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Defense - Science topic

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Questions related to Defense
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AI represents a tremendous opportunity to enhance cybersecurity, but it also opens new doors that hackers can exploit. The real challenge lies in the race between developing defensive technologies and the attackers' ability to adapt and leverage the same tools.
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AI in cybersecurity holds immense potential to fortify defenses and proactively identify threats. By analyzing massive datasets, AI can detect subtle patterns and anomalies indicative of malicious activity, allowing security teams to neutralize threats before they cause significant damage. Furthermore, AI can automate routine security tasks, freeing up human resources for more strategic and complex security challenges. However, the very nature of AI makes it susceptible to misuse by attackers. To minimize this risk, it is crucial to focus on robust AI model development, data privacy and security, explainable AI, and ethical considerations in the development and deployment of AI-powered cybersecurity solutions.
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Proposal Submission Deadline: December 22, 2024
We are pleased to invite you to contribute a chapter to the upcoming book titled Innovative Materials for Next-Generation Defense Applications: Cost, Performance, and Mass Production. This book will explore the latest advancements in materials science, specifically focusing on materials designed to meet the demands of modern defense applications. Topics will cover high-performance materials such as advanced composites, high-strength alloys, ceramics, and innovative protective coatings, among others.
Key Details:
Chapter Proposal Submission: Please submit a chapter proposal (1,000 to 2,000 words) that clearly explains the mission, objectives, and concerns of your proposed chapter by December 22, 2024.
Notification of Proposal Status: Authors will be notified by December 29, 2024, about the status of their proposals and will receive detailed chapter guidelines.
Full Chapter Submission: Full chapters (minimum 10,000 words, including references and related readings) are expected to be submitted by February 23, 2025. All contributors must consult the manuscript submission guidelines before submitting their full chapters. These can be found here: Submission Guidelines.
Peer Review Process: All submitted chapters will undergo a double-anonymized peer review process. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.
Important Notes:
There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this publication.
Chapters will cover a wide array of topics in materials science, including but not limited to:
Advanced Composites and High-Strength Alloys for Defense
Protective Coatings and Surface Durability in Defense Applications
High-Entropy Alloys and Thermal Stability in Extreme Environments
Nanotechnology and Smart Materials for Defense Innovation
We welcome contributions from researchers, academics, and industry professionals with expertise in materials science, defense engineering, and related fields. This book aims to bridge the gap between cutting-edge research and real-world defense applications.
For further information and to submit your chapter proposal, please visit the call for chapters page on the eEditorial Discovery® online submission manager linked below:
Important Dates
December 22, 2024 : Proposal Submission Deadline
January 5, 2025 : Notification of Acceptance
February 23, 2025 : Full Chapter Submission
March 30, 2025 : Review Results Returned
April 27, 2025 : Final Acceptance Notification
May 4, 2025 : Final Chapter Submission
Editorial Advisory Board Members:
Onur GÜLER (, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
Müslim ÇELEBİ (, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
Abdullah Hasan KARABACAK (, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey)
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Dear Irfan Nazir Wani,
It is still open to submit.
We will be waiting for your proposal.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Consider the proposition: "It will rain tomorrow." Suppose that a proposition cannot be indeterminate, but already has a truth value. Let us also assume that no future facts exist now. So a proposition in the future tense is made true today by something other than facts. But the next day arrives, and now the sun is shining. So I think, “the proposition I expressed yesterday was false.” It seems to be made false by the fact that it is sunny. But if this is the case, it does not seem to make sense to say that the sentence, yesterday, was made true or false by something other than facts.
Does it seem defensible in any way that a proposition in the future tense is made true today by something other than facts?
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They do not exist and we have no facts about the future. It is multivariate and conditional.
We have only vague signals about possible alternatives for its development.
Attention and analysis of these, sometimes numerous, signals can help us predict its likely development.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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How do plants communicate with each other to enhance defense against pests or diseases?
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Plants have developed sophisticated communication mechanisms that enhance their defense against pests and diseases through complex biochemical signaling networks. When herbivores or pathogens attack a plant, they release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air and chemical signals through root networks, effectively "warning" neighboring plants about potential threats. These chemical signals trigger defensive responses in surrounding vegetation, such as increased production of secondary metabolites, phenolic compounds, and protective enzymes that make the plants less palatable or more resistant to attackers.
Underground, plants communicate through intricate mycorrhizal fungal networks, often called the "wood wide web," where fungal threads interconnect root systems. These networks enable plants to share resources, exchange warning signals about pathogen invasions, and even transfer nutrients and defensive compounds between plant species. For instance, when one plant is under pest attack, it can transmit chemical signals through these underground networks, prompting nearby plants to preemptively activate their defense mechanisms, such as producing higher concentrations of toxic or repellent compounds that deter potential attackers.
The communication process involves complex molecular mechanisms, including releasing specific proteins, hormones like Jasmonic and salicylic acid, and various signaling molecules that activate systemic acquired resistance (SAR). This sophisticated defense strategy allows plants to collectively respond to environmental threats, demonstrating a collaborative survival mechanism previously unrecognized in the plant kingdom. By sharing information and resources, plants can collectively enhance their resilience and improve their chances of surviving pest and disease challenges.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Hi, I am currently a upcoming 4th year student who is need of your help as I couldn't find any accessible file for the manual scoring and interpretation for the PBOI - White Campbell. My group and I needed this for upcoming chapters 1 to 3 defense.
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There is a study on this topic that you can search for. I will give you the title and she and I will also search under the title Psychological Birth Order and Career Adaptability in an At-Risk College Population College Population
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Hey! I am a Master's level researcher with Degrees in East Asian Studies and Criminology seeking a co-author for an 8,000-word research paper in English, which I plan to submit to the Journal of East Asian Studies, published by the Graduate School of East Asian Studies at Yamaguchi University. For more information on the journal and submission guidelines, please visit this link:
The proposed title for the paper is "Japan's Defense Strategy and EU Responses to Taiwan Strait Tensions: Impact on Indo-Pacific Stability." This research will delve into how Japan is recalibrating its defense policies in response to increasing tensions in the Taiwan Strait and how the European Union is positioning itself in this evolving scenario. The study will analyze the interplay between Japan's strategic shifts and the EU’s strategic responses, examining their combined effects on regional stability in the Indo-Pacific. The goal is to provide a nuanced understanding of how these interactions influence broader security dynamics and contribute to regional equilibrium.
If you have expertise in East Asian security, international relations, or EU-Japan strategic cooperation, and are interested in collaborating on this timely and impactful project, please get in touch. I look forward to the opportunity to work together on this important issue.
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Thank you for your prompt response and interest in my research paper proposal. I have just sent you an email with detailed information on the areas of collaboration, division of workload, and our research timeline.
Looking forward to your thoughts.
Best regards,
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
please give me some e-book about the political dynamics of air defense or this researchs?
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I generally concur with Saurabh Singh . The recent proliferation of drones and the not so recent of missiles has given air defence, and the politics underpinning it, a larger sway.
I would mention a number of situations and looking through them you may find a number of readings matching your question.
Take the drone attack on Saudi oil facilities few years ago, and the refusal by US administration to react on behalf of its longlasting ally: we could date the deterioration of Saudi - US relations to that moment.
Take the recent Iranian strike on Israel, that was overtly announced by the Iranians, so a number of Western and Middle East nations could contribute to downing missiles and drones alike. We can trace back this expansion of politics required by air defence to some forty years ago.
