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Deforestation - Science topic
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Questions related to Deforestation
Muñoz, Lucio, 2000. Unprotected Areas, Protected Areas, and Sustainability Under Green Development Policies: Which are the Expected Impacts?, In: THEOMAI, No. 2, Argentina
Muñoz, Lucio, 2002. “Are We Appropriately Assigning Causes to Global Warming?”, In: Sustainability Outlook, Issue 16, November 13, Warren Flint(PhD)(Ed), Washington, DC, USA.
What are the social and cultural implications of shifting towards multistory buildings as a strategy to combat agricultural land encroachment and deforestation?
I am working on detecting deforestation in Indonesia using Landsat images and MODIS EVI time series. Both EVI patterns and Landsat spectral signatures of natural forest and that of palm plantation look very similar. Hence, the regular slashing of palm trees, within palm plantations, would look like deforestation.
Is there any remote sensing data suitable for distinguishing between deforestation and palm trees slashing?
Can artificial intelligence combined with Big Data Analytics help to reconstruct the genomes of recently extinct due to humans of various species of flora and/or fauna and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Due to the negative impact of human civilization on the planet's biosphere and climate, the sixth great extinction of many species of flora and fauna is currently taking place on planet Earth. The result is a rapidly progressive decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. The aim is to halt or at least significantly slow down the progressive climate change, i.e. caused by increasing greenhouse gas emissions of the increasingly rapid global warming process. Many species of flora and fauna have already become extinct, many are on the verge of extinction due to a sharp decline in the number of individuals of the species. Some animal species are already found exclusively or almost exclusively in zoos. Few animal species have managed to be reconstructed on the basis of deliberate cross-breeding of species and varieties of closely related species. In order to increase the scale of the possibility of reproducing extinct species in the future, gene banks are being created, in which the genomes of specific species of flora and fauna are stored, including, above all, species threatened with extinction in the near future. Over the past few decades, insect populations, including pollinators, have declined by tens of percent in many parts of the world. The continuation of these processes, in addition to the rapidly advancing process of decline in biodiversity, the impoverishment of the planet's biosphere, will cause a rapidly advancing process of decline in the production of agricultural crops under the intensive, unsustainable and productive model of human farming. In countries occurring in the tropics, natural tropical rainforests continue to be cut down only to create new areas of arable land for the creation of arable fields where crops are grown to feed livestock generating high methane emissions. In addition, the new arable land created in this way is quickly eroded and the restoration of forest ecosystems back in these areas is also hindered for this reason. Coral reefs in the seas and oceans are also dying out, and the populations of marine fish and other animal species living in the seas and oceans are rapidly declining. Key factors in the still large-scale great sixth extinction of species of flora and fauna include continued deforestation, the cutting down of natural forest ecosystems to increase cultivated areas, the degradation of natural ecosystems caused by industrial development, continued high levels of environmental pollution, continued rising greenhouse gas emissions generating a progressive global warming process, etc. In view of the above, unsustainable intensive economy is causing a rapidly progressive decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, and attempts are being made to counteract this. In order to slow down the progressive process of global warming, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the level of environmental pollution and devastation of natural ecosystems, reduce the scale of extinction of species of flora and fauna, slow down the process of decline in the biodiversity of natural ecosystems, it is necessary to urgently accelerate the processes of carrying out pro-environmental transformation of the economy in order to efficiently build a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-cycle economy. In the process of building a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth economy and a closed loop economy, new ICT information technologies and Industry 4.0/5.0 can help, including generative artificial intelligence technologies and multi-criteria processing of large data sets as part of ongoing research and analytical processes using Big Data Analytics. New technologies can help increase the efficiency and accelerate the process of a sustainable, green, zero-carbon, zero-growth and closed-loop economy and thus help protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems. As part of the application of new Industry 4.0/5.0 technologies, including generative artificial intelligence and Big Data Analytics, it is possible to increase the efficiency of research conducted with the goal of reconstructing the genomes of extinct species of flora and/or fauna. In this regard, perhaps artificial intelligence combined with Big Data Analytics can help reconstruct the genomes of various species of flora and/or fauna that have recently become extinct due to humans and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems.
I am conducting research in the issue of key determinants of the legitimacy of urgently carrying out a green transformation of the economy in order to build a sustainable, green circular economy. I have included the conclusions of my research in the following article:
I described the key issues of opportunities and threats to the development of artificial intelligence technology in my article below:
I described the applications of Big Data technologies in sentiment analysis, business analytics and risk management in my co-authored article:
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Can artificial intelligence coupled with Big Data Analytics help in reconstructing the genomes of various species of flora and/or fauna that have recently become extinct due to humans, and thus restore the former biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems?
Can artificial intelligence coupled with Big Data Analytics help restore the genomes of extinct species of flora and/or fauna?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Up to half of tropical forestland cleared for agriculture isn’t put to use, research shows!
- Agriculture is the primary driver of tropical deforestation, accounting for 90% or more of forest loss, yet researchers have found that up to half of total land cleared is not put into active agricultural production.
- The gap between what’s cleared and what’s used for agriculture shows that “we have to fix agriculture and we have to fix deforestation,” according to one of the researchers.
- Tropical deforestation is a major contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, but the research shows there is no simple fix, as humanity’s increasing food needs coincide with the need for conservation.
In your opinion, are so-called "carbon credits" consisting of some corporation taking a specific patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
To consider the question of the role of so-called "carbon credits" in the context of reducing greenhouse gas emissions, one would have to assume that such a system actually reliably works. However, from what is reported by independent journalists, environmentalists, people who care about protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems, including the forests of the Amazon, even those declared patches of natural Amazon Rainforest taken for protection under the so-called carbon credits are nevertheless often cut down.
Perhaps something will finally begin to change, to improve, in terms of protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the natural ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest in connection with the first Amazon Forest Conservation Summit in 14 years, currently being held in Belém, Brazil. Deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 60 percent in July compared to the same month last year. The announcement of the positive trend coincides with the start of a summit in Belém of the 8 countries whose territories include the Amazon forest. This summit is attended by representatives of the governments of the 8 countries whose territory includes the natural Amazon Forest. Perhaps plans and commitments will be made to realistically protect this largest terrestrial reservoir of natural biodiversity and natural forests characterized by a particularly high contribution to absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere and producing oxygen. It may also be that the processes of increasing the scale of protection of these forests and reducing their still large-scale logging will be accelerated so that by 2030 at the latest, the deforestation of these forests will be completely ended. This is a particularly important issue because more than 20 percent of the Amazon rainforest has already disappeared due to human activity.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, are the so-called carbon credits, which consist in the fact that some corporation, for an additional ton of CO2 emissions, will take under protection a certain patch of natural forest cover, including, for example, a patch of natural Amazon Rainforest, an effective instrument for real reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
Are so-called carbon credits an effective instrument to realistically reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
I want to measure the correlation between deforestation and Carbon Stock in Sundarbans Forest
Reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries is a problem that challenges many environmental organizations. A contribution on this question would be a step to be developed for future studies
How to do it without making the population who live dependent on charcoal exploitation even more poor?
