dimension of it however is not really my main focus as a businessman but as someone who has been teaching marketing and won an award in international marketing research..strange..hmm but ok :-) I have an interest even if my main focus is the strategical and hands on aspects of it since I first of all regard my self as a businessman. When it comes to research into marketing how do you see the future? Trends ? new theories on the horizon etc? What is your opinion? The word is free!
Best wishes Henrik
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Digital marketing will be prominent as everything is dependent on IT these days.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
9 answers
What if I say Neighborhoods can be seen as micro-destinations. Thus, they are sub-brands (under the main brand, the city itself), with its own image, attributes and resources which creates an aura of uniqueness ? Branding has been a means by which destinations have sought to distinguish themselves from others and increase their competitiveness by creating a unique identity. However, most continue to promote and present themselves in a very similar way; highlighting generic characteristics and aspects related to competitive advantage, which are transient, and which became ineffective, since these characteristics do not constitute differentiators. This indicates a trend to homogenize the place branding narrative. Cities that aspire to position themselves in a national and international arena need to tap into unique, rare and inimitable attributes and characteristics. The value of neighborhoods in tourism is often neglected as marketing and branding efforts are concentrated in the country, region, or city. However, neighborhoods can help a city or region to have even more tourist attraction. Neighborhoods create opportunities for creating an authentic and differentiated voice for a destination. It's a distinct way of leveraging a destination brand from a country, region, or city. Competitiveness through Branding can be achieved through a continuous process to create authentic experiences and build a sustained and solid image that attaches emotionally to the host community and resonates in its target markets. For this, a destination must work the visible / exterior part of its identity, which is in the neighborhoods. This means identifying and articulating the core of what the place is and who are the people. Thus, the neighborhoods can increase the destination experience of the visitors by creating emotional bonds to the site. Thanks for your time. Even if you cannot answer or even reply me. It has been a great pleasure sharing my angust with you.
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A. L. De Castro Seabra yes,
, I have been researching this since 2015. I looked first at Nantes, France, and ran a project with older local citizens to uncover a new touristic space in a suburb of the city. I called it hashtag Waytales. We walked in the footsteps of André Breton to the Procé Park, while recording thoughts and memories of his poems.
I have also been working on similar ideas in city quarters in my university town, Plymouth UK. My findings suggest that narratives of these walks do offer a method of reporting the research and will act as a catalyst for others to enjoy these spaces. Narrative and ethnographic research written up as literary travel writing is also a valuable way to communicate the impact of the work to local councils, DMOs and stakeholders in tourism and hospitality. I
My latest work is on Cherbourg, and a book chapter has just been accepted on this, so I hope to provide a reference for this in 2021.
Please tell me more of your work. Have you looked at literary travel writing or fiction that covers the quartiers that interest you, please?
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
8 answers
Which are in your opinion the most interesting frameworks dealing with the rekationship among destination brandinng and stakeholders? Any papers? We've gone through several but we are trying to complete the list. Thx.
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Hello everyone... please stay tuned about my upcoming paper on "Journal of Place Management and Development" about managing stakeholders in the context of destinaitons with low cooperation and a failed branding strategy...
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
13 answers
Is it now a more effective marketing tool used to promote a company's brand or a specific product compared to traditional marketing conducted in new media, on social media portals Real-Time marketing?
Please reply
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What do you consider to be " real time marketing"?
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
51 answers
Marketing on the Internet is growing dynamically. More and more companies are expanding their business using new online media, mainly to the promotional activities of their offer and to improve the image of their brand. More and more online stores are emerging from year to year, the e-commerce market is growing, mobile internet banking is growing, companies are spending more and more money on financing advertising campaigns conducted on the Internet.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What internet marketing instruments do you think are the most effective?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
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Because of connectivity and access to data, more awareness People consider customer reviews most credible source in marketing. only 4% Americans trust on advertising. the only option marketing have in this connected world is to satisfy customers, get good reviews on all channels ( Internet channels).
Some reference articles, I recommend to every marketing student:
Whats-app single app, because of understanding and getting good reviews form customers caused loss of 468 Billion to telecom companies. for details please go through below article.
Getting good customer reviews is not an option, either you satisfy your customers or dis appear. for details please go through below article.
Customer experience is ultimate source of marketing.