An air attack is different from a ground one because of its speed and flexibility: it can come from every course. An air defence system needs to locate it, through sensors such as radars, and intercept and destroy the attackers. When the air threat came mostly from aircraft, the consideration of the threat coming from missiles was left for nuclear forces and thus nuclear deterrence politics of the superpowers, the US and the USSR. But this changed during the 80's, for instance when Lybia retaliated with a missile launche aimed at the Italian island of Lampedusa (If I recall correctly) to the previous US air attack. During the Gulf War (1990 - 1991) Saddam Hussein tried to expand the war and breaking the US led coalition by launching Scud missiles against Israel. The US set air defence systems there and, I think I recall correctly, other countries such as the Netherlands deployed Patriot systems, and Germany provided some (not manned).
The proliferation of missile techonology has given a newer breadth to this threat and therefore to air defense, and the threat has become even greater with drones. You can realize how important would be for Ukraine enjoying the same coalition protection from air threats than Israel has enjoyed in its stand off with Iran. Every kind of threat (ICBM, intermediate range, aircraft, drones of various types) require a different set of air defence assets built into a comprehensive system. And the sensor and the interceptors need to be properly located, in many instances hundreds of miles from the protectec target, so the defence has some depth allowing for different reactions and ultimately sheltering the population.
The air domain has always been a field for great power competition. Superpowers used air reconnaisance to obtain information from their adversaries: as the surveillance technology improved, the airplanes did not need to invade sovereign airspace, they could do it from international airspace. This is turn led the subject country to react to the airplanes conducting the surveillance, not directly attacking them but using hostile manoeuvres. This is common nowadays (see Russian fighter jet harassed manned US reconnaissance aircraft over Syria amid ongoing tensions | CNN Politics) and I imagine that you can find similar situations close to Taiwan and the South China sea.
I hope you can find academic pieces on these events I mentioned that may provide some answer for your research.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Patriotisme et Nationalisme économique
Le patriotisme économique promeut une politique industrielle qui sort du modèle classique et redéfinie les relations socio-économiques entre les nations, entre les entreprises, ainsi que les mutations des liens entre les États et le secteur privé (Eric Delbecque. Quel patriotisme économique). Il serait appréhendé par son caractère à la fois défensif et offensif.
Sans s’isoler, le patriotisme économique défensif revient à la défense des entreprises et produits nationaux face à la concurrence. Il est adossé sur la consommation prioritaire des produits et services locaux par les ménages, l’industrie et la commande publique. C’est une politique de défense des intérêts économiques locaux et un protectionnisme de préférence national ou communautaire.
L’approche offensive repose sur la préservation et le développement des atouts de compétitivité et de conquête des marchés. Ceci par la qualité de la production, la main-d'œuvre et le dynamisme des petites et moyennes entreprises. Le patriotisme économique aurait alors plusieurs dimensions. La dimension mercantiliste qui correspond aux mesures de protection et de soutien prises par l'État en faveur des industries nouvelles face à la concurrence étrangère. Ensuite, la dimension de protection des citoyens correspondant à une stratégie de sécurité économique et s'articuler autour du contrôle patriotique des investissements locaux et étrangers, la protection d'activités économiques jugées essentielles ou stratégiques, et la prise en compte de la nationalité des entreprises dans l’exécution des projets. Et enfin, la dimension éducative perçu dans une logique sociale et environnementale ou du développement durable. Cette dernière exige une exploitation des ressources locales respectueuse de l’environnement.
La substitution des importations par l’industrie locale serait également tributaire du nationalisme économique par une double approche collective et individuelle. L’approche collective répond à un ensemble de mesures et politiques qui mettent l’accent sur le contrôle interne de l’économie, du travail et de la formation du capital. Ce qui nécessite l’imposition des restrictions règlementaires et législatives. Au plan individuel, c’est le comportement des consommateurs, des entreprises et de l’État consistant à favoriser les biens, les produits et les services produit par les acteurs nationaux avec les moyens et matières locaux. Il s’agit alors de la promotion de l’excellence économique locale, pour la défense des nations dans la guerre économique imposé par la globalisation et le libre-échange.
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Patriotism is the love and loyalty for one's country, focusing on national identity and unity, expressed through symbols and support for national values. Economic nationalism, on the other hand, prioritizes domestic economic interests through protectionist policies like tariffs and subsidies, aiming for economic independence and supporting local industries. While patriotism embraces a broader cultural and political scope, economic nationalism is narrowly focused on economic policies that benefit the nation, sometimes at the expense of global integration. Both concepts share a desire to promote national interests but operate in different spheres—cultural and political for patriotism, economic for economic nationalism.
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
Men often feel very angry with women who never initiate sex and too often don’t want sex. But this anger has a tone of alienation, guilt, and insecurity: men feel instinctively on some level that sex does not involve an equal sharing, especially when they are having an orgasm and the woman does not – and this puts them on the defensive. (Shere Hite)
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There is decades of research conclusions that indicate very clearly - beyond any reasonable doubt - that men are much much more sexually motivated than women are. Men have a sex drive. Women don't. Women, most of the time, make a conscious choice to offer intercourse in exchange for a loving relationship. Otherwise it is just ego, money and vanity - women make money out of the male need for sex. But women don't need sex at all. Sex becomes a bargaining chip in relationships that men resent. The mismatch in sex drives is what causes misunderstanding and conflict in couples sex lives. Please see my work via if you have any interest in the reality - rather than the fiction - of sexuality. Few women ever comment or show any knowledge of sexual phenomena.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Is the model of AMOS made by me wrong.The panel members in my defense viva said this model is can i defend it?
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"Wrong" is very ambigious. It may be wrong from a theoretical standpoint, that you build a wrong model, which is not in accordance with your underlying theory. Wrong could also mean "bad fit", that you modeled it according to your theory, but the bad fit indicates that your data and theory do not fit very well. Or you did something technically wrong, so you specified something that should not be (e.g. items are on the wrong latent variable). Or wrong in the sense of "suboptimal", e.g. maximum likelihood estimators for ordinal items.
So please clarify!
  • asked a question related to Defense
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This is an SEM model showing impact of 5 sensory elements on Brand image.panel member said the arrow must be pointed towards brand image but it is not possible in AMOS
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Think of the arrows as statements about causality. In your model you are saying "Brand Image causes Auditory", also "Auditory causes MAT" and so on. This is the normal approach in SEM with AMOS. You have observed variables, (MAT, MDE, MPE, etc) that are manifestations of unobserved, or latent, constructs (Auditor, Olfactory, etc). In your model, these unobserved constructs are themselves manifestations of a second-order latent construct, Brand Image.
So that is the theory that you are presenting in your model: your observed (or 'manifest') variables are a result of some other construct that we cannot measure directly, the latent construct Brand Image.
Your panel members believe that arrows - the causal links - should point to Brand Image from Auditory, Olfactory, etc. That would be to say that Auditory causes Brand Image (along with the other first-order latent constructs). You can do that only if you have separate independent measures of Brand Image. That is, where you can say that observed variables such as 'value for money', 'prestige', 'innovativeness', and so on (see Plumeyer et al. for many other examples) are manifestations of Brand Image.
Your model is not a structural model of causal relationships among constructs. It is a model where you propose that Brand Image, which we cannot observe directly, produces five perceptions (Auditory, Olfactory, etc., which we also cannot observe directly), and each of these is manifested by about seven observed variables.
This is not wrong as such. It could be useful if you want to show that your measures are good at measuring your constructs.
