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Definability - Science topic

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Questions related to Definability
  • asked a question related to Definability
9 answers
There are at least a hundred definitions of life and the number is not decreasing. A large number of people feel free to try their hand at defining life. The author can use his definition to put everything he knows is alive in the proper bucket while letting everything else take care of itself. Some authors realize that a definition is of little use without an underlying theory of what life is (TOWLI). They realize that when a definition of life is not produced by an underlying theory, it is frequently a fancy way for the author to say that he knows life when he sees it.
I've considered this situation for some time and have come to realize that I have no idea what the Astrobiology/Origin of Life community's metric for functionality in a theory of life, or a definition of life, is. From my perspective, any such theory should be similar to theories that characterize other physical phenomena. Theories of life should range from "fully functional" to "completely fanciful". Here's what I think a fully functional theory of life should do:
1) The theory should assert and justify that life is a certain kind of thing. The assertion must be that it arises from one, or a combination of, the laws of physics, thermodynamics, chemistry, mathematics, information theory, or other testable characteristic of a system that displays living behavior.
2) The theory should assert and justify that there are characteristics that make a thing "alive" and it should present the simplest living thing that contains those characteristics, thereby mapping the boundary between "alive" and "not alive."
3) The theory should assert and justify that living things that exhibit characteristics with certain "high" values are more ideal living things and those that exhibit characteristics with certain "low" values are less ideal living things.
4) The theory should assert and justify that it applies to life on the largest and the smallest of scales.
5) The theory should assert and explain how it can derive the precursors to metabolism, the electron transport chain, cellular membranes, cell walls, information storage, and information translation, among other characteristics that are generally recognized as being necessary for life as we know it, given the conditions under which life as we know it could emerge.
6) The theory should assert that its predictions are testable.
7) The theory should assert that it applies to life composed of materials alien to life as we know it as well as under conditions alien to life as we know it.
When we figure out what this thing called "life" actually is, it should satisfy all of these requirements. Maybe more. Is it possible to apply this scale, or maybe a modified version of it, to the extant theories and definitions of life so that we can dispense with those that will never do any of these things?
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Hi Julius Riese , I won't be releasing anything in the near future. I am, however. interested in having someone privately review what I've written in an appropriate way. The problem with a conceptual barrier, is that everyone is dancing around it. It takes the displacement of a few nanometers to hit on it.
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
In Fuzzy Transportation Problem, we bound to subtract fuzzy trapezoidal numbers, if we use them to define uncertain data. Then a negative distribution is raised.We know that in a transportation problem negative distribution is meaningless. A fuzzy trapezoidal number (a,b,c,d)  is said to be negative if a<0. So my question is what is the significance of the negative trapezoidal numbers or how can I explain the negative numbers or using what types of fuzzy arithmetic operations I just simply avoid negative numbers? 
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you can use arithmiticak law and add minimum negative value and add all value with this specefice number for att transfer numbers to positive side of axel.(right side). proportion and distinatation between every number will keep constant.
  • asked a question related to Definability
26 answers
A parameter is defined as a value of the population whereas a statistic is a value of the data, i.e., the mean can be a statistic or parameter. However, it can be quite ambiguously and the context is obscured or missing . For example, the linear model has parameters B0 and B1; in E(y|x) = B0+B1*X1. If B1 is estimated via ML, B1 is a statistic (likelihood), but via MCMC a parameter (posterior). However, the coefficients B0 and B1 are described as parameters, even before estimation, but are not population parameters.
Thus, in referring to the parameters of the linear model the ambiguity remains in the use of the word parameters (if one does not specify the method of estimation or is unaware of it). Given I would like to express in a single sentence what I did, "I estimated the model statistic B1" highlights that it is the likelihood of the coefficient B1, whereas "I estimated the model parameter B1" highlights that it is the posterior of coefficient B1.
The question, is it valid to refer the the coefficients B0 and B1 after estimation as statistic or parameter given the likelihood or posterior? I have not read the expression statistic(s) in referring to the coefficients in a linear model only as parameter(s) (or sample parameter). I am trying to avoid ambiguity in my writing and clear my brain.