Increase your customer based brand equity , as it has a direct relationship with company performance.
Do not rely on KPI's, listen to customers. Most companies are under trap of measuring KPI's
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
7 answers
Can't put it into words yet, need help to formulate a good Master -level research question. Need to choose one destination for my Master thesis and conduct research involving local residents and tourists. Their perceptions?
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
14 answers
What do you think about the relevance of the Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Report? Do you have any suggestions, objections...
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I totally agree with you Scott. This is a good way of thinking - what and for what it can be used and in what way. However, I am thinking that such generic models have significant impact on a particular destination (the ranking). We may be certain that, based on the rankings many other factors, necessary for the development of the destination and the improvement of the competitiveness, e.g. investment, depends on. It is not good for a destination to be ranked for many years on the bottom of the list in one region and that the model itself can not detail point out which are the key factors that make this position as "bad" one. What matters is that the final assessment of competitiveness should include, my opinion, tourists who rank the destination on the basis of an indicator's assessment - compared to other destinations (notably, it is not the only assessment needed)
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
3 answers
I'm looking for information on best practices in tourism used in megacities that are broadly recognized tourist destinations. Any recent data (both qualitative& quntitative) on tourist services and products offered by the city; tourist ifrastructure; tourist attractions and routes; information support for tourism; city brand promotion; networking and stakeholder relationships (investors, public and non-profit organizations, volunteers, sponsors, commercial partners, experts); interaction between tourists and local communities; ensuring the safety of tourists; KPI used by city administrations, etc.
Is there any system of criteria for best practices in this field?
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Thank you James!
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
3 answers
Specifically, I'm looking at DMOs and marketing convention sales rather than general tourism.
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The terminology you should look for is "adaptive websites."  That means web pages that rearrange the content as screen size changes.  
I think that most web content management systems (that are up to date) do this today.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
4 answers
can you suggest any appropriate method for cultural elements investigation?
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Dear Napoleon,
A pretty good number of German researchers have worked in this filed regarding the not just the role of the cultural elements on tourism destination brending but more specifically on the so-called "tourism destination cultural profiling". As it became clear from the leatrature review made by my PhD Student, now Dr. Dimitria Uzunova, the main publications of these researchers (in German language) are as follows:
BECKER, C. (1992). Kulturtourismus eine zukunftsträchtige Entwicklungsstrategie für den Saar- Mosel- Ardennenraum. In C. Becker & A., Steinecke (Eds.), Perspektiven des Tourismus im Zentrum Europas (pp. 57-60). Trier: ETI-Texte, 57-60.
BIEGER, T. (2002). Management von Destinationen. München: Oldenburg.
BIEGER, T., PECHLANER, H. & STEINECKE, A. (Hrsg.) (2001). Erfolgskonzepte im Tourismus. Marken – Kultur – Neue Geschäftsmodelle. Wien: Linde.
JOHN-GRIMM, M. (2006). Tourismus - Destinationen zwischen Profilierung und Austauschbarkeit: Ein geographischer Diskurs zu den aktuellen Herausforderungen auf dem Tourismusmarkt am Beispiel der Destination Hamburg., PhD Thesis, Hamburg: Inst. für Geographie.
STECKENBAUER, C. (2004). Kulturtourismus und kulturelles Kapital. Die feinen Unterschiede des Reiseverhaltens. Zeitschrift für Kulturwissenschaft, 15(Juni), 1-27.
STEINECKE, A. (1994). Kultur und Tourismus: aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und künftige Forschungs- und Handlungsfelder. Zeitschfift für Fremdenferkehr, 4, 20-24.
VESTER, H. G. (1999). Tourismustheorie. Soziologische Wegweiser zum Verständnis touristischer Phänomene. München: Profil Verlag.
VESTER, H.-G. (1993). Authentizität. In H. Hahn & H. J. Kagelmann (Eds.)Tourismuspsychologie und Tourismussoziologie (pp. 122-124). München: Quintessenz Verlag.
WÖHE, G. (2000). Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre. München: Vahlens Handbücher der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftler.