Having said that, you should also do the following:
* Present the standardised coefficients. This helps you and the reader understand how much stronger some coefficients are than others. Check the statistical significance of the coefficients from your constructs to your manifest variables. You will probably find that you can comfortably use just four or five manifest variables for each construct instead of the seven or eight that you have.
* Before including the second-order latent construct Brand Image to the model, check the measurement model. (correlate each of the first-order constructs with each other first-order construct, and then check the sign and strength of the coefficients to decide if you really need that observed variable in the model)
* Check for common-method bias and decide if you really need some observed variables.
There are lots of 'how-to' tutorials online and YouTube videos to show you how to do these, Shivam Bhardwaj
Good luck.
Plumeyer, A., Kottemann, P., Böger, D. et al. Measuring brand image: a systematic review, practical guidance, and future research directions. Review of Managerial Science 13, 227–265 (2019).
  • asked a question related to Defense
1 answer
For my PhD I am working in SE Spain with a community-led initiative that emerged as the social response to wildfires in the region. Now, they call themselves a 'Plataforma en Defensa del Territorio' and I am struggling with translating this concept to English. There doesn't seem to be a literal translation, although I can't imagine that the English-speaking world does not have similar citizen initiatives.
Any translation suggestions are most welcome! Thanks
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Dear Isabeau, maybe you do not even need to translate this organization? After all, it is a proper name. So you could simply explain what it is - for instance, a citizen initiative to protect the territory against wildfires - and then use "Plataforma" as a shorthand for the rest of the article?
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
Hi Everyone
I'm looking to find the right research topic on additive manufacturing (3D printing or 4D printing) for biomedical, defense, and robotics applications.
Can anyone suggest any research topics I can work on?
If you have any reference papers or Ph.D. thesis would be appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
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Read extensively about additive manufacturing. Identify a gap or gaps in the previous research in the same line. On the basis of that establish the problem that your research would be trying to address. You must also indicate finally how that problem is important enough to be ignored, hence need to research and recommend appropriate solution(s).
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Dear Scientist, Researchers and Doctors,
I would like to share my form to collect some data from various researchers, scientists, and doctors to receive answers to all my questions. Those questions were required to be answered professionally to proceed with my thesis at the university.
Please Find below form Link
Appreciate your help
Best Regards
Maytha Alshamsi
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Good Afternoon
I haven't get any response
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Proactive Defense Machine Learning In Cybersecurity
Required 50+ answers.
Appreciate your kindness
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Non-insane automatism is a legal defense used in some jurisdictions to argue that a person's actions were committed involuntarily due to a state of automatism, which is a condition where a person performs actions without conscious control or awareness. Unlike the defense of "insane automatism," which involves actions resulting from a mental disorder, the defense of non-insane automatism involves actions resulting from external factors that temporarily impair the person's consciousness or control over their actions.
The concept of non-insane automatism caused by electromagnetic fields (EMF) is a topic that has been debated and researched in various contexts, including legal, medical, and scientific realms. Some individuals claim that exposure to electromagnetic fields can lead to involuntary actions or states of automatism, but it's important to understand that the mainstream scientific consensus does not support a direct causal link between EMF exposure and non-insane automatism.
Electromagnetic fields are generated by the movement of charged particles and are present in various forms in our environment, including from power lines, electronic devices, and wireless technologies. While EMF exposure is a legitimate area of concern and research due to potential health effects, the idea that EMF exposure can directly cause a person to engage in involuntary actions or lose control over their behavior is not well-substantiated by scientific evidence.
Here are some important points to consider:
  1. Scientific Consensus: The mainstream scientific consensus does not support the notion that exposure to typical levels of electromagnetic fields can lead to non-insane automatism or involuntary behavior.
  2. Health Effects: EMF exposure has been studied primarily in relation to potential health effects, such as the risk of certain illnesses or conditions. Research on EMF and its effects on human health is ongoing, but the evidence for causing involuntary actions is limited.
  3. Individual Differences: Responses to EMF can vary among individuals, but the idea that EMF exposure universally causes non-insane automatism is not supported by the available research.
  4. Legal Considerations: In legal cases involving claims of non-insane automatism due to EMF, the courts typically rely on established scientific evidence and expert testimony to determine the validity of such claims.
  5. Causation and Evidence: For any claim that EMF exposure caused non-insane automatism, there would need to be robust scientific evidence demonstrating a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the two. Establishing causation in legal cases involves rigorous scientific analysis and evaluation.
If you have concerns about EMF exposure, it's important to seek information from reputable scientific sources, government health agencies, and expert organizations. If you believe that EMF exposure has caused you or someone else to engage in involuntary actions, it's advisable to consult with medical and legal professionals who can provide accurate guidance based on the available evidence and expertise.
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  1. Thank you for your insightful explanation of non-insane automatism and its potential connection to electromagnetic fields (EMF). It's clear that this is a complex and debated topic that spans legal, medical, and scientific domains.
  2. In the legal realm, the defence of non-insane automatism has been applied in various cases to argue that an individual's actions were involuntary due to external factors affecting their consciousness or control. However, the courts typically require rigorous evidence and expert testimony to determine the validity of such claims. A notable example is the case of R v. Quick (1973) 2 WLR 291, where the defendant experienced a hypoglycemic episode and committed a violent act. The court considered whether the involuntary state caused by the medical condition could lead to the defense of non-insane automatism.
  3. Your explanation of the relationship between EMF exposure and involuntary actions is well-rounded. While some individuals claim that EMF exposure can lead to automatism, the consensus within the scientific community does not firmly support this notion. The effects of EMF exposure have primarily been studied in the context of potential health implications, rather than direct causation of involuntary behavior. For instance, in the case of R v. Sullivan [1984] 3 All ER 932, the court evaluated the claim of automatism arising from a hypoglycemic episode, highlighting the need for medical evidence and expert opinion.
  4. The point that responses to EMF can vary among individuals underscores the complexity of this issue. It's crucial to distinguish between concerns over potential health effects and claims of direct causation of involuntary actions. The legal consideration you provided highlights that establishing a causal link between EMF exposure and non-insane automatism would require robust scientific evidence and expert analysis.
  5. Incorporating case law, your response has effectively conveyed the importance of relying on established scientific consensus and expert testimony in legal cases involving claims of non-insane automatism due to EMF exposure. For anyone with concerns about EMF exposure, seeking guidance from reputable sources and experts is paramount. If a situation arises where EMF exposure is believed to have caused involuntary actions, consulting both medical and legal professionals would be prudent to ensure informed decisions based on the available evidence and expertise.
Thank you for shedding light on this intriguing and multifaceted topic. It serves as a reminder of the intricate interplay between law, science, and human behavior.
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The nanofertlizers were applied and rationale of augmented vigor is needed.
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We prepared nanoferrous fertilizer for seed treatment and it showed better uptake than traditional ferrous sulfate application. Other physiological parameters and seedling vigor were also augmented. Foliar application was not done. I wish to know various biochemical and antioxidative defense responses that were triggered. No particular stress was imposed. which enzymes should preferably be targeted as answer for the effects other than higher iron uptake.
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Machine learning techniques can greatly enhance anomaly detection in network traffic and improve cybersecurity defenses by leveraging their ability to analyze vast amounts of data and identify patterns that may indicate malicious activity. Here are some ways machine learning can be applied:
1. Feature extraction: Machine learning algorithms can analyze various network traffic features, such as packet size, protocols, header fields, and timings, to identify normal patterns and create a baseline for comparison. Any deviation from this baseline can be flagged as a potential anomaly.