Why are the commitments made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits not being implemented?
Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy not being implemented or only marginally implemented?
The 28th UN Climate Conference (COP 28) will be held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, from November 30 to December 12, 2023. In view of the fact that 2023 was the warmest year in 125,000 years, so the question is increasingly topical: Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy not being implemented or only marginally implemented? The COP28 Climate Summit once again points to the need to raise funds to help economically underdeveloped countries and those particularly burdened by the negative effects of the accelerating process of global warming to finance pro-environmental and pro-climate economic ventures, create solutions to reduce the aforementioned negative effects of climate change, and prevent the development of these negative effects, including but not limited to building power plants based on renewable and zero-emission energy sources, building additional irrigation systems, desalinating seawater, developing climate-resilient construction, developing sustainable agriculture adequately protected against increasingly frequent and severe periods of drought, counteracting the progressive process of soil aridity, stopping the progressive process of deforestation of tropical rainforests, and so on. In addition, once again, as at previous UN COP climate conferences, the same demands were made, including, among others, that there should be no more support for fossil fuels, as unfortunately these subsidies are still in place. In addition, that the continuing processes of forest deforestation should be replaced with aforestation, among other things, in industrially degraded areas, that the rapid decline in the biodiversity of the planet's natural ecosystems should be halted, that expansive industrial agriculture should be replaced with sustainable organic farming, that waste generation should be reduced and closed-loop economics should be developed, and so on. However, at the current UN Climate Conference COP28, strongly controversial issues have emerged, which may suggest that the issue of urgently accelerating the green transformation of the economy is still not taken seriously by some countries. Well, the UN Climate Conference COP28 will be chaired by a board member of one of the world's largest oil companies. The hosts of this year's COP28 Climate Conference, the Saudis want to promote technologies to capture CO2 from the atmosphere and do not want to reduce oil production. Unfortunately, this way the climate crisis will not be solved. This issue evidently confirms the thesis that countries that have developed large-scale fossil fuel extraction and/or processing industries are not interested in seriously, efficiently and quickly implementing the green transformation of the economy.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why are the pledges made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits to accelerate the processes of green transformation of the economy not being implemented or only marginally implemented?
Why are the commitments made by governments and corporations at the UN COP Climate Summits not being implemented?
And what is your opinion on this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest and other natural biodiverse forests, the unique old-growth trees that occur in them from logging, and also protect other biodiverse green areas from total degradation, from predatory pseudo forestry?
How to protect the Forests of the planet from destruction and thus save the world, protect the climate and biosphere of the planet for future generations of people?
Highly biodiverse natural forests have been forming for thousands of years, and through the use of predatory pseudo-management of forests, predatory logging of entire stands, including aged old-growth forests, burning of forests for productive unsustainable agricultural crops, etc., forest areas are rapidly decreasing year by year. Highly biodiverse natural forests are characterized by an abundance of many species of flora, fauna and other types of forms of living organisms linked by various ecological relationships and relations. They create a specific microclimate softening the local climate. They significantly increase water retention and water absorption by the biosphere of the forest ecosystem. High biodiversity of life forms, including ecologically interacting different life forms of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms creates sustainability of the adapted to specific climatic, geological, etc. natural ecosystems. Highly biodiverse natural forests are characterized by high levels of absorption of part of human-generated CO2 emissions and oxygen production. Highly biodiverse natural forests are also characterized by a high level of ecological, natural and environmental sustainability, as well as a high level of resilience to various adverse influences, the actions of external abiotic and biotic factors that could throw a sustainable natural ecosystem out of balance if it were susceptible to certain factors. Considering the more than 3 billion year period of evolutionary development of life forms, sustainability and biodiversity are the greatest achievements of the evolution of life on planet Earth. In view of the accelerating climate crisis, the accelerating process of global warming of the planet's atmosphere, the role of 21st century man who appreciates these resources and achievements of nature should be the ever-increasing scale of the protection of natural biodiversity and the pursuit of sustainability. In this regard, the unfavorable civilizational processes acting on natural biodiverse ecosystems should be reversed. Forest deforestation processes should be replaced by aforestation processes after industrial degraded areas. The increasingly frequent climatic disasters resulting from climate change, the increasingly rapid process of global warming, in addition to the Covid-19 pandemic of 2020, force us to reflect on the scale of imbalance in nature by the development of civilization. It is necessary to reverse these negative processes, restore the balance, reduce environmental pollution, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop renewable energy sources, implement the principles of sustainable development based on the concept of sustainable green closed-loop economics, etc. It is necessary to change the development of civilization so as to increase the scope of sustainability, rehabilitate areas degraded by industrial development, significantly increase the level of protection of biodiverse natural forests, develop programs for reforestation of wasteland, areas of depleted soils, replace intensive and industrial agriculture with sustainable organic agriculture, etc. It is essential to increase the areas under strict nature protection and create more national and landscape parks. The entire area of the natural, highly biodiverse, containing unique species of flora and fauna, natural rainforests of the Amazon should be established not only as a national park but also as a planetary natural heritage park, and therefore the entire natural area of the Amazon should be placed under strict protection.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest and other natural biodiverse forests, the unique old-growth forests that occur in them from logging, and also protect other biodiverse green areas from total degradation, from predatory pseudo forestry?
How to protect the Forests of the planet from destruction and thus save the world, protect the climate and biosphere of the planet for future generations of people?
How to protect the biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon Rainforest from total degradation?
And what is your opinion about it?
What do you think about this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Dariusz Prokopowicz
In your opinion, can vertical farming become the agriculture of the future in sustainable, green, smart, food self-sufficient cities?
In your opinion, in the context of the ongoing process of global warming, is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
With a rapidly growing global population, concerns and questions about the ability to feed the ever-increasing number of people living on planet Earth have been around for many years, but still remain. With a growing population, the scale of civilisation's processing of environmental matter, the scale of industrialisation, the consumption of renewable and increasingly also non-renewable raw materials, the increasing scale of waste generation, environmental pollution, greenhouse gas emissions, etc., the possibilities of feeding the world's population in the future will diminish rather than increase. In addition, the negative effects of the development of civilisation, including above all the accelerating process of global warming, may develop at an even faster rate. Therefore, it is necessary to urgently shift the development of civilisation towards sustainability, to significantly increase the scale of implementation of sustainable development goals, to carry out a green transformation of the economy, including a green transformation of agriculture, and to create new forms of sustainable organic farming, which will be more resistant to negative biotic and abiotic external factors, including, above all, limited resources of agricultural land and the successively increasing negative impact of the progressing process of global warming, including increasingly frequent periods of drought, soil barrenness, plagues of pests and various diseases affecting agricultural crops, etc., which will have a negative impact on the development of civilisation.
