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Database Design - Science topic
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Questions related to Database Design
Hello, I am looking for bank-specific FinTech data. Can anyone suggest data sources for commonly used proxies of firm-level FinTech activities in commercial banks, such as 'Investment in FinTech,' 'Adoption of FinTech Technologies,' and 'Bank-Specific FinTech Indices'?
Dr. Azizur
Let's delve into the intricacies of developing powerful web applications using .NET Core. The following discussion topics aim to explore key aspects such as deployment, scalability, database design, and security, considering real-world scenarios like handling large datasets and accommodating individual user schedules.
I want to make an Integrative database which contain Many table which are integrated to each other I want some Software or GUI or Platform which can easily create, integrate and make user interface from data base.?
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of Big Data database systems?
Please, provide your suggestions for a question, problem or research thesis in the issues: Big Data database systems.
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
Dear Colleagues and Friends from RG
Some of the currently developing aspects and determinants of the applications of data processing technologies in Big Data database systems are described in the following publications:
I invite you to discussion and cooperation.
Best wishes
We are looking to implement a web-based lab notebook as well as a tracking system to upload various assay results for several analogs of a parent compound. We will need to keep very close track of lot numbers, dates received, chemists who synthesized them, ect. Does anyone use a service which would be helpful?
Hello everyone
I am working on the plankton diversity of freshwater. Other than the research articles, we can make monograph. Recently I knew about database management system (DBMS) and I can make database using my excel data and photograph but i do not how to make database management system? is anybody know about DBMS and how to make online to get everybody access. please share your knowledge.
More than 40 years later, and there is still no standard for the ER model. Both researchers and industry say that is a popular database design tool, and it is still a must-taught topic in almost every basic database course. So, there is a need for clarifying the motivations for this state of affairs.
However, it is fair to say that it is not clear yet if it is viable to have an ER model standard as a design language. Therefore, I could ask: is it?.
I have read that hybrid relational and nonrelational databases are a good approach for IoT applications where real time analytics are needed (correct me if I'm wrong)
For example, MySQL (relational) and MongoDB (nonrelational)
Which is your opinion about this and there is some paper or information somewhere where I can read more about this?
New to databases here, all information is welcome.
It's the problem I have to solve, I don't have much knowledge about Distributed database, can any one help me?
I am studying on plant breeding. In my lab, the others usually are performing researches related to molecular biology and genetics. As far as I know, general process of research is studying on pathway in model plants, choosing several genes, searching the information of the genes from other species in the public databases, designing some primers, performing PCR and cloning, inserting into vector and transform to same plant or model plants, and confirming the role of the gene from transformed plant and upload the sequence to the database. However, it takes long time for the transformation process.
Nowadays, I want to analyze the relationship the orthologous genes from several species. For example, A, B, and C are included into the same tribe, but the orthologous proteins are only found in A and B, so I want to know why there is no orthologous protein in C?
In addition, I wonder that it is possible to submit the article by analyzing the relationship between data only from public databases without my own sequence. I think that kind of studies would be many in ecology or evolution area but I can not find the research that is suitable to me.
Can you recommend some fit articles or journals?
I am currently working on a retrospective analysis of a patients database, which includes demographic variables, and other regarding healthcare (especially intra-operative and post-operative outcomes). However, it was not properly designed (6 years ago), therefore variables are not operationalized and some data is missing. Any recommendations to fix this old database and deal with the missing data?
Thank you.
Hi everyone,
For a global scale project I'm working on right now, I'm wondering if I can use Net Primary Productivity data as a proxy to potential post-fire recovery. My basic thinking here is that pre-fire NPP conditions help post-fire recovery, i.e. facilitates it in the case of high NPP levels, which would mean that existing natural conditions help vegetation to thrive.
Obviously, many other factors condition post-fire recovery, but I'm looking for references that may validate or invalidate this thought. I was not able to find anything so far. Any insights?
Currently we've been photocopying them and folding them in half and paper-clipping them to the copy. We just started scanning them into a database rather than photocopying, but that still leaves the original chart to take care of. Do they have a giant disc spindle just for charts?
I need to set up a database with the following requirements:
- easy handling (data entry, read out / statistics, changing the data entry interface and adding new parameters)
- in best case it should be web based --> the db file is on a server in our network and can be accessed (for data entry) by a web browser
What do you recommend? Filemaker or MS Access, or any other solutions?