2. Unsupervised anomaly detection: Unsupervised machine learning algorithms, like clustering or dimensionality reduction techniques, can identify outliers or unusual patterns in network traffic without relying on labeled training data.
3. Supervised anomaly detection: Machine learning models can be trained using labeled datasets to classify network traffic as normal or malicious. This requires a training phase where the model learns from known patterns of attacks and then applies that knowledge to detect similar attacks in real-time.
4. Behavior-based detection: Machine learning can develop models that learn the behavior of normal network traffic over time. Any deviation from this learned behavior can be flagged as an anomaly, even if the specific attack hasn't been encountered before.
5. Real-time threat intelligence: By incorporating machine learning with threat intelligence feeds, cybersecurity defenses can benefit from up-to-date information about known threats and attack patterns, enabling faster detection and response.
6. Adaptive defenses: Machine learning models can continuously learn from new data and adapt their detection capabilities to evolving attack techniques, making them more effective in combating emerging threats.
It's important to note that while machine learning can enhance anomaly detection, it's not a foolproof solution. Cybersecurity requires a multi-layered and comprehensive approach that combines machine learning techniques with expert analysis, human oversight, and other security measures.
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
After the CFA, my three factors had 3, 3, and 8 items, respectively. It resulted to a good model fit with an acceptable Goodness of Fit Index. One of the comments I received from the panel members during my defense was I needed to justify the imbalanced numbers of items per factor. What do I say? Any reference, please? Thank you very much.
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I'm not aware of any problems or issues that would arise from having an "imbalanced" (unequal) number of indicators (items) per factor. I therefore do not think that this needs to be justified beyond saying that the scales consisted of x number of items. It is rarely the case that scales consist of exactly the same number of items. We would not "trim" items from some of the scales just to have the same number of indicators per factor. Having more (high quality) indicators per factor tends to be better than having fewer indicators.
What is more important is that all your items are high-quality indicators, meaning that they are unidimensional for a given factor and highly reliable (as indicated by high standardized factor loadings).
  • asked a question related to Defense
8 answers
I hope to hear some opinions from experts. Thank you very much.
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What does the law say?
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7 answers
On March 21, 2022 the EU endorsed the "Strategic Compass" a strategic document that provided a specific timeline for establishing a Rapid Deployment Capacity (RDC) of approximately 5.000 troops by 2025. On June 29, 2022 NATO also adopted its new Strategic Concept that encouraged the EU's autonomy. The same concept was promoted by the National Security Strategy of the US that was issued on October 12, 2022. Do you think that this actions will lead to the establishment of a EU Army? What parameters do you think that should be taken into consideration?
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The U.S. controls the EU and is already in NATO. No point in their own Army
  • asked a question related to Defense
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When the organization loses its competitive positions in the market
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An older but important source is a book by Barry Posen, The Sources of Military Doctrine: France, Britain, and Germany between the world wars (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1984).
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As is well known, social welfare state institutions started to develop in the 20th century. The state was making defense expenditures before it started making social expenditures. Defense expenditures had similar effects on employment and economic growth. Therefore I would like to ask that did Keynesianism develop through welfare state institutions or can defence spendings also be considered an element of Keynesianism?
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ان الدارس والمتتبع لتاريخ الفكر الاقتصادي يجد ان تدخل الدولة في الحياة الاقتصادية من زاوية ايجاد الحلول لبعض الازمات الاقتصادية وتوفير الرعاية الاجتماعية لم يكن اطلاقا افكارا كينزية فهناك العديد من المفكرين قد سبقوه في ذلك لكن كونه يحمل لقب اللورد مكنه من اثبات ذلك لنفسه....
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Ask for a review paper about “defensive roles of volatiles in Nicotiana species” published by Prof. Amir Reza Jassbi.
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See enclosed file, is this what you are looking for?
Best regards.
  • asked a question related to Defense
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Hi everyone!
I'm going to use the process tracing method to explain the mechanisms of defense provision in Ukraine from 1991 to 2013. The independent variables are Winning coalition size and State capacity.
Could do you recoomend the literature which help to understand how to develop expected evidence satisfying the conditions of Steven van Ever's system of tests?
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Hi. I've used Van Evera's fairly short book, Guide to Methods for Students of Political Science, for both my research and for teaching research seminars.
It is quite useful for qualitative research methods. He very much supports theory-informed research, with clear statements of independent and dependent variables and, when appropriate, also intervening variables. He defines these terms in his long first chapter, "Hypotheses, Laws, and Theories: A User's Guide."
An early choice is to decide if you plan to use a theory to explain a particular event, such as the onset of WWI (which he did in a 1984 article in International Security, or you plan to test a theory that is preexisting or that you develop. Since you mention his research method of process tracing, it sounds like you plan to test your theory.
Since you have a single case study, you could actually use two good research methods. One is congruence procedure (type 2), which works if the values of your independent variable(s) vary over time and/or space within the case study. See his second chapter, "What Are Case Studies? How Should They Be Performed?" 51-52, and 58-63 (especially 61-63). Another is, of course, process tracing (64-67), and there are two types. One is when there are multiple steps in a causal chain, and some really do come before others. The other is decision process tracing, which requires reliable testimonial evidence. More than other research methods, process tracing gets at causation and not just correlation. Which you pick, of course, depends on what data are available and what sort of causation is involved.
As you develop a research design, also keep in mind the value of keeping track of possible alternative explanations for whatever you observe in the case. If your theory does a better job than them, then your theory wins. If not, you may have two competing explanations that are both possible -- setting the stage for another research design where they complete with each other. It may be that neither is "right" or "wrong," but that each has strong explanatory capabilities under some conditions -- and you could seek to learn what those conditions are.
Even though his book is somewhat old (1997), it is still quite useful and is not very expensive.
Good luck!
Professor Emeritus
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The question is whether clinical trials have been conducted on the use of vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin or laetrile, in metabolic therapy for breast cancer to kill tumor cells. Vitamin B17 is a natural substance found in many plants, particularly in the seeds of the rosaceous fruits such as apricot kernels and other bitter nuts. It has been promoted by some as a potential cancer treatment, with claims that it can kill cancer cells while leaving healthy cells unharmed. Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, affecting millions of people around the world. Treatment options for breast cancer include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. These treatments can be effective in killing cancer cells, but they also come with a range of side effects and are not always successful in completely eliminating the cancer. Metabolic therapy is an alternative approach to cancer treatment that involves using diet and nutrition to boost the body's natural defenses against cancer. Proponents of metabolic therapy claim that it can help to improve the body's immune system and make it better able to fight cancer cells. Vitamin B17 is often used in metabolic therapy as a way to supplement the body's natural defenses and help to kill cancer cells.
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Here are a few references:
Albogami S, Alnefaie A. Role of Amygdalin in Blocking DNA Replication in Breast Cancer In Vitro. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2021;22(12):1612-1627. doi: 10.2174/1389201022666210203123803
Cecarini V, Selmi S, Cuccioloni M, Gong C, Bonfili L, Zheng Y, Cortese M, Angeletti M, Kilani S, Eleuteri AM. Targeting Proteolysis with Cyanogenic Glycoside Amygdalin Induces Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells. Molecules. 2022 Nov 5;27(21):7591. doi: 10.3390/molecules27217591
Lee HM, Moon A. Amygdalin Regulates Apoptosis and Adhesion in Hs578T Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Biomol Ther (Seoul). 2016 Jan;24(1):62-6. doi: 10.4062/biomolther.2015.172
Christodoulou P, Boutsikos P, Neophytou CM, Kyriakou TC, Christodoulou MI, Papageorgis P, Stephanou A, Patrikios I. Amygdalin as a chemoprotective agent in co-treatment with cisplatin. Front Pharmacol. 2022 Sep 20;13:1013692. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.1013692
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
What are the potential benefits and drawbacks of using AI-powered attorneys for accused defendants? How can AI technology be utilized to ensure fair and just trials for defendants? How will the implementation of AI technology in legal defense affect the roles and responsibilities of human attorneys?