Therefore, combining the seemingly contradictory goals of increasing the production of food for people with a reduction in the agricultural areas on which agriculture is practised according to the traditional production formula, stopping deforestation turned into aforestation, increasing the production of crops for human rather than livestock consumption, significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, increasing the scale of pro-environmental agriculture, etc., it is precisely the development of vertical farming that can help in this process of green transformation of agriculture.
Vertical farming, also referred to by such terms as vertical farming, vertical farms, consists of growing crops in a vertical formula, in which individual plants are placed one above the other on multi-level platforms. This results in a more efficient use of space, practically multiplying the cultivation area. In addition, vertical cultivation can be established and cultivated anywhere, even in the centre of a large city. Vertical cultivation can be established both in specially designed halls and by adapting existing buildings. Crops such as lettuce, strawberries, herbs and mushrooms, for example, are grown in vertical racks, towers with troughs or purpose-built systems with continuous irrigation and additional artificial lighting.
In view of the above, vertical farming is becoming an excellent alternative to traditional agriculture. The vertical positioning of plants allows a very good use of space, as a result of which significant yields can be obtained from a small area. Vertical farming uses up to 10 times less water compared to traditional agriculture. In addition, vertical farming does not use pesticides and other chemical plant protection products, as the plants are grown in closed, air-conditioned rooms with artificial lighting.
These can even be created in multi-storey buildings in cities or in halls located on the outskirts of cities. This also saves on transport and increases the food self-sufficiency of cities. The problem of droughts occurring more and more frequently in areas of fields cultivated under traditional agriculture does not apply to vertical farming. Therefore, vertical agriculture can be an excellent complement and can also partially replace traditional agriculture in the context of the progressive process of global warming. Therefore, in the context of a progressive global warming process, vertical farming can be an excellent complement to traditionally practised sustainable organic farming. In addition, vertical farming, due to the absence of pesticides and other chemical plant protection products, can also be carried out according to the basic principles that apply to organic farming.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
In your opinion, can vertical farming become the agriculture of the future in sustainable, green, smart, food self-sufficient cities?
In your opinion, in the context of the ongoing process of global warming, is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
Is vertical farming becoming an excellent alternative or complement to traditional agriculture?
And what is your opinion on this?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please respond,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Hoping to hear your opinions, to know your personal opinion, to have an honest approach to discussing scientific issues and not ChatGPT-generated ready-made answers, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
I have not used other sources or automatic text generation systems such as ChatGPT in writing this text.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Why do you think that in the context of the progressive process of global warming, deforestation, logging, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests and even in areas that should be converted to landscape parks or national parks is still going on in some countries on a large scale?
For example, why is it that in Europe, where environmental policy has been one of the priorities for several years, deforestation, logging, cutting down old-growth forests in natural forests in the Carpathian Mountains has been going on on a large scale in some countries?
In Europe, where environmental policy is taken seriously and is one of the priorities in recent years, afforestation of areas has begun to outweigh deforestation. This is in line with climate and environmental policy, against the ongoing process of global warming. Unfortunately, however, there are serious sad exceptions to this rule. Currently, according to Greenpeace, an area of 5 soccer fields is disappearing every hour throughout the Carpathians. According to what Greenpeace reports, in some countries only 3 percent of the natural forests of the Carpathians are legally protected from investments like road construction. In the country where I operate, thanks to the intervention of people who care about conservation, it was possible to defend the natural forests of the Bieszczady National Park from predatory logging by a government-controlled company that manages most of the country's forests. A company that has the issue of nature conservation and forest biodiversity written into its internal regulations as a priority function. But realistically this function is not treated as a priority. Thanks to the intervention in the bodies of the European Union, thanks to grassroots social movements, thanks to the activities of Greenpeace, it was possible to defend the natural forests, including the National Park in the Bieszczady Mountains from predatory pseudo-forest management. Thanks to the defense of the Bieszczady Mountains, nature in the Bieszczady Mountains is reviving. In addition, some 300 social grassroots movements to defend the natural forests in the Carpathians have since sprung up. Accordingly, the company that manages most of the country's forests have it written into their norms that social and natural functions come first and economic functions last. And in recent years these relationships have been turned on their head. According to what is reported by Greenpeace Poland, currently the natural forests in Poland are treated by the government-controlled forest management company primarily as a source of money for all sorts of social, economic and political ventures and the issues of nature conservation, in addition to natural forests, landscape parks and national parks, protection of the natural biodiversity of forest ecosystems is at the end and in many aspects realistically there is none at all. The revenue of the company that manages most of the country's forests where I operate in 2022 has increased by more than half from 10 billion zlotys to more than 15 billion zlotys. This gives food for thought. In 2022, a fund controlled by an organized political group allied with the government is credited with PLN 3 billion. This fund is used to finance various pre-election goals, including those that have nothing to do with forest conservation, protection of the biodiversity of natural forest ecosystems. And yet forests, including natural forests, whose ecosystems have developed over thousands or millions of years, are a very important factor also in protecting the climate from the ongoing process of global warming. Deforestation of forest areas accelerates the progressive process of global warming. A In the entire Carpathian Mountains (which together are found in the area of several countries in Europe), an area of 5 soccer fields disappears every hour.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of scientists and researchers:
Why do you think that in the context of the progressive process of global warming, deforestation, logging, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests and even in areas that should be converted to landscape parks or national parks is still going on in some countries on a large scale?
Why is it that in Europe, where environmental policy is one of the priorities for several years in some countries, deforestation, deforestation, cutting down of old-growth forests in natural forests in the Carpathian Mountains is progressing on a large scale?
Why is deforestation in the Carpathians in Europe, where environmental policy has been one of the priorities for several years, rapidly progressing?
Why, in the context of the progressive process of global warming, is deforestation still going on in some countries on a large scale?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best wishes,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Counting on your opinions, on getting to know your personal opinion, on a fair approach to the discussion of scientific issues, I deliberately used the phrase "in your opinion" in the question.
The above text is entirely my own work written by me on the basis of my research.
In writing this text I did not use other sources or automatic text generation systems.
Copyright by Dariusz Prokopowicz
Hello, I have a project about deforestation detection using Google Earth Engine as follows:
1)Polygon definition for the protected area of "Yosemite" and "Sequoia" in California, for a period of time(2000_2023), according to the following article: doi:
2) Using NDVI MODIS, in this step non-forest areas are masked and only forest areas are considered.