Thank you in advance
P.S. I adjusted the question
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Stefano Nembrini : it was not Fisher who invented the word statistics. Credit must go to Sir John Sinclair (,_1st_Baronet) 1754-1835, who introduced the term into English. He adapted it from a German word. To quote the man himself
"Many people were at first surprised at my using the words "statistical" and "statistics", as it was supposed that some term in our own language might have expressed the same meaning
the idea I annex to the term is an inquiry into the state of a country, for the purpose of ascertaining the quantum of happiness enjoyed by its inhabitants, and the means of its future improvement; but as I thought that a new word might attract more public attention, I resolved on adopting it, and I hope it is now completely naturalised and incorporated with our language."
And I would urge you to be careful with your own words. It does not "feel like" the questioner is making a fuss. This is something that you think, an opinion. Thoughts are not feelings.
Nor do words have the meanings that you assign to them. If they did, communication, science, ethics, even food labelling would be impossible.
Finally, if the question irritates you, I suggest you leave it alone. Researchgate is a collaborative, supportive platform. If you want something more adversarial, there's plenty of choice.
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
I am writing simple DFLUX subroutine for Abaqus, trying to run some transient simulation. I have to define FLUX(1) as subject to temperature field of the previous step:
 - of temperature in the node, for which FLUX(1) is defined: This is easily solved by using SOL command
 - of a temperature of another node that is geometrically speaking a bit away: here my problem has occurred: I found that command VOLD(X,Y) calls for a temperature in node Y if X=0, so: VOLD(0,5) returns temperature of node 5.
My simplified function so far looks like this:
When I run it without VOLD, everything is ok. When I add VOLD command, Analysis File Processor completes successfully (this is what Abaqus says), so the code should be sufficient at least in sense of existing commands and encryption, but Abaqus/Standard aborts and from here on I don't know what to do.
I am thinking that problem is probably in FORTRAN code: Maybe VOLD(0,1155) returns not only a number but maybe a vector with some () or [ ] and that is why the equation is nat consistent: Like for example A=2*5+[(17)].
I am new to FORTRAN and has never used it before so I would appreciate any help either on FORTRAN scripting or DFLUX code formation (VOLD etc.)
Thanks in advance and BR.
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I am facing a similar issue to obtain the nodal temperature within a specified range (radius around x,y,z coordinates). have you find out anything more in the meantime?
  • asked a question related to Definability
6 answers
When to describe a confidence interval as narrow, and hence a large sample size or wide and hence a small sample size? Thanks 
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Heba's question is what I had in mind. I need expert judgment on when do we say the CI is wide or narrow.
  • asked a question related to Definability
27 answers
I'd like to know about the best method to defined a fuzzy rule base for fuzzy logic controllers, most of references said experience knowledge is the best way, but what are the other parameters?
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Useful link from , thanks for sharing.
  • asked a question related to Definability
5 answers
I have a question about user defined hinges in SAP2000. Well, I have already the yield and ultimate moments and curvatures for beams and columns in a existing building from equilibrium and constitutive relationships equations. The purpose is to find the behavior of the hinges during a nonlinear time history analysis. SAP2000 permits to define hinges from one's moment-curvature analysis and for that reason I didn't use any table from FEMA or ATC. In case of columns and its P-M3 user defined hinges controlled by displacement, I didn't find how SAP2000 defines yield moment curvature for columns in his moment-curvature diagram. This value divides the moment in any point of the diagram and this part is diferent in beams where I can define a specific yield moment without problem.
Please, I would apreciate any help in this case.
(I adjunt a file with this problem)
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Following paper might be helpful for you.
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
we can define any function in:
Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Functions>Define/Edit
and then after saving the function we define the output of the function e.g Pressure, Force etc. but i cannot find any such option for defining angular velocity:
Solution>Define Loads>Structural>Inertia>Angular Velocity,     where i should import the defined transient ang.vel function, or any tabular data import in the angular velocity. Please help.
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i read my thread after i had even forgotten my question LOL. since nobody has replied, my be i was not clear in my statement or may be other people also face same problem. here i would like to answer my question. it might help other people also. i tried to make it as simple as possible by making a pdf. plz see the attachment.
  • asked a question related to Definability
3 answers
I found scientific papers where are studied capacitor banks by changing input voltage frequency and temperature.
There are some coefficients that the authors define to find reliability of the capacitor banks.
Are there any suitable coefficients by which can be found the reliability of capacitor banks more precisely?