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Observing the demeanour of parties go a long way and how does AI achieve this.
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Dear Colleagues,
Why, in the absence of a defense on the part of the accused, is an indictment filed against them accepted as true (and then they are convicted)? It is necessary to distinguish between two possible cases:
1. Accusing the accused of having committed some act that constitutes a crime (and then the question being discussed is whether the accused did or did not commit the crime) and the accused did not defend themselves (and then, in the absence of a defense, it turns out that the accused did not deny what was attributed to them and therefore should indeed be found guilty).
2. Accusing the accused of having committed some act for which there is still no certainty as to whether it constitutes an offense or not (and then the question being discussed is whether the act they committed constitutes or does not constitute an offence) and the accused did not defend themselves (and then, in the absence of a defense, it turns out that the accused did not deny what was attributed to them; however, it is irrelevant because what determines whether they are guilty is not whether they committed or did not commit the act, but whether the act they committed constitutes or does not constitute a crime).
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The existence of a defense is one of the basic rights that the accused enjoys, although this does not preclude him from committing the crime and thus convicting him.
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
  • It is planned that the security concerns of the Eastern European countries will increase and therefore their military expenditures will increase. I want to understand whether this increase affects the budget allocated to Romania's environmental policies.
  • I would like to investigate the impact of the Ukraine-Russia war on the Romanian environmental policy by examining the change in the environmental policy budget of Romania (due to the increase in defense expenditures) of the Ukraine crisis and the occupation of Crimea in 2014.
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Damage to wastewater and drinking water may lead to contamination of water resources. Explosions from rockets or fires generate huge volumes of debris and waste. The release of hazardous materials such as asbestos, industrial chemicals, and fuels compound the effects of environmental contamination.
  • asked a question related to Defense
1 answer
There is a antioxidant defense system in cell.
Have any signalling pathway or other things can influence ROS level in a extracelluar way?
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Hi, the pathways of PAMPs and DAMPs mediated by pattern recognition receptors such as TLRs are missing. These can be directly oxidative stress in the intracellular pathway through the classical NFκB pathway or inflammasome-mediated inflammation, or they can induce inflammation through producing proinflammatory cytokines.Hypoxic response (mainly Hif-1α) and oxidative stress from mitochondria during ischemia-reperfusion should also be considered.
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
As we all know the complement is essential for innate/adaptive immune defense and also homeostasis and is upregulated during inflammation whether via classical (C4bC2a) or alternative (C3bBb) pathways. I was wondering if after inflammation (resolution) we have anti-inflammatory cytokines to counteract proinflammatory cytokines and efferocytosis ect to downplay inflammation, but what regulates or tones down complement-mediated inflammation?
Basically 1) Is there a time course on the levels of complement proteins (full length and cleaved) and 2) how are the levels regulated? (via liver or regional transcription/translation levels or degradation or inhibition?)
thank you in advance for any input and enlightenment as well as for pointing me to any references.
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In a recent paper, "The immunological nature of the pathological effects of SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens, I presented results which reveal that the phenomena of immunology possess no properties corresponding to the idea of defense, that the mechanisms that ensure the organisms survival in the face of pathogens and other entities of "nonself" are tolerance mechanisms. These results also reveal that in order to understand what tones down inflammation, we must first understand the true purpose for which inflammation occurs. The research that leads us to such understanding is ongoing and I will ensure that you are informed as soon as its results are published.
  • asked a question related to Defense
8 answers
Hello friends I hope you all are doing well,
Dear Seniors, I am a PhD aspirant in Civil Wars Studies and new to this area.
I request experienced scholars in the field to please suggest me some good books/articles readings for understanding the basics in the area.
Any suggestion about good articles/books on the Research Methods in Civil Wars studies would also be welcomed.
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Good question, and good answer by Stuart B Jennings
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Project defense is one of the requirements and the only way to graduate in Nigerian Universities. It is a way to at least defend what you have written (or copied and paste) in a convincing manner. The truth is that it is better to be more confident with a poor content, than to be unable to defend an excellent research work.
The following tips will help on what to do before the defense day, on the defense day, and inside the defense room:
Tips before your Defense Day
  1. You must ensure that you have a wonderful and romantic relationship with your project topic and the whole content.
  2. Do concise and adequate research on your topic
  3. Make sure you are well motivated for the study or research
  4. Know your strength as well as your weaknesses
On the Defense Day
  1. Rehearse your Project work with your friends
  2. Develop good self esteem and confidence.
In the Defense Room
  • Knock door first before you enter
  • Greet the panel members with lots of smile
  • Wait for your first question
  • Answer with great confidence.
NOTE: While answering your questions look straight into the eyes of panel members, and never be rude.
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This is reassuring and I believe would work
  • asked a question related to Defense
4 answers
I'm planning to work on Graphene nanotubes in the field of defence/warfare. Looking for suggestions.
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Attached is another interesting document. My Regards
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
From 40 to 64 years of age, about 92,000 people have died or at least their deaths are attributed to Covid in the United States alone. If the new variants are as reported this disease is evolving to a more lethal version that kills younger patients This begs serious questions did our defensive measures hand washing, masks, and quarantines encourage this trend to appear. Certainly, the modern practice of clustering or warehousing elderly members of society allowed the virus to specialize in rapid reproduction very similar to what happened to Spanish influenza in the trenches of WW1. Reports of unmitigated stress, binge eating, monthly weight gain lend credence that confinement might have been counterproductive. Indeed, some might argue that had we done no quarantining we would have gained herd immunity by now. Instead, are we giving Covid the time to evolve each time it breaks into a protected sector of the population? Please feel free to debate this question in the replies.
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I think there is evidence that the measures put in place against the virus are working. The vaccines are also helping a lot, although some of them have adverse side effects.
  • asked a question related to Defense
12 answers
I am now in the last months of my PhD Research, and I intend to start preparing myself for the Thesis defense. Do you have any tips derived from previous experience as a PhD candidate? Or as a committee member? Please share them :)
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You just need to relax and revise your thesis and the background you needed in preparing your thesis as well as the conclusions you reached. The committee will just make sure that you mastered the methodology and techniques you followed and the conclusions you reached are justified via logical arguments and scientific analysis.
All the bests for your defense
  • asked a question related to Defense
4 answers
What kind of questions will be asked by the committee or panel at the time of the research proposal defense??? Humble request to all of the scholars on this platform.
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I want to add the following points to the list in the first answer:
- What are the implications for [research interest of defense participants]
- What are major limitations and what should future research do?
- What is required to implement your theory into practice?
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Dear doctors and professors !!!
I am defending my PhD dissertation !!! According to the defense process, I have to get 10 reviews from foreign doctors and professors !!! I would be grateful if you could give me your review in this process! Dear doctors and professors, whoever wants to help, please send me your @mail!
Respectfully, Turdiyev Bexruz
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As Harry mentioned, 10 reviews is unheard of and ridiculous. However, if that is what your university requires, then you have no other choice.
However, you need to provide the subject area, topic etc. before anyone can volunteer to review.