3) Time series will be shown and deforestation will be considered
4) In the next step, High-quality images will be extracted for NDVI for each study site
5) A deep learning model should be predict DEFORESTATION
I selected an area and masked the non-forest images and considered only the forest images, the problem is that firstly, I could not select the areas of the mentioned article, secondly, in obtaining the deforestation time series and building the Deep Learning Model, I faced with a problem. I need your guidance and help to solve the mentioned issues.
Thank you
In view of fast , increasing urbanisation and industrialisations , in addition to disturbed climating condition. as well as Deforestation and loss of water bodies , Our water requirements becoming more and more. it becomes necessary to think about future prospect of water for survival.
Carbon Stock estimation is necessary for to check the changes in carbon levels of forest cover in decades to analyse the the human intervention and the level of forest degradation and deforestation.
Can some elaborate on the geochemistry/hydrogeology ?
Thank You
In your opinion, what new provisions and declarations made at the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, will prove fundamentally helpful for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the development of international cooperation to solve global problems, in protecting the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet?
Since Sunday 6.11.2022 in the Egyptian city of Sharm el-Sheikh for about 2 weeks, the United Nations Conference on Mainly Emerging Climate Change, i.e. the UN Climate Summit COP27, is underway, with lectures, debates and discussions on the question of what needs to be done to increase the scale of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the development of international cooperation to solve global problems, to slow down the progressive process of global warming, to counteract the negative effects of this process, necessary to take decisions to protect the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet. What needs to be done is obvious, as even the children of the Youth Climate Strike, which has finally been recognized by the UN and admitted to UN Climate Summits since COP27, know this. What needs to be done in terms of urgently and swiftly carrying out a green transformation of the energy sector to avoid or reduce the scale of the global climate catastrophe that may already occur at the end of this 21st century is already well known. Today we have a significantly different reality in terms of environmental and climate awareness in many different circles not only in the scientific community, but also in the media, parts of business, politics, etc. In the reality of the previous energy crisis, i.e. in the 1970s, emerging signals from the world of science informing and warning about the growing risks and threats to the future of the climate, the biosphere, biodiversity, future generations of people resulting from the progressive process of global warming were ignored and swept under the rug in the world of business and politics. As a result, at that time there was also a high scale of ignorance in the media world about the growing dangers of the greenhouse effect generated by increasing greenhouse gas emissions of civilization origin, mainly from the development of dirty combustion energy and ignoring the technological and financial possibilities of developing renewable and emission-free energy sources. Today, the level of pro-climate and pro-environmental awareness is much higher. On the other hand, half a century of time has already been lost, because so much earlier the processes of carrying out a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic growth, brown, linear economy of excess to a sustainable, green, zero-carbon zero-growth and closed-loop economy could have been started Now we also know that the key issue is time, in fact, it is already very limited time to carry out a full green transformation of energy but also other pro-climate measures such as. stopping the process of forest deforestation, carrying out the transformation of the agricultural sector towards the development of sustainable organic farming, the development of hydrogen-fueled electromobility, etc. The lost time of the mid-century will not be made up, but there is an opportunity to save a significant part of the planet's biosphere and biodiversity, to slow down the progressive process of global warming, to reduce the scale, also for the next generations of people, of the negative effects of the global climate catastrophe, which, unfortunately, is already imminent, since already in the current 21st century may occur. Now we also know that much depends on the development of international cooperation, including economic and financial assistance from developed countries provided to the economically poorest countries to support the green economic transformation processes taking place in these countries and to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. At the previous UN Climate Summit COP26, a new and particularly important provision and declaration of many countries was the issue of stopping the deforestation of areas of natural forest ecosystems by the end of the current decade, i.e. by 2030. But we now know that waiting until 2030 to fulfill this kind of declaration is not a wise solution either, because in order for the strategic goal of green transformation to be achieved, the goal set during the 2015 Paris Agreement, i.e. limiting the increase in the average level of the atmosphere's temp. by max. 1.5 degrees C counting from the beginning of the first industrial revolution until the end of the 21st century, the mentioned green transformation of the economy globally would have to be achieved not by the end of 2050 but within the current decade. This means urgent and drastic paradigm shifts, new decisions made at the policy level, new green strategies and missions established by many companies, businesses, corporations, including especially those operating in the energy sector. An exceptionally large representation of companies, enterprises, corporations operating in the dirty combustion energy sector at the UN Climate Summit COP27 may prove to be a positive aspect. It will prove to be a positive aspect of this issue if indeed the era of ignorance is replaced by an era of real action to bring about the smooth implementation of a green, i.e. pro-climate, pro-environmental and thus pro-social transformation of the energy sector towards future generations of people. Green energy technologies are already available. For example, clean energy technologies generated from hydrogen power. A transitional solution may be the development of other renewable energy sources. The technology of clean energy generated from nuclear fusion needs to be refined and will also soon be achievable. Banks and other financial institutions are eager to finance the green transformation of the economy. The problem of global warming and its negative effects is a global problem. Therefore, it is necessary to increase international cooperation to increase the scale of support, synergy, simultaneity of the processes of pro-climate and pro-environmental transformation of the economy implemented in all countries. It is necessary to develop green financing of afforestation programs for civilizationally degraded areas and wastelands, since forests are an important factor in absorbing CO2 from the atmosphere. Countries characterized by a low level of economic development without external assistance alone are unable to efficiently and quickly make a green transformation of the economy, including, among other things. make the necessary changes in agriculture by changing the dominant crop production models so that this is done according to the model of sustainable organic agriculture production of crops as a source of food primarily for people, which is particularly important in the reality of increasingly frequent periods of drought and other negative effects of the progressive process of global warming, declining productivity in terms of the level of production of crops per hectare, the growing problem of hunger in the poorest countries and often already most burdened by the negative effects of climate change. We know what needs to be done, but we don't really know how to raise the issue of making the green transition a priority of global environmental and climate policy, and how to establish such a priority at the global level. The UN COP Climate Summits are trying to make this happen, but for the time being this is basically done only on the basis of non-committal declarations made by individual countries and, unfortunately, often not all countries, that something will be done about the green transformation of the economy over the next few years or a few decades. And unfortunately, time is short.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What, in your opinion, do you think the new provisions and declarations made at the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, will prove fundamentally helpful for the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals, the development of international cooperation to solve global problems, in the protection of the climate, biosphere and biodiversity of the planet?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
What forms of external financing of pro-climate and pro-environmental economic ventures within the framework of green finance dominate now and will dominate in the future?
In recent years, various forms of financing pro-environmental business ventures within the framework of green finance have been growing in importance.
