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Deformable Models - Science topic
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Questions related to Deformable Models
I have an image of the map ( no lat long present on the map )which I have to convert into a shapefile to import into GPlates. How can I do so? Any help or idea is much appreciated.
I want to map the Von Misses stress generated for a 3D model in supposing Job-1, to run a new job on a similar CAE model but undeformed with similar material properties, mesh, boundary condition as an initial stress state from the previously obtained stress from Job-1. In Job-2 I want to apply different loading conditions once the stress is generated in the initial step. I have tried mesh-mesh mapping using the steps given in the ABAQUS manual but still not been able to map it. Also, I tried using a predefined field option from the Job-1 ODB to define the stress state, but it reports the ODB file cannot be located.
Any suggestions or help will be highly appreciated.
Rupam Saikia
Actually, i need this information as soon as possible for my undergraduate thesis entitled in " Influence of moisture content on coal deformation model during CBM production in wet reservoirs ". I am waiting for the best suggestions from the scholars of this webpage.
I work on modelling of dynamic properties of cracked beams. There is a common approaches in the literature to describe the crack by a spiral spring with appropriate stiffness which is determined based on the fracture mechanics. It is sufficient if the bending deformations are modelled.
However, I study the case with bending and longitudinal deformations.
Is there a model of crack of satisfactory accuracy which describe crack of beam with longitudinal deformations?
I read there is a way to animate deformable object by physical laws. And they have been tried to reduce computational cost of it. One of the methods I know is "embedded element method." Besides of that, there are some coarsening(upscaling) methods and also some of them use meshless methods(especially for fluid simulation). I wonder what is the state of the art methods for simulate physically deformable object in the field of graphics? And of couse, since I'm in the structural engineering field, I'd like to know especially for solids not for fluids.
After placing the gauges , I ran the solver...What should I do inorder to get defoemation at these gauges
I would like to know the Heat Transfer co-effecient to be used for 2D Machining simulation for LIQUID NITROGEN in Deform for CRYOGENIC TURNING.
Hello. I have a model in ls-dyna that was subjected to impact loading. I want to repeat the impact loading on the deformed model again and i dont know how to do this. thanck you
Hi,everyone,here is a probles,i need help!!!!
In the first figure,the disk has endure a extern force and it deforable configuration is shown in the second figure.So,i want to ask ,How to apply a force in the center of the second figure.

I am modelling a vertical sampler penetration at a constant velocity to a Mohr-Coloumb soil model. Total penetration is 150 mm. But after a certain point the unbalanced force in my sampler comes back to zero (small strain mode). If I simulate in large deformation mode, i have unreal values of force. Kindly suggest some papers or previous research. Thanks in advance.
Dear All,
Can you help me on "Deformable face fitting algorithm", I need to implement it using MATLAB.
Greatly appreciate your assistance