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
also how do we not be defensive while writing an autoethnography? please do share your thoughts or any papers which can guide me. thanks,MD
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An important point for sure. Ethical review boards in general don't require approvals leaving the onus upon the researcher. Important considerations as noted are about others who are involved. For instance, when one of my thesis students wrote about becoming a teacher, she identified information about her family and educators she knew. For each of these cases, she had to critically reflect on ethical principles and engage in conversations with others to identify if sharing such information could potentially harm the people discussed. Through those processes, her emphasis on doing no harm to any involved, guided her work. If you're interested to read her work, I am happy to put you in touch.
  • asked a question related to Defense
11 answers
I am researching engineering geology knowledge in military, defense and peace issues. I need help with this to get more information. I want tips on reading resources that will help me. I also want you to help me with the important points that I need to pay attention to in order to write better and learn more accurately.
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Jim McCaslin Brown Thank you very much
Your answer is very useful and it is a very good guide and help for me
I have research on geological knowledge, especially engineering geology in military and defense issues. This research is my dissertation in the master's degree in engineering geology of Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.
I have a bachelor's degree in geology and got a master's degree in environmental geology from Ferdowsi University of Mashhad in 2012.
Because I am interested in engineering geology, I am studying for the second time for a master's degree in geology with an engineering orientation.
And since the subject of geology in military and defense matters is an almost new subject, I am interested in being able to write a dissertation on this subject.
I saw the Military and Defense Geology Conference at the following address :
And I want to carefully find and study various sources about the application and role of engineering geology in military and defense issues.
I will be happy to have more data with the help of you and your son .
What sources do you suggest I read? Because I want to know more and I want guidance on the role of the earth and the morphology and hydrology and engineering geology assistance in strategic analysis and military and defense tactics. I am open to any suggestions.
Thank you - sahar
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
The European Union is where the world's most peaceful democracies live today. In addition, the member states of the Union are living a future that will bring prosperity through their common values. However, member states take their own military security in the context of external borders. How do you think this situation affects the Union's acting in integrity? The USA has many military bases in the most peaceful lands of the world. Especially the bases in Germany are noteworthy. Recently, the military presence of the USA, which has been concentrated especially in Greece, is at the forefront. It should also be noted the military deployment of the USA on the border of the former Soviet Union. How would you evaluate the US presence on the eastern border of the European Union? Is the European Union incapable of taking defense measures in integrity? Are member states showing weaknesses in their own defense measures? Should the deployment of the US be seen here only against Russia and in good faith? What path should the European Union follow in foreign policy formulation and defense in the future?
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The EU spends 40 percent on weapons resources singled out by the US, though the European population surpasses the US by more than 50 percent. In addition, European foreign policies do not without the involvement of three major European forces - Great Britain, Germany, and France - to which other smaller ones must join EU member states. Europe also exerts its influence globally through Transatlantic Partnership, NATO, which is not reduced only to EU-America bilateral relations, a politics is also essential neighborhoods and expansions. The success of the European Union has shown it is also mentioned in cross-border agreements and strategic partnerships with the United States and countries and from the BRIC group (Brazil, Russia, India, China), i.e., cooperation in areas such as energy security and human rights. With that, The EU also supports regional integration in Africa, Latin America, and Southeast Asia. The EU encourages global dialogue, 50 percent of the UN budget for development comes from European sources, and the EU is present in global development negotiations and forums like the G8 and G20.
  • asked a question related to Defense
6 answers
Countries launch satellites for several valid reasons, but now scenario is that many (in thousands) of these are longer working. Thus acting as space debris, these satellites and their non-working parts can collide with existing functional satellites and create more and more debries. Are we doing the same with space what we have done to our Earth or are some countries are taking some action. Please discuss.
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Hi Aman, some countries like France have adopted laws to prevent space debris. You will find attached a short presentation of this "French Space Operation Act". The main countries having space activities should adopt the same kind of laws. In addition, some projects are under study to remove debris from space ("Active Debris Removal" missions). Best
  • asked a question related to Defense
6 answers
I'm getting ready with my Master's in Defence and Strategic Studies. Please suggest some topics..
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Hello, @ Milindu Kularathna maybe you should write about your country's national security with other Southeast Asia regions. More deeply into national security, ,What is peace process, reconciliations, strategy from from International affairs, Sorry I would recommend better... Im trying to to write about Multipolarity in new security threats Good luck
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
Dear All,
Hope you are well.
What are your most useful tips for surviving PhD thesis defence (Viva)?
All useful advices are very welcome.
Many thanks
Best wishes in 2021
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Try democratic civilian control over defence. Parliamentary control, executive control. Society/media control. Defence budget, procurement, personnel policies...
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Research I am readiness to fire police officers at the perpetrator (at a shooting target) on various kinds of stimuli. I evaluated the reactions in seconds and hundredths of a second.
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My question is which of the colleagues is engaged in shooting exercises for the police or the army. Testing of art-performance, accuracy, time, pitfalls, etc. Thank you.
  • asked a question related to Defense
7 answers
Standardization Agreements
STANAG 1171 (NATO Military Oceanographic and Rapid Environmental Assessment Support Procedures)
STANAG 2103 (Reporting Nuclear Detonations, Biological and Chemical Attacks, and Predicting and Warning of Associated Hazards and Hazard Areas (Operator’s Manual) – ATP-45(C))
STANAG 2507 (Allied Joint Doctrine for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support to Joint Forces)
STANAG 4044 (Adoption of a Standard Atmosphere)
STANAG 4061 (Adoption of a Standard Ballistic Meteorological Message)
STANAG 4082 (Adoption of a Standard Artillery Computer Meteorological Message)
STANAG 4103 (Format of Requests for Meteorological Messages for Ballistic and Special Purposes)
STANAG 4131 (Adoption of a Standard Character-by-Character Meteorological Message Format)
STANAG 4140 (Adoption of a Standard Target Acquisition Meteorological Message)
STANAG 6006 (NATO Maritime Meteorological Procedures and Services - AWP-1(C))
STANAG 6013 (NATO Meteorological Support Manual)
STANAG 6014 (NATO Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Communications Manual)
STANAG 6015 (NATO Meteorological Codes Manual - AWP-4(B))
STANAG 6022 (Adoption of a Standard Gridded Data Meteorological Message)
AAP-06 (NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (English and French))
AAP-15 (NATO Glossary of Abbreviations Used in NATO Documents and Publications)
AD 80-34 (Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Services for Allied Command Operations)
AECTP-300 (Climatic Environmental Tests)
AJP-3.11 (Allied Joint Doctrine for Meteorological and Oceanographic Support to Joint Forces)
AMETOCP-2 (NATO Meteorological Support Manual)
AMETOCP-3 ED.A ((NATO Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Communications Manual)
ATP-32 (NATO Military Oceanographic and Rapid Environmental Assessment Support Procedures)
ATP-45 (Warning and Reporting and Hazard Prediction of Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Incidents (Operators Manual))
AWP-4(B) (Meteorological Codes Manual)
MC 0594/1 (Military Committee Policy on Meteorological and Oceanographic (METOC) Support to Allied Forces)
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STANAG 6015: NATO METEOROLOGICAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC CODES MANUAL. This STANAG has consolidated STANAGs 4061, 4082, 4140 and 6022.
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) and induced systemic resistance (ISR) are two forms of induced resistance wherein plant defenses are preconditioned by prior infection or treatment that results in resistance against subsequent challenge by a pathogen or parasite .
Can under such conditions, induce resistance may serve as a source to divert plant photosynthates to defense pathways?