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Depends on capacitor type. Electrolytics have relatively limited life time, which basically depends only on temperature and voltage (frequency and ESR causes heating so it is already covered). Provided you stay within spec of course - e g transients out of spec might affect reliability in a way that is hard to predict.
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
I am trying to derive an expression which allows me to calculate the fill factor of a PV module at any temperature or irradiance, given I know the STC parameters. Is there any existing relation?
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Fill factor = Power at Maximum Power point / Isc × Voc 
These all the factors will change with the change in Temperature and Irradiance. 
As Irradiance is directly proportional to the Current.
In the case of Temperature with the increase in Temperature Voltage is decreased. 
  • asked a question related to Definability
4 answers
Hi everyone!
I am conducting a research in drug-induced nephrotoxicity. In your opinion, what would be the most suitable standard to define drug-induced nephrotoxicity case? Is it KDIGO Clinical Practice Guideline for AKI or NCI-CTCAE v4.0? Or maybe you have another preference.
Please see the attachment for more details.
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Thank you for the response, Daniel & Michaela
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
Can we define loading coefficient of a propeller like we do in the case of a wind turbine?
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Thank You Sir.
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
How can I define  a materials parameter according to time under comsol 5.0
because when i try to solve my modele i have warning message like this
Variable non définie.
- Variable: t
- Géométrie: geom1
- Domaine: 1
Echec dans l'évaluation de la variable.
- Variable:
- Défini par: ((((((^2)+(^2))+(^2))*(comp1.mat1.def.k(comp1.mat1.def.rho((t/unit_s_cf)))*unit_W_cf))**unit_K_cf))
Echec dans l'évaluation de la variable.
- Variable:
- Défini par:
Echec dans l'évaluation de l'expression.
- Expression: d(((-(***comp1.Tz)*test(comp1.Tx)-(***comp1.Tz)*test(comp1.Ty)-(***comp1.Tz)*test(comp1.Tz))**(dvol_spatial),{test@16})
- Caractéristique: Solveur stationnaire 1 (sol2/s1)
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Yes i want to to know, how to vary the material properties as per time change? 
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
In SEM-EDS what peak height defines
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Peak height is correlated with the number of atoms of a given element interacting with the electron beam. The area of the peak is a better measure of the number of atoms. The correlation depends upon type of atom, beam energy, and depth of penetration of the beam.
  • asked a question related to Definability
4 answers
How has this role changed as a result of emerging technology and new trends in the marketplace?
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The CRM manager has to maintain a relationship with customers, using technology such as customer data and other technology to keep in touch using social media, AI. Data on non customers and building bridges to them is important
The ultimate role is to create more value for the customer. 
  • asked a question related to Definability
4 answers
How can we define the extent of ancient tides?
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This is much outside my expertise domain, but the first approximation seems quite simple. 
If you take the formula of the tidal force given by Rudzki (Fizyka Ziemi, Kraków 1909, p. 373), it depends on the Earth's and Moon's masses, Earth's radius and the distance Earth-Moon. The first three parametres should be the same in the Cambrian and today. As for the distance, Mietelski (Astronomia w geografii, Warszawa 2009, p. 280) says it grows 3-4 cm per year. So, 500 My ago the distance should be 5 x 108 x 3(4) = 1.5(2) x 109 cm = 15000-20000 km shorter. The present distance E-M is ca. 384 000 km, in the Cambrian the value is thus 0.948-0.961 of the above. The tidal force is inversely proportional to the cube of the distance, so 1/0.9483=1.174 or 1/0.9613=1.126. So I would say that in the first approximation Cambrian tides were 12-17% higher. 
Attention: I assumed that the radius of Moon's orbite grew linearly. Moreover, there should perhaps be some correction for faster Earth's rotation (420 days per year instead of 365)? 
But this may be a starting point.
  • asked a question related to Definability
3 answers
I understand that, generally, community stability is defined by having no apparent change in population size over a given period of time. Such that, the level of disturbance occurring in a particular community is just one factor that greatly affects the stability of a community. So what are other significant factors which specifically affect the stability of a marine community, and how are these factors measured or quantified (if possible)?
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Thank you for your responses Mr. Tomascik and Mr. Ben-Yami! 
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
Some define "short sleepers " whom sleep 6 h and less per night and others use duration less than 7h of sleep. Long sleepers are defined as sleeping 9h and more in most epidemiology studies. At the same time National Sleep Foundation recommended sleep duration is 7-9h.