Within the framework of green financing of pro-environmental and pro-climate economic ventures, e.g. in the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, improvement of energy transmission and storage systems, development of sustainable organic agriculture, improvement of waste sorting and recycling systems, construction of wastewater treatment plants and recovery of clean water, development of electromobility, zero-energy construction, etc. Commercial banks offer green loans, internationally operating investment banks and investment funds provide financing combined with equity participation in green investment, enterprises and companies provide green loans to their subsidiaries, the state offers green subsidies offered by government agencies as part of programs to activate the green transformation of the economy. At the UN Climate Summit COP27 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, which began on 6.11.2022, discussions are expected to focus on financial needs and commitments, financing pro-climate and pro-environmental business ventures within the framework of green finance, and shaping the tools needed to respond to the damage that climate change is causing. At the aforementioned COP27 Climate Summit in Egypt, delegates from nearly 200 countries are holding lectures and discussions on the issue of financial compensation to poor countries for the growing damage from global warming. This is a new topic on the agenda, appearing at the UN Climate Summit COP27 for the first time in a decade, i.e., since the start of such conferences and climate talks. At last year's UN Climate Summit COP26 in Glasgow, Scotland, one of the new topics and agreements was a commitment to end forest deforestation by the end of the current decade, i.e., by 2030. However, in connection with the new agenda topic that emerged at UN Climate Summit COP27, viz. the issue of financial compensation to poor countries for the growing damage of global warming is an important issue that needs to be elaborated is the identification of key sources of financing, types of external financing within the framework of green finance, clarification of the objectives of financial support, i.e. the key types of negative effects of the progressive global warming process in countries characterized by low levels of economic development, low incomes and the ability to implement pro-climate and pro-environmental economic projects on their own. First of all, most of the poor countries, characterized by low income and low level of economic development are located in the tropical and subtropical climate zones and therefore in zones particularly vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change. In these countries, the problem of droughts is intensifying, and they are becoming more severe and prolonged every year. Droughts, declining rainfall, declining supplies of clean water are serious problems for agriculture, causing a decline in the production of agricultural crops and a growing problem of food shortages. In a large part of the mentioned poor countries, large-scale predatory logging has been implemented in recent years, the scale of deforestation has significantly increased, including natural biodiverse forest ecosystems, various forest formations, including, among others, the largest natural complex of forest ecosystems, known as the lungs of the planet, i.e. the rainforests of the Amazon. In this regard, it is a necessary issue to increase the scale of international cooperation and assistance regarding the transfer of green technologies, capital to enable the pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the economy, the realization of sustainable development goals, the implementation of investments enabling the development of renewable and emission-free energy sources, etc. Rich countries (mainly of the north, temperate climate zone), characterized by a high level of economic development, high incomes, high levels of productivity and equipment of production processes with modern technologies should help poor countries (of the south and the tropical, subtropical climate zone) to a greater extent, to reduce the scale of disparities, differentiation in the issue of sustainable development, activities and investments implemented to carry out pro-climate transformation of the economy and reduce the scale of the negative impact on the economy, agriculture and people of the progressive process of global warming and reduce the scale of the operation of the negative effects of this process. This is a key issue of international cooperation for the implementation of the concept of sustainable economic development, taking into account environmental, climate and energy policies on an international scale. The problem of global warming is a global problem and should be solved on a global scale through the development of international cooperation. This is part of the developing pro-climate and pro-environmental globalization.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What forms of external financing for pro-climate and pro-environmental green finance business ventures are dominant now and will be in the future?
What forms of external financing of pro-climate and pro-environmental economic ventures within the framework of green finance currently dominate internationally?
What are the international forms of external financing of green economic transformation?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this issue?
Please answer,
I invite everyone to join the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Best regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
What needs to change for the deforestation of the Amazon tropical rainforests to be converted to aforestation?
The Amazon Tropical Rainforests are referred to as the 'lungs of our planet'. The Amazon Tropical Rainforests and other highly biodiverse natural boreal areas are one of the key factors in removing CO2 from the atmosphere and are thus a limiting factor for greenhouse gas emissions, slowing the rate of progressive global warming, reducing the scale of the ongoing climate crisis. The tropical rainforests of the Amazon and other highly biodiverse natural forests and other natural green areas are a major reservoir of terrestrial biodiversity. In some but unfortunately still few countries and urban agglomerations, the scale of aforestation exceeds that of forest deforestation. Unfortunately, this does not apply to the tropical rainforests of the Amazon and many other natural forests of the tropical and subtropical zones. It is essential for the future of future generations of people, the state of the biosphere and the planet's climate to protect the state of biodiversity in the natural ecosystems of the tropical rainforests of the Amazon and other natural forests and to convert deforestation processes into aforestation. The state of biodiversity of the planet's biosphere and the rate of progressive global warming depend to a large extent on this. It has therefore been a common knowledge issue for many years to significantly increase the level of nature conservation, including the protection of the biodiversity of the tropical Amazon rainforest and other natural forest and natural ecosystems. It has also been a matter of common knowledge for many years, confirmed by many scientific studies and published scientific papers, that the processes of deforestation of the tropical Amazon Rainforest and other natural boreal, forest formations of the planet must be urgently converted to processes of aforestation. This, if it has been common knowledge for years, is why deforestation processes still dominate many times over aforestation. This problem was already signalled by researchers and scientists in the second half of the 20th century. Unfortunately, large-scale deforestation of the tropical Amazon rainforest and other natural forest formations of the planet continues. In addition, over the last 15 years the scale of deforestation of the Amazon rainforest and other natural forest formations of the planet has increased instead of decreasing. At the UN climate summit COP26, many countries pledged that by the end of this decade at the latest, i.e. by 2030, deforestation processes would be significantly reduced to such an extent that aforestation processes would prevail. But why should we wait until 2030 for this when we know how important this is for the preservation of the planet's biodiversity and for the urgent issue of halting or slowing down the progressive process of global warming. The improvement of conservation techniques and the development of aforestations programmes is fostered by the society-wide pro-environmental awareness of citizens, modern technologies, available financial resources, scientific knowledge, etc. So what is missing, what still needs to change. Is the key problem still the lack of changes in politics and business, i.e. the necessary changes towards pro-environmental and pro-climate reforms, the development of a real environmental policy and environmental protection, the implementation of the concept of sustainable economic development, the realisation of sustainable development goals, the pursuit of sustainability of the development of civilisation with the surrounding nature and climate, the carrying out of a pro-environmental and pro-climate transformation of the classic, dirty economy of excess towards a sustainable, green economy of moderation, a closed loop economy?
In view of the above, I would like to address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
What needs to change for the deforestation of the tropical Amazon rainforest to be converted to aforestation?
What do you think about this topic?
What is your opinion on this subject?
Please answer with reasons,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Warm regards,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
How can instruments and systems for the conservation of the nature, biosphere, highly biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon rainforests be improved?