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It could work. However, the practical application would be tricky becase resistance would always be at the expense of growth and if we are talking crops, the yield from such plants won't be very high.
  • asked a question related to Defense
4 answers
The undisputed western leadership power, the U.S., has weaken. In order to reduce large trade deficits, gigantic customs measures are taken, sanctions are imposed, as in North stream 2, and threatens to withdraw defense forces, as in the case of Germany. President Trump seems to know only such draconian measures as a political means. When troops move from Germany to Belgium, you have to know, that Belgium pays even less for defense from GDP than Germany. If sanctions against the completion of North stream 2, where about 150 km are still missing, you have to know that Germany is ready to negotiate and would also buy expensive American liquefied petroleum gas and has built for that terminals. And in case of threat of drastic tariffs against the EU, you have to know that the EU is the U.S. has offered a free trade agreement. President Trump on the wrong track? Does it significantly weaken the position of the western world?
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Christina Zygakis I agree with you 100%.
The article reads: Altmaier: preventing escalation around Nord Stream 2.
Altmaier is the German Minister of Economics. He says he is ready for talks, but that North Stream 2 will be completed. Nevertheless, the Germans are willing to buy American liquid gas, which is expensive and above the world market price.
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
In response to viral infection via respiratory system a mucus defense associated with the primary inflammatory response 1 to 3 days after infection, to be followed by immune reactivity some two weeks later.So, is the primary response the most serious problem in this CORO19 infection, producing mucous plugging or is the ground glass matter indicative o0f direct pathology>
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  • DOI: 10.1186/s12575-020-00121-9
  • asked a question related to Defense
10 answers
I'm searching for data or database for plant-herbivore interaction. The data should consist of one plant-herbivore-system where the plant expresses at least three morphological/physical inducible defenses against its herbivore (such as trichomes, latex, etc.). Additionally, the dataset should comprise herbivore success data, such as feeding success or amount of damage done. At best, the plant defenses should have been tested in a gradual manner, showing that increasing defense expression result in decreasing feeding success.
I'm interested in that, as I would like to test a framework for calculating a comprehensive defense value in predator-prey-systems. I usually work with waterfleas, but would like to test the framework with other (very different) organisms as well.
I would appreciate if you could point me to an accessible database or provide such a dataset for testing my framework.
Thanks in advance for any help.
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I agree with Alexandru M.F. Tomescu
  • asked a question related to Defense
  • asked a question related to Defense
27 answers
Defense against Coronavirus. .
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Eating raw garlic (Allium sativum) may provide protection against coronavirus by boosting the immune system of the body.
  • asked a question related to Defense
7 answers
My research is about the exploration of our cultural perspective of academic dishonesty
I have started to analyze the data with thematic analysis by Clarke n braun but it seems quit unstructured for a dissertation defense
Please guide me some other options or should i stick with it???
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Glaser and Strauss' original work developing Grounded Theory was all based on ethnographic research, so that would a reasonable option. As a starting place, I would recommend Glaser and Strauss' (1967) along with their first substantive book, Awareness of Dying, which includes a brief methodological appendix.
Of the many subsequent books on GT, I would recommend the second edition of Strauss & Corbin (1998). I think the first edition was a bit narrow in its view of analysis, and the subsequent editions were written by Corbin after Strauss' death.
  • asked a question related to Defense
3 answers
The security environment in the region is uncertain and evolving. Though the bilateral and trilateral defense interactions are increasing, might this lead to the emergence of a new regional security alignment of regional powers? Is a regional security commitment important or is it dangerous?
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تتغير ديناميات الأمن في منطقة المحيط الهندي الهندي بسرعة. ولا تُعد المنطقة موطنًا للاقتصادات الأسرع نموًا في العالم فحسب، بل أيضًا الأسرع نمواً في الإنفاق العسكري والقدرات البحرية، وهي أشد منافس على الموارد الطبيعية وأخطر البقع الإستراتيجية الساخنة. يمكنك حتى القول إنها مفتاح الأمن العالمي.  
يؤكد الاستخدام المتزايد لمصطلح "المحيط الهندي-الهادئ" - والذي يشير بدوره إلى جميع البلدان المتاخمة للمحيط الهندي والمحيط الهادئ - بدلاً من "منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ"، يؤكد على الطبيعة البحرية للتوترات الحالية. لقد أصبحت محيطات آسيا على نحو متزايد ساحة للتنافس على الموارد والنفوذ. والآن، من المرجع أن الأزمات الإقليمية المستقبلية ستبدأ و / أو تستقر في البحر.
ولعل السبب الرئيس لهذا التحول هو الصين
  • asked a question related to Defense
6 answers
Trying to find another Use to the Concrete Barriers, After gathering them from the streets of Baghdad.
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I agree with Dhirgham Alobaydi
Best Regards Nizar R. J. Dalfi
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
I found a chapter on shodhganga while looking for Indian perspectives on National Security. I have found it very resourceful and would like to cite it in my write-up. However, the PDF or website has no information on the author or the book of this chapter.I am pasting the link here. I tried emailing shodhganga but did not receive a response. If anyone could help me in this regard, I'd so very grateful.
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Hi Farheen Meraj , This is the link with the information:
Hope it helps!
  • asked a question related to Defense
21 answers
It has been 6 months now that my paper is with a journal and the state has been "with editor for review" all along this time. I have already sent three Emails. In the first one (Which I sent in the second month after submission) I asked why is taking so long? They replied quickly (about 1 day) and said they're searching for reviewers suitable for reviewing the paper.
In the fourth month I sent an Email requesting withdrawal. They did not respond. In the fifth month I sent another Email requesting withdrawal of the paper. They haven't responded to that either.
Now that I have tried twice and they are not responding, and thus I have lost a lot of time (which is crucial to my situation given that I need my paper's acceptance for my PhD defense), is it ethical that I submit the paper to another journal?
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This is very bad satiation from the journal editor, i think you have to submitted to another journal indicating to them that you request withdrawing your paper from the old journal
good luck
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
Dear friends,
I am doing meta analysis on defense enzyme activity (using data continious) I used fold changes as a unit for mean . but the results are not significance different. the only way is that I increase the scale , so i can have a difference . but I do not know if it is scientifically corrected or not?
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What's wrong with "the results are not significance different"? Assuming your methods are correct you've demonstrated that 'defence enzyme activity' (whatever that is) doesn't have an effect. That's a useful and worthwhile finding.
Your goal isn't to find a statistically significant difference (at least, it shouldn't be). It's to find out 'the truth'.
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Many researchers have used Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) to analyse urban sprawl and I wonder if Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) can do the same job.Your prompt reply will be highly appreciated.
  • asked a question related to Defense
4 answers
Platelets not only play an important role in hemostasis, but
there is increasing evidence of their participation in the
induction of inflammation and defense against infection.
Platelets contain stores of cytokines and mediators within their a- and dense-granules that are released upon stimulation and contribute to the various stages of inflammation and immune progression
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Dear, the healing capacity of platelets and release of some substances from the granules can induce inflammatory process.