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Here are references of a few studies which may help you to define short and long sleepers for an epidemiologic study. They all show that sleep duration critically depends on factors like age, gender, economic situation, health status, and others.
Good luck,
Kripke DF, et al. Sleep complaints of postmonopausal women. Clin J Women's health 2001; 1:244-252.
Monk TH, et al. A sleep diry and questionnaire study of naturally short sleep. J Sleep Res 2001; 10:173-179.
Basner M; Fomberstein KM; Razavi FM; Banks S; William JH; Rosa RR; Dinges DF. American time use survey: sleep time and its rela­tionship to waking activities. SLEEP 2007;30(9):1085-1095.
Putilov AA (2013) Patterns of Association of Health Problems with Sleep-Wake Timing and Duration. J Sleep Disor: Treat Care 2013, 2:4 (doi:
  • asked a question related to Definability
3 answers
how to define scale factors of various modes in *imperfection?
On what basis we choose this scale factor ?
Is it compulsory that we should choose it as some percentage of model's geometrical dimensions like thickness, height etc , or I can choose anything according to my choice ?
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Dear Aamir
We usually use the frist buckling mode as an imperfiction in nonlinear analysis to initiate large deformation/buckling. but you also can give a scale factor to increse/decrease the buckling mode. this scale factor can be calculted based the code recomendation for intiall imperfiction.
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
Whenever I am trying to simulate my simulink model, it first gives me an error of singularity in system, if I remove filters in the system, the error changes to "ill defined model", Can anybody help me in solving this?
Muhammad Ammar Malik
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You haven't exactly mentioned your situation. One of the reason you might get the singularity error is due to the step size problem. Go to configuration parameters in simulation and change it variable step size than having it as fixed step size.
I hope this works for you.
  • asked a question related to Definability
6 answers
Did they challenge popular understanding of the concept? What was their opposing explanation?
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I would agree with Paula: If anarchism in the strictest sense is about resisting the creation/continuation of the form we call 'the state'-formalized, centralized power through institutionalized government. I believe it is naive to suggest that we could have a Modern/Post-Modern technology without a state--at least for now. Perhaps I'm too anthropological, but when you start talking about doing away with a state, you have to realistically consider a major down-shift in your technology. I say this from the evidences of history: the only really successful anarchistic communities have been small, and much more Mechanical in their solidarity (look at Durkheim for this), suggesting a simpler technology that everyone in the community understands and can operate with near-equal capacity, once given basic skills training.
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
In case p≥1, it is a classical result on convolution (discrete Young inequality)
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Dear Gerard
I suppose there is a typo in your question, namely that you meant to define w_j = \sum_{m\ge 0} u_m v_{j+m}  (whereby "v" has been inserted), so as to have something like a convolution of u and v.
It seems to me that the answer is affirmative: w does belong to l_p. But this is only so because you are dealing with the sequence spaces, so that
  l_p \subset l_r \subset l_\infty     whenever    0 < p < r < \infty.
To show it one may first obtain that \sum_{m\ge 0} |u_m v_{j+m}|^p < \infty. This follows from the embeddings above, as u is a bounded sequence.
Now we obtain  \sum_j |w_j|^p \le \sum_j ( \sum_m |u_m||v_{j+m}| )^p, where the sum over m can be estimated by the corresponding norm in l_p, by the above embeddings---and afterwards an interchange in the summation order gives an estimate by the norm in l_1 of u times the p'th power of the norm of v in l_p.
Hopefully this will work for you.
Best regards,   Jon
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
If I can also establish LOQ using a calibration curve, is it OK if my lowest level is <10 signal to noise? Or will this introduce error into my method?
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Your lowest concentration must be LOQ. Calculating LOQ by using the calibration curve gives always lower results, because the effect of the real sample is not taken into account. In chromatography is advised to establish LOQ using real signal to noise ratio.
  • asked a question related to Definability
3 answers
How can be defined the criteria for crop suitability
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Thanks a lot sir 
  • asked a question related to Definability
9 answers
(1) what is meant by unexpected here .how to detemine the level shifted from endemic to epidemic.
(2) what is the period of surveillance needed to say that this is an outbreak ??