The Amazon rainforest is the largest natural forest complex on planet Earth and is characterised by an exceptionally high level of biodiversity of natural forest ecosystems. Most of the millions of species of flora and fauna of the Amazon rainforest biodiversity are found exclusively in this forest formation. However, due to predatory logging management and increasingly frequent forest fires, the area of the Amazon's biodiverse rainforests is declining rapidly. The increasing incidence of fires in these forest formations is a consequence of the progressive process of global warming and the burning of the forest for the purpose of acquiring additional areas on which to grow crops according to a model of unsustainable, intensive agriculture. As the biodiverse rainforests of the Amazon absorb large quantities of CO2 from the atmosphere, they are one of several key factors in slowing down the progressive process of global warming. It is therefore urgently necessary to replace programmes for the deforestation of the Amazonian biodiverse rainforests and to replace this process of aforestation of civilisationally degraded areas, which is very negative for the climate and the biosphere of the planet.
In view of the above, I address the following question to the esteemed community of researchers and scientists:
How can instruments and systems for the conservation of nature, of the biosphere, of the highly biodiverse ecosystems of the Amazon rainforest be improved?
What is your opinion on this?
What do you think about this topic?
Please reply,
I invite you all to discuss,
Thank you very much,
Dariusz Prokopowicz
Globally, deforestation processes continue to outpace aforestation processes.It is well known that forests are one of the key influences on the climate, on the stability and sustainability of the climate, the maintenance of a humid microclimate, local water management, the state of biodiversity in regions.
Forests are also one of the key factors in reducing the amount of CO2 entering the atmosphere. At the UN climate summit COP26, it was agreed that by the end of this decade, i.e. by the end of 2030, national and global forest deforestation processes should be completed and forest afforestation processes should be accelerated. The restoration of forest ecosystems should be carried out in accordance with the principles of ecology of specific environmental formations of forest ecosystems consisting of replacing monocultures of tree crops with biodiverse restored, tree-rich forest ecosystem formations adequate to the specific local environment, geological and climatic setting.
But why do we have to wait so many more years for this? Why have such decisions not been taken earlier?
Why do the processes of afforestation not already prevail over deforestation?
Why are forests still being cut down when we know how important they are for slowing down the progressive process of global warming?
What needs to be done so that aforestation processes already prevail over deforestation?
How can afforestation processes be implemented quickly and effectively?
How can afforestation processes in civilisationally degraded areas be carried out quickly and efficiently?
How can afforestation be carried out with a high level of biodiversity in restored natural forest ecosystems?
What do you think about it?
What is your opinion on this topic?
Please reply,
I invite everyone to the discussion,
Thank you very much,
Kind regards,
Hi, my name is Ivan, and working as a Spatial Analyst in NGO. We are currently developing a Project Design Document (PDD) related to the REDD+ Project under Verra certification by referring to the VMD0007, BL - UP module (Unplanned Deforestation). I want to ask technical questions to everyone who has experience related to the module mentioned.
In terms to project future deforestation, we need to define the RRL boundary which has a certain requirement. And, in the module mentioned that the area of forest in RRL must be equal to the area of the RDD (±25%). What's the mean of "±25%"? Whereas it's clearly mentioned "must be equal to".
Thanks for the attention.
Reference: (page 12, section
The rapid pace of deforestation, urbanisation and road building are major factors in the spread of infectious diseases across Asia, including the coronavirus.
Worldwide, more than 119,000 people have been infected by the Covid-19 coronavirus, which emerged from China late last year, and more than 4,200 have died, according to a Reuters tally.
Coronaviruses are zoonotic diseases or zoonoses - meaning they are passed from animals to humans. Other examples include the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome that was transmitted from civet cats, the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome that was passed from camels, as well as Ebola and bird flu.
"Diseases passed from animals to humans are on the rise, as the world continues to see unprecedented destruction of wild habitats by human activity," Doreen Robinson (the United Nations Environment Programme UNEP) BP, Marc,2020.
I'm looking for data (mainly related to management: growth rate, canopy size, soil and climate preferences, etc.) about tropical trees used in tropical agroforestry.
Have you ever heard about a database or a source of technical information available to agroforest managers?
That would really facilitate land management and field experiments.
As always, I am trying to use these questions to centralize information from different sources. RG questions tend to be well indexed in Google for different users. Thank you for your contributions!
Socio-Hydrology, as a relatively new paradigm in resilient water management, has gained increased attention these days in reconciling contrasting issues in the fields of natural and social sciences.
Hence, there need effective and appropriate tools, models, and approaches to conduct researches so as to enrich this multidisciplinary field of study and ensure effective utilization of this vital but scarce resource, especially in areas where human communities are living in close proximity to natural water systems.
It is a general fact that human societies across the world are being challenged with significant water-related problems such as ecosystem degradation, groundwater depletion, natural and anthropogenic drought, and floods, water-borne health issues, and deforestation which are being exacerbated by climate change.
I know that education reduces deforestation by increasing the popularity of more productive agricultural techniques. But, does the knowledge about the benefits of preservation (example: reduction of carbon gas emission) also impact negatively the deforestation?
Net zero refers to a state in which the greenhouse gases going into the atmosphere are balanced by removal out of the atmosphere. A growing number of countries, cities and companies are aiming for 'net zero' emissions to meet climate goals, and the International Energy Agency has unveiled a plan to get there.
For tree based removal of CO2 would demand between 0.4 and 1.2 billion hectares of land. That’s 25% to 80% of all the land currently under cultivation. How will that be achieved at the same time as feeding 8-10 billion people around the middle of the century or without destroying native vegetation and biodiversity?
If we add technological removal, it may be termed as investment with no return.
If we are purly dependent on plantation, growing billions of trees would consume vast amounts of water – in some places where people are already thirsty. Increasing forest cover in higher latitudes can have an overall warming effect because replacing grassland or fields with forests means the land surface becomes darker. This darker land absorbs more energy from the Sun and so temperatures rise. Focusing on developing vast plantations in poorer tropical nations comes with real risks of people being driven off their lands.
And it is often forgotten that trees and the land in general already soak up and store away vast amounts of carbon through what is called the natural terrestrial carbon sink. Interfering with it could both disrupt the sink and lead to double accounting.
I am trying to build a network to fight against deforestation via Campaigning. Please feel free to contact me, if you're interested
There is lot of emphasis on expansion of green cover or trees on farms (asfForest being common resources even after so conservation laws and efforts forest degradation and deforestation is still on) through agroforestry and tree farming can be a cheaper solution for mitigating climate change effects. If so why in UNFCC only 10-15% projects on A/R under carbon credits framework? If developing countries opting for CDM projects under A/R categories to reach out poor farmers in tropics, rules need to be made simpler and affordable fees for registration for carbon finance. Why only corporate plantations are having edge in projects. How farmers friendly tree farming policies at national level harmonized with climate change & UNFCC.