I have been working on an aspect level sentiment analysis project that takes travel reviews as input and perform sentiment analysis to identify travel aspects (scenery, ambiance, accommodation etc) and assign sentiment scores for them.
I wish to build a web app that lets users to search for travel attractions using natural language (eg:-calm and relaxing beaches), which will provide them with a set of travel attractions (eg:- Unawatuna beach, Hikkaduwa beach etc) that match user search query, displaying sentiment scores for each aspect of the suggested travel attractions.
My problem is selecting a data persistence approach to persist the sentiment analyzed data, that will help inference of these user queries. I think RDMS will not be much of help. (I can be wrong.) I would really appreciate an explanation as to how to choose a suitable data persistence approach for this type of a use case. Thanks in advance.
Does anyone know of person who might be able to assist in developing a database of prisoner re-entry resources that can be developed initially for Pennsylvania and then potentially expanded nationwide? We are interested in a potential volunteer to develop such a program at the start. Perhaps a retired IT specialist looking for volunteer opportunities.
I have an original dataset with 114 instances and I want to know how I can split it into two sets, the first will be for training and the second will be for testing. in literature I find respectively 75% , 25% or 66% , 34% . Can I have a standardized method?
if it is possible please suggest me methods to optimize the database connections of a particular website
I am interested in comparing different phytosociology relévé realised in different area.
I wish to know what are the basic requirement to apply an DCA analysis on a set of data.
I'm using PAST software and there is for example a simple set data design, please could you tell me what is missing?
Thank you very much
1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
2 1 1 1
3 2 2 1
3 3 3 2
where A, B, C and D are different plant species in different areas.
I wish with this analysis to gather those species whose abundance a re similar in the related areas.
I want to construct an online data base on medicinal plants studied in my country, anyone with experience on this? I want researchers to be able to search online and get information on what medicinal plants have been studied, compounds Isolated and their bio activity. I have never done this so I would wish to get experience on cost associated and even how to start?
For example, the following nested SQL query cannot be unnested:
SELECT AVG(salary)
( SELECT DISTINCT department, salary
FROM emp
I have mapped XACML to a relational database. Hence, I need to know the future work in XML Security.
I have a question about Selecting Type of Database for a system which may encounter to a BigData in future!
Here is my questions:
- Which one is better? SQL Databases Or NoSQL databases?
- If SQL is better! Does an infinite Table Structure (Relational Database) can make problems such Bad System resource usage? Or not? (in Other hand One table is better or Multiple (infinite) Table design?) for example, Consider facebook database for likes! is it better to we have a table for each post to store the likes of it! or It is better to we store all of the facebook likes into Only one table?
what is their differences and when we should use xml databases instead of relational databases?
My modeled process has binary outcomes and site and region grouping. I am modeling it with a generalized linear mixed model (using GLIMMIX) and a diagonalized covariance structure. Typically I see covariance component based formulas for ICC calculation in the literature. GLIMMIX gives me the covariance of the site indicator and the region indicator variables but not the error variance I need to fill out the formulas. I have seen a suggestion to use 3.29 (pi**2/3) as the error variance when the dispersion is near 1.0, but am not sure this is right.
Microsoft access is a software example for relational databases. I need more examples for relational databases. I need also some more examples for Object oriented databases and XML databases.
I have a situation in which multiple effect sizes are drawn from individual studies therefore making it necessary to account for the lack of independence of effect sizes. I'm comfortable using Stata but I've never conducted a meta-analysis before. So, a step-by-step guide to the statistical analysis and data structure would be ideal.
Suggest any tool for analysing database design for a spatio-temporal application are there any metrics to measure the design? Specifically for conceptual model (like UML or extended ER)
NuoDB is a new database in the cloud. I am interested if you think that it can change the paradigm of the databases in a future.
I have been working on the development of a database regarding RNA classification. Now it is almost done. I have attached the link of the database. I have tested it on Mozilla and Chrome. Any suggestion regarding making it better would be much appreciated. Thank you all.
Government agencies have and continue to produce digital databases such as SSURGO & STATSGO (US Soils), Cropland Data Layer, US Land Cover, National Wetland Inventory, and USDA-NASS annual summaries. Are we able to calculate error with any confidence?