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Additionally a ln epidemic can occur when a disease emerged in a place it never was. Eg the re-emergence of a single case of small pox could be described as an epidemic
  • asked a question related to Definability
4 answers
is there any other method to check the effect of using different workfunctiion material on threshold voltage except using 'common' function in silvaco tcad'
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Thanks  sir ,Subir Maity
  • asked a question related to Definability
18 answers
The Ohms law relates the electronic current to the electric field by the relation J=sigma E and that E is defined by E=-dA/dt-d phi/dt. Can be attributed to a current density that is induced by the photon inside a conducting medium by the relation J_photon =-sigma d A/dt ?where A defines the photon field. In this case the polarization becomes P=sigma A.
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Prof. Zekry,
Thank you for attempting to gain cooperative thought in this forum.
I am familiar with your perspective ,  and extensive C.V. ,
and am NOT offended that you offered it up for 'discussion'. 
It is unfortunate that you are caught in the claws
of language and personality.
The aggressor is not intending to "discuss" the topic,
and does not allow alternative perspectives on the topic,
not even at the beginning of a potential discussion,
Perhaps he will  write/publish a book on his views
... on his own time.   
I had hoped to see these two viewpoints discussed,  
not attacked 'personally',
but the topic  is    "by the side of the road"    now.
I am just an old "apprentice" who still plays in the Master's workshop,
Glen Ellis
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
Is there anyone using vPlanner for the implementation of Last Planner? I have some questions for defining the Lookahead plan manually into vPlanner. I would appreciate it if anyone is familiar message me in researchgate 
  • asked a question related to Definability
5 answers
load:-alternating sinusoidal voltage of 1V(excitation along z-direction)
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 Hope you can get something useful from the Command Snippets. The important thing is devide a period into 16 to 20 steps. The period should be 1/f, where fmeans the frequency you needed, In my codes, it stands for the resonant frequency of a ultrasonic transducer.
  • asked a question related to Definability
10 answers
Dear folks,
I am currently conducting a moderated multiple regression analysis with one outcome variable, several predictors of which some are moderator.
Now both my outcome variable and predictors are measured on a interval scale, Likert scale to be exact from 1-7 points (strongly disagree to strongly agree).
I've heard that centring is only useful when the predictors have no meaningful zero point. I think this is the case for predictors that are interval scale? However, my predictors measure the degree of psychological reluctance towards environmental conservation, someone with score of 1 can be regarded as pro-environmentalist (no reluctance at all). Now I defined this label as score "1", but if I were to define it as "0", do I have a meaningful zero point? Or am I totally wrong?
Now my question is do I need to centre these predictors before creating the interaction terms for moderated regression analysis? 
And the subsequent question is do I include the original predictors or the centred predictors in the analysis along with the (centred) interaction terms.
Any help greatly appreciated!
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I did not know about this! Thanks Michael E Young!
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
In two-dimensional case, we can follow Kohn's definition of type by using holomorphic tangent vector field and the Levi function to define infinite type(cite H. Kang, Holomorphic automorphisms of certain class of domains of infinite type, Tohoku Math. J. (2) 46 (1994), 435–442. MR 95f:32041).  But when we consider in higher dimensions, can we still use this method to define infinite type?
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In higher codimension, we cannot define the regular infinite one type with  tangent vector field and the levy form directly like in C^2. But it is in some sense possible : see my paper with J.F Barraud  (at least for define finite type):
Barraud, Jean-François; Mazzilli, Emmanuel
Regular type of real hyper-surfaces in (almost) complex manifolds. (English) Zbl 1082.32017
Math. Z. 248, No. 4, 757-772 (2004). This is done for regular one type. Now for the D'angelo type : singular type, it is possible see the paper :
Barraud, Jean-François; Mazzilli, Emmanuel
Lie brackets and singular type of real hypersurfaces. (English) Zbl 1154.32009
Math. Z. 261, No. 1, 143-147 (2009). I do not know if it is exactly a think like you want but perhaps it is helpfull for you. regards E/.Mazzilli.
  • asked a question related to Definability
5 answers
I wish to measure the concentration of particulate matter emission from the vehicular exhaust, to estimate the contribution of vehicles in particulate matter concentration in a defined area. 
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Dear Colleague - the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has few websites that should be helpful:
(1) Emissions Standards Reference Guide - Federal emissions standards for on-road and nonroad vehicles and engines, and related fuel sulfur standards.