It has been alarming that human activities had increased many proportions and had led to many anthropogenic activities which had been directly and indirectly affecting the natural ecosystems. These activities have replaced many of the endemic natural vegetation with non-native species of vegetation with choices to few species by mostly raising monoculture plantations so as to have increased returns meet the increasing needs of the society. In the process, there has been the dominance of non-native invasive species. Even we see hunting and trade in many of the wild animals. Even many of the countries have even made wildlife rearing legal just to meet their culinary needs. Under the above background, it has been obvious that this is leading to increased incidence and virulence of the diseases.
I am using the LAI as an objective would be to reach a deforestation value applying the vegetation indices within a time scale ... of 20 years, within this scale, NDVI, SAVI presented similar values, and negative values at the end of the twenties years, that is, showed a reduction in biomass, but the LAI, at the end of 20 years, showed different values, and conversely, which in my interpretation would be an increase in biomass .... what to do? What does that mean ?
We are developing a protocol to transition deforested lands into high biodiversity forests.
Creating an adaptable system of regenerative agriculture to restore the land, feed families nutritiously, make an income, sequester carbon and increase biodiversity. Planning from year 1 to year 30 so that these goals are reached each year. The target is a high biodiversity forest that the farmer can still make an income off of through sustainable timber harvest or forest products. Focusing on the Yucatan, Mexico but adaptable for any region.
Any thoughts, examples or papers that will help us develop this are greatly appreciated!
I want to study about deforestation pattern using time series MODIS NDVI data. Can anyone help me how can I do that or if any one have relevant papers regarding this, kindly send me the link
I want to study Impact of deforestation on climate change by application of remote sensing on the natural forests of south Kordofan from 2005 to 2020. How can these models help me and download maps analyze?
The coastal area of Bangladesh is very much susceptible to natural calamities. To reduce the impact of natural disaster and increase shoreline protection Government of Bangladesh introduce Jhau (Casuarina equisetifolia) tree in southern beaches (Cox's Bazar to Teknaf). But recently a number of Jhau trees are started to die. The scenario is visible in most of the areas where deforestation and sea erosion is not started yet. I am (with a multi disciplinary team) working to find out the problems behind it. So two specific question arise on this context-
1. What are the favorable or critical soil condition for jhau tree?
2. Which elements (e.g. increase of any specific element-K,Na etc) are hazardous for jhau tree?
A country trying hard to its level best for making urbanization, industrialization and does not care about deforestation, pollution and its natural resources, what will be the end cause of that country in such a situation? and What is Sustainable Development?
Passing to the Tensa hill station I came across lot of hooding/flex/ banner containing half naked black men with the posture of cutting tree with axes. On the top of the hill I saw many JCB are engaged in clearing forest and drawing under earth's natural resources.
Who is responsible for large scale deforestation?
Why this advertisement?
Deforestation is driving animals out of their homes and getting them closer into contact with humans, an arrangement that benefits neither. Alexander Gerst
We all know that the environment where we live in is experiencing a lot of changes like weather, deforestation, pollution (physical & chemical), ecological imbalance just to mention a few. These changes have resulted in the extinction of several species and if the trend goes on unchecked our own survival will become endangered.
What can we, as members of the scientific community, do to curb the problem? In your suggestions please try to touch as many aspects as possible. Our team is planning for a project proposal in this aspect. Thank you.
Which part would come from changes in local meteorological conditions (for instance higher temperatures, higher humidity, etc.;., and how to be sure that such changes are not due to local changes other than due to climate change (for instance urbanization, deforestation, etc...)), and which part would come from changes in the regional/global circulation?
It appears that only the effects of the albedo have been considered and not those of the sensible and latent heat. The systems definition is another issue:
Deleted research item The research item mentioned here has been deleted
Deforestation kills the wild and they going extinct.
What are the best ways to save trees?
Dear friends:
The recent news from the Amazonia is terrible. The largest ecosystem of our world is collapsing. Politicians say that forest fires are due to drought events and that environmentalists magnify the problem. All is possible if one keeps an open mind. However, we know that the main cause of forest fires in the Amazonia is of anthropogenic origin. That is, deforestation followed by residues burning with the proposal of mining development, agricultural production, livestock expansion, etc. As an environmental physicist by love, my colleagues and I have published some papers concerning the dynamics of the Amazonia climate. Our recent paper (Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v. 34, n. 2, 325 – 334, 2019) was another called of attention. Deforestation is affecting the rainfall occurrence (I am attaching a manuscript submitted to Acta Amazonica, March/2019). Unfortunately it seems that politicians do not take a look to scientific reports.
I have a final comment. It does not matter whether we are Physicists, Biologists or Engineers, I feel we, as a community, have to propose practical initiatives for saving the lung of the world. I lived and worked in Manaus during two years as an invited professor of Physics at Universidade do Estado do Amazonas. Thus, this affects my feelings.
Best regards
I am currently analyzing the impact of a policy instrument on deforestation rates. The unit of analysis is a landscape (geographically selected based on biophysical conditions). I have eight landscapes (8 cases/observations), four of them have the policy instrument (participants inside the landscape have voluntarily decided to join the forest conservation program) and four don´t. Each landscape has diverse information (continuous, Likert scale, percentages, etc.); for example, there is income information from 800 (100 in each landscape) households but also governance indicators (Likert scale) from 8 (one in each landscape) communities. Due to the variety of information at different levels across the landscapes I decided to use average values for the each variable in all landscapes. I face now the following problem: I have 8 observations but more than 50 independent variables.
Is there a statistical technique that accounts for too few cases and too many variables?
Except for backward elimination, how could I select the appropriate variables for analysis? LASSO?
Also, considering the number of observations, is there a threshold for statistical values (R2, P-value, t-statistics, etc.) that I must meet to have significant (publishable!) results from the regression?
Thanks a lot!
The Amazon forest is on fire and the whole world will suffer the climatic consequences. The main cause of forest fires in the Amazon rainforest of Brazil and Bolivia are the deforestation policies promoted by the anti-environmental presidents Jair Bolsonaro and Evo Morales. We need to do something to stop this. In the long run, these policies will destroy even large-scale rainforests in the region. We are coming closer to the point where there is not enough rainforest left to produce the rain that sustains those forests. The vast Amazon basin will tip into a drought state, which would be devastating for wildlife, the indigenous people, the global climate, and agriculture in the region. Is there something we could do to stop this ecological disaster before is too late ? What is your opinion about this important subject ?
I decided to start a discussion about Planet satellites and its imagery. Why? The discussion became a hot topic in Brazil and abroad, especially within the remote sensing community. The Brazilian federal government is questioning the deforestation data issued by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). Next move by Bolsonaro presidency is to hire Planet satellites to survey the rainforest. The current method used by INPE utilizes MODIS, Landsat and Sentinel imagery.