  • asked a question related to Defense
5 answers
I defend my dissertation March 14th. I would like to submit my abstract for a boom talk, but have concerns doing that prior to passing my defense. Also - I did a boom talk at last years' conference. Would it be better for me to do a different type of session? Thanks. Marta Davidovich Ockuly
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Wow! Congratulations on your new position at SOU! You are the best Director of Creativity Research and Programming any university could hope for! I will be defending my dissertation in two days. It would be amazing to present at the SOU conference again, but 200 proposals is a huge amount to process. You have been a great inspiration to me on my long heuristic journey. My definition has changed since last year and I am excited to do what it takes to get it out into the world. I want to ask your approval to include your photo in my collage of "Personal Creativity Influencers" - (the photo is attached). I think you'll find you are in good company;) I am also attaching my dissertation abstract and a "World Word Cloud" featuring my proposed definition of personal creativity that is surrounded by words from my Lexicon of Lived Experience of Creativity Terms. If you can think of any way to use the world word cloud graphic - you have my permission. I am open to your feedback/suggestions/or recommendations about getting my work out in the world. There is, of course, no 'rush' or time limit on this request. I know you are swamped with everything that goes into a major creativity conference and new position. With great respect and appreciation...Marta
  • asked a question related to Defense
1 answer
actually that question i always have to face during my defense but could not answer properly. my thesis topic is " SW effort estimation using machine learning techniques on use case points". i would use data-set of "Analysis and selection of a regression model for the Use Case Points method using a stepwise approach". on which features I have to apply machine learning?
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Dear Sumaira Saheen
Use-case models are used in object-oriented analysis for capturing and describing the functional requirements of a system. Attributes of a use-case model may therefore serve as measures of the size and complexity of the functionality of a system. Many organizations use a system's use-case model in the estimation process.
this paper maybe help you why ...
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
I am looking for a criminal trial video stimulus, mock or actual, that has been recorded in the last ten years. Preferably, the trial would contain multiple pieces of evidence for both prosecution and defense and last approximately 20-30 minutes. Thank you!
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If you can access YouTube, try these as they may have what you want. If you cannot contact me back and I will see if I can find some among them and attach the video to send your way.
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Looking for researchers with good knowledge of North America Homeland Security and Defense both theory and practice for a Grad Research Paper
Willing to read your work and mayve quote your writing with appropriate link back to your information
Also want more about coastal marine living resources and continiental oil drilling as part of the 200 miles limit or less EEZ
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Here is a priliminary first cut and paste
Will work on it soon and will make avail as a first draft quoteable
  • asked a question related to Defense
8 answers
A few days ago I found this weird thing on my Caligo memnon L4 caterpillars. When I touch them they lift their head up and project a small "inflatable" horn-like organ. It is similar to an osmeterium in papilionid caterpillars, but there is no smell. I also found the small slit on my L3 caterpillars, but there isn't any horn-like organ. Could anyone explain what this is?
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Thanks Keith! However, I might disagree about presence of this organ's being a rule rather than an exception in Lepidoptera. Perhaps this is only semantics, but it only occurs more frequently in Papilionoidea + Macroheterocera (yet not in,e.g. Bombycoidea, Lasiocampoidea, Mimallonoidea, Calliduloidea etc- thus even there it hardly is a rule, even if found in about half of the superfamilies (or only some representatives of them). Outside Macheterocera+Papilionoidea it is only known in some families in Yponomeutoidea which form only a tiny fraction of non-Macroheteroceran family-level diversity. I dare to believe that in Yponomeutoidea its development has little to do with the organ of other groups - were its function the same or not. The location for such a gland is good: in a soft membrane between head and 1st thoracic segment which can also be kept hidden or be protruded when in need.
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4 answers
For the most cases, higher PD-L1 expression or lower PD-L1 expression is helpful for tumor cell itself to defense host immune?
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PD-L1 expression with VEGFR2, CD24 and E-cadherin forms rapid tumors because it can evade immune system and promote stemness. Here is some info on that
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6 answers
Launched in 1999, the Dow Jones Sustainability Index represents the gold standard for corporate sustainability and is the first global index to track the leading sustainability-driven companies based on RobecoSAM's analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors. How should we, similarly, rate the defence organizations (MoDs/DoDs) from the perspective of (their) sustainability?
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Thanks Halima,
I am particularly concerned about indicators that are related to the national defence "ecosystem". We may, indeed, look at the durability/survivability/functionality of an organisation/system for itself (e.g. military logistics/ logistic sustainment) but it doesn't mean it is necessarily sustainable in relation to its ecosystem (on the contrary). I am trying to make parallels between the original sustainability concept (as a nexus of economic, social and environmental dimension) and the one potentially related to defence organization.
All the best
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16 answers
The process of phenomenographic research has seldom been discussed and warrants greater exploration, as “the process by which the research is conducted is of key importance in terms of determining whether the outcomes are ontologically defensible and epistemologically valid” (Ashworth and Lucas 2000, p. 296).
How student interviews can be channelized and evaluated to discern the phenomenographic aspect of their learning experiences?
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I would recommend taking a look at the work of Gerlese Åkerlind, especially if you are studying students in Higher Education. Akerlind used the phenomenographic approach to study academics; focusing on important aspects of university life such as their understanding of teaching and learning, being a researcher, developing as a teacher, etc. She also wrote a more general article about phenomenography (I once attended one of her workshops at the EARLI pre-conference).
  • asked a question related to Defense
2 answers
Hello to colleagues
I am Interested in studying interaction of plant and Xanthomonas spp., especially xanthan detection by wheat defense system. Which Xanthan polysaccharide features has the greatest effect on the detection by the plant defense system?
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Secondary aromatic or aliphatic amine compounds I suppose.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
June 2001, Volume 55, Issue 6, pp 782–786| Cite as
Exopolysaccharides of Xanthomonas pathovar strains that infect rice and wheat crops
  • asked a question related to Defense
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I am searching for a ebook: The Politics of Policy Making in Defense and Foreign Affairs: Conceptual Models and Bureaucratic Politics written by R. Hilsman.
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Thank you. But those articles are different.
  • asked a question related to Defense
6 answers
I got this comment from a respected reviewer for one of my paper submitted for publication since I used Baron and Kenny's approach for mediation test.
I just need to defense and justify the Baron and Kenny's approach and I find it late now to use Bootstrapping approach now, what shall I answer him or her??
Plz advice and help & Many thanks
"One of the major limitations (as critiqued by scholars) of Baron and Kenny’s mediation is the issue of normality of the indirect effect (the same is accused of Sobel test too) so it’s better to carry out bootstrap (which is a resampling technique with replacement) along with baron and Kenny, so that the results will get more credibility".
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  • asked a question related to Defense
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I have been in a Ph.D. defense where the examiner strongly objected this theory for Micro-explosion of emulsified fuels. Since then I am looking for answers. Please provide evidence to support "Micro-explosion Phenomenon for emulsified fuels".
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I don't know how to analyze my spectra. Can please someone analyze my spectra? I need it for my defense on another day.
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as mention in the above answer it is so easy to get that from
but as my experience you need to find the vibration modes and the symmetry
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my thesis about japan security and defense policy do you have sources that can help me ?
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I would like to suggest the following documents:
3- › Military › World › Japan › Introduction
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1 answer
Our educational institution - Department of Military Training of Odessa State Environmental University - is engaged in the field of military education for meteorologists to serve at the Hydrometeorological Service of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Our Department belongs to Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
Ukraine is adopting its military standards to existing NATO STANAGs (Standardization Agreements). In August 2017 Ministry of Defence of Ukraine had published its appropriate order (No. 450) that established the responsible structures and tasks for them concerning implementing basic NATO standards. Our Department was chosen responsible for standardization in the field of meteorological service.
We are highly interested in obtaining electronic copies of several standards: AD 80-34, AWP-4(B), AMETOCP-2, AMETOCP-3, STANAG 2507, STANAG 6013, STANAG 6014, STANAG 6015, STANAG 6022 (and other available "meteorological" STANAGs in action). That standards are not available on the site
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