(2) Engine Testing Regulations, including 40 CFR 1065.
Good starting point is here:
You will find comprehensive information on testing and standards for PM and other regulated pollutants from many classes of engines and vehicles. 
EPA has also develoeped PART5 - a highway vehicle PM emissions modeling software:
Good luck with your research,
  • asked a question related to Definability
10 answers
1/ If we consider a context defining a term as a set of sentences giving necessary information about the meaning of this term, would it be a contextual definition or a definitional context?
2/ Can we find other types of definitions in one definitional context?
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Contextual definition: a definition of a phenomenon that is context dependent vs Definitional context: a situation or context that is of cardinal importance in the definition of a phenomenon. As can be seen, therefore, though the two are related, they may not mean the same thing: one is in essence A DEFINITION, while the other is A CONTEXT. 
  • asked a question related to Definability
11 answers
I prepares NiZn nano wire on AAO template and defined  FTIR and XRD result.
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Hi Muhammed,
I can't undestand what you mean. Do you want help in the experiment (the sample preparation) or in the data analysis? Be more clear
  • asked a question related to Definability
4 answers
i can't find the references that give the word "situational fidelity" a definition
only can find the definition of "fidelity"
i want to know how to describe "situational fidelity"
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A "situational fidelity" refers to a fidelity which is strategical and beneficial for both the persons involved in a certain type of relationship (business, love…).
  • asked a question related to Definability
5 answers
I want to define diesel generator (30kw and less) model in standalone hybrid energy system. how to estimate pollutant diesel generator?how estimate cost of start up in term of power diesel generator?
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Please do not forget to compute the machine wear-off,  which is an important cost factor. A Diesel generator may have its life extremely shortened by the sequence of starts and shut downs. Consider that a Diesel car is carefully warmed up before it is driven in full power; a generator set may have to be put into full power without same consideration. 
  • asked a question related to Definability
5 answers
Dear All,
Does anyone know that how we can define trapezoidal CZM for ductile material in Abaqus? Do we need to write a subroutine for it because in Abaqus we can just define CZM for brittle material?
Thank you,
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Elastic part you need to define by option Create Material > Mechanical > Elasticity > Elastic. Change type to Traction and Enter initial stiffness.
Then, Mechanical > Damage for traction-separation laws. Choose any one law for damage initiation. Then in the sub options choose damage evolution and define softening as TABULAR option. There you can define you trapezoidal form in tabular form.
Hope this helps.
  • asked a question related to Definability
13 answers
Many have advanced a kind of "recipe" for plot construction or for creative-writing based on canonical types. But pure types do not occur in reality, what seems to exist are close proximate (hence the inclusion of "resemblance" in the question) or composites. Any views on this? Other related issues: Verisimilitude
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Etymology again: The notion of family resemblance is actually anticipated by William James in his _Varieties of Religious Experience_ where he discusses the definition of religion at the beginning of Chapter 2.
  • asked a question related to Definability
3 answers
I have to make some tests for independence between several composite variables, such as BPRS-Total, BPRS-Negative, BPRS-Positive etc., and a number of explanatory variables. The problem is that these composite variables have too many levels. My questions are, can I reduce the levels by taking the average of the items included, will it be correct? And is there a standard system of cut-off values defining the patient's condition based on BPRS (24) total?
Thank you in advance!
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Check out paper by Khan et al on non-parametric item response analysis of the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale: the PANSS was developed by using the 18-item Overall and Gorham BPRS and supplementing it with 12 selected items from Singh and Kay's PRS, so this paper includes BPRS-derived items
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
Density is defined as mass per unit volume. The density of the majority of the material is available in the literature. Actually I would like to find the density of TiC0.7N0.3 please let me know.   
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 Dear Dr Marcos  
thank you for your replay 
  • asked a question related to Definability
1 answer
what i need is to define the creep properties of Steel ASTM 992 in abaqus using strain hardening , the problem is how to get the Power law Multiplier , equivalent stress, and time order as defined in abaqus ?
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Dear Ahmad,
to identify all parameters required in Abaqus for creep analysis, you need a family of creep strain vs time curves for Steel ASTM 992. These curves should be available for ranges of stresses and temperatures. If you have such curves, then compute creep rate from creep strain and time, plot creep rate vs creep strain in log scales and find the power multiplyers.