I have read a couple of articles which are trying to sell the idea that the organization should basically choose between either implementing Hadoop (which is a powerful tool when it comes to unstructured and complex datasets) or implementing Data Warehouse (which is a powerful tool when it comes to structured datasets). But my question is, can´t they actually go along, since Big Data is about both structured and unstructured data?
I have a database that includes 200 websites and I want to help the whois database domain age from any website using MATLAB to get the software. I need to the database whois.
UCI repository has one data source for each. However, for semantic integration different datasets from the same domain are sought.
I'm looking for further information (going beyond information given in e.g. GEO publications) on how databases like NCBI-GEO ( are set up. I'm curious how such a system can be designed in order to allow growing numbers of experiments, samples and expression data - without the need of redesigning a database layout, when a new type of data is available. Would be glad, if you could share resources, examples, detailed explanations or your own experience - anything welcome ;)
I made a C compiler using bison/flex and a postgres database schema to gather and link genome data extracted from EMBL or GenBank (GBK) files. After that, one can ask SQL queries and explore several genomes at once. These tools were useful for our research group in the last three years and I thought it can also can help other people.
The tools are available through direct download from sourceforge "dot" net or subversion checkout. Please, if found a bug let me know. About the subversion, I can add new developers to the subversion project in order to improve the parser.
Access the tools via the annexed link.
I need to know the best OODB theory to compare about EASY design and very well to use.
Is there even a standard notation?
The amount of data that is processed annually has exceeded the zettabyte boundary. This is a number that would only be mentioned in highly theoretical articles 2, 3 decades ago. Such insurmountable amount of data gave birth to a new term : big data. What do you think is the most important tool that will allow us to handle this explosion of data?
a) Do you think, it is the increase in the performance of CPUs, which is currently significantly slower than the growth of data?
b) Do you think, it is the new programming languages being introduced, which will make processing of this data much easier?
c) Do you think it is some novel data analytics algorithms that will shed light into significantly easing the handling of data?
d) Or, anything else ?
e) Or, are we dead in the water and there is no hope ?
I create a view with joining 3 tables--
User Table--
CREATE TABLE `rb_user_details` (
`uid` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`password` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`fname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`lname` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email1` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`email2` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`user_image` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`address1` text NOT NULL,
`address2` text NOT NULL,
`phone1` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`phone2` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`add_time` int(11) NOT NULL,
`status` int(11) NOT NULL,
User Role Table---
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `rb_user_role`;
CREATE TABLE `rb_user_role` (
`id` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`uid` int(255) NOT NULL,
`role_id` int(255) NOT NULL,
Role Table---
CREATE TABLE `rb_role` (
`role_id` bigint(255) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`role_name` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`role_id`)
And I create a view by these 3 tables like..
CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `rb_vw_user_details` AS select `rb_user_details`.`uid` AS `uid`,`rb_user_details`.`uname` AS `uname`,`rb_user_details`.`password` AS `password`,`rb_user_details`.`fname` AS `fname`,`rb_user_details`.`lname` AS `lname`,`rb_user_details`.`email1` AS `email1`,`rb_user_details`.`email2` AS `email2`,`rb_user_details`.`user_image` AS `user_image`,`rb_user_details`.`address1` AS `address1`,`rb_user_details`.`address2` AS `address2`,`rb_user_details`.`phone1` AS `phone1`,`rb_user_details`.`phone2` AS `phone2`,`rb_user_details`.`add_time` AS `add_time`,`rb_user_details`.`status` AS `status`,group_concat(`rb_role`.`role_name` separator ',') AS `role_name`,group_concat(`rb_user_role`.`role_id` separator ',') AS `role_id` from ((`rb_user_details` join `rb_user_role` on((`rb_user_role`.`uid` = `rb_user_details`.`uid`))) join `rb_role` on((`rb_role`.`role_id` = `rb_user_role`.`role_id`))) group by `rb_user_details`.`uid` ;
But After Creating it returns----
the right result set but it gives a message--
`rb_vw_user_details` does not have any primary key....
What is the problem behind it not to create a primary key...
please Solve it
For an Integrative database it is highly desirable to make an easy find option. Can anyone suggest any examples?
I am searching for a Multi-attribute Index (like the k-d-tree) which is balanced and robust. It should be able to store values from -infinity to infinity.
I want to compare diff database solution with respect to distributed database features availability.