I also would like to recommend you the publication of my former PhD Student Dr. Dimitria Uzunova, which is as follows:
UZUNOVA, D., (2013), Cultural Profile of the town of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, as a cultural destination, In J. Santos, F. Serra & P. Águas (Eds), Strategies in tourism organizations and destinations (pp. 189 - 201). Presented at the TMS Conference, Faro: University of the Algarve.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
4 answers
for my Doctor Thesis on Benchmarking and Mountainbike Tourism I am looking for international mountainbike tourism literature and articles. 
Secondly, is there any (destination) benchmarking literature anyone can recommend?
Warmest greetings and thanks in advance!
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Hi there. I used this article when I did my paper on bicycle tourism. Maybe this can help you, cheers.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
7 answers
I need your help to collect academic contributions about this subject. And I would like to know your opinions  about if it is usefull to adopt the 7P approach at the destination marketing practice? 
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You are welcome, althought I am not a specialist on Marketing!!!!
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
7 answers
Actually, im writing my PhD thesis on that subject , but studing the algerian tourist behavior 
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Hi Sharaoui
The following articles might have something that you are looking for..
McKercher, B. (1995). The destination-market matrix: A tourism market portfolio analysis model. Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 4(2), 23-40.
Clarke, J. (2000). Tourism brands: An exploratory study of the brands box model. Journal of vacation marketing, 6(4), 329-345.
Fodness, D., & Murray, B. (1999). A model of tourist information search behavior. Journal of Travel Research, 37(3), 220-230.
Sirakaya, E., & Woodside, A. G. (2005). Building and testing theories of decision making by travellers. Tourism management, 26(6), 815-832.
Buhalis, D. (2000). Marketing the competitive destination of the future. Tourism management, 21(1), 97-116.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
44 answers
The research is looking at modelling a destination branding framework.
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Hi Kumbirai,
it depends on model complexity but also on many other factors (e.g., normality of the data, missing patterns). Most researcher would recommend using sample sizes of at least 200/ 5 or 10 cases per parameters (see for an overview Kline, 2011, pp: 11-12).
However, two of the most recent simulations studies recommend rather small sample sizes as enough:
Wolf, E. J., Harrington, K. M., Clark, S. L., & Miller, M. W. (2013). Sample size requirements for structural equation models an evaluation of power, bias, and solution propriety. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73(6), 913-934. doi: 10.1177/0013164413495237
They found sample size requirements ranging from 30 (Simple CFA with four indicators and loadings around .80) up to 450 cases (mediation models). 
Sideridis, G., Simos, P., Papanicolaou, A., & Fletcher, J. (2014). Using Structural Equation Modeling to Assess Functional Connectivity in the Brain Power and Sample Size Considerations. Educational and Psychological Measurement, dpi: 10.1177/0013164414525397
They found that a sample size of 50-70 would be enough for a model of functional brain connectivity involving 4 latent variables.
Maybe your model fits with one of the model setups described in the above papers. Alternatively, it is always best to run your own Monte Carlo- study:
Muthén, L. K., & Muthén, B. O. (2002). How to use a Monte Carlo study to decide on sample size and determine power. Structural Equation Modeling, 9(4), 599-620.
Pornprasertmanit, Sunthud, et al. (2014). Package ‘simsem’.
  • asked a question related to Destination Marketing
15 answers
Will the increasing use of the Internet and the emergence of online travel agencies positively or negatively affect classical travel agencies? Will classical travel agencies therefore disappear from the market?
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Sorry for the late reply……
To some extent yes, but it various from place to place based on travelers changing behavior i.e., based on factors which influence holiday decision making.
With respect to information and advisory role is concerned there again a person located across cities will be advising on the holidays, in many intermediary web sites travel portals or any tour operator/ travel agencies website we can see a pop-up CHAT WITH EXPERTS who will be available to give info and directions on holidays.
Yes quality expressed at the time of purchase has to be delivered at any cost otherwise the vendor will definitely lose the client, client will never sit quit they are going to forums where they can rate the service quality in the form of stars/points and consumer forums are very active n social media too…..
Normally travelers, who make online purchases, make a small research about the credibility of the portal and past reviews and discuss them with peer group online or offline who has already used the service…
Doing online purchase or not, depends on to things like
1) Knowledge about the use internet (people in many countries even today depend on fax or phone).
2) The credit card or net banking facility to make online payment either through computer or mobile it’s very important (Here again what is the percentage of population who are having these facilities).........