  • asked a question related to Definability
9 answers
7800 elements have missing property definitions. The elements have been identified in element set ErrElemMissingSection.
I have defined the material and then assign the property to whole elements.
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please follow this path:
TOOLS/ QUERY/ Regions missing sections
show parts that dont assign property.
  • asked a question related to Definability
2 answers
Does anyone know how to model a sandwich composite which has plies of WRM and CSM reinforcements ?
Abaqus has an option of defining unidirectional ply properties, but I couldn't find anything for short fiber composites or bidirectional reinforcement.
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I suggest to use shell,composite section type and then define each direction with a separated ply in case your lamina is composite of two plays  each play has its own direction but if your lamina is consisted of one play with fibers in two direction, I think is difficult because it will be complicated for to distinguish axis 1 from axis 2 which adopted in the fiber definition.
At the end, try to split the thickness of the lamina to the half between the two direction, otherwise u have to write your own subroutine  to define this stuff.
wish u the best
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What is the Ag2O conduction band potential in NHE or SCE at pH=7
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 You can  run a covariance model  by using two latent  concepts with observed variables ( items)  in each. Use  a two way arrow to link  the variables.
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15 answers
As I see it proximity is perhaps equated to such concepts as "vicinity" or within the "set"- measurable or amendable to description in more or less a fuzzy manner. While "distance" is about units of measurement?
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Most of the remarks in this thread of messages are sharp and deep observations when it comes to the concept of proximity.Distance is a whole different issue and becomes a solid definition concept when ones defines  clearly the objects concerned and the metric used.In the next days allow me to suggest reading an upcoming paper of mine with  a title starting with the "funny" statement "A new proximity definition...". .Funny  in the sense of the timing that  i entered in this thread exactly when  I had taken the affirmative answer of the Jouurnal of Mathematics and Computer Science.
As the old Greek philosophers would  say " ΈΡΩΣΘΕ",
  • asked a question related to Definability
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if you have another information about calculation of SFE  of ternary FeNiMn please tell me.
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The following references should contain the information you need:
L. Zhang, Y. Du, H. Xu, S. Liu, Y. Liu, F. Zheng, N. Dupin, H. Zhou, and C. Tang, Phase Equilibria and Thermal Analysis in the Fe-Mn-Ni System, Int. J. Mater. Res., 2009, 100(2), p 160-175
V. Raghavan, Fe-Mn-Ni (Iron-Manganese-Nickel), Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion, 2010, 31(2), p. 177-179
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14 answers
Sielianinov index is sometimes employed to define the forest fire hazard. Is it a most recommended one? What other of climate related index can be use to determine forest fire hazard?
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The most widely used index is the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). It is under used in boreal, temperate, and even some tropical regions. It requires as input 12:00h values for air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and precipitation over the preceding 24 hours. It outputs 3 sub-indices that estimate different aspects of potential fire behavior, plus an integrated index (FWI itself).
There is a lot of literature on FWI, as you can see through this Google Scholar search:
Good luck with your work
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6 answers
I am using a Columbus for fluo images analysis. I need to define double or triple positive cells. My nuclei are stained with Hoestch (all cells), Sytox (dead cells only) and FITCs (apoptotic cells). I need to define which cells are double positive for FITCs and Sytox. Does anybody has any experience with that? Thanks!
Relevant answer
CellProfiler [1] is the tool which should allow you to perform this study. It is too complex to explain here how you should use it, however after 2-3 introductory articles and after a week you should be able to crack the problem. Something on which you can try to build up is e.g. this topic [2]. Good luck!
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25 answers
I have to define the indicators of social vulnerability.  If there is any suggestions, it will be rely helpful to accomplish my research.
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Are you familiar with Susan Cutter's work? The social vulnerability index?
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4 answers
I was wondering which method you would recommend me to define the time complexity of human-readable algorithms obtained from a hyper-heuristic framework. 
Many thanks for your help in advance.
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Is there any particular difference between those types of algorithms and what one would consider for any kind of algorithm?