In a recent Twitter post, Gilberto Câmara (former INPE director) stated that Planet cameras and imagery show inconsistency and lack the quality to perform change-detection on an automated basis.
I invited all remote sensing colleagues to a discussion about Planet imagery, whether they are fit for the job or not, regardless of political shenanigans.
Is a game of self deception being played in relation to the “safe” temperature rise target limit of 2° C or lower as proposed in the Kyoto Protocol?
I ask this question as we are just now seeing the impacts of 200 years worth of carbon emissions. Even where we to stop all emissions and deforestation today, it is still going to take the environment some 50 years at best to find it's new balance.
Your thoughts please.
Greenhouse effect of the elevated atmospheric CO2 from fossil fuel combustion and deforestation is regarded as the dominant driver of global temperature increase. What evidence do we have to demonstrate that the observed increase in temperature is actually attributed to the the greenhouse effect of the elevated CO2?
It’s time to put habitats of the environment first. We need to preserve land, stop building, and start restoring. Which environmental issue make you worry the most? Public Health, Land Management & Urban Sprawl, Waste Disposal, Overpopulation, Loss of Biodiversity, Water Scarcity & Water Pollution, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Ecosystems & Endangered Species, Climate Change ?
The recent flash floods across Iran could damage a few hundred villages and cities across Iran. There are some hypotheses/topics to discuss in relevant to this phenomenon:
1) deviation of large scale jet streams from their previous paths. What are the role of two Polar Front Jet streams (PFJ) and Sub Tropical Jet streams, non-linear interaction across scales, atmospheric rivers, and blocking highs?
2) does the altitude of each major current affect the climate of the earth in the vicinity of the surface?
3) seasonal/monthly variation polar front jet surge because of gradients of temperature and pressure.
4) topography effects, for example, the Zagros mountains across the westerlies.
5) Are floods linked to deforestation, land coverage, soil type, and climate change because of global warming?
6) Which model is able to capture the crudest features of the environmental floods?
I am looking for some theories which can be used to explain timber extraction, enviromental degradation, deforestation and livelihoods.
The causes of riverbank erosion:
- Flood: Bangladesh is a riverine country. About 700 rivers including tributaries flow through Bangladesh constituting a good waterway of total length around 24,140 kilometers. Most of the country’s land is formed through silt brought by the rivers. In our country, every year the people are affected by floods, especially for a rainy reason. This is the most crucial reason for riverbank erosion.
- Deforestation: Deforestation refers to the cutting down trees and makes a forest non-forest. Trees can hold on the soil aggregates. But when the trees are cut down, the soil particles become loose and for this reason, the soil of the river bank can be eroded gradually.
- Heavy Rainfall: We are in monsoon climate zone. We face heavy rainfall in the rainy season. This extreme rainfall is also an important cause of riverbank erosion. Where there is no well-constructed levee of a river, the soil can be eroded because of heavy rainfall at that time. Source:
In the tropics deforestation can possibly lead to a quick degradation (laterization) of soils if we are not taking the proper measures. In this particular case what is the best and cheapest way to recover fertile soil?
I am doing a research to get an overview about EO-Systems which help companies to fulfil their commitments towards Zero Deforestation.
There is little irritation of what a 'natural hazard' is, even if we admit that many 'natural hazards' are the result of human activity (e.g. often flooding is the result of deforestation by humans; drought and desertification the result of human land use changes, over grazing etc.
But is there something we can call 'natural disaster'? A disaster is an event of society, not an event of nature.
Disaster Risk Reduction is the effort to prevent that 'natural' hazards turn into disasters. If this effort fails then it is difficult to talk of 'natural disaster' as it is society, human that suffer damages, injuries and loss of life.
Isn't the expression 'natural disaster' not even misleading giving the impression that a disaster is a natural event, an act of god so to say and as such unavoidable. Indeed, however, as highlighted earlier, it is an event of society and become often disastrous as society is not well prepared to face the powers of natural hazards.
What do you think????
Recent works point to the hypothesis that global climate change will lead to the decline of cloud forests due to persistent cloudiness occurring only at higher altitudes; therefore, precluding the presence of hight levels of humidity, horizontal precipitation, and increased solar radiation. Some ongoing experiments consist in installing barriers blocking the passing of clouds in a tract of forest and monitoring the effects of such barriers in the forest behind them. On the other hand, the main cause of decline of cloud forests is deforestation for land change uses which could be a faster process than the potential effects of climate change. So, at least at local scale, destruction of cloud forest could have an effect on climatic conditions, increasing the impact of the effects of climate change. For example, what could happen with the persistence of cloudiness, temperature, and effect of winds if we suppress the cloud forest from a given place?. It will the desaparition of the forests affect the patterns of cloudiness, maybe by effects of the wind not having a forest barrier, increased temperatures, or changes in evapotranspiration? I would like to discuss this topic, putting aside, if possible, the other negative impacts of deforestation.
I want to quantify and deforestation caused by mining and to predict future scenarios, where deforestation is the dependent variable and mining an related activities are the independent variables
climate related impact vs human related on an ecosytem
I'm working on my master thesis. My thesis will be on the debat on climate change and deforestation in Miombo woodlands.
I'm searching the literature to start it.
I would like to talk how the role of human is intertwined with the deforestation in a specific case study in Miombo woodlands, especially I would talk the caracteristics of policies, governance and the participation of local communities react to the problem about climate change and the consequences.
I ask you some advice,
My research is related to deforestation. I want to perform a binominal logistic regression test where, the dependent variable is deforestation of raster image cells (Yes/No). How can I test the multicollinearity (calculate VIF value) among the qualitative variables? For example I want to determine the multicollinearity level among deforestation (yes/no), type of resident (legal/illegal) and income level (high/medium/low). I am using SPSS software to analyze my data set. Answers regrading the analysis with SPSS is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I am thinking about the consequences of no-forestation policies, called for by a range of environmental groups such as Greenpeace and TFT, and what this could mean for development in forested regions? If forest areas of the world (Canada, Russia, Brazil, DRC, PNG etc.) are not allowed through international pressure to cut down their forests, and especially so in poorer regions in the tropics, how can development take place? Are there examples of good development, healthy, well fed, happy people in forest areas where no deforestation has ever taken place? I cannot think of any such examples. If these examples do not exist, then current calls for no-deforestation sound rather hollow in terms of commitment to other sustainability goals, such as alleviating poverty, reducing hunger, providing education and giving people equitable treatment. The Sustainable Development Goal's motto of leaving no one behind would become problematic if some were forced behind. What am I missing ?
Please include in your reply, links to relevant literature sources.