 Usually time-complexity is a formal construct that we use for any kind of algorithm that depends on the asymptotic number of steps (then considering worst-case, average-case, or best-case analysis).  The only thing we require (and many would define an algorithm to have this property) is that it terminates in a finite number of steps.  If it applies to what I suggest, there is a strong body of literature in theoretical computer science, in particular, analysis of algorithms involving this (these would be your O(blah)'s and more).  Any reasonable theoretical computer science text will do for this (e.g., Introduction to Algorithms).  My better question is why don't these standard techniques apply?  I understand each of the terms you provided, but don't quite follow why you wouldn't use the standard approach for algorithm analysis, depending on your model of computation.  The model can change, but the definitions need not change unless your need to consider anything in particular (e.g., if it is a parallel machine model, you may consider the time-complexity of the whole algorithm based on the longest running thread/processing unit).
If the whole algorithm doesn't terminate in finite time, it makes analysis a little less concrete, but you can also do the following:
1) Determine the time complexity of an iteration of the algorithm.  If other algorithms do this, it can be a useful measure.
2)  Average-case may be more useful.  Consider the distribution of how the instances behave, then go right ahead.
I hope this helps :)!
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6 answers
Is it possible to define a poll system which guarantees anonymity ?
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Anonymous polling is the main (but not the one) call of e-voting systems. Thus, it would be useful to go for papers on this topic:
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5 answers
In the side-blown flowing process, with the increasing of gas flow, the gas flow regime will be jet flow, the jet flow is shown in figure 1. However, how do you define and extract the side-blown jet penetration depth?
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In this case I think you can calculates the average of the images. This image is one time step, and the bubbles and the jet breakup will vary in the time. Acquiring several images and calculating its average you can see the mean flow. There is a Java applet, imageJ,  where you can do it easily. Is free. Put a scale as reference. 
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17 answers
Meta modeling has been defined as the the formal way for defining an abstract syntax of a domain specific modeling language, no specific method has been formalized for the definition of concrete syntax. Though some researchers have define the concrete syntax of their language based on their own informal definition of the concrete syntax. Dear all is there a formalized way for defining a concrete syntax of a language (the concrete syntax here in question  is a graphical  concrete syntax).
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One significant aspect of meta-modelling is that there is a widely accepted meta-modelling language (UML) that aids interoperability. That is, because modellers use the same language, it is easier to build more complex meta-models by composition. For concrete syntax, there is more diversity, but still a tendency to have standard methods to define them for the sake of interoperability.
Standards for concrete syntaxes can be categorized according to their "base format" - strings, XML, ...
1. BNF ( and its extensions (EBNF, ABNF)
1. XSD
2. Relax NG
3. Schematron
4. DTD
There are other base formats, e.g. JSON, do not yet have accepted standards, but there are efforts to develop JSON schema languages, e.g.
For DSLs based in programming languages (e.g. a Ruby or Scala DSL), then the "schema language" is the programming language itself. To my knowledge, there are no "standards" for defining such DSLs, but as these languages become more prevalent and need arises for them to interoperate with each other, such standards may be developed.
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4 answers
Or it is defined only as energy required to hop from one defect state to another?
I will be glad to get some information similar to the question.
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In metal oxides, the electronic charge carriers are the electrons and holes. The concentrations of the charge carriers are directly related to the defect structure of the oxide.
A donor is a defect with an electron close to the conduction band. It is thus easily ionized to give an electron in the conduction band, given rise to n-type conductivity Similarly, an acceptor would accept an electron from the valence band and is called p-type conductivity. Hence, an electronically conducting oxide is an n-type semiconductor if transport of electrons predominates and a p-semiconductor if holes triumph.
The probability to excite free carrier due to thermal activation can be expressed as exp(-Eact/kT), where Eact is the activation energy which depend on the Fermi energy,  kT is the product of the Boltzmann constant, k, and the temperature, T. The activation energy is Fermi-energy dependent.
  • In the intrinsic semiconductor at zero Kelvin,   Eact =1/2Eg, where Eg is the band gap of the material. 
  •  For the n-type, Eact =1/2(Ec-Ed), Ed is the donor level, Ec-conduction band energy.
  •  For the p-type semiconductor, Eact=1/2(Ev-Ea), Ea is acceptor level energy, Ev is the valence band energy .
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Recently I evaluated a branchial arch syndrome case. He is 5 years old and has well defined asymmetry in face. Should I start using removable appliances for growth modification? Or wait for surgical correction (distraction osteogenesis)?
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Theoretically - before or soon after second arch teething begins.